• Published 4th Mar 2017
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Flash Sentry's Christmas Carol - Riddleja

Take a trip with Flash Sentry as he goes through his own Christmas Ordeal.

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Flash Sentry's Christmas Carol

Flash Sentry's Christmas Carol

Written by James Riddle and Zack Wanzer

Based on the original novel A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens

Christmas time was right around the corner. Everywhere you looked, there could be people singing Christmas carols, playing in the snow, buying Christmas presents, or getting ready for parties. At Canterlot High School, it was no different. In the gym, the students were helping put up decorations like garlands, baubles, and wreaths.

"Man, this year's Christmas party is going to be so awesome!" said Rainbow Dash as she finished wrapping ribbons around a pole.

"Rainbow Dash, you've said that for the last two years," said Rarity, "to you, they're all awesome."

"Doesn't mean it's not true," said Rainbow Dash.

"Heads up, everybody!" called Applejack, carrying a Christmas tree on her back. Helping her were Big Macintosh, Apple Bloom, and several other Apple family members.

"What a magnificent tree!" said Rarity.


Suddenly, the tree started to rumble.

"Uh-oh," said Big Macintosh.

Out from the tree popped Pinkie Pie, dressed as Santa, with a bird's house in her hair.

"Ho! Ho! Ho!" she said excitedly.

"Pinkie Pie," chuckled her friends.

"There hasn't been this much excitement since we got our super powers from Camp Everfree," said Fluttershy, who was talking to some birds.

Twilight Sparkle was helping to levitate some Christmas ornaments into their places. As she was walking backwards, she didn't see Flash Sentry right behind behind her with his face in a book.

"Oof! "

"Sorry about that, Flash," said Twilight.

"No, it's okay."

Even though this was the human world's Twilight, Flash at least was able to befriend her despite her interest in Timber Spruce from Camp Everfree.

"The decorations are coming along greatly," said Flash.

"Thanks," said Twilight.

"We've been putting our efforts into it," said a voice. It was from Micro Chips, one of Flash Sentry's friends.

"Totally, bro," said Sandalwood, another of Flash's friends.

"Principal Celestia says there's also going to be a Christmas raffle at the party," said Sunset Shimmer.

"What's the prize?" asked Fluttershy.

"Maybe a sur-prize?" asked Pinkie, and giggled at her own joke.

"I hope it's a night at the Christmas ball with a very handsome young man who loves fashion," sighed Rarity.

Applejack groaned. "For apple's sake, Rarity!" she snapped, "We get that ya love fashion, so why d'ya have to force it down our throats?"

"I hope it's a mountain bike decorated with Christmas lights," said Rainbow Dash, "that would be so awesome!"

"Highly impractical," said Rarity, "how could you plug the lights if you're outdoors and away from home?"

"Where's your sense of imagination?" asked Rainbow Dash.

"What do you think the prize will be, Flash?" asked Fluttershy.

"I don't really know," said Flash, "and I'm not too sure I care since I'm not even going to the party."

This was met with some gasps from the others.

<b>"WHAT?!"</b> shrieked Pinkie Pie, louder than when they discovered the decorations for the Fall Formal were ruined.

"What do you mean you're not going?" asked Lyra Heartstrings.

"Don't you like spending Christmas with your friends?" asked Bon Bon.

"I enjoy spending Christmas with my friends as well as the next guy," said Flash, "but sometimes I like being alone."

Twilight looked away; did that have to do with what happened at Camp Everfree?

"But Flash," said Fluttershy, "you'll miss out on all the fun."

"Didn't you once spend Christmas with your grandmother?" asked Sunset.

"Not this year," said Flash, "Grandma's taking a little vacation at the beach. The rest of the family's out of town for a week, leaving me by myself. Guess I wasn't that much to them for them to invite."

"Now you know that can't really be true, Flash," said Applejack, "they probably needed somebody to look after the house while they were gone."

Just then, the school bell rang.

"Have fun," said Flash, as he walked away.

At the end of the day, Flash walked up to his car, partially buried in snow. After brushing off as much snow as he could, Flash got inside and started his car up.

"Thank goodness we have tomorrow off except for the party," said Flash to himself, "I would hate having to drive out in this early in the morning."

He began pulling out of the parking lot just as some more students came out of the doors.

"Hmm? I wonder what's up?" he wondered. He rolled his window down and stuck his head out. "Yes?"

"Are you sure won't change your mind about not going?" asked Rarity, "It just wouldn't be that much of a party without you."

"Since when have I ever benefited any of you?" asked Flash, "You never needed me before, so please don't lie saying you need me now! Merry Christmas."

With that, Flash drove away.

"Oh dear; a dark cloud of self-hatred is looming over our pal's head," sighed Sandalwood.

In his car, Flash was reflecting on the last couple of years; he'd helped Twilight - check that, Princess Twilight - by clearing her name when Sunset framed her for ruining the Fall Formal decorations, and then danced with the Princess at said event.

Then not long after, he and the whole school was hypnotized by a trio of sirens called The Dazzlings, making him act rude towards others, including Princess Twilight. Flash winced at the memory; he couldn't believe he'd acted so cruel, even if it wasn't his fault.

Eventually, there came the Friendship Games where he was able to meet the human world's Twilight Sparkle. He hadn't cared for which school she was from, but he was disappointed that she didn't take much notice of him, even if he praised her for winning the first round for Crystal Prep.

Then there was the trip to Camp Everfree where he tried to make a connection with her. Although she saw him as a friend, she only showed interest in Timber Spruce. Sunset had also told him to get over Princess Twilight as she was from another world.

