• Member Since 12th Dec, 2011
  • offline last seen Tuesday

Impossible Numbers

"Gather ye rosebuds while ye may, Old Time is still a-flying, And this same flower that smiles today, Tomorrow will be dying."


On the outside, White Lightning the pegasus and Ponet the unicorn have a perfectly normal, perfectly fine relationship. At the very least, a meek and nondescript weather pony going out with an artiste harbouring high aspirations is... well, there have been stranger combinations in Equestria.

Unfortunately, things are a little more complicated than they seem, and neither side can fully open up to the other. Not even on Hearts and Hooves Day.

Chapters (3)
Comments ( 3 )

Heyo! Fellow TAGC! entryist here. This was a good one. They're not a pair of ponies I've seen used that often, but you gave them solid characterisation here and set up enough hooks and worldbuilding for more stories featuring them. Affa solid. :twilightsmile:


I don't think I've seen them used at all before now, but then I haven't done an exhaustive search, so I could be wrong. And thank you very much for the compliments. They are most appreciated. :scootangel:

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