• Published 26th Apr 2017
  • 6,055 Views, 27 Comments

Diamond Tiara's Second Shock Announcement: Better Luck This Time - deadpansnarker

Diamond Tiara had something very important to tell her family, but it didn't quite work out. Undeterred, she decides to try again with renewed determination... it can't all go wrong again, right? Right?!

  • ...

Time for a redo

The two teenage sweethearts approached the large dwelling together, a distinct feeling of trepidation hanging in the air all around them. In order to alleviate some of the tension, they exchanged a few words at the entrance. It's somewhat rude of us to eavesdrop, but in order to set the scene, some rules regarding privacy must be breached. Let's listen in, shall we?

" So, how ya feeling, Di?"

"You mean, after kicking your sorry flank at Monopony all over Sweet Acres despite my tolerance for your shameless cheating, receiving good wishes from your entire family for our relationship and spending the afternoon with the most gorgeous farming apprentice this side of Equestria? I'd say I'm feeling pretty darn good round about now, by diggity! Was that 'country' enough for you, Apple Bloom?"

"Tee-hee. Well, I can't imagine ya workin' those fields, but I certainly 'preciate ya makin' the effort for me in your speech, Di. But I wasn't talkin' 'bout the last few hours we spent together. I mean... what we're 'bout to do now. Are ya sure you're up to it?"

"Hmm...? You mean... confront my parents with the horrible, terrible truth that I'm a lesbian, thus possibly shocking my father to his very core and maybe giving Mom the 'mother' of all heart attacks, Apple Bloom? Yes, I should say that I am. In fact, I've been mentally preparing myself for this confrontation since we left the mansion this afternoon..."

"Oh, so that explains why ya won the game with ten thousand bits less than usual, and even allowed me to invest in the utilities. If ya feel that anxious 'bout it though, are ya sure ya don't want to put it off for a later date? I don't mind waitin'..."

"No. I promised myself I'd tell them today, and that's that. I chickened out this morning, but that isn't going to be repeated, you'll see. I'll just march straight in there, tell them both: 'Mom, Dad, I'm gay', and that'll be the end of it. Who knows what'll happen next, but it would certainly help if I had the love of my life by my side..."

"Ya mean... ya want me to come with you, when ya make the big announcement? Are ya sure you wanna have somepony like me intrudin' on a personal family matter, Di?"

"As far as I'm concerned, you are going to be part of our family soon enough, and there's nothing more to be said. Of course, that's if you want to accompany me inside. I don't intend on putting you under any pressure, Apple Bloom..."

"Relax, Di. The look on Mrs Rich's face will be worth the entrance fee alone. 'Sides, I missed the fun'n'games the first time of askin' when you told them that hooey 'bout you wantin' to be a farmer earlier, so wild horses couldn't drag me away now. I'm in, you just say the word and I'm ready.

"I knew I could count on you, Apple Bloom... even if your reasons for joining me are slightly less than honourable. Oh well, Mother deserves that for all the times she's chased you off our property, saying she doesn't want any 'mud ponies' around. Such a hypocrite, considering she's an Earth Pony herself, but I've come to expect nothing less. Shall we?"

"I thought you'd never ask, Di. After you."

"No, I insist Apple Bloom... after you."

Eventually, after a bit of to-ing and fro-ing, they decided to enter the grandiose building together and headed straight towards the sitting room, and this is where our meager cast of characters radically expands. At the table, we have Filthy Rich, Diamond Tiara's father and successful businesspony by trade, putting the final touches to a big keynote speech he intends to make the following day to a room full of joyless bureaucratic suits.

Meanwhile, spread out on the sofa like some kind of vast slug is Spoiled Rich, professional moaner by reputation and currently being nursed back to health after her earlier almost-explosion by the faithful family butler, Randolph. He's the only member of the staff left in the building after everypony else was allowed to leave early, possibly as a reward for having to tolerate the mistress's big blow-out, who knows. Regardless, at least one servant had to remain to attend to milady's every sordid whim, and here he was unpeeling each individual grape to delicately deposit it in her mouth.

Of course, Randolph never actually complains (it just isn't worth the risk, his pension is due in a few months) but, like the tail of a cat, if you watch his twitching eyebrows closely, they'll give you a good idea of his general mood all on their own. Right now, one was arched while the other was slightly lopsided. I would translate what that meant, but let's keep this story for the kiddies too, 'kay?

Considering the previous grievous scene she caused in that very mansion upon her departure that afternoon, Diamond was slightly taken aback by how calm everypony seemed, with even the sight of Apple Bloom next to her barely forcing a squeak out of the languishing Spoiled, though she did get a brief nodded greeting from the frantically scribbling Filthy.

Never one to pass up a good opportunity, Diamond took advantage of this lull in proceedings to make her pitch to her nearest and dearest. That's right: No chit-chat, no dilly-dallying, not one second of hesitation this time around. She just came right out and said it: To Tartarus with the consequences, she owed this to herself, and her potential future mate. As long as they were still alive after the wreckage had been cleared, obviously. Here goes everything...

"M-Mom, D-Dad. I-I have something to tell you both. I-I like... m-mares."

Damn. That sounded wrong for some reason, but her parents should be able to get the gist, right? Scanning the room for possible impact, Filthy Rich was still writing as fervently as ever, whereas Spoiled looked relatively unphased as her butler plopped the latest piece of deskinned fruit onto her willing jaw. What the...

"Well, of course you do, dear. I always preferred the company of females as a sprightly young filly, far more preferable to those rough-and-tumble colts. The only reason I agreed to be wooed by your father was because my poor parents who worked at the dairy practically begged me, and fortunately it all turned out for the best. Isn't that right, Filthy?"

"Y-Yes Spoiled, whatever you say. Please let me finish off this crucial paragraph, it could be the difference between us getting a hoofhold in Yakyakistan, or not. In other words, it might have a direct effect on Barnyard Bargains annual profits..."

"Hmm. Well, if it's money we're talking about here, say no more. I surely understand the importance of that. You get straight back to work dear, and I'll be as quiet as a... hey, you there, 'Randy'... whatever-your-name-is! That last grape had a seed in it! Unless you want to see me almost choke to death like I did this afternoon, I suggest you attend to your duties with a bit more attention! Is that clear?!"

"Chance would be a fine thing..."

"What was that, servant?!"

"I said... very good, Miss!!"

"Thank you! Now, back to the pampering, if you'd be so kind."

Oh dear, It would appear as though Diamond's little cluster of familiar faces got the wrong end of the stick. She glances over at Apple Bloom, who can only shrug her shoulders in return. This is going to be tougher than she thought.

Of course, she could give up now, safe in the knowledge that her family would be none the wiser about her true sexuality based on a misinterpreted, 'innocuous' remark. But no... she'd come too far, waited too long, and gone through too many sleepless nights leading up to this crucial moment to give up now.

So, she did the one thing she could think of. She elaborated.

"N-No, I-I mean... I really like mares, but I hate stallions! W-Wait, I don't hate stallions, I-I mean, I don't like them as much as... hang on, what am I trying to say again?!"

As Diamond's tongue started tying itself into knots and Apple Bloom began facehoofing herself into oblivion, Spoiled propped herself up slightly on a plush cushion, indicating to 'Randy' that she'd received enough low calorie sustenance for now.

"As I'm sure I just said darling, that's perfectly fine. Of course, some mares are slightly more preferential companions than others, and I'm afraid some of your current retinue just don't quite make the grade. I don't wish to offend, but I think you know who I mean, dear..."

Spoiled said all of this while staring directly at Apple Bloom, and it was all Diamond could do to stop her girlfriend from charging over to make mincemeat out of the shameless snob. It could now be assumed, things were not quite going according to plan.

So, with an out-of-control mare straining at the leash to her left, an arrogantly chuckling mother to her right, and a seemingly unconcerned father hard at work in front of her, it actually happened. She finally snapped. And, this is what came out of Diamond's mouth next:

"Don't you two get it?! I'm gay! Homosexual! A lesbian!! I play for the other side! I fancy members of the same sex! And, Apple Bloom here is my girlfriend! There, I've said it! I don't think I could be any clearer than that! Thoughts? Comments? Opinions? Come on... out with it, I really want to know!!"

Two things happened next, both at the same time.

First, in complete shock at what Diamond had just blurted out, Apple Bloom quit her headlong dive towards Spoiled and just stood where she was to stare at her marefriend, with eyes like saucers.

Secondly, Randolph's eyebrows tilted a little downwards, which meant... nope sorry, my translation book doesn't cover that particular expression.

And... nothing else.

Spoiled continued to gaze at the yellow and pink mares blankly, while Filthy still worked at an unhealthily fast pace, desperate to make the next day's deadline for the big meeting.

Somewhat amazed at this nonchalant reaction to her 'dramatic' news, Diamond was rendered speechless. Are my parents far more open-minded than I thought, mother especially? Are they really okay with their only daughter loving the mare of her choice and never siring an heir, apart from maybe through adoption? Have I been panicking all this time , when I could've told them months ago, and everything would've worked out fine?

