• Published 21st Jan 2017
  • 3,370 Views, 232 Comments

The First Wonderbolt - Essay Jay

When an unnatural phenomenon sends Rainbow Dash back in time, she must adapt to an Equestria at war while all the while looking for a way to get back home.

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Issue 2.7 - A Pair of Flightless Birds

“Come on, small fry! Hey, flightless, help her out!”

At the edge of a raised sidewalk, Firefly had jumped off. Her wings buzzed and buzzed, keeping her afloat, but going no further. Grunting and scrunching her muzzle, she tried to get more lift, but only proceeded in flapping her wings faster.

“Hey!” Sky cried, shooting a glare at Rainbow before standing beneath Firefly. “Alright, Firefly, you got this. Just keep trying!”

“Bigger wing flaps, Firefly,” Rainbow urged. “Don’t buzz them so much! All your doing is pushing air away. You need to push the air down. Big! Big, and curl!”

Firefly nodded, sticking a tongue out in concentration. With intense care, a sweatdrop formed on her brow, and her wings stretched out. Trying even harder, she began to push down farther. Almost incrementally, she slowly, slowly began to rise.

Sky began to glance up at the slowly rising pegasus. “Whoa… whoa! Go Firefly! WHOO!”

Firefly opened her eyes and looked around. “Wait, am I doing it?” She looked down at Sky’s figure to see that she seemed to get a little smaller every flap of her wings.

“I’m doing it!” Firefly grinned. “I’m doing it! I’m actually-!”





In a flash of feathers, Firefly had begun to buzz her wings again which led to her dropping, ultimately resulting in-

“Firefly! OW!” Sky cried, tapping the stony sidewalk, a comically painful tear rolling off her muzzle. “Uncle! UNCLE!”

Rolling off, Firefly tapped Sky’s groaning body and tried to help her up. “Sorry! Sorry! Ack! Sorry!”

All the while Rainbow looked at them with a large sigh.

She facehoofed.

“...flightless chickens I swear…”

“Alright, snowflake, just remember what I said to Firefly!”

Sky nodded looking nervous… and then squinted at Rainbow. “Stop giving me nicknames!”

Rainbow smirked and gestured to Firefly. “Your friend is fine with them.”

“That’s because I have no choice!” Firefly explained. Rainbow sighed, looking around and down at Firefly. She brought a hoof up in disappointment.

“Hey, whose side are you on?” Rainbow asked. Shaking her head, Rainbow looked back to Sky. “Whatever, frosty. Just go! Attempt number what? Nine? Firefly got it after a million tries! What about you?”

While Firefly shouted in indignation, Sky growled, and released it all in one long breath. “Fine,” Sky said, facehoofing. Jumping off the sidewalk, she too, buzzed her wings before trying to follow Rainbow’s instructions. “Big wings, curl, air underneath,” she muttered. Focusing on her breath, she slowed her buzzing down and found herself… achieving lift!

“Haha! Eat that, Firefly!”

Firefly snorted. “Yeah, well, Rainbow likes me better!”

Sky gasped. “Hey! She likes me better!”

“Does not!”

“Does too!”

“Does not!”

“Does too!”

“Does too!”

“Does not!”

Sky’s eyes crossed while Firefly crackled with laughter. “Hahaha!” Firefly cried, “You just said she likes me better!”

As Sky realized, she growled and tried to fly into Firefly. The action, however, made her lose her concentration.

Now a rock that arced in ascension before descending straight at Firefly, Sky desperately tried to get back into the air.

She failed.

As Sky’s shadow loomed into Firefly like a missile, Firefly wiped her eyes before sighing with a laugh and looking up. With a grin that immediately turned crazed, her eye twitched.

“Buck me sideways-”


In another flurry of feathers, Sky and Firefly groaned in a pained heap, worse than last time.

With a completely deadpan expression, Rainbow slowly turned around and walked away.

“R-Rainbow!” Firefly cried, trying to get her body disentangled from the wings and hooves. “Wait!”

“No!” Sky cried, “Wait for me!”

Rainbow continued to walk.