"My luck has been getting worse and worse," said Flash unhappily, "the least I can do is isolate myself from the others so their luck doesn't become worse than mine."

At long last, Flash pulled into his garage. He closed the door and left through the side door since the garage was a separate building from the house. Once at the front door, he got his house key out of his pocket and began unlocking the door. But as he did so, to his surprise, the door-knocker's face had changed into one he found very familiar.


"Dad?!" asked Flash in a very startled voice. He rubbed his eyes and opened them again, but the door-knocker's face had returned to normal. "I must be imagining things." Once inside, he locked the door, took off his shoes and went to his bedroom.

Once he had changed into some pajamas for the night, Flash sat down by the fireplace with a very small dinner, a bowl of potato soup and a mug of hot chocolate.

"Rather quiet all by myself," Flash noticed, "but it's for the best."

Suddenly, he thought he heard the sound of rattling chains, and then a voice...


Flash yelped as he dropped his spoon on the table. He looked around.

"Who's there?" he called. There was no reply. "Must have been the wind."

He then went back to eating his meal. Just as he had finished the last few spoonfuls of soup...


"Ohhh, what now?" groaned Flash.

Suddenly to his shock, the front door became unlocked by itself.

"Twilight? Is that you?" asked Flash, "Because if this is a prank, then it's not funny!"

Just then, the door opened with a rush of wind as the rattling became louder and louder. Slowly, appearing out of nowhere, was a spirit.

Flash yelped in fear. "Who are y- No, what are you?!"

The spirit looked like a man in his late twenties to early thirties. He had blue hair like Flash and was bound in thick, heavy chains and other heavy metal objects.

"Ask me who I was."

"Alright," said Flash bravely, "who were you?"

"In life, I was your father, Flame Barrier."


Flash had not seen his father since he was about two years old. An angered scowl appeared on his face when he remembered being abandoned by his own father. "Can you sit down?"

"Of course I can sit down."

"Then please do so," said Flash.

The spirit walked over to a chair and sat down in it. Flash just had his arms folded in disbelief.

"You don't believe in me, do you?"

"Believe that the spirit of my selfish father who abandoned me when I was two years old has come back to haunt me?" snorted Flash, "No, I do not!"

"Why do you doubt the evidence of your own eyes?"

"Because little things can affect them," insisted Flash, "the slightest stomach disorder makes one hallucinate. You're just a figment of my imagination caused by indigestion. There was probably a spoiled potato in that soup. You don't exist, 'father'."

Flame Barrier's ghost let loose a ghostly scream that made Flash cringe in fear.

"Yipe!" he cried, "Are you trying to give me a Heart Attack?"

"Do you believe in me or not?!"

"Alright, alright, alright!" cried Flash, "Just don't scare the pants off of me, will ya?!"

The ghost settled down.

"Why are you here?" asked Flash.

"It is required of every man that the spirit within him should walk abroad among his fellowmen, and travel far and wide; and if that spirit goes not forth in life, it is condemned to do so after death. It is doomed to wander through the world and witness what it cannot share, but might have shared on earth, and turned to happiness!"

"And why are you bound with chains?" asked Flash.

"As you said, Flash, I was a terrible father. I abandoned you and your unborn younger sibling, and betrayed the woman I loved. Now I must pay for my sins." He gestured to the chain. "I wear the chain I forged in life. I made it link by link, and yard by yard; I girded it on of my own free will, and of my own free will I wore it. Do you know the weight and the length of strong coil you bare yourself?"

Flash was confused. "My chains?"

"You slowly began laboring on it fifteen Christmases ago. It will soon become a ponderous chain you wield, Flash."

Flash looked around himself.

"But I don't see any chains on me," he said.

"Mine were invisible until the day of my death. The same will be said for yours."

Flash was getting more worried than before.

"Tell me more, Dad," he said, "but speak comfort to me!"

"I have none to give. My spirit never gave a second thought to my friends or loved ones. And now, I can never rest, roaming the world in eternal repentance."

Although he was angry at his father for abandoning him, Flash now felt sorry for him.

"I'm sorry you're suffering like this, dad," he said, "but is there anything I can do for you?"

Flame Barrier sighed as he put a hand on Flash's shoulder.

"It is too late for me, Flash. But it is not too late for you. You can be saved and escape my fate. You shall be visited by more three spirits."

"More ghosts?" asked Flash, "I'd rather not."

"Expect the first ghost when the bell tolls one."

"Couldn't I see them all at once and have it over with?" asked Flash.

"Expect the second ghost when the bell tolls two. And expect the third ghost, most mysterious as the others, when the bell tolls three."

Suddenly, the window opened and Flame Barrier began to fly.

"Goodbye, my son. Look to see me no more, and for your own sake, remember what has passed between us."

With one final ghostly scream, Flame Barrier flew out the window. Flash looked out to see the sky filled with many more doomed spirits like his father's.

"I think I'd better go to bed," said Flash, closing the window. He saw the the front door had been closed and locked again as well. So he went straight up to his bedroom, dove into bed, and went to sleep. But it didn't last long...

The clock suddenly struck 1:00 A.M. Flash looked at his clock in surprise.

"1:00?" he asked, "That can't be right. It was around 8:45 when I went to bed. Is this some kind of trick?!"

Suddenly, he heard another ghostly voice.


"That sounds like Micro Chips," said Flash, "no, it couldn't be."

Suddenly, in a flash of light, appearing before him was what looked like Micro Chip dressed in white robes.

"I am the Ghost of Christmas Past," he said.

"Micro Chips, I know it's you," said Flash, "if this is some kind of prank, then the joke's over. Oh, I have to be dreaming."

He promptly headbutted the wall behind him three times and turned to see if the ghost was gone.

"Nope, it's not a dream," Flash deadpanned, "just have to live with it, I suppose."

"Was doing that really necessary?" asked the spirit, "You could risk giving yourself brain damage."

"I was just making sure I wasn't dreaming," insisted Flash, "so what are you here to show me?"

"I'm here to show you your past," said the spirit.

"My past?" asked Flash.

"Yes," said the spirit, "rise and walk with me."

Flash got out of bed just as a window opened up.

"Whoa, it's cold out there!" he remarked.

He walked towards the window and looked down. As his room was upstairs the two story house, it would be quite a fall to the bottom.

"But I'm a mortal and have no magic powers!" objected Flash, "I could fall and get hurt."

"Not if you take my hand," sighed the spirit, rolling his eyes.

Flash took the spirit's hand and he suddenly felt lighter.


With that, the two flew out the window and into the night sky. They flew over the whole town as people slept soundly. Suddenly, Flash noticed a bright light appearing in the far distance.

"Spirit?" he asked, "What is that light up ahead? It's too early to be dawn."

"Allow me to show you," replied the spirit.

The light brew brighter and larger until Flash shut his eyes. When the bright lights faded, Flash reopened his eyes and to his surprise, it was now daytime and they were in a new location.

"Where are we?" he asked, "I mean, when are we?"

"We are in the shadows of your past, Flash," said the spirit, "these people cannot see or hear you."

Flash noticed as well that many people were friends of his family back in those days.

"Whoa!" he exclaimed, "I recognize a lot of them!"

He tried to say hello, but none of them answered.

"Oh, right," he said, "it's just a flashback."

Flash noticed a married couple with their new baby boy enjoying the Christmas festivities.

"Hey, that's me when I was a baby!" he cried happily, "And look how adorable I was!"

Yes, it was a baby Flash with his mother and father.

"Your very first Christmas, Flash," said Past Flash's mother, Lullaby Strings. Baby Flash giggled as his mother shook his first Christmas present, a rattle, over him.

"Merry Christmas, little guy," said Past Flame Barrier.

"That was back when dad still cared for us," sighed Flash.

"Speaking of which..." said the spirit.

The light faded to show them in the Sentry house. Then Flash heard fighting.

"Oh no..." he gasped, "Not... that Christmas."

He remembered this as the day his father abandoned him and his family. It made him sick thinking about it.

A month earlier, Lullaby had discovered that she was pregnant with a second child, but instead of telling Flame, she decided to wait until Christmas. Her thinking behind it was that it'd be her present for him. It had good intentions, but it didn't have the results she wanted.

"How could you keep news like this from me?" asked Flame Barrier, "Are you that ashamed of me?"

"I wanted it to be a surprise!" protested Lullaby Strings, "It wasn't like I was having an affair behind your back!"

"You keeping the fact that you're pregnant a surprise is my Christmas present?" asked Flame in a sarcastic tone, "Of course I love it."

Lullaby felt rather hurt by her husband's tone. Our present-day hero felt sorry for his mother.

"He had no right to be such a jerk to her over that," he protested.

"If this is your idea of surprises," ranted Flame Barrier, "then maybe I'm better off somewhere else!"

Lullaby gasped in shock whilst Flash gnashed his teeth in anger.

"But you can't abandon your family!" protested Lullaby, "Especially not at Christmas! What about little Flash?"

Present-day Flash had tears in his eyes; if he could, he'd go to his mother and give her a hug. Flame Barrier packed his suitcases with many of his belongings and walked out the door.

"You selfish slime-ball!" Lullaby shouting out the door, "May you be happy in the life you have chosen! I hope you get struck by lighting!" closing the door, Lullaby collapsed to the ground sobbing.

Flash couldn't believe his father had walked out on him like that all because a pregnancy was hidden from him, even with good intentions. Seeing his mother in such an emotionally crushed state was breaking his heart. He reached out to comfort her, but his hand went right through her because she was not really there.

"Spirit, I don't want to see anymore!" he begged to the spirit with tears in his eyes, "Why do you delight in torturing me? That was the day I decided to spend Christmas alone!"

"It is indeed, Flash," said the spirit.

"Spirit," said Flash, "I've heard of how the story goes, but why am I being shown my past? It's not like I hate Christmas and say 'bah, humbug' at every opportunity."

"You are being shown this to make you see what made you decide to isolate yourself from your friends," explained the spirit, "as well as the consequences for it."

"Consequences for wanting to be alone?" asked Flash.

"You'll find out in a couple of hours," said the Spirit of Christmas Past.

Suddenly, another bright light took them to a new location.

"Where are we now?" asked Flash.

"Don't you remember your old elementary school?" asked the spirit.

Flash looked around, and then he noticed someone he was familiar with.

"I see Sour Sweet!" he remarked, "She was my first crush before I met Sunset and before we went to different schools."

"But I guess things didn't wok out," said the spirit.

"Nope," said Flash, "and I didn't even want to meet with her again at the Friendship Games..."

"It added to your reasons for social isolation," said the spirit.

Before Flash could say anymore, he found himself and the spirit back in his bedroom. Flash could see another version of himself, now a year younger than him.

"That's the Christmas after we had that incident with those Sirens," said Present Flash.

"And last year's party too," added the spirit.

"I was hoping Twilight could have stayed for a bit so I could have invited her to spend Christmas with us," Past Flash sighed, "but every time she leaves, she never even thinks to say goodbye to me."

