• Published 28th Apr 2017
  • 454 Views, 4 Comments

Half-Hoof: A Second Coming - Alfoals Trottenbauer

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V - Anticitizens

More hacks whirred in behind them. Ace Levitated his Combine rifle, aiming towards them. He fired an energy blast. The whole group of hacks disintegrated. The two rushed into a building, the Marehacks flooded in through the doorway. Ace fired his Combine rifle, Gordon with his SMG, fired as well. The hacks were shot down, one by one. Both Gordon and Ace trotted out of the place. Far off they heard the Citadel drone on.

"Attention, ground units - anti-citizen Freemane and Sparks reported in this community. Code: lock, cauterize, stabilize. Individuals, you are charged with capital malcompliance."

"Looks like they have our names on the list." Ace stated.

Seven Combine soldiers galloped towards them with shotguns. Gordon fired a grenade from his SMG, sending the soldiers into the air. APCs wheeled in, blocking the way, firing a rain of pulses toward them. Gordon grabbed Ace with both hooves and turned him toward the APCs.

"What are you doing!? The other way, Gordon, the other way!" Ace urgently tried to break free of Gordon's grip. Gordon pushed Ace down, sending him to a slide under the chassis of one, Gordon himself sliding under as well.

The APCs slowly turned their guns the other way. Gordon and Ace dashed over to an alleyway. They climbed a ladder onto a rooftop. The Citadel started a second announcement.

"Attention ground units. Mission failure will result in permanent offworld assignment. Code reminder: sacrifice, coagulate, clamp."

A helicopter flew overhead. A red laser from the chopper pointed directly on Gordon's snout. Ace pushed him out of the way just as the sniper shot. Ace aimed his Combine Rifle at the sniper's snout. He fired repeatedly until the sniper fell out of the helicopter. Ace had had enough of running for his life. He had felt a hatred he never did. He continued firing as the helicopter moved forward, hitting the back rotor. The hit caused the blade to jam, forcing the chopper to a tailspin. The choppers momentum ripped the tail off, crashing it into the APCs. Ace continued firing until he couldn't see the helicopter anymore.

Gordon looked at him like he was an escaped mental patient.