• Published 26th Sep 2017
  • 4,323 Views, 41 Comments

Sunset Shimmer Does Not Want - TheNewYorkBrony

Sunset Shimmer is going to do everything in her power to stop Timber from having Twilight

  • ...

Chapter 1

The sun beat down on the newly arrived campers of Camp Everfree. Sunset had never been one for nature, but her friends had begged her to go, saying it wouldn't have been the same without her.

She supposed so, which is why she had ultimately decided to tag along. But nothing, nothing could prepare her for what awaited at camp.

The moment she and Twilight had stepped off the bus, Flash was in their face. Well, Twilight's face. He still had feelings for the other Twilight, and was clearly projecting them onto this Twilight. Which was honestly creepy. And too cringey to watch.

Once he had taken his leave mumbling to himself, Sunset had explained his weird behavior. (Even though she was sure she went over this before.) Twilight didn't seem to be bothered, or really care, for that matter. Sunset couldn't tell if it was because the girl had never had someone interested in her or she was that dense when it came to social interaction.

If it was the latter, then her and human Twilight had a lot of work to do.

After one more constant reminder of what they had all been through courtesy of Pinkie, everyone was assigned tents.

Sunset saw Timber Spruce, Gloriosa Daisy’s brother, talking to Twilight and frowned. They were nerding out over something, gems or whatever. Great. Another guy trying to get in Twilight’s pants. At least this one wasn't creepily obsessed with her double.

In their tent, Sunset tuned her guitar as Twilight put away her clothes. She spoke up once she noticed Twilight was a little distracted.

“Timber Spruce is really cute, huh?” She asked, putting her guitar down. She watched the younger girl whirl around their temporary shared living space, moving things around and setting things up.

Sunset had decided not to put anything away yet, since she didn't have much to begin with. Unlike most of the kids on this trip, (and in the most extreme case, Rarity,) she only brought what she needed, and figured she wouldn't need to set aside anything until she got up in the morning.

Twilight pushed her glasses up on her face. “C-Cute?” She stuttered. “I guess so. I mean, he is what girls my age would call attractive but—”

“But?” Sunset repeated, raising a brow.

“I-It's nothing!” Twilight told her hurriedly, grabbing her backpack off the bed. “We should get going. The nature walk is about to start. I don't want them to leave without us.”

Twilight’s abrupt answer confused Sunset, but she was right nonetheless. She also grabbed her knapsack. “Sure. Let's get going.”

The entire nature walk Sunset couldn't get a word in. Not because Twilight talked too much about the mundane process of erosion or Gloriosa was explaining the history of the woods, no, she couldn't say a word because every time she tried to talk to Twilight, Timber Spruce was there, talking nerd jargon with Twilight.

Sometimes when he realized that Sunset was right next to him and Twilight, he would try to engage her into the conversation, but the damage was done. She only responded back with unenthusiastic answers and hums.

Eventually he seemed to have given up and she was glad.

They reached a clearing where they were to observe a family of deer that had been recently spotted around the area multiple times. Everyone set up camp a few feet away in some tall grass so that they wouldn't be seen. And unfortunately for Sunset, she was stuck sitting next to Twilight and Timber Spruce.

“Hey,” He said, whispering to the bespectacled girl. “When we get back to camp, want me to show you some of the rare flora growing around some of the tents?”

Twilight didn't even have a chance to answer before Sunset snapped, “She can't. She's helping Pinkie spot Rainbow with her push ups.” which was a dumb excuse because you only really needed one person to spot you when doing said push ups.

Twilight opened her mouth to speak again, but the stern look Sunset gave her told her that she didn't have much of a choice in the matter. She just nodded.

“Oh,” Timber said, trying to hide his disappointment. “Maybe some other time then.”

“Yeah.” Twilight responded solemnly.

Sunset didn't even think that Twilight understood the connotations of his invite, which is why she interjected when she did. Don't get her wrong, Twilight was a smart girl, but was a dunce when it came to social cues. Doing science stuff with someone seems innocent enough when you don't know that the person you want to do it with has ulterior motives to get into your pants.

