• Member Since 17th Jan, 2012
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loves tiaras.


Princess Celestia had been going to spend the evening in a royal mope, but Pinkie Pie has other plans for the night, plans which involve piercing the walls of time and space with her most ambitious birthday greeting yet.

Now with a Spanish translation by Spaniard Kiwi!

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 96 )

Heeey! This got on to FIMFiction? :yay:

It's lovely. Sweet and funny. Much like Pinkie, come to think of it.

Glad to see this was non-meta enough to make it on.

Yay now I can give this what it deserves a thumb, a star and and a pinkie! (here you go!) :pinkiehappy:

"Ridiculously awesome" is probably the best description possible for this xD

that is....very pinkie.
I love it! :pinkiehappy:

So good, Pinkie had me almost laughing out loud at times:pinkiehappy:


Pinkie.....good lordy, breaking into god ponies' heads now?:rainbowhuh::derpyderp2:

Even the spambot likes the story!

Great fun.
And seeing it as a story instead of a blog-post restored quite a bit of hope for mankind.:twilightsmile:

Yay! They let you post it!

Fun story. Thanks again for sharing!

This... just... :pinkiegasp::pinkiehappy::rainbowlaugh::rainbowkiss::twilightsheepish:

I...I...I have no idea what just happened.... BUT I LOVED IT!





Just enough Pinkie Pie to not lose its composure, but enough to make Celestia lose her composure. :pinkiesmile:
I wonder how the show will change now that they know its a cartoon... :trollestia:


Sweet, they let you post it here. I hope this does get to her, it was a cute little story.

I keep pressing the like button, but it won't go up any more than one!

Knighty, fix this. NOW!:flutterrage:

There's something magical about metafiction. I mean that in the most strictly literal possible sense: taking fictional characters and bringing them to life to interact with the real world is an act of evocation. It's so heartening to see that summoning done so well.

Mildly related: My headcanon for a long time (until Cadence came and threw off my rhythm) is that there were only ever 3 alicorns in Equestria, and Pinkie was the third; in the grand tradition of creation myth, there was Celestia, the sun, Luna, the heavens, and Pinkie, the earth. Something happened in the undefined past to cause her to give up her wings and horn (or perhaps as the alicorn of Earth she never had them), but she never gave up her godhood. Hence the ineffable cosmic powers.

This also means Equestria's earth goddess is the trickster, which ... explains rather a lot about Equestria's continual brushes with disaster.

I loved this when it was just an Wild Blog Post that appeared, and I love it now that's in for realz.

"The Friendship Express is being attacked by a giant Princess Celestia! Even gianter than she normally is!" dl.dropbox.com/u/31471793/FiMFiction/Pinkie_Pie_lolface.png


913451 :pinkiegasp: :rainbowhuh: :derpyderp2: :pinkiecrazy: :twilightoops: :rainbowderp: :facehoof: :yay:
My thoughts.
And finally, :moustache:

915791. Why thank you, kind sir. I shall accept this Rainbow Dash, and cherish it to the end of my days.

Hilarious fic! Glad it got accepted! Greened thumbed!

Love how Pinkie made Celestia laugh, truly excellent.

One can't help but wonder how that duck is going to affect Celestia's psyche...

In any case, a very nice one-shot and a pinktastic Pinkie.

YAY I HAVE THE SAME BIRTHDAY AS FLUTTERSHY AND PINKIE PIE, HOLY PONIES :pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy:

SOOOOOOO AWESOME!!!!!!1:rainbowdetermined2::rainbowdetermined2::rainbowdetermined2::rainbowdetermined2:

I loved it bunches. It was just one of those heartwarming little snippets of pony that makes things bright.

This was a wonderful short story to read! I just like how pinkie pie can be the most random of all the ponies and still come out as a philosophical genius of happiness. Good work!:twilightsmile:

It can only improve things, methinks.

