• Published 17th Jul 2017
  • 505 Views, 6 Comments

Shadows on the Wall - LaikenPone

Two priceless paintings have been stolen from the Canterlot Gallery. Copper Top takes on the investigations and it leads her to something she never could have imagined.

  • ...

Shadows on the Wall

"Why again did I accept this job? Most likely not because of the good pay or the nice working hours..."

Twinkleshine lightened up her horn and left the security room. For two weeks now, she had been working as a night guard at the Canterlot Gallery and still couldn’t get used to her new job. But it was the only place where her application was accepted. That’s what she got for not going to the magical academy of Canterlot like her friends did, but she wanted to go her own way and earn a couple of bits as fast as possible.

She looked at the big clock on the wall of the foyer.

"Just before midnight, the best time to walk alone in a dark, giant building and look for possible burglars. Well done Twinkle, amazing idea of yours..."

She sighed deeply and continued her round. Almost twenty individual showrooms with more than 600 exhibits were now under her responsibility, and she only earned fifteen bits for each shift by her employer Jet Set, who also owned the museum. Each of her tours in the last days took her at least two hours. Maybe because even if she had a map of the building and a brightly glowing horn, she got lost every night.

However, even if it was already very late, there was certainly no thought of tiredness. Her heartbeat was much as heavy as every night she spent here and already after the few minutes that she patrolled in the museum, small drops of sweat formed on her forehead.

Suddenly she heard a slight knocking on her left, where the antique vases from the Crystal Empire were displayed. Twinkleshine fearfully tore her head around and let her horn lighten the direction from which she suspected the sound.
She remained motionless for five minutes, streaking the glow of her horn over the walls, until she finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"Keep it together Twinkle, your mind is fooling you again…"

She carefully continued her round and came into the room, where the precious paintings of Starswirl the Bearded were exhibited. The old wizard had painted a few pictures of the royal sisters as well as of the old castle in the Everfree Forest during his lifetime.

Twinkleshine had to grin bitterly. Each one of these images was worth more bits than she would earn with her job in a thousand years.

A sound of breaking glass ripped her off her thoughts. She turned around in panic and shone into the floor in front of her. She was sure that this time, she actually heard something. Someone was in the museum, someone besides her.
Her heart almost exploded inside her chest as Twinkleshine slowly moved forward.

"H..Hello? Who's there?"

But of course, nopony answered. However, she quickly spotted the reason for the noise. Something had broken one of the windows in the coin cabinet. Twinkleshine almost fainted. Somepony has entered the museum, only a few moments ago! She didn’t know what to do. Her boss just told her to go around in the museum at night but not what to do in case of a real burglary.

She approached the window as if in slow motion, to examine it more closely when she heard voices behind her.

"Someone’s there! Quick!”, an unknown voice suddenly yelled.

Twinkleshine turned around and saw a black shadow on the wall beside her as she felt a horrible pain on her head. The world around her exploded in an ocean of ​​stars and suddenly everything was black. The voices that were around her also continued to fade away until she was caught in endless silence.

Copper Top put the newspaper away and looked around bored. It was a foggy cold morning in fall when she arrived at the office today. But now around noon it slowly got more pleasant. The sun came out and on the streets under her window she once again heard the familiar noises of Manehattan.

"Did you hear that Rarity for you was voted the most popular boutique in Saddle Row this year?"

Her colleague smirked.
"No, and I don’t know why I should care. We wear these uniforms for about one hundred years. I don’t think that will ever change"

Copper Top had to laugh too.
"I'm sorry, we've only been sitting around here for weeks and we're only dealing with routine cases. I simply need a real case again."

"Don’t wish for something you don’t really want. We have a nice, cozy place here. We get our monthly pay and nopony bothers us. I think we've got the perfect job."

Copper Top sighed loudly. Of course her colleague was right. Since her last real fall in Cloudsdale this summer, she was exhausted like never before. But regarding the fact that she uncovered of one of the biggest scandals in the history of the Wonderbolts, it was kind of obvious. But she also never felt so alive and self-conscious before, as on the day she came back to Manehattan.

She had received an honorary membership to the Wonderbolts from Spitfire herself, but she thankfully declined it. And even if she would have wanted, police ponies aren’t allowed to accept gifts while on duty.

"You're right, but just staring holes in the air can’t be our claim."

Her colleague was about to answer when the door to her office opened and the Chief came in.

"Copper Top, you're needed in Canterlot. A carriage is waiting for you outside to bring you to the train station, hurry!"

Copper top nodded, took her cap and sunglasses and quickly left the office.

Her colleague leaned back and yelled after her.
"There's your case, have fun. I'll take a break!"

The Chief looked at him furiously.
"I just wanted to tell the janitor that the toilet on the ground floor is clogged, but you have probably more time than him. Get up..."

Copper Top got inside the carriage and was immediately taken to the train station. She was already expected by a yellow unicorn with indigo mane and an expensive looking outfit.

"Miss Copper Top? I'm Upper Crust, wife of Jet Set, but you certainly know me already"

Copper Top looked at the pony in front of her and then remembered.
"Yes indeed, Jet Set and you belong to the upper class of Canterlot right?"

Upper Crust laughed confidently.

