• Published 23rd Apr 2017
  • 3,321 Views, 78 Comments

Paradise Lost: Daughter of Gensokyo - Maziodyne

A half-human finds herself in Ponyville and tries to start her life fresh. Displaced.

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Chapter 2: Shocking Recollections


I wake up in the morning to the sound of thunder outside. I sit up in bed, rubbing my eyes, thinking how exceptionally comfortable my bed is for once, then look around the room for the window... only to find the room is made of clouds and doesn't have a window.

"Right," I say, as memories of yesterday come back to me, "ponies, Equestria, Rainbow Dash, Shanghai..."

I look down next to me to see Shanghai still fast asleep.


I decide to let Shanghai get her rest, and - since the room doesn't have a window - head outside to look at the weather. I also decide that while I'm out there, I'll go see Princess Twilight and ask her about Shanghai coming to life.

I step outside, and the heavy rain soaks me almost immediately. I look around at the current state of the weather.

I can see frequent lightning strikes in the distance, and hear the rumble of thunder shortly after each one. The sky is covered in a full layer of dark, mean-looking clouds. I decide to fly to Princess Twilight's castle quickly to get out of the rain. As I fly quickly through the air…



…Am I dead? I think I was struck by a lightning bolt… I can see a bunch of images flashing through my mind……… Hang on, some of these aren't in Gensokyo… three men… two of them wearing costumes… a huge coat behind a stall… a weirdo calling himself 'Magic Man'… Wait, that's right! The convention, and that 'Magic Man' asshole! I remember everything! I guess I really did become Alexandria… but I've always been Alexandria, right? The conflicting memories bounce around in my head, but then I hear a distant voice.

“…you ok……um on Alex, wake…”

I come to a conclusion: I am Alexandria Kijin, half-human, half-Amanojaku. I don't know who's memories these are, or who these four names I've never heard of belong to, but I can't do anything about them now, so I won't worry about them. I finally begin returning to consciousness.

“Come on say something to me!” I hear Rainbow Dash shouting at me desperately as she holds me in midair where she caught me as I fell.

I open my eyes and say, “Urgh, good morning,” a slight grin appearing on my face.

Rainbow Dash blinks at me, a grin of her own appearing, contradicting her next words, “this isn't something to joke about. You just got struck by lightning!” Her grin is replaced by a serious expression as she continues, “I really thought you were dead!”

I start flying and leave Rainbow Dash's grasp before responding, “I've survived worse. It'll take more than a single lightning bolt to kill me.” I realize something, “how did you know what happened anyway?”

Rainbow Dash answers, “I went into the guest room to wake you and say good morning, but you weren't there. I thought maybe you were out front, so I opened the front door to check, but right after I did, I saw that lightning bolt hit you, and you started falling.”

“Oh,” I respond lamely, “well, thanks for catching me then.”

“You're welcome,” Rainbow Dash says, “what were you doing out here anyway?”

Oh yeah, I had forgotten about that from the literal shock of that lightning bolt. “You might not believe me, but Shanghai, my doll, came to life last night. I was going to ask Princess Twilight if she has any ideas why.”

“The doll?” Rainbow Dash says, confused for a moment, “oh yeah, it isn't in your pocket right now,” she says, finally noticing my empty pocket, “where is it then?”

I give her a look, “when I left, she was still asleep in the guest room. Was she not on the bed?”

“No,” Rainbow Dash says simply, “the bed was empty.”

“There you are Alexandria!”

Rainbow Dash and I both turn towards the small, high-pitched, child-sounding voice to see Shanghai floating towards us through the rain, “you weren't there when I woke up. Please don't leave me behind next time!”

I answer, noticing the shocked expression on Rainbow Dash's face out of the corner of my eye, “alright, sorry Shanghai. You were still asleep when I woke up, and I thought it would be rude to wake you up.”

“Well, I think it's rude to leave me behind like that,” Shanghai retorts, crossing her arms with a pouty look on her face.

“Okay, okay,” I say, putting my hands up defensively, “I promise I won't leave you behind anymore.”

“Alright,” Shanghai says, before floating around behind me and grabbing my right shoulder, hanging there with her head peeking over it.

“Now that that's out of the way,” I begin, “we can finally go speak with Princess Twilight.” I turn and fly towards the large, crystal castle, which even through the thick rain is visible in the distance.

Once at Princess Twilight's castle, Rainbow Dash and I let ourselves in. Going off of memory from yesterday, I begin walking towards a nearby hallway with the intent of navigating to the library.

