• Published 18th Aug 2017
  • 2,777 Views, 58 Comments

Impureblood - BioQuillFiction

Prince Blueblood, after hitting rock bottom meets a mare that spends a single night with him that helps him steer himself into a better life.

  • ...

Chapter 6: Life Of The King

Blueblood collapsed onto his bed when he got back to his quarters. Saffron gently stroked a hoof along his side. "Long day?" She asked.

"You have…no idea…" Blueblood groaned. "So much…paper work…"

"Heh. Life of a royal. How did Princess Celestia do it?"

A cake addiction and a secret impersonator that gave her days off. Blueblood mentally replied.

"You don't want to know." He shook his head. "So…how was your time with our…new fiance?"

"She was sad to leave, but I managed to get her into reading some Daring Do and Star Mare."

Blueblood nodded. Daring Do was always a classic read. Star Mare, he knew it was more sci-fi based but not much else.

"Well, hopefully some adventure stories can…spark something in her." Blueblood said softly.

"That's the idea." Saffron said. "Also expect in the very near future she'll be sleeping in bed with us."

"I know…" the stallion sighed. "I…didn't expect this kind of savagery from a people that should be above such things…"

"Well, technology and magic wise they are but sometimes no matter how good things are, there are those who just can't work through or fend off their darker impulses. Oh, also you got a few gifts while you were out."

"I got even more gifts?" Blueblood inquired.

"These were from nobles that were still loyal to your father during the civil war. A form of welcome home gifts I guess." Saffron said with a shrug.

"Well…might as well see what the gifts are." The unicorn said.

With a spell Blueblood floated and levitated several small boxes over to him that were in the corner of the room. Opening the first box he discovered it held a small ring. It seemed to be enchanted and he read the accompanying note.

My King, I, Sir Melon Seed welcome your return to the kingdom and inheritance of the crown. The following item is an enchanted ring with a simple, but powerful mana boosting enchantment. With it on, your magic reserves will feel far larger and spells will be cast much easier and use less mana. I look forward to your reign.

Sincerely, Sir Melon Seed. Former Quartermaster of the Royal Armory.

“Alright…good start.” Blueblood said with a smile.

Blueblood opened the next box. Inside was an old tome. The accompanying letter read,

My King. This book has been in my family for many generations. It is a spell book, holding many of the magical developments and improvements our kingdom developed. I hope you read it through and master every spell.

Sincerely, Pale Beard, Head of Magical Developments and Head Researcher.

“Twilight is going to be so jealous.” Blueblood chuckled.

The third and final gift upon opening seemed to hold a small music box. Carefully, Blueblood levitated it out, looking it over. It had no fanciful designs or detailed markings. It was a simple oak box with a single metal winding lever on the side sticking out of it.

He spun it, and the box sang out a simple, soft melody that gave Blueblood a sense of peace and calm. As if some distant memory knew of the song and the ease it held came back even if the memory itself didn't.

When it ended, Blueblood looked at the note.

My King. This music box belonged to you long ago when you were but a foal still in your mother's womb. It was your father's before you and his father's before him. It has been passed down from your family since Link Heart walked among us.

I hope it gives you blissful dreams, and lulls your foals to sleep just the same.

Sincerely, The Archiver.

“That’s good to know…” The stallion said with a warm smile. “This…will definitely help our son.”

Blueblood put the items away, turned over and wrapped his hooves around his wife who happily embraced it, pressing her back against his barrel.

"Tomorrow, Blue Spice starts his education." She told him.

“Really now?” Blueblood inquired. “What school is he going to? Or what tutor is he getting?”

"Tutor. They will teach him all the maths, science, history, magics and such that any other foal here gets."

“Which will probably be way past what Equestria gives.” Blueblood commented.

"Hope he can keep up." Saffron said. "I'll be with Rose all day tomorrow and hopefully she'll be up for doing something for herself over what she imagines will make you happy with her."