"Exactly, it's actually hard to miss. Well anyways, there was a burglary at my husband's museum and only the best investigator of Equestria is good enough for us to solve the case. So we need you. You’ll receive a generous reward if you can solve it."

"That’s very nice but I get my money from the police. This is after all my profession."

"Alright come with me, we’ve chartered a private train for us who will take us straight to Canterlot."

Copper Top followed Upper Crust a bit confused. Of course she’d often heard about the privileges, the high-society ponies could enjoy, but she herself never found great attraction in abandoning the earthiness of a pony working hard for its money. She was too proud of her work and what she had achieved with her own hooves.

They went into the train together, which was actually completely empty. Copper Top could only guess how much it would cost to claim a whole train only for herself. But ponies like Upper Crust and Jet Set were not tied to financial restrictions.
The steam boiler of the train whistled and they slowly left the station of Manehattan.

"Well, please tell me what exactly happened. My Chief just came to my office, told me that I must go to Canterlot and to hurry. I have no more information yet. What exactly did happen?"

Upper Crust straightened her mane and cleared her throat.

"My husband is the owner and managing director of the Gallery of Canterlot, the biggest museum in town. Someone broke one of the windows last night, got into the building and stole two irreplaceable paintings from Starswirl the Bearded. Both are worth a fortune and must return to their place and their rightful owner."

Copper Top listened carefully.
"Has the Canterlot police already taken an investigation?"

Upper Crust frowned.
"Not to my knowledge. My husband and I immediately wanted you to run the investigation, so I went straight to Manehattan this morning to pick you up. We've heard of your success in Cloudsdale and immediately knew you'd be the best choice."

Copper Top looked down a little ashamed. Of course she was always happy about praise, but she still was a rather modest pony and blushed a little.

She took a deep breath and finally turned her face back to her conversation partner.
"Is there any further information?"

"What would you like to know?"

Copper Top shrugged.
"Well above all if there are suspects, witnesses, recordings of surveillance cameras, such things. Everything can be helpful."

Upper Crust thought, then shook her head.

"I'm sorry, you'll have to talk to my husband about that. I for myself am not so up to date with his businesses. That's why he stayed in Canterlot and sent me to pick you up. Normally this would be done by one of our servants, but since you've been almost a celebrity in Equestria since your success in Cloudsdale, I've done the trip myself."

Copper Top smiled slightly irritated. She was not sure if that was actually a praise for her work or a sublime insult to her as a 'normal' pony from the city.

"Well.. thanks?", she replied after a moment of hesitation.

For the rest of the ride, both ponies talked about rather unimportant things, mainly revolving around Upper Crust and her husband. And even if Copper Top became more and more annoyed with every minute she listened to her slightly snooty and snobbish talking, she forced herself to stay friendly, at least outward.

The Police, your friend and helper in every situation. At least she tried to keep this in mind, as hard as it seemed to her now.
After a bit more than an hour, they finally arrived at the Canterlot station and Copper Top followed Upper Crust out of the train and into the rays of the midday sun.

"Celestia really did a great job today, huh?"

"True, but the sun always smiles on our Canterlot. Except when the Pegasi once again think it’s time for rain."

Copper Top immediately noticed the derisive sound in the last sentence of her accompaniment. It seems that she even didn’t want to hide it though. And even if she did, she didn’t gave it much effort.

"Anyways, where’s the gallery?"

Upper Crust pointed with her hoof northwards.
"This way, it's not too far. But you’ll have to excuse me now. The whole effort exhausted me and I have to go to the spa now to relax. Good luck Copper Top, maybe we’ll meet again later."

Without turning around, Upper Crust went in the opposite direction and left Copper Top alone at the entrance of the train station.

She wrinkled her nose, now that the snooty pony was finally gone.
"Her husband's museum has been robbed and irreplaceable pictures are stolen. And she has go to the spa first to relax from the immense effort of bringing me here? I'm glad my parents raised me better than hers did..."

She sighed and went in the direction Upper Crust had shown her. If she got lost now, she would finally lose her patience.
But fortunately, Upper Crust was right and the gallery was only a few meters away from the train station, and even from the distance Copper Top recognized the large letters "GALLERIA", which were carved in the marble of the entrance building. The whole museum was covered with white marble and surrounded by countless small pillars. Each one was decorated with tiny figurines of stone and simply looked beautiful.

She slowly entered the foyer and saw a gray stallion with dark mane in the middle of the large room, arguing with a slightly smaller pale yellow pony with a pink mane. But as she got closer, she realized that only the stallion was yelling and the other pony just listened with lowered ears and desperate eyes.

But before Copper Top was close enough to understand the words the stallion threw at the bright pony, he noticed her and sent the other pony away with a derogatory hoof motion. He cleared his throat and turned to Copper Top with an obviously faked smile.

"Detective Copper Top from Manehattan I guess? Jet Set, Owner and Managing Director of the Gallery of Canterlot, very pleased to meet you!"

He stretched out a hoof, but Copper Top just ignored it and looked him deep in the eyes with an icy face. After a few seconds of silence, which were visibly unpleasant for the stallion, Copper Top smiled slightly, but still looked him in the eyes.

