• Published 23rd Dec 2017
  • 4,228 Views, 31 Comments

Canterlot High Christmas Tales - Indefintehiatus

The holiday season has come once again to the students of Canterlot High, as we join the mane 7 and all their various festive activities. Secret Santa's, Crushes, Sneezes, Helium, Reindeer Costumes and many more surprises await them this Christmas!

  • ...

Chapter 3

It was a chill winters morning in Canterlot City. A mild snowfall had blanketed the town overnight and another was scheduled later that day, the chances for a white Christmas seemed higher than ever before. Snowmen were visible on the end of every other house-front and children of all ages were out in the streets, partaking in snowball fights with their friends after having recently broken up from the school for the remainder of the year. Not to mention that today was Christmas eve, so there was that to be excited about.

Sunset Shimmer awoke from her bed, having not slept much the previous night. Between the party, her bizarre feelings for Twilight increasing and the sudden reveal that one of her closest friends and ex-boyfriend is currently dating a siren, it was lot of things to process in one night. She stretched out of bed and opened the last box of her Tirek's Revenge themed advent calendar, revealing a miniature chocolate replica of the games primary antagonist.

After eating that, she fed Ray and decided to change into her usual winter attire, before saying goodbye to her pet, heading out the door, hopping on her motorcycle and driving to the mall. Honestly, after going there for three days in a row, the mall was beginning to feel like a third home for her.

Today was the deadline, she had to find something good for Flash and fast! She'd hoped perhaps Sonata could help play a role in this but she knew very little about the former dazzling. Sunset wanted to be able to trust her and be happy for Flash, but this wasn't like other cases with previous foes reforming. They were usually innocent or misguided people who were consumed by Equestrian magic, well as the sirens were infamous mythic creatures from her homeland. Sunset soon pulled up to the mall and parked her bike before making her way inside. Still feeling quite hungry, she made her way towards the food court where she'd agreed to meet her friends, who she hadn't seen since the party. They all had their own plans for the day, from Twilight's date with Timber to Applejack flying out to Appaloosa with her family. Sunset purchased a strawberry smoothie and made her way to one of the tables, when she saw some of her friends approaching.

"Come on, pretty please with cupcakes on top?" Pinkie begged childishly, walking alongside Dash, Twilight and Spike.

"No Pinkie, we're not going helium caroling!" Rainbow told her.

"But it'll be fun!" She moaned, turning her puppy dog eyes towards her other friend.

"I'm sure it will be Pinkie, but I'm afraid I'm busy tonight." Twilight said, "Maybe next year, okay?"

"Oh alright then." Pinkie frowned, as the three of them sat down at a nearby table. Pinkie looked over to Sunset, who was deep in thought. "Psst, Sunset?" She pestered, "Hello? Sunshim? Anyone home?"

"Oh, right, that's me!" Sunset returned, "yeah, hi Pinkie!"

"You okay Sunset, a lot on your mind?" Twilight questioned, petting Spike as he jumped up onto the table.

"More or less" Sunset responded, unknowingly twirling strands of her hair.

"Well, what's up?" Rainbow queried, the subject being shortly dropped as Applejack began to approach them.

"Okay, I'm packed up n' ready to go!" she proudly smirked, carrying a metallic orange suitcase with a bright red apple symbol. "Got everythin' I need!" She boasted, "Passport, clothes, toothbrush, PJ's, a present for my cousin Braeburn, and I'll just need to pack my phone and bass before I leave."

"Sounds like everything." Twilight congratulated, "What time are you leaving?"

"Oh, not 'til tonight." Applejack responded, sitting down at their table, "I got a good few hours of the day left before Big Mac's drivin' us to the airport."

"Then why'd you bring your suitcase to the mall now?" Sunset puzzled.

"I dunno?" Applejack shrugged, "Guess I just wanted to brag. Oh, I wanted to say goodbye to ya'll now in case I don't get a chance later."

"Hey, how about we all come see you off at the airport?" Pinkie suggested.

"Yeah, that'd be great!" Applejack nodded, "y'all know where it is?"

"We'll find it." Rainbow replied, trying to disguise the fact she had absolutely no idea where the airport was.

"Great, hopefully I'll see ya'll there tonight?" Applejack smiled, as everyone else nodded in agreement.

"We'll have to message Fluttershy and Rarity about the idea, i'm sure they'd love to come too." Sunset pitched.

"I don't think Rarity will be coming after last night." Pinkie alerted.

"Why not, what happened last night?" Sunset inquired.

"It was after you left the party, Rarity and I were walking home and she kinda sneezed a bunch of times and then threw up all over the place." Rainbow answered, "It wasn't pretty."

"Apple Bloom says that Sweetie Belle told her she'd been coughing in bed all morning, I'll have to pay her a quick visit before I leave tonight." Applejack said sympathetically.

"Oh no, poor Rarity." Sunset pitied, "At least Fluttershy might still be able to make it?"

"Speaking of which, where is Fluttershy?" Rainbow wondered, "I thought she'd be here by now?"

"Hello girls, I thought I'd drop by before I head off to work." Fluttershy strolled over happily, showing off her newly required elf uniform. She wore a traditional pointy pear-green hat with jingling bells attached, matching tights, candy-red curly jester shoes, a red & green suit and some rubber latex elf ears.

"Looking good Fluttershy." Pinkie complimented.

"Thank you, I'm really nervous." Fluttershy worried.

"Don't be, y'all do great." Applejack encouraged, "you're gonna be an amazing elf!"

"Thanks Applejack" Fluttershy chuckled, "I've actually got a couple minutes before work, do you mind if I sit down with you guys?" The girls agreed and continued their conversations as Fluttershy learnt of Pinkie's airport idea and ecstatically agreed to it. However, Pinkie was disappointed that nobody else was on-board with her helium caroling idea, though Sunset did say she'd think about it. Pinkie figured that she would probably save that idea until next Christmas and just go regular caroling tonight instead. However, the pleasant atmosphere seemed to die down when Sunset hesitantly brought up the Sonata topic.

"So, what are you gonna do?" Rainbow asked.

"What can I do? This is his relationship, it's not supposed to any of my business." Sunset said uneasily, "I just have my doubts about her, like I don't feel like we can trust her!"

"Sunset, are you sayin' they shouldn't date because she was once our enemy?" Applejack inquired, "Cos that's kinda hypocritical, no offence."

"I might not know as much about these Dazzlings as you guys do, but she doesn't sound like she's really up to anything that bad. Maybe she really has turned over a new leaf!" Twilight added, "I mean look at Gloriosa or Juniper or Wallflower or even us?"

"I know" Sunset sighed, "maybe she really has changed and they really seem to like each-other, I just can't shake this feeling."

"Sunset, Flash is your friend." Fluttershy comforted, "If you really feel this way, you should talk to him about it."

"Or maybe you could try talking to Sonata, get to know her before we jump to any conclusions!" Pinkie recommended, "maybe you could bond over tacos or something, I think she likes those?"

"Okay, thanks you guys." Sunset smiled, the weight of the situation feeling much lighter.

"Oh my goodness, I have to go!" Fluttershy gasped, noticing the time on a nearby clock, "Wish me luck."

"Good luck Fluttershy!" they all called in unison as Fluttershy waved goodbye and headed off to find Rainbow's dad.

"Well, I've got late shopping to do." Sunset declared, getting up from her table, "I'll catch up with you all later"

"Oh yeah, I also promised my mom i'd help with some of the cooking for tomorrow." Twilight remembered, with Spike drooling at the thought he may steal some of the food whilst they weren't looking. One by one, the girls all thought of something to do as they all said their goodbyes and went their separate ways.

It was around Midday when Rainbow reluctantly turned her keys & opened the door to her house, which she hadn't returned to since she and her friends visited to collect Rarity's medicine and having slept on Fluttershy's couch after the party the previous night. She slowly entered the lounge to see her mother still wearing the Mrs. Claus outfit from yesterday, "Hi Mom, I'm home!" she called out.

"Rainbow honey, there you are!" Windy beamed, running up to her daughter and entrapping her in another tight hug. "How was the party? Did you have fun? You didn't get hurt did you?" she continuously questioned, as Rainbow tried to escape from her mothers' gripping embrace.

"Mom...I'm..fine!" she grunted, finally managing to break out of Windy's grasp and collapsing onto the sofa.

"Oh, I'm sorry dear, I've just missed you so much." Windy apologized, sitting down next to her daughter and placing down a plate of mince pies onto the coffee table which Rainbow quickly took from.

"So anyway , did you enjoy the party?" Windy asked.

"Oh yeah, the party was so much fun." Rainbow swallowed, as a concerning question popped into her mind. "Mom, have you been wearing that outfit since yesterday?"

"Oh yes, this outfit makes me feel so warm and festive! Speaking of which, what do you say we try yours on?"

Rainbow squirmed at the thought of seeing that humiliating costume again as she tried to think of an excuse. She knew deep down that sooner or later she'd have to wear it, but wanted to postpone such an event as long as possible. "No thanks, maybe later?" she bargained, slowly backing away from her mother and heading towards the staircase in the hallway.

