• Published 21st May 2017
  • 16,365 Views, 232 Comments

Discord the Archduke - AkumaKami64

Discord turned down Tirek's offer. As a reward, Celestia grants him the Archduchy of the Everfree. Naturally, no pony expects him to take being a noble seriously and just use the Everfree as his playground. Poor fools. As if he can't do a bit of both

  • ...

The Fnord of Whatday


That was the general word of the day. If somepony didn't yell it, they heard another yelling it. The dawn was barely over by the time half of Equestria got the news.

Including half of the diarchy.

"I see you were busy last night," Luna commented dryly as Celestia joined her at the dining table for breakfast.

"If you're talking about Discord and I dealing with Tirek's magic smoothie, it was more like evening than night," Celestia answered with a yawn, stretching lightly to get the blood flowing after sleeping.

"Not what I was referring to," Luna retorted, ignoring the smoothie comment as she tossed down the morning paper in front of Celestia, "Care to explain this?" she asked evenly.

"We've been over this, Luna. It's a newspaper," Celestia answered snarkily, "It's how information is spread throughout the nations these days instead of nationwide royal proclamation and cross-country messengers."

"Art thou quite finished?" Luna questioned in annoyance.

"I haven't had my morning donut, so probably not," Celestia answered with a shrug. Dear Harm- actually, buck it, dear Harmony AND Chaos, she had missed these candid grumpy-snarky breakfast conversations with her sister.

"I meant the main article's title!" Luna redirected, scowling as Celestia opened her mouth with the same expression, "The SUBtitle, Celestia."

"Yes, I gave Discord the Everfree for dealing with Tirek," Celestia answered with an eye roll, "Luna, we already agreed to do so if he proved himself decently trustworthy."

"And you believe aiding against one threat to Equestria is proof enough?" Luna inquired sternly.

Celestia raised an eyebrow at that, "A destruction loving centaur that can consume pony magic to the point where he could eventually strip us of our own Alicorn magic?" Celestia pointed out in bemusement. Luna hesitated at that and Celestia pressed on, "And taking into account he did the job in less than a day and put an impressive deal of effort and concern into returning the stolen magic to the afflicted ponies? Back in the old days, if that didn't buy a stallion a plot of land and a title, it certainly got him some noble or royal mare's hoof in marriage."

"...-n't think he wou-..." Luna muttered, looking down at the table with a troubled, vulnerable look.

"What was that?" Celestia prompted, her ears twitching in curiosity.

"I only agreed to give him the Everfree because I didn't believe he would do anything noteworthy any day soon. At least not without causing some other problem along the way," Luna answered with a sigh, not looking up still. "I...I don't know if I'm ready to give up the old castle."

Celestia stared at Luna for a moment before taking a deep breath. She thought her sister already had closure with their old home, but apparently not. "It is too early for this," she decided with a sigh as she came around the table and wrapped her sister in a wing-hug. "I'll talk to Discord about the castle...right after he finds out."

Luna blinked as she looked up at her sister's soft smirk, "...You didn't tell him?" she asked slowly, just a bit uncertain.

"Sister, when will I ever have another chance to shock Discord like this?" Celestia pointed out blankly.

"That...is actually a fair point," Luna agreed with a tiny smile, "We might have to dub this day a new national holiday: Whatday."

Celestia snickered. Cake, ice cream, moving the sun, watching the younger Alicorns grow and spending time with her sister. Those were the things that made the world of the solar Alicorn go around.

And pranks, but that was a (poorly kept) secret.


"Huh?! But...that...why...how? Wha?"

Spike was currently bunkered down behind a fort of books and pillows, wearing a hard hat while waiting for Mt. Twilight to erupt or collapse in on itself. If she freaked out or lost it, he should be safe between using the books to ward her off and the pillows for cushioning, and if she just fainted...well, he'd prefer that, honestly.


He was not that lucky.

"Spike, take a letter! Wait, no, get the girls! And the Mayor! Buck, why couldn't Shining have come visit a day earlier?!" Twilight rambled off, her mind in disarray as she flew around the library wildly with not rhyme or reason to her directions.

"Holy baloney," Spike muttered with a face-palm.

"Spike! Spike! Where are you!?" Twilight called, her not quite registering the book-fort as anything more than books and thus not a dragon.

