• Published 18th Oct 2017
  • 4,203 Views, 39 Comments

Exactly Right - kits

Applejack keeps Rarity company at a fancy party

  • ...

Exactly Right

Rarity stifled a sigh as the last couple, Silk Shimmer and Top Hat, turned away from her towards the main ballroom. She wanted to slump against the table or perhaps lie atop it. She did neither, settling for shifting her weight to give each hoof a short break and stretch cramping legs.

The guest list for this season's Societé Fabrique had been far longer than anticipated. Not that she regretted playing host, but being forced to stand and make polite small talk with a few dozen couples added up to several hours on her hooves. Her shoes, she thought as she slipped her front hoof out to give it a shake, had not been fitted quite well enough for standing in one place.

Hosting the society's ball was a tremendous honor. It spoke to her reputation that she had been selected so soon after opening her Canterlot extension. She closed her eyes and arched her neck. The rustling of fabric was underscored by a small pop. She took a shaky step backwards, her tail brushing the wall behind her. Perhaps a short break was in order. She eased back until she rested her rump against the wall. It wasn't slouching; a proper host didn't slouch.

"You doing okay, Sugarcube?" Rarity's eyes flew open in alarm to see Applejack. A frown adorned the earth pony's face. "Fancy duds aside, you look like you pulled in half the harvest on your own."

A small smile crept onto Rarity's lips, and at her nod, Applejack pushed forward a wheeled display laden with cupcakes. Rarity let out quiet gasp. She worked her mouth for a quiet moment, struggling to find words. "Applejack! This is simply marvelous!"

The display consisted of a trio of upright diamond shapes mirroring her cutie mark, but rather larger. Each held multiple shelves atop which cupcakes were piled. A long ribbon-like shelf wove its way between and around the gems, bearing yet more cupcakes. The base of the display held what confections couldn't be fit on the shelves. It had originally been an off white, but was so covered with artful splashes of frosting and sprinkles that it looked more kaleidoscope than table.

The cupcakes themselves were even more impressive. Each was a miniature work of art. Dark indigo wrapped plum filled affairs with towering violet and purple swirled frosting stood out against orange and green wrapped apple cobbler done up with warm earthy tones and petite slices of apples atop. Dark chocolate cakes each with a miniature rainbow fall from small fondant clouds rounded out the display.

Rarity had, of course, designed the whole thing, but had trusted the implementation to her friends. "You have outdone yourselves! I-" She blinked to clear her eyes. Words were not enough, so she glided forward to lean her neck against Applejack's. "It's perfect, darling. Simply perfect." Rarity leaned into Applejack for a moment or two longer before separating from her friend.

Applejack removed her chef's hat and dabbed at her forehead. "And here I was, worried Pinkie'd eaten too many of the chocolate ones."

"Now, if you'll just help me wheel this on out—"

"Uh, Rarity." Applejack placed a restraining hoof on her withers. "Didn't you have some kinda fancy getup you wanted me in when we delivered this?"

Rarity blinked and shook her head. Applejack's apron hadn't even registered to her. "But of course! How could I forget?" It had been a very long night. A very long series of nights. Without her friends to help, she never could have made this soirée half as elegant. Well, she would find some way to make it up to all of them. But later. "It's right this way, dear."

Rarity once again resisted the urge to slump in relief. Another round of smalltalk while ponies waited to select their cupcake had provided yet another chance for her to show off her dress in a more intimate fashion than was typically provided at fashion showings. That was, indeed, one of the purposes of these gatherings. She again closed her eyes and attempted to banish the tension in her back and shoulders.

A rustle of fabric, the quiet zip of silk sliding over silk, a presence half-sensed at her side. Applejack, returned from stowing the display back in the kitchen. Rarity shifted and took a half step closer to her friend. Without Applejack's help, how would she had ever managed?

"So what happens now?" Applejack's voice was low. Not a whisper, but not loud enough to carry far over the din of conversation.

"Oh, there will be a few more moments for conversation before the first set begins. A few dances and then I say goodnight to guests." Rarity sighed, and tossed her mane, working to loosen muscles stiff from holding the same poses all night. She smiled as she felt a hoof press against her withers. "I don't suppose you or the others must stay. The departure could take quite some time. As you can no doubt appreciate," Rarity allowed a small bit of annoyance to creep into her voice, "we are all quite proficient with using twenty words when two would do."