It's surprisingly plausible. Pinkie defies explanation in conventional terms, leading to all sorts of fun theories ("Contraptionology!"'s Dr. Pie was zapped with transdimensional outpourings from her undergraduate honors thesis contraption, for instance.) And yes, metafiction is my friend, which means that the recent crackdown makes Sky a sad pony. Oh well. Glad to see you enjoyed this attempt, and, yes, glad it made it past the pre-reading team.

It's been edited somewhat to remove some of the more overt references, which is actually an improvement. Sometimes my predilections affect a story for the worse, and it's just as well that I be told to tone it down a little.

To everyone else, even though it would be impractical to reply-link all of you at once, thank you so much for reading, and glad the vast majority of you liked it! Readers = happiness.

It's been my experience that sometimes a writer benefits from such interference and/or restrictions[1]. There's something about limits that actually makes you more creative.

Also, it helps cut down of self-indulgences. Celestia knows there, isn't a writer alive without a yen for that sort of thing.

I only have two complaints regarding the story:
a) I can click the "Thumbs Up" button only once. This is grossly inadequate.
b) Hugging the story doesn't seem to be possible.

[1] Fr'instance my much beloved Firefly wouldn't have been nearly as memorable without all the stupid interference from Fox. They ask for a 'space hooker' and get Inara in return. Heh.

I was close when you used "QED" but I lost it at "haters gonna hate"

(I am starting this later in the story, rather than at the beginning like I normally do with my "drive-by critique" style comments.)

"Hi! I'm Pinkie Pie!"
-Why would she need to introduce herself by name? Celestia knows who she is.

There was a pink pony standing in the garden of my mind, beaming brightly at me.
-Nice bit of reality-warping.

"Because you're a super-smart princess with a super-duper long memory, I bet you knew that already," continued Pinkie Pie. "Plus, you just saw me this afternoon. But reminders never hurt!"
-Well, that answers that...

but it's all made out of felt shapes, and felt doesn't even come close to this kind of realism."
-And apparently felt food doesn't taste like felt... that or Pinkie Pie likes the taste of felt, at least when she herself IS felt.

I just imagined a muffin bush, and, boom, there it was!"
-Very interesting that she can alter reality outside of herself inside Celestia's dream .

"Historically, it's always been a portent of great significance when other living creatures appear to me in my meditations. And you are the Bearer of Laughter; that's quite a symbolic load. So what does it mean that I'm seeing a vision of you here?"
-Ah, so not the actual Pinkie Pie...

"'Scuse me?" she said.
-Ah, so she probably IS real, or at least isn't aware that she isn't.

"I absolutely agree," said Pinkie Pie, peering around. "It's not violet at all.
-Nice one... of course, it can't be verified she is real until Celestia talks to the physical Pinkie Pie about it, who might be less than communicative.

one of which was shaped like a duck, which she promptly tossed into the waters of my regret.
-I accidentally saw the duck mentioned near the end... says something about laughing away your tears if it was in the pool of tears at the end.

"Polo!" cried Pinkie, batting the ball into the air again from the opposite end of the pool, somehow managing to carry on both halves of the ball-toss game by herself.
-Marco Polo isn't a ball game the last I checked... then again, Pinkie might not pay attention to such details.

"I almost forgot, what with the pool party and everything!\

"I almost forgot, what with the pool party and everything!
-Ah, so not a message to Celestia. I did see some reality-crossing down page as I scrolled past to the comments.

"If you have to ask, you probably are!"
-Counter to the usual logic, but then again: Pinkie.

Gradually the echoes faded. "So that's it?" I said, eventually. "That's the message?"
-Nice touch. I guess that leaves us to get back to the main story without any more such extreme violations of the fourth wall? I expect it will be discussed, since the tone of the story suggests that Celestia wouldn't know who Libman is.

I tried mailing a card to her using Derpy-mail, but you know how that goes." Pinkie rolled her eyes. "That pegasus needs to be about twenty percent more accurate. At least."
-Nice touch regarding Derpy's unstoppableness and own brand of reality-warping.