As their wrestling came to a defeated stop, Firefly and Skylark looked at each other knowing exactly what needed to be said to the other. They then both glanced at Rainbow’s retreating figure and both heads drooped their heads with a conspicuously black shadow falling over their eyes along with a drop of sweat.


Rainbow came home with two hobbling fillies, whom Ter immediately went to attend to.

“What happened?” Ter asked, grabbing her First-Aid box and ditching her rubber kitchen gloves.

“They failed.”

Ter sighed and began to torture Firefly and Sky with alcohol swabs. “How bad?”

Rainbow held the two fillies in place as they squirmed in pain, trying to avoid the disinfectant. Looking Ter square in the eyes, Rainbow deadpanned. “I’m sure the baby birds didn’t see them, or else they would be laughing.”

A suppressed laugh rose in Ter’s throat and she smiled. “That bad, huh?” She grabbed ahold of Firefly’s foreleg and smacked the alcohol swab on.

Sckreeeeeeeeee!” Firefly hissed, recoiling and pawing at Ter’s hoof. She received a similar reaction from Sky.

“I’ll make sure to keep them practicing while you disappear again.”

“You do that…” Rainbow nodded, yawning. “I’ve had enough teaching for the last day. Wake me up when I need to go to the station. Later!”

As Rainbow disappeared into Firefly’s room, Ter sighed and let the two fillies stand to their hooves. As they winced from their scrapes and aching muscles, they fidgeted.

“You will practice while she’s gone, right?”

Firefly and Sky glanced to each other.

“Oh yeah!”

“Of course!”

Ter nodded. “Good.” Glancing at the trunk that was meant to house Rainbow’s possessions, she smiled at the fillies. “How about we do Rainbow a favour and pack her things?”

“Are you doing anything?” Firefly asked Sky.

“No. You?” Sky inquired. As they mutually shook their heads, they nodded.


Rainbow stood with Ter, Firefly and Sky at the rally point that would cart them off to the camps at the border of the next city. Seeing other ponies already rushing to get on the wagon transports Rainbow lugged the suitcase that her surrogate family had packed her.

“So what gives?” Rainbow asked, dropping the suitcase for the time being. “What’s inside here?”

“Some uniforms they had prepared for you and mailed to us,” Ter answered, “As well as a few knick knacks and souvenirs to keep you company, courtesy of Firefly and Sky.”

“Yeah!” Firefly cheered.

“We packed you some awesome things!” agreed Sky. “You’ll see!”

Rainbow nodded, smiling at the two. “Alright, kiddos. It’s been a really fun week, but I guess I’ll see you in a while. Might not be for a week, two weeks, or heck, even a month! But I’ll be sure to see you again, alright?”

“Read you loud and clear, Rainbow!” Firefly nodded.

“You were a pretty awesome teacher too!” Sky smiled.

“And I had an awesome week,” Rainbow grinned

A beat.

“Too cheesy for me,” Rainbow said, and ruffled their manes. “Take good care of your aunt, okay Firefly?” Turning to Sky, she smirked. “And you take care of Firefly and not crash into each other, okay?”

“Hey!” Firefly protested, “I can take care of myself!”

“Like hay, you can,” Rainbow laughed as she shook her head. “Well, I guess I’m off to Celestia knows where…”

“Bye, Rainbow!” they collectively waved and Rainbow walked over to the transport and boarded it.

“Keep my cloud bed warm, small fry!” Rainbow called.

“You bet!” Firefly shouted. Thinking even more excitedly, Firefly hollered over "And maybe you can even say hi to my dad in the one-oh-seventh! His name's Ember Wing!" Rainbow could only smile as she looked at the enthusiastic fillies she would be leaving behind.

As the wagon began to pull away, Rainbow faced her fellow companions on the transport and saw that almost all of them were stallions. Grimacing a little, she nevertheless retreated to her thoughts and stared at her hooves.

A new adventure again… Rainbow thought. Staring off to the side at the retreating buildings and increasing forestry, she closed her eyes.

I hope everypony I still love is okay… Scootaloo… Mom… Dad… the girls… are you all doing fine in the future? Are you living okay without me? Is staying alive worth it?

Do you…

Rainbow felt a tear streak down her face.

Do you still remember me?

Author's Note:

Brought to you by this piece of s:yay:t: