• Member Since 6th Jul, 2014
  • offline last seen May 21st


We must dare, and dare again, and go on daring.


American Military Men are trapped in Vietnam about to lose to the enemy. They know that the only way to win is to go back in time to stop the war from ever starting. But... They go too far...

Will they be able to stop the war and save their fellow troops forward in time? Maybe, but they will need some help from friends!

Note: Will have Lyra who loves Human later!! :pinkiehappy:

Edit: Due to people commenting NEGATIVELY, any such comments will be deleted. This is my safe-space Thank you!

Made by: Windlife
Edited by: Windlife
Written by: Windlife
Cover Art by: Punisher

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 192 )


:flutterrage::flutterrage::fluttershbad: MOAAAAAAAAARRRR :flutterrage::flutterrage::flutterrage:

First down-vote is mine.

Comment posted by Try Hard deleted Feb 24th, 2017
Comment posted by DAMN HAMSTER deleted Feb 24th, 2017
Comment posted by Try Hard deleted Feb 24th, 2017

Hey, can you give me credit for the cover art? Please and thank you.


bby take it easy on me

two stories so soon?


Comment posted by THE PUNISHER deleted Feb 24th, 2017

7975827 You just seem to hate anything that isn't yours.


because he will never make anything worth while so he bashes other good storys

Can we have, like, three sequels, a spin off, and a plushie for this story in the near future?

Comment posted by Sk1Tz deleted Feb 24th, 2017
Comment posted by Sk1Tz deleted Feb 24th, 2017

Am I allowed to give criticism or nah?

7975824 Mortar.

Admittedly, this story could benefit a bit from better editing... but I still think it was an interesting start nonetheless. :pinkiesmile:

It took me a second to realize that the cover art literally says "copyrighted image" plastered over a screenshot of a Call of Duty map.

I mean, I've seen much worse cover art. But that is just lazy. (I mean, I'm not one to talk, since one of my stories features a screenshot image, but I literally have no money to give to an artist to commission an image, and I want to afford a actual cover image one day, just when I get the money)

As for the story itself? It's just bland, cookie-cutter and somehow worse than The Call, the previous story that is similar to this. However I think a ton of mistakes you've made with that story are repeated here.

7976128 I can make you some cover art!!! :pinkiegasp::pinkiegasp::pinkiegasp::pinkiegasp:

I'm like

Holding my sides from laughing

That never actually happens

This is too much

7976290 I can hold your sides for you

Your surprised, this is windlife

Forgive me, I'm easy to surprise. Although the only story I've actually read from this guy was The Call, it was…something.

Comment posted by AShadyDetective deleted Feb 25th, 2017

You really need to do some research.

7976600 DONT TELL HIM HOW TO WRITE HIS STORY:flutterrage::pinkiecrazy: :pinkiecrazy: :flutterrage:



you are a fool. sorry to tell you

RB_ #29 · Feb 25th, 2017 · · ·

7976636 No, he's right. I'm no history buff, but I can at the very least tell you that 'Banzai' is a Japanese cry (originating in the Pacific War according to Wikipedia, fun fact), and would not be yelled by Russian soldiers. And again, not an expert, but I'm fairly certain Japan wasn't involved in Vietnam.
It's also rather rude to call someone a fool without proper provocation, but eh, do what you want.
Of course, you're probably going to delete this comment anyway, so really I don't know why I put this much effort into it.
Oh well, too late now.
Actually, while I'm at it, I'm just going to point out that there's no way for us to know if we like your story or not before reading it, so telling us not to read it if we don't is kinda unhelpful.
Also, 'safe-space'? You do realize you're on the internet, right? On a public website? I honestly can't think of a less 'safe' space.
Oh, and you're missing a period after 'safe-space'. Just noticed that.
Anyway, good day to you, ma'am.
(That any better?)

7976636 "You are a fool" Delete your negative comment! You are going against Windlife's wishes!

7976710 I major in world history and I can confirm that you are wrong.

Comment posted by RB_ deleted Feb 25th, 2017

7976736 Having fun there, pal? 'Cause I am!
Oh, and before anyone accuses anyone of anything, my deleted comment below this was my doing.

7976635 What? I didn't insult him in any way. I just noted that he got a lot of historical facts wrong.

the russains were in veitnam as a proxy nation. please learn what they teach in school. and yes, tyhis is a safespace becuase I'm a woman that needs it from opressive men like you becuase apparently you just wnat to put me down for being one!

7976775 YOU CANT TELL THE WRITER HES WRONG. That's like telling a philosopher that what he believes isn't true!!!!



Your mother's bed is a safe space.

And by "safe", I mean sex.

And by "space", I mean vagina.

7976784 That comparison makes literally no sense. Philosophy doesn't have set details, history does. If I got a fact wrong in a story, I would want someone to tell me. That's one of the reasons we have a comment section.

7976777 Did he even know you were a woman? He called you a man. He didn't insult you in any way.


7976777 Note that I never said anything about the Russians not being in Vietnam. I only said that they would not be saying 'Banzai'. It was the Japanese that I said weren't involved.
I'm also now seriously wondering whether or not you're being serious. Well, more so.
Just to cover my bases:
A) I didn't know you were a woman. I am about to edit have edited my comment accordingly.
B) You don't know my gender, so... yeah, not even going to touch that.
D) I was actually trying to help, not to offend. I apologize if I have offended you. It was not my intention.

7976835 Obviously you're a white male.:trixieshiftright::trixieshiftright:

7976793 That's a naughty word!! :pinkiegasp::pinkiegasp::pinkiegasp:

7976798 STOP :unsuresweetie:


you are wrong. if history was made to suit you and just you then that means that ww2 was won by the bad people... see how i can switch all up?

7976929 I...literally never said anything remotely like that.

i know a lot of people are against you, and i won't read it because it's not my style of fic, but i am here to so go ahead, write what you want and say fuck of to the haters.

haters only have a reason to hate if your shoving it down their throats


as the man above you just said. you are a hater and you will not be listened to.

Excuse me I think you need to hear the word of our lord and savior, Adolf Hitler.

safe spaces should not exist. and everything should critiqued. so stop deleting comment's :ajbemused:
7976777 we are not trying to oppress you we are just trying to say what in the story is bad!!!!!
it does not matter if you are a man or a woman on the internet everyone get's told there flaws and if you don't like hearing that then leave the fucking internet or grow some thicker skin and stop whining like a little child

Comment posted by forbloodysummer deleted Feb 25th, 2017

7977501 please keep youre comments to yourself!!

thank you!!!


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