“Where are you going?” Rainbow Dash asks, confused.

I turn around and give her a look before answering, “to the library, where else?”

“Wait,” Rainbow Dash says, the surprise obvious in her voice and on her face, “you actually remember where to go?”

I raise my eyebrow, “you don't?”

“Of course not,” she says in a tone of voice that suggests I'm missing something obvious, “why would I? I could just ask Spike to lead me there.”

“Ummm…” Shanghai says, hesitantly, “I don't see the problem. Both options bring you to the library, right?”

Rainbow Dash and I stand in silence for a few seconds, then I say as we both blush in embarrassment, “that's a good point.” I look up at Rainbow Dash before I continue, gesturing with my arm, “come on, just follow me.” I then turn around and begin navigating the halls, looking back periodically to make sure Rainbow Dash is still following.

Once we reach the library, I peek my head in and see Princess Twilight standing in the same spot as yesterday, reading a book intently, probably researching what brought me here, though the memories I gained earlier make me think she might not even find an answer.

“Hi Princess Twilight! I let myself in, if that's alright,” I call out to her, as I enter the library.

Princess Twilight looks up from the book, clearly startled. “Oh, Alexandria,” she says, catching her breath, “as long as you don't startle me like that, then, yes, that's alright.” She then continues, “so, what can I do for you? I haven't made much progress since yesterday, if that's what you want to know.”

“Well, actually…” I start, before getting interrupted by a now-familiar voice.

“Alexandria,” Shanghai says from my shoulder, getting a surprised look out of Princess Twilight, “how long are you going to wait before introducing me?”

“I didn't know the doll was alive,” Princess Twilight says, her surprise already fading.

“Her name is Shanghai,” I begin, “and she wasn't alive until just last night. I came to ask you what might have caused that.”

Princess Twilight turns to Shanghai, “well, it's nice to meet you Shanghai. My name is Twilight Sparkle, and I am the Princess of Friendship, one of the Alicorn Princesses.” She then turns to me, “but with nowhere to start, it might take a while to figure out a cause,” she says.

“Maybe it has something to do with the overflowing magic of this place?” Shanghai suggests, “I was made by a magician.”

Princess Twilight thinks about this for a moment. “That is one possibility, but it'll still take a while to look into,” she says finally, “in the meantime, maybe you should try to find something to do for the rest of the day.”

Taking Princess Twilight up on her suggestion, Rainbow Dash and I leave the castle. When we step outside, we find that the rain has stopped, and most of the clouds are gone from the sky. We also notice that it's already late in the afternoon. (We haven't been awake that long) I think to myself, (so I guess we just slept in really late?)

My thoughts are interrupted - which seems to be turning into a recurring event here in Equestria - when Rainbow Dash turns to me with a grin just like the one from yesterday, “I know somewhere fun we can go,” she starts in a mischievous tone, “come on, follow me,” she says, gesturing me to follow.

I follow her for a few minutes, when she finally stops at what is apparently our destination: the edge of a forest.

“This is the Everfree Forest,” she says, the expression on her face making it obvious that she's holding back a snicker, “it's one of the best places in Ponyville to pass the time.”

Every single alarm bell in my head is going off, as it's painfully obvious that she's trying to pull a prank on me, but I decide, what the hell, and take the bait anyway… while adding my own twist.

“I don't know,” I say, feigning hesitation, “it looks kind of scary.”

“Never judge a book by its cover, Alex,” Rainbow Dash answers, “trust me, it's fun.”

I see an opening, and - taking it - respond casually, “if it's so fun, then how about you join me?” I say, inviting Rainbow Dash, while simultaneously laying a trap: if she refuses, she proves that she was lying to me; if she bites the bullet and accepts, she goes down with me.

Getting caught by surprise, she nervously weighs her options for several moments. I'm congratulating myself in my head when she responds, “alright, I will.”

I'm disappointed that she didn't back out, but I'm secretly a little excited about what I might find here. The two of us enter the forest together.

After a while of walking, with very little happening the whole way, other than the sounds of birds flying away as we walk past, I notice through the thick canopy that the sky is turning orange, an indication of sunset.