"Thank you. I heard there was a burglary in the gallery. Can I see the crime scene?"

"Of course, follow me."

Jet Set showed her the way to the coin cabinet, in which the window was lifted out of the hinges.
"Here, the filthy thieves have entered, knocked out my useless guard and stolen two of the most valuable paintings in the gallery. Each is worth several million bits!"

Copper Top, despite the obvious heaviness of the crime, could hardly resist to grin. She was sure that even the loss of such a sum was only a small flaw in the annual balance for ponies like Jet Set.

"Has the police already taken investigations? I’m just surprised that no colleague is here"

Jet set laughed.
"I personally forbade the Chief to determine. I wanted the best investigator and nopony else! And with all respects for the Canterlot police, the best investigator comes from Manehattan."

Copper Top couldn’t believe it. This pony really had so much influence that he could prohibit the Chief of the police to investigate?

"Good, I'll take over from here. I would also like to talk to your guard pony. Maybe she saw something."

Jet Set looked at her blankly.
"I've already spoken to her. She didn’t saw anything. But if you want to waste your time with her, she lives down the street, the first yellow house on the left. Probably just browsing the job ads."

Copper Top raised an eyebrow.
"So you already fired her?"

"Of course, I don’t need a guard pony who forgets her tasks and passes out at the first sign of danger."

Copper Top just shook her head uncomprehendingly.
"Well, I look around here and call you up as soon as I find something interesting. Where are you when I need you?"

"At my home. Trust me, you'll find it. I must go now, a pony like me always has a lot of business to do. See you later, Detective."

Luckily, Jet Set didn’t look around like his wife before when he left the museum, so he couldn’t see the hate in Copper Top’s face as he walked away.

So, there she stood, completely alone and without proper information about a case which probably contained more valuable objects than all her previous cases combined.

At first, Copper Top looked at the frames of the paintings. The canvases have been carefully cut out of the frames made of expensive hazel wood, as it is usual in professional art thefts. Frameless paintings can be transported much more easily and also sold way easier on the black market.

So this wasn’t the work of amateurs, which didn’t really simplified Copper Top’s task. But to be honest, she didn’t really expect a team of beginners to manage it to successfully break into the largest museum in the city and escaping with the paintings again unnoticed by anypony.

But how exactly did they break in in the first place? The window was on the ground floor but at least three ponies would have climb on each other to reach it.

Copper Top looked down from the broken window and suddenly saw tiny holes in the plaster of the facade, in which the stone was slightly damaged. She knew that this was the first important hint.

She ran outside and looked more closely at the bushes under the window. Some of the branches were broken and again she found the same small holes in the earth as she found on the wall. Copper Top had an idea, but was not sure yet. She concluded that the ponies that had robbed the museum had certainly strapped a kind of metallic device to the hooves with which they could climb the wall. So it was quite impossible that Pegasi were responsible for the theft because they could simply fly themselves and also carry their accomplices.

"So unicorns or earthponies... I should probably talk to the guard pony, I bet she knows more than she could say Jet Set ... or wanted to say"

She went on the street and in the direction where, according to Jet Set, the house of his former guard should be. And as he said, she found a yellow house with blue doors on the left side of the road. She was about to knock on the door when she heard muffled voices from at least two ponies.

"...does not make you a bad pony. What could you have done? Just think about what could have happened to you instead!"

The other voice sobbed quietly.

Her heart told her to come back later, but Copper Top knew that her duty had priority. So she finally knocked at the door.
At least she avoided the usual "Police, open up!" this time.

A short time later, a light blue pony with a blue and white mane opened the door.
"It's a bad timing right now please come back later..."

She wanted to continue but then saw Copper Top’s uniform and her eyes widened.
"...oh, you're from the police? Thank Celestia, please come in. Please tell Twinkleshine yourself that she couldn’t have done anything. She’s blaming herself for the attack on the museum."

Copper Top entered the nicely decorated house, which obviously belonged to the guard pony named Twinkleshine.
"Yes, I'm from the Manehattan Police to solve the case at the museum. And who exactly are you?"
The blue pony smiled slightly embarrassed.

"Oh sorry, my manners. I'm Minuette, nice to meet you."

"Likewise Minuette, my name’s Copper Top. I suppose Twinkleshine is the name of the museum's guard pony who had served during the theft?"

Minuette's face darkened.
"You mean former guard. Jet Set has fired her and thinks she’s also responsible for the robbery. He says she has to pay for the damage that he has suffered because she didn’t fulfill her duty. She's completely broken down inside."

Copper Top just shook her head.
"I've had my own pleasure with him. But I'll find out what happened. I have to talk to Twinkleshine first, maybe she knows something."

Minuette sadly looked at the stairs to the first floor.

"She’s upstairs in her bedroom crying her eyes out. I hope you can calm her down."

Copper Top nodded and went up the stairs. At the top, she went to the door, from which she could now hear somepony sobbing. She looked at the door for a moment. A lot of small painted pictures of all kinds of animals were glued to the wood of the door. Probably remembering Twinkleshine's childhood. She took a deep breath and then carefully tapped the door.

"I'm Copper Top from the police. I am here to clarify the theft at the gallery and would like to talk to you. May I come inside?"

