• Member Since 16th Mar, 2015
  • offline last seen Monday

Apple Bottoms

Pony got those Apple Bottoms jeans, jeans! Boots with the fur - with the fur!


(OCs; NSFW for heavy topics like human trafficking/brief depictions of child abuse; no sex.)

"When a tiny filly from Ponyville ends up in a slave market half a world away, it's up to former slaver Blue Cat to bring her home. The only problem? Her home is in Ponyville, where a thug like him won't last five seconds. Plus, Blue's not exactly good with kids. Then how in the world did he end up with two?"

When I saw this comic, the overwhelming sensation was one of wanting to rescue something small and helpless; I put that feeling into writing, while changing some of the basic aspects of the comic. So please take the attached comic as a scene-setter, but not as canon for this particular story! (The filly pictured is an OC by the artist, so I am using my own OC in her place!)

Chapters (8)
Comments ( 47 )

human trafficking is my fetish

Well first chapter was interesting. Well now I hope that little filly does find her way home. Also Blue Cat sounds like a badass.

8113776 Thank you for the kind words! I am glad you like Blue Cat, I'm very fond of him too! Luckily I got three chapters written all in a flurry, so you get some immediate gratification! :pinkiehappy:

8113694 I'm afraid this story might not be for you then! It primarily focuses on the evils of human trafficking, and it's not really a lighthearted or sexy sort of story. (I did tag it 'sex' though, because I know even brief mentions of sexuality might be off-putting to some readers. If that's too far and might be attracting readers who think it's a sex story, I can always take it off!) It's more about the emotional journey of someone trying to make a bad life good, and help those who are most in need. And I love the counterpoint of big, gruff characters having to deal with tiny, fluffy pipsqueaks!

You know.......if you want another badass OC in your story who just happens to have a brother with a prosthetic foreleg that is also a weapon and a sister who just so happens to be Princess Lunas guard captain........PM me.

This isn't bad. I'm looking forward to more! Keep it up!

8113931 Thank you very much for the offer! Right now I'm focusing on these three, but if I need any more ponies, I'll PM you! :twilightsmile:

8113998 Thank you very much!

[[Author's note: there are some uncomfortable discussions of sexuality as pertaining towards a child character in this chapter, but these are fully shown as depictions of a 'bad guy', and punished appropriately.]]

I'll never understand what's in heads of people who write such notes(and stories). If you feel uncomfortable about writing such stuff, why do you write it in the first place? I mean 'child abuse' tag would be enough.

8114476 Then I'm happy to clarify! The fact that it is uncomfortable to read does not make it necessarily uncomfortable to write. Although I find the topic abhorrent, one often writes about abhorrent things when writing; if nothing bad ever happened, how would the happy ending be satisfying?

I put in the note because I know for many folks, child abuse is a particularly sensitive topic, and can be quite upsetting to find in one's happy-time activities, such as reading fanfiction. Sometimes being forewarned is enough, and sometimes they decide that the story isn't for them after all. I want my readers to go into my work fully informed about any particularly "heavy" topics that may be inside. Until now I've stuck with very show-styled types of stories, and since this is my first departure from that, I felt it necessary to include all of the warnings for my followers who may be expecting different fare!

However, on further consideration (unrelated to you!), I think I will remove the 'sex' tag from the story; the author's note warning should be sufficient enough, and the sex tag doesn't seem to be appropriate for "brief mentions of sex", when most of the stories in this genre are more like Harlequin novels! I'd hate for someone perusing the 'sex' tag looking for romance instead find my little story and be disappointed.

The following is just my humble opinion.
You are straddling two worlds. You're trying to please the people who would despise this story anyway because of the subject. But in doing so, you make your target audience(like me) doubt about your competence and your confidence. Again, 'child abuse' tag would be enough.
What's worse you're throwing a spoiler("but these are fully shown as depictions of a 'bad guy', and punished appropriately.") at the start of the story before I even began reading.
A writer should NOT apologize for what they have written otherwise they should not write it at all.

8114513 Like I said, I don't see it as an apology; just a warning for those who might be affected. I do think it's a good point about the spoiler though (how can a bad guy be scary if you KNOW he's going to be defeated?), so I may amend the warning a little bit!

Cliff hanger from Hell itself... :ajsleepy: Well, tracking this, it is definitely interesting and exciting, and the writing style of Watermelon Seed's thought process is adorable.

Just realized something

(OCs, NSFW for human trafficking but no sex)

8117837 Thank you very much!! Sorry for the cliff hanger, I hope it delivers for you! :twilightblush:

8117852 HA, good point!! I would change it, but I'm not sure 'pony trafficking' would be any better!

Hey there! Life got a little busy for me, and some of the 'fire' of updating the story got a little doused! I hope to get the drive/time to pick this one up again! I have a bad habit of leaving unfinished stories, but I've been pretty good about finishing everything I put up on FIMFiction!

Ah alright, take your time. Better take longer for it to come out looking great then immediately and horrible.

That's a good point! I hope you will enjoy it whenever it comes out! :raritywink:

any news on the next chapter?

Nice to See this updated. Almost forgot about it

Thanks for the comment! I never forgot about it, I just sort of ran out of time/energy to work on it morem, real life got busy, the usual. I'm hoping to finish it up before I lose momentum, but the story keeps getting longer and longer! :rainbowlaugh:

Thank you!! And thanks for reading!

You're Welcome.

If i may say, it reminds me of a OC of a Friend of Mine. And a simliar mentioning in a Story of Mine

If you like, i could send you a pm about it

It liiiiives! Wow, I'm glad I left this in the tracking queue.

Hmm, I wonder if Sil's response is more than just the distance to Ponyville. Perhaps some news from home about how the local heroes are tearing up the countryside searching for those foals?

Hey, I'm glad you found it again! It's only been ... a couple years!? :rainbowlaugh: Nothing like a self quarantine to spur the old creative side!

NIce! Very nice! He really cares for them

If this is NSFW, why is it rated T?

Shouldn't this be rated M?

I swear, I’ve seen that picture before. Do you mind if I ask where that comic is from and what is it called?

It's funny, because I actually had this story rated M for the last two years! But I realized that, while it deals with heavy topics (child slavery, human trafficking), it doesn't really focus on the slavery aspect (exploitation as erotica for example), and the topic is generally spoken about in the past tense. I'd call it NSFW due to the cursing, and the heavier topic matter (it's not an episode-like story!), but there's no explicit sex or gore. It reminds me of the Hunger Games, which is a teen-level novel, but deals with heavy topics like dystopia, death, etc. and even touches briefly on sexual exploitation with the backstory of Finn. I'm open to hearing other insights, though!

I even originally had the story tagged as 'sex', but what I intended as a warning ("be aware, there's some mention of untoward sexual advances here"), came across more as an invitation. ("Want sex? Come this way for a sex story!") So that was my mistake, misreading the tag system. I was afraid I had done the same thing with the Mature vs Teen rating; people may come here looking for more Game of Thrones level of gore/sex, whereas I'm angling more towards Hunger Games. Sex and gore exist, and they're touched on, but they don't get long, detailed passages.

TBH, I originally had some off-color conversations in chapter 1, which was why I rated it M; but I realized I felt uncomfortable with it, because it felt like a step away from my usual writing style. It was also attracting some unfortunate eyes, which seemed to think it should be more of a sex fic than I would ever have written it as, so I took the more explicit parts of the conversation out. I suppose I'm in the position of wanting to over-warn folks; don't read this one at work if your workplace is gonna get nervous about a lot of cursing! But you're not going to get long and engaged sex scenes, either.

You absolutely can! I saved the source on the photo, so if you hover over the bottom of the chapter illustration, a little box marked 'source' will pop up. Here you go! https://mini-tuffs.tumblr.com/post/142386271448/so-i-decided-to-dust-off-an-oc-for-some-warmups

Man, one of the best perks of taking a long break from FIMfiction is always the great, seemingly "abandoned" (or in this case, indefinitely hiatused) stories one forgets about getting picked back up! And now I get to read it all over again!

Thank you so much for your kind comment! It's comments like these that keep me wanting to come back and write more. Welcome back! I took a little break from this story, too, but I really hope to finish it!

Did you abandon this again?

Comment posted by DMDash71 deleted Nov 8th, 2020

Today, there is a huge problem in the world that is associated with the Lancashire Police, which is fighting human trafficking in the county. I think you should read the article https://www.otsnews.co.uk/lancashire-police-tackle-human-trafficking-in-county/ on this topic. We should always be as knowledgeable as possible with such people in order to know how to avoid trouble. In short, slavery or human trafficking is the movement of a person from one place to another.

quite a surprise, i thought this was dead.

I'm glad to hear it! I hope you enjoy the rest of the story!

What is Blue cat? A cat or a Pony?

He is a pony! His symbol is a blue cat, so his name is very literal!

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