I turn to Rainbow Dash, “the sun is starting to set, maybe we should-”


I'm interrupted by a low growl coming from the bushes, which started up in response to my voice. Rainbow Dash has a scared expression on her face as she looks at the bush worriedly, and says…


She slowly turns to me, and says quietly, “we need to get out of here, now. Timberwolves are dangerous, and are always in packs. As long as you don't make any sudden, loud noises, you should be fine.” She takes a slow step, intending to tip-toe away…


As she went to leave, Rainbow Dash had stepped on a twig. (That's so clichéd…) I think to myself, as the growling intensifies, and is joined by several other growls.

RUN!!” Rainbow Dash shouts, attempting to do just that, before getting cut off by two creatures.

They look just like wolves… but are made completely of logs, bark, twigs and leaves. I sigh internally. (Timberwolves: wolves made from timber. I guess naming conventions around here are the 'blatantly obvious' type)

The two Timberwolves slowly advance towards Rainbow Dash, who backs up until she's right next to me. In moments, we're surrounded by the pack of Timberwolves.

“Well,” she says, “it was nice knowing you.”

I look at her with a determined expression on my face.

“I thought I told you earlier: I don't die so easily.

Bolt Sign「Lightning Strike」

I cast my Spellcard… and immediately, the nearest Timberwolf is struck by my lightning bolt, completely engulfed in flame almost instantaneously. Within seconds, it's been burned away to a pile of ash.

I look at the other Timberwolves one by one, which are all giving me wary looks. I'm not sure if they can understand me, but I still speak to them anyway.

“Who wants to join their friend?”

The Timberwolves don't budge as they glare at me, and I'm not sure if they understood me or not-


The trees shake as the clearly pissed-off, bear-like roar resounds through the forest. The Timberwolves snap their gaze in the direction of the roar, only to dart away a second later.

Rainbow Dash is frozen in fear next to me. “What was that?” I ask, hesitantly.

After a few moments of silence, Rainbow Dash responds, fear dominating her voice.

“An Ursa Minor.”

“And how dangerous is one of those?” I ask, fear beginning to creep into my voice.

“They're incredibly strong.”

“How so?”

“Most importantly: magic doesn't work on them.”

I stare at Rainbow Dash. They're immune to magic? But I can't fight without magic. “Any suggestions?”

“One, and this time, I mean it: RUN.

(Yeah, right) I think to myself before responding to Rainbow Dash, “I'll fly, thanks.” I then take off into the air, barely catching Rainbow Dash's 'oh yeah,' as I head in the direction of her house, the sun still just barely peeking above the horizon. I don't even want to stick around long enough to see the Ursa Minor if it's as dangerous as Rainbow Dash says.

I arrive at Rainbow Dash's house shortly after the sun sets, with Rainbow Dash just behind me. We step in, and I say, “I'm going right to bed.”

“I can't blame you,” Rainbow Dash says, out of breath, “that was terrifying.”

I look at her in silence for a few moments.

“Actually,” I say finally, “I did think it was kind of fun.”

Rainbow Dash gives me a look of surprise before it's replaced by a smile, “alright then you daredevil, if you liked it so much, how about we explore the forest more tomorrow?”

“Sounds like a date,” I say jokingly, “but I'm beat. See you in the morning.”


I enter the guest room, and Shanghai floats over to the bed, “I thought that was really scary,” she says.

“Don't worry,” I assure her, “I'll make sure to keep you safe.”

“Alright,” she answers as I climb into the bed, and she nestles herself into my arms, “Goodnight,” she says.

“Goodnight,” I say through a yawn.

For the second night in a row, I fall asleep almost immediately.

End of Chapter 2

Author's Note:

This chapter finally has a small bit of action, and a little character development (I guess). Also, if you're wondering why Alexandria is more snarky here than in chapter 1, it's because the personality of the Displaced is seeping in a little bit.

I also want to put a disclaimer: I realize that chapter 2 takes place on the day after chapter 1, and I will also say that what I have planned for chapters 3 and 4 continue to follow this pattern (chapter 3 is the day after chapter 2; chapter 4 is the day after chapter 3). Because of this, some readers might wonder why I don't have the "slice of life" tag on this story. This whole consecutive days pattern was actually coincidental. I'm not planning on making every chapter follow this pattern, nor was that ever my intent. Of course, if I require the "slice of life" tag despite that, then I'd like to be informed on that before having my story removed, and I'll put the tag on.

Finally, for those who don't know: "pichuuu~n" is an onomatopoeia some Touhou fans use to represent the sound effect that plays when the player gets hit in the Touhou games. I thought it would be a bit of a funny addition.

Chapter 3 should have some more action though, so look forward to that. Or don't, if you don't want to.