• Published 4th Sep 2012
  • 14,246 Views, 1,197 Comments

Fur and Feathers - Nexas

The mane six's pets become ponies! What do they do now?

  • ...

Sweets and secrets

The steps of the Apple house creaked and groaned as Applejack stepped down into the living room. Her brother was sitting on the couch in the living room, adjusting his yoke and barely registered her as she sat down, in a huff, next to him.

"Winona and me went to see Twilight." She stated.

Big Macintosh nodded once, signifying that he did, in fact, acknowledge her existence. He did not say anything though.

"Ah met up with her and the others in the library. It turns out that all of their pets were affected too and she says she can't change 'em back to normal."

He nodded.

Applejack continued. "Twilight said that the only pony that can fix this is the Princess herself, which is why we're all gonna wait for her to show up for the celebration."

He nodded.

"She said that we should have our pets help us out with the preparations."

He nodded, this time more slowly.

Applejack leaned back in her seat and yawned, her head resting on the back of the couch and her eyes searching for patterns in the wooden ceiling. "Now Ahm an honest pony, if nothing else, and Ah love Winona like a sister, or a daughter." She hesitated. "But..."

"Applejack!" The distinct voice of Winona cried out from the hallway along with the clattering noises of things being knocked over, "Help! Mah doggie door shrunk since Ah last used it and now Ahm stuck!"

The farmer wearily eyed the entryway to the hall and looked back to her brother, who had stood up at that point, fully prepared for the day and not even batting an eye at the commotion. She really did admire his calmness at times, but right now it was kind of annoying.

"But Ahm not sure how effective she'll be if Ah actually give her work." She gave her brother pleading eyes. "What should Ah do?"

"Applejack? There's a big bird staring right at me out here. Please don't eat mah soul Mr. bird..."

Big Mac finally turned his eyes to Applejack, giving her a stern look. He shrugged, or the earth pony equivalent to a shrug, and actually spoke.

"You'll never know unless you try."

He was silent once again. Applejack considered his words, noting for a second that his voice sounded almost like Tank's, only deeper and, obviously, with an accent. She nodded. "Yeah, Ah guess you're right." She got up from her seat and moved in the direction of the hall. "It's time to get to work."

She looked back at her brother and pointed a hoof to the hallway, a hopeful look on her face. "Ah don't suppose you could help me with this problem?"

He slowly shook his head, the barest hints of a grin on his red muzzle. "Ah distinctly remember you saying you would take full responsibility of Winona the day we got her."

"Ah did say that, didn't Ah?" She nodded glumly but smiled nonetheless. "And you're never gonna let me forget it."

Without another word she left the room. Big Macintosh could hear her open and close the front door with a squeak and even hear their conversation through the thin walls.

"Alright Winona, now hold still. Ahm gonna pull you out of there."






"Are you pulling against me?"

"Yup, Ahm just trying to help."

"Just push."

A loud pop was heard, along with sounds of a crash and groaning sounds.

"That was fun! Can we do it again?"

"No. Now c'mon, it's time to get to work."

"Really? Okay fine...Oh! Can Applebloom come along? Can she? Can she?"

"Actually... Ahm not sure where Applebloom is..."


Somewhere on the edge of the Apple family farm, there was a single, large tree that had been built upon and made into a tree house. Inside the small building sat three, young ponies; a yellow earth pony with a mane as red as the bow she wore, a unicorn with pure white fur and a two shaded, purple and pink, mane, and lastly a Pegasus with orange fur and a deep purple mane. All of them were mares and none of them had cutie marks. The pegasus and unicorn rubbed their sore ears.

"Ow... we're already here, Applebloom. You don't need to yell." The Pegasus groaned in discomfort.

"Ah know, Ah know, but ya'll won't believe what happened!" Applebloom was practically jumping up and down with excitement. Her friend's moods reflected her's and they were soon excited as well. "Did you get your cutiemark?!"

Applebloom shook her head, momentarily depressed by the memories brought on by the guess. She quickly shook them away. "No, not yet."

"Well don't worry." The Pegasus spoke out. "I just got this new idea about getting them. We'll need three sharks-"

"Never mind that, Scootaloo." Applebloom interrupted her friend, her previous excitement returning. "Ah still have something to say!"

"Actually," The unicorn also spoke. "Something happened to me too."

"It's the coolest thing ever!" Applebloom said.

"It was the weirdest thing."

"Me and Applejack were so surprised."

"Rarity seemed a little angry."

Scootaloo the pegasus groaned in exasperation. "What in Celestia's name are you two talking about?"