"Oh, the others left a while back," Applejack said. "Rainbow and Twi had some kinda book thing to get to and roped the others into it as well." Applejack chuckled as she shook her head. "Never thought I'd say that about RD." Rarity bumped against Applejack as the other mare ceased her massage. "Way I figure, I may as well stay and keep you company. Less you'd rather be alone."

"Oh, not at all!" Rarity flashed Applejack a smile. A surge of warm contentment banished the few twinges that Applejack hadn't worked out with her hoof. Rarity lowered her voice and leaned in conspiratorially. "While I appreciate the honor of hosting, it does get rather dull," she admitted. "The hostess is not supposed to play favorites. Normally, I would chitchat with anypony who was unescorted, but that seems to not have happened tonight."

Applejack's brow raised as she looked askance at Rarity. "So your plan is to stand here by your lonesome and watch this shindig from the sideline?"

"Well, when you put it that way, it does seem rather—" Rarity paused, raising her foreleg and giving it a small shake, "flawed?"

"Well," said Applejack as she crossed her legs and leaned on Rarity. "Like I said, I ain't busy."

The first few notes drifted across the ballroom, drawing both ponies' attention. The music paused, allowing the ponies to all take their places. Rarity glanced at her own gown, a majestic collection of deep blue ruffles. She swept a leg out to the side and gave a hint of bow, miming the motions of the dancers. A sigh escaped her lips. Her dresses weren't meant to adorn wallflowers, and it was a waste that she would not get to show this one off in the full motions of a dance. How unlucky that everypony in the Society had brought their own date. Perhaps she should have arranged something more definite, but she'd never had to do so before tonight.

Next to her, Applejack cleared her throat. "So, um, some of those getups were... um." She dropped her voice to a low whisper. "Some of 'em look a lot more like nightmare night costumes than proper dresses." Applejack nudged her and nodded towards a pony wearing a suit that seemed to be part accordion and part bird's nest, but in either case was nearly as wide as its owner was long. "That one there, it's just... silly."

Rarity chuckled. She'd done so dozens of times tonight: a mere perfunctory act expressly to move a conversation along while acknowledging a guest's wit, whether it was there or not. This was different. She laughed because it was so very true and so very Applejack. "Sometimes fashion is silly, Applejack." She traced a hoof along the overly ruffled neckline of her friend's gown. The current trend of wide skirts or cuffs—some supported by wicker—had not inspired her to conform, but many of the Societé had not had such reservation. "Bold. Different." She gave Applejack's hat a small flick. It wasn't a design she would have worn, but it had been made for Applejack, and Rarity had created it with her in mind. "And, yes, sometimes it can be rather absurd. Even then, it's invigorating." She chose her next words with more care than she let show. "To dress in ways that interest others, that make ponies look and think. That is the soul of fashion."

Applejack was silent for several moments, leaving Rarity to watch the assembled dancers. She found herself humming along with the music, gently swaying in time with the dancers. Well, there was always the next ball, was there not? Another small sigh as the first set came to an end.

"I guess," said Applejack quietly, "that since nopony else is lacking a partner, you're expected to sit this shindig out?" Another sigh and a nod. Applejack scrunched her brow. She muttered something under her breath that was too quiet for Rarity to catch, but it didn't sound like the kind of thing said in polite company. "Well, alright then."

Applejack took a measured pace forward, then turned, sweeping her foreleg out and dipping her head. "Applejack?" What are you doing? She left the question unasked, even as she thought it, Rarity raised her own leg to accept Applejack's escort out onto the floor. As they faced each other and began the first steps to the dance, she whispered, "Where did you learn to dance?"

Applejack's brow knit together in concentration. She didn't answer for a long moment. When she did, her voice was slightly strained. "I didn't forget everything Uncle Orange tried to teach me." She misplaced a hoof and Rarity had to give a small hop to keep them from tripping over each other. "But it ain't exactly like pulling a cart."

"Well, I think—" another scramble as Applejack led with the wrong hoof "—that you're doing just fine."

Applejack let out a small snort, but said nothing.