“Oh! Look!” Fluttershy shouted, bringing Sunset out of her thoughts. “They're so cute!”

The deer family approached, the fawns tentatively hiding behind their mother. Fluttershy, (and most of the girls in their group for that matter,) continued to coo at the family.

Sunset was less than impressed. She'd seen tons of wild animals in Equestria. Big and small. Cute and well...attractively challenged. The creatures she had seen, encountered, even fought while she had been Princess Celestia’s student made these deers look like ordinary things you'd see every day.

“Cute, huh?” Timber asked Twilight. “But not as cute as you.”

Twilight blushed. “Uh, um, thanks.”

“Oh come on!” Sunset growled. That was the lamest pickup line she’s ever heard! And she's heard some really bad ones! What was worse was that Twilight was falling for it! “Did you know that male deers are called bucks?” She asked Timber, frowning. “And that they would do anything to protect their friends?” She glanced down at his crotch and then back at him. “Anything.” she repeated, feeling he got the message.

“Yeah...Yeah...That’s uh...Really interesting.” Timber said nervously, taking a noticeable step back.

Twilight, who was still completely oblivious, chimed, “Yes! And they’re also really aggressive to anyone who steps into their territory! Man, I’d hate to be the one to cross their path!”

Sunset smirked, and Timber shrunk into himself.

For the rest of the walk, Timber didn’t say anything else.

Night came, and the campers all found themselves sitting around the campfire for another round of roasted marshmallows and scary stories.

Twilight was seated in between Sunset, who was on her left, and Timber, who was on her right.

Ever since Sunset’s threat on the nature walk, Timber had been careful with what he said to Twilight, even giving her worried looks when she’d mumble something under her breath.

The entire day Sunset had been on his heels.

The bookworm was still none the wiser, and Sunset wanted to keep it that way.

Rarity had just finished telling another story about a disastrous outfit that she had somehow deemed so bad that it qualified as a horror story.

Rainbow had volunteered but had been sat back down by Gloriosa Daisy. The last story she told had unfortunately been slightly inappropriate, causing many of her fellow students to blush and for Celestia and Luna to give her a good talking to. Needless to say, she was banned from telling any other story for the rest of their stay at camp.

Sunset stood up in her place, her eyes immediately going to Timber. “I have a story.”

“Really?” Gloriosa asked. “Well then, go ahead Sunset Shimmer! I can’t wait to see what you have in store for us!”

Gloriosa Daisy’s always chipper voice was like nails on a chalkboard. Though Sunset smiled at her, thinking that the older girl was willing to accept anyone who wasn’t Rainbow.

Sunset cleared her throat, and began. “Once upon a time, there was a pesky camp counselor who wouldn’t stop hitting on one of his underaged campers. One day, he tried to get in her pants and died. The end.” she had been staring at Timber the entire time, who had been sweating profusely.

“Uh, does anyone feel like that story was kind of specific and aimed at someone?” Rainbow asked, half whispering to Rarity, Applejack and Fluttershy who were sitting beside her.

They all nodded in agreement.

“Erm, does anyone else have a story?” Gloriosa asked awkwardly, looking around the campfire.

“Me,” Timber said, standing up and challenging Sunset. “It's about how a little girl needs to mind her business.”

“Little girl?” Sunset demanded, taken aback. She poked a finger into his chest. “Why you—”

“Hey, hey! Ten minute tent time out! Now!” Gloriosa commanded, pointing both of them in the directions of their quarters respectively.

Sunset grumbled expletives to herself as she walked down the path back to her and Twilight’s tent. Okay...maybe she was being a little irrational. And jealous. And overbearing. And mean. But she was just trying to protect Twilight from whatever scheme Timber had going on in his head. Twilight was too pure for him, and she wanted her to stay that way.

She pulled open the tent flap to see Twilight sitting on her bed, looking distraught and confused.

“Uh, Twilight?” Sunset asked, putting a hand on her shoulder. “Are you okay?”

“What the heck was that? Do you have something against Timber or something? Did I miss something?” Twilight demanded, throwing her hands in the air.

“You missed a lot of things, Twilight!” Sunset shouted back at her. “He was totally trying to take your v-card!”