"Winona was turned into a pony!"

"Opal is a pony now!"

The two looked at each other, shortly realizing that they had spoken at the exact same time. The treehouse had gone silent, not even the birds outside were singing. Scootaloo looked between the two ponies, even more confused than before. "Um... what?"

"Sweetie Bell, your pet's a pony now too?" Applebloom asked.

Sweetie Belle nodded. "Yeah, Do you remember that weird magic thing from yesterday?"

"The one that pushed the storm away?"

"Yeah! It passed through the store and when I went down to check on Rarity she had fainted, again. And Twilight was there with two other ponies and she teleported them all away. When Rarity came back, she brought a unicorn with her and said that it was Opal."

"Your cat's a unicorn?! Cool!" Applebloom said. "What was she like, did she say anything, did she do any cool magic tricks?"

"She glared at me and said that my mane was stupid and that I need to stop stepping on her tail. Rarity said that she's going to help her with the store for the celebration. I don't think she can use magic though, she spent all her time opening doors with her face and complaining about how 'degrading' it is."

Applebloom giggled at this. "Well, Winona had gone out during the storm and Applejack had chased after her. When the storm had cleared we found them curled up together under a tree! And then they fought off some timberwolves!"

"Really? Cool!"

Scootaloo was amazed, and a little disappointed. "Your pets are ponies now?! Aw man... I wish I had a pet. I totally missed out."

A thought dawned on Sweetie Belle. "Hey, do you think pets have cutie marks?"

"Ah don't think Winona does." Applebloom admitted. But she gained a thoughtful expression of her own. "But maybe they might know how to get one!"

"Asking a pet about cutiemarks..." Scootaloo considered the notion. It would normally be absurd but right now..."Sure, why not."

"Winona's probably with Applejack in the fields!" Applebloom ran to the door and was the first one out. "We can ask her first and then ask the others!"

Sweetie Belle ran through right after her. "Do you think she'll know anything?"

Applebloom's voice was already distant. "Who knows, but it wouldn't hurt to check!"

Scootaloo was the last to leave; walking slowly out the door in the wake of her speedy companions, still grumbling about not having a pet and grabbing her scooter along the way.


Sugercube Corner was the next stop for Twilight and Owlowiscious on their inspection. Spike had chosen to stay behind with Rarity. "Doing his part and helping the damsel." He had said, which had quickly lost its charm when Opal remarked that she would be too happy to let him do all of her work. They had also left Peewee behind after Rarity had made the good point that taking him along to see Pinkie and Gummy probably wasn't the best idea.

Twilight stood in front of the double doors that led into the shop, she found her heart to be beating faster than usual and couldn't figure out why. "Alright, I'm going to open the door." Twilight said, mostly to herself. She reached out to the doors, feeling the smoothed wood underneath her hoof. She didn't move and the hoof stayed still.

"I'm opening the door... now!"

The door remained closed.

"Twilight..." Owlowiscious said form behind her. She wasn't looking but she knew he was grinning. "There's no need to be scared."

"Scared? Who's being scared, I'm not being scared." Twilight denied frantically. "I'm just taking in the detail of this carved, solid wood door." She ran her hoof against the wood to prove her point. "Very smooth."

Owlowiscious didn't believe his owner for a second. "Twilight, It's okay. Nothing's going to happen to you."

She turned to him, her panic shining through the facade. "But what if something does?! You saw what he did before!"

"Twilight, Gummy isn't going to hurt you. He's not that kind of gator." Owlowiscious said with complete seriousness.

"But what if he does something..." She searched for the words. "..weird?"

"Pinkie Pie does weird things every day." He noted.

"Yeah, but Pinkie Pie is Pinkie Pie." She stated, as if that made sense. "Gummy just sort of... pops in. And have you seen his eyes?" She shuddered at the memory. "It's... It's just weird, okay?"

"Well, you have to go in there eventually." He stated simply.

Twilight looked back at the shop. "At least they don't know that we're here."


The cakes moved around their kitchen with ease, moving and preparing the various pies and cakes with amazing speed. Mrs. Cake stood in front of one of the ovens, patiently waiting for when the timer would sound and she could take out the cake inside. She glanced back at her husband, who was preparing the cupcakes.

"Is Twilight still out there?"

The yellow earth pony stopped and glanced out one of the windows. He could perfectly see Twilight Sparkle and another pony standing near the door. Twilight seemed to be in the middle of a panic, something he and his wife could relate to, and the pony was stoically waiting for her to finish before he would say something that made her calm down.