"I'm not coming out until you calm down!" Spike yelled back before he ducked down out of the makeshift window.

"This Is No Time To Be Calm!" Twilight roared, zeroing in on the structure of books and pillows, "Didn't you see the paper? Discord tricked Celestia into making him a noble and giving him the Everfree! Or maybe he brainwashed her like he did us! Or maybe he got a changeling to pretend to be Celestia and that's why she released him in the first place! Maybe-"

"Really?" Spike asked as he casually stood up and broke out of his little base, giving Twilight an even stare. "Twilight, I'm pretty sure that Celestia hasn't been replaced by a changeling. I think Cadence would have noticed the drain of love this time. Not to mention, I don't think Chrysalis herself could fool Luna convincingly," he reasoned with a flat tone.

The young Alicorn calmed a bit at that, wilting under her assistant's stare. "W-w-well, maybe, but this is still an emergency! Discord obviously did something!" Twilight reasoned as her frantic nature returned.

"Yeah, he saved bucking Equestria," Spike said as he picked up the paper, ""Discord the Draconequus, former tyrant of Equestria and now reformed villain. Most remember Discord as the one who rained chaos on Equestria several months ago in the forms of chocolate rain, cotton candy clouds, giant fruit, wise-cracking pumpkins, floating pies, rapidly shifting days and nights, and much more. Since then, several old legends have been resurfaced in relation to him from the appropriately named Discordian Era.

Many, pony or otherwise, have been rightfully skeptical of the idea that this entity could become an ally of Equestria. However, Princess Celestia's infinite wisdom seems to have shown bright once more, as Sir Discord has recaptured an escapee from Tartarus, a centaur known as Tirek with the ability to drain magic from ponies, and returned him to his cell. If he were to gain enough, it is believed he could remove magic from even the Alicorns themselves. For this reason, Sir Discord was given the task of tracking him down, as the one creature definitely outranking our princesses' in raw power.

Along with a photo of the assailant, a picture taken by the royal medical staff was offered, showing Equestria's lone male immortal in the middle of returning the magic to an unnamed victim of the centaur's magic draining, one of twenty-two who are all expected to make a full recovery thanks to Sir Discord's actions.

While the Draconequus has been known to play tricks and warp reality on a whim, it should be noted that on that faithful day of his return, not a single death was reported, as all of his chaotic changes were created with the intent of alarm and bewildering while avoiding death. In contrast to Tirek, who was said to be prone to violence and whose victims were left weak and helpless wherever he caught them, it is obvious why one hybrid received a chance at redemption and the other left in the Pit-Prison.

But as glad as we are to welcome Sir Discord as a new if eccentric hero of Equestria, this does not lessen the bombshell Princess Celestia has dropped on Equestrian Politics.

In reward for his deed, Sir Discord is to be given the Archduchy of the Everfree, granting him the noble title of Archduke.

An Archduke, for those that do not know, designates one as a powerful duke directly below the Princesses in terms of rank. In most countries, the title denotes a duke that is more powerful than their peers and implies that they, in theory, have the greatest chance to usurp the current rulers. Normally, this refers to power in the economic or military sense, or both, but the title in this case likely is an acknowledgement of Sir Discord's magical might, having single-hoofedly overthrown Equestria twice.

The Everfree Forest has no settlements within it, but holds many rare creatures and plants within its immense territory. The area has largely remained unclaimed by businesses and other nobles due to the supposed untamable nature of the forest. Ponyville, a small town neighboring the forest and home to Princess Twilight, is not considered part of the Everfree territory.

We cautiously yet curiously await what the future holds for Equestria with Archduke Discord." And then it just goes on a bit more into political jargon and mostly rehashing what they already said," Spike narrated idly.

"And this doesn't alarm you!?" Twilight yelled in disbelief, having stopped flying during Spike's narration.

"I'm more curious about why your friends didn't get anything like this," Spike retorted with a raised eyebrow.

"That's not...okay, that actually is a good point," Twilight admitted as the point registered. "Maybe Princess Celestia offered and they turned it down? No, Rarity would have probably taken it," she mused before shaking her head, "That's not important! What is important is Discord Is An Archduke!" Twilight reminded, nearly frothing at the mouth again.