The sobbing stopped and the pony inside cleared her throat.
"Y…Yes come in. The door’s open."

Copper Top entered the room hesitantly, and then saw the pale yellow pony at which Jet Set had yelled so harshly as she arrived at the gallery, sitting on her bed. She quickly wiped her eyes with a tissue and smiled weakly at Copper Top. It was obvious that she must have cried all the time.

"I'm sorry to rush in here, but I'm a bit in a hurry. Jet Set has forbidden anypony from the local police to help me, so I have to solve the case completely by myself. I was hoping you might tell me what happened last night."

"It’s alright, that’s how he always is. In his circles, courtesy is very important but only with the ponies of his social class. He doesn’t really care about simple ponies like us. Anyways, I'll help you as good as I can but in the end, Jet Set was right, I should have done my job better, then all of that wouldn’t have..."

Twinkleshine’s voice cracked and again, tears ran down her cheeks.

Copper Top felt terrible but she couldn’t just go now.

But Twinkleshine calmed down quickly and cleared her throat again.
"What exactly do you want to know?"

It took Copper Top a second to react.
"Ehm, well. Everything you can remember might help me. Every detail can be crucial. Just start from the beginning."

Twinkleshine took a deep breath and began to tell Copper Top about what happened last night...

"So you really didn’t see anypony, just a shadow on the wall? Unfortunately, this is not much, but at least something.”

Twinkleshine sadly nodded.
"Sorry, I wish I could tell you more. But that's all I can remember."

Copper Top gently tapped her shoulders.
"It’s fine, I’ll still find the burglars. And don’t worry, Jet Set has no right at all to make you responsible for what happened. I mean you had no chance at all. Well I have to go now, if you can think of anything else, I'm at the museum."

Twinkleshine thought for a moment.
"Wait, there's one thing left. I'm sure the anti-magic devices were on when I left the security room."

Copper Top interrupted her.
"Anti-magic devices?"

"Yes, Jet Set installed them a few months ago, as additional protection against theft. I neither know how they work, nor how they’re actually called, but they prevent the use of more complex magic. Only light and similar weak spells work when the system is working. And somepony must have disabled it, although only I had the key. The security room was closed the whole time and when I came back to my senses and went back, it still was locked”

"That actually could help me a lot. Thank you for remembering. As I said, if you remember anything else, you'll find me at the museum."

Copper Top left the room. If she was right, only earthponies could be considered as culprits. She already guessed that before, since unicorns would certainly not have had to walk up the walls at the museum to get in. But thanks to the information on these anti-magic devices in the museum, Copper Top was now almost certain that unicorns and pegasi could be excluded as perpetrators.

As she left the house, Minuette suddenly ran after her.
"Copper Top, please wait for me!"

She turned around irritated and waited for the blue pony in the front yard of the house.

"Sorry, but I've heard that you have to work all alone, thanks to Jet Set. I'm not a police pony, but I can’t allow that my friend is blamed for a mistake she didn’t made. If I can help you somehow, just tell me!"

Copper Top considered briefly. Of course, it contradicted all the regulations to involve a civilian pony in police investigations, but the entire situation in which it was located wasn’t covered by any single rule. And if Jet Set can just get over the law and take all official support from her, she simply had to claim other help.

Copper Top slightly grinned about the thought of Jet Sets face when he found out that she would still get help and finally nodded at Minuette with a wink. What should go wrong? In any case, hardly anything more than what already was going wrong. At least, Copper Top was pretty sure.

"Alright Minuette I'll make you my temporary deputy. But remember, the investigations are secret so keep everything for you what we’ll find out. Can I rely on you?"

Minuette grinned all over her face.
"Of course Detective! I do everything necessary so that my friend can finally feel better."

Copper Top smirked and headed towards the museum.
"How much do you know about the case so far?"

"Only what Twinkleshine told me. Someone got inside the museum through a window, knocked her out and stole two expensive paintings made by Starswirl."

"Well, as soon as we're at the museum, I'll tell you what I've found out so far."

Minuette nodded decisively and followed Copper Top until they were back in front of the large entrance hall of the museum.

Copper Top led her to the bush behind the museum, where she had found the strange holes in the wall.

"Do you see these holes in the wall and the earth in front of it? I guess the burglars were climbing up the wall with a kind of spiked horseshoes and then broke the window. What I don’t understand though is, why there wasn’t any alarm sounding. I guess such a large museum would have to be secured..."

Minuette had to grin bitterly.
"Twinkleshine told me that Jet Set was so sure that nopony would dare to steal from him, so he intentionally removed the security system recently. However, besides the guards and of course himself, no one knew about it."

"Interesting ... That changes a lot", Copper Top said more to herself than to Minuette.

"What did you say?"

Copper Top shook her head.
"Oh nothing, I just thought aloud. Now we must find out where these horseshoes are left. If we find them, we may find the perpetrators too."

Minuette nodded and was about to leave the bush when she suddenly cried out loudly, holding her left front hoof with a pained face.

"What happened? Everything okay?"

"I don’t know something has stung me. Oh that hurts!"

Copper Top quickly looked at the injured hoof. Something sharp and pointed had drifted through her skin and thick drops of blood fell on the ground.