"Yes." He stated, going right back to his work.

"You know why she's here right?"

"I know why she's nervous about coming in."

The two shared a look. Mr. Cake sighed in defeat. "Fine, I'll get it."

He moved swiftly to the door and opened it. Twilight's back was to him so she didn't notice that he was there. "...And he's an Alligator, so he could bite me or something. We should really just go and come back later."

Mr. Cake cleared his throat and spoke up. "Well, Actually Twilight we were just going to invite you in."

Twilight jumped in surprise and turned around. "Mr. Cake! Um... uh... hi?"

"Me and the missus know that your here to inspect our progress." He stepped aside from the open doorway. "You can go in and look."

Twilight looked to be about to say something, stopped, and gave a quiet, defeated sigh. She slowly stepped past the baker and into the shop. Owlowiscious stepped up to the pony and nodded appreciatively. "Thank you. If you hadn't come out when you did, Twilight probably wouldn't have moved from her spot."

"You're welcome..." Mr.Cake paused and looked over the pegasus in front of him. "Um...?"

"Owlowscious, sir. I'm Twilight Sparkle's pet. The same thing that has happened to Gummy has happened to me."

Mr. Cake's expression changed after that. He gave the Pegasus a wary look. "You're not like him, are you?"

He shook his head, "I assume not. Nopony has ever told me otherwise."

"Phew..." The earth pony sighed with relief. "In that case, you can come in too."

Owlowiscious thanked him and stepped into the store. He was instantly surrounded by the sweet smells and fragrances of fresh pastries and candy. The combined smells made the Pegasus's mouth water. He quickly took his mind off the sweets and looked for twilight. She was talking with a blue earth pony who, he was fairly certain, was Mrs. Cake.

"It's so nice that those clouds cleared up. We'll finally get to sell all this food." He overheard Mrs. Cake telling Twilight. "Although there is that unfortunate side effect..."

"Gummy?" Twilight questioned.

She nodded. "At first we thought he was just a friend of Pinkie Pies, or even a family member, but when Pinkie showed up she quickly explained what was going on and we just went with it."

"You believed her?"

"Dear, we've known Pinkie longer than you have. She might be... a bit eccentric but she never lies to us. She promised that a long time ago."

Twilight was dumbfounded by her composed state towards the situation. Owlowiscious stepped in and asked her. "But isn't Gummy...a bit odd?"

Mr. Cake strolled up beside his wife and checked the stove, not even looking at the two to answer. "We've seen Pinkie do a lot. I guess you could say that we're used to it by now."

Any other words were drowned out by a resounding crash from above the four's heads. It was short but managed to shake the cutlery in the cupboard. A distant, muffled voice shouted through the ceiling. "I'm okay! Everypony's okay!"

"Pinkie and Gummy are upstairs, taking care of Pound and Pumpkin while we work." Mr. Cake explained.

Twilight was freaking out by this point. "You're letting an Alligator watch your children?!"

"And Pinkie."

"Twilight calm down." Owlowiscious demanded. "Sure, Gummy might be a bit strange, even by Pinkie's standards, but he has always been a nice guy and I think he just might be smarter than you think."

The ding of the stove beside them signalled that the cooking was done. Mrs. Cake excused herself and opened the oven door, expertly avoiding the blast of hot air that shot out. When it died down, she opened the door all the way and peered in.

And Gummy peered out at her.

Everypony jumped back, with Twilight jumping the farthest. Gummy silently pulled himself out of the oven and onto the floor, obviously not affected by the incredibly hot temperatures, and, even, seemingly oblivious to them.. After he stood up he reached behind his back and, from out of nowhere, pulled out a freshly baked cake. He held it out to the others, his eyes unfocused like usual. Mr. Cake hesitantly reached forward and took the cake.

"Um...thank you?"

Gummy said nothing, which wasn't a big surprise, and just stood there in front of them. Before somepony could speak up though, the familiar voice from before called from above. "Gummy! Get back up here!"

With unexpected rapidity, Gummy flipped around and silently dove back into the oven, the door closing behind him. Twilight was the first to react; leaping forward and pulling the door open, only to find that Gummy was gone and the oven was empty.

Everypony was silent.

"So..." Mrs.Cake said slowly. "Would either of you like to see Pinkie?"

Owlowiscious nodded. "Yes, that would be nice." He marched towards the stairs that led to above. "Come along Twilight." He called, not even looking back. Twilight, after considering the idea of staying behind with her head inside the oven, pulled herself out and begrudgingly followed after him.