• Published 18th Sep 2017
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Origin of Ahuizotl - Catrina37

During a mission with Fluttershy and Daring Do to get the Idol of Boreus, they run into Ahuizotl and one-eyed giants. While they are trapped, Ahuizotl tells them his life story.

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Save the Cats

Chapter 10: Save the Cats

Daring Do took a peek at the small opening, hoping to find Rainbow Dash with help. Then, she turned and saw Ahuizotl surrounded by his cats, Megan, and Fluttershy. She sighed with frustration and flew toward the group.

"So you defeated Malefico with your natural strength and took control of the Southern Equestria crime rings," Daring Do said with a cynic tone, "What happened next?"

"The next chapter of my story tells how I met my pets...”


Ahuizotl and his gang were celebrating with cups of cider all around. They even had a toast to their wonderful victory.

"After I took over Malefico's operations, my boys and I decided to celebrate by attending a show. That is when we came across Ringo Ringaling's Circus of the Elements..."


Fluttershy interrupted the flashback and yelled, "Wait! Did you say Ringo Ringaling's Circus?"

"You've heard of it, Fluttershy?" Megan asked.

"The Equestrian Society for the Preservation of Rare Creatures have been protesting against that circus for some time. That circus is ill-famed for using animals for inhumane acts to make a profit. They also use cruel methods to train the animals into being vicious enough for their acts. Thinking about it makes me so angry, I could scream!"

Fluttershy took in a really big breath, but instead of a scream, she let out a long, soft squeal, much to the confusion of everyone as they raised eyebrows and looked at her with concern.

When Fluttershy finished "screaming", Daring Do asked, "Any better?"

"No," Fluttershy said.

"Unfortunately, the young Pegasus is right," Ahuizotl said, "I got to see Ringo's act for what it was...”


"For his performance, he had five cats on stage, each about to do a feet involving an element. There was Stripes, a tiger who was about to jump through five hoops of fire; Maverick, a jaguar who was trapped in a tank filling with water unless he can get five keys; Duma, who was to test his speed against falling boulders; Snowy, the lynx who was to dodge debris as the wind blows some; and then there's Princessca, the ice skating kitten. I was appalled when I saw how Ringo makes them do the cruel acts they were assigned. It was a lot like how my father used to treat me..."

When Ahuizotl, Cabelleron, and their henchponies arrive at the circus, they saw a white unicorn with a black mustache, top hat, and ringmaster attire at the center ring with the spotlight on him.

"Fillies and Gentlecolts! Feast your eyes on the magnificent wonders of the Circus of the Elements!" Ringo shouted to the crowd, "Tonight, five cats will put their skills to the test as they fight against the elements of fire, water, earth, wind, and ice!"

First, the spotlight was shone on a nervous tiger as the five hoops in front of him flame up into circles of fire. Then, the spotlight showed a black jaguar in a tank with two pipes underneath. Then, another spotlight showed a scared cheetah with boulders hanging above him. The fourth spotlight showed a lynx in front of a huge fan in front of him with heavy objects hanging above them both. The final spotlight showed a white kitten in a pink dress, slipping on ice. Each of the cats had muscled unicorns with zapping prods. Ahuizotl was not happy with what he's seeing, and neither is the rest of the crowd as they booed and hissed.

The tiger quivered at the sight of the fiery hoops until the pony behind him prodded him with one zap. He jumped through all five hoops, but panics when he saw a flame on his tail tip. He dipped it into a nearby pail of water. Then, Ringo got out his whip and whipped the poor tiger.

"Get back and do your act right!" Ringo yelled.

Ahuizotl growled with anger as he saw more of what was happening.

The jaguar got the key, but the tank filled with water quickly. He held his breath until he unlocked the tank with his key, opened the tank, and took a huff of air while wet.

The cheetah dodged at lightning speed as the boulders dropped on until he made it to the end. The poor thing was panting until a pony prodded him.

The lynx pawed the small debris that was blown toward him by the fan. Then, he quickly dodged the bigger debris. He wasn't even focused on how tired he was.

Meanwhile, the poor kitten was slipping on the ice, struggling to lift her hind legs up when she got prodded. It meowed in pain.

Ahuizotl growled with fury as he watched the poor cats get mistreated by Ringo and his goons. Just watching these animals being put through such misery reminded him of how his father used to mistreat him. He knew by now that somebody had to do something that was far from watching, booing, and hissing. And he knows who.


"After his horrid show, I decided to have a few words with Mr. Ringaling..."

After the show ended, Mr. Ringo was counting how much money he made off of the tickets that were sold. But his counting was cut short when he noticed a shadow was looming over him.

Ahuizotl grabbed Ringo by the neck and slams him against one of the cages. Ahuizotl was rearing his teeth with his henchponies beside him.

"What do you want from me?" a scared Ringo shouted.

"We want those five cats from your show!" Ahuizotl screamed.

The five cats quivered in their cages as Ahuizotl screamed at Ringo.

"I-I guess we could give these rejects away for the right price..." Ringo said as he sweated.

"We are not buying them! We are taking them for free!" Ahuizotl said gruffly.


Ringo opened the cages and released the five cats. The five cats jumped Ahuizotl and started licking him as he laughed.

"Stop! That tickles!" he said while laughing.

Nearby, Caballeron and his gang watched the scene before them with a smile. Not even they liked Ringo’s circus acts.

“Pleasure doing business with you.” Caballeron said to Ringo.

After he said that, Caballeron flicked the ringmaster’s hat off of him before he and the others left. The ringmaster could only pick up his hat and watch with scorn because of what just happened.

Ahuizotl and the others left the tent and stopped just outside the entrance. He turned to face the cats that he had rescued from that ghastly place.

"I have room in my gang for ones like you. You cats interested?"

The five cats nodded yes. Princessca started cuddling Ahuizotl at his feet and meowed. Ahuizotl chuckled as he picked her up and petted her.


"On that day, I gained a family I always wanted," he said as his cats cuddled him.

Fluttershy and Megan smiled at each other, warm-hearted to know that Ahuizotl found a family in the cats.

Daring Do of course gave the same kind of expression that she kept up. Although, on the inside, she will admit that what he did for his cats was pretty grand. And maybe she believed him on that, but she still thought that he was far from a saint.