• Published 2nd Sep 2017
  • 3,538 Views, 70 Comments

The Reaper - Blade Trail

Commander Gabriel Reyes, now the black-robed terrorist known as Reaper, is thrust into the magical world of Equestria after an encounter with an artifact charged with ancient dragon magic. An Overwatch crossover.

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Chapter 13: Welcome to Minos

The group’s journey to Minos was largely uneventful. With Rarity navigating and Rainbow Dash piloting, they had no problems with either direction or weather. Most of their time was passed with idle chatter, although occasionally, Rainbow would fly off to stretch her wings and Rarity would fuss over some sketches she had brought along.

As Rarity brought out her sketchpad again, Reaper asked, “What is it that you’re doing, exactly?”

“Working on my next fashion line,” Rarity replied without looking away from her sketches. “I’m afraid it’s not going as I had hoped. I’ve come up with dozens of designs, and the others think they’re lovely, but I’m not satisfied. They lack that...spark. I mean, sure, they’re nice, but you can go to any shop and find something nice. I want anypony that walks into one of my boutiques to find something truly inspired.” - Rarity sighed and put away her sketchpad - “But this isn’t it.”

“You’re a...fashion designer?” Reaper asked.

Rarity gave Reaper a surprised look. “You didn’t know?”

Reaper shrugged. “I don’t get out much.”

“I suppose that is true...You have spent most of your time cooped up in Twilight’s castle,” Rarity mused. She examined Reaper as if she was seeing him for the first time. “That reminds me, I never really got a chance to tell you, Reaper, but I do admire that outfit of yours. It is very dark and mysterious. Quite fitting for you, if I do say so myself. It’s hoofmade, isn’t it?”

Although Reaper understood what Rarity meant, Reyes’ voice couldn’t help but ask, How do you make anything with hooves?

“How do you...” Reaper began to echo before catching himself. “I mean...yes. I made these robes myself. How did you know?”

Rarity smiled. “I can tell a labor of love when I see one, darling, and your getup practically screams ‘personal touch’. That said, it seems that it’s your only getup. I understand that you’ve found yourself in a foreign world, so you’ve hardly had a choice in the matter, but surely you must be tired of only having one thing to wear.”

We’ve been wearing the same outfit almost every day for years, Reyes commented. Damn right, it’s gotten old.

“A bit,” Reaper conceded.

“In that case, you simply must allow me to create a new ensemble for you!” Rarity said, beaming.

Agree! Reyes’ voice commanded. No, wait, offer to help! C’mon, we love making costumes!

Reaper actually did like that idea. “Alright...but only if I can help make it.”

“Oooh, a collaboration, then?” Rarity said. “I like it!”

Just then, Rainbow Dash, who had flown out to scout ahead, flew back into the balloon basket. “Hey, guys! I think we’re almost there!”

Rarity looked out at the mountain they were approaching. “Indeed we are, Rainbow Dash. Take us down to the base of the mountain. The map says that there should be an entrance to the city somewhere there.”

“Yes! It’s about time!” Rainbow exclaimed, moving to follow Rarity’s directions.

As the balloon descended, Reaper looked around the area. The Minos Mountain stood alone in the middle of a vast wasteland. All around it, nothing could be seen but sand and rocks. It was a jarringly different landscape from the vibrant colors of Equestria.

This wasteland isn’t natural, Reyes’ voice said. It was made this way on purpose.

“Scorched earth strategy,” Reaper agreed under his breath. “And not just once. This place has seen a lot of battle, and it’s never recovered from it.”

Seems like a bad place to find a friendship, Reyes voice said.

“Seems like a good place to find a problem,” Reaper added.

As soon as the balloon landed at the base of the mountain, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, and Reaper all stepped out. The ponies brought their saddlebags with them while Reaper brought his backpack - it was apparently one of Spike’s, so it fit him nicely.

“Now what?” Rainbow asked. “Does the map tell us where the entrance is?”

Rarity let out a sound of disgust. “Ugh, no. And it didn’t say anything about all of this sand, either!”

A large minotaur loomed over the trio. “Detestable isn’t it? It’s coarse and rough and irritating...”

“And it gets everywhere!” Rarity agreed. Her eyes widened when she realized that the speaker was not one of her companions.

Reaper looked up to see the minotaur’s face. Then he looked up higher. Then he looked higher still.

How the hell did this guy sneak up on us? Reyes’ voice asked. He’s huge!

Reaper didn’t know how tall the minotaur was exactly - he didn’t even know his own exact height in this form - but he guessed that the minotaur was roughly three times the height of an average pony. In stark contrast to the harsh environment around them, the minotaur was dressed in what appeared to be a nobleman’s finery. His clothes were made of a dark blue silk with a gold trim, his hide was a deep black, and a simple golden crown lay atop his bald head in-between his large, curved horns. Despite the minotaur’s height, he appeared to be quite lanky. Although it was difficult to tell just how lanky, given how loosely he wore his clothing.

“Greetings,” the minotaur said. “I am -”

“Dagger!” another minotaur called out as he sprinted towards the group. “I told you to wait for me!”