"Oh, okay honey." Windy agreed, following her daughter, "But we'll have to try it on before your father gets home, so we can still exchange it if it doesn't fit. These outfits are specially designed!"

"Yeah, I'm..just...really not feeling it at the moment."

"How about maybe just the antlers and nose for now?"

"No thanks."

"Okay, well come back into the lounge and you can tell me more about the party? Did you play any fun games? Get any nice presents? Kiss any boys under the mistletoe? Or girls if that's what you're into?"

"Actually, I'd rather just be in my room for a little bit."

"Sweetie, it's Christmas eve. Can't you spend a little time with your family?"

"Look, I just want some time to myself! Am I not allowed that anymore?"

"Of course you are, I just want to spend some time with my little girl on Christmas eve."

"Mom I'm seventeen, I'm not a little kid anymore!"

"I know that, I just miss spending time with you! You're always either out with your friends or stuck up in that room and I'm starting to feel like you're avoiding us, I feel like I've barely seen you! " Windy called out, the two of them just staring at each-other tensely. Rainbow almost at the top of the stairs and her mother nearer the bottom. Windy's eyes were filled with sorrow, while Rainbow flipped out and began to aggressively stomp down.

"Well, don't you think there's a reason I avoid you and dad?" She snapped, months of pent-up frustration unknowingly revealing itself in a sudden outburst, "Don't you think there's a reason I don't like inviting my friends around here? Maybe I'm a little sick of you and dad still treating me like a kid? I'm sick of being embarrassed every chance you guys get?" Rainbow stormed passed her mother and grabbed the reindeer costume off the lounge door. "It's things like this that show that you guys are still clinging onto the past, you'd rather have me be your little trophy forever!" She sneered, backing into the lounge, "It shows you don't accept the fact that I'm growing up!"

"Rainbow Dash, I'm sorry" Windy sighed sadly, "It's just I know you're growing up, but it's happening so fast and I don't think I'm ready to let you go."

"Maybe you need to learn to let go!" Rainbow exhaled, "Maybe you need to realize that..."

Rainbow's rant was unexpectedly interrupted as she tripped over the coffee the table, the reindeer costume flying out of her hands. The room felt like it went into slow motion as it flew into the fireplace. Rainbow gasped as the outfit was slowly consumed by the flames. She hated that outfit and had no desire to ever wear it, but she knew how much it meant to her folks. How much they wanted to do this. How much they probably spent on it. Rainbow's eyes quickly caught sight of Windy, her hands covering her mouth out of disbelief and tears streaming down her face. Rainbow quickly activated her geode and sped into the kitchen. She grabbed a cleaning bucket, filled it up with water and sped back into the lounge, distressedly throwing it onto the flames. The fire died out as Rainbow reached in and pulled out the now charred remains of the costume, it was completely black and crisp, unrecognizable and unwearable. She'd never meant for this to happen.

"Mom, I'm sorry! It was an accident, I didn't mean..." Rainbow stuttered regretfully, as her mother removed her hands and began wiping her tears.

"No, it's okay." Windy insisted, her crushed spirit visible for all to see, "You were right, you're not our little girl anymore." Windy walked over to the fireplace and noticed the old picture of the three of them in costume had fallen off the mantle above the fireplace. She picked it up to see the frame now had a large noticeable crack across the glass. "Well, if you want to go up to your room, you go on ahead" Windy smiled, the usual joy in her voice now vanished.

"Mom, are you gonna be okay?" Rainbow worried, she'd never seen her mother so depressed.

"I'll be fine honey.... I mean Rainbow Dash." Windy replied, "I'm just gonna go get changed, I don't feel like wearing this anymore." Windy slowly walked up the stairs, her head down trying to hold back her sadness. Rainbow stood back as her guilt began to eat at her like a swarm of piranhas she her mothers sniffles and sobs began to fill the house. Rainbow ran out the front door, what had she done?

Sunset continued her quest around the mall when her stomach began to rumble and she decided to head back to the food court and grab some lunch. On her way there, she passed by Santa's workshop and managed to locate Fluttershy at work besides Rainbow's dad as Santa Claus. Sunset had met Mr Hothoof before but he was almost unrecognizable here, completely encompassing himself in the role. Fluttershy seemed to be doing a good job too, she was very friendly to all the children and parents who walked in and seemed to fit in with the kind atmosphere that surrounded her. Sunset smiled happily before she noticed a surprised expression come across Fluttershy's face. Things soon fell into place when Sunset noticed that the next child in line wasn't a child at all, It was Pinkie Pie.

"Pinkie, what are you doing here?" Fluttershy said curiously.

"Duh, I'm here to see Santa!" Pinkie grinned, "I've been an extra good girl this year!"

"Um, Pinkie?" Flutteshy whispered, "you know that's not the real Santa right?"

"Of course Fluttershy, I'm not stupid." Pinkie chuckled, "He just works for the real guy and helps delivers the message of what everybody wants, probably went to some super advanced Santa school! But you still gotta act like he's the real deal to get the good books, I know how this works!"

"Ho Ho Ho, who's next?" Bow bellowed in a deep but heartwarming voice as Pinkie skipped over and jumped onto his lap. "Oh, hello Pinkie Pie!" Bow chuckled, Pinkie remaining oblivious to the fact it was one her best friends' fathers behind the beard, "have you been a good little girl this year?"

"Of course Santa!"

"Wonderful, now what would like for Christmas this year?"

As Pinkie rambled on enthusiastically for what felt like hours, Sunset chuckled under her breathe at her pink-haired friends childlike innocence as she continued her walk. She soon reached a fast food joint called Bueno Taco, noticed a rather short line and stepped in when she recognized the person in front, or at least their hoodie. Now this would be a perfect opportunity to try Pinkie's idea and try to get to know their former enemy, she really wanted to like and trust her. "Sonata?" Sunset asked anxiously, as the hooded girl turned around to notice her.

"Oh, Sunset hi!" Sonata smiled rather unnaturally, clearly desperate to make a good impression. "What are you doing here?"

"I'm here for the tacos."

"For realzies, me too! What do you want? I'll get it with my order and we'll get a discount."

"You don't need to do that."

"It's fine, this is what friends do! At least I think is it?"

Eventually, Sonata ordered herself the triple large taco meal with a side of nachos and a large soda whilst Sunset simply ordered a burrito and small soda. They did indeed get a rather good discount as the two of them sat down at a nearby table. "That was really nice of her." Sunset thought, "She didn't need to do that, maybe she really does want to be friends? Unless, she might just be trying to win me over and let my guard down, the sirens are said to be quite seductive creatures."

"So, what brings you to the mall today?" Sonata asked kindly, digging into her meal.

"Oh, just a little late Christmas shopping" Sunset answered, trying to think of something to ask to help her discover more about her or what she could planning. "If you don't mind me asking, how are you sisters? do you still talk to them?"

"Oh yeah. They're okay, Aria's still the worst though! The three of us all live together in a small apartment downtown, Dagi pays most of the rent with her job at the supermarket, Aria and me are trying to help out too but it's hard to find a job when most of the town hates your guts for trying to brainwash them."

"Yeah, I know what that feels like."

"I've done a couple shifts here as a Janitor at Bueno Taco, but they let me off last week unfortunately."

"Wait, if you're not working than how'd you pay for lunch? did you steal the money?"

"No, I don't steal money!.........well, not anymore! I've been saving up from my shifts." Sonata reached into her jacket pocket and pulled out her purse, showing Sunset about fifteen dollars worth of coins as well as several coupons. "Actually, I'm saving up to buy something special for Flash after everything he's done for me." she explained, "but I'm not sure what I should get him, do you have any ideas?"

"Actually, I'm kinda in a similar situation" Sunset smirked, as her and Sonata chuckled. Sunset remained resilient with her judgement but she could feel herself slowly being won over.

"Sunset, do you trust me?" Sonata asked wholeheartedly, Sunset caught of guard by the sudden question.

"What..what..do you mean?" Sunset stuttered.

"Well, it's just you seemed uncomfortable when you met me yesterday and asking me if i stole the money, it feels like your intorgating me or something?"


"You know, like what the policemen do."

"Oh, You mean interrogating?"

"I think so, i just heard Aria mention the word when she was arrested a few weeks ago."


"There it is again, that tone! Sunset, I know we've had our past trouble but i'm trying my best to change for Flash, for you. I really want a fresh start! So, can you trust me?"

Sunset went silent, what could she say. She really didn't know if Sonata could be trusted yet, but she really did want to. She seemed like she'd really changed but it felt to easy. But what if she was all playing them, she couldn't do that to Flash. She had to he honest.

"Sonata, I'm really sorry but I don't think I trust you yet." Sunset sighed.

"Oh" Sonata muttered, dropping her last taco.

"I'm sorry, but....."

"Don't be, what was i thinking? I can't change, I'm still...i'm still a monster! Adagio's right, I am an idiot!" Sonata hyperventilated before running away abruptly. "Sonata, wait!" Sunset called, but she'd already gone.

