• Published 21st Sep 2017
  • 1,208 Views, 36 Comments

Equestria girls: Shadows - Tunefulsubset72

To serve the light, we work in the dark. Nothing is true, everything's permitted

  • ...


Bristol, England

Flight 42 now boarding at gate 12.

"Well, I guess that's my flight." I said as I stood up as a woman stood up next to me. "Well I guess this is goodbye, Azreal."

"I guess so." Azreal said, as she smiled at me. "You've grown so much over the years."

"I've noticed." I said as Azreal laughed. "Anyway, my gear will arrive in a few days after I arrive, correct?"

"That is correct, we'd let you take them with you, but.....airport security." Azreal said as I rolled my eyes. "But it's there for a reason."

"Indeed." I said, as I adjust my jacket. "Don't worry, I'll try to stay out of trouble, but no promises."

"You'd better." Azreal said, as she sighed. "I'll miss you nephew."

"Likewise." I said as we hugged. "My parents sent me here to learn music, only in the end to find out I'm a Kenway." I said jokingly as we left go. "Well, tell Mr. Frye I send my regards, and until we met again."

"Farewell." Azreal said as I walked towards the gate. "Work in the dark."

"To serve the light." I said, to myself as I handed the flight attendant my ticket. "Seven years already."

----7 years ago----

"Come on Marcato." Azreal said as a young Marcato climbed up the side of a building. "It's not to hard."

"That easy for you to say." The boy snapped back as he pulled himself unto the roof. "I've only been at this for a few weeks, you've had years of experience."

"True." Azreal said as the boy stood up. "You're only nine years old and you've done what most kids your age couldn't."

"Thank dad for that." Marcato said as they sat on the edge of the roof. "He had me take martial arts when I was six until he said I had to leave." He said as he looked away sadly. "I'll never understand why they did that."

"I wish I knew myself." Azreal said as Marcato sighed. "One day you'll find out, but right now, according to what your parents said your stuck with me until your sixteen; until then your stuck training with me." Azreal said as she stood up. "Now follow my lead." She said as she leapt off the roof into a pile of hay.

"OH HELL NO!!!!!" I screamed in response.


"And yet she kept asking why I was afraid of heights." I muttered as I walked down the isle of the plane to my seat. "I wonder how my sister's doing?" I said as I leaned back as the plane began to move. "I shall soon see."

---Canterlot city, U.S.A---

"Hey Girls." A girl with red and orange hair said as she approached a group of girls that stood near a statue. "How was class?"

"Boring as always." One of the girls with rainbow hair responded. "What about you Sunset?"

"Come on Rainbow, we all know you enjoy your brothers class." Sunset said as the group giggled. "Today we did learn some cool stuff in history."

"You've always be a history nut." Rainbow said as Sunset rolled her eyes. "I can't wait for football season to start."

"You and me both Rainbow." A girl with blond hair and a southern accent said. "Ma' brother especially."

"Of course you would be Applejack." A girl with purple hair and a posh accent said as she put lipstick on her lips. "I for one don't condone on such.....barbaric games."

"Footballs awesome Rarity!" A energetic girl with pink puffy hair said appearing next to her. "Just give it one chance, please? I mean Rainbow's brother and Big Mac always seem to enjoy it every time they watch the game by how much they scream."

"I'm sorry pinkie, but the answer is still no. Also I believe that may be the alcohol screaming for them." Rarity said as Pinkie pouted. "Plus, I have things to do tonight anyway."

"I'd join you too, but I have to take care of the animals at the clinic." A girl with light pink hair said with a quiet voice. "Sorry."

"So I guess me, AJ, and Pinkie then?" Rainbow asked as Pinkie nodded. "What about you Sunset?"

"I have to study for a quiz in chemistry on Monday." Sunset said as Rainbow groaned. "Maybe next time." She said as someone bumped into her and fell to the ground. "You alright?" Sunset asked a she turned around to see who bumped into her.

"My apologies." The girl said as she got up. "I'm quite alright, you?"

"I'm fine." Sunset said as she helped the girl pick up her books. "You in a rush Octavia?"

"I am." Octavia said as Sunset noticed sadness in her eyes. "I wish I could stay and talk, but I must get home."

"You okay?" Sunset asked as Octavia nodded and ran off. "What's up with her?"

"No one told you?" Rarity asked as Sunset shrugged. "It's about today."

"I don't follow, what happened today to make Octavia so upset?" Sunset asked as the group gave her sad looks.

"His name was Marcato." Rarity said sadly. "He was Octavia's older brother."

"Was?" Sunset asked sadly. "Did he die?"

"Oh heavens no, he's very much alive." Rarity said. "A longtime ago, his parents shipped him off to England without explanation."

