• Published 11th Dec 2017
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Of Enterprising Men and Ponies - tom117z

At Discord's urging, Princess Twilight hops on through the mirror portal to Canterlot High, which had been closed for two millenia. Instead of a school, she finds herself in a cargo bay of a starship. Discord also has popcorn at the ready.

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Of Enterprising Men and Ponies: Part 2

Last Time On Star Trek: The Next Generation

Four lavender hooves slowly centred themselves, lifting their owner until she stood up unsteadily. She stood a head taller than any of those around, her wings fluttering as she realised what had happened. The crew looked at her in shock, examining her ancient lavender eyes and ethereal mane blowing in an unseen wind.

“The barriers are collapsing,” the alicorn muttered, eyes looking up towards the viewscreen just as the emerging vessel came into view.

And Twilight knew that ship very well indeed.

It was comprised of a large rounded saucer with a bridge module directly in its centre, six spherical habitation modules running down along each side. At the back of the ship stood two proud nacelles, one slung under the ship and the other towering high above. Lights flickered erratically as it drifted slowly towards the Enterprise, clearly having lost its own engines during their rough and involuntary transit through the anomaly. A name was written on the saucer, sitting valiantly before the bridge as a badge of honour and prestige.

The ship came to a halt, thrusters coming back online and steadying it again. And so the two vessels sat facing each other, uncertain of what was going to happen next.

“It’s the ES Harmony.”

And Now For The Conclusion

Two ships stood facing one another in space, each similar is design aesthetic and yet vastly different at the same time. The vessels were of similar lengths, and equally as imposing. The anomaly crackled behind the recently emerged vessel, its expansion coming to a halt but not reducing even an inch.

On the bridge of the Enterprise, Dr Crusher and her medical team were piling onto the bridge in search of the casualty. However, Twilight simply flicked a wing to send the bewildered medical personnel away, feeling completely fine now that the forced transformation was complete.

Twilight slowly trotted down from the back of the bridge until she was planted squarely in front of the viewscreen. Picard got up from his captain’s chair and stood alongside her, looking up at the alicorn in concern.

“Are you quite alright?” Picard asked. “You certainly look different.”

“This is me,” Twilight explained, her eyes not leaving the image of the ES Harmony. “The barriers between our worlds are breaking down. The portal’s power to disguise my appearance has failed, and I have thus reverted to my natural state.”

Picard nodded in understanding, now also turning to examine the other ship. “This ship, you know it?”

“It’s the ES Harmony,” Twilight said in the affirmative. “It’s one of ours. Our flagship, the first and what was until recently our only warp capable starship. The Celestial Class of ship is getting the upgrade and the ES Shining Armor has also been launched. The Harmony itself was getting underway again, after an extensive refit, just as I was stepping through the portal to this universe.”

“Data, analysis?” Picard enquired of the android.

“The ship is of similar dimensions to the twenty third century Einstein Class of starship,” Data reported. “It appears to be of similar power and armaments too.”

“The refit upgraded everything about her,” Twilight said proudly. “A sharin by the name of Xal helped incorporate the new technologies.”

“She is antiquated in comparison to modern Starfleet designs, despite her size,” Data made sure to add in, causing the Princess to pout a little. “She is no match for the Enterprise.”

“Neither were we for the gaecha…” Twilight muttered in annoyance. “I’m not the only thing that’s going to get a power boost from the anomaly, the ship uses extensive magical properties within its technology. From weapons to the engines, they will all be getting an overcharge.”

“So it becomes more powerful the longer it soaks up the anomaly’s energy?” Picard questioned, Twilight nodding in the affirmative. “And how will it affect the Enterprise’s systems in comparison?”

“The opposite,” Twilight replied. “Your vessel does not use magic of any kind. As such, the energy from the anomaly will cripple your systems. It’s how we defeated our hunters aboard the Harmony.”

“Move us to a safer distance, full reverse,” Picard commanded the helmsman, who set the Enterprise to steadily reverse away.

“Sir, if that vessel is responsible for the anomaly, then we can’t let them soak up that energy until they are a match for our own weapons,” Worf noted to the Captain.

“They wouldn’t do that!” Twilight objected. “I know the crew, Captain Iynx is both capable and moral. She wouldn’t randomly open up a hole into another universe!”

“Perhaps, like us, they were sent to investigate?” Data suggested.

Worf looked down at his console as it lit up. “Sir, the other ship is hailing us.”

Picard glanced at the Princess, before turning back to the viewscreen. “Very well, let’s see what these people have to say for themselves. On screen.”

Worf complied, and a moment later the view of the Harmony shifted the that of the bridge. The Starfleet crew could immediately see its resemblance to the tradition bridges seen on their own ships. Round, the helm sitting at the front with the captain’s chair sitting directly behind it. The tactical console sat behind the captain’s chair to the right, the science console likewise to its left.

The helmsman was a grey coated earth pony with a black mane. His eyes were green in colour. Behind tactical sat an equine figure that wore a black uniform, albeit he lacked any fur on his grey coloured body and had rather bony facial features with sharp looking points at the end of their ears.

The one sitting in the captain’s chair, however, was clearly not equine. In fact, she looked like a mix between a large cat and a bird of prey.

“Fascinating,” Data said in interest. “Her physical profile matches that of an old Earth mythical creature, a griffon.”

If the Captain of the ES Harmony had any response to that comment, it was lost as she sighted the alicorn with wide eyes.”

“Princess!?” Captain Iynx stated in surprise, one that was shared with the rest of the bridge crew. “What are you doing on that ship?”

“I would surmise that she entered this alternate reality ahead of us,” Xal noted, sharing Data’s interest in the situation. “The obvious synthetic lifeform mentioned mythical creatures. Well, these people look not at all unlike one I read about in the Harmony’s database, ‘humans’.”

“Wait, humans!?” the officer at the helm, Nimble Star, blurted out. “The portal… she actually did it.”

“I took your advice after all, Lieutenant,” Twilight confirmed. “My apologies for missing the ship’s relaunch.”

“Think nothing of it, your highness,” Iynx replied. “The moment we got out of dock, we received reports of an anomaly emerging from the asteroid field where we fought the gaecha for the last time.”

“So it is there…” Twilight muttered.

Iynx’s eyes left the Princess, landing on the balding Captain of the Enterprise.

“This is Captain Iynx of the ESP Starship Harmony,” Iynx introduced herself. “Who might you be?”

“I am Captain Jean-Luc Picard of the Federation Starship Enterprise,” Picard greeted in turn. “We were also investigating the anomaly. Your Princess has been assisting us in this matter.”

“Right, I thought that might be the case,” Iynx replied. “We just arrived, and got sucked in before we could so much as scan the damned thing.”

“It’s acting like a funnel from our universe into this one,” Xal added in. “Though our entry appears to have widened it. It should be possible to traverse back into our own reality now.”

“Might I ask something?” Twilight interrupted. “The ship may be faster than it was, but how did you get to that asteroid field in the small amount of time since I arrived here?”

“We were on course, but had only just started the journey,” Iynx replied. “The new warp drive would only have taken a short time over than the two months it took when the ship was busted, but we didn’t need to. Something flung us straight to the field, we have no idea what.”

“I do…” Twilight half-groaned. “Discord. He set this whole thing up, all so that we could fix this anomaly.”

“Of course, he is never around to say more than a few cryptic messages,” Commander Riker commented sourly. “How typical.”

“Very,” Twilight agreed with a frown, before offering Captain Picard a brighter smile. “Well, I’ve seen your ship so… how would you like to see mine?”

Picard regarded the Princess with curiosity. “What do you suggest?”

“We beam over to the Harmony and go to the briefing room,” Twilight suggested. “Our senior staffs can meet and greet, and more importantly we can combine our efforts to seal the rift shut.”

“No objections from me,” Iynx stated in agreement to the arrangement. “I’ll summon the rest of the Harmony’s senior officers. We’ll be prepared to receive you as our guests.”

“Well, I think that it shall be our honour,” Picard responded positively. “Signal us when you’re prepared.”

Iynx nodded, and the communication between the two ships was cut off. Picard returned the Princess’ smile, and then returned to his captain’s chair.

“Well then, Princess,” he addressed Twilight. “It seems we can finally commit first contact between our people the right way.”

“Anomaly excluded,” Twilight replied with a chuckle. “But as the Princess of Friendship, I can hardly wait.”

The ES Harmony, Conference Room

“I approve of the new insignia,” Twilight said, looking at the displayed symbol on the screen. “Though I most note a similarity to the insignia of this world’s Starfleet.