"Of the Everfree. Of the place basically nopony wants to go inside unless they really have to," Spike pointed out calmly, "We just got to inform Zecora in case she wants to move, but otherwise Celestia essentially just gave Discord a giant playground to stretch his magic in."

Twilight blinked as she mentally processed the point. Spike wasn't wrong, really; The Everfree, the most unnatural place in Equestria, really did seem like the perfect place for Discord. Though, making Discord a noble, let alone an Archduke, made her worried. That gave him a political ground to play with...but knowing Discord, he'd probably find that aspect of his gift extremely boring.

"Spike, remind me to give you a raise," Twilight said with a thankful smile.

"I get paid?" Spike asked with a raised eyebrow.

"You're getting an allowance. Been meaning to do that, but...things kept distracting me," Twilight answered, thinking back to the various hectic times in Ponyville. She loved this place, but it was really easy to get distracted here.

"Sweet," Spike said with a grin.

"Come on...I need something delicious and sugary after being hit with that first thing in the morning," Twilight said with a chuckle as they went to the door.

...and stepped out to see a mob of ponies surrounding her home, all starring at her expectantly. The Alicorn and drakeling stared with saucer wide eyes as Pinkie Pie grinned sheepishly from the front, "Umm, Twily? I think they want you to explain some things."

The pair just swallowed heavily, Twilight eternally grateful that Spike didn't ditch her to run back into the library.


Discord was in a good mood. Then again, seeing your photo in the paper had that effect on a lot of folks.

Granted, he hadn't read the article about him yet, but he saw the picture on the front page. That was enough for him.

'Really got to hoof it to you Celestia, you got that story out fast,' he mused privately, grinning as he leisurely floated along through town. He had his cucumber sandwiches, he proved he could be trusted as an ally, he had a fun time clearing the air with Celestia and he got his handsome mug on everypony's morning paper. Yes, life was good right now.

Not to mention the little buzz of chaos this news was causing. Bit bigger than he expected, but ponies overreacted sometimes.

Speaking of ponies, Ponyville was giving him a rather interesting treatment so far. Before today some of them would clear the area while everypony else tried to pretend his presence wasn't a big deal, hoping he would just move along. Now...

"S-sir Discord, can I interest you in a cup of chocolate milk? On the house?" A pony offered from her stall, smiling awkwardly.

Now, Discord loved randomness in others and being given free things, but he still found the offer just a bit odd at first. But he passed it off as a tribute of thanks for stopping Tirek and a sign of ponies warming up to him. "I'd love some, my dear," he accepted with a grin as he took the plastic cup, bringing it to his lips...and the see-through material disappearing block by tiny block in an extremely rapid succession with a weird chopping sound accompanying each one.

The mare was honestly more alarmed by the foreign sound than the action.

He placed the apparently-solid piece of chocolate milk back on the stand, giving it a squeak to display its squishy nature, "Little chew toy for the munchkin," he answered with a knowing look.

"Huh? How'd you know about my baby brother?" She asked with a scowl of confusion.

"I can smell the baby powder," he whispered with a conspiratorial whisper, filled with mirth.

"Oh...well, I guess that's better than the other smells," the vendor joked sheepishly.

"Quite right. Oi, I still can smell the birds sometimes," Discord muttered to himself before shaking his head. "Well, thanks for the milk," he bid farewell as he floated off, the mare giving him a small wave. Honestly, he fully expected that the pony would never let the item he made anywhere near her brother and would probably throw it out as soon as she could.

But he enjoyed the various thanks and curious looks he got, along with the occasional gift. He even got a straw hat that he phased his horns through. Coincidently, those kept it perfectly in whatever angle he set it to. 'Hmm, might have to con Rarity into making me a vest or something,' he mused, wondering what he could get her to make.

Just as that happened, a colt backed up into his tail, "Hey, watch where you're-" the pony started, only to look toward Discord's head in shock, backing away slowly, "O-oh, sorry, Sire, my mistake! Have a nice day!" he said quickly with smile to mask his fear.

"...Sire?" Discord repeated with a raised eyebrow. "That's different," he mused before turning back to Twilight's library. "She'll eventually have to move to a mansion or something, at minimum," Discord mused idly as he took the scenic route.

