• Published 14th Nov 2017
  • 1,365 Views, 31 Comments

Chibi Flan's Foalsitter - Lucky Star Kona-chan

What happens when you leave a being who apprently bites a lot with the ponies? Well, let's find out *CHOMP*

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Extra 4: Mind Exchange part 2

Author's Note:

What an uneventful day this turned out to be, anyways enjoy the chapter everybody!

Twilight in Flan’s body tripped a lot. During half an hour she tried to learn how to control her temporal new body, at least she was now able to shakily walk somewhat.

“Ok, progress is being made, that’s good…” then she tripped again, “This is not good!” and face crashed on the floor, “ow…”

‘Come on Twilight, you can do this. Just stabilize yourself on your hind hooves and put one in front of the other,’ she tried and tried, every time getting a little more of control.

Finally ten minutes after that, she was able to walk without tripping.

“Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes!” Twilight was overjoyed about her accomplishment no matter how dumb that would have seen for other ponies, she was happy and that was a fact.

Without noticing, her outburst made her ignore the fact that she was bouncing around without falling.

“Oh…” now she was starting to understand her mistake, “So I didn’t need to concentrate so much on doing something, I just needed to act normally.”

Getting to the main door she saw a note, ‘if you’re going out, use the hat. Flan.’

‘I wonder why she uses this hat so much, probably to honor Rarity’s generosity. Aww, that’s so cute, I better oblige to her request I don’t want to make Rarity think that Flan suddenly started to dislike her gift.’ Twilight thought with a giggle and reached for the hat conveniently placed at a low arms reach height.

Going outside to explore some more of what she can do as Flan and learn some things about her mysterious friend, she noticed how blocking the hat was, it was so big that it casted a shadow almost thrice her current size.

Unfortunately, Twilight’s trip was meant to end shortly.

“Flan! Watch out!!” Rainbow shouted while spiraling out of control towards Twilight in Flan’s body.

Even if she had control of her new body now, Twilight wasn’t exactly known for her sharp reflexes, and couldn’t prevent the head collision with her prismatic friend which saddle bags fly off her back and scattered the few books it had inside.

However, something else happened, a magical reaction of sorts.

Twilight recovered first, “argh… my head,” she said while rubbing her head with a hoof. Her brain didn’t take long to catch up, ‘wait hoof? Huh?’ she wiggled a cyan hoof in front of her. “I’m a pony again…” she stayed silent for a couple of seconds, “WHAT HAPPENED!?” she shouted in her now raspy voice.

Twilight was freaking out when Rainbow recovered; shaking her head she lifted a hand to her head, “Huh?” feeling the weird sensation, inspecting herself she saw, clothes, golden hair, hands and the unmistakable steel wings with colored crystals. Then she saw her body in front of her, freaking out with Twilight’s voice but raspy.

“Twilight? Wha…” she noticed her now softer and slightly high pitched voice, “Why is my voice…”

“Rainbow!” Twilight now in Rainbow’s body approached Rainbow in Flan’s body, “what did you do!?” she asked while grabbing her by the shoulders.

‘Oh boy, it’s so weird to see yourself talking to you,’ Rainbow thought, “Wait hold on, emm Twilight?”

“Yes I’m Twilight, Rainbow.”

“Why were you on Flan’s body? And why am I now on her body and you on mine?”

“I accidentally used a spell from a book Flan had and that swapped our bodies, but I don’t know why we swapped just now.”

“What do we do now?”

“Flan told me that the spell lasts for five hours, I suppose we can wait it out.” Twilight said that with a hint of disappointment, ‘I really wanted to test some more things.’

“I’m ok with that, but I’m not going to stay still,” Rainbow in Flan’s body said before standing up and balancing herself perfectly, “so, this is what Konata felt when she changed bodies, it’s weird but awesome.” She then picked up her saddle bags and the books that were on the ground.

Twilight was surprised by the sudden dexterity Rainbow had with Flan’s body, “how did you got used to Flan’s body so fast?”

“The academy’s training, they made us go through a lot of strange stuff, and one of them was getting used to different forms. They told us that it wasn’t obligatory but it would be good to have the experience, so I thought why not? And took the class.” Rainbow said while packing the books on the saddlebag.

“Interesting, I should take Miss Ingrid’s invitation to the academy,” Twilight said with a thoughtful look.

“You can try; there are magic classes in there. By the way can you take my saddlebags to your castle?” Rainbow asked.

“Sure, but why?”

“Because I’m going to have some fun!” Rainbow exclaimed, and then tossed the saddlebag to Twilight, “Thanks Twi!” she shouted while running away.

Catching the saddlebag with her hooves with some difficulty because she had no access to magic in Rainbow’s body, “Rainbow wait!” but Rainbow already was far away. ‘I better get Flan; this could get out of control very quickly.’

With that Twilight galloped towards her castle, it was weird for her to feel so light.