The screen was showing a black delta badge with a golden border around it. Centring the delta was a stylised image representing the four main Equestrian alicorn princesses. Red and blue wings represented the two royal sisters, a starburst represented Twilight Sparkle at its very centre and then up above that was the image of a crystalline heart.

The entirety of the Enterprise’s senior staff was aboard. Picard, Riker, Data, Worf, Troi, La Forge and Doctor Crusher all sitting along one side of the conference table. The other side held Captain Iynx, Xal, Nimble Star, Silver Wrench and Geneser. Princess Twilight Sparkle sat at the head of the table, looking down at both sides.

“Very similar indeed,” Captain Picard noted, observing the insignia with interest. In turn, the staff of the ES Harmony looked towards his own combadge. “Ours dates back to the early Federation, it appears that despite the differences our two timelines are proceeding on familiar paths.”

“Ugh, thinking about the mechanics makes my head hurt,” Nimble Star complained under his breath.

“I could give you a rundown on all the latest theories, Lieutenant,” Xal commented to the earth pony.

“I’ll pass,” he deadpanned in return.

“I’ve never seen this design before,” Twilight noted, ignoring the tangent. “When was it commissioned?”

“Today practically,” Iynx explained. “Created to honour the relaunch, and our return home. We thought you would be there to see us off.”

Twilight had the decency to look a little guilty. “My apologies, I suppose my distraction was too great.”

“Another universe in its entirety,” Chief Medical Officer Geneser said, the zebra shaking her head. “Our trip was never going to go quietly.”

“Forgive me if this is a misinterpret, but that rhyme almost sounded deliberate,” Troi noticed, looking towards the zebra curiously.

“Indeed it is, you have excellent ears,” Geneser replied. “A long tradition of zebra culture, right next to the seers.”

“I couldn’t imagine having to speak in rhyme, especially not all the time,” Riker commented, ignoring his own slight rhyme.

“Believe me, trying to get her to trip up is her biggest berserk button,” Chief Engineer Silver Wrench said knowingly, shooting a smirk at his other half. “I’m not kidding. Zebra martial arts involves pressure points. Her being a doctor only helps that.”

She only gave him a bemused glare in response.

“We actually have species like you back on Earth,” Picard noticed, the scientific explorer within him making many notes. “Zebras and ponies both.”

“While griffons are but myths,” Princess Twilight noted. “Our world has a vast mix. I’m aware of your versions from previous visits. Seeing an Earth horse for the first time was… disconcerting.”

“Such difficulties would be expected, the culture shock could only be described as massive in scale,” Data extrapolated in an attempt to be helpful. “But perhaps not here, in the depths of space where such things are not so apparent.”

“Yet I’ve encountered new things, unlike the last time I was here,” Twilight noted, not hiding her glance towards their resident klingon. “We’ve only just encountered alien species from our own universe as it is.”

“Yes, your Princess informed us of your recent battles,” Worf stated in appreciation of such tales. “They would make fine songs.”

“Songs of war, a warrior culture,” Captain Iynx said with an inch of familiarity. “Griffons used to be proud warriors like that. We still are to an extent, but not as much as we were in the past.”

“I am… sorry to hear that,” Worf replied. “Might I ask, what happened to change you?”

“Some king lost a stupid idol,” Iynx replied. “The Empire lost its capital to ruin, and never really recovered. At least until some ponies showed us a different way of thinking.”

“In hindsight, the map made the right choice,” Twilight said idly to herself. “Still, things turned out for the best in the end.”

“I suppose they did,” Iynx conceded. “Not that there may be an Empire much longer, if the talks of planetary unification go through.”

“The ESP was already a step towards that,” Twilight responded. “I believe they will. We have to be, now that we’re dealing with other civilisations among the stars.”

“It would allow for a stronger negotiation process with my people,” Xal agreed. “The alicorns have already proved they can handle such an affair, if what I have read in your databanks is any indication.”

“I don’t suppose you will be willing to part with some of your data, in return for some of ours,” Doctor Crusher suggested, stepping into the conversation for the first time. “At the very least what both sides can afford to share. I, personally, am quite curious to your medical practices and biological data.”

“I could assist,” Geneser said, doctor to doctor. “So long as the Captain does not have me desist.”

“I wouldn’t be opposed,” Iynx informed them. “So unless the Princess says otherwise, I’ll have some of my people work up a transfer.”

“Well, Captain?” Crusher looked towards Picard expectantly, not unlike the way a wife would look at her husband while asking for something.

“Oh, I’m sure we can work out something. Perhaps not starship design, but Federation history and, yes, medical data.”

“Maybe engineering specs, if they’re willing to trade those too,” La Forge added in.

“I’d show you the engine if you just asked,” Silver Wrench commented with a small shrug. “Just don’t touch anything. I put a lot of work into keeping it from breaching.”

La Forge gave a small chuckle. “I can sympathise.”

“But for the moment, enough about cultural exchange,” Captain Iynx interrupted, looking towards Picard with a serious glare. “What’s happening on this side of the portal? We detected some minor damage to the Enterprise.”

Picard gave a sigh, sitting forwards and cupping his hands together. “There is a civilisation called the Romulan Star Empire, and we have a… troubled history with them. They blame us for this anomaly, and fired upon us. They may appear again soon.”

“They blame you, but the fault may be ours,” Twilight noted grimly, her wings fluttering a little. “Or more specifically, mine.”

All eyes turned to Twilight, giving her looks that held a question. Twilight, for her part, looked regretful but resigned to the fact.

“I don’t know for sure, but… Captain Iynx, on the other side is the same asteroid field where we destroyed the gaecha, correct?”

“Right. But what does that have to do with anything?”

“It can’t be a coincidence,” Twilight replied. “Maybe it’s a gut feeling. Maybe it’s that smug smile on Discord’s face. But either way, I may have been the cause during that final conformation.”

“You did seem alarmed back aboard the Enterprise,” Picard observed. “What did you do?”

Twilight sighed. “The enemy outnumbered us four to one. Not to mention their superior technology. But we had a way to level the playing field.”

“There was a magic infused asteroid, extremely unstable and… with unknown qualities,” Xal continued the explanation, putting the pieces together for himself. “The Princess wished to study it, but there wasn’t time for more than a cursory examination before the battle.”

“And why was this significant?” Riker enquired.

“From our research, magic only exists in the region of space around Equus, and is produced by the planet itself.” Xal demonstrated, reaching a hoof out to a cup on the table and somehow picking it up without fingers. “I did not have such abilities before encountering these people. I do now.”

“Wait, so are we going to develop these abilities?” Crusher asked in slight alarm.

“No,” Twilight said with a shake of her head. “Neither myself nor Sunset Shimmer ever discovered the mechanics of magic in this world. That is simply because magic should not exist here. At all. This reality doesn’t know what to do with it, so the consequences are varied. Those who have been infused with it directly may develop some specific abilities, albeit not as varied as the stable magic back home, but you should not develop any at all from our presence alone.”

“Then we’ll have to be careful,” Riker stated. “I take the meaning of ‘varied’ as potentially deadly consequences. Not everyone will become the new Superman.”

“Indeed,” Twilight confirmed. “My old friends gained helpful abilities, but one… person got turned into a reality destroying maniac by a massive infusion of magic.

“You don’t see that in the history books,” La Forge muttered.

“But back to the anomaly,” Picard spoke up. “Magic only comes from your world as far as you know, and this asteroid was within that region?”

“Just barely, new magic really,” Twilight replied. “The field spreads over the many millennia. Definitely an area of research. But the point is, non-magical based ships are vulnerable to that very energy. We destroyed the asteroid so that the magical blast would cripple the gaecha, while powering the Harmony to new heights. Not unlike what the anomaly will be doing to our systems as we speak.”

“It IS the same magic, if you’re right,” Nimble Star noted.

“I’m sure I am,” Twilight replied dryly. “But the magic being unstable and unstudied, I knew it could have unforeseen consequences. Though I never imagined it would punch a hole in the universe.”

“Believe me, anomalies start to happen,” Riker joked. “We’ve had a few ourselves.”

“But we need to find out how to close it,” Picard said to all those gathered. “If we don’t it shall only grow. And then our relationship with the Star Empire will be the least of our concerns.”

“I agree,” the Princess of Friendship stated with a nod. “With both our ships, data collection should be easier. Especially if we do it from both sides.”

“If we return to our ship, we can coordinate our efforts,” Captain Picard replied with approval, before adding: “And while we do that, I see no reason why we cannot continue to talk on behalf of our worlds.”

Twilight smiled. “Of course.”

And then the intercom beeped, a voice coming in from the ES Harmony’s bridge.

“Captain, three ships have just jumped out of warp. Their shields are raised.”

