• Published 13th Jun 2017
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My Own Wings - Tatsurou

Fox McCloud raises Sunset Shimmer as best he can while protecting the Lylat System from Andross.

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It was several weeks beyond that before Sunset was allowed back down on the surface of Dinosaur Planet after that, as she was grounded and restricted to the Great Fox...both for misbehaving by running around unsupervised, and for not telling them about it sooner. To everyone's surprise, Sunset did not scream and cry or otherwise throw a tantrum about it, and instead glumly accepted her punishment...only to mope everywhere she went on the Great Fox while staring longingly out a viewport every time they were in sight of Dinosaur Planet.

Only Falco noticed the huge smirk she gave when this resulted in a three month grounding being commuted after a single month. He chose not to say anything.

New rules were set down regarding her excursions to the planet, however. She was no longer allowed to just run off wherever, even within a settlement. She was required to be accompanied by an adult at all times. A bit of negotiation on Falco's part allowed it to be a Dinosaur adult, as long as it was someone personally known and trusted by Tricky's parents, and could easily keep up with the pair. This in no way curtailed Sunset and Tricky's explorations, as the Queen Cloudrunner did not yet have children of her own and adored Sunset, and was easily strong enough to carry both children on her back...or in her talons for short distances without hurting them if they were especially rambunctious. Since the tribes more or less took care of themselves and the leaders were only needed for ceremonial or arbitration purposes, she had plenty of time to look after 'the child of prophecy', though this was never mentioned where Sunset would hear.

As time went on, however, Sunset still wound up spending less time down on Dinosaur Planet as Fox and the others began her formal education. As there was not yet a way to enroll her in a school for classroom based education, this instead involved converting one of the rooms in the Great Fox into a schoolhouse to teach her. It took a bit of time to explain to Sunset what the room was and why she would be spending time there, but apparently she was eager to learn once she understood it was a room just for that purpose.

The first step was determining how much she already knew, and then working from there as far as what she still needed to learn. Krystal handled that portion, as all it required was giving her several standardized tests and helping her understand what she was to do with each. Afterwards, the tests were given to Rob - who Sunset still called 'Brobot' - to collate for results.

As Sunset was presently down for a nap, the group gathered around Rob for the results. "Alright, Rob," Peppy began calmly. "Let's hear it. What's our little girl know already?"

"General assessment: Sunset is highly intelligent," Rob began.

"This comes as a surprise?" Falco joked playfully.

"Current age is estimated five years old based on physical development as compared to known similar species in Lylat," Rob continued, ignoring Falco's joke. "Equivalent of Kindergarten student. Knowledge tests indicate third grade understanding minimum due to absence of historical knowledge."

"Oh?" Slippy asked curiously, wondering how advanced placement would be handled there.

"Subject specific analysis: Mathematics," Rob continued. "Sunset is able to explain her understanding of mathematical concepts of addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, exponents, order of operations, and basic algebra. Sunset is able to correctly solve equations involving calculus, physics, advanced field mechanics, and astro-navigation, but is unable to properly vocalize or otherwise explain her understanding."

"...she can what?" Fox asked in shock, managing just barely to get the question out before the pen that had rolled off the table could break the silence by hitting the floor.

"That actually makes sense," Krystal spoke up carefully. "Most of those maths are part of the theory in the books of magic I've managed to translate, and she seems to have an instinctive grasp of her magic, even to the more complex aspects by Cerinian standards. Such higher maths probably come easily as a result."

"That does make sense," Slippy allowed ruefully. "Terribly unfair, but logical."

"Now you know how I felt about her astral projection," Krystal joked, sharing a laugh with her amphibian companion.

"Sciences," Rob continued. "Sunset's understanding appears...skewed. If asked for results of specific scientific scenarios, has some difficulty but can grasp. If asked about what she should do in certain scientific scenarios, invariably and unerringly responds with the steps that will lead to the biggest explosion possible."

"Keep her out of engineering!" Slippy screamed out worriedly, getting several laughs around the table.

"Can't say I blame her for that," Falco joked. "I love it when things go kablooie, too!"

"Not when it's us!" Slippy countered angrily.

"Fair point," Falco allowed with a smirk.

"Language," Rob continued. "Sunset has a broken grasp of Lylat Standard, but can speak fluent Cerinian and Saurian in all dialects of Dinosaur Planet save Sharpclaw."

"Broken grasp?" Peppy asked worriedly. "Does she have a problem understanding it?"

"Unknown," Rob replied. "She frequently shifted into Cerinian or Saurian, especially when excited or otherwise emotional. Appears to prefer those languages to Lylat Standard."

"Can't say I blame her," Fox allowed. "Lylat Standard is the standard...but the Saurian and Cerinian I've heard is so much more...beautiful."

"History," Rob continued once no one else had anything to say. "Sunset possesses no knowledge of historical conflicts of Lylat system, and shows no interest in learning them. Attempts at instruction resulted in explosive destruction of educational tapes."

Fox frowned. "Well, we can't let her do that," he observed darkly.

"How are you going to stop her?" Falco joked playfully.

"By having you teach her," Fox responded readily. "You're the 'fun Uncle', and we need to make History fun for her. I'm sure you'll come up with something."

Falco glowered angrily at Fox as the others shared a chuckle. "I'll get you for this, Fox," he muttered darkly.

"Sure you will," Fox teased back with an impish grin.

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