• Member Since 19th Jul, 2011
  • offline last seen February 2nd


Not checking in here. I may post stories because my patrons are nice and like ponies. Otherwise out of the fandom, sorry peeps.


  • MOver the Moon
    Prince Lune and Twilight Sparkle are finally ready to take the next step in their relationship. But when Twilight ends up on top, she finds she likes it a little too much. Now she's having fantasies about bridles, whips, and making Lune her slave...
    SPark · 10k words  ·  144  15 · 3.3k views

Princess Luna has always been more at home on the battlefield than in a palace. The reasons for that were left mostly unexamined, for things are what they are, so why try to fight fate? Fish do not fly, birds do not swim, and the princess of the moon cannot be anything other than what she is. But when a dream reveals that in this modern age the impossible can become reality, she begins to examine who she is in an all new light.

A story about identity, discovery, and love.

This is technically set in the same world as Over a Cardboard Sea, but the two stories are only vaguely related and you do not have to read one in order to appreciate the other. It also takes place in the same world as Either Or and shares some themes with it.

Gorgeous cover art by blankflank.

Chapters (8)
Comments ( 162 )

Um just wanted to ask... is description right or do I miss something?
fish do not swim, birds do not fly, and princess of the moon cannot become anything other than what she is

It does not make sense to me
If it is right please explain it to me, in pm if you want and feel free to delete this

But isnt it supposed to be fish do not fly, birds do not swim ( or possibly something like birds fly, fish swim ) I mean in conjunction of those three parts you need to subvert all of them or none to give it definite sense

7863156 Oops! No, I messed that up, thanks for pointing it out.

Np :twilightsmile: it just bugged me so I was thinking I misunderstand something because English is not my born language :rainbowderp:

Excited to see this go up!

7863219 I swear that was supposed to have words on it, but then baby hit something and it got entered before I put them in. Anyhow, I do hope people enjoy this one! It borders on being personal, and those always make me slightly more nervous than the strictly academic ones.

More Tuna goodness, yes! :pinkiehappy:

*Looks at cover image*
Hmm, Luna kind of looks like a stallion.

*Reads Story*
:facehoof: Oh! I get it now.

7863315 Can never have too much princess shipping! :trollestia:

The Cover Art is AWESOME! and don't let anyone tell you other wise.

7863121 I really can't tell if you're joking or not.

7863434 Ha haha. No, I have done amazing art before, and this is not it! :rainbowlaugh:


I like it, it's simple but good, which is something I appreciate.

Ah, so that's why I found this in the TwiLuna group despite how the conversation went in the last chapter. I like where this is going. For most of the chapter, I thought it had been Twilight's dream Luna learned of the spells in (and, by the way, I love how you describe the dreamscape), and while that certainly would have been interesting as well, the way you're actually going with this does seem to flow better.

I don't know about you, but I've found learning the proper early modern English pronouns to be dangerous: being able to recognize just how badly wrong they're typically used makes reading quite a number of things actually painful. It's worth it, though, when I come across things like this and can appreciate how refreshing it is to find someone who also knows what they're talking about. Admittedly, Luna hasn't had a chance to demonstrate the proper plural second person pronoun yet ("you", for anybody who doesn't know), but from everything I've seen so far, neither you nor she will stumble there either. You've even got the verb conjugation right! :twilightsmile:

And that's definitely not bad for a twenty-minute sketch. I love what you've done with Luna's mane!

7863859 Thank you!

I am far from an expert on the dialect in question, but I was raised reading the King James Bible, so I have at least some experience with how it's supposed to work. I did have to double check a few things when working on this, just to be sure I'd gotten them right. Hopefully no errors will have slipped through!

7863874 Well, that's still more experience than I have! :twilightblush: I've mostly just read about the grammar and have a good memory for it. I'll keep an eye out, but even rereading specifically for errors, the only thing I could find isn't even directly related (or even a true problem):

one whom thou canst share thy nights with in all possible ways.

Might just be me, but the trailing preposition feels like a modern phrasing; I'd probably move it to the front, but that does start to give the sentence a lot of commas:

one with whom thou canst share thy nights, in all possible ways.

And thank you for writing this!

Oh, this looks like it will be interesting, indeed! :twilightsmile:

Comment posted by alfaboy deleted Jan 13th, 2017

It's really, really sweet of Twilight to try to speak in the old dialect to make Luna more comfortable. And what a nice little start.

I was going to say, you obviously have some idea how it's supposed to sound. Personally, I have no idea as to the grammar rules or even what the dialect's called, but it doesn't feel forced in your story as it does in some others.