"Why would they do that?" Sunset asked. "By looking at Octavia, they seemed close."

"Not only were they siblings, they were also the best of friends." Rainbow said as a she bounced a soccer ball. "Kinda like the pine twins from gravity falls."

"When ever Octavia got bullied or hurt, he was always there protect her." Applejack said adjusting her hat. "But no one knows why his parents did it, the only time he got into trouble was gettin' into a fight protecting Octavia or some typical 9 year old boy thing."

"Is he ever going to come back?" Sunset asked as the grouped shrugged. "He sound like such a nice person."

"He was." Rarity said as the group walked away from the statue as the hawk flew over head. "He sure was."

---Melody residents---

"Mother, father, I'm home." Octavia said as she entered her house. "Hello?"

"I'm in the living room sweetie." Her mother called from another room. "How was school?"

"Same as always." Octavia said as she entered the living room where her mother was watching television, her mother had long black hair, similar to her daughters, and her eyes were ruby red. "I passed that test today."

"Well done." Her mother said cheerfully as Octavia sighed. "Something on your mind?"

"I'm fine." Octavia said quickly as her mother gave her a worried look. "I'll be in my room if you need me." She said as she went up the stairs to her room.

"Did I hear Octavia?" Her father said as he entered the living room as her mother turned the tv off. He had very dark blue hair and one blue and one grey eye. "Symphony?"

"That was her." Symphony said sadly as she stood up. "She seems depressed, and I think I know why."

"Want me to go cheer her up?" Her husband said with a smirk as Symphony sighed. "I know you want to tell her."

"How would she take it though, to find out that we had to choose between our own two children to stay." Symphony said quietly as a tear rolled down her cheek. "If those b@stard changlings hadn't forced us, she would be happy Bass."

"We had no choice, you know that." Bass said as she grabbed her shoulders. "It was either they both stayed and Octavia gets taken and used for you know what." He said as she slightly cried as his eyes got watery. " We both know he would be safe with your sister."

"He's probably sixteen by know, you know the deal we made." Symphony said she wiped her eyes. "I doubt he would ever want to see us."

"That may be true, but it also could be false." Bass said with a sad smile. "He might be coming home right now, for all we know."

---Canterlot airport---

"Yes I'm fine." I spoke into my phone as I walked out of the airport. "I just landed......Yes I have everything......I'll miss you too auntie." I said as I sighed. "I'll tell them you said hi, I already told you that....Love you too, bye." I said as I hung up. "I already have one mother, I don't need another." I muttered as I walked towards the busy roadway as cars and taxi came and left. "Let's hope they haven't forgotten me."


"Dinner almost ready." Bass said as he stood outside of his daughters room. "Tavi?" He called as he sighed. "Probably sleeping." He said as he walked down the hall, only to hear sobs coming from another room. "Tavi, is that you?" He asked as he listened closely for the noise. "Honey, you alright?" He asked he stopped in front of familiar closed door, as the sobbing continued from the other side. "Octavia?" He called as he opened the door to his sons room, and spotted his daughter curled up on the bed crying.

"Why did you have to send him away?" Octavia asked sadly as she stared at the wall as she hugged an old teddy bear. "Why not me?"

"We thought it'd be better if you remained here with your mother." Bass said as Octavia sat up as her father sat on the end of the bed. "If your brother stayed, he would've been forced to join the changelings."

"You've said that before." Octavia said as she put the bear down. "But....why did you send him away?"

"Because....." Her father sighed as she looked at him. "Chysalis mentioned she was afraid of him, something about a bloodline and pirate captain." He said as Octavia eyes widened.

"Dinner's ready." Symphony called as the two looked towards the door.

"If I had the answers, I could answer your questions." Bass said as they got off the bed. "But I don't, and one day, your brother will be back, and that is a promise that cannot be broken."

"I hope he does." Octavia said as she closed the door behind them. "I've been afraid to say it, but I miss him, a lot."

"We all miss him, but your mother doesn't want to say anything." Bass said as they walked down the stairs. "She just doesn't want to talk about him."

"I understand." Octavia said as someone knocked on the door. "I wonder who that could be?'

"I've got it." Her mother said as she walked towards the door. "You two go ahead and eat, I'll be there in a min...."she trailed off as she opened the door and gasped.

"Mother who is it?" Octavia asked as her mother began to cry as she hugged the person. "Father?"

"Honey, what's got you so...." He began as he approached the door.

"Who is it?" Octavia asked as he father opened the door further to reveal who it was. "M-Marcato?"

"I just got here and you're already trying to kill me mom." Her brother said as his mother let go. "I guess you missed me then."

Author's Note:

Mr. Frye is not the same one from syndicate