• Published 11th Jul 2012
  • 17,333 Views, 1,008 Comments

Off the Beaten Path - PingSquirrel

A tale of someone comfortable with his life becoming somepony not well liked at all.

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Musical Interlude


I tapped my iPod to bring up some better music to keep me company in my truck. I was in a way too good of a mood for the lighter music that was playing. This sort of mood demanded that I swap it up to something that I could head-bang too properly. The metal would definitely help the mood stick around. What brought it about was that, on a whim, I tried my luck at starting up my truck, and now, I was rolling down the highway as if it never was in the accident. Well, there was a bit of a pull to one side, but that was not that bad. Actually, it was fantastic. Who cared there was nowhere to go?

The passing scenery was wonderful to just admire as dusk coloured the pastel landscape in hues of purple and red. It was a wonderful sight, that could of been the inspiration of paintings through the ages by the masters and hacks alike. And to top it all off, there was no traffic at all. Yeah, a silly thought, but one could really appreciate owning the road when it was one as lovely and wonderful as this. If my truck had an endless supply of fuel, I could and would drive all night and into the next day until I needed to stop. Or maybe I'd lay down on a warm hood and rest in the summer's night in my peaceful solitude.

Suddenly, I was not alone on my stretch of road. Whatever dashed onto the road from the surrounding woods was so fast that it left me unable to react to it at all. I could not even pull the wheel to try and weave around the unfortunate creature. For my inaction, I was rewarded with that sickening crunch of a bumper against flesh which I punctuated by slamming on the breaks. I slid to a halt in slow motion, letting me see the hideous face of pain on the creature before it was sent tumbling to the side of the road.

“No! Not again!” I cried as I scrambled out of my truck and ran towards to the twisted, and jumbled pile of limbs on the ground. The memory of what I had done was too fresh to rip it open again like this. “Please be alright!”

I could only see the creature in the silhouette of the setting sun and it only became apparent the type of aberration I just hit once I was right upon it. Sickly smooth skin, a tiny, brown mane, and other-worldly limbs that ended in clawless paws of ridiculous proportions. It was truly a monster that laid before me that left my heart fluttering in panic to even be this close to it.

“You alive?” I asked as sternly as I could, so as to not show my apprehension at being faced with such a thing. It was more difficult than I would liked in the presence of such a strange being. There was no way this thing was from anywhere around here. It was simply an aberration that had not place in this world and should simply go away. Maybe it had. It was becoming clear from the total lack of motion from the monster that it was quite dead, but I had to check at least. I braced my hooves against what must of been the thing's side (The thing was so foreign in form to me, even that was in doubt) and shoved it to roll it over onto I what I thought was its back.

I screamed and tumbled onto my back as I scrambled away from the remains. It wore the face I once had.

Landing on your back out of an opened truck door was a terrible way to wake up. It is just a far enough fall to knock every bit of wind out of your lungs in one hard thump, leaving you to gasp for air and dazes you just enough that you cannot work out where you are right away. The dull ache in my head from this morning did not help the situation at all, leaving me on the ground, looking up the sky, with stars starting to poke through the darker half. It was well past dusk now, meaning that I did actually sleep. It was simply an unhappy dream I just had.

Even so, I looked to check if my truck was still immobile where it crashed and there was no body in a crumpled heap anywhere near it. The confirmation that the dream was nothing more than a dream was a load off my mind, but it still was one of those dreams that felt all-too-real and not in any sort of way I would like to repeat. I could recall clearly the feel of the body under my hooves when I pushed on it, and the sound of the impact, but what was worse, I could not dismiss the thoughts it left me with. I have only been here for a few days and I can feel my old life slipping away already and...

My stomach interrupted with a strongly worded reminder that I have yet to eat today. At last, a problem I could solve.

“Right. Constant worry does not get me anywhere. Deal with what I can,” I muttered to myself as I just put the worries into the back of my head to mull over later. “And, dinner sounds really tempting right now.”

With that, I emptied my bag right out to just the coin purse and slung it around my side. At some point, I would have to commission a proper set of saddle bags for myself. Now there is a thought I never thought I would have. Anyways, armed with some gold bits and rather empty stomach, I began walking to town and this time it would not be an aimless wander for somewhere to eat. I had a craving to try out those hay-fries again.

