• Published 12th Jun 2017
  • 5,328 Views, 290 Comments

Once a Time Lord... Well, actually still that, but now a Pony as well... - The Bricklayer

The Doctor once again finds himself in the middle of a... situation. Mind you, situations for him never involved getting turned into a talking horse. Well, pretend you have a plan and just go for your trusty Sonic I suppose. ONCE A TIME LORD REWRITE

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Part 11: The Mare in the Moon

Sparkle Family Home:

Night fell, and the moon rose high in the sky as stars twinkled in a delicate light show of their own making. Unusually, the Mare in the Moon AKA Nightmare Moon herself -Despite having been seen by Princess Celestia herself not that long ago- still had her image emblazoned on Equus’s sole moon for all to see. Interestingly, not many even knew of the old story about the Lost Princess, nor took note of the fact that the moon’s craters and rock formations uncannily resembled that of a Alicorn’s image.

And most of the few that did take note of this resemblance just dismissed it as a oddity, something to marvel at or ponder but in the end, they generally thought it as nothing more than a coincidence.

However, there were these rare few that knew the real story. These extended to both the Doctor (Who had done quite a bit of research in the Canterlot Royal Library, and taken a few trips to the future on bouts of curiousity where he’d talked to the Lost Princess herself) and of course Princess Celestia. The others who knew about connection between the image on the moon and the legend of Nightmare Moon were the descendents of Princess Luna’s personal guard who had fled to the northern mountain ranges of Equestria after her banishment.

None of this, mind you, was currently on Twilight Sparkle’s mind at the moment. She had only one thing, and one thing only on her mind research-wise, though it wasn’t on old myths and legends long forgotten by time. With a small giggle and a small “Mhmmph!” sound as she hit the bedsheets, she moaned as she let Moondancer’s tongue slip into her mouth.

“Now tell me, Twilight Sparkle, how can you not find this position sexually… alluring?” Moondancer asked as she pulled away from the kiss, a small thin strand of saliva connecting her lips with her so-called “Best Friend’s”. Her glasses were skewed slightly, and her ponytail had been undone in her and Twilight’s hasty kissing. Her sweater had been tossed aside a few minutes before.

“W-Well, it’s… it’s s-sorta hard not to argue any counterpoints about sexual attraction, hormones,” Twilight stammered out, breathing hard. “O-or if it’s right or wrong for two mares to “like” each other when you’re on top of me and we’re…” she flushed heavily, suddenly finding herself at a loss for words.

“Making out?” Moondancer teased and Twilight let out a small whimper as she nodded before she found her and Moondancer’s lips connecting again for a brief moment. Twilight shivered, though she wasn’t sure if it was from arousal or the North Wind coming in through the open window. Probably should shut it, now that she thought about it. Wouldn’t want to be arrested for public indecency by the Royal Guard. Make one Tartarus of an embarrassing story to tell her parents.

“N-Now k-keep in mind this is only an experim-OOOOHH!” Twilight began before she let out a noticeably loud moan as Moondancer moved her kisses a little bit downwards. First, they were moved towards her belly, and then… “Moondancer, are you trying to get us caught by my parents?” she hissed out.

“Hey,” her friend replied as she momentarily stopped with her kissing. “You said yourself that tonight was a date night for them, so it’s not like they’re going to catch us… Right now at least,” Moondancer remarked before using her magic to shut the window. “Plus, you initiated the advances, remember? Wanted to perform a biology experiment for college credit. Though I don’t see how we’re going to turn this one in…” Moondancer trailed off.

“Point taken,” Twilight admitted before chuckling. And to think, this all started over something as simple as discussion over their biology term papers. They’d made very little headway on this Lost Princess mystery, or the ‘Doctor’ that kept showing up throughout history. So, in annoyance, Twilight had suggested they head back to her house and got started on their schoolwork. “Plus, it always could be worse. It could by my brother who catches us…” she said with a shudder. Her brother was really protective of her and his baby sister’s innocence at times. Occasionally bordering on the absurd side of things.

“Well, there’s that,” Moondancer admitted. “Seem to remember a rumor about him chasing a Royal Guard around the compound with her own sword when he caught you and her… together. Even if you both were of legal age!”

“...T-The maid’s outfit probably didn't help matters much…” Twilight sighed to herself, a blush creeping onto her face. Moondancer chuckled, only increasing it. Wonder who was wearing what in that scenario?

“Besides, you have to admit, this is a bit of a thrill,” Moondancer continued. “Like something out of Romaro and Juliet. A forbidden romance? Ooh, gives me quivers just thinking about it…”

“Are you going to shut up and continue with the experiment, or not?” Twilight growled out in an annoyed tone, and Moondancer nodded before continuing with her kissing. Suddenly, the white mare found herself flipped over, and her position reversed with Twilight on top of her. She let out a squeak of surprise before smirking.

“Guess the horseshoe’s on the other hoof now, huh, Twi?” Moondancer laughed slightly, still smirking. “Never knew you could be so… forward in your experiments.”

“Et tu, Moondancer?” Twilight asked with a laugh of her own. “Besides, a mare’s gotta get some hooves on experience at times, right?”

Twilight, just as she leaned forwards to continue the 'Experiment' with her friend, felt a cold chill. While she hadn't been looking, something -Or somepony- had cracked open the window just a tad.

“Moondancer, did you…” Twilight trailed off before a pillar of black smoke rushed in through the gap. Outside, the wind chimes on the house’s front porch blew in the breeze making quite the noise. The lights went out, bulbs smashing one by one. Then, a candle flicked on and a massive black form wearing midnight blue armor with twin piercing slotted eyes revealed itself.

“Heard you were looking for me,” Nightmare Moon cackled, as both Twilight and Moondancer let out shrieks of fear. “So… here I am!”

The dark Alicorn then took notice of the two’s activities and what she had… interrupted, in a manner of speaking.

“My, my!” Nightmare Moon laughed, shaking her head. The Alicorn’s size seemed to be too large for the room itself, her horn scraping the ceiling. “Talk about a compromising position! Wonder what Princess Celestia would say if she caught her dear precious student like this…?” she pondered to herself. “Praise her for being so open-minded, or being quite shocked that her student’s growing up so fast? Either way, when I tell her, should be quite the show!”

“H-how do you know who I am?” Twilight stammered out in fear. Nightmare Moon let out another cackle.

“Oh, everybody knows who you are, Twilight Sparkle. Even me, after all. I know everything about everypony,” she said mock sweetly with a trace of menace in her tone. “Celestia’s latest in a long line of precious students, not hard to dig up information on them, after all…”

Nightmare Moon seemed to enjoy the shocked look on Twilight’s face.

“Oh, don't tell me you didn't know?” She asked in mock shock, covering her mouth with a hoof. She then began shaking her armored head. “Oh dear Purplesmart, you've always been so naive. Go ask your teacher sometime, will you? She’ll always be so glad to ramble on and on about her students of times past. Especially that damned Sunset Shimmer!”

“Get out.” Twilight whispered, her horn beginning to glow with a purple aura. Nightmare laughed again. Her default reaction, it seemed.

“Oh, and what makes you think you can go up against moi?” Nightmare asked, before leaning in closer. Her nose nearly touched Twilight’s own. “But honestly… I can sense the sheer potential in you, you know. You’d be surprised at who I’d accept at my side,” she continued, her voice turning into a soft coo. “Ditch that worthless marefriend of yours… or whatever she is to you. Experiment, one night stand, I don't care anyways. Trust me, I can offer you so much more than Celestia or her can. Not just in knowledge, but in sheer pleasure…”

“Didn't you hear Twilight?” Moondancer asked, regaining some of her courage. “You're not wanted here, now get out,” she stated firmly.

“Shut it, Moony!” Nightmare snapped. “My interest is in Twilight and Twilight alone. You’re of no interest. Not part of my benefits package when I take over, are we clear? And make no mistake, I will take over… Canterlot will be mine, and the night will last forever!”

“No, I don't think you quite heard us,” Twilight said in a low tone. “You're not welcome here, understand? Now, begone!” she shouted, before Twilight fired a blast of magic at the Nightmare, making her stagger back into a dresser.

Nightmare Moon’s face contorted in rage. “You had your chance, now you'll feel the consequences of your actions! After all… There’s a Bad Moon on the rise.”

With that, she turned back into black smoke and flew out the window from whence she’d came. Moondancer pulled a shuddering Twilight into a hug and looked towards to the night sky. Towards the moon.

“By Celestia… what’s going to happen now…?” She whispered to herself.

Canterlot Castle:

Meanwhile, completely unaware of what had just taken place, Celestia was taking an aimless walk through the halls of Canterlot Castle. Not really with any destination in mind, her mind began to wander. After her ‘experience’ in her own bedchambers, her thoughts turned to her sister, the Mare in the Moon once more. Not for the first time in months, she thought back to her sister’s change from the light to the dark.

“Did you really expect me to sit idly by while they all basked in your precious light? There can only be one princess in Equestria!” Luna snarled, the shadows around her seemingly taking a life of their own as thunder cracked and lightning lit up the sky in jagged white streaks. “And that princess... will be me! No… A Princess is hardly a title befitting once such as I. No, a Queen shall be my title. The Queen of the Night.” the dark blue mare said, with an almost evil laugh. Her fur was beginning to turn from a deep blue to a unforgiving black shade. As black as the midnight night sky itself.

“Luna, please, come to your senses! I will not fight you! You must lower the moon! It is your duty!” Celestia pleaded, tears beginning to form in her eyes, as she tried to reason with her sister. But Luna was having none of it, as her cyan eyes began to sharp, become more cat-like. Up in the sky, bat-winged figures covered in shadow flew through the storm.

