• Published 1st Dec 2011
  • 2,302 Views, 37 Comments

Out of the Blue - Ninestempest

With someone threatening the elements of harmony from behind the scenes, Applejack and Pinkie Pie start becoming closer together.

  • ...

Chapter 6

About time ah set my priorities straight, Applejack thought to herself.

She had awoken slowly from her nap and decided not to disturb the quietly snoring Rainbow Dash beside her. Looking at the sun, she took a guess that about an hour or two had passed and thus, decided it was the perfect nap. She didn’t take them very often, but she tried to keep them short. She didn’t like that feeling of being half asleep when she woke up; it generally meant that she wouldn’t work well on the farm, so she tried to rely on a good night’s sleep as often as possible.

Ah bet bein’ in one o’ them Epiphany thin’s don’t mean much for sleep…

It never slipped her mind once that entire day so far, that she was in danger. One lie would mean… she still didn’t know. It would mean she no longer possessed the element of Honesty – yet she felt that she was in absolutely no danger.

Lyin’ ain’t what ah do. It just isn’t… but ah did once, she was right. It was just for a party…

Pinkie Pie was worse off than she thought; she remembered the last time the baker had her hair straight and a less than appreciative mood. On Pinkie’s previous birthday, the five of them had all attempted to throw her a surprise party, but it seemed the pink pony had completely forgotten, wanting to throw a “after birthday party” for her pet. This put all of her friends into an awkward position – instead of Rainbow Dash simply dropping by and picking up Pinkie when they planned to have her party, they ended up having to sneak around and avoid the pink mare most of the day, and even made up excuses as to why they couldn’t meet with her for her party. She remembered how stupid she felt when she made her excuse to the pink pony; that she had to pick apples. Applejack bucked apples, and already had all she needed to collect that day since she had started at the bright and early hour of six AM, in order to be free for the rest of the day. It was all she had at the time, so the excuse had just fallen out of her mouth.

It had been worse when later, they were setting up the party, and Pinkie Pie caught Rainbow Dash in town with saddle bags full of decorations. The four of them were in the barn, waiting for the cyan pegasus, when they saw her being chased by the pink earth pony. Rainbow Dash escaped into the barn only to have Pinkie knocking at its front door. Applejack answered the ‘knocking,’ giving another excuse to explain what was going on inside the barn. This they had planned, so applejack simply told Pinkie that they were performing construction. With accompanying sound effect from the four hiding ponies, they managed to convince her that nothing of consequence was going on inside of the barn.

She may have been right that ah was lyin’… but it was better than ruinin’ a party for her. She’s not in the right state o’ mind… those visions are messin’ with her.

The vision looked real, felt real. Her friends had felt too real, that much was for sure; something hadn’t been right, but she couldn’t think of anything she had seen or felt that hadn’t been real. Even her family… reacted how she thought they would. That was… must be the magic messin’ with me. It don’t matter what ah saw, because ah’d believe anythin’ comin’ out of that.

Not only that, but to the farmer, an entire day had passed in the span of thirty seconds, and that much alone scared her. If Pinkie’s been havin’ those all night… golly, how many days is she experiencin’ just trying to sleep? Forced to live all those days, and then they weren’t even real… is she sleepin’? Why hasn’t she looked for anypony to help her-

She has been. Twilight’s been busy, and so has everypony else. Darn it, maybe ah should see if she’s really okay again… why didn’t ah see this before!?

The cyan pegasus next to her stirred, interrupting the farmer’s thoughts with a loud yawn as she stretched her forelegs. Applejack opened one eye amidst her thoughts, seeing her friend lazily get to her feet. She opened each eye slowly and saw that Applejack was already awake. “How long you been up?” She asked, still groggy from her sleep.

Applejack chuckled. Rainbow Dash had slept almost thirty minutes longer than the farmer. Getting to her own hooves quickly, the orange mare answered, “Not too long. Figured ya’d need the sleep more than me, so ah didn’t wanna bother ya.”

Rainbow Dash extended her wings, stretching them a bit, then lifted off a few feet, taking to hovering over to the farmer instead of walking. “I’m gonna go look for some stray clouds. Flying right after a nap wakes me up fast.”

“Just gonna go work on your own time?” Applejack responded with a raised eyebrow.