The lack of a night-life was pretty evident as I walked my way towards the bar, though I really could not complain about it. Other than the odd pony that was closing up shop for the day and the occasional passing of a pegasus above my head, I was left to myself for the entire trip. The downside was I started to think about how stuck I really was in this town and world. I knew it was just a rut in my mind, but I couldn't help running in mental circles with the dream still being fresh in my mind. I did the futile laps in the quiet of the night until I arrived at the only building that seemed to have life in it, and stepped in.

It looked to be a busy night in “The Shady Glade” with ponies at virtually every table chatting away and enjoying each others' company, and for those that were not talking with friends, they were entertained by a pony on stage singing what I thought would be a folk tune backed by a small band. I have no idea how one played the piano without fingers, but there was a pony doing it. At least Merlot did not have to handle the crowd on his own as there were several waitresses making the rounds and servicing the tables. All in all, this seemed like the place to be after dark in Ponyville, so I headed to the bar.

“Hey Merlot! Can I trouble you for some fries and a coffee or tea?” I called out to the pony and with a quick nod and a smile, he noted the order. I hardly had time to turn about to look over the activity around me before a mug was set down me in that green aura. The cream and sugar followed though I always preferred my coffee black.

“Welcome back, Scriber. I did not expect you back after a night like you had yesterday though,” he said as he quickly went to work with that aura. It was impressive to see how he would pick up several glasses at once and clean them all in turn with aura. I would not know where even to start with that level of multitasking. It was clear that he was the master of his bar and he knew where everything was to go without hesitation.

“Well,” I started, as I took the coffee mug up in that oversized loop and took a sip, “I really have no place else to go. So far this has been the friendliest place I have been in Ponyville. And, I really liked the fries.”

He actually stopped moving around and walked back to me at that point though he still flaunted his expertise behind the bar by continuing to serve with just his aura. “Everypony has a place to go,” he said with all the practised concern of a part-time therapist. I have seen the cliche of the bartender that was willing to lend an ear dozens of times in fiction, but Merlot was the first bartender I have actually seen to go though with the routine. “Even you. There are place you can go and be welcomed as you are here.”

I gave my coffee a sip then shook my head. It would feel good to talk to anypony about how I felt right now and get some of the load off my back. I just had to be careful about how I worded things and what I said. “No. There really isn't,” I returned, “At least nowhere anywhere near here. Have you ever been so far from home that even getting a message there was impossible?”

He carefully took in my words and it looked like he was considering them fully before the green and purple stallion lifted a hoof and pointed over my shoulder. “Give a look over there, please,” he instructed and in the corner was a massive white pegasus with the tiniest wings I have ever seen drinking with other 'sports ponies' but all he was adding to the conversation was bellows of “Yeah!” and “No!”. He looked like the pony equivalent of Arnold when he was in his prime and then some with a body that looked to be entirely bulging muscle. “That would be my son, Pferdestärke. I love him dearly.”

“He is a big one,” I replied as I turned back to Merlot.

“Yes. It is part of his condition. You see, magic does not flow within him right,” he explained with more than a touch of sadness in his voice, “A pegasus is supposed to have their magic move through their wings to help them fly. For my son, it is not the case. His magic flows like yours and moves through his body. That makes him stronger than any pegasus ever should be, but his wings never grew because they had no magic. The condition also takes a toll on him in other ways.”

I could guess how when I heard another bellow of “Yeah!” followed by some laughing, but left it like that. What this had to do with me, I had no idea, but it seemed important to Merlot to get this out.

“Germane is a very nice city. I long to go back there and see how it has changed, but the doctors only had one cure. To remove his wings and let him live out his life as an earth pony. But, I could not let them do that to my little Pferdestärke,” he went on to say, “I found a doctor in Canterlot who said he had a better cure that might let him fly one day, but that meant leaving my family, friends and my vineyard at home and coming here. I really had no choice and I sold everything I could so I could have the money to come here.”

He gave a long, proud look at his son again and smiled. “Now he flies and has regular appointments in Canterlot. It is only a short train-ride away so we stay here,” he said as he obviously was trying not to mist up. “But we cannot go far yet. The treatments need to be done regularly or his wings would wither even more than they have already have. I have no regrets and would do it again, but I do miss home. Maybe, one day, he will able to go with me and see where we are from. I think though, even if he does get better, we would stay here. We have so much here in Ponyville that now, we cannot just leave it.”

