• Published 30th Nov 2018
  • 1,331 Views, 39 Comments

My Little Mages: Anima Gaea Semperlibera - Foxhelm

Sunset still haunted by the appearent death of 'Sci-Twi' decided to change her venue, to Magiville. But there is little rest for the weary soul as she has stumbled upon another threat. Can she and her friends save Magiville from Gaea Everfree?

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A Needed Break

Sunset was along the top of the wall of Midnight Castle. “Help me.” she heard whimpered. She turned to where she heard the voice and ran. The voice continued to whimper, pleading for help. Sunset continued to run towards the voice, only to see Sci-Twi, but unlike before the girl’s demise, she looked like a corpse in the early stages of decay, red-colored liquid seeping out of her mouth, her skin tightening against her muscles and bones, her lips seeming to reside, one of her eyes was looking in a completely different direction from the other, both of them black and dead. She on the ground coughing and wheezing, “How… you’re…” Sunset tried to ask unable to fully grasp what she was before her.

The decaying Sci-Twi then dissolved into nothing but a puddle all the while screaming, “Help me!”

Before Sunset could move everything went black around her before she heard a sinister and mocking laugh from all around her. Sunset cried out, “I did everything I could.”

“You might have well-done nothing.” came a voice very much like Sci-Twi’s but had a maniacal twing to it.

Sunset turned to look behind her and she slowly looked up to see, “Midnight Sparkle…” she whispered in horror as she looked at the darker side of Sci-Twi, but unlike when the two clashed, Midnight was colossal in size as she hovered above Sunset. “But…” Sunset said as her legs shook and started to buckle under her.

Midnight laughed, “You’ll never escape me. Like you’ll never escape your failure!” Midnight then started to laugh and the laugh echoed as the castle walls began to crumble around Sunset into a black nothingness. Within seconds the floor fell from under Sunset’s feet and she fell in the void, screaming ‘Nooo!!!’.

Sunset all but jumped out of her bed as she finished her scream of ‘Nooo!’. She stopped and panted in an attempt to calm herself. After a solid minute, she finally calmed down enough to speak. “It was just a dream.” She muttered to herself, trying to believe that the nightmare held no hold over her in the waking world. But as she looked around her room and saw the young oak, now six inches tall, growing shockingly fast for any plant. “But it’s not,” she muttered as the young tree was a reminder of Sci-Twi’s death. She started to growl and conjured fire into the palm of her right hand as if she was going to throw a fireball at the tree and set it ablaze. But she felt tears start to drip down her cheeks. It wasn’t the tree’s fault. It was an innocent seed; it didn’t choose to be the possible new home of Sci-Twi’s soul, assuming Sunny Flare’s spell worked. It didn’t cast the death spell on Sci-Twi. It was just an acorn, simply existing. The fire in Sunset’s hand went out as she held her face in her palms and wept.

The next morning, or rather a few hours later, Sunset was dressed in her usual purple top with its black studded leather back, and yellow skirt with the long orange waist sash and solar disk buckle. On her head was her tiara with a gem of red and yellow as her focus gem, like how many other Magicborns use to better use their magic. She had in her left hand a decent size pouch, inside it were clothes, some spell components, and few toiletries. She began to leave her chambers but turned to look at the young oak once more, and sighed as she left the chambers.

About half an hour later she arrived at the library and the mirror that was the portal between Midnight Castle and the Castle of Friendship. Sunset could not help but laugh at the corniness of the two names. However, Midnight Castle was expected to be re-christened in a fortnight to one more fitting the direction Baroness Sunny Flare intended to enact. As for ‘The Castle of Friendship’, well Princess Twilight Sparkle was given the title, ‘Mystica’s Princess of Friendship’ so her castle was going to be titled in a similar fashion. The mirror itself has stars and swirls depicted on both sides. She began to arrange the stars and swirls so that the portal would open. As the portal was about to open, “You are aware of the fact that running away from something doesn’t resolve the matter.” came a familiar female voice, which spoke rather bluntly.

Sunset turned to see Sunny Flare, Lemon Zest, Indigo Zap, Sour Sweet and the speaker, Sugarcoat. Sunset sighed, “I know, but I need some time away. Every time I shut my eyes…” she trailed off not finishing her sentence. However, she didn’t need to.

Sunny reached out and gave Sunset a hug, “You do what you have to do, dearie. We’ll tend to the little oak while you’re gone.” Sunset smiled as she returned the hug. After a second the two ended the hug and each of the other Shadowbolts bid Sunset ‘goodbye’ as the portal opened and the pyromancer entered it.