Riker looked at Picard, worry in his eyes. “The warbirds.”

“They’re early. Princess, we need to go back to the Enterprise.”

Twilight nodded, a grim look on her face. “I understand. I have stay with my subjects, hurry to the transporter room."

Picard nodded in turn, and with a motion her quickly led his people out of the conference room towards the nearest transporter room. With an order, Twilight also had her own subjects pile out of the room and move in the opposite direction towards the bridge. Iynx stopped as Twilight made to leave herself, however, engaging the intercom and giving a reply to the bridge.

“This is the Captain,” Iynx spoke, her voice severe. “Combat alert.”

The turbolift doors swiftly slid open as Captain Picard, Commander Riker and Deanna Troi all walked onto the bridge. They said nothing until they all sat in their respective seats at the very centre of the bridge, Picard looking sternly at the viewscreen ahead of him. Worf and Data followed them out, also taking their respective stations while relieving their stand-ins. Panels along the walls flashed red, accompanying the alarm signifying red alert.


“The three warbrids are on an intercept course, Captain,” Worf announced to the bridge. “However, they are not running at their maximum speed.”

“They are scanning the Harmony,” Data interjected. “I believe they are holding off until they have analysed the threat.”

“That’s not going to last very long,” William Riker noted. “Mr Worf, tactical options?”

“Our shields and weapons are powered and ready,” the klingon informed them. “The Harmony is also giving off greater power readings than when they first appeared.

“The anomaly,” Riker surmised.

“Hail them,” Picard commanded.

A few button presses later, the image of Captain Iynx reappeared on the viewscreen. Much like the bridge of the Enterprise, red flashes were accompanying their own red alert equivalent. All personnel were at their station, and Princess Twilight Sparkle stood to the side of the captain’s chair.

“Captain, what is your status?”

“Shield and weapons are all online,” Iynx replied to the other captain. “On top of that, the anomaly has given us that boost. We’re back to a similar level as to when we fought the gaecha.”

“Greater, since the ship has since undergone a refit,” Xal added in. “But this is definitely the same magic as the asteroid.”

“Data,” Picard addressed the android. “How much have their systems been improved by the anomaly?”

“Previously their systems were closest in comparison to an old Einstein Class starship,” Data recounted. “According to these readings, they are now more comparable to a late twenty third century Constitution Class.”

“An improvement, but still not a match for those warbirds,” Riker pointed out. “What about the anomaly itself? Don’t those energies affect our starships differently?”

“You are correct, they drain power rather than give,” Princess Twilight confirmed. “But that WILL include the Enterprise.”

“Sir, if we can lure the warbirds in,” Worf suggested.

Then the bridge shuddered aboard the Enterprise, outside the ship a green flash striking against the shields.

“Sir, the warbrids have opened fire on us!” Worf then announced. “Minor fluctuations in shield frequency, no damage.”

“Well, aren’t you in a pickle,” Q remarked as he flashed into existence, leaning along the wooden railing besides the three central command chairs. “Up at arms, Jean-Luc! ‘Give them what for’, isn’t that what old British pilots used to say? Then again you were born in Paris, not that the accent would give it away.

“Q, get the hell off my bridge!” Picard commanded crossly, just as there was another impact. “We have no time for your games.”

“Oh, have it your way,” Q replied, vanishing in a flash.

Only for another flash to appear on the bridge of the Harmony, a mismatched creature appearing from it and giving all those presents an overly gleeful smirk.

“Hello there, young Sparkle-butt!” Discord greeted, giving the two-thousand-year-old alicorn a noogie. “On another adventure I see!”

“Discord!” Twilight shouted, equally as cross as Picard.

“Oh, don’t mind me, I’m just enjoying the show,” Discord dismissed, summoning up a lounger and some popcorn. “You have an anomaly to close. If you can shake the big green death birds.”

“Sir, the warbirds are entering their optimal firing range!” Worf stated from the bridge of the Enterprise.

“Think fast…” Discord said dangerously, giving a small chuckle.

“Put us between the Harmony and those Warbirds,” Picard commanded, knowing they could take more of a beating than their ally. “Target the weapons on that lead ship and fire.”

As the Enterprise began to turn and head into position, the video feed on the viewscreen cut out to instead focus on the incoming ships. However, the audio feed between both vessels remained intact.

“Xal, have our torpedoes also hit that target. Meanwhile, have our phasers target any torpedoes they throw at either us or the Enterprise,” Iynx ordered, before looking directly at Nimble Star. “Nimble, keep us within the anomaly’s area of effect. We need to drain this thing for all its worth.”

“Yes ma’am.”

The Enterprise got into position, immediately taking several more plasma bolts into its shielding. Several of the Galaxy Class ship’s phaser strips lit up and unleashed their power at the lead ship, focusing fire on their forward shields in an attempt to make a hole. Meanwhile, the Harmony backed off a little bit and yet dipped below the Enterprise ever so slightly so that they had a limited line of sight. The forward torpedo tubes lit up as the orange coloured projectiles streaked forwards and joined their power with the Enterprise’s phasers. The lead warbird let off a few torpedoes of its own at the Enterprise, but in response the phaser turrets of the Harmony lifted up and swivelled around to see their targets. Blue beams shot outwards, annihilating the plasma torpedoes before they hit their targets.

“Good to see the phaser upgrades are working,” Iynx commented. “Didn’t realise they changed the colour.”

“Iynx, please admire the bug guns in your own time,” Twilight mirthfully scolded. “Are we making any progress on that lead ship.”

“Their shields are weakening, but have not yet collapsed,” Xal reported, targeting another set of torpedoes and firing. “The Enterprise has sustained several direct hits, but they are thus far intact.”

“Keep it up, but watch for-” Iynx began, before a strong jolt cascaded through the ship and sparks flew across the bridge.

Twilight’s wings flared in an effort to steady herself, and she looked around the bridge in alarm. “What was that!?”

“One of the flanking vessels is targeting us with their forward weapons array,” Xal reported, getting damage reports. “Shield at ninety percent. The shields won’t take many hits like that.”

“Nimble, pattern Alpha Three,” Iynx commanded, looking out of the viewscreen at the attacking vessel.

The warbird fired another bolt of plasma in their direction, though the Harmony sharply rotated as the attack skimmed passed their hull and was lost somewhere within the anomaly. The ship then turned sharply, fired several more torpedoes and a few phaser beams at the lead warbird before retreating further behind the Enterprise for the moment. The Enterprise itself fired another volley of both phasers and torpedoes at the lead warbirds, its shield flickering violently from the impact as they started to buckle.

And then the two flanking warbirds began to move off, away and then adjusting course around the two defending vessels.

“Captain,” Lieutenant Commander Worf shouted in small alarm. “Two of the enemy vessels are breaking off, they are moving to out flank us. If they get behind us, the Harmony will be vulnerable.”

“Captain,” Data spoke up. “This course of action will lead them extremely close to the anomaly.”

“They’re still unaware of the detrimental effects,” Commander Riker noted, a small smirk on his features. “They hit that thing, we may not need to worry about that.”

“Did you get that, Captain Iynx?” Picard asked to the other ship.

“Loud and clear,” Iynx responded. “If the gaecha are anything to go by, they’re in for a nasty surprise. Keep them off of us as long as you can until then though, that initial volley gave us a scratch or two.”

“I understand, Captain. Stand-by.”

“It’s not going to work,” Discord then commented, tutting in disapproval.

“And why is that?” Twilight shot back at the Spirit of Chaos.

“Because of them.”

Right as Discord gestured to the viewscreen with his talon, several flashes appeared among the stars as several green objects sped to a halt. Three more warbirds then began to move towards the battle, accompanied by five smaller vessels that sped ahead at a far greater rate.

“Captain, three more warbirds and five birds-of-prey have just jumped out of warp,” Data informed Captain Picard. “They are all on an intercept course.”

Picard sighed, looking at the incoming vessels thoughtfully. “Alright. What are our new options?”

“They are moving to cut off all vectors of escape,” Worf reported. “We only have one way to go.”

“Through the anomaly,” Picard finished for the tactical officer. “Princess Twilight, could we survive the journey?”

Aboard the Harmony, Twilight tilted her head a moment in thought. “I believe so, though you will be extremely vulnerable heading through. I recommend turning off as many systems as possible so they don’t overload.”

“Captain, this will leave us defenceless,” Worf pointed out, not liking the idea.

“It appears we don’t have a choice,” Picard noted, albeit also not entirely keen. “Make it so.”

The Enterprise have a sharp turn alongside the Harmony, and then the two vessels began to make directly for the giant energy filled hole in space. The ES Harmony took the lead, the USS Enterprise coming up behind it as several of the ship’s visible lights blinked out. Romulan ships moved to intercept, seeing the Enterprise’s shields and weapons go offline as they fired their own weapons. A small flurry of strikes flew over the Enterprise’s bow, barely missing the ship. One torpedo nearly made contact, only for a blue phaser beam to disintegrate it.

“Helm, take us in,” Picard ordered, watching as the anomaly quickly filled the entire viewscreen.

Two birds-of-prey moved passed their larger cousins and pulled up alongside the Enterprise. However, their shields suddenly imploded and they were knocked off course as if in a panic. Their condition was not helped one had its impulse engines blow out but a phaser beam from the Harmony, and the other had a nacelle sheared clean off by a separate strike.

But things were not exactly rosy on the Enterprise. Several consoles blew out, the structure shaking as warnings began to display from all over the ship.

And yet they continued, moving on forwards as their pursuers wised up and began to pull back. The damaged birds-of-prey limped back on whatever propulsion they had, simple thrusters for one of them. The two fleeing ships crossed through the event horizon, completely surrounding by crackling blue energies that spread over the hulls of both vessels.

And then they could see stars again. But for the crew of the Enterprise, they were very alien stars indeed.

They had emerged into a ruined asteroid field, and they kept on moving until they were completely clear of its effects. Then, steadily, both ships came to a complete halt. Both had taken damage, and both needed to take stock and repair.

And then there was the matter of the grinning trickster on the Harmony’s bridge.

The ES Harmony and USS Enterprise were stopped alongside one another, their bows facing the anomaly as if waiting for any sign of pursuit. None came, however, and the two vessels of exploration were left in relative peace.

But things were anything but peaceful inside one of the Enterprise’s holodecks, where Discord had saw fit to snatch up the captains of both vessels as well as Princess Twilight.

“What are you playing at, Discord!?” Twilight looked furiously down at the Lord of Chaos, once again in his human form. “And could you not be of any more help?”

“Now where would be the fun in that?” Q replied simply, waving a hand of dismissal. “Why would I ever deny you such a wonderous team building exercise?”

“People have been hurt, this is no mere exercise,” Picard rebuked. “Can you truly not close the anomaly?”

“Oh, I’m sure you would love to know about my weaknesses, wouldn’t you Jean-Luc?” Q replied with a shake of his head, but relented. “But it’s true. My powers bounce off the anomaly like Twilight being presented with quesadillas.”

“So much for the all-powerful Discord,” Iynx dryly commented.

“Watch it, turkey,” Q shot back, eying the griffon with annoyance. “Unless you want to become a piñata. I’ll bring the treats!”

“I don’t scare easily,” Iynx replied with zero amusement. “So, you can’t close the portal. Why not help us out with those ships?”

“I could pop them back to Romulus if I so wished,” Q admitted. “A simple task. But really, do you want them even more riled up? They’d just send an even bigger fleet. And maybe not just to the anomaly.”

“So, what is it you would suggest we do?” Picard asked.

“We do still need to research closing the portal, so for now that should be our priority,” Princess Twilight answered for the Spirit of Chaos. “Getting you home, and dealing with the Star Empire… We will have to cross the bridge when we come to it.”

“We could send a call back to Starbase Alpha. Get more ships,” Iynx stated. “We may need them, unless we find a way to negotiate with them.”

Twilight nodded. “Indeed. And you, Discord, I suppose you shall continue to watch us?”

“Every step of the way,” Q confirmed, before vanishing in a flash of light.

Iynx groaned. “I’m not sure I like the idea of that guy looking over our shoulders.”

“Though I am loathe to admit it, he is not without a point,” Picard conceded. “The issue with the anomaly has greatly complicated matters with the Romulan Star Empire. We went through but a skirmish, but who knows how much more would convince their government to resort to open war.”

“I imagine that would be devastating to all sides,” Princess Twilight grimly noted. “But now there’s a fleet of ships on the other side of the portal. The moment we return they would try and tear us apart. Especially after we disabled those ships on the way through.”

“If they haven’t already called for more reinforcements,” Picard added with an equally grim tone. “And the longer it takes for us to act, the more the anomaly shall grow on our side. The more it grows, not only does it pose a danger but the more irritable the Empire shall become.”

Twilight gave a remorseful sigh. “I must apologise, Captain. Had I realised what the consequences would have been, I never would have destroyed the asteroid.”

“From what I have heard, you couldn’t have known. And you were short of tactical options,” Picard replied in understanding. “But whatever the case, now we can only look to what happens next.”

“I’ll return to the Harmony in the meantime,” Captain Iynx informed them. “I’ll send in a call to Starbase Alpha, have the ES Shining Armor sent out to assist. It’ll take a few days to arrive though, even with a fully functioning warp drive.”

“Better than the couple months it took us,” Twilight said with a small amount of mirth. “Do it. Another ship on our side couldn‘t go amiss.

Iynx bowed her head. “At once, your highness.”

Captain Picard and Princess Twilight watched Iynx exit the holodeck, the arch’s door closing up behind her. After the griffon had departed, the two turned to face one another again.

“At the very least, we can both get full scans of the anomaly in peace,” Picard finally stated. “Then it’s a matter of working through the data to find a weak link we can exploit.”

“I do have a few ideas about that,” Twilight replied. “At the very least, it will most likely require a ship on either side of the anomaly. And certainly magic, I’m not sure non-magical means will have much effect on it. I mean, the Harmony and Shining Armor could both do it…”

“But that would leave one of you trapped in our world,” Picard pointed out.

“The crew could leave through the portal in your cargo bay, but yes, the ship would be stuck.” Twilight sat on her haunches, running a hoof stressfully though her ethereal mane. “The best scenario would be to have the Enterprise do it. But, well, you know how magic reacts to you…”

“However, this is all but speculation,” Picard said, taking a glance around the holodeck. “Computer, construct a recreation of the anomaly that exists near to our present location.”

The entirety or reality around them seemed to shimmer like static, before the gridded space was replaced with the depths of space. Rocks floated all around them, and up far above was the anomaly itself. Picard and Twilight seemed to be standing on nothing at all, though they could both feel the actual floor beneath them.

Picard looked up at the anomaly. “And whatever we do, it won’t matter if we cannot pass through without being destroyed.”

Twilight hummed, looking around the holographic projection with a small amount of awe. “Computer, now add the USS Enterprise and the ES Harmony. Duplicate the Harmony and replace its nameplate with ES Shining Armor.”

The room shimmered again, and the image of a Galaxy Class ship and two Harmony Class vessels popped into existence next to the anomaly.

“Like us, the Shining Armor would be empowered by the energies of the portal. The more exposure, the better,” Twilight stated, pointing a hoof at the replicated vessel. “But even with that we’re still outnumbered on the other side of the portal. And your ship would still take a beating from the trip.”

“Fighting isn’t the answer,” Picard agreed. “It would only make matter worse even if we could defeat our foe. No, we need some way to get them to withdraw.”

“The question is how,” Twilight continued on. “They didn’t believe us during our last verbal contact. I don’t think that will change anytime soon.”

Picard looked up at the anomaly thoughtfully, ideas forming behind those authoritative eyes of his. “Princess, could the anomaly be interacted with in… other ways.”

“Other ways?” Twilight said questioningly, frowning at the Captain. “What are you thinking?”

“The romulans have always withdraw from situation that are inherently unfavourable to them, they don’t like not having all of the cards,” Picard explained. “As it is now, they have the numbers to overwhelm us if we returned, and they know it. But what if we were able to create an unfavourable situation out of a favourable one?”

Twilight’s frown deepened, and she looked away from the Captain back up towards the anomaly. Then her eyes lit up in realisation, calculations running in her head as she considered what would need to be done to make the idea a reality.

“Something… could be arranged,” Princess Twilight stated. “I would need to talk to my people, run through the simulations. But one question, wouldn’t this make them even more hostile against the Federation in the long run?”

“Oh, I’m sure I can mitigate the damage,” Picard responded, dismissing the holographic projection around them and allowing the exit to reappear before them. “But this plan is a risk, but perhaps our only viable option.”

Twilight gave him a nod of confirmation. “In that case, I’ll make preparation. It may take a few days, plenty of time for the Shining Armor to arrive. Would that be all?”

“I believe so,” Picard said. “Mr Data will make those scans, we’ll keep you posted.”

“Thank you, Captain,” Twilight stated, approaching the exit and allowing it to slide open. With one hoof into the hallway, however, she turned her head and gave the human a small smile. “Despite the dire situation, I am glad I met you. “It’s been… interesting.”

Picard allowed himself a low chuckle. “We’re explorers. Finding the unknown, despite the danger, is the reason we’re out here.”

“For that, I can relate.”

Twilight then exited the room entirely, walking down the hallway towards the closest transporter room. Picard left shortly behind her, going in the opposite direction for the nearest turbolift to the bridge.

Captain Picard sat in his ready room, looking out of the small window of transparent aluminium. Outside he could see the glow of the anomaly spread all around them, alongside the two starships pulled up alongside the USS Enterprise. Placing down his cup of Earl Grey tea, he pressed a button on his terminal and began to speak.

“Captain’s log. The ES Shining Armor has completed their rendezvous with the Enterprise and Harmony. Our scans of the anomaly are long finished, the crew of Captain Iynx has been hard at work devising a solution to our predicament.”

Picard sighed, sitting back in his chair with his fingers locked together. “A plan is forming, though I hope it doesn’t come too late. The anomaly has continued its expansion in the past few days, and I can only imagine the situation on the other side. As I make this log, Princess Twilight in conferring with the Captain of ES Shining Armor about their role in the upcoming action. We are awaiting a hail from them ourselves, to know what must be done to end this madness.”

And as Picard waited, the Equestrians of the ES Harmony were hard at work to find that solution. With Princess Twilight on the bridge, Captain Iynx and Chief Engineer Silver Wrench were in the ship’s main engineering. Before them stood the vast warp core, stretching back most of the deck. Silver Wrench was manning the central console, the Captain looking in over his shoulder.

“What do you mean it’s bleeding?” Iynx questioned.

“The anomaly’s magical signature is near identical to that of the asteroid we destroyed, the scans of both ourselves and the Enterprise confirmed it,” Silver Wrench explained. “But it’s unstable, and its power is bleeding outwards into their universe. This is the source of the hole, and why its expanding in their world.”

“And? How do we stop it from ‘bleeding’, as you say?”

“The effects of the anomaly, much like the asteroid it once was, empower all other magic it comes across,” Silver Wrench continued. “But magic will be consumed by it if attempting to directly affect it, which is why Discord can’t close the thing.”

“So in other words, we can’t use magic to close it.”

Silver Wrench tapped a button and brought all sorts of equations onto the screen, a rather smug look on his muzzle. “Wrong!”

Iynx gave him a deadpan look. “You just said magic won’t affect it. What changed in the last few moments.”

“I’ve conferred with both the Princess and Xal, and they agree,” Silver Wrench stated. “Magic won’t affect it… with the sole exception of magic operating at the exact same frequency as the anomaly.”

“So it can only be affect by the same type of magic.”

“In short, yes,” the stallion confirmed. “We have to feed it.”

“That sounds like a terrible idea.”

Silver Wrench chuckled. “At a glance, probably. But its magic is bleeding out at an ever-increasing rate as it is, eventually the thing might breach the warp barrier. But if we bolster the magical energies, they may reinforce themselves and stop bleeding out as they have.”

“So, let me get this straight,” Iynx interrupted. “It’s spreading because it's essentially bleeding its magic into their world. Giving it more energy would reserve that?”

“Stitching the wound,” Silver confirmed. “That’s what our projections show. However, there is some speculation whether it would simply stabilise it and stop its spread or close it completely.”

“I think either would be good at this point,” the Captain noted. “Could we calibrate our phasers to the right frequency?”

“They won’t pack enough punch by themselves,” the Chief Engineer said with a shake of his head. “To give it enough quickly enough before it just bleeds back out again, we’d need to fire magic infused tachyon pulses at the anomaly with the frequency an exact match for the anomaly itself. On both sides of the portal.”

Iynx frowned. “Silver, that would trap either us or the Shining Armor on the other side.”

“I think the Enterprise could do it,” Silver explained. “With some modifications. I’m not sure how stable it would be, but we could provide at least temporary protection around their deflector dish. Pretty sure it’ll burn it out though.”

“Make sure to talk to La Forge before touching his ship.”

“I’m sure Princess Twilight will brief their Captain,” Silver replied. “Still, it’s moot if we don’t get rid of those guys blocking our way.”

Now it was Iynx’s turn to smirk. “I wouldn’t worry about that, we’ve already though of a good bargaining chip.”

Silver Wrench gave his captain a questioning look. “Ok?”

Iynx departed the station, heading away from engineering.

“You’ll see.”

“Are you certain that the deflector dish can handle it?” Commander Riker asked as he stood in the Enterprise’s own engineering alongside Captain Picard, La Forge and Princess Twilight.”

“The Harmony’s Chief Engineer provided enough material for the modifications,” La Forge explained. “My people are installing some secondary shield relays around the dish, tying it directly into the core for power. We’re also diverting power to the core’s containment just in case, but it’s going to require several decks to be powered down.”

“But it will work,” Princess Twilight assured them. “I’ve also looked over it. The dish WILL be burnt out by the strain of both the magics in the pulse and the new generators, but at least it won’t create a core breach.”

“And your own modifications?” Captain Picard asked.

“The Harmony and Shining Armor are both being attuned for the pulse. It will be ready. Two from our end and one from yours should be enough to allow the anomaly to close itself up.”

“Or at least stabilise,” Riker noted.

“There is the possibility of it remaining open afterwards, permanently.”

“And if that happens?”

“Then we have a long political battle head of us,” Captain Picard noted. “I imagine the Star Empire would want a starbase on our side, as would the United Federation of Planets.”

“Just like Deep Space Nine orbits the Bajoran Wormhole to the Gamma Quadrant,” La Forge pointed out. “A direct link between two universes would become a hotbed of activity.”

“We’d certainly set up an outpost,” Twilight added in. “A part of me would be eager for that outcome, but I must recognise the potential dangers as well.”

“We cannot know until the act is done, however,” Picard interjected. “When will the pulse be ready?”

“Six hours,” La Forge said. “Maybe less, with help from their engineers.

“Very well. Keep us posted.”

“Aye, Captain.”

La Forge departed, calling over a few engineers to accompany him down to deflector control. This left the two senior officers of the USS Enterprise alongside Princess Twilight Sparkle, examining the schematics on the large table-like engineering console.

“It’s going to work,” Princess Twilight finally said. “All the calculations are on the mark.”

Riker scratched his beard. “I just hope our friends on the other side will respond how we want them to.”

“From what Captain Picard has told me of them, they will.”

“There is always an element of unpredictability,” Picard mused. “But we know what we must do, and we must make sure it does not fail. A great many things may depend on it.”

“And if the portal remains open?” Twilight asked. “What is your personal position on it?”

Picard though it over for a moment before giving his answer. “It is a complicated matter, Princess. But, I think there would be a great deal of exploration for us if it were so.”

“We’ve barely scratched the surface around our world. But I’d lie if the prospect wasn’t at all exciting,” Twilight admitted with a small smile. “The scholar in me never did really die off. Hm, maybe one day there will be a more reliable way to effectively explore other realities.”

“It’s certainly been hypothesised by a great many in the past, though never achieved beyond… accidents,” Picard replied. “But your ‘magic’ certainly is close.”

“Starswirl the Bearded was one of a kind, I wouldn’t know where to start in recreating those portals of his. He took that knowledge to his grave.”

“There was a ship, long before our time, that came closer to unlocking that potential than any other in Federation history,” Picard recalled. “But war complicated matters, and the device itself was too dangerous and unstable. It was eventually shelved, spending decades buried in the deepest recesses of Starfleet databanks. Even now access to the specifics are all but impossible to find.”

“Maybe one day,” Twilight stated. “I might even live to see it.”

Red alert blared around the bridge of the USS Enterprise, the ship itself moving into position before the great anomaly with the Harmony and Shining Armor flanking either side of the large vessel. They crawled towards the hole in space on half impulse power, shield already raised. The modifications to all three vessels had been completed, and they were all prepared to play their part.

“Helm, all stop,” Picard commanded. “Are they ready?”

“ES Shining Armor signals that they’re standing by,” Worf reported. “ES Harmony is hailing.”

“Put them on speaker.”

Worf complied, a beep indicating the opening of ship-to-ship communications.

“Captain, we’re diverted power ready for the pulse. Are you ready?” Princess Twilight asked from the bridge of the other ship.

“Mr Data?” Picard said questioningly towards the android.

“Power is being diverted to the deflector,” Data reported. “Other non-essential systems are being powered down in preparation for the journey through the anomaly. I estimate only moderate damage, but we should not prolong our journey more than it is required.”

“Well, you heard him,” Picard said to the alicorn. “We await your move.”

Over on the Harmony, despite not being visually shown, Twilight nodded to the Captain of the Enterprise. She then turned her head and looked towards the griffon in the captain’s chair expectantly.

“Xal, launch the probe,” Iynx ordered. “Let’s make sure these guys get the message.”

“Probe is configured and reading green,” Xal confirmed. “Firing in three… two… one…”

The ES Harmony’s forward torpedo tube flared as a small object launched from it, quickly propelling itself towards and into the anomaly. It’s systems being of ESP design, they were bolstered by the magical forces rather than hindered. It gained strength as it made its way to the other side, and the signal made its way back to the three vessels behind it.

“Signal received,” Commander Data reported. “The Romulan fleet has indeed gained reinforcements, as has the anomaly spread significantly. I predict that in precisely-”

“Is the probe in contact with the lead warbird?” Picard interrupted the android, cutting to the chase.

“Affirmative. They are scanning the probe.”

“Hail them.”

“Channels open,” Worf informed the Captain. “ES Harmony is also hailing the lead ship.”

“We’ve been received,” Twilight confirmed to the crew of the Enterprise. “Now’s the time, Captain.”

“Attention, this is Captain Jean-Luc Picard of the Federation Starship Enterprise,” Picard announced to the listening romulans, standing briskly up from his chair. “You have fired upon us in an unprovoked attack, and now the anomaly before you is spreading across the neutral zone. Hostility is not out intent, and we wish to solve this incident cooperatively.”

“And this is Princess Twilight Sparkle, representing the planet of Equus,” Twilight added in. “Our space lies beyond the portal, and we only wish to stabilise it before further damage can be done.”

A few tense moments of silence passed by, all present holding their breaths as they waited to see if the alien commander would respond to their message or have the probe destroyed. Finally, their patience paid off.

“Captain Picard, Princess Twilight,” a male voice responded. “I am Sub-Commander Tobek, of the Warbird IRW Deception. We discovered the USS Enterprise within proximity of the anomaly which now invades our space, Federation trickery will not be tolerated.”

“It’s no Federation trick,” Princess Twilight assured them. “The fault is mine. I caused the asteroid inadvertently through my own actions against a powerful enemy. I wish to correct my error, and my world bears you no ill will.”

“Is that why you crippled two starships, and eliminated much of their crews?” Tobek asked angrily.

“All due respect, Sub-Commander,” Picard spoke up. “But your people fired first. Loss of life is extremely regrettable, but your hostility facilitated our defence against you!”

“Then we have little to discuss.”

“We can close the anomaly,” Picard insisted. “Allow my ship passage, and we shall ensure it goes no further.”

“Your demands are denied,” Tobek informed him in an almost mocking tone. “Do you take me for a fool? We shall not allow you to finish your work.”

Picard glanced back at his first officer, before looking forward again with an incredibly stern expression. “If you fear we wish to expand the anomaly further, we do not need to be on your side for that.”

“Torpedoes armed,” the klingon at tactical reported.

Much was the same over on the Harmony.

“Photons are locked onto the portal,” Xal confirmed to Captain Iynx and Princess Twilight. “ES Shining Armor has also locked weapons.”

“This is Captain Iynx of the ES Harmony,” Iynx finally addressed the Sub-Commander. “The anomaly is bleeding into your space, and this wound was created by a really big explosion. Our three ships have all locked torpedoes, modified to the write output, to widen the wound.”

“What is this!?” the Sub-Commander demanded to know.

Over on the Enterprise, Picard allowed himself a smirk. “Sub-Commander, I’m sure you have realised the anomaly’s detrimental effects. Should we fire, the sudden increase in the anomaly’s size would claim your ships before you could avoid it, disabling you.”

Tobek’s sudden silence was rather telling.

“Withdraw and allow us through to close the anomaly,” Picard requested amicably. “Or we disable you, close the anomaly anyway and then return to Federation space while you repair your ships. I’m certain that your superiors would be understanding of your mistake.”

Silence once again ruled the day, though it only lasted so long.

“…You have an hour,” Sub-Commander Tobek informed them. “But should you betray us, the Enterprise shall not survive.”

“Noted,” Picard replied, signalling for the transmission to be cut.

On the Harmony, they were all able to breathe a sigh of relief.

“The probe’s readings indicates that they’re warping a short distance away,” Xal reported.

“Good, let’s get this done with,” Nimble Star commented. “Enough excitement for one day.”

“Oh, I don’t know,” Iynx said with a grin. “I quite enjoyed that.”

Twilight shook her head in apparent disapproval. However, she couldn’t hide her own smile. “Captain Picard, you’re in the clear.”

On the Enterprise, Picard retook his seat before answering. “Understood. Good luck, Harmony.”

“Helm, chart a course through the anomaly,” Commander Riker commanded.

While the Harmony and Shining Armor remained static, the Enterprise began to move forward once more. They quickly began to approach the anomaly, gaining as much speed as they could in a short distance. And then, just as they were about to hit the anomaly itself, they cut all engines and lets momentum carry them through.

With their systems down, the damage inflicted was noticeable but minimal. Twilight Sparkle watched from the bridge of the Harmony as the USS Enterprise disappeared from view, though contact was retained due to the probe previously sent through.

And they saw readings that confirmed the ship’s emergence on the other side, using thrusters to turn the vessel around and face the anomaly.

And the, coordinating, all three vessels powered up and launched their tachyon beams towards the anomaly. For a moment it showed no signs of responding, but then a secondary wave of energy coursed down the beams and were absorbed into the anomaly hungrily. The entire thing began to distort and swirl in an immense cloud, shifting and changing before all of their eyes.

And then, after but a few minutes of exposure to the beams, the entire anomaly began to close in on itself.

And when all was said and done, the anomaly was gone, empty space replacing it.

One Week Later

It had been a week since the anomaly between two realities had arisen at the Romulan Neutral Zone. As predicted, the Enterprise’s deflector dish had burnt out. While the ship had been thus left unable to go to warp, the Sub-Commander had kept true to his word and departed the scene without another word as the Enterprise limped back into Federation space on impulse power.

Their Chief Engineer had the dish repaired in no time, however, and soon the ship had been able to move back into friendly territory safe and sound.

This just left the issue of the statue in their cargo bay, but they wouldn’t have to discuss that just among themselves. And they had expected as much, fully prepared for when the intruder alarm sounded from that specific room.

And as Captain Picard walked into the cargo bay alongside his first officer, he was unsurprised by the seemingly human woman in a Starfleet uniform that awaited.

“Captain,” Twilight greeted, offering the human a smile. “I suppose we won’t be exploring other realities after all.”

“No, but the Star Empire has swept the whole incident under the rug,” Picard replied. “Everything has been returning to normal on our side.”

“And on ours. Iynx and her crew are eager to get back out and do some actual exploring. I wish I could go with them, but alas I have duties to perform.”

“So, I take it you came back for a goodbye?” Riker asked knowingly.

“Something like that,” Twilight replied. “I’d also like to know what you’re doing with the portal.”

“That’s up to Starfleet Command,” Picard noted. “But I imagine it will go to some scientific outpost for further study. We still have to transport it to Vulcan, as originally ordered. We are quite overdue.”

Twilight chuckled. “So I imagine. And I’m sure that I shall return someday, but until then…”

Twilight held out her hand, which was promptly shaken by both Picard and Riker in turn.

“…it was a pleasure meeting you all.”

“And you, Twilight Sparkle,” Captain Picard replied. “And I believe there is an old Vulcan saying that is suitable for this occasion.”

“Oh?” Twilight said questioningly. “And what’s that?”

Picard smiled. “Live long and prosper, Princess.”

Twilight returned the smile. “And you, Jean-Luc Picard.”

As Twilight stepped on through the portal, returning to her usual shape and familiar crystalline surroundings, she had a rather irritating sight awaiting her.

“You and I need to talk,” Twilight said sternly to the unrepentant Spirit of Chaos standing by the door.

“Why? It all turned out for the best, don’t you think?” Discord said coyly. “You got to meet new friends, explore strange new worlds, and save the universe as we know it. All in a day’s work, Sparkle.”

“And you couldn’t have told me BEFORE I arrived about what was going on?” the Princess asked with a raised eyebrow.

Discord chuckled to himself. “Oh come now, Princess. That wouldn't have been nearly as much fun.”

With Princess Twilight safely back home, Captain Picard and Commander Riker had been able to return immediately to the bridge of the USS Enterprise. As they stepped off of the turbolift, everyone was already ready and waiting for their order. They each walked down the side of the bridge, taking their respective seats at the centre of the bridge.

“Mr Data, report status,” Picard commanded.

“All decks report ready,” Data replied. “We may proceed to warp.”

“Well then, shall we be underway?”

“I just hope that they can swallow your report,” Riker stated in amusement. “After all, we met a winged unicorn.”

“Alicorn,” Troi corrected. “And space is full of beautiful creatures, inside and out. I don’t see why this is any different.”

“I’m not sure they’ll see it that way.”

“The final frontier is a very large place, Number One,” Picard said to his old friend and first officer. “And we haven’t finished exploring it yet. Helm, set course for Vulcan at warp 7.”

“Aye sir,” the helmsman confirmed, inputting the command into his console.

Picard sat back in his chair, looking out of the viewscreen and into the field of stars beyond.


The Enterprise adjusted its position, making a small turned and lining itself up before coming to a dead halt. And then, after a few moments, the two nacelles lit up a bright blue as the entire ship jolted forwards to warp speed.

Two ships. Two crews. Two worlds. Similar, and yet very different. And each one continued their missions to explore strange new worlds. Seeking those new lifeforms and civilisations.

Where no one had gone before.

Author's Note:

Comments ( 77 )

NIce ST: Discovery reference. But whatever did happen to Sunset though...

Its been 2000 years. I think at this point the HuMane 7 are all long dead.

that was masterfully done, i am very impressed. great work. Hope to see more adventures with twilight and the crew of the enterprise.

“She is antiquated in comparison to modern Starfleet designs, despite her size,” Data made sure to add in, causing the Princess to pout a little. “She is no match for the Enterprise.”

To be fair, it's not meant to be. And I have a theory that ponies can live FAR longer than humans, which is why their tech level is so far behind ours for the most part. They don't NEED to get better as quickly as we do. And it was their first warp ship.

“Move us to a safer distance, full reverse,” Picard commanded the helmsman, who set the Enterprise to steadily reverse away.


“Sir, if that vessel is responsible for the anomaly, then we can’t let them soak up that energy until they are a match for our own weapons,” Worf noted to the Captain.

I'm in agreement, the ponies may not be bad, but, when faced with the unknown, panic tends to set in even among the most rational.

“I do…” Twilight half-groaned. “Discord. He set this whole thing up, all so that we could fix this anomaly.”

He would.

“Well, I think that it shall be our honour,” Picard responded positively. “Signal us when you’re prepared.”

That went well.

“Forgive me if this is a misinterpret, but that rhyme almost sounded deliberate,” Troi noticed, looking towards the zebra curiously.

It's spreading.

“I couldn’t imagine having to speak in rhyme, especially not all the time,” Riker commented, ignoring his own slight rhyme.

Oh God I was right.

“Believe me, trying to get her to trip up is her biggest berserk button,” Chief Engineer Silver Wrench said knowingly, shooting a smirk at his other half. “I’m not kidding. Zebra martial arts involves pressure points. Her being a doctor only helps that.”


“I don’t suppose you will be willing to part with some of your data, in return for some of ours,” Doctor Crusher suggested, stepping into the conversation for the first time. “At the very least what both sides can afford to share. I, personally, am quite curious to your medical practices and biological data.”

Not surprised.

“Well, Captain?” Crusher looked towards Picard expectantly, not unlike the way a wife would look at her husband while asking for something.

They are frequently shipped. Even in the show.

“I’d show you the engine if you just asked,” Silver Wrench commented with a small shrug. “Just don’t touch anything. I put a lot of work into keeping it from breaching.”

It's not that hard, just make shit up as you wish. It's about how it works in canon Trek anyway.

Picard gave a sigh, sitting forwards and cupping his hands together. “There is a civilisation called the Romulan Star Empire, and we have a… troubled history with them. They blame us for this anomaly, and fired upon us. They may appear again soon.”

Ah, the Romulans, they, they're a whole THING.

“Then we’ll have to be careful,” Riker stated. “I take the meaning of ‘varied’ as potentially deadly consequences. Not everyone will become the new Superman.”

And not everyone can handle power well.

“Indeed,” Twilight confirmed. “My old friends gained helpful abilities, but one…persongot turned into a reality destroying maniac by a massive infusion of magic.

Yep. She got better.

Riker looked at Picard, worry in his eyes. “The warbirds.”


“They are scanning the Harmony,” Data interjected. “I believe they are holding off until they have analysed the threat.”


“Previously their systems were closest in comparison to an old Einstein Class starship,” Data recounted. “According to these readings, they are now more comparable to a late twenty third century Constitution Class.”

Good, but not enough to match up against Romulans.

“Well, aren’t you in a pickle,” Q remarked as he flashed into existence, leaning along the wooden railing besides the three central command chairs. “Up at arms, Jean-Luc! ‘Give them what for’, isn’t that what old British pilots used to say? Then again you were born in Paris, not that the accent would give it away.

HAH! I get it. And actually, he was born in Lavare.

“Q, get the hell of my bridge!” Picard commanded crossly, just as there was another impact. “We have no time for your games.”

OfF my bridge.

“Discord!” Twilight shouted, equally as cross and Picard.

Cross AS Picard.

“Xal, have our torpedoes also hit that target. Meanwhile, have our phasers target any torpedoes they throw at either us or the Enterprise,” Iynx ordered, before looking directly at Nimble Star. “Nimble, keep us within the anomaly’s area of effect. We need to drain this thing for all its worth.”

Smart move.

“One of the flanking vessels is targeting us with their forward weapons array,” Xal reported, getting damage reports. “Shield at ninety percent. The shields won’t take many hits like that.”

About 9 more if they're the same.

Right as Discord gestured to the viewscreen with his talon, several flashes appeared among the stars as several green objects sped to a halt. Three more warbirds then began to move towards the battle, accompanied by five smaller vessels that sped ahead at a far greater rate.

That's bad.

“They are moving to cut off all vectors of escape,” Worf reported. “We only have on way to go.”

OnE way.

“Oh, I’m sure you would love to know about my weaknesses, wouldn’t you Jean-Luc?” Q replied with a shake of his head, but relented. “But it’s true. My powers bounce off the anomaly like Twilight being presented with quesadillas.”

Of course. He's a Story Breaker Power otherwise.

Iynx groaned. “I’m not sure I like the idea of that guy looking over our shoulders.”


Twilight gave a remorseful sigh. “I must apologise, Captain. Had I realised what the consequences would have been, I never would have destroyed the asteroid.”

You couldn't have known.

“The romulans have always withdraw from situation that are inherently unfavourable to them, they don’t like not having all of the cards,” Picard explained. “As it is now, they have the numbers to overwhelm us if we returned, and they know it. But what if we were able to create an unfavourable situation out of a favourable one?”

How so?

“Oh, I’m sure I can mitigate the damage,”

You're certainly the negotiator.

“That sounds like a terrible idea.”


“So, let me get this straight,” Iynx interrupted. “It’s spreading because its essentially bleeding its magic into their world. Giving it more energy would reserve that?”

It's essentially.

“I think either would be good at this point,” the Captain noted. “Could we calibrate out phasers to the right frequency?”

OuR phasers.

“They won’t back enough punch by themselves,” the Chief Engineer said with a shake of his head. “To give it enough quickly enough before it just bleeds back out again, we’d need to fire magic infused tachyon pulses at the anomaly with the frequency an exact match for the anomaly itself. On both sides of the portal.”

Bounce a graviton particle beam, off the main deflector dish, that's the way we do things lad, we're making shit up as we wish...

“I think the Enterprise could do it,” Silver explained. “With some modifications. I’m not sure how stable it would be, but we could provide at least temporary protection around their deflector dish. Pretty sure it’ll burn it out though.”

Of course.

“But it will work,” Princess Twilight assured them. “I’ve also looked over it. The dish WILL be burnt out by the strain of both the magics in the pulse and the new generators, but at least it won’t create a core breach.”

I should hope not.

“The Harmony and Shining Armor are both being attuned for the pulse. It will be ready. Two from out end and one from yours should be enough to allow the anomaly to close itself up.”

OuR end.

“Just like Deep Space Nine orbits the Bajoran Wormhole to the Gamma Quadrant,” La Forge pointed out. “A direct link between two universes would become a hotbed of activity.”

I don't doubt that for a second.

“Power is being diverted to the deflector,” Data reported. “Other non-essential systems are being powered down in preparation for the journey through the anomaly. I estimate only moderate damage, but we should not prolong our journey more than it is required.”

So when does something go wrong?

“Your demands are denied,” Tobek informed him in an almost mocking tone. “Do you take me for a fool? We shall not allow you to finish your work.”

Of course not, because Romulans have the most severe case of anal cranial inversion.

“…You have an hour,” Sub-Commander Tobek informed them. “But should you betray us, the Enterprise shall not survive.”

You should know from reports that Picard usually keeps his word.

“Oh, I don’t know,” Iynx said with a grinned. “I quite enjoyed that.”

With a grin, not grinned.

And when all was said and done, the anomaly was gone, empty space replacing it.

That was too easy.

It had been a week since the anomaly between two realities had arisen at the Romulan Neutral Zone. As predicted, the Enterprise’s deflector dish had burnt out. While the ship had been thus left unable to go to warp, the Sub-Commander had kept true to his word and departed the scene without another word as the Enterprise limped back into Federation space on impulse power.

Oh, never mind that worked just fine.

Picard smiled. “Live long and prosper, Princess.”


Discord chuckled to himself. “Oh come now,Princess. That would have been nearly as much fun.”

You're like Pinkie in that regard. Fun is your primary motivation.

Two ships. Two crews. Two worlds. Similar, and yet very different. And each one continued their missions to explore strange new worlds. Seeking those new lifeforms and civilisations.

Where no one had gone before.

But will they do so boldly?

AWWWWW I wanted more!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Twilight held out her head, which was promptly shaken by both Picard and Riker in turn.

Twilight is the headless horseman! :pinkiegasp:

All in all, this was a delight to read. There aren't many crossover fics that read like authentic parts of both universes, but you managed to do just that. Everyone felt largely in-character and the whole ordeal could have come straight from one of Star Trek's episodes. Well done!

And I hope we get to see more of this universe. Clearly Twilight's days of adventuring aren't behind her just yet, and there is a whole new universe out there. Better yet, Federation makes for an obvious ally to Equestria. I'm very much surprised Twilight actually planned on not returning for a while (whether it works out or not, heh) - the statue's portal makes for a very convenient way to set up diplomatic relations and cultural exchange to start with. And they can always try and crack large scale portals later, if things work out. I'm surprised Twilight didn't jump in it with all four hooves.

Excellent adventure in space we have had there. I really enjoyed the interactions between the crews of the Harmony and the Enterprise.

.....will there be more to this universe?

Doubtful. Whatever conflict that arose from this has now been resolved.
...Though an extra chapter involving Twi and the Vulcans could provide some humor. 🤔

JMP #12 · Feb 7th, 2018 · · ·

Gonna be honest. That insignia in the end just looks really messy to me. It's just a bunch of different symbols slapped on top of each other rather than merged or combined like this. This chapter had quite a few grammatical errors. Still enjoyable, though

You'll have to wait until the proper Harmony Among the Stars sequel. :raritywink:

Human mortality happened.

Would you mine a spin off showing the results if it became a stable portal?

Probably won't happen, but it'd be essentially be Deep Space 9 but leading to Equestria instead of the Gamma Quadrant.

I do ot at some point. Just wondering if you are okay with it?

If it's set within the Harmony setting, just ensure to credit me and mention its non-canonical status to the series.

AWw sad to see this end but great story.
Dose need another run thru by an editor though.

This is a great universe you have here and I’d love to see more of it

Thankfully Starlight will become an alicorn eventually and join Twilight in this future. 😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈

I initially thought Twilight found out one of the Enterprise's crew is Sunset's descendant. The story would take a amused turn on that part.

Aww it's already over? Shoot.:fluttershysad: Excellent fic though.

Really awesome story. Though part of me was hoping for the outcome to be like the DS9 wormhole but oh well, still a great ending to a great story.

Lighter than expected. Heavier on the references.

Oh c'mon, as of Twilight would lose the opportunity to do science with aliens without needing to go far from equestria. Jumping through a statue is hardly spending months in a ship in space.

Although I doubt the Vulcans would have much patience for purple pony princess shenanigans :derpytongue2:

Would have been interesting if she was one of the cryofresed people from the original series.

Was that a reference to discovery and it's spore

Very good but a little short. I'm both happy about it and sad it ended so soon.

Awww, over so soon? Ah well, at least it was an interesting story. Hope you make a sequel one day. :twilightsmile:

P.S. While I don't want to sound rude, this story would be better if it had less grammar errors. I'd be happy to help, if you wish for any. Although keep in mind that I'll probably only be available on weekends. :twilightsheepish:

The problem with 10,000 word chapters is that spotting mistakes becomes harder. I've already gone and fixed a lot that I did, or others have seen. With my usual length chapters I can scroll through and find most without much problem, but here it's harder to do so.

Any mistakes that you or anyone do see, if they were pointed out they would be rectified immediately.

I think I can imagine the feeling. I myself look over my comments many times, and make so many changes and fixes even if it's just a few sentences. When editing a small comment seems like a chore, fixing a 10,000 word chapter must seem like a veritable mountain blocking one's path.

But alas, we are all human, and mistakes are inevitable. If we can correct them, there is no harm done. Anyways, I wish you the best of luck, and may fortune smile upon you. :twilightsmile:


Twilight held out her head, which was promptly shaken by both Picard and Riker in turn.

Twilight is the headless horseman!:pinkiegasp:

Twilight Sparkle: "Yeah, that was a fun trick Luna taught me! :twilightsmile:"

And good music from Jyc Row, too.

I must say usually in crossovers people have a tendency to favor one side over the other way too often and ended up compromising the story because of it. But with you have managed to balance both sides flawlessly

Gotta admit, I was half expecting the anomaly to be Sunset's journal floating out in space for some reason.

I would lick to see that story

a grate story as only you can do.
i am wondering when and if you will do more of the Star trek story's?
you are a real master with this story line.

9235072 In other words, the giant military government that has all the power...

And since the canon has now made it corrupt and incompetent...

Time to arm the civies again! :trollestia:

...Starfleet doesn't rule the Federation. They have a council and a president that consists of all member worlds.

And corruption? Are you referring to that one Admiral in Deep Space 9? Because he was arrested and his coup failed.

Or are you referring to the Kelvin Timeline? Because that's not this universe for one thing, and another is that the corrupt dude, Admiral Markus, was secretly a part of the shadow organisation Section 31, which is essentially like Cerberus from Mass Effect. And he died.

Arming civilians in normal everyday circumstance is just a bad idea.

9236545 Armed civilians is how the USA came to be.
It's how empires fell.

Unarmed civilians are how Nazis took over Germany and Maduro reigns supreme in Venezuela (among other nations I could mention where gun control has utterly failed to bring any benefits).

Maybe you should realize Star Trek is FICTION. And reality is REALITY.

But the inability to separate fact from fantasy has always been a hallmark of the socialist delusion.

You know what's also reality? The mass shooting rates in America VS pretty much the rest of all first world countries. You know how the nazis came into power? They got ELECTED. And moreover they hid the majority of their actions behind propaganda and lies, most citizens only seeing the true face of them towards the war's end. When anyone can just go into a gun store (of which there is more of than fucking McDonalds in the USA), or even legally buy automatic weapons of random guys in a parking lot in some states, there's an issue.

A gun isn't something to be handed out like candy and waved around like a maniac. It's something to be feared and respected, and their destructive power is far and beyond what they were when the second amendment was introduced back in the eighteenth century. There can be anywhere between 300 to 400 mass shooting in the US every year. Far too many of them school shootings. How many school shootings do we have in the UK every year? NONE. Or in Australia. Or in France.

That, dear Alondro, is the reality of which you speak. Have a nice day.


Socialism also means government of the people for the people and there is nothing wrong with being a socialist nor is there anything delusional about it ether.

9237542 wrote : " A gun isn't something to be handed out like candy and waved around like a maniac. "

Yeah... it is. That's the American way, y'know? MERCIA, FUCK YEAH!^_^

Blueberry enjoyable read indeed well written.

Wow. As a LONG-time Trekkie (NBC days Trekkie) All I have to say about this is... wow. Completely enjoyable.

Thank you for the tale.

Alicorns in space. What will you think of next?

I would like to see if you could do the other Star Trek series, basically close encounters thanks to Discard/Q playing around, or accidents from the Star Trek side of things. It would be unique to see what happens, maybe each encounter shows a bigger time shift difference. Where an encounter with Enterprise-E at one of the films, like Nemesis, would reveal Twilight's Starfleet equal to 30th century, basically Enterprise-J that appeared on the Enterprise series. They would make good reads.

This story is much better than the prequel.

But still...

“From our research, magic only exists in the region of space around Equus, and is produced by the planet itself.” Xal demonstrated, reaching a hoof out to a cup on the table and somehow picking it up without fingers. “I did not have such abilities before encountering these people. I do now.”

I don't approve of this. :fluttershbad:

this has to be one of my favorite story's on fimfiction
when is there going to be a sequel.
I have been waiting


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