Just then, there was a knock at the door.


It was Lullaby Strings.

"Flash, we're about ready to go to Grandma's," she said, "are you ready to go?"

"Yeah, I'm coming, mom."

With that, Past Flash left the bedroom.

"At first I didn't really want to go," said Present Flash, "but then I worried that something would happen to Grandma and I'd regret not going to see her."

"Aren't you glad you did go, though?" asked the spirit.

"A little bit," said Flash.

"If only you could be more like that with your friends," said the spirit as he and the scenery began to fade.

"W-wait, what's happening?"

"My time is up," said the spirit, "now you shall await the visit of the next spirit."

With a bright light, Flash found himself back in his bed.

"Well, that was weird," he said.

Pulling the covers over himself, Flash tried to get a little more sleep. "Ugh. Shouldn't have had sugar in my drink before heading to bed. Bad..."

It wasn't long before the clock struck 2:00 a.m. Flash sat up; nobody at the window.

"Maybe my encounter with the first ghost was a dream," he told himself, "if I'm going to get a better sleep, I'll need some warm milk."

However, as he went downstairs, he was in for a surprise...

"Whoa!" cried Flash when he reached the bottom floor. He could not believe what he was seeing.

The bottom half of the house had been decorated with so many wreaths, garland, and holly. The tables were covered with Christmas treats and meals as the fireplace was lit and burning brightly. In the middle of it all was someone that looked like Sandalwood.

"S'up, bro?" he asked, "I'm the Ghost of Christmas Present. Come and know me better!"

"This is getting weirder and weirder," said Flash to himself.

"You've never seen the likes of me before, have you?" asked the spirit.

"Not that I can recall," said Flash.

"But over 2000 of my brothers and sisters have roamed this earth already," said the spirit.

"2000?" asked Flash, "Imagine the grocery bills."

"Ha! Good one!" laughed the spirit.

"Thanks," said Flash.

The spirit then took a golden jug and poured a liquid into a chalice next to him. The liquid looked like a yellowish milk that seemed to sparkle in the light.

"What's that?" asked Flash.

Try it," said the spirit, handing him the chalice.

Flash looked at it with an unsure look; he remembered a prank inflicted on him where he was given hot sauce in lemonade and was in pain for half an hour. Since then, he'd avoided drinking anything he was unfamiliar with. Finally, he gained his courage and took a small sip. But the moment the yellow milk touched his tongue, he felt like he was drinking liquid gold. It was so delicious that Flash couldn't help but finish the rest in the chalice.

"Like it?" asked the spirit.

"It's wonderful!" Flash cried happily, "I don't believe I've ever tasted anything this amazing. What is this?"

"The milk of human kindness, bro," said the spirit, "one of the many wonderful things about life. If life were a woman, I would marry her."


"Why?" chuckled the spirit, "Because I love life."

"That's all very well for you," said Flash, "but not for me. I hate life."

"What?" gasped the spirit, "Why would you say such a thing?"

"Because life hates me," Flash insisted, "I got tricked into dating a selfish girl for popularity purposes, was brainwashed by a trio of sirens, and have been constantly blown off by the human world version of a girl I met and was close with."

"Perhaps there was a reason for that all," said the spirit.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"There's always a reason for everything," said the spirit, "Come. We shall go out into the world. Touch my robe."

Flash did so. Suddenly, wind and swirled around them and they vanished. Soon the two were way up in the sky as the nighttime turned to day.

"Where are we at?" asked Flash.

"It's morning, Flash," said the spirit, "first we're going to pay a visit on your family to see how they're doing."

"I bet that they're having a better Christmas than I am."

The two eventually came to a hotel out of town.

"Isn't this the hotel they said they'd be staying at for a few days?" asked Flash.

"It is indeed," said the spirit.

The spirit used his magic torch to create a pathway they could walk into. When they were in, Flash could see the rest of his family.

"Too bad my family was too selfish to ask if I wanted to go with," said Flash.

"But I thought you liked being by yourself on Christmas," retorted the spirit.

"I beg your pardon?"

"Didn't you mention to the Spirit of Christmas Past that after all your misfortunes you thought if best to spend Christmas alone?" asked the spirit, "Perhaps they knew you wanted to be alone."


It was at that moment when Flash's younger brother, Vincent van Colt, spoke up.

"Mom," he asked, "why couldn't we invite Flash to come with too? He might have liked it."

"It was his choice not to go with," said Lullaby Strings.

"But nobody should be alone on the holidays," insisted Vincent.

"We still have his number, don't we?" asked Fictionary, their younger sister.

"Why don't we drop him a Merry Christmas?" asked Vincent.

"If you want," said Lullaby Strings.

With that, Vincent took his phone and dialed a number. After a few rings, it went to a voice mail.

"The caller you are trying to reach is not available at this moment. Please send a message."

"Hey Flash, it's your brother Vincent. We're all wishing you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. We'll be home in a few days." With that, he hung up the phone.

"I wish big brother Flash wouldn't hate Christmas," said Fictionary.

"He doesn't hate Christmas," said Lullaby, "he just prefers being alone on that day."

"But why?"

"I suppose it had something to do with his father leaving him when he was a toddler."

"That's sad," said Fictionary, "still, hopefully the Christmas present we get for him will cheer him up."

Flash felt touched upon hearing this.

"So they really do care," he whispered to himself.

"Come," said the spirit, "there is more to see."

In another swirl of wind and snow, the two found themselves in the middle of the Canterlot High School gym.

"Whoa!" exclaimed Flash, "They did wonders with the place!"

Indeed they had. The decorations were a sight to behold, there were tables of snacks and bowls of punch and eggnog. There was even the school's DJ Vinyl Scratch playing some Christmas music in her DJ booth. All the other students were having quite a fun time.

"Why'd you show me this?" asked Flash, "Everyone's having fun. No need for me to go and ruin everything for them."

"Ah, but not everybody feels the same way, dude."

"What do you mean?" asked Flash.

"Take a look, my friend."

Flash looked over and saw that Twilight was sitting by herself with some punch.

"What's with Twilight?" asked Flash.

"She was bummed out because you didn't show up," said the spirit.

"That's a complete lie!" snorted Flash, "Why would she care for my existence when she's got Timber Spruce to fawn over?"

"You mean you don't know the whole story?"

"What whole story?" asked Flash.

"Just watch and listen," said the spirit, pointing to Sunset walking up to the down-trodden Twilight.

"Everything okay, Twilight?" Sunset asked.

"Yeah, perfectly fine," she muttered.

"You don't sound fine," said Sunset, sitting next to her, "I can tell you're lying."

Twilight sighed. "Nothing gets by you, does it?"

"I can read minds and emotions, you know."

"Then you know how things between me and Timber Spruce didn't work out the best?"

Flash was surprised. "Things between her and Timber didn't work out?"

"Nope," said the spirit.

"I'm glad that Timber and I remain good friends," said Twilight, "but with him staying at Everfree with his sister, I was hoping to ask Flash if he'd like to go with me to the party."

Flash was very surprised to hear this.

"She... wanted to go to the party with me?" he asked. A small tear came to his eye; how could he have been so blind?

"Flash probably thought since you liked Timber," said Sunset, "that you wouldn't be interested in him at all. Not even as friends."

"It's probably my fault that he wants to spend Christmas alone," said Twilight, hanging her head in shame.

The Human Five noticed Twilight's sad expression and went over to give her support, going through Flash and the spirit as they did so; neither was noticed by the quintet.

"Something wrong, Twilight?" asked Applejack.

"She thinks it's her fault Flash is socially isolating himself from his friends," said Sunset.

"Darling, you mustn't blame yourself for this," comforted Rarity.

"Maybe Flash will find it in his heart to come," suggested Fluttershy, "it's never too late to give life and friendship another chance."

"I guess Twilight really does seem to care for me," said Flash, feeling ashamed of himself, "I must have been so stupid."

"Now do you see what you're missing out on?" asked the spirit.

"I do now," sighed Flash.

Suddenly, the scenery began to fade to darkness.

"Come," said the spirit, "my time has grown short."

"Whatever for?" asked Flash.

"All spirits' lives are very short," said the spirit, "mine will end at the stroke of 12:00."

"Wait, what?" asked Flash, "But my father's spirit said 3:00."

"He was mistaken," said the spirit, "this spirit comes whenever she wants to."

Just then, the clock tower struck midnight. In a flash, the spirit vanished.

"Spirit?" called Flash. He was all alone. But not for long.

Suddenly, Flash heard what he thought was music.

"What's this?" he wondered.

He soon got his answer as the music grew louder and louder. He almost felt tempted to cover his ears, but he didn't, or couldn't, whichever came first.

In the shadows suddenly came the source of the music. Standing on top of what looked like a skeleton DJ booth was a cloaked figure, rocking her head off. Flash noticed shades similar to Vinyl Scratch, but they were red instead of purple.

"Are you the ghost of Christmas Future?" he asked as the music quieted down.

The spirit did not answer, making Flash feel nervous.

"I suppose you're here to show me what the future will hold for me unless I change my ways," he said bravely, "is that correct?"

The spirit gave a thumbs up.

"I don't know what it is about you," said Flash, "but I fear you more than any specter I've seen. Won't you say anything?"

The spirit shook her head.

"I thought not," sighed Flash, "alright, spirit, lead the way."

The spirit's music began to beat again as the waves opened up a new scenery.

Flash could see a trio of students from Crystal Prep talking. He recognized them as Sugarcoat, Indigo Zap, and Lemon Zest.

"Those are some of the Crystal Prep students we faced in the Friendship Games," said Flash, "what do they have to do with me?"

"I don't know much about it," said Sugarcoat, "all I know is that he's dead."

"When did he die?" asked Indigo Zap.

"Last night I believe."

"Wonder what was wrong with him," said Lemon Zest.

"Some say it was suicide," said Sugarcoat, "doctors were too late to save him."

"Suicide?" whispered Flash to nobody in particular.

"That bites," said Indigo Zap, "there's lots of people with terrible illnesses fighting to live, and he just throws his own life away. How's his family taking it?"

"Shocked. He was the eldest of five children and had his life ahead of him, it seemed."

"Spirit?" asked Flash, "Who are they talking about? Why would somebody commit suicide?

The spirit just waved an arm and the scenery changed. They were now in a hospital room. On the bed was a body covered in sheets.

"Ick," said Flash, looking at the bed, "haven't they cleaned away the body? Won't be good for business."

The spirit then pointed to the body. It was clear that she wanted Flash to take the sheets off the body to see who it was. Flash couldn't bear to look.

"I would look if I could," he said, "but I can't find the strength to do so. Isn't there more for me to see?"

The two suddenly appeared in front of Canterlot High. The flag was at half staff. At first, Flash wondered it was like that, but then he remembered what he had heard about the suicide.

"It must be in respect for that guy."

Many of the students were wearing black and had solemn looks on their faces. Flash noticed that among them was Twilight, crying her eyes out with Sunset comforting her.

