• Member Since 29th Nov, 2014
  • offline last seen Yesterday

King of Kings

In order to see what Incomplete, On Hiatus, and especially Canceled stories do to me, copy this link into a new tab on your computer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jyDbfCbQnH8


After hearing Celestia's spiel about friendship being magic for the Nth time, and getting fed up with being told to make friends with the ponies that had been content to leave her on the streets of Canterlot, Sunset Shimmer is about to go back to the mirror that showed her as a powerful Alicorn to try to figure out what it means, when she hears Celestia talking about something that worries her...

Chapters (8)
Comments ( 4 )

nicely done and keep up the good work.

I am on a tablet and can't move chapters. I'm sorry. It's frustrating. Give me a second here. I'll have it back up in a second.

There we go. For some reason, the story decided to make three new blank chapters all at the same time meaning that it was kind of a Russian Roulette type situation when I was trying to figure out which would actually turn out to be the one at the top of the list. I still don't have them in the correct order, but at least now I can delete the middle chapter since it's a blank chapter. Here's hoping that the two chapters that were posted satisfy the two people who thumbs down the story.

My first permanent thumbs down on this fic! Huzzah!

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