Rarity was in the library of the Castle of Friendship, levitating a few flameless hanging lanterns, “Sure, Twilight won’t be here to enjoy this, but this is the Summer Sun Celebration after all. Can’t leave the Castle of Friendship out of the festivities.” she said to herself knowing full well that she was alone in the room, but decorating and not commenting on how everything matched, what is she a Quill-and-Sofa’s furniture delivery-girl? She turned from the last lanterns to hang to see where best to hang it and saw the mirror in the library become a swirling vortex of colors and Sunset came through it. “Sunset!” Rarity shouted as she stopped and rushed over to embrace her friend. “Muwah, muwah,” she said as she false-kissed both of Sunset’s checks in the embrace, “It’s good to see you again, Darling.” Sunset tried to laugh, but she could barely make a smile. This didn’t go unnoticed by Rarity as the enchantress noticed the downward glance the pyromancer had, “Still haunted by what happened?” Rarity asked.

Sunset walked away and looked to the ceiling, “Her body dissolved in my arms and my healing spells did nothing,” Sunset stated, “I don’t think I’ll ever be free from that poltergeist.” she sighed and turned back to Rarity and looked around the library and noted the decor, “The Summer Sun Celebration is in a few days,” she commented. Rarity nodded. That brought a small smile to Sunset’s face, “So any major plans? I know it’s like the anniversary of the formation of your friendship with Twilight.” There was a pause, “Well, I mean Princess Twilight not…”

Rarity placed her left index on Sunset’s lips to silence her, “I know. But to answer the question.” Rarity then turned back from Sunset and took a look at the library. “Not really, just a good old fashion Magiville Summer Sun Celebration, Applejack and Rainbow Dash taking each other on in every competition, Fluttershy most likely be off to the side watching, maybe she and I will be having some tea, Pinkie, well she’ll be going around making sure everyone has a sincere smile on their faces.”

The absence of Twilight from that list did not escape Sunset, “So what’s Twilight up to?” she asked the enchantress as the later finished decorating the library.

“Oh,” Rarity squeaked in shocked, “I guess she didn’t tell you, well the news was rather sudden, like just a few hours ago.” Rarity more or less muttered, which earned an ‘ahem’ from Sunset. Rarity gave a weak apologetic laugh, “Sorry, darling, you see Princess Cadance has given birth to her and Shining Armor’s first child.” The excitement and joy over the birth were plastered over the enchantress’ face.

Sunset actually smiled with that news, “That’s fantastic news. Twilight’s an aunt.” the two had a short happy laugh, “So is the baby a boy or girl?” Sunset asked.

Rarity paused for a second to think, “If memory serves, Twilight has a niece now. But that’s not all the news.” Rarity stopped and waited for Sunset’s interest to peak. “The baby will be the first royal Crystalling in Krystalopolies in over one thousand five hundred years.”

Sunset raised an eyebrow, “You actually know what a Crystalling is?”

Rarity had a laugh, “Well, Spike briefed the others and I after he and Twilight researched it after we got the news that Cadance was with child.”

Sunset gave a ‘huh’, ‘Celestia clearly slacked off with teaching Twilight,’ she muttered to herself before she brushed it to the side, her relationship with Celestia was fundamentally different to Twilight’s, they were master-apprentice, but Celestia and her, parent-child. “So I missed her, I take it.” She surmised to Rarity. Rarity sadly nodded. Sunset could only sigh, but that was life. “So do you mind if I celebrate the Summer Sun Celebration with you and the girls?” A massive grin grew on Rarity’s face as she grabbed Sunset’s hand and led her out of the castle.

Once outside Sunset looked at the small town of Magiville and that was in it, namely, the two-story houses that seem to just pop out from around 500 AC (Anna Celestia), “Quaint little place ain’t it.” she commented.

“Well, it’s not Chantalot by any stretch,” Rarity commented as she gave a slight sorrowful sigh but then looked over the town and a gave a happy sigh, a smile on her face, “but it’s home.” Sunset could see the glimmer in Rarity’s eye as she called Magiville ‘home’, something Sunset knew has not been in her own eyes for far too long. Rarity then turned back to her guest and taking her hand, “Let’s meet up with the others. They would be so glad to catch up.” The two then left the library within The Castle of Friendship.

About half an hour Sunset and Rarity had met up and caught up with Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Applejack and Pinkie Pie, and the lot was giving Sunset a tour of everything the town had set up as part of the festivals after the dawn. Rainbow was flying as they all walked among the booths both completed and still under construction. “You see we got a lot of stuff to do!” the elementalist declared as she flew from in front of the group to point out a lone wall made with various rocks and stones sticking out of it, allowing people to climb it, “There’s rock climbing!” She then flew to where the archery range was being set up, “Archery.”

As the elementalist was about to fly off to point out another thing they had planned, Sunset took hold of her left ankle and pulled her back to the group. “Rainbow, I get it, you're excited,” She then pointed towards their four mutual friends present in Magiville as the elementalist recovered from being pulled back, “but maybe give somebody else a chance to list the events you have planned.” Rainbow gave a slightly nervous but apologetic laugh.