"There, there, Twilight," comforted Sunset.

"This was my fault," sobbed Twilight, "if it hadn't been for me, he would still be alive!"

"It probably would have happened even if you weren't here," Sunset reassured.

Twilight didn't reply. It broke Flash's heart to see Twilight this unhappy.

"Twilight..." he said quietly.

Pinkie Pie was so upset over the matter that her hair had deflated.

"I don't know if I'll ever be cheerful again," she said in a depressed tone.

"Look on the plus side," said Rarity, "this gives me the perfect change to showcase my funeral fashion line."

"Seriously, Rarity?" snapped Applejack.

"Agreed," muttered Flash, "honestly, does she think about anything but fashion?"

"Just because there's a tragedy doesn't mean we can't try to make a plus out of it," said Rarity.

"Now that's just insulting," Flash fumed.

With a swirl of wind, the two found themselves in the Sentry House.

"What are we doing at my house?" asked Flash.

The spirit led him inside. They could see Lullaby on the couch sobbing her eyes out. Flash immediately guessed one of his siblings had died; but who?

"He was so young!" cried Lullaby, "He had such potential in life!"

He. Flash felt blood drain from his face; was "he" referring to Vincent? Actually, no. That was impossible. Vincent was aware of the girls' presence having heard of them from Flash, but didn't speak with them all that often.

"Spirit," Flash finally said, "Who is the guy they are talking about? The one we saw lying in the hospital?"

The spirit transported Flash to the local cemetery. It was nighttime now and had begun to snow heavily. Flash could see that the spirit was pointing towards a newly dug grave. The tombstone was covered in snow.

"Is this his grave?" Flash asked.

The spirit nodded.

"Before I find out his name," said Flash, "I have to know. Are these the shadows of events that will happen, or are they the events that might happen?"

The spirit didn't answer. She just kept her finger pointed to the tombstone. Flash reluctantly looked to where she was pointing.

"Alright," he said, "but a life can be changed."

The winds howled as Flash cleaned off the tombstone. When he could read the name on it, he gasped in shock and horror. The name on the tombstone was HIS!

"No!" he cried, "This can't be real! I was the one who committed suicide? The one everybody was talking about? Say it isn't so!"

But the spirit continued to point.

"No!" wailed Flash almost wanting to burst into tears, "No, Spirit! I don't want to end up this way! Why do you show me this?!"

Once again, the spirit remained motionless. Flash dropped to his knees in despair.

"I'll change!" cried Flash over the howling winds, "I will honor friendship in my heart and keep it forever! I will live my life in the past, the present, and the future! The spirits off all three shall live within me! I will not shut out the lessons they have taught! Tell me that I can sponge away the writing on this tombstone!"

There was no holding it in now. Flash sobbed heavily as he wrapped his arms around the spirit's legs. "Spirit... please speak to me!"

Suddenly, the wind died down and the snow stopped falling. The area felt warmer. Flash slowly opened one eye to see what was happening.

He then used his knuckles to see if he could feel the spirit's leg, but instead, it was the sound of wood being knocked. Gathering his courage, Flash stood up and found himself back, safe in his bedroom. Light was peering out from the curtains.

"Oh, thank goodness," he said, "it was all a dream. I'm alive! How long have I been among the spirits?"

Flash opened his window and looked outside. It was a bright day out. He could see people greeting each other as they walked along the sidewalks, children playing in the snow, and carolers singing and taking donations.

Suddenly, Flash spotted one of his schoolmates, Mystery Mint.

"Hey, you down there!"

"Who me?" asked Mystery Mint.

"Yeah!" called Flash, "What's today?"

"Today?" asked Mystery Mint, "Why today's the day of the Christmas party at school."

"YIPEE!!!" Flash jumped into the air and clicked his heels in excitement. "It's the day of the Christmas party! I haven't missed it. The spirits have done it all within one night. And why not? They can do whatever they like."

"What's with him?" asked Mystery Mint to nobody in particular.

With that, Flash closed his window and danced about in his room.

"I don't know what to do," he said excitedly, "I'm as light as a feather. I'm as happy as an angel. I'm as merry as a schoolboy. A Merry Christmas to everybody! Happy New Year to the world!"

Within minutes, Flash ran down the stairs, dressed in his best clothes. Before he reached the door, he noticed a picture of his father.

"Oh, Dad, wherever you are," he said happily, "you'll see a change in me! I promise!"

He opened the door, and didn't watch his step as he tripped over something and fell onto the sidewalk.

"Oof!" he groaned, "Probably not the most dignified start in changing yourself, but... Hey, what's that?"

Flash could see that he had tripped over two packages.

"That's odd," said Flash, "I wonder what these are for?" He didn't know whether or not to look at them right now.

"Oh, what the heck," he said, "there's plenty of time left for the party; a few minutes lost won't hurt anyone."

Flash took the packages inside and first opened the one from his family.

"What was it they sent me?" he wondered.

The package was an original Nintendo Entertainment System.

"Whoa!" cried Flash, "How did they know I loved retro games?"

He then opened his second package. When he took the object out, Flash gasped in amazement; it was a framed picture not only of him, but of Sunset, Twilight, and the other girls at Camp Everfree.

"This is from our trip to Camp Everfree."

Flash noticed that there was a card with the picture as well.

"What's this?" he wondered.

He opened the envelope containing the card and read it.

Merry Christmas. I hope this picture will help you to remember more of the happier times in your life.

Flash then noticed there was no signature.

"That's strange," he said, "what kind of person doesn't leave a signature?"