The pegasus nodded. “Well, it’s good flying practice just before I start doing the real stuff.” She flew a few feet higher, just outside of the tree’s reach, then stopped. She turned around and asked, “What are you gonna do with yet another day off?”

Despite everything Applejack had to think about, she already had an answer. She had no way of solving most of the problems she had in front of her, not right away... but there was one thing she could do, and that was to help out a friend. “Ah’m gonna go see Fluttershy.”


The usual air of serenity met Applejack as she approached Fluttershy’s cottage. It was a small ways off from Ponyville, being only a couple hundred feet from the Everfree Forest, yet it still had its connection to the town. The path leading up to the cottage was surrounded by a grassy meadow and animal dens for all the kinds of animals the butter-yellow pegasus took care of. The cottage itself looked like a house designed to look like a tree; the walls were all wooden, and the roofing covered entirely by tree leaves. The simple browns and bright greens were all the colors in the area, and it gave a feeling that nature itself had built the house, and landscaped the area, when in reality it had been heavily added on to and changed by Fluttershy’s hard work. She took it upon herself to take care of animals around the area (some pets of other ponies, some wild woodland creatures) without so much as making a job out of it. Various entrances were located all around the cottage for the animals, ranging from mouse holes to bird houses that actually lead inside.

Applejack stood hesitant, yards away from the front door. She had let her mind wander the entire walk over from where she had taken her nap, and hadn’t bothered to think about what to say. Well, why should ah be bothered with that? All ah gotta do is tell the truth. Get her to explain what’s goin’ on, and we can mend this right up. Ah’m tired of all this fightin’.

She walked up to the front door and brought up a hoof, knocking quietly. She knew Fluttershy was easy to startle sometimes, and if she was distressed, being loud would make it harder for the pegasus to want to answer.

There wasn’t an answer. She knocked again, slightly louder this time. There was still nothing. She tried the door handle, and it opened easily. “Fluttershy?” She called out, hoping for an answer, but receiving none. Ah wouldn’t figure Fluttershy to be one for lockin’ her door anyway.

She poked her head inside. The living room was dark, but she could make out some of the furniture; bookshelves, a table with some chairs, a couch, a fire place, as well as a spiral staircase and the entrance to the kitchen at the far side of the room. She opened the door all the way, letting sunlight into the room. Been a long time since ah’ve been in here... she thought as she took a second to examine her surroundings. The same natural browns and greens, as well as the occasional pink in cushions and the wall paper, all gave the room a feel of being inspired by nature – even if Applejack had no idea where she was and had woken up in the room, she would have thought it perfect for the shy pegasus. There were several animals inside, but they scattered as she looked around. It ain’t right goin’ into her house without her permission, but ah’m just lookin’ for her, so no harm in jus’ takin’ a peek…

She took a few hesitant steps into the room, closing the door behind her. Sure that nopony was in the room, she decided to check the kitchen and bathroom, and again found nopony. “Fluttershy, are ya here?” She called again. Yet again without an answer, she decided to go upstairs and check the bedroom. Maybe she’s just takin’ a nap… and she’s a heavy sleeper. Sure.

She ascended the stairs to the door quickly, and came to the door, but found something odd: there was a pale blue glow emanating from beneath the door. Somethin’ about that ain’t right! She swung the door open with her mouth.

Upon opening the door, she was assaulted through sound and light; what had been a pale blue glow exploded like a shining star, so bright that she was blinded for a few seconds, making the farmer shield her eyes out of safety. The sound of a screaming pony shattered the veil of silence over the household, the terrified wails filling the farmer’s ears as she used her hooves to block the light from her eyes. It felt like minutes before she could even register that the light had died down to a pale glow once again, and the quiet sound of moving air became the cabin’s ambience.

She opened her eyes cautiously and found a both peculiar and troubling scene: Fluttershy lay in bed, on her side and facing away from the door way, a transparent sphere of the pale blue light surrounding the pegasus completely. She was perfectly audible now, and Applejack heard her whimpering quietly, as if being troubled in her sleep by nightmares. At the foot of the bed stood a blue unicorn with a silvery white mane, in a purple robe and wizard hat with wild, white woven stars with seemingly no order. She stood, leaning forward with eyes closed in concentration, and had what looked like a trail of blue light and mist was emanating from her hat and reaching to the sphere that surrounded Fluttershy.

