• Published 2nd Mar 2017
  • 1,984 Views, 163 Comments

Hard To Find The Right Words - Nameless Narrator

There are thousands of stories about changelings lost and broken after the explosion ending the invasion of Canterlot. After all, there were thousands of changelings caught in it. Some found love or peace, and some found death. I'm just one of many.

  • ...


“And done. I must admit you held all steady and proper, making this much easier.”

“You propped me against the wall.”

“Details, details. Anyway, I changed the old bandages, cleaned the seeping goo, and added a splint to the broken leg. I suppose you’re still sticking to the story of your failed escape.”

“I suppose you haven’t managed to land a one-night stand yesterday.”

“I can still shove the splint where the sun doesn’t shine.”

“Try doing that with your dick, it’ll feel better. For you, I mean. Not sure if I would feel anything.”

“Hey, I’m a normally endowed individual.”

“I’m a blind, numb cripple. Your point?”

“Oh, that wasn’t a jab at my masculinity...”

“It was, but I knew I could talk my way out of it.”

“I’m glad you’re less gloomy than yesterday.”

“Listening to your prattling is the best way to pass time I have right now. May as well make my remaining few days a little more comfortable.”

“Speaking of comfortable, I talked to Bladehoof about you.”

“Told her not to snap my neck when she sees me next time?”

“She’s not like that. She was mostly pissed at herself for not adhering to the code of conduct of the police. No, she has some knowledge about bugs, don’t ask me where from, and we talked about your wounds.”

“Did you find a way to end my misery quickly and painlessly?”

“We discovered that you changelings have bones.”

“You ponies have ears, is that supposed to be news? I’m starting to have my doubts about your brains, though.”

“No, you don’t understand. Bugs don’t have bones, and if what happened to your leg happened to an insect relying only on an exoskeleton, your fetlock would be gone. In your case, the bone and flesh held while your chitinous exoskeleton got broken.”

“Still not with you on your little science project.”

“That means you might heal.”

“Ah, let me stop you right there. I can’t.”


“What you found out is that I would be able to heal such wound under normal circumstances. You would be completely correct. When I was still a changeling instead of a pile of chitin shards I would have healed that instantly and obliterated your entire police ‘squad’ in the process. We changelings know the state of our bodies, and the parts of me responsible for healing the rest are broken beyond repair. No matter how much love I drain I won’t ever return to any reasonable shape. At best, I might be able to hobble around. I won’t see again, eyes are too delicate to repair even in a decent state.”


“Cheer up, I might starve to death soon.”

“The fact that you can actually say that in such excited tone chills me to the bone.”

“What can I say, I’m an incurable optimist. Literally, in the ‘incurable’ part.”

“We’ll see what we can do about your unique brand of optimism. Now come on, just let me sling you over my back.”

“Ah yes, my usual mode of transportation. Wheee, and I’m up here. Oh all the sights I can see from this high up, the giant patch of Equestria I never even knew about.”

“Oh shush.”

“You’re insufferably nice, you know that? I kind of miss the lost hours of yesterday when you actually wanted to shove my head under a rolling cart. If I didn’t know most of that hospitality are just your hopeful blue balls talking, I might have even appreciated it.”

“I refute that allegation.”

“I know, I’m just a broken bug half-corpse.”

“No, no, no, you’re kind of pretty, actually. In a strange, alien way.”

“Hah, got you!”

“I simply believe that if coexistence is possible, we should do all we can to ensure it.”

“Of course coexistence is possible-”

“Not with ponies as ceiling decorations or vending machines for snacks.”

“Aww, you know me so well. Huh, fresh air? And nothing even hit me… we’re going through the front door, aren’t we?”

“Yes. I have informed the mayor about your situation, and while he was… terrified, to be honest-”


“While he was slightly unsettled by the idea, he respects the royal order.”

“Oh yeah, the fake letter.”

“Are you TRYING to get executed?”

“Yes, my existence is unneeded, bordering on unwanted, your point?”


“Alright, I’m taking you to Star Trail’s house. It’s just across the street.”

“You want me to bleed on that bastard’s couch? Just say the word and I bite my tongue off. I had no idea you hated the old fart this much. I think I’m starting to like you.”

“No, shockingly. From what little I pieced together about your hive, you don’t know much about living in a house.”

“Four walls, doesn’t rain inside.”

“Yeah, there’s more to that. Star Trail’s house is large enough, and due to his history and, frankly, blatant paranoia it has certain features that will allow us to keep you where we want you without you having to be chained.”