I'm liking the small details in scenery and thought you include; little things like what 'you' means to Luna or which tea Rarity's serving, it's good texture. Rarity is the pony I thought of before she even came to that conclusion (I find it amusing that the first two you mentioned as good secret-keepers, Pinkie and AJ, are perhaps the worst liars in all of Equestria and that's really saying something). She seems to be a go-to for personal advice in a lot of fimfic. Have you read Excuses ... Excuses ...? There's a scene in that where Applejack and Twilight, who are marefriends in that fic, both run to Rarity at the same time, independent of each other, for relationship advice. It was really funny.

I'm very interested to know what Rarity's going to have to say on this matter ... I've only ever been on Luna's side of this conversation.

7864775 Thank you! I feel like Twilight finds it an interesting intellectual challenge (the way I find writing it!) so she thinks it's fun too. But she does love that she can do something so nice for her friend.

Instant follow, even if Stallion Luna has been done once or twice. Double glad that you didn't make this an instant decision on her part.

7865110 Thanks! There's no way this could be an instant decision for anybody, I think. Honestly this story may still lean a bit on the side of "fast" just because I ran out of words before getting too deep into it. But hopefully it's a decent exploration. I really don't know what folks will think of it when it's all said and done. *I* like it, but I"m horribly biased. :raritywink:

You draw Luna wonderfully, and judging by the entire coverart, I'd say you only have problems with drawing cartoonish horses, which is completely understandable. Don't take for granted that you're good at drawing realistic horses, that's kinda a rare skill.

7865596 :facehoof: You know, I called the cover art terrible because I wanted people to understand that normally I'm a very good artist who does better than that, and it's really an awful example of my work. Everyone seems to have taken it exactly the opposite way.

7865645 Well, regardless, you drew a good Luna.

you got my eye on the matter, old sparky

A month? Darn. Oh well, I am intruiged so far.

Not a conflict I've seen in a fic before, though perhaps I simply don't read enough. I'm very interested to see where this goes. I shall always be a sucker for twiluna. ^.^

Ah, gender identity, now that I have seen, though it's still very rare (but decreasingly so, I think?). I'm curious to see how this story is personal for you, SPark. A personal story is, I think, among the hardest kinds of story to write, but as a reader I value it the most. Like a very deep, personal conversation--and those are always the most rewarding (and risky) aren't they?

7895051 This story isn't a direct parallel with my life. But there are a few of my thoughts and feelings in it here and there.

ok I got my eye on this story,


Once a month? I must protest! That’s long enough to forget the last chapter by the time the next one rolls out. :fluttershbad:

Still, though, it’s nice so far. I’m interested in seeing the confrontation between Stallion-Luna (Artemis?) & Twilight.

wow i love the levelheaded treatment of equestrian gender psychology and transition!!!

7931094 Thank you! :twilightsmile: I tried to put a little thought into how things would work in this world.

It'll be interesting to see how Luna works things out for herself; whether she's transgender, or gender nonconforming, or whatever else she may be. I hope her feelings toward Twilight don't lead her to do anything rash...!

look good,
i would laugh my azz off, if twilight went though the change her self when she was younger,

I had a comment, but then it exploded into a blog entry, so it's there instead.

7931613 I don't see a blog entry for today. Perhaps you didn't actually post it? Or do you mean somewhere off site?

I had to finish it first. It's there now, though!

I really enjoyed this chapter and see nothing wrong with it. I did expect a Glittershel cameo though, I won't lie :D.


I do still absolutely LOVE writing Luna's dialogue!

It shows, given how lengthy it can be at times. :raritywink: Also, when exactly does this take place in the show’s setting? As has been noted elsewhere, Luna only used old-timey speech in her first appearance; since then her speech has been pretty modern, if formal. Not that I don’t like me some ye olde Equestrian, mind.

Interesting that you extended the idea of not being comfortable with the circumstances of one’s birth beyond sex/gender to also include the pony tribes. I suppose that makes sense, given the ponyworld setting, though I’ll admit it feels a bit odd to me. Though that’s probably just because what you showed conflicts with my headcanon over the biology of pony tribes and what’s possible for magic to accomplish regarding transformations, especially amongst non-alicorns … Ah well.

For some reason I had expected this story to be a three-parter, so I’m glad to see it’ll be longer than that. Enjoying it so far.

7934321 It's more or less set about now-ish in the show (though I had to tweak a few bits, as when I started writing it it was pre-Tirek so the library tree was still Twilight's home.) I know that the language doesn't jive with the way she talks in most of the actual episodes, but I find it ridiculous that she picked up absolutely perfect modern Equestrian/English/Whatever basically overnight in the show and has never once slipped back into the way she spoke for hundreds and hundreds of years. So I ignore it and write her the way I think it should be. :twilightsmile:

This update schedule is brutal.

Terrible, terrible cover art drawn by me in about twenty minutes.

Actually I kind of like the art. What does clair de lune mean in English?

8019407 It means Light of the Moon.

very interesting and very good chapter

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