“Alright.” I nodded. “And I’ll be busy…trying to figure out what I’m going to do tomorrow, and possibly also giving a speech to the populace as I deal with the other ‘rebels’.”

"Looks like tomorrow will be busy for the both of us."

“Yes, yes it will…” Blueblod sighed. “It’s going to be a nightmare…”

"I'm sure it won't be that bad sweetie. It's just gonna take some time to get used to everything." Saffron said. "Still, it feels weird when the maids and guards call me Queen…"

"You get used to it." Blueblood shrugged on that point. "But it'll be different to be called King…and all the work that that entails…"

"Well, hopefully it will go smoothly. Do you know what you are supposed to do first tomorrow?"

“No.” Blueblood shook his head. “It’ll probably bite me not knowing what I’m supposed to do…but what I truly want first thing in the morning is for me to be next to you.”

"Hm, well it's how each morning will start regardless~"

"The next location on the site development quota is undersea site 43. It houses no natural formations of sea life habits and is also mainly sand and rock."

Blueblood was beyond bored. The past three house was spent discussing the undersea properties of the kingdom and what to build for each.

"Uh huh…" Blueblood said, trying to pay attention but by Twilight's boundless book fetish was this so outrageously boring. "This is very interesting…"

"What shall we use this property for your highness?" The speaker, the head of the development and expansion of the kingdom asked.

“Huh?” Blueblood asked, kind of snapping out of his boredom. “Is it useful for anything?”

"It's location would best be utilized in desalination plants. Providing the kingdom with more fresh water and sea salt."

“Then do that.” He said simply. “It would help keep a stockpile of water and salt.”

"Yes my king." They nodded and headed off.

Once they were gone Blueblood sighed.

"Exhausted?" Hopper asked, standing next to Blueblood as he was his primary guard.

“No, I’m just extremely bored.” Blueblood groaned. “I have never felt more bored in my life.”

"The burdens of a Kingdom." Hopper chuckled.

“I expected something more than…this.” Blueblood frowned. “At least when I was a reforming Prince there was stuff to do that wasn’t just talks and paperwork.”

"Well between the war and many things requiring the official crown inherited ruler to oversee. There is a lot of backlogged work."

“Yes, I know this cause my mother has been making sure to point that out from how much she’s been partying.” Blueblood frowned, hating how she was so fast to party now that she technically didn’t have to do shit for politics anymore.

"Well, it's better than doing mostly nothing. Anyway, soon the representative of Equis 99743 will be here."

Equis what? Blueblood mentally questioned.

“Excuse me…what?” Blueblood asked in confusion.

"Oh right you don't know that yet… well about… what, hundred and forty years ago we discovered Multiverse travel."

What? Blueblood asked mentally.

"But we only talk and trade with other groups who also have that ability. Other than that we mostly just use it for research or resources if it's an empty or dead dimention."

… What?!

“...” Blueblood looked at him. “WHAT!?!”

"Ouch. My ears…" Hope said rather plainly as his ears folded back

"I'm sorry." Blueblood said nervously. "But…what?"

"We have contacted several other advanced civilizations across the multiverse and trade with them and sometimes use some of the various other worlds for resources."

"And…there hasn't been any…beings trying to stop us?" Blueblood inquired. "Like some Border Patrol or something? Cause Multiversal Travel sounds…dangerous."

"No. We avoid the dangerous dimensions and mostly send probes and such to explore and examine the dimension before we actually go into them. Come across a lot of dead and empty dimensions. One is just nothing but space with stars and no planets. Another is just all methane gas. One is home to nothing but a single coffee mug."

Blueblood blinked. "That's…weird."

"Yeah. Other dimensions don't always follow the same or even any of the rules and laws we know."

“Alright…” Blueblood nodded. “So what’s special about this upcoming talk?”

"They're just going to introduce themselves, congratulate the end of the civil war and your inheritance of the throne." Hopper said. "Your mother has had many meetings with them before. Actually, had it not been for their kingdoms aid the war wouldn't have ended just yet."