"But you don't mail a card for somepony's birthday on the day of! Messages take time to get where they're going!"
-But it wasn't a card, it was a shout... unless she knows that you (the author) are going to send this to Libman, but that probably wouldn't work very well, since she isn't allowed to read fanfic I don't think. Then again maybe that rule doesn't apply to voice actors the way it does to writers?

"I hope it does too, but I'm not going to get too disappointed. This is a pretty experimental new advance in birthday greeting technology, and there's bound to be kinks." She shrugged. "I gotta try, at least!
-Perhaps you are not so sure about the rules for voice-actors yourself?

"Nope!" said Pinkie Pie. "We're done here.
-I expect that Celestia will invite her to stay, or that Pinkie will realize at the last second how depressed Celestia is, perhaps by Celestia asking her to get the pool-toys out of the pool of tears, and stick around a while... or maybe we are coming to the end of the story? Perhaps some introspection by Celestia? Doesn't seem likely that there would be TOO much, given the title focusing on Pinkie.

There came a grim sort of pause. A quite unexpected one, I should add.
-Ah, sticking around because she realizes Celestia is unhappy based on her tone.

Pinkie marched over to my position. "What kind of smile was that?" she demanded.

"It's just how I smile," I said.
-Pinkie has seen her smile before... then again maybe Pinkie wasn't being so personal with her before.

Let's see if we can't fix that baby up with a little high-energy prop comedy!"
"I don't know if that's—"
-Yeah, probably not going to work... Celestia probably needs to talk about her problems... then they can move on to the prop comedy... or combine the two.

"You haven't seen amusing until you see the toy train that goes with it!"
-Nice touch! I still say that Celestia will have to talk about her problems though.

"We're getting there," said Pinkie Pie, eyeing me closely.
-Or MAYBE the moral of the story will be to relax a little, and mentions of opening up won't be made. I suspect that if Celestia does talk it will require a Pinkie-Promise of secrecy.

"If you squeeze the cutie marks on her flanks between your hooves, her wings flap!"
-Well, at least it isn't Pinkelestia... that would be insulting rather than cheering.

"Listen to that squeak! She really sounds exhausted! I guess it gets tiring having ponies squeeze your flanks all the time to make your wings flap. And it takes a lot of wing-flaps to get to the top of Canterlot Mountain. The Princess Celestia action figure better hitch a ride on the Friendship Express to get to the top!"
-And thus Pinkie proves that Celestia is not the only one who can be subtle in her beneficial social manipulations.

"Aaah!" cried Pinkie Pie. "The Friendship Express is being attacked by a giant Princess Celestia! Even gianter than she normally is!"
-Oooor maybe not... unless this is going to turn into an analogy about how unexpressed anger tends to boil over.

some unreasonable ones,
-Nice wording.

including several which took root in Pinkie's mane itself.
-Seems somehow anti-climatic of an example.

Twilight and Luna and me are throwing a super-terrific after-feast party at Fancy Pants's place!
-Probably good that Celestia should come too... I also wonder having rediscovered true Laughter in herself will improve Celestia's next pranking of the nobles?

We're getting all the farmers and the least-snooty nobleponies we can find together
-Maybe the question is do the nobles in general NEED Celestia's efforts at de-snootifying? The probably do. But that doesn't mean she Celestia shouldn't attend this sort of party too.

"I'm not sure that's our final and complete solution."
"Trust me, Princess," said Pinkie, confidently. "Tonight, it'll do."
-Sounds about right. Most people aren't as skilled at politics or as powerful as Celestia, and with that power comes responsibility.

"Gonna see if I can schlep any of these out with me,"
-Interesting she doesn't know either way if it will work. Then again, she could be MOSTLY sure.

"Sorry to feign ignorance, Nicole. It's not always good to let them know everything that I know. And by the way, happy birthday to you, too."
-I take it Nicole is another person on staff? Or somehow a nickname for Andrea? And I like that she DOES know.

