• Published 2nd May 2017
  • 13,555 Views, 821 Comments

Man Cannot Live On Coffee Alone - PropMaster

Jake and Rarity escape from the boring high tea, go out for coffee at Doughnut Joe's, and find brief solace from nosy nobles and boring conversations. Can Jake match wits with Miss Rarity?—No, probably not. - Sequel to "Man Cannot Live On Tea Alone

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2: Man Cannot Live On Fine Wine Alone

I felt cool air blowing across my face before my eyes even opened. I clenched my fists, shifting under the covers and rolling subtly away from the annoying breeze. I heard an impatient huff, and the air redoubled, like a fan blowing on my face. I growled. "Five more minutes."

"No more minutes! Up and at 'em!" It was Sapphire, of course. Only more impatient and insistent than usual. What did she have against my biological need for sleep?

I groaned, rolling over and reaching out, poking the annoying pegasus pony on the nose like one would attempt to silence an annoying alarm clock. She snorted, sneezed, and then resumed flapping her wings in my face. I sighed, wincing as the air blew my hair back, and I sat up in bed, looking at Sapphire. "What time is—?" My voice locked up.

Sapphire was out of uniform, and the only reason I didn't immediately assume it was a different pegasus that had barged into my room was because her voice was far too distinct to my ears. I'd never seen her out of her enchanted guard armor in her natural coat and mane color. She was a light tan color with dappled grey markings across her hindquarters and rear legs that trailed up her sides and stopped at her shoulders, and her coat darkened to nearly-black natural stockings. Her pixie-cut dark blue mane and guard-regulation short cropped tail had a streak of bright blue running through them. She had on saddlebags, a dark grey canvas that contrasted with her coat, and they bore a embroidered mark that I assumed matched the cutie marks on her flank: A blue diamond with golden wings spreading out from the gem.

"Four in the afternoon, you lazy colt! You're awfully lucky that Princess Celestia kept up her end of the bargain and gave you a west-facing room. This isn't even her wing of the castle!" Sapphire groused, prodding me in the chest with a hoof.

"No mercy for a man that scribed for Princess Luna in Night Court? I was in service to the country, you ridiculous beast."

"You're the ridiculous beast. Not even a coat to keep warm!" Sapphire retorted.

"That's rich. You're not even wearing clothes. You're the silly pony, silly pony," I pointed out, reaching across to my bedside table and grabbing the undershirt I'd left there from the other night. I gave it a quick sniff and scowled. "Can you get out for a minute? I need to get up and actually get some clothes on."

Sapphire squinted at me. "You're so weird about being naked."

"No, you're the strange one, I assure you," I said, gathering my blanket around my midsection and strolling over to the dresser to find something better to wear.

"Well, hurry up!" Sapphire said, flicking her tail and trotting towards the door as she spoke. "This is my only afternoon off for the next week or so, and I told Miss Rarity that I'd bring you along when I went to visit her boutique."

I blinked, recalling the conversation with Rarity a few days ago. "Oh, right. Right!" I suddenly felt grateful that Sapphire had gotten me up. "Let me shower really quick!"

"You smell fine, Jake. Honestly, you're so obsessed with your odor. There's nothing wrong with a bit of stallion muskiness," Sapphire called from the doorway.

I blinked, and turned to look over towards the door to my room. "Uh, actually... you think I smell okay?"

"Sure. You smell like a guy," Sapphire said. I couldn't see her face, but I assumed she was being honest. Probably.

"No, I mean... okay, as a mare, do you think I smell good, or should I rinse off really quick? Because, to me, I smell a bit sweaty."

Sapphire peeked her head around the door, squinting at me incredulously. "What's this about?"

I considered her for a moment, before I sighed and gestured her inside. "Look, I'm new, and I'm still adjusting to Equestria. Celestia asked you to be patient with me, right?"

"Right. Is this some kind of weird human thing?" Sapphire asked, suddenly interested.

"Yeah. We've got a thing about smells. I think it's a bit of the animal parts of our brain or something. We don't like body odors very much, especially strong ones. Is that the same with ponies?" I asked.

Sapphire shrugged. "Well, I mean, yes and no? Nopony likes a stinky pony, but there's a difference between scent and stink. Does that make sense?"

I nodded slowly. "Yeah, I guess. So, you're saying that my, ah, natural odor is...?"

"It's your scent. It's sort of a herd thing. I don't know how strong your nose is, but ours is pretty sophisticated. The only thing I'd say in favor of you rinsing off is that you've got a bit of a... um... carnivore smell to you," Sapphire explained.

"That would be breakfast. I'll wash off really quick," I said, turning and heading for the bathroom after grabbing some clothes. I retrieved my suit as well, setting it out so I could bring it for Rarity to alter.

A few minutes later, I was clean and getting dressed, pulling on my black slacks and buttoning my white shirt. Sapphire peered around the corner, shooting me an impatient glare. "Are you decent?"

"Decent enough. I'll be out in moments," I said, sparing her a quick glance.

Sapphire was practically prancing in place. "C'mon, Jake! I don't want to be late!" she said, watching me button each button.

I deliberately slowed down. Sapphire noticed after a moment, and snorted. "Jerk. You..."

I noticed her trail off, and looked up at her. She was squinting at my chest, right at the scar in the center of it. She glanced up, meeting my eyes, and looked surprised. "Did you used to be in the military?"

I looked down at the scar. Circular, raised edges. How could she possibly know what kind of scar a bullet hole left? "What makes you say that?" I asked evasively.

Sapphire looked up at me, smirking. "Arrow wound. Some of the older vets have 'em."

"Mm. No, I wasn't in the military," I answered, buttoning up my shirt the rest of the way

Sapphire looked surprised, but shrugged. "Huh. And here I thought that maybe we'd have something in common."

"I think the only thing we have in common is how much of a pain in the ass we are to each other," I said, chuckling.

"True that!" Sapphire leapt up into the air as I pulled my shoes on, hovering around my head. "Ready?"


"Woo!" She stuck up a hoof victoriously, and I bumped it. "Let's go get pretty!"

I snorted. "Sapphire, Rarity seems very competent, but she's not a miracle worker." I shot Sapphire a wink as I tucked my suit into a bag and slung it over my shoulder.

Sapphire rolled her eyes as she landed and shoved me in the ass, pushing me towards the door. "Yeah, yeah. Funny guy. You won't be laughing when I'm striking a pose—" she struck a dramatic pose, wings flaring open and one hoof raised, "—in an original dress by Miss Rarity!"

"Sure, Sapphire," I said, shaking my head as I headed out to the hallway.

I noticed Princess Celestia immediately as I left my room, as she approached me from down the hallway. She smiled her gracious smile. I lifted a hand up in an uncertain wave, not sure that she was actually coming to see me or if this was a coincidence.

I immediately reconsidered. Celestia was a chess master: there were no coincidences.

Sapphire Spirit walked around me, spotted Celestia, and stopped in her tracks. She immediately turned serious, stiffening up to attention, as did my afternoon guard, Just Cause. They both snapped off quick salutes with their wings as Celestia halted in front of me. "Going out, Jake?"

"Hello, Princess. Yeah, actually, Corporal Sapphire and I were going to run an errand together," I said, hoping not to make a big fuss.

"An errand with Miss Rarity?" Celestia said, smiling and nodding to Sapphire and Just Cause. They both relaxed a bit.

I smirked. "I can't get anything by you, can I?"

"It helps that Corporal Sapphire has been bragging about her impending meeting with Miss Rarity to the whole barracks," Celestia said evenly.

Sapphire blushed, but otherwise didn't move or change her expression. "Just very excited, Princess."

"And why wouldn't you be? Rarity is quite the designer. I would be flattered to be asked to model for her... but, alas, there's no ponies quite my size to market to." Celestia giggled, turning to the side and spreading her wings for effect.

I smirked. "All the extra cake, I'd imagine."

Sapphire not-so-subtly stepped on my foot. I grit my teeth, holding my smirk and pretending not to notice. Celestia laughed, shaking her head. "Well, I was dropping by to see how you liked your new accommodations in my sister's wing of the castle. Do you miss my sunrises?"

I almost said something snarky, but I realized suddenly that I did miss them. "... Yes, actually. It was the second-best part of waking up with the sun."

"Oh?" Celestia actually appeared caught off guard. She was quiet for a brief moment, and then asked, curiously, "What was the best part?"

Now it was snark time. "Not having to listen to you snore anymore."

Celestia covered her mouth with one hoof to hide a smirk, and she rolled her eyes. "Of course." She turned to regard Sapphire. "Corporal Sapphire, I assume you can handle this fine gentleman's escort duty, since you are accompanying him?"

"Yes, Princess. I can definitely handle this insubordinate miscreant," Sapphire said, nudging my hip with her shoulder.

Celestia chuckled, and turned to Just Cause. "Specialist Just Cause, you are at liberty for the rest of your shift. Report in to your duty officer and let them know."

Just Cause's 'guard face' broke apart as he grinned, saluting Celestia. "Yes, Princess!"

Celestia smiled and began to trot down the hallway, heading elsewhere in the castle. She called over her shoulder as she left, "Have fun, you two."

Sapphire glared at me as Celestia left. "You're an idiot, Jake. Cake? Really?"

"Hey, the mare has vices. I think it... uh... equinizes her?"

"Nothing could equinize her. She's perfect," Sapphire said, shaking her head. "All right, let's go."

I followed Sapphire out of the castle and into the streets of Canterlot. Sapphire seemed to know the way, so I was content to walk beside her. I shook my head. Celestia was certainly something else. Sapphire seemed to notice my expression, and she took to her wings, flying up to eye-level with me. "What's on your mind?"

"Oh, just thinking about how Celestia probably maneuvered me into this position to try and get me to make a friend. She pushed me into talking with Rarity, right? I think she knew exactly how that would turn out. My distaste for the nobles, plus Rarity's charm making her far more attractive to me as an alternative to sticking around and being bored to death?" I laughed, shrugging.

Sapphire seemed to understand. "Oh, no doubt. You're Celestia's new project. She always is looking for ways to push her little ponies to better themselves."

I sighed, smiling. "Yeah. For all the crap that I give her, I have to admit, she's pretty incredible."

Sapphire nodded, and suddenly poked me in the chest. "So. You and Rarity, huh?"

I raised an eyebrow at her. "Yeah. What about it?"

"Nothing. I'm just surprised, is all," Sapphire said, landing back on her hooves beside me and flicking her tail.

"Why's that?" I asked, curious.

"Well, I just didn't expect somepony who's fresh to Equestria to fall for a pony so quickly!" Sapphire said.

I literally stumbled, almost falling on my face, but barely managed to recover. "What?"

Sapphire giggled at me. "Jake, you are putting out all the signs."

"I am?" I said, breaking into a bit of a sweat. "No, you're just imagining things! I don't... I mean, how the heck would I even know what signs I'm putting out? I'm not a pony!"

"You're a guy, though. I talked to Margarine, at Joes? She said you were holding her hoof and staring into her eyes and talking really serious-like." Sapphire said, casting me a wink. "I'd almost be impressed if I weren't so jealous!"

I considered my actions as I walked beside Sapphire. Had I been acting... romantically? I mean, there absolutely was something appealing about Rarity. She was witty, and generous, and her eyes... I swallowed, hard. "Okay, yeah. I see it, now. But, I... I mean, we were just having a serious conversation. Really deep personal issues got brought up. We talked about how... I miss my family, Sapphire. If I was putting out signals, it was unintentional."

Sapphire looked surprised. "Oh. Uh, well... that definitely is different. I guess?"

Sapphire was quiet for a minute, and I glanced down at her, trying to read her expression. She looked... hurt? "What?"

"Hm?" Sapphire looked up at me.

"You look upset. I think."

Sapphire chuckled. "No, it's not your fault. I was just surprised that Rarity got you to open up so quickly. I've been your guard for two months, now, and you've never really talked about yourself with me."

"Oh," I said, suddenly feeling awkward.

Sapphire smiled up at me. "Rarity must be pretty amazing in pony, if she can get you out from behind that wall you keep up."

"Wall?" Now I was definitely sweating.

Sapphire rolled her eyes. "Jake, ponies are really social creatures, and beyond that, I'm pretty perceptive. I can tell what's real and what's not. Your casual sarcasm and snark? That's a defense."

I swallowed, looking away from her. Sapphire stopped, prompting me to stop as well, and she stood up on her hind legs, placing a forehoof on my chest. "You've been through some hard stuff. I don't blame you for having walls. But... don't be afraid to come out from behind them every once in a while? Especially for somepony as special as Rarity."

I nodded. I didn't really have the strength to reply at that moment, because I was pretty sure I'd choke if I said anything. Sapphire smiled, patting me on the shoulder, and then got back down on all fours, trotting towards Rarity's boutique.

We stopped before a large shop that sat on the side of a lovely square. Other specialty businesses advertised their wares and services, but Rarity's boutique was unmistakable for its sign: a likeness of Rarity's own blue eyes, peering out in a black background, her signature curled violet mane style floating and swooping around it like a crescent. Sapphire danced on the tips of her hooves, giggling and flapping her wings in excitement, all semblance of composure lost.

I approached the stark white and lavender storefront with swooping modern Canterlot architecture, taking note of the violet accents. Rarity had put a lot of work into making this place hers, and my esteem of the businessmare jumped considerably. I whistled in appreciation, nodding towards the building at we approached. Sapphire giggled, almost squealing with girlish excitement. "I know!" she cooed happily.

I chuckled and shook my head as I held the door open for Sapphire, and she regained some of her composure as she entered the showroom, her fluttering wings and twitching tail the only indication that she was overexcited. Sometimes, ponies were easy to read, with their ears, tails, and even wings giving away little clues to their mental state. I wasn't always oblivious, but the nuance sometimes was lost on me.

The inside was just as dazzling as the outside. The showroom was a multi-tier affair with a swooping staircase that went to a second level. Racks and racks of dresses and accessories filled alcoves and spaces, leaving the central portion of each room clear. Some curtained changing rooms sat to one side, and the central most point of the boutique was a raised stage, complete with dramatic theater-style curtains and a proscenium arch. Polished dark blue floors and plush purple carpets and rugs covered the space and added contrast to the lilac paint and marble column facade. A few ponies browsed, all mares, and all giggling and talking excitedly. They all got very quiet when I entered the showroom floor, staring around in wide-eyed wonder at the interior of the building. "Wow."

"It's just as amazing as I dreamed it would be!" Sapphire said quietly to me, giggling as her eyes roved hungrily over the racks of dresses.

A robin's-egg blue, remarkably lanky unicorn mare with a flame-orange mane approached, one eyebrow arching critically as she examined me. "Can I help you?"

"Yes, we're here to see Miss Rarity?" I said, trying my best to sound non-threatening.

The unicorn mare sniffed once, frowning slightly, and then trotted upstairs, leaving Sapphire and I to our own devices. All eyes were on me at the moment, and I tried to appear relaxed, following Sapphire's lead as she moved over to examine a nearby rack of dresses. She was whispering to herself about the fabric and nuzzling her nose against the hem of one dress, giggling happily. "Having fun?" I asked.

She jumped a bit, but recovered immediately and beamed up at me, her cheeks rosy. "Jake, this is an absolute dream."

I smiled, taken by Sapphire's enthusiasm. "I'm surprised you haven't been here before."

"Well, I'm an enlisted guard. We don't make a ton of bits, so..." Sapphire trailed off as she gestured towards a price tag on one of the dresses.

I picked it up and whistled. "Wow. Two hundred bits. That seems—"

Sapphire snatched the tag from my hands, staring at it, "What!? Two hundred? That must be a mistake! Did they forget a zero?"

"No mistake, darling!" called a familiar voice.

Sapphire and I both looked up to watch as Rarity herself trotted down the stairs. She wore stylish red glasses with flared frames and little glittering diamonds at the corners... and nothing else. It only stood out to me because every time we'd met thus far, she had been wearing a dress and accessories. It made sense, though. She was working, not out for high tea or a brunch. I'd come to terms with the fact that the ponies walked around wearing little to nothing at all, but it still was a striking moment after having grown used to seeing this mare always dressed in style. Her cutie mark was apparent, now: three blue diamonds arranged in a cluster on her flank. I recovered from my initial shock, and I saw Rarity's small grin. She'd definitely noticed that she had made an impact. Rarity was kind enough not to call me out, though, and she descended the stairs and joined us at the clothing rack, smiling over the rims of her glasses. "I pride myself on pricing my couture affordably. I want ponies to be able to feel as beautiful on the outside as they do inside."

Sapphire stared at Rarity in open-mouthed amazement, and her wings snapped open at her sides. I squinted at that little bit of body language and filed it away for questioning later. Rarity giggled, "No need to be shocked, darling. It is part of my business model."

Sapphire recovered, blushing and folding her wings at her sides once more. "I-I just... I assumed... I never actually came to visit, because I thought you'd be so far out of my price range."

Rarity smiled, "You were happily mistaken. However!" Rarity held a hoof up dramatically, beaming at both of us. "Today is not about prices and buying! Today is for creation!" She turned, trotting across the showroom to a door tucked next to the stage. "Follow me, my dears!"

Sapphire and I shared a look, grinning at each other, and we followed Rarity across the showroom as she opened the door and swept into a back room, flicking on lights and opening curtains as she did so. This was obviously the work room. A half-dozen pony-shaped mannequins were set around the room, covered in swatches of cloth and dresses in various stages of completion. Rarity focused her magic and dragged a little platform into the center of the room, and she tapped it with one hoof as she looked at Sapphire. "Step up here, please, and I can get started on your measurements."

Sapphire pranced up onto the box and, briefly, struck a haughty pose with her nose in the air, before giggling and smiling at Rarity. I chuckled. "You're ridiculous."

"Shush! Let me have my moment," Sapphire said, casting me a wan smile.

Rarity trotted over with a quill, notebook, and measuring tape floating around her head. She was all focus and business, her eyes glancing between the measuring tape and her notebook as she took down Sapphire's measurements. Rarity nodded after a moment, beaming. "Yes, you are quite the trim mare, Sapphire. I'll do my best not to be jealous!" She giggled, blowing gently on the ink on the page to help it dry. "I had a few guesses on your measurements, actually, but getting the precise numbers is the only way to work with accuracy!"

Sapphire blushed, waving a hoof. "That's very kind of you, Miss Rarity."

"Kind? No, I am being nothing but honest," Rarity smiled, turning away and looking over the measurements. As she read them, the magic aura around her horn intensified, and bolts of cloth and sewing equipment began to float through the air and gather around her head. She turned back to Sapphire, smiling. "I was hoping to drape a few pieces on you while I work, just to try and help my creative process. Is that all right?"

"Sure!" Sapphire said, tail swishing behind her.

"Now, before we start, do you need to use the little fillies' room? Once I start, moving is going to be difficult."

"Oh!" Sapphire froze in place, her nose scrunching up briefly, and then she nodded. "Yeah, I'd better go. Where is it?"

"Upstairs, second door on the right. Just ignore the mess, please? I didn't get much of a chance to clean up from my daily beauty regimen," Rarity said, giggling nervously.

Sapphire laughed, "Rarity, I live with a half-dozen other mares in the barracks. I doubt your bathroom can hold a candle to ours in terms of mess."

I snorted, shaking my head. "I'm sure it's a really interesting place."

Sapphire rolled her eyes at me as she trotted past. "Yeah, no joke. Manecare products everywhere."

Sapphire stepped out of the room, leaving Rarity and I alone. Rarity set aside all her materials, laying them out on a table, before turning to me and blushing. "Jake, darling, I must apologize for my rudeness!"

I raised an eyebrow at that. "What?"

Rarity trotted over to me and stood up on her hind legs, pulling me into a hug. She smelled like lilac. "I didn't even properly greet you! I was just very excited to get to work, and I neglected the most basic niceties."

I chuckled, returning the hug and then stepping back. I held Rarity's forehoof as I moved back, helping her lower herself back down to all fours; a trick that Celestia had told me was a gentlemanly gesture. I smiled, gesturing out towards the boutique. "Quite the place you have here."

"Oh, you're just being kind," Rarity said, batting her eyelashes exaggeratedly.

"Kind? No, I'm being nothing but honest," I said with a wink.

Rarity smirked. "Ah-ha, turning my own words against me, darling? You must have taken some lessons from Miss Margarine on being clever since last time."

I laughed, slapping my knee. "Wow, was it that obvious?" I said, rolling my eyes to emphasize my sarcasm.

Rarity snorted, turning away from me briefly to look over her tools and pulling out a quill and some parchment. "Hmm, you are certainly feisty today. Something you're happy about?"

"I'm just glad to be here, spending some time with two pretty ladies. This trip is hardly about me," I said, smiling and looking towards the door out of the workroom. "I've never seen Sapphire so happy. I mean, it's hard to tell, because... well, 'guard face', but she's obviously having the time of her life."

Rarity's face lit up, and she hummed happily to herself, "This is my favorite part of creating fashion for other ponies, Jake. Getting to see them feel beautiful. There is nothing that boosts one's confidence like a pretty gown or fancy hat!"

I laughed, gesturing to the bag slung over my shoulder. "Well, good thing I remembered to bring my suit for you to alter, otherwise my confidence would have to rely on my poorly fitted jacket."

Rarity looked up at the bag on my back and scowled. "Ugh. I'd almost forgotten about that wretched thing. I'd hoped you'd burned it. Or that Celestia had banished it to the sun for being a crime against fashion."

"It's literally my only suit," I said, shrugging.

"Well, that is unacceptable. We will be constructing a tailored, fashionable suit for you to wear as well!" Rarity declared, her measuring tape unspooling itself and floating towards me.

"What? Rarity, you don't have to do that!" I protested, batting at the measuring tape held in her blue magic.

"Nonsense. I will be doing it. And, before you go getting a big head, I'm not doing it for you," she said, her eyes narrowing as she focused her effort on the measuring tape and causing it to dart about me like an angry bird.

"Not doing it for me? A likely story," I said, trying to snatch the measuring tape out of the air.

Rarity nodded, "Indeed. I'm doing it for myself, because if I catch you wearing that suit ever again, I'll be asking Princess Celestia to throw you in the dungeon."

As she spoke, her measuring tape struck, cobra-fast, wrapping themselves around my wrists and pulling them together. They tied themselves into a complex bow. A second set of measuring tape floated from a nearby drawer and began taking my measurements as I struggled. I grunted, trying to undo the knot with my thumbs. "I doubt—damnit—Celestia would listen to you."

Rarity smiled her self-assured smile, stepping close to me as she began noting down my measurements. "You'd be surprised the kind of influence I have, darling."

"Am I interrupting something?" Sapphire called from the door.

I turned, glancing down at Rarity and my tied hands, and then back to Sapphire, who was smirking at me with a knowing look. "I'd tell you that this isn't what it looks like, but it's pretty much exactly what it looks like," I said.