The answer came with a pronounced eye roll from one Spoiled Rich, accompanied with an elongated sigh. "Yes, dear. Whatever you say. The same as when you told us you wanted to be a farmer earlier. That was very funny, by the way... nearly giving your lovely mother a heart attack like that. We should ground you for life, for giving us the fright of our lives!"

Filthy glanced up briefly from his paperwork, to remind his wife of something. "R-Remember dear, we discussed this earlier. It's partially our fault as well, for not checking the date. It's a good job Randolph reminded us soon after she left this afternoon, or you would've turned the place upside down. And we don't need yet another raft of resignations among the hired help... word is starting to get around at the agency."

Spoiled shot her husband a baleful look, before returning to her daughter. "Be that as it may, next year you can keep your silly little April Fool pranks between your friends. Speaking of which, I bet this immature bumpkin put you up to this latest 'hilarious' gag, didn't she? Well, you know what they say: 'Fool me once, shame on you'. 'Fool me twice, shame on...' how does the rest of that phrase go again, Filthy?"

"E-Er, is it: 'shame on me'?"

"Nice of you to admit it, sweetie. Anyway, the fact remains that you might have pulled the wool over our eyes earlier, but as sure as Celestia the same trick isn't going to work again. Besides, for a follow-up joke, it has to be said dear, this is pretty weak. I mean, apart from her fellow rednecks, who could possibly love such a dirty, disgusting..."

"Oh, for goodness sake!! Apple Bloom, come over here now!"

"Di, what are you doing?! You..." 'SMOOCH'

Yup, it had come to this.

Utterly, utterly sick and tired of her family ignoring and disbelieving her, Diamond Tiara decided to demonstrate her newfound love in front of them using the only remaining method she knew how. With her lips.

And tongue.

Considering the eagerness with which both mares dived into this impromptu embrace, there could be no question of this being a staged act,

It was indeed the real thing, regardless of the date. Nopony watching with eyes on stalks at that specific moment could deny it any longer.

Diamond Tiara was officially as gay as a maypole, with Apple Bloom being her more-than-willing partner in crime.

Filthy's mouth opened into a giant 'O', but he didn't seem unduly concerned.

Randolph's eyebrows gravitated to the sides of... let's just say, it was a positive sign.

As for Spoiled... well, we shall get to her in just a minute.

For now, let's return to our loving couple, who have finally parted mouths but are still staring adorably into each other's eyes. "So, it's all okay?" Diamond asks, without looking away from her true love.

"I-It might take some getting used to, but yes... I think I'll adjust. Y-You still want to take over the company after I'm gone though, right? T-That part was still just a joke, I hope?" That was Filthy, nervously chuckling.

"Thank you, father. I thought you would understand. And, in answer to your question, yes. In fact, me and Apple Bloom have worked out a flawless formula where we could quadruple our profits. We'll tell you about it later, it all has something to do with exporting Zap Apple Jam to remote locations." This time Diamond turned around to address Filthy with a knowing wink.

"Quadruple, huh? I look forward to hearing about it. I always thought Applejack's little sister had as good a head for business as the rest of her family. I get the feeling this is going to work out very nicely for all of us." Filthy nodded cordially at the two mares, sealing his approval of their relationship.

"I'm sure it will, Dad. What about you Randolph? I know we don't talk very much, but I consider you as much a part of this family as anypony else. Do you have anything you want to share?" Diamond turned to the old stallion, who hadn't moved one step since the announcement was made and confirmed.

"Not really, young Miss. Only that I'm very happy for you both, and though these bones may be getting old, I look forward to serving you and your intended until they have to put me in the ground." Randolph gave notice that it would be quite a while before any retirement plans could be made.

"See what I mean, Apple Bloom? Now, that's commitment. I think somepony's well overdue for a raise, don't you, father... oh, is that the doorbell ringing? I hope you don't mind Dad, but I invited some of my friends for a sleepover, if it's okay with you." Diamond glanced over at the front entrance, before she turned pleadingly to Filthy.

"S-Sure darling. And don't worry about your mother, I'll take care of her. You go and have fun with your chums." Even though it was at such late notice, Filthy couldn't say no to that cute face.

"Thanks, dad. This is exactly how this scene went in my dreams. I love you so much..." and with that, Diamond flung herself at her father, hugging him fiercely while he gently patted her back.

After a few more moments of affection, Diamond jumped off his lap to answer the door, and it wasn't long before she and Apple Bloom were joined by two orange and white blurs, as they all ran upstairs together while chattering happily.

A grey one stopped momentarily though, to survey the scene in the sitting room. A unintelligibly muttering Spoiled Rich was being held close by her husband, as the butler dangled some powerful smelling salts underneath her nostrils.

"It's funny... I always thought Di's mother was magenta, not pea-green." Silver Spoon pondered, before dashing off to join her friends.

Author's Note:

A sequel to the original story I've had for a while, but have only just had time to type. Thanks for reading! :pinkiehappy:

Comments ( 27 )

Spoiled took the news far better than I expected, I would've imagined her to have a few "choice words" for her daughter. But I suppose if that earlier comment, even if it was just intended for a different topic, is any indication, Spoiled herself would've been a lezbian were it not for her parents insistent she marry traditional and into wealth. :rainbowlaugh:

Damn. I was hoping for Spoiled to have a heart attack and Randolph dancing over her body

8120827 Maybe she will later... she's just in shock, for now... :raritywink:
8120854 Wow... that's pretty damn dark. :twilightoops:

One point:

it all has something to do with importing Zap Apple Jam to remote locations.

It should be exporting. Importing would mean they were somehow bringing it in from remote locations as opposed to sending it out to them.

I had forgotten about the date for part one, so that was a bit of a twist for why they didn't believe to me. Also, glad it ended up being proven as true with a big ol' wet smooch.

8120864 Oops, duly fixed. Thanks for the heads-up. :twilightsmile:

I really like seeing these two together! :pinkiehappy:

8120827 I'm sorry, but I can't buy Spoiled Rich being a lesbian. Maybe in her younger years, but her current looks make her out to be straight. Besides, she's way too prissy and up-tight.

Spoiled Rich.exe has stopped working...

Hm... since Filthy Rich already sells Zap Apple Jam and it made the family fortune, I'm guessing he already exports it to nearby locations. But if they could ship it to, say, Saddle Arabia? Send it to one of the major trade towns around the frontier? Open something up in the Crystal Empire? The thing is, I don't see how Filthy Rich wouldn't have already looked into those sorts of things considering that the sell of Zap Apple Jam seems to be pretty important to his business empire. Hm... maybe better jar sealing to keep the Zap Apple Jam from spoiling over the long trip? Better advertising?

Being ugly and having a stuck-up prissy nose doesn't make you look straight.

8121181 I don't think she's ever 'worked' a day in her life... :raritywink:
8121184 Until it's confirmed in canon, I'm sure there are plenty of places that haven't tasted the glory that is Zap Apple Jam! :scootangel:
8120941 My second favourite DT pairing! :twistnerd:

Okay, THAT was FUNNY!!!:pinkiehappy:

Well, given how spoiled rich was potrayed in the Show, I never thought she could react so positive. Another good Story

And so... Someone learned to check the date. Someone ELSE, I mean.

I think she killed Spoiled "Milk" Rich.

8121220 Thanks! I aim to please. :scootangel:
8121257 I don't think she 'reacted' at all, really. Just kind of collapsed, poor thing. :unsuresweetie:
8122142 I'm sure there's a South Park joke to be made here, but I'll let someone else field it. :pinkiesmile:
8122009 That's what he's paid for... to be attentive, loyal and extremely patient. :ajsmug:

8122155 I will take her a long time to process that

8121184 Mm, yeah, okay, I see your point. She doesn't strike me as the lesbian type, more of the gold digger "marriage for money" type.
8121186 And what's the first? ScooTiara?

a room full of joyless bureaucratic suits.

He's giving a speech to the racks at MensStallions Warehouse?

Eh ... the first one was funnier.

Great story and funny too. Although, I've come to expect that from you. This is going into my favorites immediately. :pinkiesmile:

What's Spoiled so disgusted over; she said earlier that she would still "accept" her daughter no matter what? The double standard is alive and well with that one.

8160590 I think maybe she was being a tad facetious... :twistnerd:

Most likely. Either way, she deserves everything she's getting.

"Di, what are you doing?! You..." 'SMOOCH'

Best line in that story.:rainbowlaugh:

All of my :rainbowlaugh:

Oh dear Luna my sides! :rainbowlaugh:

'Fool me once, shame on you'. 'Fool me twice, shame on...' how does the rest of that phrase go again, Filthy?"

"E-Er, is it: 'shame on me'?"

"Nice of you to admit it, sweetie.

My favorite exchange from this whole shebang. Very well done, can't wait to read part 3!

Well, you know what they say: 'Fool me once, shame on you'. 'Fool me twice, shame on...' how does the rest of that phrase go again, Filthy?"

“Fool me twice…uh… well you can’t get fooled again”

Hahaha, I've always appreciated the phrase "Gay as a maypole." just so perfectly delightful. n_n

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