Without further conversation to distract, Rarity half closed her eyes and enjoyed the dance. She let her mind drift in flights of fancy. It wasn't a rented studio she danced in, but rather the Canterlot palace. And her partner, why, she was dancing with some captain of the guard or perhaps an exotic dignitary from far off Saddle Arabia. A prince or baron. Maybe even a duke.

No, that wasn't quite right. No duke would be quite so stiff. No prince or princess would place their hoof wrong so many times. She opened her eyes to see Applejack's face screwed up in concentration, her eyes fixed on the floor between them. Sweat beaded on her coat and she bit her lip as she wove her way through the classic steps, and Rarity couldn't help but smile.

No, Applejack was no courtier with an over-practiced smile. When she spoke, it wasn't merely to fill the silences. When she gave a compliment, it was genuine. And when she spent hours baking for a friend, and then more time keeping her company at something she was obviously not comfortable doing, that was... what? Rarity couldn't put a name to it. It was just Applejack.

Rarity closed her eyes again. This time, she reveled in the sheer joy of what Applejack was willing to do for her. As the set came to a close, she stepped close to her friend and brushed her neck against the other Mare's. "Thank you, Applejack," she whispered. "This was wonderful." Ponies milled and the din of conversation started back up as the band waited for those who wished remove themselves before the next dance did so. "We can retire from the floor if you want."

"Um, Rarity?" Applejack gently shook her. "That might be a bit of a problem."

Rarity blinked, then looked around. Ponies dressed in wide skirts and wider hats were in every direction, surrounding them. No clear path off the floor could be seen, and the first notes of the next song could be heard drifting over the assembly.

Applejack gave a soft chuckle. "It seems we're hemmed in." Rarity rolled her eyes. "Aw, come on," Applejack protested. "That was funny. It had a fashion word and everything."

Rarity closed her eyes and tilted her chin up. "The joke is on you, dear Applejack." She lightly tapped a hoof against her friend's nose. "This next is, unless I miss my guess, a waltz." Rarity smiled as Applejack's eyes grew wide. So she remembered that dance as well.

Rarity stepped in closer and gently took one of Applejack's legs in hers. The frills of her dress swished as they slid along Applejack's chest. "If you wish, I will lead this time." Her smile only grew wider as Applejack grumbled what she pretended was assent.

Waltzes weren't very complicated as dances went. They couldn't be, with both partners so close. Rarity had always considered it less of a dance and more of a very public form of cuddling; a description which she was surprised to find herself excited to contemplate right now.

As the music started in earnest and she took her first steps, she moved even closer to Applejack. It was always easier to stay in step when you could feel what your partner was doing. That, and she quite liked the way Applejack tensed up. Charming and authentic. Not at all like a prince.

A dozen seconds flew by. The strains of music filled the hall, intermixing with the soft rustling and whisking of fabric on fabric. Applejack remained stiff. If anything, she was making more missteps than before. Rarity could feel Applejack getting tenser with every move. "Relax," Rarity whispered into her friend's ear, causing Applejack to start. "You are far better at this than you give yourself credit for." She pressed closer and felt her cheek brush against Applejack's mane.

Applejack jerked, nearly pulling away from her. "Rarity, I'm not—"

"Shh." In this moment, she would not allow Applejack's dancing to be belittled, even by her own mouth. "I couldn't have asked for a better partner tonight." Muscles relaxed and Applejack's movements become more graceful, the stiffness fading away. Not completely, of course: Applejack would never have the fluid grace of the Canterlot elite, but what Rarity had said was true. And there was nopony else she'd rather be with right now.

The waltz was not a particularly long one, and so the two found themselves separating after far too short a time as the last note faded to silence. Rarity noted the faintly bemused expression on Applejack's face, underscored with the hint of a blush. She leaned forward to nuzzle the earth pony. "Thank you, Applejack."

She lingered there a moment. A warning note shattered the stillness. "Oh goodness! They're about to start the next set!" She grabbed Applejack and led her off the floor, not caring who they might disturb this time.

As they scrambled to the sideline, the music started once more. Rarity realized that her heart was pounding, and it had little to do with the mad dash off the floor. "Oh my, I'm so sorry, Applejack. I didn't mean to get caught in that second dance—" she might be sorry, but she didn't regret it in the least "—and then we almost got caught in a third." She took a deep breath, then fluttered her eyelids at her friend. "Will you forgive me?"