Before any of the rest could say anything the only person in Magiville that rivaled Big Mac in size, the practically albino muscular, Bulk Biceps came from behind Rainbow. “We have arts and crafts!” he shouted which caused Rainbow to trip over.

Everyone had a little laugh before Rarity spoke to the ‘party-crasher’, “Thank you, Bulk-sweetie, for summing it all up.” She paused as she noticed surprisingly well-made pot holders in his hands. She levitated them towards her to get a closer look, “Oh my… you’ve done an immaculate job with potholders. A gift for your mother?” Rarity asked. Bulk nodded extremely proud with and of himself. As Rarity continued to look over the potholders, “Is that a catch stitch used in conjunction with a back stitch?” she asked utterly impressed. Bulk nodded. “Well, I’ve never seen this combination used to make potholders before, maybe with a little practice you’ll be tailoring clothes almost as good as me.”

Applejack leaned into Sunset’s right ear, “Maybe better if he doesn’t take those hour-long tea breaks.” Sunset laughed a little. Applejack then pointed to a lot that was being set up by her family, most noticeably was a large wooden tub. “We also got ourselves some less physical contests, like apple bobbing.”

“Don’t forget the Cookie decorating!” Pinkie shout as she seemed to just pop into existence right in the middle of the empty tub with a plate of cupcakes and ate them all with one bite.

Sunset raised her left hand about to ask how, when Pinkie was just to her right a second ago, “It’s Pinkie Pie, don’t question it.” Fluttershy said as she placed a hand on Sunset’s shoulder. Sunset elected to shrug and went with it as she turned to Fluttershy. Before Sunset can say anything, “We do have a few other events, like the communal dance and this year we’ll also have an early morning nature walk along the Everfree Forest in the predawn hours, leading to Sweet Apple Temple for this year’s sacrifices.”

Sunset was taken aback. “Wait, you still do actual sacrifices, like place them on the altar and set them on fire.”

“Not that simple Sugarcube.” Applejack pointed out, “While most have something they have poured a lot of blood, sweat, and tears into making this year for them to offer, many have elected to give the time they planned for leisure to help others. Fluttershy’s new animal shutter next to her cottage is case and point.” Applejack then noticed that Sunset was looking at the ground, “But there is no one thing that doesn’t count as a sacrifice as long as it meant something and the giving of it means something too.” Applejack said with a smile as she patted Sunset on her back accidentally causing the pyromancer to fall to the ground. “Oops, sorry about that, Sugarcube.” She offered her hand and helped Sunset to her feet, “Ah forget how frail you Magicborn can be sometimes.”

Sunset shook her head with a forgiving smile, “It’s okay. I guess I’ve been lost in myself for so long, especially after…” she trailed off as she looked to the ground again her smile changing to a frown.

“None of that, Darling!” Rarity almost shouted as she stepped towards the two. “This is a time to celebrate, not to get down in the dumps.” Applejack’s eye roll didn’t go unnoticed. “There is a time, and place for everything, so the Teachings say.”

“That’s not how the passage goes.” Applejack informed bluntly then cleared her throat. “Ecsentiastes chapter 3 verse 1 through 8, “There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens: a time to be born…” Applejack started.

“Thanks, AJ, but we don’t need the whole thing recited.” Rainbow cut the paladin short.

“Still haven’t figured out, ‘Moved his tail like a cedar tree’ yet?” Applejack joked earning a groan from the elementalist. The paladin had a small laugh. Sunset also had a laugh alongside the paladin.

Rarity cleared her throat and got the attention of everyone else, “And to finish it all off, we’ll have a fashion show, with of course six of the greatest models in town!” Everyone blinked at that as they looked at Rarity blankly. “I am referring to us.”

Applejack placed her hand on Rarity’s shoulder, “Oh we figured that, Sugarcube. But why? I am sure you could find others willing to…um canvas your work.”

“Well, I do suppose I am asking too much of you all, to be the models. But I don’t have much else prepared.”

“I am certain you can find a few others by the end of the day,” Sunset added with a slight laugh. Sunset then turned to Rainbow, “We’re still going to end up modeling aren’t we?” she asked the elementalist.

“We’re talking about Rarity here, what do you think?” Rainbow asked in turn. Sunset could only nod in agreement. “Hey, where’s Fluttershy?” Rainbow asked as she noticed that the druid was absent.

Author's Note:

Well this is up sooner than expected. :rainbowderp:
Don't expect this to be completed before the Season 8 finale equvilent.:twilightsheepish:
*Ecsentiastes is a combination of the Bible book titled 'Ecclesiastes' and the word 'essential'
And it's not the only Biblical refernce, can you guess the other?:twilightsmile: