• Published 23rd Jun 2017
  • 10,015 Views, 666 Comments

Contest of Rivals - Moon-Lite

It is Sunset's third month at Crystal Prep, physically recovered from the attacks caused by Anon-A-Miss, she now has a new trial to overcome.

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Contest of Rivals: The Friendship Tragedy

Author's Note:

And here it is, the climax, pivotal, all the stuff hitting the fan chapter of this arc! I do have to say that I need to start writing something fluffy after this >.<
But sadly, that will have to wait~ There will be a few more chapters in this arc still~

Contest of Rivals: The Friendship Tragedy


“The next event shall involve the remaining students to track down a pennant for their respective school.” Cinch said, holding up what looked like duplicates. “The first team to find and return theirs shall win this round.”

“Where’s Cadence?” Sunset asked, noticing that the Dean of Students was strangely absent from the other judges. “Shouldn’t she be back by now?

Indigo Zap and Sunny Flare looked around, noticing that they also couldn’t find the woman.

“She’s probably in the washroom or something.” Indigo said, shrugging before she started to stretch. “I mean, Cinch is up there, right? She wouldn’t start without Cadence grabbing whatever she needed her to.”

“I agree,” Sunny added with a quick nod. “We should focus on winning this event. We don’t want to do anything to gain the wrath and ire of Cinch.”

Sunset nodded grimly, noticing the three Wondercolts across the concrete from here. Rainbow Dash, Applejack, and Pinkie Pie all had their eyes forward, paying attention to the instructions Principal Celestia and Vice Principal Luna were saying.

“The area where the pennants could be is limited to the school grounds, up to the chain link fences but not the parking lot, and the school building proper, minus the main office and cafeteria.” Celestia said. The woman seemed to have recover somewhat from the lunch break, here weary face faking a smile as best she could. “You shall have a half an hour from the sound of the horn!”

Luna nodded before stepping forward, air horn gripped firmly in both hands. With a nod to nobody in particular she pressed down and the horn rang loud. The three Wondercolts all ran off in different directions, Rainbow and Applejack behind from where the started, and Pinkie Pie into the school.

“Okay, game plan!” Sunset called out, calling the other girls into a quick huddle. “I want the three of us to start with the school grounds, cover as much area as we can before we tackle the school. Indigo, take the northern fields, Sunny the east.” The two teens nodded as Sunset continued. “I’ll take the west, meet me here in fifteen minutes if you don’t find the flag. Go!”

The three teens shot off in their respective directions, Sunny and Indigo bolting towards where Applejack and Rainbow went as Sunset dashed towards the parking lot. She waved to the Twilight and the Sirens as she passed them, her three fellow Equestrians cheering loudly as Twilight just barely looked up from her device in time to wave. Sunset could swear she heard some kind of beeping from Twilight’s device, but she couldn’t afford to waste time, there was a flag to capture!

I believe they said it was a pennant sweetie~

Can you really not leave me be for any amount of time?

Please, we both know how lonely you would get without me~

You are just so full of yourself, aren’t ya?

What can I say, I am your better parts after all~

How do you think?

Your pride, your ambition, your drive~ Without me you would have most likely died on the streets of Canterlot all those years ago~ You would have never been able to impress Celestia enough to become her personal protege~

And look at what you did! You drove me to lunacy! To betray her and throw everything she ever tried to teach me back into her face! How are you my better parts? Look at me now, I have friends.

How much you want to bet that they only see you as a tool to be used? You are the most gifted student in that pathetic little hovel they call a school after all~

Sunset could feel sweat start to bead on her head. This Crystal Prep Academy Uniform was definitely not made for this kind of exercise! She fumbled with the buttons of the blazer, flinging open the burgundy material to hopefully allow some airflow to cool her down as she ran. Canterlot High School didn’t have the same massive fields and school grounds that Crystal Prep Academy did, but it was by no means small. At least her section was smaller than the other two Shadowbolts, the parking lot cutting a good section out.

Maybe you should look in the treetops~ I mean, you are descended from monkeys most likely in this world~

Sunset ignored the voice, continuing her pace towards the carefully maintained foliage that sat in front of the sturdy chain link fence.


Sunset froze, what was that? Was someone calling out for help? A loud crack resounded through the air as another voice nearly shouted out.

“Shut up, ya stupid cunt!”

Sunset looked around, none of the other participants were nearby and the school was too far away. Her hands shot into her pocket for her phone, only to realize it was missing. It must have slipped out when she was messing with her coat!

“Aw, horseapples!” She hissed, realizing that she had to try and help whoever that was. If only she had some sort of way to get some help!

Slowly she crept towards the stone wall that surrounded the parkade, making her way to the side entrance that sat open. Whoever was here wasn’t trying very hard to keep people from getting in it seemed. At least she could sneak in without getting seen hopefully.

“Just couldn’t keep quiet, could ya?” Came a raspy sounding female voice, one that seemed really familiar to Sunset as she crept through the open gate, sliding behind a nearby car.

“Seriously, calling for help never helps.” Gilda said, the teen keeling down with a fistful of multi colored hair. Sunset could recognize the girl by the personalized denim vest she always wore, a griffin embroidered on the back, but it was the woman whose head she dangled just above the concrete that caused Sunset’s blood to boil.

“Cadence!” She whispered softly, anger starting to burn inside as she watched blood start to drip down the delicate forehead of the seemingly unconscious woman. Sunset shot to her feet, ready to charge the teen who had attacked Cadence, only to feel a rather large hand on her shoulder.

You… Idiot!

Sunset barely heard the voice before a large fist slammed into her nose.


What was with these readings?

Twilight was stunned. All throughout the day, Ethyl Mk.2 had been getting stronger and stronger readings, especially around Sunset, but why?

And now they were rising again!

She turned the small compact device towards where Sunset had ran off to, only to have Ethyl start beeping even louder. Glancing around she made sure no one was paying attention to her before stealthily making her way down the bleacher and towards where Sunset had headed off to, the beeping growing louder with every step.


Sunset drifted through the starry space, observing the constellations of her home world as they drifted past her.

You are seriously an idiot, you know that right?

Sunset watched as a large red humanoid with fiery hair and great bat wings materialized beside her, a deep scowl on her daemonic features.

Why would you draw attention to yourself in a situation like that?

“Well I had to try and help her.” Sunset said as she paused her flight. “I have a soul unlike you.”

We both know that you forfeited yours when you put that Element upon your head.

“Just because it reacted negatively to you, doesn’t mean that I lost my soul.” Sunset said defensively, floating back from the towering figure before everything started shaking, stars exploding and darkness starting to spread through the cosmos.

I think our… hosts, as much as they are, want your attention.

“Eyes open, Anon-A-Bitch!” Gilda shouted into Sunset’s right ear, causing the girl to try to open her eyes, her left sore and caked shut while her right fared little better.

“There we go.” Gilda said with a smug look on her face. “Couldn't have ya be asleep while we paid you back for everything you did.” She mocked as she rapped the back of her hand across Sunset’s cheek. Why was she getting hit? She heard three voices… chuckling? What was so funny?

“Oi, eyes up here!” Sunset felt her face jerk the other way as the other side of her face exploded in pain, followed by a yelp of pain as her scalp was assaulted. Her head slowly tilted upwards toward the cold sneer that Gilda was wearing.

“I hope you had fun,” She said, letting go of Sunset’s hair and letting the amber teen’s face bounce off the pavement that rushed to greet her. “Escaping to Crystal Prep Academy of all places! Leaving the rest of us to suffer after you somehow got those three young saps to take your fall for you.”

Sunset felt her side give way to something hard, as Gilda swung her steel toed combat boots into the unprotected side.

“W-why…?” Sunset gasped through the pain, darkness threatening to embrace her once more.

“Why? WHY!?” Gilda near shouted, digging her heel into the back of Sunset’s head “Because you humiliated me! You made me a laughing stock of the entire fuckin’ school with your little stunt!”

“I… inno-” Sunset started before crying out in pain, her left arm going numb as something… punched it?

“Bullshit! Stop lying for once in your miserable life, you sordid little bitch!” Gilda screeched, Sunset unable to see the girl as the pavement swam in her vision.

“You three! Get her standing up!” Gilda barked as Sunset felt multiple arms roughly hoist her upwards. “I want the last thing she see’s to be my knife cutting her apart.”

Sunset slowly cracked her only good eye somewhat open, her entire body screaming in agony. Gilda stood before her, brandishing what looked like a six inch long bowie knife in one hand.

“I can’t believe the luck of this day.” Gilda chuckled, looking over the girl held up three different individuals. “Not only do we get paid to take out the bitch you failed to save, but we get to deal with you first!”

Sunset could feel the skin in her abdomen give as Gilda thrust her knife forward, the blade effortlessly slicing through the cloth covering Sunset’s body before the teen pulled it back and held the bloody blade in front of Sunset’s shaking eyes.

“Well whadya know,” Gilda said with an evil smile. “You bleed just like the rest of us.” She said as she flicked the fresh blood onto Sunset’s face before pulling back and burying the blade in Sunset once more time, this time into the lower part of her torso, causing the girl to pitch forward as a result of the force.

“Why not one more for good measure?” Sunset heard as she numbly felt the blade leave her torso, only to be plunged into the soft flesh between her neck and right shoulder. She cried out in agony, her voice muffled completely by the putrid hand covering her mouth.

“Why don’t you three enjoy her a little bit?” Gilda said, turning her back to Sunset as she looked down at Cadence. “I think we should finish this and get out before anyone gets suspicious.”

Sunset vaguely felt her body hit the pavement in a sprawl, tears running from her last good eye as she watched the three Diamond Dog Brothers loom over her with chuckles.


Everyone paused as they heard something hit the ground. Sunset couldn’t move to react, but she knew what she had heard.

“What’s she doing here?” Sunset heard Gilda ask. “Nevermind that, get her you three! No witnesses!”

The last thing Sunset heard was Twilight give a small shriek.


Twilight was terrified, more than she had ever thought possible. She was being held captive, her mouth covered by one boys absolutely disgusting smelling hand as one of the others held her hands above her head roughly.

“So what’s Princess Twilight doing gracing us with her presence?” The white haired girl asked, bloody knife pointed at Twilight’s tear riddled face. “Especially in a Crystal Prep Academy uniform after that blasting you gave us those months back at that assembly here.”

Twilight shook her head, what was this girl talking about? What assembly? Why was Sunset bleeding out on the ground? Dear god was she dead? She wasn’t moving! Twilight kicked and struggled to get free, noticing Dean Cadence lying unconscious on the ground not far away. What was going on!?

“Playing dumb huh? It’s not gonna help you here.” The girl said menacingly, ghosting the bloody edge of her knife down the girl’s delicate features. “I just cannot believe our luck today, first Sunset, now you?” The girl gave an evil cackle as she bent over and slapped her knee.

“Well how about we stop the foreplay and get rid of you so we can get out of here, huh?” Gilda stopped laughing before regarding Twilight with a cold sneer. Was she about to die? Ethyl Mk.2 had been blaring out beeps, before the beeps turned to such a rapid pace that it sounded more like a buzz.

“That’s a really annoying toy you got here.” The girl snarled, before she brought her foot down, crushing the innocent device. “Good, you’re next.” She said, drawing back her knife and causing Twilight to shut her eyes.

That’s where you’re wrong.” Came a deadly calm tone.

“What the?” The girl said aloud as she felt her arm freeze, Twilight opening her eyes to see… Sunset?

I think you should stop while you have the chance, Gilda.” Sunset said, or at least Twilight was trying to tell if it was her friend or not. The towering figure sure sounded like Sunset, though the tone was cold and quiet, unnervingly so in its delivery.

“Wh-what are you doing here!?” Gilda shouted in shock, backing away and bumping into Twilight. “I killed you!”

You failed.” Came the cold response, Twilight tumbling to the ground as she heard contact be made to the cars around her, alarms blaring to life. “Now that those three are taken care of…”

Twilight flailed around as she searched for her glasses, finding them and fumbling them onto her face, gasping at what she saw.

A large red human looking girl, with gold and crimson hair floating like fire, stood before the cowering Gilda, hovering barely off the ground even though her massive bat like wings remained still.

I will be generous. Gilda.” The figure said in a calm, echoing mimicry of Sunset’s voice. “You may have the first swing.” The figure pointed at Gilda’s still bloody knife, the girl looking down in terror at the item in her hand. Without a second thought she lunged forward, giving a savage cry as she thrust the blade into the lava red skin of the figures lower abdomen!

How pathetically droll.” The figure said boredly as the knife shattered into dust as it struck her, before lashing out with blazing speed and grasping the teens head in her taloned hand. “You are too weak-minded to do something like this on your own. Talk, or else I will crush your pathetic excuse for a head.

Gilda screamed as the pressure from Daemon Sunset’s hand intensified on her head, her own hands scraping haplessly against the extremity.

“T-t-t-that other bitch! Sh-she paid us to- Gaaah!” Gilda cried out as she felt more force applied to her head, Twilight falling to her knees and covering her mouth in shock. This wasn’t possible, there was not scientific explanation for this! This couldn’t be Sunset!

Cinch,” She stated, relenting her grip slightly to allow Gilda to continue spilling her guts.

“Y-yeah! Her! She paid us t-t-to attack that woman d-down there! Said we w-w-would get a swing a-at you a-a-after the G-G-Game- Waaaahg!” Gilda screamed as Sunset hurled the girl carelessly into the bus, her body ricocheting off and landing on the concrete with a sickening thud.

Twilight watched as Sunset turned and started floating towards the front of the school. “S-Sunset…?” Twilight called out in terror. That… thing couldn’t be her friend! Sunset was never this cruel, even when dealing with the people that drove her to the point of suicide! So what was this… daemon!?

Take care of Cadence.” Sunset uttered before continuing on her way, Twilight rushing over to her Sister In Law.


“Has anyone seen Sunset?” Indigo shouted. Sunny and her had returned to the front of the school already, Indigo having found the pennant hidden in some bushes and yelling out to Sunny Flare as the girl searched the side of the school. They had been waiting for a few minutes, the pink girl had already returned with their schools pennant by this point and everybody was standing around waiting for Sunset.

“I can’t find Twilight!” Sonata called out, worried at losing her friend. “Has anybody seen her?”

She is fine now.

Screams filled the air as everybody turned to see where that strange, echoing voice had come from.

“What’s she doing back!?” Some random Wondercolt screamed.

“What is that thing?” A Shadowbolt yelled out.

Everybody was panicking as the daemonic figure slowly floated into the middle of the school yard.

“Sun… Sunset?” Adagio whispered, the black aura having nearly consumed the natural aquamarine Sunset gave off.

Dean Cadence will be fine in time as well.” The Daemon said in an echoing version of Sunset’s voice. “We have saved her, Cinch.

Everyone was frozen in terror, watching as the figure pointed out with taloned fingers as a swirling aura of night and aquamarine coloured the air around them.

“W-what the!?” Cinch yelled out, suddenly floating through the air before being left hanging in the air as if crucified, directly in front of the Daemon. “What are you?” She breathed, horror muting her voice.

I am what you hired those four teens to kill.

Murmurs shot through the crowd when they heard the declaration from the figure, what was it talking about?

“Sunset! Let her go!” Aria shouted, running forward and standing beneath the thing her friend had become.

“Please! Don’t do this Sun-Shim!” Sonata begged as she joined her sister.

“Calm down and let us help you, Sunset.” Adagio pleaded as she stood with her sister’s, hoping there was still something of Sunset left in there to reason with, wondering what had caused this to happen.

You would suggest that I am not calm?” Sunset asked, her voice a calm so deadly the people around could swear they felt their lives end. “After she would hire students to murder Dean Cadence?

Shocked gasped rang out in the air, was that true?

“Abacus! Surely you didn’t!” Celestia shouted in pure terror.

I suggest you repent, Cinch. Before I make you do so.

Cinch struggled to free herself from this figures grasp. What was happening! This couldn’t be real, could it? Why was she in this situation, she had done nothing wrong! That sniveling whore, Cadence, she was the problem! She was destroying everything Cinch had done for Crystal Prep Academy! Her and that slut, Sunset Shimmer! So why was she hanging many feet from the ground in the crushing grasp of some sort of Daemon!?

Do it.” The figure commanded, squeezing her fist together as the force that held her aloft started to embrace her tighter, air starting to flee her lungs.

“F-fine! I-I-I admit it!” She bellowed, gasping and gulping in air as the force relinquished its hold on her. Cries of horror and shock erupted from everyone present.

“How could you!?”

“You monster!”

“You should rot in jail!”

“What is wrong with you!”

She struggled as she watched everyone standing beneath her pelt her with verbal insults and threats of harm, even her own Shadowbolts, the students of Crystal Prep Academy that she had hand raised into beings of superiority attacked her!

Looks like your plan failed, Cinch.” The figure said, the woman screaming as she flew up towards the figures face.