“Really now?” Blueblood inquired. “They must have been quite strong if what I’ve heard about the Rebel’s strength is anything to go by.”

"Well, being Changelings they more sneaked through but yes their technology is on par with our own."

“Changelings?” Blueblood asked. “That’s…a bit surprising, was it led by Thorax?”

"Oh no. Dimension 99734 has multiple hives each with their own Queen, but they don't all feed on the same thing. Chrysalis there, her hive still feeds on love, but the hive we trade and work with, Queen Silk, she and her hive feed on Knowledge. So long as they are learning, in a conversation or working out some form of problem they are able to feed. Her hive and changelings are also purple and black rather than green and black like Chrysalis."

“That’s rather interesting.” Blueblood said, genuinely intrigued by such a race of changeling.

"Yeah well, different reality, different means of evolution and such." Hopper shrugged.

Blueblood nodded. “And when am I going to be meeting these Changelings?”

"Well like I said the representative of their dimension will be here soon. The representative being of said changeling hive."

“And I’ll be having to deal with the…massive backlog in the meantime.”

"Unfortunately." He shrugged.

The next group came in. This one piqued Blueblood's interest. It was a request to fund and form a tourist program. It was approved and funded immediately.

Next was some more agricultural requests that ultimately was all the same thing and a little new things Blueblood needed an explanation for.

It too was approved and lastly was visited by the royal treasurer. He was a Pegasus, all golden yellow with a mane and tail to match which shined like the metal they represented. He wore a suit, covering his cutie mark. He gave a bow. "Your Majesty." He greeted. "I am Golden Riches."

“It’s nice to meet you Golden Riches.” Blueblood nodded. “What is the reason for your visit my royal treasurer?”

"I come to give my report on both your personal treasury and the kingdoms."

“How much do we have to work with?” Blueblood inquired.

"Well, the Kingdom Treasury currently sits at fourteen fourteen trillion bits." Blueblood managed to hold back a cough. That was four times that of Equestria's. "Your personal account sits at thirty six million."

“Alright…so we’re four times richer than Equestria, which is the leading country in terms of wealth due to…so much…” Blueblood frowned.

"Yes. The kingdom expenses only use a reasonable one eighth of the budget and our new location in Equis Dimension 931. The mines are bringing in raw gold by the ton weekly as well as gems and useful resources."

Blueblood looked over at Hooper.

"Equis 931 is a Dead Equis. Meteor wiped all life. Plants returned. Few animals did. All intelligent life is dead." Hopper explained.

“So we’re never going to have money problems.” Blueblood shook his head.

"Not likely." Golden Riches said. "I also look forward to the income and funding reports for when we begin proper trade and tourism with the outside world."

"Now that is something I know how to do." Blueblood nodded, having done a lot of work when it came to trade and tourism, especially tourism.

Up next was who Blueblood was most eager to meet.

The Changeling representative of Equis 99734 was just as Hopper described. The standard black body of Changelings Blueblood knew, but with purple eyes, wings and membrane like mane and tail.

"You're highness." They gave a curt bow. "On behalf of my Queen, Queen Silk and Equis 99734, it's an honor to make your acquaintance."

“It is nice to meet you.” Blueblood nodded politely. “I am Blueblood, what is your name Representative?”

"Figgs." They answered. "It is good to see that our part in your kingdom's civil war allowed the rightful ruler to reclaim the throne."

“And I thank you for helping my people Figgs.” Blueblood nodded. “Now, mind if I ask a few questions about your world? Considering…I just figured out multiverse travel was a thing today.”

"Of course." They nodded.

“So, my first question would be, what are the differences between this Equestria and yours?” Blueblood inquired to the special changeling.

"Well, the first major difference is timeline. Yours appears far more ahead than ours. Back home Celestia still rules and your Princess Twilight is not an Alicorn. The dates all are the same but oddly your worlds events happened sooner than ours. Another is, of course, Changelings. The Changelings here are the only ones and their biology is actually different from my own, plus there is only one hive of Changelings here where as back home there are many."