Meaning he unzipped part of the tree and stepped right through.

"Oh Princess Bookworm! Your favorite-"

"YOU!" Twilight yelled, instantly flying at Discord's current eye level, glaring into his eyes, snout to snout.

"...That's a lovely shade of rage you're wearing today, Twicess," Discord greeted in amusement, wondering what got her bothered now.

"How is it that even when you do good things, you still find ways to make me pull my mane out?" Twilight asked through gritted teeth.

"Oh? Well, Princess, as touching as it is to know that I occupy your thoughts so much, I'm afraid I'll have to decline your advances," Discord refuted with a smooth, mischievous tone.

Twilight pulled back to face-hoof with a groan, "Don't say stuff like that. You give the wrong impression," Twilight muttered in exasperation.

Discord raised an eyebrow. "Hello, I'm Discord. Nice to meet you."

Twilight rolled her eyes in response. "Right, I forgot who I was talking to. Of course you wouldn't even take this seriously. I still don't understand how you got Princess Celestia to give you something like that," she murmured with a sigh, mentally calculating all the scandals Discord would cause.

"Oh? Celestia got me a present!?" Discord asked in surprise.

"...You don't know?" Twilight asked slowly, eyes wide in disbelief.

"Hehehe, she must have wanted it to be a surprise. She knows me soooo well," Discord said with a grin before scowling. "It better not be a statue. Or at least not a stone one."

"You haven't read today's paper!?" Twilight inquired in alarm and shock.

Discord's scowl somehow turned from serious to mocking despite not changing an inch. "Twilight, if you were a good friend, you'd know perfectly well that I read the funnies at the Thud and skim the obituaries for anyone I have to avoid making jokes about. I check the sports towards the end of the Clunks to see what teams are up for mocking while I read the opinions and classified for pranking potential before the second Whumbo. And I finish off the second or third Clank by reading the main articles to put myself to sleep," he explained matter-of-factly.

Twilight's eyebrow wouldn't stop twitching.

"Is it wrong that I almost understood that?" Spike asked, scratching his head, standing at the base of the stairs. "Nice hat."

"Ahh, Loyalty's Stand-In! Thank you, Spike. I do look rather dashing- not the prismatic type of course," Discord greeted, zooming over to tap him on the head. "And don't worry your scaly head about that. Dragons, being the long lived mountains of scales they are, have an interesting ability to adapt to almost any system of time keeping,"

"Stop poking me!" Spike growled, swatting the finger away. "...And seriously?"

Discord grinned, feeling Twilight's interest as well, "Oh yes. They had to ever since they started gaining sentience and mingling with other races. It gets very, shall we say, problematic keeping in contact with other races when you tend to go into decade or century long naps."

Spike shivered a bit. "I can't even imagine the sores from not moving for that long."

"You really can't," Discord muttered darkly before shaking it off, "Any way, little Drake, do you know about this little gift of mine too?"

"Little? Discord its-!" Spike started, only to get a purple hoof in his mouth.

"Something you'll looooove to discuss with Fluttershy," Twilight said with a grin, having teleported to Spike's spot.

Discord looked immensely amused now as Twilight retracted her hoof from the annoyed Spike. "Twilight, I know you're pranking me. I know Celestia's pranking me. Luna and Cadence might even be pranking me. All the same, while I can't wait to find out what my gift is, I agree that this would be something interesting to discuss with Fluttershy over cucumber sandwiches," he commented with a chortle.

"Well, we wouldn't want to get between you and Fluttershy," Twilight said encouragingly, and far too innocently.

"Oh, don't worry, I'm still very much not late," Discord assured with a grin. He was tempted to turn his ears into those of a rabbit, but figured the joke might get confused with something about Angel Bunny. "So, how goes the key hunt?"

Twilight sighed to herself on that one. "Technically, it went great. We found five of them after rereading your booked marked sections of the friendship journal, but I have no idea where mine could be," she explained in disappointment.

'Hmmm, has she really not figured out I knew where the keys were or does she just not want me to get a bigger ego?' Discord pondered to himself before shrugging. "I'm sure you'll find it when the opportunity presents itself. Now, Spike, I have a query for you that's been itching at my brain since I first saw you," Discord commented, his hat-wearing head popping open to reveal his brain, which he started to scratch.