Applejack smiled back at her. "Ain't nothing to forgive, sugarcube." She glanced down and rubbed the back of her head, "I had a good time too." Applejack refused to meet her eyes for a moment.

"So," Applejack broke the silence. "What now?"

"Oh. Well this should be the final number, then I say farewell to the guests." Rarity leaned closer to Applejack and whispered, "between you and me, I'm running out of polite nothings."

Applejack laughed, her hoof kept the noise from carrying too much over the music.

With a sigh of regret, Rarity began to walk. "As much as I hate to part so suddenly, I should be moving towards the exit now."

"No problem," Applejack said as she moved up besides Rarity. "I've stayed with you this long. May as well stick it out."

Rarity's grin nearly ruined her makeup.

"We missed the last train home, you know," said Applejack. The pair trotted down strangely empty streets, the only sounds the clip-clop of their own hooves on cobblestone. Lamps set every few buildings didn't so much light the strip as emphasize the darkness.

"Yes, dear." Rarity's horn lit a bubble around the pair. "I'm sorry about keeping you so late. I—"

Applejack cut her off with a laugh. "It weren't a problem, Rarity. Besides, I really did have a good time." A glance to her side showed a smile on Applejack's face. "Still don't fancy laying out for a hotel or walking back. It's a long way in the dark."

"A hotel?" Rarity stopped short. "Oh no, no, no, darling! I have a small room in the back of my boutique." Applejack raised a questioning eyebrow at her. "For those nights when I am, as Rainbow would say, in the zone. Ah, and here we are."

Rarity fiddled with the lock for a second. The back door wasn't used as much and the lock stuck on occasion. A quiet grunt of effort and the key turned.

"You don't keep the Carousel Boutique locked up," said Applejack.

"Ponyville is a very different town." Rarity swung the door open. "After you, Applejack. Just head on up the stairs to the right. I'm afraid I don't have much in the way of amenities, but the bed should be clean and ready."

Applejack trotted on past. Rarity once more wrestled to get the lock closed.

"Rarity?" Applejack's voice echoed down the stairs. Looking up she could see her friend's head poking around the corner, framed by the light streaming from her small bedroom above. "There's only one bed. Where're you planning to sleep?"

"Oh, I'll find some linens to sleep on or something." Rarity trotted up the stairs past Applejack. "It won't be a problem." It wouldn't be a problem, but only just. The cramped room had once been a closet or storage area, and her bed, more of a cot really, took up most of the room. The ceiling was even sloped at two different angles where the roof met.

Applejack was already shaking her head when Rarity looked over to her. "Nope. I ain't taking your bed. I'll sleep on the floor."

Rarity's brow drew together and she stamped right up to Applejack, so close the other mare had to back up or risk Rarity's nose poking her in the eye. Her mouth was set with a slight frown. "The only reason you're even here is because you stayed to keep me company. I will not repay that by letting you sleep on the floor." She backed away from Applejack slightly and gave a small huff. "And I'll thank you not to argue."

For the second time in one night, Applejack looked ready to bolt. Wide-eyed, she shook her head. "No, ma'am." Rarity continued to watch her until she crept into the bed and hesitantly pulled the covers around herself. With a nod of satisfaction, Rarity turned to find some old bolts or perhaps an unneeded duvet.

"You know..." Applejack's voice seemed shaky. Had she really really been that imposing? Rarity glanced over and saw Applejack licking her lips. The other mare wasn't looking at her. Instead, she seemed to be addressing the ceiling. "I'm pretty sure that, uh. That is to say, this bed is probably big enough, if you wanted to share."

She eyed the bed askance. Share? The bed would fit a single pony quite comfortably, despite its rather banal appearance. Surely Applejack wasn't quite tired enough to mistake it for something larger. Rarity stared, trying to figure out the meaning to Applejack's words. The other mare still wouldn't meet her eyes. And she looks so tense! Far more so than even when they had danced.


Applejack knew exactly how small her bed was. The salespony who sold it to her had joked that it was "big enough for one. Two, depending on just how close you are."

And just how close were they?

No, that wasn't really the right question, was it?

How close did she want to be?

Without further words, she walked over to the bed where Applejack was intently staring at the pillow, her lips pressed tight together. With the creak of the wooden frame, she climbed in and under the covers.