“That’s interesting.” He hummed. “Any other differences? Cause it all sounds fascinating how many differences a world can have.”

"Well, a few. Some spells and magic work differently on the fundamentals but both still have the same outcome. Most sciences are the same and the only other major difference of note is some species here and there that are either not existing or slightly different."

“Interesting.” Blueblood nodded. “Now…is there any dangers traveling the multiverse?”

"Most dimensions have their own dangers. It can be the functionality of how physics or magic works or natives that call them home. We take as many precautions as possible."

“That works.” Blueblood nodded. “So, mind if I ask…why did your people help my Kingdom fight off those barbarian’s that think they were ‘rebels’?”

"Simple. Had they won, that psychopath Strong Jaw would have been in charge, had access to the portal to the multiverse, our dimension. It would have been bad for everyone had he had control over such power. So, it was in our dimension and your own best interest he did not have it."

"That is fair." Blueblood nodded. "Again…such a grand civilization and it's people, doing worse than spoiled nobles in Canterlot…"

"In a perfect world such issues would not be possible. In my hive we are all loyal to the queen, and while none dare disobey her, there are still some who seek more forceful interactions with the outside now that our hive is also starting talks of trade and tourism with our Equis."

“I can understand that.” Blueblood nodded. “Alright, so any questions you have for me?”

"I only hope for continued good alliances between our realities and kingdoms."

“I will do my utmost to make sure we keep good alliances.” Blueblood said readily.

With that, Figgs left and Blueblood was back to various backlogged work.

He returned back to his chambers and home with a sigh, but smiled as the familiar scent of Saffron's cooking hot his nostrils.

“Oh sweet mercy will I never get used to this heavenly scent.” Blueblood muttered in bliss, trotting into the kitchen to see what she was making.

As he entered his chambers personal kitchen he saw Saffron, a smile as she stirred the pot and Rose, standing next to her, was writing in a notebook. "And now you just let it simmer for a few minutes and then serve." Saffron spoke.

"I see." Rose said. "This recipe is very different from what I read in all my cookbooks."

"Heh, well it seems the Sheepland Isles still have very traditionally Equestrian dishes. Hi Blueblood." Saffron said, noticing her husband at the kitchen doorway.

At hearing Blueblood's name Rose rapidly made sure her mane was fixed up and closed and put her notebook down onto the nearby counter. "Hello my love." She squeaked out with a blush.

“No no, don’t let me interrupt your lesson.” Blueblood chuckled, finding Rose’s reaction honestly cute.

"Rose has been a big help. She helped guide me through a lot of the nobility introduction's and events I was asked to attend, since I'm one of the Queens. Well, not yet officially but many already consider me one. And I have been helping her with your likes, dislikes, and favorite foods." Saffron said.

“Anything you cook would be my favorite Saffron.” Blueblood chuckled warmly.

"And if I were to cook you a meal my beloved?" Rose asked meekly.

“I would love to try it.” Blueblood said softly, wanting to give Rose a chance even if he still felt horrible about her…condition.

She smiled, blushing.

That night was the first Rose, Blueblood and Saffron all shared a bed. While all they did was sleep, Rose was beyond overjoyed. With a sigh, Blueblood kept his hooves around Saffron, and Rose kept her hooves around him.

Four Months Later.

Blueblood yawned as the last of the days paperwork and meetings was done. It had taken some time but he, Saffron and even Rose all fell into a simple routine. Blueblood did the usual paperwork and meetings. Saffron and Rose attended social events and often greeted the new influx of tourists and visiting nobility.

Blue Spice had managed to keep up with his studies, his router helping the Colt in the basics of the Isles educational system and he spent time with Blueblood in classes the royals usually partook in. Mainly spells and combat.

It was during one of these classes Blueblood learned what his Gift of Nobility was. Discovery.