"For me?" Spike asked in surprise, less grossed out than Twilight was.

"Yes. Why do you walk on two legs?" Discord asked curiously.

"Umm, most young dragons do?" Spike offered with a confused head tilt.

"Do they? Must be a newer trend," Discord mused with a stroke of his beard. "Irregardless,-"

"Not a word," Twilight corrected, almost automatically.

"Irregardless, you didn't know any of your own kind until recently and babies always learn by example. Given that you were raised by ponies, which are quadrupeds, it seems interesting you go for two legs instead of four," Discord elaborated.

"...I got nothing. Twilight?" Spike called curiously as they both looked to her.

"Umm...I can't remember off the top of my head," Twilight answered, tapping her chin thoughtfully. "It must have started early on for me not to remember. Huh, maybe looking through some old photo albums will bring it back?" she mused to herself.

"Well, do tell me what answers you find down memory lane," Discord requested innocently with a tilt of his hat as he headed for the door.

Neither of them were surprised by his exit being a hole under the doormat.

They were vaguely surprised when the library door opened to reveal her friends, sans Fluttershy.

"They really wanted answers too," Pinkie Pie said apologetically.

"Sugarcube, what's this about Discord being in charge of the forest?" Applejack asked with a frown, "I don't got to pay him taxes or anything, right?"

"Now Applejack, I'm sure it's just a misprint. I mean, giving him dominion of the Everfree I can understand, but I can't see Princess Celestia granting Discord a noble title," Rarity assured, her smile just a bit shaky.

"Rars, even if she did, it's Archduke. The princess probably just made it up to appease the snaky flankhole's ego," Rainbow pointed out, surprisingly calm about the whole thing.

Spike and Twilight shared a look. "You're on your own this time, Twilight," Spike informed sympathetically before walking out.

Twilight nodded in understanding and resignment before turning to the girls. "In order? No, Applejack, you don't have to pay Discord taxes. Rarity, it wasn't a misprint as far as I know. Discord is legitimately an Archduke now, and yes Rainbow, that is a real thing," She explained in one quick breath.

"Seriously?" Rainbow asked in surprise, "What, do we say "Your Archiness?"

"Ohhh, yes, yes, yes!" Pinkie Pie cheered.

"I...think I need to lie down," Rarity said as her fainting couch teleported in, allowing her to fall on it dramatically.

Twilight took a deep breath, "As the newspaper said- which you obviously didn't read completely Dash- an archduke is the highest ranking noble under a monarch. Usually under a king or queen, or even emperor or empress, but since the Princesses opted out of changing their titles as Equestria expanded, it still works here. An archduke is like a duke that has multiple duchies, or that's what it's like in terms of power."

"So...what does that mean for Ponyville?" Applejack asked in concern.

"Nothing, really," Twilight answered with a shrug, "I mean, yeah, we're next door to the domain of technically the most powerful noble in Equestria, but his official power is just over the Everfree now. Besides warning Zecora, Discord doesn't have any legal power or authority over anypony," Twilight explained before muttering something to herself. "Thank buck Spike talked me down."

"So...it is ego stroking?" Rainbow repeated.

"Kinda. I think it might also be Celestia's way of making sure none of the nobles try to mess with Discord. Though, that's probably more for their sake than his," Twilight proposed.

"...I do suppose that's true," Rarity agreed, recovering from her faint. "As much respect for the nobility as I have, I know some would be tempted to order around a being like Discord to get their way if they thought they had some right to do so."

"Ohh, I don't think that would end well," Pinkie Pie mused with a grin. "I can see the flying cheetah pancakes now."

"What?" Twilight asked in bewilderment.

"What?" Pinkie repeated with a head tilt.

"...Anyway, at least the guy is kind of acknowledging the Princess as his superiors in a sneaky way," Applejack mused with a shrug.

Twilight slowly smirked at that, "About that..."


Discord hid it under his regular annoyance at how order loving ponies tended to be, but he had been really, really, extremely tempted to read the paper now that he knew that Celestia had given him a gift of some sort. But he resisted, he stayed strong, he endured!

He didn't even set the newspaper stand on fire. Or drown it in ink.

"Mister Draquus?"