It was the late afternoon, as Applejack sat besides her brother Big Macintosh in his crimson pick-up truck as they drove to Rarity's house. It was only a hour until the apple family had to leave to go the airport but Applejack wanted to say goodbye to all of her friends before she left. She had already arranged to meet most of them there earlier that day but since Rarity was still sick, she wasn't able to go. Applejack was also Rarity's Secret Santa and hadn't been able to find the time to buy her anything fancy, like Rarity would probably want, so this was the least she could do. The only news she'd heard about her health was from Apple Bloom after she'd met up with Sweetie Belle earlier that day, who'd been taking care of her big sister all day since their parents were out of town. They, along with Scootaloo, all had met up earlier in the day to say their goodbyes to each-other. Finally, Big Mac pulled into the driveway outside Rarity's house.

"Don't worry, I won't be too long" Applejack reported, carrying a brown straw basket as she exited the vehicle.

"Okay, I'll be back in a few minutes." Big Mac acknowledged, waving goodbye to his sister before driving off in his truck.

Applejack walked up and knocked on Rarity's front door, to which Sweetie Belle opened it wearing pink procedure mask and an over-sized winter coat. "Hi Applejack, what are you doing here?" She asked, her voice slightly muffled by the mask.

"I'm here to see Rarity." She responded, "Why are dressed like a surgeon?"

"She's contagious, I'd recommend you do the same." Sweetie Belle answered, reaching into her coat pocket and pulling out blue mask which she forced onto Applejack. The size difference between them led to much struggle and the mask being put on lopsided.

"Thank you for that Sweetie Belle" Applejack muffled, slowly removing the surgical mask and handing back to Sweetie Belle, "But I think I'll be okay, where is she?"

"She's in her bedroom." Sweetie Belle replied, "what's in the basket?"

"A few things that I think might be able to help." Applejack explained, entering the house and walking towards the bedroom. The door creaked opened, as the room was almost pitch-black with all the curtains pulled and the only source of light was the static of the TV. It looked like something out of a horror movie. "Rarity?" Applejack called.

"Who goes there?" an extremely nasally but still recognizable voice sneezed in reply.

"Relax Rarity, it's only me."

"Applejack? What are you doing here?"

"I came to check up on ya."

"Leave me be, I can't been seen in such an state!"

"Rarity, you have a cold. You're not dying!"

"I know, but I look absolutley hideous!"

"I'm sure you're overreacting, it can't really be that bad."

Rarity switched on a bedside lamp, revealing herself in a sullen state. She was up to neck in her multiple bedspreads, her eyes were almost completely bloodshot with chaotically messy hairdo, which had a few tissues stuck in it and an ice-pack on her head. Her nose was now almost as red as Rudolph's, constantly dripping snot and there were used tissues and handkerchiefs all over the duvet, beside table and floor. She wore a crumpled blue Pajamas and fluffy pink socks with a hot water bottle on her feet. "Look at me, I'm a mess!" Rarity complained, before lunging back into her pillow. "This is certainly not how i wanted to spend my Christmas Eve." She sniffled miserably as Applejack walked over and dusted some off the used tissues off of the bed before sitting down next to her.

"I brought ya a little somethin'." Applejack offered, presenting the basket to Rarity.

"What's that?" Rarity sniffled curiously.

"Well I thought about what my family would do when I caught a cold and so I made you this special 'Get Well Soon' kit!" She declared, opening the basket to reveal it's contents. "We've got some home-made chicken soup, some freshly made apple juice, a brand new box of the softest tissues that I could find......" she listed, "I do hope that's okay, I didn't have a lot of time to..."

"Applejack, that's so sweet." Rarity interrupted graciously, "you didn't need to do all this!"

"Sure I did." Applejack insisted, "Now here, try some soup." Rarity grasped the plastic cup and carefully began to sip from it. "Oh careful, it's hot!" Applejack remained, as Rarity let out a tiny squeal after burning her mouth a little. Applejack quickly snatched back the soup and blew on it to cool it down. "Sorry 'bout that" She chuckled, handing the soup back to Rarity. Applejack reached into her box of super soft tissues, labeled Rembourré Tissu, and used one of them to wipe some snot that was dripping from Rarity's nose. As Rarity continued to drink the soup, Applejack took it upon herself to tidy up the bedroom a little. She tossed away many of the used tissues into the rubbish bin, turned on a couple more small lamps in the room and refilled Rarity's hot water bottle, having removed it from her feet while she wasn't looking. Finally, she rummaged to find the TV remote and changed the channel from the inaudible static, managing to find a channel showing Rarity's favorite Christmas movie 'Actually Love'. Rarity stopped sipping her soup and looked around to Applejack had transformed her disaster of a bedroom into something, well, less messy. "How's the soup?" Applejack queried tiredly, sitting down on the bed next to her.

"The soups is lovely" Rarity complimented, " Did you make it?"

"Yeah, well me and Granny Smith."

"Why are you doing all this?"

"It's the least I can do for my friend, Merry Christmas from your secret Santa!"

"You're my Secret Santa? Well I must say, this was a simply brilliant Christmas present. Thank you Applejack!"

"It's fine Rarity. I've better be goin' so you get some rest, it'll do ya good" Applejack recommend, standing up and heading for the bedroom door.

"Oh right, you're leaving today. How long will you be gone?" Rarity yawned.

"About a week, might be back in time for new years."

"I guess I'll see you then, Have a Merry Christmas Applejack!"

Applejack went to reply but as she turned around, Rarity had already fallen fast asleep. "Merry Christmas Rarity!" she whispered as she left he room. Applejack walked down the stairs where she again bumped into Sweetie Belle again. "Hey, so how is she?" The sister questioned.

"She's asleep at the moment, you take good care of her." Applejack smiled, as she said goodbye and left the house. Big Mac was outside but Granny Smith was sat beside him with Apple Bloom squeezed in-between them and all the luggage in the back of the truck.

"Hurry up, we're gonna be late!" Apple Bloom yelled.

"Sweet Nelly, is that the time?" Applejack freaked, quickly jumping into the cargo bed before Big Mac promptly began driving off.

Fluttershy sorrowfully sat in her mothers florist, staring down at the steaming mug of hot chocolate on the counter she worked at. She had finished her shift as an elf, which while fun and made feel good, was not the something special she'd hoped for. Business had been rather busy at the flower shop that afternoon, many flowers being bought as late gifts for loved ones. The place was much less crowded now, as they were closing soon and Fluttershy had to leave to meet her friends at the airport to say goodbye to Applejack. She felt incredibly disappointed in herself, she'd probably missed her chance to do anything truly special now. She continued to lean her head on the counter as her mother noticed her uncharacteristic behavior.

"Oh, cheer up dear" she softly consoled, "you haven't even touched your hot chocolate."

"Oh, I'm sorry mom!" Fluttershy forcefully smiled and began attempting to chug down her mother's hot chocolate, which was now ice cold, before she almost choked on it. Her mother immediately took action and began to pat on her daughters back while Fluttershy uncomfortably coughed. "There, there, you're okay baby, you're okay!" Mrs Shy comforted, as tears began to swim down Fluttershy's face as she began to hyperventilate.

"I'm okay." Fluttershy reassured, giving her mother a thankful hug, "I'm sorry mom!"

"Don't apologize, It's not your fault." Mrs shy sympathized, pouring away the hot chocolate. "I'm sorry you didn't get to do your something special Fluttershy, but it's Christmas eve. You shouldn't be sad on Christmas eve."

"You've been a great help for all of us here today, if it's any consolation?" Daisy, one of the employees, complimented.

"I guess so, I just really wanted to do something special that really makes a difference to someone." Fluttershy sighed.

"I know sweetie, but you're still the same wonderfully kind young girl you've always been and maybe you'll be able to do something next year." Mrs Shy cuddled, "Now, I've got to close up here so why don't you head home and your father will drop you at the airport."

"Okay, I love you mom!" Fluttershy brightened up a little, giving her mom a quick kiss on the cheek.

"I love you too Fluttershy!" Mrs Shy waved as Fluttershy exited the florist.

She innocently skipped along the sidewalk to her house humming to herself while, as expected, a small snowfall began to emerge. Lights on every store front lit up the street as many stores began to close up shop for the night, with bosses and employees wishing each-other a happy holidays before leaving to be with their families. Fluttershy started to shiver in the cold weather as the snowfall began to increase to the point it almost felt like a blizzard was starting. Realising she'd probably catch a cold like Rarity or something worse walking home in this weather, she decided to run into the nearest open establishment she could find and would ask her dad to collect her from there.

She then made her way into a hairdresser, which she'd recognized from visiting with Rainbow and Rarity in the past, where she was instantly greeted with merciful heat to contrast the freezing cold outside. None of the hairdressers or clients took any notice of her as she text her father who agreed to meet her there, though it would take him a while to get there in this weather.

She decided to take a seat in the reception and find a way to pass the time. Not wanting to waste any phone battery, she decided to pick up one of the hairstyle magazines and began reading it.

She scanned through the pages, thinking nothing much of it, when she laid eyes on an advertisement that peeked her interest. This was it. This could be her something special, it was perfect. But did she really want to do this though, it was quite a big decision.

"Can I help you miss?" One of the hairdressers, named Vidala Swoon, approached her.

