• Published 13th Nov 2017
  • 3,740 Views, 97 Comments

Remedial Studies - Rose Quill

As part of allowing Sunset Shimmer to stay, Celestia requires her to pass her missed exams.

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Cakes and Klutzy Princesses

I was awoken the next day by a knocking at my door, and I stumbled slowly out of bed to answer it.

I found a grinning Twilight Sparkle on the other side of the portal, a small package floating in her magic. I blinked sleepily a few times then stepped aside.

“Good morning, Sunset!” she chirped as she stepped in. “How are your studies going?”

I looked at her for a moment before turning for the kitchen.

“Coffee,” I grumbled, plodding that way.

The Alicorn hesitated in her exuberance. “Is it really that early?” she asked.

I shook my head as I sent my kettle over to the stove and lit the burner. “Not overly,” I told her. “It’s just I’m still worn out from yesterday’s lesson. I think I was a few spells away from another burnout.”

The princess sat at my table, frowning slightly. “Are the lessons that hard?”

“No,” I sighed as I hunted in my cabinets for the bag of coffee beans. “It’s just that I have a perfectionist streak in me. Something I’m sure you know nothing about.”

She blushed a little at the rib. “Not really,” she giggled nervously.

I located the bag and inhaled it’s rich aroma. Saddle Arabian blend, perfect. I poured some into a grinder I had on the table and glanced at my friend. “Want a cup? I make it kind of strong.”

“I’m fine, thank you,” she replied, setting her package down.

As I ground the beans and threw them into the boiling kettle, I looked at her and smiled.

“So what brings the Princess of Friendship to my door this morning?”

“Oh!” she exclaimed, lifting the package again and holding it out to me. “This is for you. Happy Valentine’s Day!”

I took the package and looked at her. “Don’t you mean Hearts and Hooves day?”

“No!” she shouted, her grin blossoming again. “I talked about it with the other Twilight, and she described what Valentine’s Day is like, and it’s almost two weeks sooner! So, I made you this. I hope you like it.”

She had a shy blush on her face as I opened the box and saw a square, somewhat unevenly iced piece of cake inside. I floated it out and set it on a plate, digging out a pair of forks as the kettle started releasing the life-giving aroma of black coffee.

“Why two forks, Sunset?”

“Well,” I replied as I poured a mug of coffee. “I’m not going to deny a friend a slice of what looks like a delicious cake. And it’s a bit much for me to eat in one go, and you may notice my lack of an icebox.” I set the plate and my mug on the table and sat, offering one fork to the lavender pony.

She took it but didn’t sink it in. “You take the first bite, Sunset,” she said softly. “It’s for you, anyways.”

I shrugged as I sipped my coffee and speared a corner of the cake. As I closed my mouth around it, my mind exploded with flavor as hints of honey and cinnamon burst across my tastebuds. It was quite possibly the best tasting cake I had ever had. My eyes rolled back in my head as I let a small moan of enjoyment out.

“That is amazing, Twilight,” I said after I swallowed the bite. I noted that the cake was red and yellow streaked under the chocolate. “Where did you get the recipe?”

“I modified one of Pinkie’s” she said as she took a bite as well, her eyes flutter closed for a moment. “A few spices swapped out to give it an appropriate color, and just a bit of myself as well.”

I paused with the fork halfway to my mouth for another bite. “Huh?”

Her horn lit up for a moment, and I saw sympathetic glows sparkle through the cake, remaining lit even after she killed her horn.

“Tiny pockets of magic,” she said, blushing as she stood. “They will keep it fresh and helped give it the rise it has.”

“Twilight,” I said, standing.

“I have some important princess stuff to do,” she said hurriedly, turning and walking into the wall as she tried to leave.

“Twilight, wait,” I called, only to be blinded by the flash of her teleporting out.

I looked at the cake, the tiny lavender sparkles dying gently.

Taking the bite and enjoying it, I sighed.

“She put some of herself in the cake,” I whispered to myself. “So why am I more interested in her than the cake?”