Sapphire giggled, trotting back into the room and stepping up onto the box once more. "I figured as much. Miss Rarity, do I need to escort this miscreant to the dungeons?"

"Not in the slightest, darling. I have this ridiculous beast precisely where I want him," Rarity said, tittering as she finished getting the measurement around my chest.

"Seriously? I'm the one that's tied up, here. I thought you were supposed to be guarding me?" I said, sighing as I resigned myself to my fate.

Rarity noticed that I was being compliant, and she smiled a sly smile. "Mm, very good, Jake. I'll be done in a moment." She finished all of my upper body measurements, and her eyes roved over my slacks, frowning. "Your pants seem decently made. How many pairs do you have?"

"Two?" I said, knowing that it wasn't nearly enough.

"Two?!" Rarity said, shocked, and her brow furrowed. "That is unacceptable. Hold still."

Her measuring tape shot out in a whirl of blue magic and knocked me right in the inseam, and I let out a little grunt of discomfort, trying not to double over. Rarity's eyes widened slightly and she glanced up at me, a blush coloring her cheeks. "Terribly sorry, darling. I, ah... am not used to working with stallions."

"No, it's okay, I'm good," I whimpered, trying to hold still.

Rarity finished getting my measurements, quickly regaining her professionalism, and she noted down everything. "Goodness. You are tall."

"Yes, thank you, Madame Obvious," I said tersely, still a little sore.

Rarity smirked, turning away, "Oh, come now, Jake. Stop acting like a little colt. It was just a bump."

"Just a bump, she says," I said spotting a chair and sitting down in it gingerly.

"What, you want her to kiss it and make it better?" Sapphire said, grinning an evil grin at me.

I chuckled as Rarity blushed and turned to look at Sapphire, "How crass!"

Sapphire's ears flattened under Rarity's scrutiny, and she giggled uncertainly. "S-sorry, Miss Rarity."

Rarity sniffed, holding her nose up in the air at a haughty angle. "Honestly," she said, smiling a sudden and wicked smile, "going to such a dirty place? Perhaps you wanted to watch."

Sapphire stared at Rarity, her jaw dropping open, and I even raised an eyebrow. "Wow. Little pony can kick," I said, appreciatively.

"Mm, well, after being so easily disarmed by a crude joke or two from Miss Margarine at the diner, I decided to 'up my game', as 'twere," Rarity said, chuckling to herself as she tucked away my measurements for later and returned her focus to Sapphire.

I sat and watched quietly as Rarity pulled a bland-looking cloth, which she called muslin, and began to drape sections of it over Sapphire's body, working her way around the pegasus pony. She cut precise measurements as she worked; scissors, measuring tape, cloth, and pins orbiting her and working independently. Her ability to multi-task was nothing short of incredible, and I found myself staring—hypnotized—as Rarity trotted around Sapphire, her hips swaying and head bobbing to an unheard tune, her voice humming quietly to herself. Sapphire seemed just as mesmerized, but was very focused on holding still, only moving when Rarity directed her. Rarity made notes as she worked, adjusting the fit on the muslin and changing measurements when she found little irregularities.

After nearly an hour of work, Rarity helped Sapphire out of the test garment, and then undid the pins holding all the separate parts together and tucking the scraps on the table. Sapphire smiled at Rarity, "So, what's next?"

"Next is design!" Rarity said, pulling out fresh parchment paper and quills. She sketched out a simple pony body shape and gestured to Sapphire to move closer. "The amber in your eyes is so very stunning, Miss Sapphire. I really think a few careful accents in the right colors will make your eye color really pop! As for the form... flowing and elegant, but cut a little high... daring, but effective..." as she spoke, her quill moved, placing careful lines.

I stood up and moved closer, hovering over both mares as Sapphire and Rarity discussed thoughts and ideas, and the dress began to take form on the page. A few pieces of paper were set aside with rejected ideas, but I noticed that Rarity did not throw the designs away. Perhaps she thought they had some merit? Or that they might be perused for inspiration later? I picked up a few of the discarded designs and admired Rarity's clean hoofwork.

Behind me, Sapphire giggled happily. "This is incredible. You are incredible, Rarity."

Rarity laughed, nudging Sapphire's flank with her own. "My inspiration is coming from you, dear."

"I really like this one, Rarity," Sapphire said, pointing to the most recent sketch.

Rarity nodded, "It is very you, darling! We'll get started right away. We can use the muslin we made to help inform the cut and fit. I have a base pattern that we can work off of, and from there..."

Sapphire laughed, clapping her front hooves. "Ah, I'm so excited!"

"Up you get, Miss Sapphire!" Rarity said, gesturing to the box in the middle of the room.

I stretched and yawned, looking to Rarity. "Is there anything I can do to help? I'm feeling a little useless over here."

Rarity looked at me thoughtfully for a moment, before nodding. "Actually, there is. You can help me pin the fabric as we work. Your hands seem dexterous, like Spike's. He was always very good at that."

"Sure. Gives me something to do," I said, feeling a little happier to have something to occupy my time. I stepped up next to Sapphire, who looked over her shoulder at me with a huge grin. I chuckled, patting her on the neck, "Excited?"

"Yes!" Sapphire stood up on the tips of her hooves, spreading her wings at the same time, and stretched herself out, rolling her hips and shaking the nervous energy out of herself. "Whew! Okay, I'm ready to stand still again!"

Rarity smiled a knowing smile, her tail swishing with excitement, and she held up a hoof, "Idea!" Without further ado, her horn lit up and a bottle of wine and three mismatched wine glasses emerged from a high cupboard. Rarity smiled, "I've always found that a bit of wine helps a pony stay comfortable and happy while they're being fitted."

Sapphire looked surprised, and I laughed. "That's a great idea. Happy ponies make for good models, eh?"

"And happy fashionistas make for good company," Rarity said with a wink, as she poured three glasses of the rose colored wine and passed them out to each of us. I took my glass, and Sapphire sat back on her haunches and held hers. Rarity swirled the wine around her glass with a little flare, and smiled at both of us. "To creative endeavors!"

We touched the rims of our glasses together with a musical clink, and I took a careful sip of my wine, getting a taste for it. It was cloyingly sweet, with a nice alcoholic burn that made me exhale. "I'm not much of a dessert wine drinker, but this is decent."

Rarity smirked at me, inhaling the bouquet of her glass before taking a sip, and sighed happily. "Hm, well, I shall have to remember that."

"It's great!" Sapphire said, smacking her lips appreciatively. We both glanced at her glass and noticed that it was mostly empty. Sapphire noticed our looks and blushed a bit. "What?"

Rarity and I shared a laugh. I shrugged and downed my glass in one go before setting it aside on the work table. Rarity frowned, looking at her own glass, and put on a brave face as she tilted her head back and finished off her wine as well. She let out a breathy sigh and set the empty glass aside. "A little lubrication never harmed the creative process, hm?"

Sapphire set her glass aside and stood up once more. "All right. Ready!"

"We'll get to work as quick as we can, so you don't have to stand there for long, darling," Rarity said, already cutting material and floating a fresh pattern over towards me. I caught the pieces and draped them over one arm, holding them for Rarity as she worked.

Over the space of another hour, we began piecing together the dress. The daylight faded, and Rarity turned on a bright overhead light that allowed her to work without losing a sense of the colors she was using. Fabric flowed around me, and Rarity passed me a pincushion as she got to work. I managed to work the pins into the fabric, following the lines etched into the material by Rarity's magic. I only managed to poke Sapphire once, getting slapped by a wing in recompense. As we worked, we chatted and enjoyed another glass of wine, occasionally giving Sapphire a sip since she couldn't move.

Rarity stepped back, smiling as she looked over the draped garment. "This. Is. Marvelous!"

Sapphire's eyes widened, and she tried looking over her shoulder. "Is it? I can't see!"