Applejack recognized her instantly. “Trixie!?” She yelled, but the unicorn mare didn’t move. “What are ya doin’ to Fluttershy!?”

Trixie opened one eye and looked at the farmer and gave her stern reply. “Do not interfere, Applejack!”

“The hay ah won’t!” Applejack yelled back, growing more angry by the second. “Tell me what you’re doin’ before ah buck you across this room!”

Trixie couldn’t respond; one of her hooves slipped, the mare focusing on righting her stance instead of responding to Applejack, obviously pouring every ounce of energy and concentration she had into the spell. Applejack looked to Fluttershy, then back to Trixie, hesitating. It looks like she’s hurtin’ Fluttershy… but… there’s no reason Fluttershy would be in bed at this time of day. She took a few tentative steps closer, and heard the pegasus. She wasn’t just talking in her sleep, but she was more whimpering – she sounded as if she was in great pain, even Applejack could hear that. She saw the magic from Trixie brighten a second, the pulse making its way to the sphere, and with it came a yelp from the pegasus. That’s it! Nothin’s so important that she can’t just stop and tell me what’s goin’ on!

She took off full sprint towards the blue unicorn, readying her hind legs for a quick and powerful kick. As she swung around for the buck Trixie’s side, the unicorn stopped whatever she was channeling, and turned to face her, her horn lighting up as her body became covered in the same blue light. Applejack’s bucked hard, her legs connecting and sending Trixie flying into the wall on the far side of the room. She slammed into the wall, leaving a cracked outline of her form as she fell to the floor, the light then fading from around her body, as if a mist were. Applejack stared down at the magician as she stood at the edge of the bed where the unicorn had stood just seconds earlier.

As Trixie got back to her feet at a pace that telegraphed the difficulty of her task, Applejack called out to her. “Now tell me what you were doin’ with Fluttershy!?”

I was saving her!” Trixie’s virulent scream startled the farmer, rendering her unable to react to the unicorn’s next move: her horn glowed again, and Applejack felt her body be surrounded by a force, as if she were wrapped up tightly in a straight jacket, though her hooves were still extended. Her body started floating up to the ceiling, a similar force pushing her up from below. Unable to move her limbs, or even her head, she slowly floated up until her head tapped the ceiling, the force pushing her up then stopping, leaving the farmer hanging in the air like gaudy, pony-shaped chandelier.

Trixie’s horn stopped glowing, and she ran over to her care, whose cries had grown slightly louder. Ah’ve never seen Twilight do magic like this… all ah can do is move mah eyes and mouth. What in tarnation did she do?

Trixie turned Fluttershy over, and started the same spell she had been casting when Applejack burst into the room earlier. From this angle, the farmer saw exactly what she had been talking about: part of Fluttershy’s bed was soaked in blood, and the pegasus herself had been wounded. She saw a large, red opening in the left side of her chest. Blood was falling out much faster than it should from anypony, staining her coat as it fell to the mattress and the floor. The caretaker was now whimpering and crying quietly from pain, yet somehow still unconscious

“Wha-What happened to her?” Applejack said, her voice barely above a whisper.

“Quiet… mending her wound…” Trixie grunted, still concentrating on the spell at hand.

Applejack shut herself up, watching helplessly as her friend’s wounded cries penetrated her conscience like needles to the heart. Ah… ah messed up big time… ah just hope she’ll be okay. After about a minute, the bleeding became noticeably slower, and after ten, the wound started closing up as the blood stopped completely; skin started becoming visible where the gash had been earlier and blood was even being taken out of her coat. Once the wound was sealed, Trixie’s magic ended and she collapsed from exhaustion, the line of light from her horn snapping like a thin and tightly held rope. Gathering herself up again, she flicked her head at Applejack, and in a flash of magical light, the farmer fell to the floor. She scrambled to her hooves and ran up next to Fluttershy. The pegasus had grown quiet, and was now sleeping silently on the bed, which was still stained maroon from her wound.

She looked at Trixie, who was examining where the injury had once been, a soft glow emanating from her horn in the shape of a cone, moving along Fluttershy’s body. “Is… is she gonna be okay?”