Fluttershy began to think of all the people this could help and decided to follow through, "Oh yes, could you please help me with this?" She asked kindly, showing the hairdresser the advertisement in the paper who read it and gave a respectful smile Fluttershy's way.

"I'd love to." Vidala agreed, pulling out a shiny pair of scissors, "If you'd like to follow me?"

"Thank you so much!" Fluttershy beamed.

Sunset had arrived at Canterlot Airport terminal and began searching the area for her friends' whereabouts. Throughout the evening, the thought of what happened with Sonata earlier couldn't leave her mind. Should she have really said she didn't trust her, granted she was only being honest but was really the right thing to tell her and what if she's in the wrong.

Sunset managed to put those thoughts aside for the moments as her main goal was seeing off her friend. Problem was, Canterlot Airport was very big and very busy place, so finding her friends could be no more easy then finding a needle in a haystack.

At last, she located them by the boarding gate and began to approach them. Luckily, Big Mac had managed to get his family there early as Applejack had already said her goodbyes to Twilight & Rainbow before Sunset arrived and was currently saying her farewells to Pinkie Pie, who wasn't taking it the best.

"I'm gonna miss you so much!" Pinkie wept, clinging onto the apple sisters like she was never going see them again.

"Pinkie Pie, we're only gonna be gone about a week." Applejack reminded her.

"Yeah, we'll be back before ya know it." Apple Bloom added, as Rainbow finally managed to drag Pinkie away.

"Hey, you're not gone yet." Sunset puffed, finally having caught up to them.

"Nope, not yet." Applejack smiled, bringing Sunset into a friendly hug.

"I hope you have a wonderful time." Sunset kindly wished, to which Applejack thanked her.

"Hey, we're gonna be boardin' soon." Big Mac informed his sisters.

"You can't leave yet, you still need to say goodbye to Fluttershy!" Pinkie pointed out.

"You and Apple Bloom go get seated, I've got my own passport so I'll meet you there in just a minute." Applejack advised her brother, as her two siblings agreed and went to board the flight.

"Speaking of which, where is Fluttershy?" Rainbow asked.

"She should be here soon, she said she had something to tell us." Twilight answered.

"Hello, I'm sorry I'm late!" Fluttershy hurriedly arrived with a gleeful smile across her face, wearing her usual attire of a raven-black hooded duffle-coat, flamingo-pink gloves, black leggings, a cream scarf and a grey snowstar winter beanie. However, something seemed different. Her hat was pulled down further than usual, like she was trying to hide something.

"It's fine, we're just glad ya made it." Applejack smiled, greeting her with an enthusiastic hug.

"So, what did you wanna tell us?" Sunset asked curiously.

"I've finally done my something special for the holiday." Fluttershy answered pleasingly.

"That's great" Applejack congratulated, "What did you do?"

Fluttershy removed her beanie revealing her regular long soft locks had been restyled into a simple pixie haircut. It was the same color but the length was much shorter than usual. Her friends were speechless at the unexpected sight.

"Fluttershy, your hair!" Pinkie gasped.

"I know" Fluttershy smiled, running her hands through it.

"What happened to it, where'd it go?" Rainbow questioned.

"I decided to donate it to charity." Fluttershy humbly explained, "Now it can be used to help make wigs for people who've suffered hair loss due to terrible illnesses and many other good causes!"

"That's a very generous thing to do." Applejack praised.

"Thank you! So, does it look okay?" Fluttershy asked nervously, her head feeling much lighter than it used to be.

"Yeah, you look great." Applejack replied cheerfully.

"I really like it." Twilight complimented.

"It is pretty cool." Rainbow added, with Pinkie agreeing.

"It's gonna take some getting used to, but it does kinda suit you." Sunset commented.

"Last call for the flight to Appaloosa, leaving in ten minutes." A voice announced over a speaker.

"Oh, that's me! I'm really gonna miss y'all, bye girls." Applejack smiled, her friends waving her off as she showed her passport to the gate attendant and began boarding the plane. The five of them continued to wave and shout goodbye before the gate attendant closed the door. Applejack strolled down the isle of the plane in search of the correct row, when she relocated her family and her seat along with them. She packed her suitcase into the overhead compartment and sat down next to her brother.

"So, where'd you guys wanna go now?" Fluttershy asked, as the five of them began exiting the gatehouse.

"I've got my date with Timber in half hour, I already dropped Spike off at my parents place and Rarity said I could borrow the boutique to use it to try on my new dress so could we maybe head there?" Twilight replied.

"Sure?" Pinkie shrugged, they all began to set off when Sunset thought she saw Flash strolling through the terminal. "You all go ahead, I'll meet you guys there!" She told them before beginning to pursue the familiar figure. After much chase, she caught up to him.

"Flash, what are you doing here?" Sunset questioned.

"I was looking for you actually, i heard you'd be here" He frowned.

"Hey, what's wrong?"

"Sonata broke up with me."

"Oh no, what happened?"

"I don't know, she said all this stuff about trust and the past and how we shouldn't be together because who she used to be!"

"I'm so sorry." Sunset sighed guiltily, was this her fault? Unfortunately, It would make perfect sense.

"I Just don't know what got into her?" Flash reminisced, "When we going out before she was always so cheery and carefree, she almost never had a second thought about this kinda thing."

"I think it might be my fault."


"We were talking earlier and might of accidentally said that I didn't fully trust her..."

"What! how could you do that?"

"I'm sorry, I didn't know this was gonna happen."

"Do you know what it's like to feel that way about someone? To have someone who makes you feel warm and happy inside whenever you're around them? Someone you can't go a day without thinking about them? Someone who everytime they say something bad about themselves, you wanna grab hold of them and tell them every little thing you love about them?"

Then something occurred to Sunset, she had experienced all of these. Everything started to add up. "Yeah, I think I might know what that's like." She sighed, "Flash, I am so sorry."

"I'll be fine, I just need to be left alone for a while." Flash exhaled, "Now, you should go catch up with your friends."

The two of them parted ways as Sunset as she headed towards the airport car park to find her motorcycle, she still had to meet her friends at the boutique. But she had to somehow find a way to fix this, but what could she do? Despite these new dilemmas, one of the many questions that had been on her mind was answered, the strange feelings for Twilight were finally explained. Sunset had a crush on her, and she had it bad.

Sunset arrived at the carousal boutique, the sound of Pinkie practicing her carols could be heard from down the road. Sunset mind had been puzzling the whole way there, was this definitely a crush? or something even stronger? and if so, should she tell Twilight about these feelings? All of her instincts told her no! Twilight has a boyfriend, who she's going out with tonight. She's already quite nervous, she could become a total wreck if something so huge was dropped on her doorstep just before a big date. Plus, why would she ever go for someone like her? What if things became to awkward and they couldn't even remain friends?

Thoughts began to build promptly which caused Sunset to agitatedly headbutt the door, to which Pinkie opened it mistaking it for a knock.

"Hey, there ya are Sunset. What took you so long?" Pinkie addressed, wearing a victorian-era suit and top hat ready for caroling later that night.

"Something came up, has Twilight already left?" Sunset replied, rubbing her noggin in mild pain.

"She's just getting dressed, you coming in?" Pinkie offered, to which Sunset agreed and entered the building.

"Um, where is everybody?" Sunset puzzled, the place seeming abandoned apart from the two of them.

Meanwhile, in one of the dressing rooms, Rarity had left an instruction manual of sorts for Twilight, notifying her on how she should style her hair, what color nail polish she should use and shoes she should wear to match with the outfit.

Since Rarity was the resident fashion expert of the group, they chose to follow her directions as closely as possible. Fluttershy and Rainbow had decided to help out, but this was no easy task.

"Ouch, Fluttershy that hurt!" Twilight grunted uncomfortably.

"I'm sorry, I'm only doing what Rarity said." Fluttershy apologized.

"Hold still!" Rainbow instructed, yanking a string on the corset that caused Twilight to emit a high-pitched yelp.

"You know what, I think I can take it from here." Twilight decided, as Rainbow & Fluttershy left the her to it. A few minutes passed by as they patiently waited for her to finish.

"Okay, I'm ready." Twilight announced as she stepped out graciously in the dress, along with a pare of violet ballroom dance shoes. Her nails had been painted lavender and her hair now let down and straightened, similar to her other word counterpart.

"Looking good." Pinkie praised.

"You look lovely." Fluttershy complimented, taking a picture on her phone to show Rarity.

"I think Rarity would be proud of what we pulled off." Rainbow bragged.

"Sunset, what do you think?" Twilight asked.

"You're beautiful!" Sunset blushed, her heartbeat increasing rapidly and her face feeling completely flushed.

Twilight thanked her friends for the overwhelmingly positive feedback when there was a knock at the door that caught their attention.

"Oh, that's probably Timber." Twilight figured, "Can you get that? I've gotta go to the bathroom quickly"

As Twilight disappeared into the restroom, Fluttershy opened the door to reveal Timber standing nervously outside holding a bouquet of roses. He was wearing an elegant tuxedo and his hair combed and styled more fancily than its usual rugged form.

"Hello Timber" Fluttershy greeted, "that's a nice suit."