I spotted a standing mirror and pulled it in front of Sapphire, and Rarity and I stood back and watched her reaction. Sapphire's eyes widened ever further as she stared at herself in the mirror. The dress was a subdued cream color with a flowing, high-cut skirt that hid a second, light blue petticoat. Gold accents around the collar and hem immediately called to mind the uniform of a royal guard. Sapphire spread her wings open, looking at the sides of the dress as well, her mouth dropping open slowly as she openly admired herself. I was vaguely reminded of a Mediterranean-style of dress, with layered cloth that seemed light and comfortable.

The dress, even in its incomplete state, looked marvelous, but I knew that there were aesthetic things that I wasn't seeing that Rarity and Sapphire were. I looked to Rarity, whose own eyes were starry with excitement and emotion. "Rarity, please... walk me through what I'm looking at, here."

Rarity spared me a glance and reached out, grabbing onto the hem of my shirt and pulling me down to her level. I crouched, my face next to hers, my nose filling with lilac, again. She wasn't even looking at me, though. Her eyes were on Sapphire, who was speechless. Her voice was a whisper as she explained. "The silhouette clings to her chest and flanks, accentuating her athletic frame and calling attention to her most flattering features. The slit up the side gives her a good range of motion, while also adding a bit of," Rarity giggled breathily, "sex appeal, as 'twere. The colors are perfect, bringing out the blue in her mane and accentuating the dappling of her coat, and the golden accents really bring attention to her amber eyes."

"So...?" I said, following Rarity's gaze over Sapphire as she turned in place.

"To put it simply, she is a very lovely mare, and the dress only accentuates this fact," Rarity said.

Sapphire turned to face Rarity, and she was silent for a moment, but tears threatened to spill from her eyes. She nodded once, swallowing, and carefully reached up a hoof to dab at her eyes. "It's..."

Sapphire sucked in a deep breath and held it. Rarity's grip on the hem of my shirt tightened, nearly pulling me into her side. "Yes?" She asked, her voice barely a squeak.

"... I've..." Sapphire exhaled, her smile trembling, and tears began to fall. "I've never felt more feminine or beautiful in my entire life."

Rarity was frozen on the spot for a moment, before she nearly leapt forward to rest a hoof on Sapphire's shoulder. "Is something wrong? Is it... too feminine?"

"No!" Sapphire nearly shouted, and she cleared her throat, sniffling, "No. It's incredible. I just... I live as a guard six days a week, on post in the castle. I don't get to be a mare very often. I wear armor, and I love my job... but when I'm in my armor, I'm just a guard. This makes me feel like a mare. It's perfect... everything I've ever dreamed!" Sapphire laughed softly, wiping at her eyes.

Rarity shot me a look over her shoulder and subtly gestured towards the table. I spun around, spotted a box of tissues, and grabbed them, bringing them over and offering Sapphire one. Sapphire laughed again, giving me a thankful smile and blushing as she blew her nose. "Goddess, Jake, your perception of me must be shattered right now!"

I shook my head, reaching over to pat her gently on the shoulder. "Not even. You're allowed to feel like a woman, Sapphire. I'm just... bad at knowing how that looks on a pony? If that makes sense?"

Sapphire giggled, wiping her eyes with another tissue. "I understand. Plus, you're a stallion. Wanting to feel pretty probably doesn't enter into your head very often, huh?"

I smirked. "Hey, sometimes a guy likes to look good. I can appreciate it."

Sapphire sniffled, laughing, and then pulled me in for a hug. "Thank you."

"Pin!" I yelped as I felt something sharp poke me in the chest

"Suck it up, Jake!" Sapphire said, giving me an extra-hard squeeze, before letting me go.

Sapphire turned to Rarity, reaching out one hoof and placing it on the unicorn mare's shoulder. "Rarity, this is the best day I've had in a long time. I'm sorry I'm so emotional," She giggled, "It might be all the wine."

"I'm just so, so happy that you're happy, Sapphire!" Rarity said, dabbing at her own eyes and smiling happily. "This is my favorite part of my work," Rarity said, laughing and shaking her head, "Look at me! Perhaps I should have eased up on the wine as well!"

I snorted. "Bunch of lightweights," I said, looking between the two mares with a wry grin.

Rarity laughed, "Indeed. Well, let's get you out of this dress! I have a lot of work to do to put it together, so it shall be a few days before you get to come back and see the final product. If you're reacting this way to the work-in-progress, I can hardly imagine the emotion that the finished piece will evoke!"

Rarity's magic went to work, slowly removing the dress. Sapphire wiggled her way out of it with the utmost care, up until her wings needed to be pulled through the holes in the sides of the dress. She struggled a bit, her tail flickering in irritation, and she glanced back at me. "Uh, a little help?"

I shook my head, stepping up beside her and gently working to tuck her feathers through the slits in the dress while Rarity supported the bulk of the dress in her magic. "Do you pegasus ponies always have to work so hard to get undressed?"

Sapphire giggled, her head disappearing into the neckline of the dress as she wriggled free of the upper part of the dress. "Typically, dresses for pegasus ponies are a little more engineered around the holes for our wings, so we can slide in and out without bending any primaries or messing up our wings too much," she explained.

She shivered and her wing fluttered a bit as I pushed down a large group of feathers, and she laughed from somewhere in the mass of fabric. "T-tickles!"

"Sorry," I said, snickering. "Are all pegasus pony wings this sensitive?"

"N-no!" With a grunt, she managed to free one wing from the dress, and she and I got to work removing the second wing, "Some of us aren't. I mean, are you ticklish everywhere?"

"Not particularly. That makes sense," I said with a nod, smoothing out a few feathers and tucking them through the dress. "What about Celestia?"

"What about—ouch! Pin!" she squealed, freezing.

"Where?" I asked, but spotted the offending snag of material that had bunched around the pin in question. I pulled the pin away from her shoulder.

Sapphire sighed in relief. "Thanks. Celestia? I... have no idea?"

I smirked, chuckling to myself. Sapphire froze in place, and I could her her snort. "Jake."

"What?" I asked as innocently as I could.

"No!" She stomped one hoof. "You are not going to tickle the Princess!"

Rarity laughed, "Honestly, Jake! She'll banish you to the sun in an instant!"

I laughed, shaking my head as I tucked Sapphire's wing through the hole and she slid out of the dress, sighing in relief. She shook herself, sending a flurry of fine coat hairs into the air, and spread open her wings. "Thank you."

We both turned to watch as Rarity moved the dress onto a mannequin. Rarity gave a nod as she finished. "There we are. I'll get to work on completing this tomorrow!"

Sapphire pranced in place, enjoying her freedom. "I'm so excited!"

Rarity turned, beaming at us. "Indeed! A toast!"

"A toast!" Sapphire said, holding one hoof up in a grandiose gesture and looking at me expectantly.

"Sure! More wine!" I said, laughing as I gathered the glasses together and poured a measure of wine into each.

Rarity held up the glass, looking at Sapphire and I. "To future beauty and present company."

Our glasses tapped together musically, and we drank. I sighed, smiling at Rarity. "So, what's next?"

Rarity giggled, giving me a playful shove with one hoof. "You are, darling!"

Ah. Yes. "Right. My turn."

Sapphire giggled, taking another long drink of her wine. "Hey, if I can manage it, so can you! Whoop!" As she gestured towards me, she tripped a little, but recovered, giggling and flapping her wings to keep her balance. "Oh, gosh. I've been sweating inside that dress too long."

I shook my head. "Do pegasus ponies have a fast metabolism?"

Sapphire nodded, "Yeah! How'd you know?"

I pointed at her dramatically, smirking as I did so. "You," I said, poking her on the nose, "are drunk."

"What? No!" Sapphire said, her eyes crossing as she tried to follow my finger as it poked her nose. "No, I only had... two glasses?"

"That's your third, I'm afraid," Rarity said gently. "I'm sorry, darling. Didn't you have dinner before coming over?"

Sapphire bit her lip. "No. I, ah, didn't have lunch either."

I raised an eyebrow at her, "What? Why?"

Rarity held up a hoof, frowning a bit. "Miss Sapphire, did you skip a meal to try and make yourself fit a smaller size before coming to see me?"

Sapphire covered her eyes with her hooves, slumping onto her haunches. "Oh gosh. Yes."

Rarity sighed, and trotted over to Sapphire. "That's terribly unhealthy, darling. You shouldn't do that to yourself. Not for anypony's sake!"

Sapphire sighed. "I know. I never do... I just was so nervous and so excited, and I started worrying..."

Rarity nodded. "I understand. I, too, have made poor choices for the sake of things like fashion and popularity. I've also learned that those choices are never worth it."

Sapphire giggled, uncovering her eyes. "Sounds like a friendship lesson to me."

Rarity stiffened up for a moment, so briefly that I barely noticed, before laughing, "Ah, yes! A good one to learn at any age."

"You'd know, wouldn't you? After all—" Sapphire began, but Rarity laughed a little louder, cutting her off.

"Indeed, I've seen my fair share of hardships. As a businessmare! In Canterlot!" Rarity said, wrapping one hoof around Sapphire and pulling her into a hug. "I'm so glad you understand, darling."

Sapphire blinked, looking confused. "Um?"

"Perhaps, darling, you should go and lie down? I have a very comfortable room upstairs, with a lovely four-post bed. You could rest, drink some water, recover a bit," Rarity said, holding Sapphire out at arm's length and nodding to her emphatically.

"Uh, sure. That actually sounds like a good idea. I'm not feeling super steady on my hooves, at the moment," Sapphire said, relenting in the face of Rarity's generosity.

"Excellent. I'll walk you upstairs. Jake, can you manage for a moment on your own?" Rarity said as she began to lead Sapphire out of the door. I could see the showroom beyond, the windows dark and no customers in sight.

"Sure. Thank you, Rarity," I said, giving her a nod.

"I won't be more than a moment, and then we shall get to work on your suit at once!" Rarity declared, sweeping Sapphire out the door and closing it behind her.

I raised an eyebrow, staring at the door for a moment. "What the heck was that about?" I muttered to myself, shaking my head.

After a quiet minute, I sighed, turning to look at the workroom. The place was a bit of a mess, with pieces of cloth and bolts of fabric strewn about. I started picking up a bit, cleaning and sorting the tools and fabrics. I stopped in front of a shelf that held an assortment of personal effects and peered at it curiously. A few perfume bottles, a brush and comb, and a picture in a frame. I picked up the photograph, examining it with interest. It was Rarity and another white-coated unicorn, a young filly with a curly purple and pink mane. They had ice cream smeared around their muzzles, and were smiling happily. I only noticed my hands shaking when I nearly dropped the picture, and I steadied myself quickly, putting the picture down and wiping at my eyes.

"Jake?" Rarity's voice called softly from the doorway.

I hadn't even noticed her come back. I turned, quickly pulling a grin onto my face and running my sleeve across my face, hoping that I didn't look like I'd nearly started crying. "Hey! How's Sapphire?"

"Lying down. I left her a glass of water and some snacks I happened to have lying around. Hopefully she'll feel better with a few moments to herself." Rarity said, her ears forward and her eyes locked on mine. Damn, she could tell something was wrong. "Are you all right?"

"Yeah. Must be the wine. I didn't have dinner, either," I said, winking. "Are you going to put me to bed, too?"

Rarity sniffed, smirking, "I'm afraid it is occupied. Plus, we have unfinished work to do!"

"Right!" I agreed, happy for the change in topic. "You've got my measurements. What do I need to do?"

"Well," Rarity said, eyeing my frame. "I've never really tailored for any creatures other than ponies or baby dragons. I must say, I'm rather excited! Stallionswear isn't necessarily my forte, as it tends to be a bit too simple for my taste, but I'm certain if we put our heads together, we can find something that will make you look simply smashing!"

I smiled. "That sounds great. I think I can help you with some basic stuff."

"Excellent! Come, sit." Rarity pulled two chairs over next to the drafting table and spread fresh parchment onto the surface.

I sat down next to her, keen to watch her work again. Her horn glowed with a blue aura, and her quill and inkwell floated over. She absently refilled our wineglasses as she worked. I drank, happy to have more; I was a bit nervous, after all. She was in her element, and I was a novice at best. She worked quickly, sketching a tall humanoid frame and adding some simple lines and bits of information as I spoke about suits and clothes from home. She rapidly got the gist of my descriptions, and began creating suits that matched my sensibilities, but had a flare that was all her own. She smiled, leaning back and eyeing several of the designs she'd created. "I find it very curious that your world has so many similarities to ours. Certain styles, clothing, things of that nature."

"It's really strange, isn't it? Even though we're very different, there's so many things that both humans and ponies seem to have created concurrently. I mean... ties? Who thinks a tie looks good on a pony? But, here we are, and lots of stallions wear ties. It's kind of weird, isn't it?" I agreed, my eyes roving over the designs with fascination. I didn't have so much as an artistic bone in my body.

"How so?" Rarity asked, leaning forward as her tail swished behind her.

"Well, it's sort of like... horses, back home, we tie ropes around them, to help lead them places, or to harness them to things. Like... bridles and bits and things," I glanced at Rarity as I spoke.

Rarity blushed, one hoof lifting up to cover an embarrassed smile. "A-ah. Yes. We have those here, too."

"Oh! Well, that makes sense, then. Funny, I've never seen anypony using those or wearing them around," I said.

"W-well, they are more... ah... intimate pieces of apparel," Rarity said, refilling her wine glass and taking a quick drink of it. "Things that one would wear... in the bedroom?"

"Oh. Oh!" I laughed, slapping my knee, "Bridles and bits are pony lingerie?"

Rarity giggled, nodding. "Precisely. Oh, certainly, there are some that are made to help ponies with things like pulling plows and other tools, but they're typically a very different design from what you're describing. There are a few equine cultures that use ornamental bridles as part of their fashion, too, but not here in Equestria."

I snorted, shaking my head. "Well, now I've heard everything. Pony lingerie! My perception of you tiny ponies has been ruined forever."

Rarity laughed, shoving my shoulder with one hoof. "Oh, come now. You wouldn't admit that if I had trotted down the stairs wearing a bridle, your reaction wouldn't have been more shocked than it was to me wearing nothing at all?"

I rolled my eyes, taking a sip of wine to give myself a moment to think. So she had noticed my surprise earlier. "Honestly? I probably wouldn't have thought anything of it. At least it's some clothes, right?"

Rarity threw back her head and laughed, nearly spilling her glass of wine as she almost lost control of her magic. Her sides heaved with mirth, and she wiped at her blue eyes. I laughed, too, just at the pure reaction that I'd gotten out of her, and how hilarious she found my reply. After a long minute of laughter that left Rarity gasping for air, she clung to my arm, breathing heavily. "Jake, you have a lot to learn about ponies!" She sniffed, dabbing at her cheeks with a tissue, and giggling breathily, "Honestly! 'At least it's some clothes'!"

I snickered. "Yes, yes. Make fun of the confused human. Eventually, I'm going to get this land of ponies figured out, and then I'll rule like a king. A king, I tell you!"

Rarity rolled her eyes, a giggling anew at my comment. "Oh, darling, you know that stallions are hopeless at running things. You'd do well to remember that!" She said, a touch of sarcasm dripping into her voice as she gave me a knowing wink.