My first instinct was to ask where the mother was in all of this, but I fought that one down quickly. Merlot just bared something to me that was personal and obviously painful. I was best not to dig further and instead moved onto his point. He was stuck here too, but it really was not the same. He still knew the way home and could get a message home with a letter. He was isolated but not how I was. He was not having his past fade away like I was. It was close but not the same.

“Thank you for telling me that,” I replied finally before I sipped my coffee again. “At least you have him from home. All I have is my hat, a couple pictures and some nick-knacks back at the wagon, but at least, if I have to, I know that I can start again here.”

“You are good pony. You'll find more around here to help you live here, but you'll never forget home,” he said reassuringly, though he was a bit off the mark with that comment. I did not want to settle here in the least.

“Thanks again,” I said as I rewarded Merlot for his efforts with a couple of extra bits on the bar top.

“You are welcome, Scriber,” he replied with a slight bow, “But I do have other customers to take care of. Please understand.” Before I could even reply, he moved across the bar to chat with another pony with much more cheer. I had to chuckle at how quickly he moved from solemn to jovial, but that just seemed to be a skill he possessed behind the bar.

The mirthful mood did not last long because he really did give me something to think about though. The ponies around here seemed friendly enough and starting again would not be impossible in the worse case scenario coming true. It was a small comfort for all those I would lose in the process but I could start again here. My fries arrived with the cider as I asked and I took the food and drink to the only table I saw free, right by the stage. The show was still going strong with a new vocalist and the style had moved to something more jazzy. It seemed that I only started paying attention right at the end because the grey mare finished her set and stepped down from the stage, only to be replaced by a stallion from the audience. Even so, I was more than happy just to sit and watch the show right now while I munched away at my much needed meal.

“Scriber!” called a familiar voice.

I lifted my head and there was Lyra walking up to my table. “Hey.”

“There is no game tonight, you know,” she said as she invited herself onto the bench across from me, then furrowed her brow.

“Yeah, I know. Just here for something to eat,” I replied. She was carefully inspecting my face as far as I could tell, “What is the matter? Got something on my cheek?”

“You know, for someone that can bluff so well with some cards in his hoofs, you don't really hide that you're upset that well,” she stated in a matter of fact manner. She was right and I was not entirely trying to hide it prior to her pointing it out.

“I suppose you're right,” I replied, “Just had a rough day and am trying to relax a bit.”

“Want to talk about it?” Her hoof reached across the table and poked mine.

I shook my head. “Not right now. I got some advice not too long ago. I want to digest it along with dinner. But if there is no game, why are you here?”

“Oh! I come here occasionally to play if anypony needs a lyre for their song. It's good advertising and keeps me in practice. And it is kind of fun.” She gestured to the little case beside her, in a rough shape of a lyre. “You know, if you're feeling down, you should get up there. It'll help.” She had a wide grin on her face as she said that.

I was pretty quick to shake my head at that suggestion. “Oh no. I don't sing for one, and secondly, I really am not in that sort of mood even if I did sing.”

Her expression was shocked and she stared at me as if I just said I really was an alien creature from another plane of existence. “What? What do you mean, “You don't sing”? Everypony sings!” she asserted, with a little nudge from aura on my side. “Don't make me chase you up there.”

I blinked then shook my head again rather quickly. “No, I really don't think it would help and I don't really know any songs anyways,” I returned quickly, “And I definitely never done anything in front of anypony before.” The inside of my truck had been subject to many sing-a-long sessions, but I had the decency not to expose anyone else to the vocal pollution that was my singing voice.

“You're just being a Nervous Nelly now. Come on, it'll be fun!” And before I could protest again, she left the table and was up on the stage whispering to the stallion there. I could not quite hear the conversation that was going on, but from the glances in my direction, I really just wanted to vanish into my seat. They were going to make me do this, weren't they?

“Tonight, we have a special situation here! There is a pony that is looking really down and I think he need a bit of fun to lighten up!” she announced to the room without a trace of stage fright her demeanour. “He's new to town too, so why don't we all put our hooves together and welcome Scriber up on stage.”