The second minotaur reached the group and stood next to the first, whom he had called Dagger. This minotaur was tall, but not as tall as Dagger. His height was only around two times that of the average pony, but he was massive in another way. Where Dagger was lanky, this minotaur was muscular. Save for a crown identical to Dagger’s between his two straight horns, he wore no clothing, showing off muscles so thick that they seem to be ready to burst from his blonde hide. When he spotted the ponies and Reaper, he leaned down to examine them closer, a wide smile growing on his face.

“Wait, this is them?” the shorter minotaur asked Dagger. “These are the ones we were all worked up about? RAHAHAHAHA!”

“Yes, Axe, these are the occupants of the balloon,” Dagger said, his voice calm.

“Good thing we called off the ballistas, then!” Axe boomed “I don't think our boys would've hit targets this small! You were right, Dagger. I couldn't have just run up and crushed them with my bare hands. They're so tiny, they'd slip right through my fingers! RAHAHAHAHA!”

Upon realizing how close they had come to being attacked, Rainbow Dash frowned and Rarity paled. Reaper scowled and clenched his fists.

“We could hardly have known -” Dagger began.

“Bah!” Axe exclaimed, cutting Dagger off. “They’re ponies, Dagger! Harmless!”

“Ponies can be quite powerful, Axe,” Dagger said. “And they are not all ponies.”

“No power is a match for the breathtaking, awe-inspiring, fear-inducing might of Minos!” Axe declared, flexing a different set of muscles for each adjective and punctuating his statement with a dramatic pose pointing towards the mountain.

Irritation flashed across Dagger’s features, but by the time Axe stopped posing, his face was once more the picture of calm.

Unaware of Dagger’s thinning patience, Axe continued, “Besides, ponies never start fights. They prefer friendship and peace. And anyone that travels with ponies must be the same. Isn’t that right, little ones?” Axe asked.

“Yes, of course,” Rarity said, forcing a smile.

“But we’ll throw down if we have to, make no mistake!” Rainbow added.

Dagger’s eyes narrowed at that, but Axe just laughed.

“Rainbow,” Rarity said through the grit teeth of her smile. “Not. Helping.”

Wow, Reyes’ voice commented. And we thought we were bad at diplomacy.

Reaper took out the scroll Twilight had given him - minus his citizenship papers - and lifted it up towards the minotaurs. “We’re here as ambassadors from Equestria.”

Following Reaper’s lead, Rarity and Rainbow both brought out their papers as well. Dagger took Rarity’s as she had levitated hers closest to him.

“It seems they speak the truth,” Dagger said after briefly scanning the scroll. “Also, there are now five alicorn princesses in Equestria. Quite the development.”

“Five!?” Axe exclaimed. “A thousand years with only one, and now there are suddenly five? Celestia must have finally gone into heat! RAHAHAHAHA!”

Rainbow Dash snickered at that, but Rarity looked appalled.

“It is not like that, I assure you!” Rarity said. “If you read the scroll -”

“Yes, I have, and yes, I know,” Dagger interrupted. “But do not count on my brother bothering to do so. In any case, it appears that we have much to discuss, and I would rather not do so out here among all this...sand.”

“Agreed!” Axe exclaimed. “Let us make our way out of this heat and into the palace! Come, tiny creatures, this way!”

Axe waved towards the mountain, and Reaper saw a large, camouflaged gate opening to let them in.
Dagger rolled the scroll back up and let Rarity take it back. Reaper was impressed by his dexterity. The scroll was miniscule compared to his huge hands, yet he had no difficulty manipulating it.

Seems the type to be good at manipulating, Reyes’ voice said.

As Rarity took back the scroll, she said “Thank you for taking the time to come out here and meet us instead of firing those ballistas.”

“Oh, don’t thank me,” Dagger said, his mouth curling into a sly smile. “Who do you think ordered the ballistas loaded in the first place?”

As Dagger walked off to follow Axe, Rainbow leaned over and whispered to her friends, “I do not like that guy. Does he seem shady to anyone else?”

“Now is not the time to jump to conclusions, Rainbow,” Rarity scolded. “For now, let’s just follow them and see where it goes. They haven’t mentioned it, but I don’t doubt that their very important pon - minotaurs.”

“What makes you say that?” Rainbow asked.

Reaper answered, “The crowns, the palace, and the fact that they seem to be giving the orders around here.”

Dagger turned back towards them. “Are you coming? Axe has already made it all the way back in the time you’ve spent whispering there.”

“Y-yes! Coming!” Rarity said.

As the group moved to follow Dagger, Reaper found himself looking into the darkness beyond the door into Minos and wondering what lay beyond it. Looking closer at the mountain, Reaper now saw several murder holes along its slopes. He watched them close one by one, their covers blending in with the rest of the environment. It occurred to Reaper that there could be any number of similarly hidden defenses all around them, and that there would certainly be more inside the city itself.

This could be dangerous, Reyes’ voice warned.

Images of his pony friends under assault - of possible assaults and ambushes - flashed in Reaper’s mind.

These minotaurs…they’re prepared to fight. To kill.

Reaper’s anger flared, and he glared intently into the darkness of the gate.

“So am I.”