Discord stopped on his backstroke to Fluttershy's, curious by the little voice calling him. He looked upside down to stare at the little blue unicorn filly, staring at him with deep purple-red eyes below her silvery mane, "And who might you be my dear?" he asked as he floated towards her, his body shifting to right itself.

She grinned shyly as only a child could. "I'm Bloo!" She introduced happily.

"Of course you are,' Discord said with a chuckle over pony naming scheme. He blinked though, when he felt her wrap her little hooves around his lion paw.

"Thank you! You saved my aunty!" she cheered happily.

Discord stared before smiling and patting her on the head. "Hehe, hardly saved little one. I just got her magic back for her, that's all," he pointed out in a rare but playful show of humility.

"Still, thank you. Mommy and Daddy were really worried about her until they read the paper," Bloo insisted as she pulled away, smiling up at him.

Discord smiled back as he flicked her horn. Bloo blinked as it wiggled and a cranking noise came from her head. Her eyes watched as he reached to one of her ears...and pulled back an orange lollipop, shaped like Celestia's cutie mark. The Chaos God laughed as Bloo's eyes lit open and her mouth let loose an 'ahh' of amazement. "Don't tell your parents you got this from me," he said teasingly.

"I won't! Thank you, Arch Discord!" she answered enthusiastically before running off.

Discord smiled as he watched her leave. "...Arch Discord? I feel like there's a joke I'm not in on," he mused absently before snapping his claws, reappearing at the door to Fluttershy's cabin. With a musical series of knocks, he waited.

The door opened to reveal a slightly surprised Fluttershy. "Discord? You came?" she asked in surprise.

"Hmm? But of course! Wait, this is Tuesday, right?" Discord asked, unfolding a calendar from his arm. Regrettably, the calendar only had five days a week.

"Oh, yes! It's just, well, I thought you'd be busy with the...thing," Fluttershy answered with a smile.

"Flutters, I doubt I'll ever be too busy for you," Discord promised with a smile before frowning. "Speaking of the thing, do you have the paper?"

"...You don't know?" Fluttershy realized with wide eyes.

"That's exactly what Twilight said," Discord commented idly. "No, my dear. Despite having my handsome mug all over the papers, I resisted the urge to ruin the surprise until I was ready to read it."

"Um...," Fluttershy suddenly looked very uncomfortable. Just out of the corner of her eyes, Angle Bunny was making back and forth motions with his arms, urging her not to do it. "The paper is on the table, but...you may want to sit down first," she advised, having no idea how Discord would take this.

Angle Bunny proceeded to wipe his paw over his face.

Discord had already zipped past the Pegasus and picked up the paper. He grinned as he read the article. Sure it brought up his villainous past, but it was mostly a contrast in how he had transitioned as an ally- along with some brown-snouting to Celestia, as expected.

And he had an Era named after himself! Granted, not a great era, but it was his.

Then he blinked.

The air grew heavy; the silence became all-encompassing as if the entirety of the world went mute.

In an instant, Angel Bunny jumped on Fluttershy's head, pinning her ears down. Fluttershy reached up to do the same to Angel Bunny.

And glared briefly at her friends watching from outside her window, all grinning or smirking.

Then Discord said three words that echoed throughout the world on a magical sound wave.



Celestia grinned as the sound reached her ears, likely startling several of her subjects.

"National Whatday, then?" Luna asked with a small smirk.

"I might make it Fnordday now," Celestia countered in delight.

"Well, I just hope you're ready to explain all of this to dear Cadence when she comes to see what has disturbed her alone time with her mate," Luna pointed out wryly.

"...Buck, I knew I forgot something."

Author's Note:

Beta: Dragon_Wizard91

Sup everyone! Sorry thi s took while. Been tired, buy, and had trouble writing for a few days.

All the same, I have one thing to say:


Somehow, someway, this thing got to the top of the featured page for almost a full day thanks to all of you! I never expected that to happen, but it made my week! I hope you all enjoy what's to come as much as you did the premise.

Also, to put the issue to bed about the Archduchy thing- the rank of a domain is a factor of military and economic power, not just land size. But in a world like Equestria, the individual power of the ruler would also factor into this some. Thus the Everfree being an Archduchy is a mixture of how big the forest is and how powerful Discord is.

I hope that satisfies all the debates.