I nodded, "Ah, this is true. I have forgotten that this is a mare's world, and we fine gentlemen are only so lucky to live in it."

Rarity giggled, reaching up and patting my cheek gently with one hoof. "And don't you forget it!" She said with a wink. Her hoof lingered on my face, and her eyes widened as she pressed a little more firmly into my skin. "Oh! Do human stallions grow beards and mustaches, too?"

I sat very still, a shiver running down my spine as she ran the soft frog of her hoof along my cheek, brushing it through the fine bristle of my five-o-clock shadow. Rarity noticed my expression. "Something the matter?"

"Ah... just," I swallowed, looking her in the eye. "You know how you don't really touch a mare on the flank?"

"Of course." Her eyes trailed to her own hoof brushing against my cheek.

"This is kind of like that," I said quietly.

Rarity froze, looking up at me, before pulling her hoof away. "Oh! I-I didn't even—"

I chuckled, one hand absently reaching up to brush across my cheek where she had just touched. "No, it's okay. You didn't know."

"W-well, ah," Rarity blushed and looked away from me. "It's very much a similar gesture here, too. I just... I was curious. I am so very sorry, Jake!"

I laughed, "It's fine. I mean, I honestly have to stop myself from reaching out and petting you sometimes."

Rarity giggled at that, looking back over at me. "This deserves an explanation."

"There is something inherently adorable about you ponies. I hope this isn't insulting, but... it's like, my brain sees you, and I want to feed you an apple and take you home," I said, shrugging.

Rarity laughed a little harder than I expected at my assertion, and after a moment she was leaning against me again, "Oh, goodness! I have a friend that would probably love to hear that!"

"What, is she a fan of apples?" I asked, smirking.

Rarity laughed uproariously, all sense of decorum simply gone as she buried her face in my shoulder and clung to me for dear life. "Goddess! Th-that is the understatement of the year, darling! Her name is Applejack. She has apples for a cutie mark, and lives on an apple farm!"

I laughed. I didn't think it was that funny, but Rarity also was a few glasses of wine deeper than I was. "No kidding? That probably takes the cake for the cutest thing I've heard out of you ponies, yet."

Rarity snickered, resting her head on my shoulder and catching her breath. "Yes. We must seem so very strange to you. Little ponies, living in castles and farming apples."

"I kind of love it, actually," I said simply. "There's an... authenticity to everybody that I've met here, that I find a lot of the people from my world don't have. Maybe it's because you all have little marks on your butts that tell you your destiny, but... it's refreshing. You're all so... human."

Rarity hummed appreciatively, scooting her chair closer to mine. "That is very kind of you to say, darling."

"I mean it. Even the nobles, for all their fake smiles... It was actually kind of a relief to see that not everypony here was perfect like Celestia and Twilight... or you."

Rarity's tail swished, and she looked up at me, her chin resting on my shoulder. "Goodness," she said quietly, "comparing a simple pony like me to the Princesses?"

I nodded. "You're just as kind and generous as they have been with me. Maybe more. I can trust that you aren't acting as an ambassador or head of state... You're just a good pony."

Rarity was quiet, then, a hint of a smile playing across her face and her eyes lidded as she leaned forward a bit. I was suddenly keenly aware of the proximity we'd achieved. She was warm against me, and the scent of lilac invaded my senses. I found that my heart was racing and a blush was rising to my cheeks. Rarity did not move, though she surely noticed my expression. She giggled, suddenly, breaking the silence. "Jake?" she asked, biting her lip.

"Yes?" I managed to say.

"Are we going to kiss, or are you going to sit there looking flustered?" she asked simply.

I took her in, then. Blue eyes, beautiful, almost matching the color of the diamonds of her cutie mark. Her purple mane, flowing in ringlets that had grown a bit messy as she had worked, but in a way that only enhanced her appearance. Lips, full, a playful smirk playing across them. Coat, white, silky and soft looking. Ears forward. Tail swishing behind her back. She was nervous, too. Of course she was.

I sighed and reached a hand up, brushing my fingers through her mane. She leaned a little bit into the gesture, and I could feel her shiver. "I can't," I said, quietly.

Rarity nodded slowly, exhaling a shaky breath. "May I ask why?"

I was quiet, considering my answer. I chose honesty. "We're so similar... in so many ways. And you are amazing, Rarity, and I would be lying if I told you I didn't consider giving you what you wanted..."

"But you didn't want it, too?" Rarity asked.

"No." I frowned. "Yes?" I chuckled, shaking my head. "Am I allowed to say that I have very complicated feelings towards kissing somebody that barely knows anything about me, much less of a different species?"

Rarity giggled. "That's fair. But I think I have a good measure of you, Jake."

I laughed at that, shaking my head and reaching up to wipe at my forehead with my sleeve. "You don't, really. You're seeing what I want you to see."

"What do you want me to see?" Rarity asked, curious.

"A good person," I said, leaning away from her a little bit. Rarity noticed and shifted herself back into her seat, giving me my space, which I was grateful for. I exhaled, slowly. "Somebody that I'm not."

"So, tell me who you really are, then," Rarity said, as if it was the easiest thing in the world.

I frowned. "I don't want to... but I think I owe you at least the courtesy of an explanation. You've been a good friend, a good host, and you've put your... your heart out there for me to break. I didn't deserve any of that, not just for taking you away from some stupid nobles that can't see a good mare sitting across from them."

Rarity laughed at that, her ears flattening back. "You've done more than that for me, darling, but I can understand how you would think that."

I nodded. "Sure. And, maybe after I'm done telling you about myself, you can tell me how I'm wrong."

"Certainly. I must admit, you have been something of an enigma. The mystery novel lover inside of me is positively jumping for joy at revealing a bit of your past!" She giggled, trying to break the tension that I was feeling.

I laughed, sitting up a bit more in my seat and planting my feet firmly, grounding myself to try and dissipate some of my nerves. "Yeah... well..."

Rarity leaned in. I swallowed, and spoke. "Before I came here, I was a criminal."

Rarity's eyes widened, "Oh?"

"Yeah. Not... not like some Robin H—er... not some dashing 'rob from the rich, give to the poor' type. And I wasn't just stealing loaves of bread to feed my family or something," I said, trying to find a way to help her understand. "I worked for a crime family... I don't know if you have those here. Like, an organization of criminals that work together to do things?"

"Ah. Like a mob?" Rarity said.

"Oh." Well, that certainly simplified things. "Yeah, that's exactly it. Where I grew up, you... didn't have a destiny that got laid out before you. The only people that got ahead were the ones that got lucky enough to leave, or they hustled every day to get by... or they joined a gang.

"Where I grew up, it was a huge city. I think you guys have ones like it. Manehattan seems pretty close, judging by the pictures I've seen. Well, I didn't live in the nice part of the city. We lived where we could afford to be, and that wasn't a good place. There weren't a lot of honest jobs... or, well, there were, but they didn't pay much, and they made you work. Flipping burgers is an honest living, but if you wanted more, it didn't seem like the way to go. I had a big family, two brothers and a sister, and my older brother quit school to work to help our mom. Our dad wasn't around. Our mom did the best she could, but... I wasn't as grateful as I should have been. My brother gave up everything to make ends meet, and I swore I wouldn't do what he'd done. I saw my friends get jumped in... ah, that is, join a gang, and they had money. Not enough to live big, but they could live bigger than the rest of us. They talked about how it was family, and having people's backs... and it sounded good. They walked tall. They changed, and I thought it was a good thing.

"So, I followed them. I was fifteen, and they gave me packages to carry in my backpack. I was a white-looking kid, I dressed clean, so cops didn't stop me often because they were racist pricks, and I could move things around for my friends. Illegal things. Drugs, weapons, whatever they needed. And they paid me really well. Not so much that I could walk away, but enough to keep me coming back and looking for more. And I did... again and again. It stopped being about wanting to help, and it started being about wanting to belong... and they told me that I was one of them. That I had a place. It felt good. Really, really good. And one day, a guy stopped me in the street and pointed a gun... a weapon... at me, and told me to drop my backpack and keep walking. A rival gang member. They'd moved nearby..."

