• Published 12th Jul 2012
  • 1,777 Views, 25 Comments

Thirty Minute Ponies - kits

Collection of Short Challenge Prompts

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Full Disclosure [SoL]

It was the same dream again. She recognized it immediately, but was powerless to halt it. She was always powerless in this strange nightmare. She floated above herself, detached from her own actions, as she looked down upon her glowing form. Yellow light, the same color as the first rays of dawn, flickered over her body. Like a slow fire, the aura waved and flickered over her white coat and up her spread wings. Her pastel mane, usually wafting gently in the solar breeze, waved and jerked wildly as if caught in a hurricane. The glow was more intense around her horn, so intense she tried to shy away from it. No matter how much she wished to, she couldn’t look away.

It was the same memory. Luna confronting her. In reality, it had been Nightmare Moon, a creature devoted solely to dark-selfishness. In her dreams, it was her sister, whole and hale of mind. It was pure madness, created whole cloth from her guilt-ridden conscience in the weeks following her sister’s banishment.

Luna is well! she shouted silently. Even now, she holds court in the Hall of Evening! Her pleas did not to slow the vision. So many words she had tried. So many arguments she had spent against this corrupted memory. She had tried reminding herself of the actual event. The desperate struggle that had almost ended her life. It was of no use. The truth was never a potent weapon against guilt she’d carried for centuries.

Twilight redeemed her!

She had never spoken those words before. As the not-her opened her mouth to denounce her sister as a threat to all ponykind, shapes waived into being: six shadowy outlines of ponies. The surround her, as if to bolster her coming onslaught. Except they faced her and not Luna.

Tell her about this, whispered one of the shapes. A torrent of butterflies flew in a blizzard around her. She knows something’s wrong, if you tell her what, she won't have to wonder. It would be ever so much kinder to let her know why you avoid her.

I don’t want to! she cried. But I can’t bring myself to face her!

Tell her the truth, twanged another shape as an apple fell, striking her head. The two of ya need to talk or you’ll never be sorted.

How can I? she pleaded. She already blames herself for so much!

Then, my dear princess, you must offer your own time to listen, prompted a new voice. Her hoof came down on a gem, piecing her almost to the quick. It will hurt, hearing her own story in full, but by giving her your ear, you’ll help her.

How will reliving that old pain help her? she spat. What good can possibly come of it?

Trust, duh. The sarcasm dripped from the phantom voice as multicolored lightning struck the ground at her hooves. She’ll never get over it if you won’t let her prove she’s on your side. All the checking-up and keeping-an-eye-on her, it just tells her you don’t trust her. And without trust, how can she ever believe she has your respect?

But the pain! Tears leaked from her eyes. I can’t stand the pain again! This half-truth is bad enough, but to hear what I can’t deny? How will I survive?

Easy, silly! The fifth shape seemed to spin and suddenly she wore a trio of balloons and a party hat. You’ll need to admit the sad times were really super sad, but that now it’s time for hugs and fun and joking. Like you used to do!

She hung her head. Like she used to do. That had been ten lifetimes ago. She was a changed pony. Luna was a changed pony. Her own sister was a stranger to her. How could she be carefree enough to laugh with a complete stranger?

That, said the last voice. Is the easiest answer of all. Surely you know? The voice was tinged with hesitation, as if the thought of her not knowing would shatter the shape’s world.

I don’t, she said. Let the pony see the truth in her. She was not an omniscient goddess. She was a pony.

It’s quite simple, the voice explained. All you have to do…


All you have to do, is be her friend.

Friend’s help eacho ther when they’re down. You can always lean on them.

They’re square with one another, least ways, when it ain’t supposed to be a surprise.

A true friend will always be there when you really need her. She’ll make the time to help. What greater gift can a friend give?

And she’ll stick with you no matter what! You can always count of friends when the chips are down.

And a friend will always be ready to help cheer you up! Just having friends is reason enough to smile.

Friends? With her own sister? Could she do that?



Celestia bolted upright in her bed. Her breathing was hard and her coat soaked through with sweat.

“Sister? Art thou unwell?”

“L-Luna!” she gasped. “W-What…”

“Thine guard sent word. We heard thou were having some fit or other.”

“No,” he voice trembled, still not under her control, “We–I was just having a nightmare.” She could have slapped herself at such a poor choice of words. Because she needed another reminder, right Celestia?

“We are still well versed in the interpretation of dreams. If thou hast suffered ill omens, we would insist thou share, that we may be of some use to thee, dear sister.”

She shook her head. A million excuses flashed through her mind. A thousand lies hesitated on the tip of her tongue. She didn’t need Luna to interpret her dream. She could make up a vivid tale that they two of them would circle around before concluding Celestia had eaten something that disagreed with her.

Or she could follow her subconscious advice.

“We see.” Luna frowned. “If thou hast need of me, dear sister, than send–”

“Stop!” she cried. Luna halted. Letting out a sigh, Celestia scooted to one side of her bed. “Please sit, Luna,” she said, gesturing to the empty spot on her bed. “And send for some ice cream, this may take a while.”