“Trixie believes...” she paused, and shook her head in bewilderment. “ I mean, I believe she will be just fine. She’s lost a lot of blood, but not enough to require a transfusion or threaten her life. She’ll need lots of rest, and won’t be able to do anything too strenuous.” The unicorn then stopped her spell and turned to Applejack, her face one of seething rage. She slapped the farmer across the face as she yelled, “What the hell were you thinking!? Fluttershy was mortally wounded when I started this! If you had actually managed to knock me out or delay me for another couple of minutes, she might not be alive right now!”

Applejack felt as if her heart being ripped out of her chest – she couldn’t begin to think how she, or anypony else, might react if one of their friends died. Let alone Fluttershy, the sweetest and kindest pony of all of Ponyville. She took a few steps back, looking down in shame, her voice barely above a whisper. “Ah… Ah just thought… she was in danger and ya were hurtin’ her… so ah… ah just wanted…”

Trixie snorted. “Why would you think I was hurting her at all? Is she not a friend?”

Applejack thought briefly on Trixie; though she had not known her well, not having more than a few conversations with her, she really didn’t have any reason to think she was dangerous. Ah really should be a bit more trustin’… ”You’re right Trixie. Ah’m sorry, ah was just… startled, is all. Ah just thought-“

“Well, it isn’t important.” Trixie interrupted her with a wave of the hoof. “While you’re here, perhaps you can make yourself useful; we should clean up the room.” She motioned with a hoof to the now maroon bed, the once white and pristine sheets now tainted with blood, and to the red pool on the floor, just below where Fluttershy was currently sleeping.

Applejack nodded, but was hesitant to cooperate. “Do you know what hurt Fluttershy? And why are you still in Ponyville? Twilight said you were in Fillydelphia.”

Trixie sighed, shaking her head. “Please, Applejack, keep your priorities straight.” She stopped messing with the bed, and walked over to Applejack. “You have a simple decision, farmer: you can interrogate me on why I have not been entirely truthful to Twilight Sparkle for the better part of a week, or you may ignore the aftermath of Fluttershy being assaulted.”

Applejack’s jaw dropped. “She was attacked by another pony?”

Trixie chose to blow off her question, giving out orders. “I’ll go find something to clean this up with, you watch her.” She walked to the bedroom door and then turned her head to speak once more before going downstairs. “All will be explained in due time, Applejack. For now, focus on your friend.”


Time passed fairly quickly after they cleaned up the room, the bedroom now looking perfectly clean as the pegasus slept as sound as she ever had. Applejack and Trixie walked downstairs, the farmer electing to cook for the two of them as they wait for the pegasus to wake up.

One salad-with-caramelized-apple later, Applejack was watching some birds flying around the room when Trixie spoke up. “I get the feeling you have some questions for me. I suppose I’m obligated to answer them, in my unique position.”

Applejack snorted. Livin’ with Twilight hasn’t done much to her arrogance... “What happened to Fluttershy?”

Trixie nodded. “An easy one. I was returning from another of my ventures into the Everfree Forest,” She paused, and raised a hoof for the question that Applejack was about to ask, silencing the earth pony. “I shall explain later. Anyway, I was returning to Fluttershy’s cottage when I saw her talking to another unicorn just outside her door, on the small bridge. I had not seen this unicorn in Ponyville previously. She had very dark fur, and a dark mane as well, so dark she might as well have been all black.” Trixie paused to ask, “Do you know who this unicorn might be?”

“Ah have a good idea, yeah,” Applejack answered. That’s gotta be Aile. Ah got some words for her the next time ah see her…

“I suppose you’ll know who to avoid or press charges against then. Continuing on, they were talking, and the unicorn started yelling at Fluttershy. She was so scared that she started backing up away from this strange pony. The unicorn suddenly tried to kick Fluttershy a few times, but missed each time. In a panic, Fluttershy attempted to fly over and past her, probably to Ponyville. In response, the unicorn used some kind of magic to jump higher and faster than I’ve ever seen to shoot upwards and stab Fluttershy through the chest with her horn.” Applejack gasped at this, but Trixie continued unabated. “Fluttershy tumbled to the ground, screaming in pain. The unicorn panicked and looked around, then cast some kind of spell, which I wasn’t aware of until I arrived at the scene. She darted off into town right after that, and that was when I ran over to help Fluttershy.” She shook her head to herself. “I noticed that the ground’s blood had been cleaned up completely and Fluttershy was bleeding very slowly. It appears she may not have truly wanted to harm her, but ended up doing such anyway.”