"In two hundred and eighteen days,"
-Ah, I see... did you send it, or a link to it in an e-mail or whatever, to both of them (if you sent it to anyone)?

no longer made of the salty tears of regret but instead the fresh, clean water of rebirth and new beginnings.
-This being the first time in all the history of that pool that it was such?

Thanks for the detailed commentary! A couple points:

Marco Polo is indeed not a ball game, on research. Good catch! I guess I've seen people playing it wrong wrong damn wrong. Oh well. Chalk it up to Pinkie inventing a new game, I guess.

-Perhaps you are not so sure about the rules for voice-actors yourself? (And other queries)
Indeed I was not in the writing of it. And, you know, I'm still not. But I sent the link to Ms. Libman via Twitter and she thanked me for it. Whether or not she is contractually obligated not to read it and is merely being polite remains at issue, but I did the best I could. Do you hear me, Pinkie? I did the best I could!

Nicole Oliver is Celestia's actress. the gag of course being that Celly secretly has a similar relationship with her own voice talent. It was not sent to her specifically.

-This being the first time in all the history of that pool that it was such?
Eh, I think the pool cycles as the Princess does. If I was that old I think I'd need constant rolling rebirth and new beginnings. That's why I approve of Philomeena for her Pony Pet, symbolically at least.

You are welcome.

Is there anything you write that I won't read and enjoy? I mean seriously, you must have gotten, like, bit by a radioactive author, after falling into radioactive book-ooze, and while being bombarded with high energy comedia radiation from an experiemnt or something, 'cause your funny writing is like a super power. :moustache:

Pool in your head....


Only Pinkie Pie.

She's one of a kind, ain't she?

>>Skywriter One of a kind doesn't even begin to describe Pinkie pie, and you know it. :pinkiehappy:

Oo! Oo! Am I zero of a kind? Maybe I'm point five of a kind! Don't tell me I'm (gasp) NEGATIVE ONE of a kind?!? How can you be a negative of a kind? Maybe it'd be like that one time where I...

(edit: I forgot to close my Pinkie tag. THAT WOULD BE DISASTROUS.)


*stuffs cupcake into Pinkie's mouth*
Because you're special. Super special. More special than the time I ate that one cupcake, even! I remember it had frosting. It was good frosting. I think it was chocolate, or maybe party-flavour. Can you do that? Can you have a party-flavour cupcake? Probably so. I mean, if I had to have a cupcake, I'd definitely like a party-flavoured one, though sometimes chocolate icing is pretty good too! Ooh, what would it taste like? I bet it would taste soooo good you couldn't help but smile! Mm, maybe it'd taste like vanilla! Ooh, but what if you didn't like vanilla?! Would the Party cupcake still taste like that? Prolly not, because then you wouldn't want to smile, and when you don't smile, I try to make you smile, but if that didn't work, I'd get sad too because you wouldn't be happy, and then we'd have two very sad beings, and it wouldn't be no fun and when it's not fun it's not fun at all! I remember this one time when I stubbed my toe on a...

See what happens when you don't close the Pinkie tag? Everything starts becoming Pinkie.


Eh, I can just run my mouth liike her easily.My brain goes, like, 500 miles an hour. Though my words when spoken usually don't... 'cept this one time I was playing an annoying skull. Then everything was just... Fast. Shocked the other participants though.... It was really fun. I liked playing that, I sshould prolly do it more. In fact I-*stuffs cupcake into own mouth*



Mmmmm, Party-flavour!


You always make the meta worth it. I like when you write Celestia, even though I consider canon Celestia to be a bit more Pinkie than most people give her credit for. I once responded to a query about my favorite line in FiM with "Run!". :trollestia:

I'm not gonna get all long-winded this time. I see someone's already done that. But, I have to say, Pinkie made me laugh. Even though she said that's what she was going to do, it worked anyway. Why are you so good at that? You have the magics. :coolphoto:

Thanks. Pinkie would be happy to know that she inflicted some collateral damage smiles.

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