“What's a v-card?”


“What?! I didn't have friends before this, remember?! The closest thing I've got to a male companion is Spike and I'm not about to date my dog!” Twilight shouted back.

“Twilight, I was interfering with him making moves on you because you should be dating me, not that loser!” Sunset insisted.

“I'm not sure if I want to date anyone now, considering the fact that female pheromones make both sexes act impulsively barbaric and uncultured!” Twilight said, glaring at her.

“I did this for you!” Sunset said, folding her arms. “The least you could do is be appreciative of it!”

Her eyes followed Twilight as the younger girl rummaged around the tent for a blanket and a pillow and handed it to Sunset. “What’s this?” she asked, arching a brow.

“What you’ll need to sleep outside tonight,” Twilight responded, frowning and pushing Sunset out of the tent.

“Twilight, seriously?” Sunset demanded. When the young scientist didn’t respond, Sunset could see that she was very much indeed serious.

“I just, I don’t want to have any contact with any member of either sex right now. I think I want to spend some time alone. With Spike.” Twilight told her, turning away.

“That doesn’t help the whole dating your dog thing.”

“Fine, fine, I’m going, jeez...” Sunset surrendered, taking the blanket and pillow and sat outside, huddled up against the tent.

Not only had her plan backfired, but she also ended up in the proverbial dog house. The best she could hope for was Twilight’s forgiveness, and then maybe, just maybe she could start a relationship with the nerd.

For right now though, she really, really needed to get laid.

“Hey Sunset,” Flash said, walking up to her. “Why are you out here on the ground?”

“What’s it look like, boy next door? Twilight kicked me out of our tent,” she grumbled. “That’s the last time I ever try to help a friend.”

Flash scratched behind his ear. “I’m not gonna ask what that’s about.”

“Don’t.” Sunset responded pointedly. “What are you doing here anyway?”

“I just wanted to know if you wanted to make some music together, you know...and stuff.” Flash said, kind of looking away from her.

Sunset tilted her head. “My guitar’s in the tent and Twilight’s still pretty mad so that’s not happening,” she responded, confused. “Unless you mean...”

He still wouldn’t look her in the eye.

Sunset considered it for a moment, but then she remembered how much she really didn’t like him, and rolled over. “Nah, you’re good bro.”

She didn’t need to get laid that much.

Author's Note:

Found this in google docs from a year ago. finished it. Dont forget to support me on patreon!

Comments ( 41 )

uuuggghh not a fan of this story sorry.

Haven't read the story yet, but seeing this in my feed gave me a brainfart.

Timber Spruce I do not like,
For Twilight's virginity I shall fight,
Their romance I shall impair,
No way he's sticking his dick in there!

(I promise I'll read this when I wake up tomorrow, sorry for the useless comment)

Tenka #3 · Sep 26th, 2017 · · 1 ·


Ya i agree.
Not funny, story was boring to, sorry thenewyorkborny

Okay, this was cute ^^
And made me want to comb my own google docs. Never know what you may find... I'm glad you posted this

Oh my gosh thats brilliant

-shrugs- they can't all be winners.

Sunset cleared her throat, and began. “Once upon a time, there was a pesky camp counselor who wouldn’t stop hitting on one of his underaged campers. One day, he tried to get in her pants and died. The end.” she had been staring at Timber the entire time, who had been sweating profusely.

Best story ever!

Don't get me wrong it's nice idea, and did think be great, jsut makes Sunset look like a ass, or possive jerk.
She alsmost seem like...Kuno from Ranma 1/2 in a way...SHUDDERS!

Seems like she's back to first personality(not that I'm complaining). Also, I can buy the fact Twilight wouldn't know about... well that considering what's she's been though. I did notice one issue in this story. Like mine, Sunset doesn't seem(from the readers POV) to consider Twilight's feeling in all this(albeit, done better here). Also, if I may ask, how old is everyone in this? If we're going by Camp Everfree's continuity, I'd have to assume 18 but I could be wrong. Otherwise, it's more about jealousy rather then being morally wrong. Of course, that's just me. Still a great story.