Applejack thought for a moment. “How long until she was in her room and you were healin’ her?”

“I levitated her in through the window as I ran up to her bedroom through her house. I guess it had been close to five or seven minutes since she I started casting, and you came in,” Trixie answered.

“Well, ah didn’t see or hear any of this, and it’s a pretty clear path from town to Fluttershy’s.”

“Maybe she cast some kind of spell to make it a scene that was hard to see from a distance, so she wouldn’t be spotted here. Maybe she ran off of the path.” Trixie seemed bored in her responses.

Applejack shook her head again. “It’s confusin’ though...”

Trixie raised an eyebrow. “What is?”

“She left a pegasus, wounded and bleeding to death, on the ground, and didn’t bother to get help, despite helpin’ herself.” Applejack brought a hoof to her chin. “Ah’ve seen accidental unicorn attacks before. They aren’t rare. Ponies are really understandin’ about them – it comes with bein’ a unicorn. Why was she so scared?”

“Ask her when you find her, but I don’t really know. Now, is that all?”

“Well, no. Ah’d like to know why ya’ve been lyin’ to Twilight about what you’ve been doin’. She said you were gone to Fillydelphia. But ya’ve been stayin’ in Ponyville, at Fluttershy’s even?”

Trixie got up, completely ignoring the question. “Let’s check up on her then.” She walked past the farmer and started heading up the stairs.

Applejack watched her walk up the stairs, feeling more confused than ever. If that unicorn that attacked Fluttershy was Aile… well, why would she attack her? Fluttershy sure didn’t sound like she was trying to hurt her… and what use is it to her hurtin’ somepony who has an Element of Harmony? If Fluttershy had died, would she be able to still take it? That’s when Applejack felt something click.

Unless she isn’t the pony who’s been after us.


The pegasus was still sleeping soundly as the two mares entered the room. Trixie mentioned quietly that she not be asleep much longer, her magic only keeping her asleep as long as it took to heal and not much past that, so the two of them decided to wait it out in the room. They went to the far side of the room, near the only window, opening it to let in the breeze of fresh air that wasn’t in the stuffy room previously, and sat down on pair of chairs.

They exchanged small talk as they waited – the farmer talking about the farm, business, and family, while Trixie related her ventures to the farmer. Little had changed from the last time the magician related her tales, though with the two being alone for the first time, she elaborated further than she had when she was at Twilight’s birthday party almost two weeks ago: after being driven out of Ponyville (which hadn’t been the first time she was run out of a city or town), she decided to try real magical work. Taking up housing with her parents in Canterlot, her initial attempt was entertainment, but none of her routines were considered good enough, and it took her too long to learn new ones that were more complicated; all she was good at was small transmutations and larger illusions. With that, she decided to try working in laboratories, taking on manual labor with her magic as a kind of intern. After a while, her magical ability had begun to be noticed, and they asked her to help a few chemists for a day. Her ability to transmute small samples so quickly and effortlessly, as well as manipulating heat, simple teleportation and levitation that were some of the strongest they had ever seen, made her invaluable to them.

Her position wasn’t one anypony ever thought of before; freelance magical assistant. She didn’t always understand what she was doing, but having such solid skill in magic didn’t mean she had to understand every reaction she catalyzed. She wasn’t entirely happy with the job – it garnered no attention, but it paid well enough. She started taking on larger projects, and her name was becoming slightly well known. This was about the time she had come to Ponyville; out to research the effects of a certain magical plant, the same one Twilight was studying about its effects on memory and emotions, she had accidentally found Fluttershy in the forest.

Applejack knew that story well enough. “Flutteshy was lucky to find you. Ah still think about what might have happened to Dash if ya hadn’t decided to go look for that darned plant.”

“There isn’t much to think about; she would have died of blood loss.” Her expression of indifference struck the farmer. “I don’t mince words, farmer. Rainbow Dash basically preformed a Sonic Rainboom into the ground. No amount of cushioning will prevent injury. What you can do is blame that plant she thought would cure Rainbow Dash. If Fluttershy hadn’t given that to her, she may not have had such an overreaction to after its effects wore off, and they may have reached Ponyville in a few days and had no issues.”