"Don’t worry, it’s not that bad. Luckily I always have a small first-aid kit in my bag."

Copper Top quickly snatched out a green wrapped package from her saddle bag, tore it with her teeth, and took out a small bottle of disinfectant and a white bandage. She dripped the liquid on her hooves and the bandage.

"Ok, this might hurt. But don’t worry, it will be better afterwards."

Minuette nodded and bite her teeth as Copper Top cupped her wound.
A short time later she had a thick bandage on the hoof and wiped away a tear from her eye.

"Thanks Copper Top, much better. But what in tarnation was that?"

Copper Top already checked the floor on which Minuette had contracted the injury and finally pulled a shiny horseshoe with thick spikes on the underside from the ground.

"Do you think this is one of the horseshoes that the burglars used?"

Copper Top frowned as she looked at the horseshoe. She honestly wasn’t sure what to think of it.
"Well, maybe, but why should... Oh forget it, we have definitely found an important evidence. Now we at least know how the horseshoes look. We should look for more. However, you should first consult a doctor, safety first."

Minuette wanted to insist but Copper Top looked at her emphatically. Finally, she sadly nodded.
"Well, but I'll come back. I won’t leave you hanging, I promise."

Copper Top smiled.
"Thank you Minuette. I’ll be here. See you later!"

Minuette smiled back and carefully walked back to the street and to the next doctor.

Copper Top briefly looked after her and then turned around to the mysterious horseshoe again. As much as she wanted it, something didn’t quite fit her theory. She must have missed something, perhaps in the museum itself.
She put the horseshoe in her bag and went back to the entrance hall. Immediately she heard a familiar, loud voice.
Copper Top sighed loudly. Whose day was Jet Set about to ruin now?

And in fact, Jet set stood a bit away from the coffers, loudly talking with a light gray stallion with white, elaborately styled mane. He somehow looked familiar to Copper Top.

Of course! She saw him in one of these fashion magazines that have been laying around in the waiting room of their police station in Manehattan for years now. What was his name again? She was almost sure that he was called Hoity Toity or something like this.

She straightened her sunglasses and walked resolutely towards the two struggling ponies.
"Gentlecolts, what's going on here?"

Jet Set angrily turned around, but then realized that he had a police officer on duty in front of him so he slowly calmed down. He took a deep breath and then put on his well-known, way too friendly grin again.

"Miss Copper Top, I apologize that you had to listen to that. I probably won’t need your services much longer, as I have already found the perpetrator myself. Please be so kind and take him to the jail, then we all might be home just for dinner time."

Hoity Toity took off his glasses and looked at Jet Set with a deadly glance.
"What are you saying? You're accusing me of stealing your paintings and now tell the police to arrest me without any evidence of my guilt or anything else that makes me suspicious? Just because you want to? Who do you think you actually are?! You really think, you're above the law, right?"

"Gentlecolts, it’s enough! Hoity Toity is right when he says I can’t arrest anyone without any evidence. Why do you even think that he is the culprit?"

Jet Set cleared his throat, then looked Copper Top condescendingly, as if speaking with a small foal.
"Even a dropout of the magical kindergarten should be able to understand that that greed is a very good motive. And my esteemed colleague here always wanted to buy some of Starswirls paintings from me. Probably in order to glue them on the wall of one of his side-street boutiques..."

Hoity Toitys face went red like a tomato on this insult.
"How dare you?! Of course I’d love to have such a valuable painting but first, my boutiques are the pride of whole Canterlot and second, I certainly wouldn’t commit a crime to get them! Unlike some other ponies…"

Jet Set grimly squinted.
"What do you mean by that? That I haven’t legally purchased the paintings? I have a deed of sale, certificate of authenticity and proof of insurance for every single one of them in my safe!”

"I know, but get rid of competitors at auctions by faking invitations from the royal sisters for a gala-dinner or bribing the auctioneers surely aren’t the right ways to get what you want."

Jet Set chuckled in amusement.
"You can’t prove anything. Some ponies get lucky and others don’t"

Copper Top listened patiently but she slowly lost her patience now. It took all her self-control to remain professional.
"If what Jet Set says is true, you are at least suspicious after all. I would ask you to accompany me outside, so we can talk in private."

"Nothing more than that. Anyways, I was already done with this inflated stallion!"

Hoity Toity put his glasses back on and followed Copper Top outside.

Copper Top made sure Jet Set couldn’t hear them, then turned to Hoity Toity.
"As much as it annoys me, I have to agree with Jet Set. If you really wanted to have these paintings, you have at least a motive. Where have you been on the evening of the theft and are there any witnesses?"

Hoity Toity laughed.
"I was at the court of Canterlot and showed my latest collection of dresses to Princess Luna. Also about fifty other ponies were there, you can ask all of them if you want. They’ll confirm that I’ve been in the castle the whole evening and night, presenting my collection."

Copper Top nodded.
"I will do that, even though I’m already quite sure that you don’t have anything to do with the crime. But for now I just have to do my job."

Hoity Toity smiled at her.
"Just as we all do. I once more ask you to forgive me my bad manners back at the gallery. But ponies like Jet Set… I simply can’t stand them. Is there anything else I can do for you?"