"Thanks Fluttershy, love the new haircut." Timber replied.

"Thank you Timber." Fluttershy appreciated, "Twilight will be out on a minute, why don't have a seat?"

"Okay, sure." Timber agreed, sitting down next to Sunset and temporary placing the flowers on a nearby table.

"You excited for your date?" Sunset began to chat.

"Yeah, I've been really looking forward to it."

"That's great. So, how are things going between you too?"

"They're going well, Twilight's such an incredible person. I really love spending time with her!"

"Yeah, she's great."

"Hey, can I ask you something?

"Sure, go ahead."

"I'm worried Twilight and I might be hitting a rough patch in our relationship, like we're not as close as we used to be! So I want tonight to be perfect, do you have any advice for like how I can ensure she has fun?

"Well firstly, she's quite nervous so be sure to be patient and take your time with her. Then, you should try to make her feel special, make sure to remind her how wonderful she is, but not to an annoying degree. Make sure to listen to her and read her emotions, always her make her feel appreciated. And when you kiss her, make sure you remind her how much you really care. Always show her how much she means to you!"

"Wow, sounds like you should be going on this date." Timber joked, Sunset responding with a playful but false chuckle.

"Hey Timber." Twilight smiled excitedly, entering the room.

"Wow Twilight, you look amazing!" Timber flattered.

"Thanks, you look great too." Twilight crimsoned and greeting him with a quick kiss on the cheek.

"Oh, I got you a little something." Timber offered, presenting the flowers to his girlfriend.

"Timber, They're beautiful!" Twilight gushed, smelling the roses.

"Not as beautiful as you." Timber flirted, gaining an a gleeful chuckle in reply, "So, are you ready to go?"

"Yeah, I can't wait! Bye girls." Twilight waved, linking arms with Timber as they began their date. Sunset watched back as the two of them left the building, tears unknowingly swelling in her eyes. She looked so happy, but it hurt her so much to see her with someone else. Why? It's not like Sunset would ever have a chance!

"Sunset, are you crying?" Pinkie asked, to which Sunset quickly wiped her eyes and put on a fake but convincing smile.

"Oh no Pinkie, just something in my eye." She insisted, desperately trying to change the subject, "Where's Rainbow Dash?"

The three of them looked around to see that she was nowhere to be found. That was until they heard noise coming from one of the dressing rooms. The three of them walked in to find Rainbow digging through piles of Fancy-Dress costumes and props, much to her friends' confusion.

"Um Rainbow Dash, what are you doing?" Fluttershy questioned.

"I need to find a Rudolph costume and fast!" She sighed exhaustedly. She explained the situation with her parents picture, the unfortunate accident that occurred earlier that day and why is was so important to her to find a replacement costume. The four of them continued to scan the boutique but most holiday related outfits were absent being so close to Christmas.

"Hey, why don't you try making one?" Pinkie suggested, "I'm sure we can find a few things around here for a passable homemade one."

"Yeah, only problem is I don't know the first thing about costume design!" Rainbow panicked.

"That's why we're gonna help you out!" Sunset declared, removing her reindeer antlers and offering them to Dash.

Twilight and Timber arrived at the Winter Waltz as the first part of their date. The event was very sophisticated, taking place in an large dance-floor with a large Christmas tree in the center. many couples on the floor dancing professionally and there was a live orchestra playing classical dance music, like something out of a fairy tale. Twilight became incredibly worried, what if she ended up embarrassing herself at such a high-class event. However, she surprisingly noticed many familiar faces in the area, from fellow Canterlot High students to the odd duo from Crystal Prep.

"Hey, are you okay?" Timber asked.

"Yeah, I'll be fine." Twilight breathed, calming her nerves.

"Then may I have this dance?" Timber smirked, offering his hand. At first, Twilight let out a small chuckle from remembering Sunset's poor male impersonations from yesterday before she cleared her mind and adjusted herself.

“Yes, you may." She graciously accepted, taking his hand as they walked onto the dance-floor. The music was very calm and subdued, as the two of them prepared to dance. Timber put his hands on her waste as they the two of them stepped back and forth in time with the music, with an occasional twirl. They seemed to fit in rather well.

"Am I doing okay?" Twilight questioned anxiously, really wanting this date to work out.

"You're doing great." Timber complimented. Then the music started to pick up it's pace and the atmosphere became much less calm.

"Here goes nothing." Twilight thought to herself, recollecting her dance with Sunset and began to improvise some of the steps. Their feet movements sped up accordingly, with Twilight incorporating a spin and looking Timber in the eyes with complete confidence.

She put one hand around his neck and leaned in close, a whispered to Timber to grab her back and lift her, which he did. The music kept building as the dancing became more and more intimate. Finally, Twilight attempted to end the dance with the same dip that she'd done with Sunset, leaning back and pulling Timber close to her. Timber wrapped his hands around her waist to stop her falling as he leaned in close, the two of them face to face as the two of them locked lips. They released each-other from the kiss and instantly puffed with exhaustion, as many of their fellow dancers began to applaud for Twilight's impressive moves.

"Thank you for the dance." Twilight sighed happily as the two of them began to exit the dance-floor.

Windy Whistles turned the keys and opened her front door. She had changed out of the Mrs Claus outfit and was instead wearing black sequined dress, with matching-color heels and some golden earnings that Bow Hothoof, who had changed from his Santa costume to a regular black suit, had given to her as an early Christmas present at dinner. The two of them had just come back from a romantic restaurant date, Bow feeling his wife needed cheering up after he learnt of what happened to reindeer costume. Luckily, it had mostly worked as she seemed much more like her happy go lucky self. However, he was equally disappointed but could understand his Daughter's attitude.

"Thank you so much for dinner, it was delicious" Windy smiled, closing the door behind them, "I'm sorry we won't get to do the picture."

"It's fine Honey." He returned, the two of them sharing a kiss, "Speaking of which, do you think Dashie is home yet?"

Windy was about to answer when something caught their eyes, It was the Santa and Mrs Claus costumes hung up on the door with a note attached.

"Sorry that I destroyed the costume, hope we can still take the picture - RD" Windy read, as the two of them grabbed the outfits and walked into the lounge to find Dash standing nervously besides the tree, wearing a brand-new homemade Rudolph costume.

She wore a brown Lycra-spandex suit with two pairs of coal-black tap dance shoes to act as hooves, Sunset's reindeer antler headband and Pinkie's red clown nose leftover from Halloween. It was obviously much less glamorous and detailed than the original and she felt completely ridiculous wearing it, but the thought and effort shined through regardless.

"Dash?" Windy smiled, still in disbelief. Dash took a deep breathe and stepped forward to talk to her parents.

"Mom, Dad, I'm sorry I've been so selfish lately because...this is your Christmas too. and Christmas is a time for family and to think about others. I realize that no matter how much you might embarrass me, you're still incredibly supportive and you helped make me the awesome person I am today! and I know i don't say it enough but I really love you guys!" She sincerely apologized, clearly having rehearsed none of it. Bow and Windy's eyes began to tear up as wide grins arrived on their faces.

"We love you too Rainbow Dash!" Windy cried joyously, the two of them practically tackling their daughter for a loving hug. "I'll go get my beard!" Bow wept happily, running off to change into his Santa costume.

"I'm sorry the costume isn't all that, we kinda had to make one from scratch." Rainbow chuckled.

"I think it's even better, you didn't have to do this." Windy sniffed.

"Yes I did, because it means a lot to you and I take you for granted and I really want to make up to you guys." Rainbow explained, "Now why don't you go get dressed Mrs Claus?"

Windy kissed her daughter gratefully on the forehead and eagerly left to get changed. They soon both returned into the room dressed in their costumes, which looked almost identical to the ones from the original photograph, with Bow carrying a camera and tripod and placing it in-front of the fireplace. "It feels so good to wear this again!" Windy beamed, as she and Dash stood next to each-other as Bow adjusted the camera.

"Would you like me to duck down a little? I'm a little taller than I used to be." Dash jested.

"Yeah, maybe just a little bit." Windy giggled, as Rainbow crouched slightly and Bow joined them in front of the lens.

"Okay ladies, say cheese!" He bellowed in his Santa voice, as the three of them smiled and the picture was taken. It wasn't nearly as bad as Rainbow had built it up to be and the look of pure joy on her parents face made this all worth it. Bow quickly kissed them both and took the camera to his computer to print he picture off.

"Thank you Rudolph Dash!" Windy hugged, not too tightly for once, "You can take the costume off now if you want?"

"Great, It's hard to eat anything with these hooves and the nose is kinda itchy." Rainbow sighed, as Windy helped her remove parts of the costume. She managed to take off the shoes on her hands and the nose, which accidentally honked as she grasped it, when Bow walked in with the printed picture.

"Well, what do you think?" he asked, as the three of them took a peek at the image. It was much like the original, despite Dash's age difference, but this one somehow looked happier.

"Oh, I love it!" Windy whimpered cheerfully, "It's even better than the old one."

"Yeah, it does look pretty good." Rainbow agreed, as Windy framed the picture and placed it above the fireplace.

"So, now what should we do?" Bow asked curiously, hugging his wife.