Applejack took in a comfortable sigh, leaning back against the chair, a pleasant smile now on her face. “Ya know, that plant seems tied up in a lot of things, don’t it?”

“What does that mean?” Trixie asked, completely clueless.

“Dash almost dies cause of that darned plant. Ya find her and save her cause of that darned plant. Does it even have a darned name?”

“Not that I’m aware of.” Trixie brought a hoof to her chin in thought. “I’m actually one of the first ponies to participate in research about its effects. It’s known, but… well, I can’t recall a name. If Twilight is studying it, I’m sure she’ll come up with a suitable name. As much as I can’t stand her, she’s quite intelligent.” Her expression hardened again. “Now, I don’t quite understand; the plant is related to ‘a lot of things?’ Besides what happened in the greater area of Whitetail Wood?”

“Somepony has been messin’ with the six of us, makin’ emotions flare up and stuff. Twilight thinks it’s similar to that stupid thing.”

“You’re in danger?” Trixie was leaning forward now, deeply interested.

Did Fluttershy really not mention it? Well, actually, now that ah think about it, she’s been with Dash most of the time… “Somepony wants to take the elements of harmony from us.”

Trixie raised an eyebrow. “Aren’t those locked up in Canterlot?”

She would know about Nightmare Moon and Discord, wouldn’t she? News must be pretty big everywhere but here… “Ah don’t know the specifics, but we’re still the only ponies that can use ‘em. Part of us must still be connected to ‘em somehow, because sometimes we get visions about somepony threatening to take them.”

Applejack then imparted to Trixie the details of their Epiphanies, and then what she knew about what the others had experienced as well. The cloudy area, how the element-pony would suddenly appear before them, their voice and tones even; wise, powerful, but brief and strict. The large amount of magic they required, and what caused them to occur: somepony trying to take the element when the corrupted pony was at her weakest. Once the farmer had finished explaining, Trixie sat in silence for a few minutes, pondering. Applejack had left out her conjecture about the traveling magician, Aile, being her number one suspect, especially with this attack on Fluttershy, considering how counterproductive it seemed to her goal.

After a few more peacefully silent minutes between the two mares, they heard an exhausted yawn come from Fluttershy’s bed. Both heads turned instantly to see the pegasus now sitting up, stretching her forelegs, and even unfolding her wings to flap them a few times, loosening them up. Applejack and Trixie got out of their chairs, walking over to the pegasus. The magician cleared her throat to get Fluttershy’s attention, who turned around instantly, wide eyed in surprise. “H-Hello uh, Applejack, Trixie..” She said, still surprised.

“You feelin’ better sugarcube?”

“J-Just a little tired. But… what’s going on?” She looked up in thought. “I don’t remember… what happened...”

Applejack was cut off before she could even start by Trixie’s explanation. “I saved you after you were attacked by that unicorn, and she happened upon you while you were passed out.” She sneered at Applejack, causing her to lower her gaze ever so slightly. “Are you all right? You aren’t in pain right now are you?”

“Oh no, I’m just, y-you know, tired, a little dizzy. If I lost a lot of blood, then th-that’s expected. I’m okay, really. Thank you for the help, Trixie.”

“Do ya need anythin’, sugarcube?” Applejack asked quickly, before the unicorn could respond. The farmer received another glare for her effort.

Fluttershy thought for a second before answering, “Well, now that you mention it, I am kind of hungry…”

“Well, then lemme go and make ya somethin’ real quick. Trixie knew ya’d be tired, and since ah interrupted her, ah figure ah should try and make it up to ya.”

Fluttershy tilted her head in curiosity. “Since you did what?”

Applejack was about to speak up as Trixie raised a hoof to silence her. “I’ll explain everything that happened after you passed out, Fluttershy. Let’s let Applejack do her thing.”

Fluttershy nodded. Applejack started to head towards the door, but caught the pegasus’s weak smile aimed at the farmer. “I’m glad to know you’ll always be there, Applejack.”

The farmer smiled back. “Ah’m Ponyville’s most dependable pony. Would ya expect any less?”