Copper Top shook her head.
"Not now but I might have further questions. How can I reach you?"

Hoity Toity grinned and gave her a noble-looking, white business card.
Copper Top put it in her pocket and thanked him.
He nodded and shook her hoof, then left towards the city center.

Copper Top sighed and went back to the museum. She was waiting for another terrible conversation with Jet Set but to her relief - and surprise - he was no longer there.
"Oh great, alone again and with even more questions than before..."

She was about to sit down on one of the marble benches in the foyer when she suddenly heard loud voices and nagging from outside. One of the voices she recognized immediately.
She ran out and saw that Minuette stood there with a second pony, a mare with a light blue coat, an azure mane and a strange looking purple hat in front of the museum. Minuette tightly held the other pony under her front legs as she gasped desperately for air.

"Minuette! What are you doing? Let her down!"
Copper Top couldn’t believe it.
"By Celestia's beard, what's gotten into you?!"

Minuette triumphantly looked at her.
"I’ve taken the culprit as she wanted to get rid of the evidence!"

"What in tarnation are you talking about?"

Minuette pushed the other pony rudely to the ground and looked angry at the poor mare.
"She had three of these horseshoes with her and was about to sell them on the black market. Probably to get rid of the evidence!"

She threw the three horseshoes on the ground and in fact, they looked exactly like the one Minuette stepped on before.
Copper Top also looked at the pony on the ground with a serious face.
"Is that correct? What’s your name?"

The other pony standing shakily, wiping a tear from the eye fearful.
"T…Trixie. B…but I didn’t do anything! I’m innocent, I always told that crazy pony that I am!"

Minuette raised an eyebrow.
"And where did you get those three horseshoes which look exactly like the ones used by the thieves?"

"Which thieves? I told you that I’ve found the horseshoes in a dumpster at the berth of the Sunrider in the zeppelin port. They looked valuable, so I thought I could sell them and get some money. And I didn’t want to sell on the black market but on the normal market place! No one visits my stage shows for a long time already, so I have to get over the day with collecting trash! I swear this is the truth!"

Copper Top sharply considered. Trixie was a unicorn, so she didn’t really fit to her original earthpony theory. And also it would be more than stupid of the burglars to sell the evidences in public. Nevertheless, Trixie carried the horseshoes, which most likely have been used by the thieves.

Copper Top couldn’t ignore this fact, so she had to do what a police officer had to do in such a situation.
"Due to the current state of investigation and the objects we found on you, you are a suspect for the art theft at the gallery of Canterlot. You are hereby under arrest."

Now the tears started to run down Trixie’s face.
"But... I haven’t done anything..."

Copper Top sighed. Her heart told her that Trixie was saying the truth but she had no choice. The hoofcuffs clicked and Copper Top escorted her to the police station of Canterlot. Although Jet Set forbade the help of her colleagues, where else should she take the suspects? The police ponies took the desperated Trixie into custody and locked her in one of the cells. Copper Top looked through the bars, as she crouched down in a corner and sobbed quietly.

Even if Copper Top had seen a lot in her career, this broke her heart. But she had to do her duty, as hard as it seemed to her now. She now almost took it as her new duty to find a way to prove Trixie's innocence.
One of the police ponies came to her and laughed.

"Well, what a good catch we made. I'll tell Jet Set as soon as possible that we have taken the culprit under arrest. He sure will be pleased and you can finally head back to Manehattan."

"Not so fast. There are still a few questions that I need to find answers to."

The police Pony frowned.
"But we have what Jet Set wanted. Why bother? I'm sure after a brief interrogation, this filly will confess everything."

"Nopony starts an interrogation on my suspects as long as I'm not around. I don’t know if you’ve missed it, but I'm the senior investigator in this case and if I remember correctly, you don’t even have anything to do with it."

The face of the other pony darkened.
"You're wrong. The suspect is now in our station and that means we can interrogate her whenever and however we want. We thank you for your help but from now on, we take care of Trixie."

Copper Top couldn’t believe it. The smug grin of the police pony proved her that he only wanted to get the benefits for catching the burglar. The truth itself seemed of little importance to them now. How could these Canterlot ponies have been so focused on being recognized by the upper class ponies?

The other pony cleared his throat, then said with a decidedly formal voice:
"The interrogation of the suspect will be done tomorrow at high noon. The police of Canterlot would be glad if you could take part in it, Detective. But we've kept you too long. I hope you’ll have a nice, relaxing evening."

Before Copper Top could say anything, the police Pony roughly pushed her out of the cell block and left her alone in the entrance hall of the police station.

Stunned, she put her cap back on and left the station. So now she only had about eighteen hours to prove Trixie's innocence and find the real culprit. If she only had listened to her heart and not to the overly correct police officer inside her. Then both Trixie and her would be in a much better situation now.

She could only hope that Minuette would actually be a help now, because one thing was certain: She won’t be able to solve one of the most difficult cases in her career in only eighteen hours. Especially not on her own.

Minuette confidently sat on a bench in the foyer, as Copper Top entered the museum.
"So? Did we solve the case? Twinkleshine will be so glad to hear that!"

Copper Top was just about to say something she would certainly have regretted afterwards. But she refrained and just looked at Minuette with a serious face.

