• Member Since 16th Mar, 2015
  • offline last seen April 6th



The house was hers. It was old, and rotting from the inside out, but she had lived here longer than she could remember. Cleaning was impossible, as every time she cleaned or repaired something, it would rot and disappear when she turned away. It was a losing battle, but she needed to stay, though she couldn't remember why.
One day, an injured pony comes barging in, pursued by timberwolves. He's the first guest she's had in... well... longer than she could remember! His presence signals the start of a very interesting change in her private little life.

Chapters (8)
Comments ( 32 )

how the fuck are you not more popular?

Thank you, I'm glad you liked it.

I write mostly horror, which is a very niche genre. It's made even more niche by these also being fanfiction of My Little Pony.
Glad you enjoyed it, though.

eh, that might explain it.
I'm more of a wandering reader ill read anything that's not either second person or shitfic I don't tend to stick to any genre or fandom in particular.

That just gave me shivers

Beautiful. Never found out what happened to her or how she died. But I have got to admit that was awesome

This deserves more likes, it was quite the nice read. Very heartwarming!

That story was absolutely beautiful. I'm a little sad that we didn't get to know more about her backstory, but at the same time it adds to the realness of it.
I'm inclined to check out some of your other stuff as well. You're a very good story teller.
I hope to see more fiction like this in the future.

I got a lot of Garden of Discord vibes reading this. Very wonderful, all the same. Bravo!

This story is original and the way it is written is very unique!
Well done!

I agree with the others, your a very good writer. My original thought was that you were doing a "spin" on the H.P.Lovecraft short story, "The Outsider"

I was surprisingly wrong. This is very much a unique and fantastic story in its own right.

The Monk

Was she the ghost? No. That was ridiculous. She’d know, surely.

i doupt i would know if I was a ghost

im a little scared to read the next chapter cause I dont know if tikbalang wiff move on or they will live happly ever after or if she will come to the land of the living as a living pony

this was very sweet tho the ending im afraid i let my imagination get the better of me

I'm glad you enjoyed it. It was the first "good" ending I'd written in a while. Bittersweet, at the very least. Thank you.

you are welcome tho I wouldnt mind a squeal about glory seed

This last chapter felt super rushed. :applejackunsure:

I mean, I enjoyed the story, but this kinda ended it on a lackluster note. Even if it was a happy ending.

Still, I'll give it a like and a fave.

I like this story, almost wish there was a sequel or that it was a bit longer so we could find 9ut more of her backstory/how she died, but I like the current ending too...

I understand. I have considered it, but I always fear that whatever answers I give as to her backstory will be unsatisfying. Whatever I imagine will not be the same as what someone else imagines.

I got a wild hair to relisten to this story. I think this is your best one.

The Monk

Thanks. I'm glad you like it. It felt very bittersweet to write, and was the longest story I'd written at the time.

This was really good! I like and don't like that there's no sequel. I want to learn more about her but at the same time, it ended well. Maybe a one-shot side story would be cool. It wouldn't have to include very much of her backstory to keep up the mystery but just enough for Hearth's Warming. Like a tradition of hers or something. You did leave some hints about her life which I liked. Like how she was a dancer and possibly died of a disease (possible consumption given the time period hints) It was really cool. It reminded me of the Giving Tree. Whatever you decide to do with it, this is your story

I'm glad you liked it. For some odd reason this story seems to get the best reviews as they come, though I suppose I can see why. I don't think I'll do anything more with it, but thank you for the compliments.

Gaining things back. Rebuilding, in home and spirit, steadily.

The mask falls away. And the truth is plain to see.

I really like this fic :twilightsmile:

I dont usually comment, ´cause english is not my first language, but hey! I see a good fic with so little comments and I want to amend that.

This is so cute, I love it!

This is really a lovely, beautiful story, I can say. :twilightsmile:

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