As it turned out, the bed was exactly the right size.

Rainbow Dash's eye cracked open. What had awakened her? A steam whistle split the air. Oh right. She had wanted to catch the first arrivals from Canterlot this morning. She had thought up a dozen quips to toss at her two friends if they got off this train. A smirk cracked her face. And at least two or three really good ones if they didn't. She chuckled to herself in anticipation. With a few beats of her wings, she zipped herself and the cloud she'd borrowed from today's weather pattern over to hover just off to the side of the arrival platform. Her patience had paid off. Both Rarity and Applejack were disbem– disembe– getting off the train. She dug into her cloud, making sure there was nothing to give her away: no stray feathers or rainbow locks hanging out.

"Oh hi, you two!" She popped out, eliciting a shocked gasp from both her friends. She chose one of her lines at random. "Did you two have fun—" she waggled her eyebrows "—last night?" She waited, this was going to be great. She could already see the beginnings of a blush creeping over Applejack's face.

"Actually, Rainbow darling." Rarity smiled as she nuzzled Applejack's cheek. "We had a most wonderful time."

"Because I could show you a few– Wait." Rainbow's eyes flew open in surprise. That wasn't in her script. "You... Doing what?"

The pair glanced at each other, then giggled. What the hay?

Rarity batted her eyes at Rainbow. "Oh why, measuring furniture, of course."

Author's Note:

Thanks for reading guys. I know this isn't much, but it was something to dip my toes back in the water, so to speak. Quick, harmless, and containing some good warm hug-like emotions; it's exactly the kinda thing I wish I could work into everything I write. Hopefully, you found it enjoyable too.

I have two people to thank. The first is Cloudy Skies. Without Cloudy, this fic would never have happened. And not this one; pretty much anything I write from now on is due to one person remaining confident in me. If you're put off by the scant 3.5k-ish words I managed to write, be sure to check out Cloudy's stuff. (Check it out anyway if you never have.) To Perytonia is an amazing piece of world building, characterization, and FlutterDash. Best of all, it's basically done and being posted on a strict schedule. So you don't have to worry about the dreaded indefinite [incomplete]. And I still have very fond feelings for Within and Without. If you've not read that ever, you should. Probably now.

The second is Present Perfect. He is amazing. Not only does he write billions of hilarious and happy and awesome stories, but he is an amazing editor, amazing reviewer of everything hors, and he puts up with my bullshitpony poop. You should definitely look at his stuff and read anything that sounds like you might like it, and at least 3 things that don't. Also Elements of Awesomery (and probably all of the romance tagged stuff.)

Comments ( 39 )
Author Interviewer

Hooray, you're officially back! :D

And you are too kind. *o.o*

/me hugs and drools pony drool all over

It's not disgusting because it's a pony secretion!

Light and fluffy, and still completely filling. Have a fave,

This was really cute, kits. I'm very glad that you're easing back into writing. And that picture you selected drew for the cover art is also way too adorable.

I found a small typo, by the way:

How close do she want to be?

It is perfect. Exactly as long as it needs to be, and cute as buttons. You could say it is...

Exactly right.

Fun little fic, glad I read it :)

Thank you!

Glad you liked the picture~ Thanks for the typo catch; I had that as a literal thought and changed it right before publishing. Oops.

It's too early in the morning for puns :raritycry:

Thank you so much for helping :pinkiehappy:

Glad you liked it


I could definitely read more of your Rarity. Good fluffy ponestuff.

A joyful story all around!

Quick, harmless, and delightful! You got that exactly right. :raritywink:

Seriously, this was a lovely little read. :twilightsmile:

I have fun when writing her, it's coming up plot lines involving her that I simply can not even.

Thank you both~

This was cute :3 and the ending got a chuckle out of me! Good job!

Very fun. I am a fan of good old RariJack (ok Pinkie Dash is my fave but this is up there) and glad to see something new from you.

Pinkiedash is my favorite as well, i just have a hard time writing pinkie I think.


So glad to have you back and writing about ponies falling for each other again! :yay:

Also, this was cute. Look forward to more where that came from!

I really liked this story for what it is: a simple little story of fluffy shipping. It reminds me of some of the shipping that I used to read on this site, back when many of the stories tended to be simpler.

