• Published 12th Nov 2017
  • 10,059 Views, 171 Comments

A Place Among Her Kind - milesprower06

Tempest Shadow reflects and prepares for the new role she has been given in Twilight's kingdom.

  • ...

But Those Were The Childish Wishes... (Part 3)

"Alright..." Princess Twilight began, having done her best to compose herself. "Would either of you two like to explain what that was all about? You told me you were friends with her."

"W-We were, Your Highness. Please don't hold what she just did against her, because I'm very sorry to say that she's right." Spring Rain said. He managed to hold back his tears, but Glitter couldn't.

"We were h-horrible friends... Getting into Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns was all we ever thought about, and after she... She lost her..." Glitter had to pause to swallow the lump in her throat. "We just forgot all about her." She shakily told her, wiping the tears from her eyes.

"You were there when she lost her horn." Twilight surmised, getting nods from both of them.

"But... What's this about you keeping her out of prison? What happened?" Spring Rain asked while he attempted to comfort Glitter Drops.

Twilight and Rainbow exchanged glances, guessing these ponies weren't as aware as they had assumed.

"She was at the head of the Storm King's invasion of Equestria two months ago. She led the attack on Canterlot, under the name Tempest Shadow."

The eyes of their visitors widened.

"That... That was her?" Glitter asked, shocked, looking over at Spring.

"We just saw her name in the newspaper," Spring explained. "We came to congratulate her... And apologize for how we treated her all those years ago. We didn't know she was this 'Tempest'... That she would do something like that."

"According to the very succinct version of events that she told me, she left Equestria after you two left for Celestia's school. She made a bargain with the Storm King; this nation's alicorn magic for the restoration of her horn. But when it was all said and done, he just used her. He had no intention of fulfilling his end of the bargain."

"And you saved her from Celestia's judgement?" Glitter Drops asked. Twilight nodded.

"Yes. Because she saved us in the end. She's becoming good friends with Starlight and Rainbow here, and the guard militia she's leading has surpassed all of my expectations so far." The Princess replied.

"Speaking of which, I hate to run, but it wouldn't be fair to renege on paying for the squad's meals and drinks just because this came up. So if you'll excuse me..." Rainbow said, turning to leave, putting the bag of bits in her saddlebag. Twilight nodded in understanding as the pegasus left the library.

"I'll go see if I can talk to her. I... I can definitely relate to her in this situation." Starlight said, and the duo at the table gave each other hopeful glances at hearing this.

"But judging from what I just heard in here... I wouldn't blame her if she wants nothing to do with you two." She warned, before also exiting out into the hall. The occupation of the library now down to three, Twilight stepped up to them.

"Make yourselves comfortable. I'll go get you some tea. Regardless if she returns or not, I'll prepare a guest room for you two. The next train doesn't leave until morning."

Fizzlepop sat sullenly on her bed, looking at herself in the facets of the aetherial gem at the tip of her staff as she slowly turned it on its base as it rested on the floor. She had only been sitting here for a few minutes, and still her emotions hadn't settled.

A soft knock on her bedroom door brought her out of the trance she had put herself into staring into the gem. She glanced at the door, not saying anything.

"Fizzlepop? It's me, Starlight." Called a familiar voice from the other side.

Fizzle took a deep breath.

"Yeah, come on in." She answered, angling the staff at the door and opening it with her magic, revealing the heliotrope unicorn on the other side, who stepped in before closing it again behind her.

"Let me guess, Princess Twilight is none too happy with me." Fizzlepop assumed as Starlight came up to her bedside.

"Actually, based on what we heard in there from them, I don't believe she'll give you so much as a reprimand." Starlight replied. Fizzlepop sighed through her nostrils, glancing back to the staff.

"Just when everything was going so well, the past has to rear its ugly head again."

"That's life sometimes. But now that it has, what are you going to do?"

"What do you mean?" Fizzlepop asked, pretty sure she already had done something by going on that tirade and storming out of the library.

"Well, Rainbow left to cover the squad's tab, and Twilight is over there in the library keeping them company. They still want to talk to you."

Fizzle gave her a look of disbelief.

"You've got to be kidding me..."

"No, and if you ask me, I think you should let them."

"And why should I do that?"

"Because it sounds like they want to apologize."


"Fizzlepop..." Starlight began, taking a seat next to her on the bed. "I understand being that angry. I do. I was around the same age when my only friend up and left my life. He got his cutie mark before me. There was no one there to help me through those feelings of abandonment. Those feelings of inadequacy turned into jealousy, which turned into anger, and hate. I ended up twisting a lot of lives. Things got really, really bad before Twilight helped me see the light. She reunited me with my old friend, even though I was very uncomfortable with it and fought it almost the entire way, but it ended up being one of the best things that happened to me. So I know where you're coming from."

"Twilight's friendship is one of the best things that happened to me, along with yours. The two of you have given me one of the greatest gifts I could ever imagine. I'll never be able to show Rarity enough gratitude for this beautiful armor. Rainbow Dash has been the best help there could be getting this squad put together. What good could come from going back in there? After what they did to me?"

Starlight thought for a moment.

"Think about it, the only way anypony would know you're back is that newspaper clipping. That came out three days ago, and they're here already. To me, that says that this is something they need to do."

"After the way they left, why should I care what they need to do?"

"Isn't the point of this squad you've assembled to help the ponies of Ponyville? Well, you've got two guests of Ponyville that need help. They need you to listen to them. After that, if you don't want to see them again, fine. But if you stay here and let yourself stay angry, like I did, without hearing what they have to say, it'll eat away at you in ways you can't imagine. After everything you've accomplished in the past two months, you don't want that. Trust me."

Fizzlepop's eyes turned back to the aetherium gem on top of her staff, considering Starlight's words.