Just then the phone rang. Flash picked it up.

"Hello?" he asked.


"Oh, hi, Vincent," said Flash, recognizing his brother's voice, "What's up?"

"Wanted to wish you a Merry Christmas," said Vincent.

"Well, Merry Christmas to you, little brother," said Flash.

Vincent felt rather surprised. Was this Flash? If not, then who was he, and what did he to to him?

"Flash? Is that really you?"

"Of course it's me, Vincent; I said 'Merry Christmas'."

"But usually, you don't share the same Christmas Spirit as us," said Vincent, "so why the change?"

"It's a long story," said Flash, "by the way, what would you guys think about me inviting some friends over for Christmas Dinner next week?"

"Might want to speak to mom about this," said Vincent.

"Is she there?" asked Flash.

"Yeah, hold on a sec..."

After a few seconds, Lullaby came on the phone.

"Flashy? Is that you, dear?"

"Hi, mom," said Flash, "Merry Christmas."

"Flash?" asked Lullaby.

"That's right," said Flash, "would it be alright if I try to invite some friends over for Christmas dinner next week?"

"Of course, Flash," said Lullaby, "who did you have in mind?"

"I haven't decided yet." said Flash.

"Oh, well, I understand then. Let us know when you've decided, okay?"

"Okay, mom," said Flash.

"I love you, sweetie," said Lullaby.

"Love you too, mom," said Flash. "Bye."


With that, Flash hung up the phone.

Talking to his mother did get Flash thinking; who could he invite from the party at CHS? He decided that he could think about that whilst driving to school. Soon, Flash was in his car on the way to the school party. When he drove past someone, he would wave and call "Merry Christmas!" to them.

At Canterlot High, many students were showing up for the Christmas Party. Many were excited, but a few were on the disappointed side.

"It's still not fair that Flash couldn't come with," said Rainbow Dash.

"Well, it was his choice if he wanted to come or not," said Rarity.

Twilight didn't say anything; Sunset was first to notice.

"Do you still think it's your fault?" she asked.

"Yes," said Twilight quietly.

Just as the group of friends were making their way inside, a familiar car pulled up into the parking lot.

"Hey! Wait for me!"

They looked back and saw Flash step out of the car.


"Merry Christmas, everyone," said Flash.

"I don't know what's more confusing," said Rainbow Dash, "the fact he chose to come at the last moment, or the fact that he went a full 180 from yesterday."

"She's right," said Applejack, "why the change?"

Before Flash could speak, Pinkie Pie beat him to it.

"You were visited by the ghost of your father who warned you to be a better person or you would be doomed like him, and then the ghosts of Christmas Past, Present, and Future showed you a bunch of stuff and now you want to embrace friendship again. Right?"

"...how'd you know all that?" asked a bewildered Flash.

"Just a hunch," said Pinkie Pie innocently.


Flash then remembered what he had wanted to say.

"I'm sorry if I had been avoiding hanging out with you guys," he said, "it's just that I've been having some misfortunes lately and I didn't want them to rub off on any of you."

"We know how you felt, Flash," said Twilight, "I've been alone at Crystal Prep for a long time. The only comfort I had was Dean Cadance and Spike."

"So was I before and during the Battle of the Bands," added Sunset.

"That's different," said Flash, "you didn't want to be alone."

"Oh. The point is, social isolation isn't the answer. We all have to accept our misfortunes and try to find the bright side of them."

"By the way, I got a present from you on my front doorstep, Sunset; was it really from you?"

Sunset was puzzled. "From me?"

"Well, I based my judgement on the wrapping colors."

"That wasn't me," said Sunset.

"It wasn't? Then who-"

"It was my idea, Flash."

Flash looked over to Twilight.

"Twilight? You sent me that present? But I thought-"

"I felt bad about you not wanting to spend Christmas with anybody," explained Twilight, "and deep down inside, I was worried that it was my fault because of what happened with me and Timber Spruce."

"You... really did care for me?"

"Yes," said Twilight.

Flash didn't know what else to say. After almost a minute, he gave Twilight a tight hug.

"You really do care!" he cried, almost in tears.

"Can't... breathe..." choked Twilight.

Flash realized he was hugging Twilight too tight and released his grip.

"Sorry," he said sheepishly.

"*cough* It's fine."

"But, seriously; thanks for the picture, although I still haven't quite figured out why you girls asked me to join you."

"We didn't want you to feel left out," said Fluttershy.

"Thanks, guys," said Flash, "say, next week my family's having Christmas dinner. Anybody wanna come with?"

"I'd like to," said Twilight.

"A dinner?!" squeaked Pinkie, "Count me in!"

The rest of the Human Five were also keen on the idea, as was Sunset.

"You can't just invite all girls," she told Flash, "are there any guys you could invite?"

"Micro Chip and Sandalwood for one," said Flash.

"You called, dude?"

Flash's friends came up next to him.

"What's that about a Christmas dinner?" asked Micro Chips.

"You guys wanna come to Christmas dinner next week?" asked Flash.

"Sure, why not?" said Sandalwood.

"Party time!" cheered Pinkie Pie.

With that, the teens enjoyed the Christmas party, eating snacks, dancing, and just mingling. Flash even showed Twilight the dance her pony counterpart had done back during the Fall Formal. She found it rather funny and laughed. At that point, Principal Celestia spoke into the microphone.

"I'd like to thank everyone for coming to this year's Christmas Party," she said, "and now, the time has come for the winner of the Christmas raffle."

"Who could it be?" asked Fluttershy anxiously.

Principal Celestia reached into a dish and pulled out a ticket.