Nah its okay. :) i get what you mean

:rainbowlaugh: Flash can't even get any "fuck anything to boost my ego" sex.

Interesting story, but not a fan of the execution. Sunset seems like an ass. It would be easier to understand where sunset was coming from if she was speaking from experience. Like if she was taken advantage of by someone (possibly Flash) when she first came here. It's just a thought however.

Oh, wow. That was certainly something.

Nobody likes Flash, lol.

8450214 Was that refereed to me?

Upvoted just because of the subject matter alone.

Screw Timber.

I'm not the biggest sunlight shipper but I'm all for anything that stops Timbertwi from happening

8450335 Ah. Well, what I said earlier still stands so there's that.

Sunset considered it for a moment, but then she remembered how much she really didn’t like him, and rolled over. “Nah, you’re good bro.”

Still pissy that he dumped you eh?

Yeah, as much as I dislike the Timber/Twilight relationship because of the age difference, Sunset was being a definite ass and acting far too clingy to Twilight for me to like her here. She's actually fairly creepy and dare I say it, sociopathic here. So no, just no.

Instant fav cuz "F#?_$ you Timber", that's why xD

That and SciTwi x Sunset

i like that you had sunset point out the underaged thing timber is just creepy to me

even if he is the same age (which makes no sense as he is helping run a camp) as the girls he still should not be flirting with campers

why is the male councilor in charge of the girls any ways that is just asking for problems

I'm not one for shipping in either universe (expect for...one...), but this was a great read!
Well done, mate!

So after seeing Sunset spend the better part of the day hitting on Twilight, Flash's plan is to go up to her and proposition her right outside of Twilight 's tent.. Yeah, that's about the intelligence level I've come to expect from him.

I keep forgoting that Timber is at least 18. Also I'm pretty sure Pony Twilight is projecting her attraction to the Pony Flash. Just saying.

I personally don't really have much against SpruceLight other than the age difference, and I actually am kind of a fan of SunFlash ever since reading JayTheBrony's stories. :applejackunsure:

But eww, why would you do that?

Sunset saw Timber Spruce, Gloriosa Daisy’s brother, talking to Twilight and frowned. They were nerding out over something, gems or whatever. Great. Another guy trying to get in Twilight’s pants. At least this one wasn't creepily obsessed with her double.

Which is kinda ironic, given that Sunset seems to be creepily obsessed with Twilight herself.

“Twilight, I was interfering with him making moves on you because you should be dating me, not that loser!” Sunset insisted.

I wonder if she took into account a tiny possibility that Twilight may be, like, straight. No wonder Twilight prefers to spend time with Spike – everyone who's into her seems to be a bit unhinged (and now I'm imagining Flash, Timber, and Sunset drowning their sorrows over being rejected together).

8450975 The whole Pony Twilight/Flash attraction thing is another can of worms that I'm sure even Sunset doesn't want to open.

Just as long as it isn't one sided you know. I don't want to read that Flash is deemed creepy for liking the wrong Twilight only for the Pony Twilight to be attracted to pony Flash you know.

Ha cockblock shimmer got blocked! Nobody wins! XD

And the moral of the story is to let your friends make their own decisions. Especially regarding romantic matters. Otherwise...

Well, at least Sunset gets to sleep under the stars. Just not with them. :twilightangry2:

8451436but what evidence there is even an age difference? For all we know the age requirements for camp counselor might be lower. I mean this an alternatie version of Equestria and also common sense should tell people(fans) that Hasbro wouldn't have an older guy date and teenager possibly 17-18. It just seem like most of the time shippers pull out asinine reason to try and sink ships they don't like ie straight.

This is Equestria girls. Your trying to apply real world logic and laws to a world where everything is solved with friendship. I'm just saying it never seems to cross any ones mind that maybe the age requirements for camp counselor is lower than that in the real world.

Here you go guys timber spruce is not over 20.
Ishi Rudell (2017-05-01). Ishi Rudell on Twitter: "@SeanHorace 17-18". Twitter

even if he is not and adult its still an abuse of power for a counselor to flirt with a camper

timber is a creep end of story

He. Sunset is jealous!

We need a sequel bro.

i need a sequel

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