You did a good job with the portrayals of both characters, sticking true to the show, but managing to give Rarity a decent amount of complexity for how long we spent with her. For me the biggest part of making a short ship like this work is in establishing a realistic interest for both parties in the (potential) relationship, and I think that you did a good job given the short story. Or maybe I'd say that you did a good job at hinting that Rarity had possibly been nursing some interest in AJ for awhile before the story began, while AJ's interest is a little less established. Still, her offering to dance with Rarity could be taken as a sign of interest, even if she did seem intimidated by Rarity's advances during the second dance.

Actually, that little bit there does a good job hinting that AJ is battling some conflicting emotions. What they are is left to the reader's imagination, but it's enough to add just a little bit more depth to this story.

Anyway, enough rambling, I enjoyed it. Cheers.

"Shh." In this moment, she would not allow Applejack's dancing to be belittled, even by her own mouth. "I couldn't have asked for a better partner tonight." Muscles relaxed and Applejack's movements become more graceful, the stiffness fading away. Not completely, of course: Applejack would never have the fluid grace of the Canterlot elite, but what Rarity had said was true. And there was nopony else she'd rather be with right now.

You do hit those sweet notes just right.

Thanks! I look forward to sending many a horse via watervound transit.

One thing I do love doing with these lesbian horse couples is taking the question of "who is the man in that relationship" and, if not throwing it out completely, at least twisting it around to make it hard to answer. Because "neither" is always the answer.

The other thing I love doing is emphasizing that the characters are all friends first and foremost. If this site had a (shipping) tag, I would have happily used that instead of romance, because this is about intimacy and closeness rather than just romance, even if the two are often seen as the same.

I'm almost sad that I was forced to label this story (romance) because it cuts off the possibilities of two ponies just being close for its own sake and brings in all kinds of implications that are not neccisary to what I feel is then cute part of this.

Anyway. The point is, I like Applejack being the soft-initiator and being somewhat intimidated by rarity, because general expectation seems to be the opposite.

Wow. I should take that and put it in the authors notes at some point I think.


Awww. Cute :twilightsmile:

That's some quality friendshipping (and friend shipping.) Thank you for it.

Also, I want those cupcakes. And three others to correspond with the rest of the Mane Six.

Aaaaa cute! It's nice to see you back to writing even though I'm not following you for some reason? I'll be sure to rectify that.

Hope you plan on writing more stories like this in the future. Or just, any stories at all would be nice, too.:yay:

It was cute, but it felt like you stopped rather abruptly for the sake of a punch line that whiffed past without hitting home.

More teasing of Rainbow Dash in the sequel, please. :rainbowwild:



I have a few ideas. Time is a massively limiting factor though. I only got this done because we were on vacation last week. :applejackunsure:

I considered it, but didn't want it to become "about" that. So instead Dash tries and fails to be an ass. Sorry it fell flat for you.

Definitely makes you smileeee :heart:

:3 Thanks!

This here, is my jam. Yes. :heart:

Oh, Rainbow Dash.

Glad you liked it!

Look Before You Sleep (S1 E8) Rarity & AJ have shared a bed before.

Don't recall saying otherwise. If youre bothered by the "no you take the bed" back and forth, it's because it's, as rarity noted, extremely small and requires cuddling to fit two ponies. Hence the comment about fitting two ponies depending on how close they are.

Hi, i wanted to know if i can translate your fic in french on Wattpad please? there isn't many fic in french and i can't write a good fiction.. so can i?
of course, i will say this is YOUR fic and i will put le link of your fiction .
so.. can i?
i wait your reply and i'm sorry for my bad english._.
kind regards

oki thank you:D

Absolutely :heart: RariJack

it is the most canon of ships

I loved that ship LONG before they started dropping heavy hints for it in the show.

I’m confused.

Look Before You Sleep was pretty early on.

They didn't seem to start hinting at RariJack until the Trenderhoof episode, at least, that is how it looked to me. I've shipped those two together in my head ever since that 1st sleepover at Twilight's.
I guess it's a matter of WHEN you see Hasbro hinting at that ship.

She lingered there a moment. A warning note shattered the stillness. "Oh goodness! They're about to start the next set!" She grabbed Applejack and led her off the floor, not caring who they might disturb this time.

So, was it the Tango or the Bossa nova?

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