Bloody hell.

This was a level of dread that was entirely new to me, and it did not matter that the entire room was giving a welcoming round of applause in my direction. This is not a problem that I could just sing about to everypony here, even if I was inclined. I just wanted to mull through my issue on my own. They could not help, but they all could look in my direction expectantly.

“Come on up. Don't be shy!” Lyra declared as she gave my side another magical prod. I took a breath and got to my hooves. The faster I got this done with, the quicker I could return to quietly enjoying my meal. Even so, the prospect of utter embarrassment did not appeal to me, so one would have to forgive the slow pace I took to get onto the stage. I even went so far as to pull my hat down so the bill would hide at least some of the eyes on me.

“There we go,” she whispered in praise to me once I took my place in centre stage, “Just ask for a song, they'll play the music behind you. You'll do fine!” Easy for the mint mare to say. She was a performer and I was just shaking, but if I just did something quickly, I could get back down and put all this behind me. She left me, and I struggled to gather thoughts on what tunes that I could fake.

At least with the lights on me, I really could not make out the crowd. They were hot, and the silence was growing more pronounced as I struggled think of anything I might share with these ponies here, but nothing at all came to mind. Some pony coughed in the crowd, highlighting the lack of music that was coming from the stage. My shaking was only getting worse as the seconds dragged like hours, and I resolved to leave the stage. They could not know how I felt right now, so I took the first step.

Then, somepony played something familiar behind me. Just a couple of notes that I had not heard in years, but I knew them. It was like they were ripped right from my past. I did not know how they knew it, but it did not matter. I missed my cue, but the band obliged me with another pass of that familiar melody. Whatever the words actually were, I did not really care right now. In my mind, I had a new set of lyrics ready to go, so I faced the audience and sang.

Here I am up on the stage, and I don't know why
I am speechless in the stage lights, and cannot say a thing
I want to live my life, but its beyond my vision
With fading voices in my head.
Oh, why is that? Where can this even be fair!

I know you can't feel it.
You have nothing to fear
Asleep underwater
Just screaming for air
I know you can't feel it
You're already...

Don't you know, we're mares and stallions
And I am left just outside my life!

I think I am alone here, you and I
I think I am alone, left wondering why
I think I am alone here, you and I
I think I am alone in the universe tonight.

At this point, all my stage fright was just gone. I could see myself in a black star-scape, isolated from everything around me and leaving all my troubles and comforts as something distant to me. I could be the only pony in the world, or even the only soul in all of creation for all I cared right now. I knew my voice was deeper than the man that first sang this, but it did not matter at all to me. I just continued, stepping forward and towards the invisible crowd.

I don't know my home, It's god knows where.
A million miles away from where I thought I'd be.
I have my truck, my things, my memories.
They are taking my life away!
I can't escape; I am wandering now!

I know you can't feel it.
You have nothing to fear.
Asleep underwater
Just screaming for air.
I know you can't feel it.
You're already...
Don't you know, we're mares and stallions
And I am left just outside my life.

I think I'm alone here, you and I
I think I'm alone in the universe tonight.

I have no idea how the guitarist would manage the solo but I just swayed in time with it as he did it. It really did not matter how it looked. This was how I felt, and it just flowed so easily right now. It was my heart laid out for all to see.

I am just wandering now!
I know you can't feel it.
You have nothing to fear.
Asleep underwater
Just screaming for air.
I know you can't feel it
You're already...
Don't you know, we're mares and stallions
And I am left just outside my life

I think I'm alone here, you and I
I think I'm alone, left wondering why
I think I'm alone here, you and I
I think I'm alone in the universe tonight.

I think I'm alone in the universe tonight.

I could see the room again, and I left the stage before the song ended to I sit myself back down at the table with my cooling dinner on it. That did not mean I could not deliver the last line, though it was much more wistful than I have ever heard it when I gave it.

I think I'm alone in the universe tonight.

The music stopped and it was as if the ponies were at a loss to react to what I sang. Life came back to the bar slowly and Lyra looked at me with wide eyes from across the table. I let her stay there in the silence of our table, but I did not feel the need to speak again right now. Maybe later, but right now, I really just wanted to have my dinner. She was right about it helping me feel better though.