"Wanna take another one?" Dash shrugged, as she readjusted her red nose. Her parents looked at one another excitedly as Bow grabbed the camera.

Timber and Twilight arrived at The Tasty Treat and were seated almost immediately, Timber having made reservations a few days ago.

"I still can't believe you back there!" He raved, "your dancing was amazing!"

"Thanks, you were pretty good too." Twilight blushed, "I would've never taken you for someone who'd want to go slow dancing on a date."

"Usually I'm not much of a dancer, but I thought it'd be something fun and romantic that we could do together."

"Well, it was certainly a lot of fun and quite romantic." The two of them continued to chat and chuckle when a young woman in a chefs uniform approached their table.

"Hello, my name is Saffron Masala." She introduced herself, "I'm the head chef here at The Tasty Treat, are you ready to order?"

Twilight and Timber read the menu and placed their orders as Saffron disappeared into the kitchen, having to also work as a waitress due to the short service on Christmas Eve. Neither of them had ever been to this restaurant before but Twilight had heard it being praised all around school, including Rarity and Pinkie praising it as the most exotic cuisine in Canterlot. So she figured this would be a great place to go.

"So, where'd you learn your dancing?" Timber asked, trying to pass the time as they awaited their meals.

"Actually, Sunset taught me it the other day." Twilight answered, when something occurred to her. "Oh no, I was supposed to get Sunset a Secret Santa gift!" She recalled, "I think everyone else got theirs, how could I have forget?"

"Okay look, the movie theater is at the mall so we can look for something when we go to see the movie?" Timber comforted, "everything will be okay."

"You're right, thank you Timber." Twilight settled, as Saffron returned with their meals. The two of them dug in to discover the praises were correct, it was incredibly delicious.

Sunset and Fluttershy were quite exhausted from helping Rainbow construct her costume earlier but the night wasn't over just yet as Sunset still had to make a mends between Flash and Sonata. She'd explained her situation to Fluttershy who had offered to help set things right. It was just the two of them as Pinkie had left to go caroling and everyone else was preoccupied with their own plans. The two girls had begun wondering around the mall looking for Sonata, but their efforts thus far had been fruitless.

"Are you sure she'd be here?" Fluttershy asked, sitting down by the fountain and catching her breath.

"I don't know?" Sunset sighed, sitting down besides her, "I just need to find her and apologize, I made a mistake and I need to fix it!"

"You said you were having lunch earlier today, did she tell you anything that can help us?"

"Let's see, they all live in an apartment downtown."

"I guess that's something, anything else?"

"Adagio works in a supermarket? Sonata worked here and Aria got arrested?"

"Well, if she worked here than they can't live that far?"

"So, that's means the supermarket Adagio works at should be close by."

"And the closet supermarket would be Mega-Market!"

The two of them looked at each-other like they'd had an epiphany as they two of them stood up and ran off. While the mall was open late tonight, most other stores in the area were closing at their regular time or even earlier so Sunset and Fluttershy had to make it there fast if they wanted to get there before closing time. Eventually, they found the Mega-Market which had literally just closed for the night before they'd arrived.

"We're too late!" Fluttershy worried.

"No, she might still be here." Sunset denied confidently, as a bunch of staff began exiting the store wearing coats and hoodies so they were harder to identify.

"Adagio Dazzle?" Sunset called aloud, catching the attention of one girl in the purple fleece who turned around to reveal herself.

"Sunset Shimmer, what do you want?" Adagio snapped rudely.

"We're looking for Sonata." Fluttershy explained.

"What could you possibly want with her? Actually, I really don't care." Adagio groaned.

"Look, can you just tell us where she is?" Sunset sighed, "It's really important that I talk to her!"

"Back at our apartment with Aria probably, I try to avoid that place as much as possible." Adagio answered, "fortunately for me, unlike those idiots I can actually maintain a job!"

"Is it close by?" Fluttershy asked.

"Why should I help you out?" Adagio fumed, "You and precious friendship brigade humiliated us and ruined our lives!"

"I thought you said you didn't care?" Sunset smirked sarcastically, to which Adagio roared in frustration. She pulled out a pack of post-it notes out of her pocket and began to squiggle on it before aggressively sticking the note onto Sunset's face. "There's the address, now go do whatever you want and then I don't want to have to see you idiots again!"

"Believe me, we have no intention of coming back." Sunset replied, ripping the note off her face as her and Fluttershy began to follow the directions written on it.

They soon arrived at a grey & cheap motel at the end of the street and began looking for the right room. Adagio didn't have the best handwriting so reading the notes had proven quite a challenge. They walked along until they found the right numbered door and two voices could be heard bickering from the inside.

"Come on Aria, I wanna put up the tree!" Sonata whined.

"I'm busy right now, can I ignore you some other time?" Aria sassed.

"I think you should maybe try to help out more around here."

"Hey, remember when I cared what you thought? Oh wait, That was never!"

"You're the worst Aria!"

A knock at the door interrupted their argument as Aria opened the door to reveal Sunset and Fluttershy standing outside.

"Ugh, What do you want?" She groaned.

"Is Sonata home?" Sunset asked.

"Sunset, what are you doing here?" Sonata puzzled, pushing passed her sister to get to the doorway.

"Can we talk?" Sunset hoped.

"Yeah, Talk out here." Aria grinned, shoving Sonata outside and slamming the door behind her.

"Hey, no fair!" Sonata angrily bashed on the door, but Aria had already plugged in her headphones and delightfully ignoring her sisters' complaints.

"Well I'm not getting back inside for a few hours." Sonata sighed, "what did you wanna talk about?"

"Sonata, I was wrong about you!" Sunset apologized, "I think you're a nice person and I know you want to make a fresh start. You make Flash very happy and I'm really hoping we can put our differences behind us and maybe become friends?"

"Thank you Sunset, but It's too late." Sonata frowned, "I already broke up with Flash and I don't think he'll want me back!"

"Then let me help you get him back." Sunset smiled determinedly, as Sonata thanked her and gave her friendly hug.

"Oh Sonata, this is Fluttershy" Sunset recalled, reintroducing her friend.

"Oh, Hello there." Sonata introduced herself, shaking Fluttershy's hand. The two remembered each-other from the battle of the bands but both wanted to start out on a right foot.

"Hello, it's lovely to meet you." Fluttershy greeted politely as the three of them set off to find Flash.

"Ladies and Gentleman." A stewardess announced, "We are starting our descent, please make sure your seat backs and tray tables are in their full upright position. Make sure your seat belt is securely fastened and all carry-on luggage is stowed underneath the seat in front of you or in the overhead bins. Thank you.”

"Hear that Applejack, we're landing!" Apple Bloom chirped excitedly, "We're gonna be in Appaloosa soon!"

"I know, I know." Applejack chuckled. The landing was smooth and safe as Apple Bloom stared outside of the window at the dessert-like surroundings, a severe contrast to the constant snow back in Canterlot. At last, the plane had come to a stop and the passengers began to gather their luggage and disembark the aircraft.

"“Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Appaloosa." The stewardess broadcast, "Please check around your seat for any personal belongings you may have brought on board with you and please use caution when opening the overhead bins. On behalf of Bloomberg Airlines and the entire crew, we’d like to thank you for joining us on this trip and we are looking forward to seeing you onboard again in the near future. Have a nice stay and have a happy holidays!"

The Apples headed towards baggage claim where Applejack noticed her cousin Braeburn with broken left arm across the room and went over to greet him.

"Cousin' Applejack!" Braeburn waved with his right arm.

"What did you do to yourself now Braeburn?" Applejack sighed with a smile on her face.

"Rodeo accident! Anyways, welcome back to Appaloosa." Braeburn responded.

"It's great to be back." Applejack smirked, as the rest of her family approached them with all of their luggage.

"Cousin' Braeburn!" Apple Bloom called, lunging into her cousin and accidentally hitting his injured arm.

"Ouch, hey there Apple Bloom." Braeburn exhaled in pain, as Applejack let out a small chuckle under her breath.

"I believe that this is yours." Big Mac glared at Applejack, grumpily handing over her suitcase.

"Sorry 'bout that." Applejack smiled guiltily, taking her luggage as the five of them set off.

Twilight and Timber had been sat comfortably in the movie theater watching Galactic Wars: The Final Warrior. The two of them had a large bucket of popcorn to share between them which was already mostly empty half way through the movie. Timber had been anticipating this movie all year, being a massive fan of the beloved Sci-Fi franchise. Twilight, while not as big a fan as her boyfriend, also liked the movies and had done her best to avoid spoilers before the date. They had both tried to be romantic throughout the run-time, including Twilight attempting to hold his hand and Timber trying the classic yawn & hug trick but neither of them were successful. Eventually, the film wrapped up and the credits began to role when they bumped into Juniper Montage cleaning up behind the counter on their way out.

"Hey, did you guys enjoy the movie?" Juniper greeted them.

"I loved it, definitely the best Galactic Battles movie to date!" Timber grinned enthusiastically.

"Yeah, It was good. Thank you so much for the tickets Juniper." Twilight smiled.

"You're very welcome." Juniper replied, "So, where you two off to next?"

"We need to a little bit of late shopping." Twilight admitted.

"Well, you best get to it!" Juniper instructed, "most places around here will be closing up soon. I'm just gonna finish up here and then I'm catching a train to spend Christmas with Uncle Zoom and the rest of my family."

"Okay thanks, have a Merry Christmas Juniper!" Twilight waved, as her and Timber exited the theater.

"You too!" Juniper bid farewell.

The two of them began their stroll around the mall, searching desperately for a store that was still open. Twilight slowly began to panic. What if she couldn't find anything? What kind of friend would she be? What was she going to do?

"Hey it's okay, I'm sure Sunset will understand." Timber attempted to subdue her.

"I know, it's just after everything she's done for me and i can't just give her nothing!" Twilight freaked, sitting down by the fountain to calm her nerves. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't take this out on you." She sighed.

"It's fine, did you at least enjoy tonight?"

"Yeah, tonight was great It's just....."

The two of them sat in silence until Twilight sighed and said the words she never wanted to speak. "Timber, I think we need to talk."

"Yeah, I think we do." Timber agreed sadly, they both knew what this probably meant for them.

Sunset, Fluttershy and Sonata arrived at the boutique, along with Pinkie who they'd bumped into whilst she was caroling and Rainbow Dash who they'd picked up along the way but did have to wait for her to change as she wasn't going to run through the streets in her Rudolph costume. However, her parents did thank them gratefully for helping make the costume when they showed up though. They were reintroduced to Sonata and all became acquainted before Sunset explained her master plan. Dash was essential to Sunset's very special plan as she was assigned to locate Flash, a task which she had quickly returned from completing.

"Okay, you guys remember the drill?" Sunset checked.

"Yes!" Fluttershy answered.

"Yep!" Pinkie responded.

"Kinda, sorta, not really?" Sonata confessed innocently.

"Don't worry, your job's easy." Rainbow appeared, playfully punching Sonata's arm.

"Rainbow Dash, status report?" Sunset asked.

"Flash is at the amphitheater." Dash reported

"Just as anticipated." Sunset grinned, "Okay Pinkie, you come with me!"

"Okie Dokie Lokie!" Pinkie saluted.

"Fluttershy, Dash, Sonata, most of you know what to do!" Sunset continued.

"Right!" Rainbow and Fluttershy said in unison as Sonata repeated them and they entered the boutique, which Fluttershy had taken the keys for earlier just in case. Sunset and Pinkie hopped onto Sunset's motorcycle as they sped off to the amphitheater. A few minutes later, they arrived to find Flash sat gloomily on the stage. Sunset headed to greet him as Pinkie vanished behind the stage, in accordance with the plan.

"Hey Flash?" Sunset called, gaining his attention.

"Oh, hi Sunset." Flash greeted sorrowfully, "what are you doing here?"

"I could ask you the same, I don't think we've been here since the battle of the bands."

"I come here to think sometimes."

"Does it remind you of her?"

"Actually, this is where we got together."

"Really? You know, you never told me how you two met? Or rather, how you guys became a couple?"

"Well, It was a few months ago and I was coming here to think and maybe practice some guitar when heard someone crying. I followed the sound until I found a girl in a ragged dark purple hoodie, sat on the stage with her head in her hands. I began to approach her as she looked up and revealed her identity. I started to back away until I noticed, she looked so vulnerable and harmless. She told me how she'd been kicked out of her apartment and how she wanted to try starting fresh, and after seeing how well you and The Rainbooms have helped people who were once our enemies, I figured try to help her out."

Sunset sat down next to him and proceeded to hear his woes when she noticed Rainbow, Fluttershy and Sonata arriving in the rows above and Pinkie giving her a sneaky thumbs up from behind the stage with her party cannon. Everything was going according to plan as she gave them the signal to wait.

"So, we continued to hang out as friends in secret for a few months and then one day, she just randomly kissed me!" Flash continued, "Honestly, I wasn't sure how to react at first. It was just so unexpected. We already tried to keep our friendship secret so anything more could become very complicated. So next time hung out, I confronted her about it. She told me it was like instincts and she didn't know what came over her. One thing led to another and before I knew it, we were dating!"

"It never bothered or worried you that she was once our enemy?"

"Well, It did a first but underneath all that, she was this really amazing, beautiful and fun person that made me very happy!"

"I bet you'd like to see her again?"

"Yeah, I really would."

"Well Flash, Merry Christmas from your Secret Santa!" Sunset smirked proudly as Flash turned around to see Sonata stood behind him with a beaming smile across her face, her hair down & straitened and wearing a sparkly aqua dress.

"Hi" Flash stuttered happily.

"Hi" Sonata waved, as she began walking down the stairs towards him.

"You look amazing!" Flash complimented as she approached the stage, almost tripping a couple times on her way down. Rainbow and Fluttershy had decided to follow close behind, just to be safe.

"Thank you, we totally raided Rarity's wardrobe." Sonata replied bubbly.

"What she means is we borrowed some materials from the boutique!" Fluttershy defended.

"Yeah, that's what I meant to say!" Sonata chuckled guilty, "Anyways, are you busy tonight? I don't Aria's gonna let me back in and Dagi's probably not home yet. and I'd really like to give us another try?"

"Sure, I'm sure there's somewhere around here we could hang out." Flash agreed. Sonata suddenly smooched him as Pinkie brought out her party cannon and fired it off, practically flooding the stage in confetti. Afterwards, Sonata and Sunset all said their thanks & farewells and the happy couple left the amphitheater together as another mild snowfall began to emerge.

"Brrrrrrr, It's so cold." Pinkie shivered as a single snowflake fell through her suit and down her back, making her friends chuckle.

"Oh my, is that the time? I should really start heading home now, my parents will start to worry!" Fluttershy realized, as it was getting quite late.

"Yeah, I should get going too." Dash agreed, "Hey, do you guys wanna hang out at my place Boxing Day? I'm sure my parents won't have a problem with it?"

"Yeah, that sounds like fun!" Pinkie approved.

"Sure, I don't have any plans." Sunset added.

"Well, I guess I'll see you all again soon!" Fluttershy happily finished as the four of them all said there goodbyes and wished each-other a Happy Holidays before they all set off on their journeys home. Sunset made her way to the parking lot before she hopped on her Motorcycle and drove off.

The snow began to pick up rapidly, a white Christmas tomorrow was almost certain at this point. Sunset left her motorcycle in a local parking garage, figuring she could walk to her house in the short distance and she probably wouldn't need to use it tomorrow, when she noticed what looked like Twilight walking along the pavement up ahead, wearing the same beautiful dress from earlier. Suddenly, those dreaded feelings began starting back up again. Sunset's stomach began to flutter, blood rushed straight to her face and she began to feel exceptionally warm in the freezing weather.

"Sunset?" Twilight turned around, her eyes looking slightly redder than usual, as if she'd been crying.

"Hi Twilight, how was your date with Timber?" Sunset adjusted herself.

"Oh, It was fun." Twilight smiled sweetly, though Sunset could detect she was hiding something.

"Hey, what's wrong?" she questioned.

"Well, we actually decided to break up." Twilight admitted, with tears beginning to fill her eyes once again.

"Oh no." Sunset pitied, knowing how Important this first relationship was to Twilight, "Are you gonna be okay?"

"Yeah, I'll be fine!" Twilight uncontrollably wept, as Sunset brought her into a comforting hug.

"Would you like me to walk you home?" Sunset offered kindly.

"That would be great but I'm staying with my parents for the holidays! They live just on the edge of town so it's quite a long walk, usually I don't mind but it's really cold tonight and I'm kinda tired." Twilight confessed, clearing her eyes as Sunset began to think of a way she could help out.

"Look, my place isn't too far so we'll head back there and maybe you can call someone to pick you up?"

"I suppose I could call my brother, he should be on his way there tonight anyway?" Twilight pondered. "Okay then, thank you Sunset!" She agreed as the two of them set off.

Eventually, they reached Sunset's house as the two of them stepped inside. Sunset turned on all the decorations and fed Ray while Twilight called her brother Shining Armour. She gave him the address and tearfully told him about her breakup. Shining comforted her and agreed that he, along with Principal Cadence, would be along to pick her up in a few minutes.

"Okay then. Thank you Shining, I Love you BBBFF." Twilight ended their conversation before hanging up the phone. Sunset could see Twilight was still incredibly upset and wanted to find a way to find a way to help cheer her up, even if it was just a little bit. She scanned the room around her when she found a leftover balloon from last night and figured it was better than nothing as she began to inhale the helium. She'd sucked so much over the past couple days that she was starting to fear brain damage but if it made Twilight feel better, than it would be worth it.

"My brother will be over soon, thank you again so much for this." Twilight smiled thankfully.

"Don't mention it, what are friends for?" Sunset replied in a high-pitched voice, catching Twilight off guard and making her let out a small chuckle. "Did that cheer you up a bit?" Sunset giggled, clearing her throat and restoring her voice to normal.

"Yeah it did Sunsqueak. Thanks, I really needed that." Twilight smiled, "So, are you going back through the portal tonight to spend Christmas with your family in Equestria?"

"Well firstly, we ponies celebrate Heaths Warming instead of Christmas. And no, I'm just gonna spend the day here as usual."

"Wait, you're spending Christmas day all by yourself?"

"Well no, I'll have Ray here with me. Don't you worry about me, I'll be alright!"

Despite insisting she was fine, Twilight couldn't help but feel bad that Sunset didn't have a family or friends to spend Christmas Day with. It was bad enough that she never got her Secret Santa gift from Twilight. Then, she came up with an idea that may be able to solve both problems.

"Hey, why don't you come with me?" Twilight offered.

"What do you mean?" Sunset questioned.

"Sunset, I'd like for you to come spend Christmas day with me and my family!"

"Oh Twilight, I couldn't do that."

"It'll be fine, I'm sure my folks won't mind. Plus, my mom could probably use an extra hand in the kitchen to stop Spike from trying to eat everything."

"I don't know Twilight, I would really hate to intrude!"

"Please Sunset! After everything you've done for me over the time we've been friends, this is the least I can do."

After much discussion and questions, Sunset sat down her bed and really thought about it. It would be nice to spend tomorrow with other people but she didn't want to barge in and possibly ruin her friend's Christmas like this. Plus, what could this mean for her crush? What if her feelings became stronger? Despite these doubts, Twilight did really seem to insist upon the idea. She said Sunset could sleep on her couch and that she could even bring Ray along too. This did sound ideal and like a lot of fun. After much thought, she finally made her decision.

"Okay then Twilight, I'll do it." Sunset answered, "I would love to spend Christmas Day with you and your family!"

"That's great." Twilight smiled, "You're gonna have an amazing time, my family love the holidays!."

"I guess I should start packing then." Sunset realized as she grabbed her backpack and began to look around for what to bring. She ran into her bathroom as Twilight noticed Sunset's magic journal that she used to write to the princess. Twilight figured a nice holiday message from her royal pony counterpart would be great for Sunset since they were really close friends, almost like a magical Christmas card of sorts. She quickly found a pen, scrolled to a blank page and began to write the first things that came into her head.

Dear Princess Twilight
It's you, well the other Twilight.
Anyways, I hope you're having a wonderful Christmastime or Hearths Warming as Sunset told me you call it.
She really is an amazing person and has taught me so much about friendship. Since she didn't really have anyone to spend the holidays with, I asked her to spend the day with my family. I'm sure you're very busy but I think Sunset would love to hear from you if you have the time. She doesn't know that i'm writing to you so i'm hoping it can be a nice surprise.
Thank you and Happy Holidays.

Twilight finished her message and closed the journal just as Sunset came back into the room. "There it is!" She relieved, packing the journal into her backpack, along with her toothbrush, a pair of pajamas, her phone, a pair of slippers, underwear some food for Ray and a couple leftover balloons. She went to grab her bed covers until Twilight noted they would have a spare blanket she could use, when there was a knock at the door.

"That should be my brother, are you ready to go?" Twilight asked excitedly.

"I think so, are you sure about this?" Sunset checked, carrying Ray inside of his cage.

"Yes Sunset, I'm sure. Nobody should spend Christmas day by themselves." Twilight confirmed as she opened the door to reveal Shining Armour standing outside, along with Crystal Preps Principal Cadence beside him.

"Twily!" Shining greeted enthusiastically as his sister lunged into him for an emotional hug, almost knocking him down the stairs. Sunset chuckled under her breathe at her friends childlike joy, she'd never looked so adorable. Sunset didn't try to deny her feelings anymore, this crush was probably only temporary anyway. She just made sure to keep it to herself and hope that she got over it.

"Shiny, I've missed you so much!" Twilight grinned, as the two of them ended their embrace.

"I've missed you too sis'." Shining chuckled, "How are you?"

"I'm tired." Twilight yawned, before reuniting with her old Crystal Prep friend and soon to be sister-in-law Cadence.

"Hello Twilight, it's lovely to see you again." Cadence hugged her happily.

"Oh, this is my friend Sunset!" Twilight introduced, as Sunset said hello to them.

"I remember you from the Friendship Games." Cadence recalled, "how have you been?"

"I've been okay, I heard you're the Principal now." Sunset chatted, as the two of them started a conversation.

"I hope you don't mind but I invited Sunset to come spend Christmas Day with us since her family are...um.....unavailable!" Twilight requested.

"If it's not to much trouble that is?" Sunset added, "I would really hate to disturb your families Christmas in any way."

"No, sounds fine to me." Shining shrugged, "Mom and Dad don't know Cadence is coming so another surprise guest shouldn't hurt."

"Thank you so much!" Sunset smiled.

"Are you girls ready to go then?" Cadence asked, "we should really start moving now if we want to be there before midnight."

The four of them headed towards Shining Armour car which had been parked just outside. Twilight and Sunset climbed into the back seats and fastened their seat belts as Twilight began to yawn like a kitten, much to amusement of Sunset who found exceptionally cute.

"You know, you can always have a nap in the car if you'd like?" Cadence suggested, as Shining made his way into the drivers seat and turned the keys in the ignition.

"Thank you for this Twilight." Sunset appreciated.

"No problem, Merry Christmas from your Secret Santa." Twilight stretched, as the car began to drive off. A few minutes into the journey, Twilight was fast asleep as Sunset watched over her. Shining had called their parents on the way there, notifying them about the unexpected guests they were bringing.

"She looks so peaceful, doesn't she?" Cadence commented.

"Yeah, I guess she does." Sunset agreed, "Again, Thank you so much for letting me tag along."

"It's fine Sunset, I'm always to help out my little sister's friends." Shining remarked, "So, I take it Twilight mentioned her break-up to you?"

"Yeah, It's a shame." Sunset sighed, "They seemed so happy together and Twilight's such an amazing person."

"It is unfortunate." Cadence sympathized, "But she's still very young, so I'm sure she'll find someone else."

"Who know's, maybe she'll meet someone even better!" Shining added.

"Yeah, maybe there could be someone she perhaps has more in common with or maybe someone who understands her better or....." Sunset suggested.

"Someone like you Sunset?" Cadence smirked.

"What?...I..don't...know...what you mean by that?" Sunset stuttered, with a rosy blush arising upon her face.

"Trust me Sunset." Cadence giggled, "I'm engaged to a man I've known and liked since before I was your age, I know a little bit about young love."

"Young...Love?" Sunset stammered, "I don't know if I'd go that far."

"I suppose it could just be a crush." Cadence continued, "but either way, you definitely feel something more for her?

"Is it that obvious then?" Sunset worriedly chuckled, hoping that Twilight hadn't figured anything out.

"No Sunset, you've done a much better job of hiding your true feelings than anyone I've seen back at Crystal Prep." Cadence commended, "You should've seen Sour Sweet trying to hide her crush on Royal Pin, now that was quite a sight to witness!"

"if it helps, I think you're a lovely young woman and you could make Twilight very happy." Shining complimented.

"Thanks, I guess" Sunset responded awkwardly.

"But you know that right now, what Twilight needs is for you to be her friend." Cadence reminded.

"I know." Sunset agreed, "I'm actually hesitant to tell her at all, so for now I'll be the best friend that I possibly can!"

"Thanks Sunset. We won't say anything you've told us to her, It'll be our little secret!" Shining offered.

"As long as you don't mention our engagement." Cadence inserted, "we're keeping that as a surprise for tomorrow."

"I won't say a word." Sunset approved, "but congratulations you two!"

"Thank you Sunset, you're a wonderful young lady." Cadence kindly wrapped up their conversation as they finally reached their parents house. They began to pull into the driveway when Twilight began to awaken from her nap.

"Hey guys, are we there already?" She rubbed her eyes.

"Yes Twily, we're here!" Shining quietly laughed, "we've just been talking to your friend."

"What did you guys talk about?" Twilight questioned curiously.

"Oh, nothing much." Cadence fibbed, winking at Sunset after Twilight left the car. Sunset grabbed her backpack and began to walked up the steep driveway. Their house was huge and the front garden was spectacular. They finally reached the house where Twilight Velvet, Shining and Twilight's mother, opened the door to greet her guests. She recalled meeting Sunset once before at Parent-teacher evening at Canterlot High, where Sunset was helping out as extra staff. She greeted Sunset in a very friendly manner, much like her daughter would do, and showed her into their lounge where a surprisingly luxurious sofa-bed had been arranged for her to sleep on. It was right besides their stunning Christmas tree. Sunset emptied her bag and used their bathroom, which looked and felt more like a majestic spa, to change into her regular purple pajamas, brush her teeth and comb her hair whilst everyone else did their regular bedtime routines.

"Now you all best get to sleep fast, otherwise Santa Claus won't come!" Twilight Velvet joked, getting a playful nudge from her daughter.

"Goodnight Sunset, see you tomorrow." Twilight waved, as Spike followed her up the stairs to her bedroom.

"Goodnight Twilight." Sunset called back, smile upon her face as she began climbing into bed. She'd gotten herself a small glass of water from the kitchen and placed Ray and his cage on a empty shelf close by before falling asleep. She certainly needed the sleep after such an unexpected long and eventful day.