I swallowed. "My friends gave me a weapon, and they told me to make it right. So I did. I found that guy, and I got my backpack back, and I left him lying in the street. He probably was only a year older than me.

"After that, there... there was no turning back. I took on more jobs. Got into more trouble. Saw friends die. Ended up having to leave town after things got complicated. My family... my brother and mom, they knew, and they were so mad... they didn't understand. So I walked away. I had contacts, I knew people, so I got set up somewhere new. A different group, but they needed my skills and they didn't care what kind of person I was. I was good at this, and it was all I knew how to do. I was smart. I read books. I could do math, calculate weights, figure out prices and costs. I was fast, and strong, and mean. I made my job survival... and I was good at it. I was twenty, and I walked around with a weapon and thought I knew everything. I moved often, because my choices inevitably caught up with me... and so I kept running, and changing... and at some point I left my country, and started working for the really big names. The ones that we only whispered about when I was young. They were like gods... but they weren't.

"At some point, something inside me realized that I'd traded a real family for a fake one... I'd left behind people that worked hard and lived honest lives in favor of people that lived like kings and trusted no-one. I tried to..." I stopped, reaching up and wiping at my eyes. Rarity laid a hoof on my shoulder.

"I tried to lie to myself... I started drinking... spending my money on drugs to make my life feel like I thought it should. I'd always thought that the marks we worked were weak. People that turned to our product because they couldn't handle reality... but they weren't weak. They were desperate..."

I exhaled. "I was working a job when I was caught in that spell and brought to Equestria. They had to keep me away from everyone for a few weeks, early on, because I was sick from not having the drugs. I thought I had lost my mind. Celestia used some kind of magic on me to help me recover... and it took me nearly a month to really get grounded in this new place and realize that I had a second chance to be somebody... better.

"Celestia knew I needed a purpose... that I wasn't somebody that would just accept charity. I'd worked all my life, been independent for most of it, and I needed a place... so she started employing me to work as a scribe. Critical thinking was a strong suit in my line of work... so I took it. It wasn't... exciting, but I'd done exciting... I was ready for honest work." I reached out for my wine glass and frowned, recognizing an old impulse that suddenly left me feeling dirty. "So... that's me."

Rarity leaned over, her forelegs wrapping around me, and she pulled me to her, into a gentle hug. I accepted it. I needed it. I buried my face in her neck, lilac filling my nose. Her coat was so soft, and it was as comforting as I'd remembered Celestia's own coat was on the day I'd told her about my life. I breathed her scent in, and spoke. "How... why are all of you ponies so good to me?"

"Hush. We are just as flawed as you are. It may be that we have not had similar experiences... but haven't we all struggled? Fought adversity? Failed and fallen?"

I nodded, unable to speak, just holding her close. She chuckled, a gentle thing. "The difference between you and I, Jake, is that I was lucky enough to have friends around me to pick me up and put me back on the right path."

"How am I so lucky, to find friends like you here?" I asked.

Rarity leaned down, then, and gave me a chaste kiss on the forehead. "We're both very lucky to have found each other, I'd say."


We both froze, and slowly looked up. Sapphire was standing at the door, her wings open and a blissful, blushing look across her face. Her face reddened even further, and she shied away from our looks. "Sorry! I'm sorry! I didn't mean to interrupt!"

I squeezed my eyes shut and tightened my grip on Rarity for a moment, and then let her go, a wry smile finding its way to my face. "Damn, Sapphire. You have the worst timing."

Sapphire laughed, covering her blushing face with both hooves as she sat back on her haunches. "I'm sorry! Just... Jake! You scoundrel! You... you... smooth motherbucker!"

Rarity laughed, casting me a look, and I gave her a subtle nod. She winked at me, understanding, and fanned her face with one hoof as she pushed me away, scooting back in her seat. "Goodness. Sapphire, you should have warned me that your friend was such a charmer."

"I knew it!" Sapphire crowed, prancing up onto her hooves and pointing an accusatory hoof at me. "I called it! You told me that I was wrong, but who was right? Who was right, Jake?"

I sighed. "You were."

"You're Celestia-damned right!" Sapphire leapt into the air and did a somersault, flapping her wings and landing gracefully on her hooves before finding some measure of composure. "So?" she said, looking between both of us.

"So... what?" I asked her. "What, you want us to start making out, just for you? God, Rarity was totally right, you do want to watch!"

Sapphire rolled her eyes as Rarity began to giggle. "No, idiot," Sapphire said, "I'm just... ugh. Never mind. I'm so jealous I'm losing my mind, but I'm so happy, too? Can you just let me be emotional and happy for my friend?"

Rarity laughed, "Goodness. You seem more conflicted than Jake was earlier!"

Sapphire raised an eyebrow at that. "Conflicted?"

I nodded solemnly. "Yeah. A guy can get performance anxiety, can't he?"

Sapphire and Rarity were quiet for a moment, before they both started laughing. I joined in, standing up and walking over to Sapphire, and I finally poked her on the nose. "Nothing happened, silly pony."

Sapphire stared up at me, gauging my sincerity, and her ears drooped. "... Seriously?"

"Yeah. We were just talking, and the topic got a bit emotional, and Rarity was being... a friend. A really, really good friend."

Rarity smiled at me from her seat. "It's true, I'm afraid. There was a moment, perhaps... but not the right one. Not tonight."

I looked at her, considering her words, hearing the hope in them. "Maybe there'll be another moment. A better one," I said, and I realized that I meant it.

Sapphire stared between Rarity and I, and then looked up at me. "You're okay?"

"Yeah," I said, giving her a grateful nod.

"And... you're okay, Miss Rarity?" Sapphire asked her.

"Fantastic. Perhaps I've had a bit too much wine, but haven't we all?" Rarity said with a confident wink.

Sapphire blew out a long sigh. "So... are we working on dresses, or suits, or whatever?"

"I think," Rarity said, "that it has been a busy evening, and you two have a long walk back to the castle. Perhaps we shall reconvene another day, when I have a few finished pieces to show you?"

"Or maybe some coffee, soon, if that doesn't happen right away?" I asked, hopefully.

Rarity smiled at me. "That would be lovely, too."

Sapphire smiled. "That sounds like a great idea. Coffee with two of the finest looking mares in Canterlot? Jake, you scoundrel, you are just rolling in it!"

I reached down and ruffled Sapphire's mane, rolling my eyes. "Yeah, sure, in your dreams."

She scowled, shaking her head and trying to fix her mane. "Ugh!"

Rarity giggled. "Very well. I have some clean-up to do, and a few more drafts to complete on your suits. I trust that you can see yourselves out?"

I smiled at her, walking over to her side. "Of course."

She stepped up on her hind legs and gave me another hug. "Excellent."

"Thank you," I whispered in her ear. I took her hoof as I stepped away, and helped her back onto all fours.

Rarity giggled. "Such a gentleman."

Sapphire trotted over and threw her arms around Rarity's neck in a boisterous hug. "You're the best, Rarity. I've had such an amazing day, and you made me feel like a mare."

I couldn't help it. "Wow. What the heck happened upstairs when you two left?"

Rarity's tail swished, and she grinned a wicked grin at me. "Wouldn't you like to know?"

Sapphire giggled and pranced away, heading for the door. "C'mon, Jake."

"Yes, ma'am," I said, rolling my eyes and grinning at Rarity.

Rarity smiled up at me. "See you soon?"

"Yes, please," I said with a wink, and I followed Sapphire out of the boutique.