"Not at all. There are still many questions left. Even if Trixie had something to do with the theft, she certainly wasn’t alone. We have to keep going until we have answered all the remaining questions."

Minuette looked at her questioningly.
"And what questions are left?"

Copper Top sighed. Even if she appreciated Minuettes energy and willingness to help, she was annoyed no to have professional support of the actual police. However, she was now more that sure that the local officers wouldn’t have been much more helpful after her visit at the police station.

"First, where are the paintings? Then, who is the head behind all this? And why was one of the horseshoes..."

She couldn’t go any further because she once more heard Jet Set’s voice coming from the entrance.
"Miss Copper Top, I've heard that the filthy thief was caught. Congratulations! I’ll personally suggest you for a commendation in Manehatten. Thanks for the help."

Copper Top looked at him annoyed, but suddenly had a brain blast.
"No problem at all, I’ll sure head back home soon. But there’s one last question I have. Just because of personal curiosity..."


" What exactly happens next? I mean, of course, Trixie gets the punishment she deserves. But what will happen to the paintings? And the museum itself?"

Jet Set laughed.
"Don’t worry, I have enough financial reserves to get over the loss of two images. In addition, the insurance company has already paid a generous compensation. And last but not least I have now hired a professional security service, so I should be able to sleep well tonight after all. In addition, my lawyers have assured me that I can sue my former employee for a compensation because she was responsible that the thieves were able to get inside the museum in the first place. So the story got a happy end after all. And all thanks to you and your great help in the investigation. Without any doubt, you really are the best investigator Equestria has to offer."

Copper Top now put all her eggs in one basket. Either she now was proven right, or in huge trouble.
"And... what happens to the window and the wall under it?"

"I’ve already contacted a mason and a glazier. The damage to the wall and the windows should be fixed next week, then the museum can open it’s doors again for the many art lovers. Maybe I'll get even more visitors, thanks to the robbery!"

Jet Set eyes wandered through the foyer while he slightly daydreamed about all the money he was about to make but Copper Top just smiled satisfied. She was almost sure to have the last piece of proof to her theory.
"By the way, the Sunrider is your private airship isn’t it?"

Jet Set looked at her, slightly irritated about that sudden question.
"That's true, my wife and I named herthat way as she seems to sail like on a sunbeam. You should know her already, I asked her to pick you up in Manehattan this morning."

Even though Copper Top possibly overused her luck, she now had to risk a shot in the dark.
"But why do you want to sell her then?"

Jet Set was a bit restless and Copper Top now knew that she hit the bullseye. Not only that she solved the case, she also knew exactly where the paintings were.
"How do you know? The sale is top secret!"

Copper Top put a mask of innocence on.
"I've heard about it when I walked the harbor after I came back from the police station. I was just surprised that you want to sell such a beautiful ship. I'm sorry if I have hit a nerve. You must have a big emotional bonding to that ship."

Jet Set sighted of relief.
"Oh yes, indeed. My wife and I have spent many beautiful hours on board. But I’m not getting any younger and I’ve also almost no time for sailing. So unfortunately I have to give the Sunrider away."

Copper Top nodded.
"Well, we’ve kept you long enough from your duties, I’ll better make my way back home. This day was really exhausting and I look forward to my bed at home. Have a nice evening, Jet Set."

Jet Set smiled back.
"I wish you the same, Copper Top. I hope you’ll have a pleasant journey! Maybe we'll meet again someday. You really earned my gratitude."

Copper Top grabbed Minuettes hoof and pulled her out of the museum. All the time she had to hold her back, especially as Jet Set began to rant about Twinkleshine.

Once outside, Copper Top quickly walked down the street and looked around, worried that Jet Set could have followed them.
Minuette ran after her finally met her under a street lantern.

"What in Celestia's name was that all about? How could you agree to Jet Set? I thought you were working with me to prove Twinkleshine’s innocence! If what this disgusting stallion has said is true, she owes him an incredible sum of money for the rest of her entire life! And besides, the train station is in the other direction! What are you doing?!"

Copper Top hastily put a hoof on Minuette’s mouth.
"Twinkleshine is innocent, just like Trixie and I know how to prove it. But you have to trust me. Then the real culprits get what they deserve."

Minuettes eyes slowly relaxed and she nodded, so Copper Top took down her hoof again.
"And what do we do now?"

"We need to get to the port and get aboard the Sunrider. And we have to hurry because I'm sure Jet Set will be there soon as well."

"What? But why? And what does that have to do with the thieves?"

"I'll explain everything on the way, we just need to hurry now. Do you know where the quickest way to the port is?"

Minuette nodded and ran ahead, closely followed by Copper Top. In the background she heard the big clock of Canterlot just hit midnight.

"We have to rearrange the paintings once they are no longer safe in here."

"We had a deal, Jet Set. I don’t like it when someone doesn’t stick to agreed plans. "

" That doesn’t matter you fool, the police perhaps knows and could be here before the selling of the Sunrider is done and ask questions that I’d rather like to avoid. Show me the paintings!"

"I'm sorry but a deal is a deal. You take care of the police and we take care of the images. That was the plan and that’s how it will stay!"