“Oh pllllleeeeasse, spare me your sympathy. If you had any of that, you would have shown an ounce of it to me!” Luna snapped back, as her teeth began to become fang-like. Like that of a vampire bat’s. She gestured to murals on the wall, ones of ponies prancing about in sunlight. Very few depicted her, and the ones that did never showed ponies appreciating the light of the moon in any fashion. Instead, they slept peacefully as Luna watched over them. In a more rational state, it would have been possible to reason with the fallen Princess. Tell her, that without her, the ponies would never have peaceful dreams, only nightmares they could not work through without her help. But Luna, of course, was in no rational state of mind to be reasoned with. “Look at the ponies, they bask in your precious light, dance and prance about in it but do they give a damn about me?”

“Luna…” Celestia whispered sadly to herself as the Solar Princess hung her head in shame. She knew she was partially responsible for this.

“Luna? Really, you should take your sobbing and begging, and all that pleading with you on the road like a showmare. I for one found it delightful. Sort of a one-pony theater piece, if you will,” Luna remarked mockingly as her transformation completed itself and her mane became darker in shade. Light blue armor grafted itself to her body, including a helmet over her head. The shadows surrounded her before one knocked Celestia back, sending her sprawling in a wave of pure power. “And really, don’t call me Luna anymore. I for one hardly think it fits my new status. Nightmare Moon… Yes, that works. Nightmare Moon! I have but one royal duty now: to destroy you!” the newly named Lunar Tyrant snarled, baring her fangs and charging up her horn. From a brilliant shade of cobalt blue, to a cyan color interlaced with violet sparks it went.

“Oh, dear sister. I am sorry, but you have given me no choice but to use these.” Celestia whispered as seven gems surrounded her and a bright flash enveloped the room.

Celestia shook away the memories. She couldn’t let that terrible night keep her from losing her focus. Not now, not when her sister had returned. It was odd though, Celestia mused aloud to herself, Luna was supposed to return on the longest day of the thousandth year since her banishment… Or so the legend said.

“Ah, well… Legends, they never really turn out the way you predict, do they?” a familiar voice asked as the Doctor’s distinct form trotted into the hallway from another corridor. Clad in a midnight blue suit, and brown long coat, at any other time he would have looked rather dashing.

Celestia’s eyes widened in surprise and she took a step back in shock. She could have sworn she was alone!

“...Sorry for the scare, Milady,” the Doctor said politely. “Didn’t mean to sneak up on you like that. Where’s your Royal Guard? Sworn they were with you at all times…”

“Yes… I’m not really sure they can help, at least not at the moment…” Celestia trailed off.

“Ah, this Nightmare Moon figure?” the Doctor asked, and Celestia’s eyes widened. How did he… Oh, he would know, wouldn’t he?

“Yes…” Celestia began shakily. “Last night, s-she appeared before me. In my own quarters, even!”

“And were you scared?” the Doctor asked. “And don’t try to lie to me Princess, I’m a master at that. Been fooling the foolish for centuries, so I know when you’re lying. Shortness of breath, your skittishness at when I appeared. You’re spooked Princess, no two ways about it,”

“Yes, I admit… I’m scared.” Celestia stated, and the Doctor nodded.

“Okay, now that we’ve gotten that bit out of the way, show me where it happened,” the Doctor requested, giving Celestia a kind smile. “Maybe I can lend a hoof. Wouldn’t be the first time I’ve gone up against some eldritch abomination, after all. Even defeated the inspiration for the Devil himself!” he bragged. If Celestia was unamused by the Time Lord calling her sister an eldritch abomination, she didn’t show it.

Instead, she led the Doctor back to her private chambers, and he whipped out his sonic screwdriver spending no time to start admiring the decor.

His attentions turned to the fallen wine goblet, and he aimed his sonic at it. It let out a few small beeps, and the Doctor ‘“hmmmed” to himself.

“Something wrong?” Celestia asked, as she leaned over his shoulder. She, as soon as she reentered her quarters, looked more than a little spooked. She hadn’t even bothered to clean up after herself, really. She’d never say it, but she was actually sleeping in a spare bedroom, long unused. She still kept guards at her chambers to keep up the illusion, but for the most part, nobody except her (And now the Doctor) knew she slept elsewhere for the time being.

“Yes… Something was slipped into your wine Princess,” the Doctor stated. “Some sort of drug, it looks like. Dunno what kind, it’s foreign to me. Obviously magical in nature, and that might just be what keeps me from identifying it fully…” he began to ramble before Celestia stopped him.

“Wait, you said some sort of drug? I was drugged?” she asked, and the Doctor nodded.

“From the looks of things, I’d say yes,” the Doctor replied before looking at her dead in the eyes. “Princess, whatever you saw that night… It wasn’t Nightmare Moon.”

Author's Note:

And so the curtain falls away...

Okay, honestly? I admit, some of the Twilight/Moondancer bits here was just shameless fanservice. But it's not all that as it does make a bit of a call-forwards if you will, and adds an extra level as to why Moondancer was so displeased to Twilight leaving her for some new friends in Ponyville. (Especially when you take in the fact that one of those friends is Rainbow Dash, and there will be Twidash shipping here eventually.)

Anyways, more clues and foreshadowing here. Like the usage of the words "North Wind". They're the arc words for this story, like Bad Wolf was for Christopher Eccleston's run. So keep a firm eye on those words, they'll be important. Feel free to speculate on what they mean.