“S-Sunset…? Is that really… you?” She asked, noticing that the figure’s face did indeed look like the teen. Her eyes were different from each other, one aquamarine iris in white sclera, the other aquamarine orb encased in blackest night, even as her red and yellow hair billowed upwards like living flame.

You could say that.” Sunset responded, before forcing the woman away through the air. “I want all of you down there to be my witness, as I remove a real monster from this world.”

A mixture of cries filled the air, most of them shock at the thought of being witnesses to a murder, a few seeming to edge the figure on into doing it.

“Sunset! Stop!”

Everyone paused what they were doing and turned to look to the south west of the school.

“Killing her would be sinking down to her level!” Twilight shouted, tears streaming down her lavender face. “Don’t be like her!”

The Daemon paused and turned to regard the girl that stood alone, her firm arms crossed over her chest.

And what would be gained from sparing her?” Sunset asked as she spun the woman around to face Twilight, who was helping Dean Cadence to limp along.

“Sunset…?” The bruised, bleeding woman asked, shock and sorrow spread across her face. “Is that… really you?”

I am glad to see you up, Dean Cadence.” Sunset said, regarding the two of them with her never moving facade of emptiness.

“H-how are you still alive…?” Principal Cinch asked, horror stricken that all of her plans had failed.

“Sunset saved me, you miserable bitch.” Cadence responded as loud as she could. “And as much as I want to see you suffer…” Cadence turned back to Sunset as her face changed from scowl to sad smile. “I agree with Twilight. Don’t stoop to her level, Sunset. You’re better than this!”

“Yeah, Sunset! You aren’t a monster! You’re the most loyal person I know!” Shouted a raspy voice from behind the daemonic figure looming in the sky.

“Rainbow is right, dear!” Rarity added. “We know you are an incredible generous person, always willing to listen to others, even if we weren't!”

“You are kind and understanding…” Fluttershy said, much louder than anyone had ever heard her speak before.

“You never tell a harmful lie, always willin’ to take the fall fer others!” Applejack yelled in her country accent.

“You always found a way to make us laugh… Even if we ended up stealing your happiness!” Pinkie Pie said solemnly.

“You can do superhuman feats of awesomeness!” Indigo said, flexing an arm and holding onto it’s bicep.

“You always seem to have the right answer, even in an impossible situation.” Sunny Flare started.

“You know so many different things about this crazy world!” Lemon Zest said, removing her headphones fully, fingers tracing over the DJ Pon-3 signature as the morse code song blared through the speakers.

“You always find a way to find out everything about a person, but never hold it over them.” Sugarcoat monotoned.

“You never harass me about how I act around others, as insufferable as it is you always put up with it, or let me know when I cross the line.” Sour Sweet said as she stared at the being in the sky.

“I always knew you were crazy!” Lyra shouted, only to receive a sharp jab from Bon Bon. “Crazy amazing I meant!”

“Who else could find that hidden message in my song?” Yelled Vinyl, holding hands with her sister.

“You support the two of us, in everything we pursue!” Octavia added in her cultured tone.

“You always share my treats, even if it means you get so little.” Bon Bon said with a sad smile.

“You put up with my insane antics all the time!” Aria shouted, throwing her arms out wide.

“You took us home, after saving us from what you are going through right now.” Adagio whispered, her voice carrying itself into the Daemon’s ears.

“You reaaaaally love tacos!” Sonata yelled, causing everyone to look at her. “What? She has her priorities right?”

“You see, Sunset, people care about you.” Twilight said softly. “We care about you so much, and don’t want to see you make a mistake as drastic as this!”

Cinch had fallen silent as she listened to everyone's declarations, refusing to struggle anymore and allowing Sunset to really pay attention to her friends.

You may think I am worth it…” She said sadly, a solemn smile slowly coming to her face. “But there will always be those of this world that hate me…

She rotated around and studied all the teenagers before her as she slowly started to float closer to the ground.

“W-what’s happening!?” Cinch screamed as she felt the force surrounding her weaken, before giving out completely and causing her to hurtle towards the ground. People yelled out in terror, point and screaming as the woman fell, only to be caught by Principal Celestia and Vice Principal Luna.

“Sunset!” Someone screamed as the Daemon suddenly fizzled away, leaving an amber teen in a blood stained Shadowbolts uniform to plummet to the ground.