"Now listen to me carefully, I’ve hired you to steal the paintings. Not the other way around! You’ve been granted a generous share of the insurance payments, as well as the smuggling proceeds. But still I’m in charge of the operation and not you and your little earthpony friends!"

For almost two hours now, Copper Top and Minuette hid behind some boxes in the storage room of the Sunrider and waited in vain for anything suspicious. But just a few minutes ago, Jet Set entered the storage room with a few other ponies that were wrapped in dark coats.

Copper Tops suspicions had definitely been confirmed. There never was an actual theft. Jet Set hired a group of criminals to steal the paintings to gain the insurance money afterwards. He could also sue Twinkleshine for compensatory and nopony would ever be able to find out the truth because the paintings have always been hidden in the airship and would be sold with it, leaving no traces at all.

Copper Top had to admit that it was a brilliant plan. But if she was going to strike at the right moment, they could have Jet Set and his gang arrested in one single swoop.

Since the ponies enter the cargo hold, Minuette had a voice recorder running and recorded the whole conversation. This should be enough to at least convict Jet Set in case something would go wrong. But at the moment, Copper Top hold all aces in her hoof.

Jet Set slammed one hoof on a box.
"Damn it, don’t you see how big the risk is? We’ll all be in jail if you don’t do what I say!"

The other pony smiled under his hood.
"Don’t worry, nopony will find anything in here."

Jet set face went white as snow.
"What? Does that mean you ... How dare you?!"

"I'm sorry but we got a way better deal with a friend from Manehattan. He also will appreciate the paintings way more than you."

Copper Top guessed that she had to act now. The situation threatened to get out of control because she didn’t know what the veiled ponies were about to do when Jet Set lost his temper. She took a deep breath and then jumped out from behind the box.

"POLICE! Freeze!"

The masked ponies tore their heads around and quickly ran out of the cargo bay. Their leader looked deep in Copper Top’s eyes and for a moment, she saw the face of a white stallion with bright blue eyes under the hood. He smiled at her briefly and then also fled through the large door.

Copper Top knew she would hardly have a chance in a chase all alone, so she had to let the gang escape. She couldn’t risk that also Jet Set would be able to escape.

Angrily she snorted and then turned around, looking at Jet Set with a grim face. He was still in shock in the middle of the cargo bay, trying to comprehend what just happened.

"Jet Set, you're under arrest. You are urgently a suspect of insurance fraud, incitement to a theft and false accusation. You have the right to remain silent and I strongly advise you to take it at least once in your life."

Jet Set nodded and didn’t resisted while Copper Top put hoofcuffs around his front legs.

Minuette was stunned.
"So you’ve actually been right. Jet Set himself put the horseshoe in the ground and I stepped in it by accident."

"Exactly. It was only a matter of time before I would find this one and some poor pony at the harbor would find the others in the garbage. I would have a suspect, the police in Canterlot could distinguish themselves and the paintings would never been seen again. The sale of the Sunrider wouldn’t have attracted any larger attention and the paintings on board would have been safely smuggled out of town."

"But how did you know that Jet Set had to do with it?"

Copper Top grinned at Jet Set.
"I didn’t. I simply went with my guts and fortunately was proven right. But he had also revealed the truth by himself. How was he aware of the holes in the wall? That was the crucial clue that I needed."

Suddenly, Jet Set began to grin.
"But unfortunately, it seems that the paintings are no longer around here. I'm afraid you've got no evidence except your word. Listen, I'll give you and your friend a nice little reward and we all forget about this regrettable incident."

Copper Top smiled at him.
"That's too kind but we heard your conversation earlier and just couldn’t resist to record it. I hope you have fun in jail. Rich snobs like you are always welcome there among the prisoners."

Jet Set remained silent and grimly looked at the floor.
"Anyways, Minuette. We should escort our friend to the police station. There also sits a poor pony, which I think deserves a huge apology from both of us."

Minuette weakly smiled.
"Yeah right, I was probably a bit premature. Nevertheless, she was suspicious, just because of the horseshoes. I can hardly wait to tell Twinkleshine about the good news. I now see for myself why you're considered to be the best investigator of Equestria. I for myself would never have found the solution to this case."

Copper Top blushed, but then had to admit that she had done a pretty good job despite all modesty.
Together they left the Sunrider and just saw Celestia on the tower of the castle above them as she began her daily work to let the sun once again shine over Canterlot.

Comments ( 6 )

Copper Top is quickly becoming one of my favorite characters, and this just adds to that.

Always have a place in your heart for background ponies ;)

True, I do like the background ponies more than the Mane 6, mostly because there are a lot of them that could have interesting backstories and questions about them like how did Derpy Hooves become crossed eyed? Or how did Vinyl Scratch and Octavia Melody meet each other? That is what I like about the show, there are just so many characters to like and I want to see get focus in either the show or the comics someday.

Nothing to add here /)

Another awesome story love the character, she is awesome

My favorite part of this one is actually the character of Jet Set. Thanks to his vile personality, he totally deserves the punishment. I kind of suspected him at the beginning, but the ending was nevertheless good. Of course he couldn't know about the holes in the wall. Clever, very clever.

Could you write a chase scene in another story? I bet you can make that really awesome!

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