"And the winner is... Flash Sentry!"

Flash was very surprised to hear his name.

"Me, of all people?" he exclaimed in surprise.

"Lucky you," said Sunset.

"I'm just..." Flash couldn't finish his sentence. So he walked up on stage. He couldn't believe that, for once, he'd actually had a stroke of good luck.

"What's the prize?" he asked.

"Your prize is to dress up as Santa Claus and help deliver presents to the local community center," said Celestia.

Flash's eyes were wide with amazement.

"Me? As Santa Claus?" he asked.

"Lucky!" pouted Pinkie Pie.

"You were Santa last year, Pinkie," said Rainbow Dash.


Soon, Flash was dressed up as Santa Claus.

"Am I a bit too thin to be playing him?" he asked, "This is an honest question."

"You're perfectly fine," said Vice-Principal Luna.

Eventually, Flash was out giving presents at Canterlot Community Center.

"Ho! Ho! Ho!" he called, "Merry Christmas!"

The children were very excited to see Santa.

"Thanks, Santa!" said a little girl who got the first present.

"You're welcome, little one," said Santa Flash.

At last, evening came and it was time for them to go home.

"That was more fun than the party we had at Crystal Prep last year," said Twilight.

"All those children looked so happy," said Fluttershy.

"So, Flash," said Sunset, "no more ideas for being alone on Christmas?"

"Not anymore," said Flash, "seems I've a lot of catching up to do."

Flash Sentry was as good as his word. He did it all and then some. Never again did he consider wasting the opportunity to spend time with his friends and family. And a week later, his friends arrived at his house for Christmas dinner bringing their own food with in case there wouldn't be enough for all.

As Vincent was helping with dishes, he accidentally bumped into Sunset Shimmer.


"Sorry about that," said Sunset.

"Oh no, it's okay..."

Vincent's voice trailed away as he looked into Sunset's eyes.

"Um... hi there," he said, a little shyly.

"Hello to you too," replied Sunset, "Flash, who's this?"

"That's my younger brother Vincent van Colt," explained Flash.

"Well, it's a pleasure to meet you, Vincent," said Sunset.

"Um, you too," said Vincent, still feeling a bit shy.

"Wanna get some eggnog?" asked Sunset.

"Oh! Erm, sure."

As the two headed off, Flash looked at the snow falling outside the window.

"Quite magical, isn't it?" said a voice. Flash was rather startled to see that Twilight had come up beside him while he wasn't looking.


"Oh! Sorry! I didn't mean to startle you!"

"That's okay," said Flash.

"I really am sorry I upset you with Timber Spruce," said Twilight.

"It's not your fault," said Flash, "You didn't know I'd be upset. And I'm sorry if I made you feel like me wanting to be alone on Christmas was your fault."

"I guess we're alike in a number of ways," said Twilight, giggling slightly.

"We sure are," smiled Flash.

Then he took a brief glance upward.

"Wait, is that..."

Hanging above them was a mistletoe. This gave Twilight a cheeky idea. She took a hold of Flash's face and... kissed him all over.

"Whoa!" cried Flash.

Twilight giggled as she finished; Flash's face was covered in lipstick. Yes indeed - it was the best Christmas Flash ever had.


Comments ( 17 )

I'm sorry, but I had to stop reading this. :ajbemused: The dialogue was WAY too weird. :applejackconfused: Please decide on a speech pattern. I can't take Flash seriously when he's speaking in Dickensian English. :facehoof:

Dude, it's March.

Also, where did Lyra come from? You never mentioned she was here until she spoke.

It took 2 guys to write this and neither of thought of that?

7996034 I was too lazy to upload it sooner.

7995899 Everyone's always making up excuses to complain...:facehoof:

I agree with 7995899 in that Flash's dialogue is poorly worded. In some cases, he goes into a cross between old English and Bible-like English for no reason. Word choice pulled me right out of this one. Also, it took two people to write this?

Proofread aloud before you post.

EDIT: Who the heck is Class's?

7996264 Okay then. I just felt like they were making up excuses to hate the story just because it had Flash in it.

7995899 I changed some of Flash's words. You can give it another chance if you want. I just assumed you didn't like it just because it featured Flash Sentry.

7996625 Are you kidding me? :ajbemused: If Flash wasn't a fictional character, I'd want to be his best friend. :scootangel:

7996677 Okay then. Sorry if I was snappy.

Okay. Definitely better than the last time I read it. Definitely worth a like. The parts that you left in Dickensian English are still incredibly weird and difficult to take seriously, but they're not as cringe-y as before. By the way, who are Flash's other siblings? Did his mom remarry? I don't know how he can have four younger siblings without his mom remarrying.

Sorry, but when the father's spirit steps on stage Flash sounds like Ebenezer Scrooge, or rather Flash trying to play 'Ebenezer Scrooge', not like Flash at all until the end. Now if this was a stage play of Flash playing Ebenezer Scrooge, the dialogue would work better.

7997782 I think the other siblings are OC's from another author. They're siblings in that person's fics as well.

7996677 you really can't blame him for thinking that. A lot of people just hate him so it will happen where we think it's the character.

Well this was an interesting fanfic. It had a lot of hiccups everyone's already pointed out the dialog, but parts toward the end were charming and added a certain level of cheese that was enjoyable. Although at the start it was annoying.
Adding Flashlight is always a plus.
Anyways, this was an enjoyable little story.

8026049 Thank you very much.

I can't believe it's April and I am reading a Christmas fic. :rainbowlaugh:

8066023 Such as life.:rainbowlaugh:

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