“You know what else would keep me where you want me?”

“I’m listening with mild interest and growing worry.”

“Putting me down where you want me, you moron. I can’t use my fangs to drag myself forward.”

“So how did you get to the fence in the garden, hmm?”

“I- I- I felt better… momentarily before, before I slipped and got stuck.”

“You’re a terrible liar.”

“You’re terrible in bed!”

“Oh hey, Crest, have you tried to shag the changeling already? She seems to know you.”


“Morning, Dream Wing. You don’t seem bothered by seeing her.”

“It, Crest, it. And no, mayor Parchment informed me about the current situation, of course, and I advise you to use your time well. Once the bug proves there is no way we can be around them, you’ll lose your legal living fleshlight for good. Hey, they might give you the rest to play with after they chop her head off. Ta ta-”

“Screw you, Wing.”

“Never again, Crest, not even in your dreams.”


“Okay, I don’t mean to sully our potential interspecies relationship, but whoever that mare was, she was a bitch. No, she was what would happen if a cunt and a bitch had an aborted larva, that larva survived out of sheer spite, and became an asshole.”

“You don’t know half of it. I used to date Dream Wing for about half a year, and I’m never touching anypony from high society ever again.-”

*Knock knock knock*

“-Puff, we’re here!”

“Morning, mister Crest. Morning, miss angry.”

“Have you been tending the garden, Puff? I thought you usually train with Bladehoof at this time of day.”

“She didn’t come. I think she fell asleep somewhere again. Please don’t be mad at her.”

“It’s fine, Puff. I owe her enough for a paid year’s worth of sleep. Did you prepare the guest room?”

“Yes, I did.”

“The fanatic is going to rip your legs off for letting me stay in his home. He’ll probably buy a tub of insecticide when he comes back, pour it all over the house, and then set the house on fire when he finds out.”

“Look, you worry about getting better and learning about ponies. I’ll worry about Star Trail. You-”

“Why did you stop? I’m still listening.”

“I realized I have no idea about your name, and I can’t in good conscience call you a prisoner or changeling anymore.”

“No rank, no name, no use. Simple. I made it all the way to sixteen before the explosion. I was THAT good. If that isn’t a proof that I could single-hoofedly capture your city then I don’t what is. Now it doesn’t really matter anymore, does it...”

“We could give you a pony name based on your traits. Like Buggy Bitey.”

“It’s been few minutes in which I haven’t considered you worth killing, pegasus. Thank you for reminding me.”

“No, I mean like if there was something you were good at… weapon related maybe?”

“While I’d absolutely ADORE the name Pony Stabber, I doubt it would work well with your whole coexistence plan.”

“What about miss Angry?”


“I will find a way to make this body work in order to make you break yourself so painfully your unborn foals will scream in agony for eternity.”

“See, mister Crest? She didn’t really mean the threat. How about Half-hearted Fury? That sounds pretty cool.”

“I like the Fury part, but I refuse to seem lazy. How about Thunderfury?”

“Sounds like an epic-looking legendary weapon rather than a pony name. I’m noting Half-hearted Fury as your new name.”


“She likes it, mister Crest.”

“Good job, Puff. Let’s show our guest her new temporary home.”

“...I guess I don’t deserve to be taken seriously...”

“Dad, dad! That pony is like from an action movie, her legs are full of holes! Did she fight some evil griffons?”

“...oh dear, and I foolishly thought we could get through Trail’s front door without much of a fuss...”

“...if normal ponies are lunch, are foals a snack…?”

“...you’re NOT HELPING...”

“...I don’t intend to...”

“...shut up, please, at least for a minute...”

“...heh heh heh...”

“No, I’m afraid she didn’t fight griffons, son. Officer, what the hay is one of those doing here?”

“Puff, take her inside before we attract more attention, I’ll stay here and sort it out.”

“Sure, mister Crest. Come here, miss Fury, just slip off his back onto mine like this, easy.”

“You’re getting better at this, I barely even felt the stumble.”

“Thank you.”

*Series of door being unlocked clicks.*

*Door slamming shut.*

“Finally some peace and quiet.”

“I’m glad you like it, miss Fury.”

“Time to get bleeding, Star asshole. Where’s the bed and his clothes?”

“Please don’t. I know you don’t like mister Trail, but I’d have to clean it up.”

“Can I at least chew his pillows a bit?”

“Sure, he has lots.”