When Blueblood was actively searching for something, arrows and marks displayed only he could see, leading him to his goal. Be it something. Someplace. Someone. Or even something more abstract.

It was also in these classes that Blueblood first heard his son speak. It was a single phrase, but it made him beyond happy.

"Yes dad."

To say Blueblood nearly cried would be an understatement.

In these few months he and Rose had many official dates. And the mare, with Saffron's help, began to become more of a pony and less of the victim she was. Even if it was a little.

Rose had discovered a love for adventure novels, a surprise talent in cooking all kinds of dishes and pastries, as well as a skill for electronics.

Most of the advanced technologies of the Isles still confused Blueblood, but Rose managed to explain their use, how to operate them and even how they worked.

"It's good to see you again, nephew." Celestia said.

“It’s nice to see you again Auntie.” Blueblood said with a smile. “How have you been?”

"It's been amazing touring your kingdom. I had no idea the isles were so advanced." She said with a smile. Luna and Celestia we're two of the first tourists on the isles.

“Yes, it was a massive surprise to me as well.” Blueblood said honestly. “Too bad that this ‘rebellion’ was only run by a bunch of insane psychopath’s that makes old Canterlot Nobles arrogance look like Fluttershy trying to ask a simple question.” Blueblood rolled his eyes.

"True. Often times those who do such things often are not mentally the stabalist. It is lovely though to finally see this amazing kingdom and see it thriving under your rule."

“The paperwork can burn in Tartarus.” Blueblood huffed.

"Tell me about it." Celestia chuckled.

“At least I figured out what my ‘Gift of Nobility’ is…I’m really good at Directions.” Blueblood said.

"Sounds like it pairs nicely with your cutie mark."

“Yes, it would have helped a lot.” Blueblood nodded. “Just wish it would have worked when I was looking for Saffron…”

"From what I heard it only activates after wearing the crown. So can't have used it then anyway." Celestia shrugged. "I also met Rose. I have to say, I'm sorry she has been through that. But while I'm not sure how to feel on the situation she is happy."

“Rose is…recovering.” Blueblood sighed. “And I’m happy about that…it’s still terrible what they did to her.”

Celestia nodded. "Yes. What Strong Jaw did to that mare… crimes like that will always receive the harshest punishment. Aside from that, I have been talking to your mother. It's been nice catching up. Still one of the few ponies who can drink me under the table." Celestia chuckled.

“That’s surprising.” Blueblood said in surprise. “Kinda thought you would have been able to out drink everyone after you retired.”

"I've always been more of a casual drinker. A glass of wine or a bottle of ale or mead suits me fine but Luna…"

Somewhere in the isles, a bar is host to the drinking game of the ages. Former Princess Luna and Former Queen Ruby Bark were both locked in an alcoholic grudge match.

Luna and Ruby both had four bottles of vodka and two of moonshine empty next to them and each now had two large bottles of whiskey.

"You ain't bad for a mare who's a thousand years old!" Ruby said with a laugh.

"And you aren't bad for a mortal mare." Luna laughed.

"Luna has always had a… very high tolerance for alcohol." Celestia stated plainly.

“Best make sure they don’t drink all the booze in the country…make sure they don’t do something stupid…and get them a room if they accidentally start having sex with each other if they get too drunk…” Blueblood made a checklist of what to do just in case.

"I'd be surprised if the last one happens. Luna has rarely ever gotten that drunk." Celestia said. "Plus your mother doesn't swing both ways."

“Copious amounts of alcohol can do weird things.” Blueblood said. “I have personal experience, it got my Saffron.”

Celestia laughed. "Fair. Speaking of how has she been? She and Rose seem to spend a lot of time together as the Queens." Celestia said.

Blueblood remembered the day he officially made Saffron a Nobel of the Isles and remarried her, it was also the day he officially married Rose. Kissing her felt… different. Seeing her and Saffron kiss also made him feel… things. Saffron knew this and teased both he and Rose constantly with that information.

His mother thought it all hilarious.

“She’s been doing great…” Blueblood said, trying not to remember the blatant teasing. “Teaching Rose all sorts of things…and just being the best mare in the world.”

"I'm glad. I also should warn you, Twilight is going to be coming as an official diplomatic meeting in a few weeks but we both know once she sees this place her old habits will pick up."

“Yes, I do know that.” Blueblood said. “And I’m sure it’ll be hilarious to see the current Princess of Equestria acting like a foal in a candy store.”

"It will make for good media for months." Celestia chuckled. "I heard you're opening up housing in these new undersea homes. I'm actually considering purchasing one. It's something new, gives me an excuse to come here more often, see you, Blue Spice and everypony, and instant access to deep sea diving. Best of my hobbies and I can stay close to family."

“That’s good.” Blueblood nodded. “And…well, Blue Spice said ‘yes dad’ to me and…wow…” He said, trying not to choke up at that wonderful memory.

"He's finally talking?"

"Well, yes? He doesn't speak much. Not sure why." Blueblood admitted.

"Maybe he'll be like Applejack's brother. A stallion of few words."

“Would make sense.” Blueblood nodded. “Just…wish he’d say more…hearing him call me dad was…the second best thing to ever happen to me…”

"First being meeting his mother I assume." Celestia nodded. "So, any plans for giving little Blue Spice siblings?"

Blueblood blushed a bit. Rose was still hell bent on having as many as Blueblood wanted. He and Saffron talked it over, figuring maybe in a year they'd try.

“I mean…in a year maybe we’ll try for another…or…however many Rose desperately wants…”

"Have you and her… done anything like that yet?"

“Not…yet.” Blueblood said carefully. “I want to make sure Rose is…ready for it, not just because of some brainwashing telling her she needs to but…because she well and truly wants to.”

"That is fair." Celestia nodded. "Well, I have some house tour appointments I'm going to be late for. I'll see you around, your Majesty." Celestia smiled and gave a quick bow before leaving.

Blueblood sighed but smiled all the same and greeted the next meeting. Being King of this land wasn't easy, but he knew now it was home, and he'd put all it's potential to good use for the world.

Comments ( 22 )

Oh, it’s over already? Not sure about the Multiverse part since I liked more of the alien part of the story, and it did feel rather off since it takes away what made the kingdom interesting. I kind of assume we would see chapters of Saffron helping Rose over time getting her to open up while struggling with the views of these kingdom ponies and overcoming challenges for her and her son. I thought that also his ancestor would come back for the end to save the day since I had felt like there were going to be ponies who would cause trouble for Blue to face in the story. Sorry that I am disappointed in this chapter since it did feel like there is plenty of missed opportunities for more chapters to build an interesting story.

Thank you for writing a nice romance tale between Blue and Saffron.

This story was always going to be a short one, but in the end the ending is something I can live with and the location and characters will make an appearance in another story of Mine later on in the plot.

Also the thing with the multi there and the purple changeling was a reference to a story I co-write with Xinrick.

While yes more could have been done I am trying to trim my..
Extensive writting list. Too many projects and I'd rather them not be left u finished so

While it was a good story, it feels….Unfinished? Like there was meant to be 20 or more chapters.

I like where this story went and ended. Have a fave.

Great story! Just a question. Was the Isles based on Wakanda?

The Isles themselves come from The Chase, a really long fanfic here on Fim that sadly hasn't been updated in a while but had 900+ chapters.

As for the Isles in their operation and style I was actually thinking more akin to Castle in The Sky when I thought up the floating kingdom.

Okay. Thanks for letting me know. I need to watch that movie.

Blueblood opened the next box. Inside was an old tomb.

Tomb? Do you mean tome?

11390676 It's all good. I still have readers finding typos in my stories too. Not a bad piece you wrote. It felt pretty rushed at the end though. Like there could have easily been ten more chapters, but I sometimes forget not everyone wants to read an 800,000 word story like the monster I am still writing. Sheesh, it is taking me forever to finish it. In that, you are fortunate, good sir/madam (I have no clue which you are)

I get that, and yeah it was a bit of a rushed job in the end but I can live with the ending and it's better than leaving it unfinished or I lose the point entirely making it longer. The latter being a bit of a bad habit of mine when writting longfics.

11390680 I understand completely. The Unity Pact has taken a FAR different direction than I had ever planned. It actually started off as a creative writing exercise while I was bored at work and just took on a life of its own. I know what the ending is going to be, but I hesitate to finish it because I know the majority of my readers are going to be upset in some way or another. I wrote only a single explicit chapter, really poured my heart and soul into it, and it got so much hate I actually cancelled the story for a while before continuing. Be careful writing explicit material, some people can get really pissy about their take on the situation. I would think that a husband and wife sharing their first night together would have been romantic and steamy, but it all but turned into a witch hunt. Most of the negativity was in the messages not the comments but there were a few there too. Please be careful with such things.

Never actually did that before. As for the hate, if they had the gawl to message you privately to complain about it rather than comment like a normal person, they're just a troll or know their views on it would be mass downvoted/deleted.

Don't let those people get to you, just write what you feel it right for the story and anyone talks shit, block and ignore. It's what I do and haven't had any major problems.

11390689 Wise words. And thank you. If you feel like reading my story, go for it, but be warned I write in a brutally true to life way. Not to say there is a large amount of brutality by any means, but there is some combat and I do not spare details. There will be parts which may make you emotional or upset, but rest assured all injustices will be righted before the end. Of course there is that one erm... squishy scene and I do not spare any details there either. Not trying to scare you away from it, just being upfront and direct. If you decide not to read it I will not think less of you in any way. My writing style is definitely not for everyone.

And if you do decide to write an intimate scene, please do not use vulgar terms for actions or genitalia, it cheapens the scene and makes such writers seem shoddy in their ability.

Will do, and already added your works to my read later.

11390735 Thanks, and I hope you enjoy the story. Feel free to leave comments and questions. I appreciate both. One big thing to note, I portray Celestia and Luna as imperfect and flawed. So do not expect all-knowing characters.

To the author - Hello...oh my gosh i remember the original version of impureblood didn't know it got a redux:pinkiegasp:
this one is 100x better the lore (blueblood's parentage) and worldbuilding while the OG was a slice of life with one crazy soap opera scenario ex: like Saffron's father (i forget his name) breaking-in to blueblood's house drunk then accuses him of raping his daughter😬:facehoof: there needs be a sequel!!! if you've the time to write one for it of course😉 or if not that's okay too:twilightsmile:
Amazing story, man👍

This message was written out like several hours ago on 7/17/23

Heh, yeah I was going through a lot of my works and figured this one needed a major rewrite... I don't plan on making a sequel however. I have other stories that are all long multi-chapter ones that I have more investment with, so I am sorry about that. Glad you enjoyed the rewrite though.

i figured you wouldn't write a sequel...just thought it was left a little bit unfinish/resolved due to blue spice's character.
cause in the OG version (if my memory is correct/serves me right) he was mute & maybe had powers?
Thank you for re-writing it!:pinkiehappy: there aren't a lot of authors who can redo or remake their fics😻

Yeah. To be honest I did have more originally planned out but IRL stuff and stress killed the drive so I figured rather than leave the rewrite unfinished I'd give it at least an ending.

Totally understandable & i agree with you 100%😃

p.s: can relate to stress but on a way different level...
you see there's a huge backlog unpublished/unwritten fics had planned for this site.
the reason i didn't write was due to me having a really bad laptop (it was a dell by the way. if u must know they always broke down on me like about 3 years) in that one blueblood got his redemption arc. i don't wanna explain in here cause of not wanting this comment to get downvote and way too much info!

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