• Published 7th Jan 2017
  • 4,547 Views, 131 Comments

Big Brother Garble - ColtKit Productions

During the Dragon Migration, Garble learns that Spike is his brother. He does the only "Rational" thing he can think of. He promptly kidnaps Spike.

  • ...

Life in the Nest, Part 4

"Where do you think you're going!" A voice snarled, and definitely didn't ask.

Garble was currently hovering over the top of the Volcano, Spike in his arms. The little whelp marveling at how high up they were.

Their way was blocked by a huge dragon. Not nearly as big as Lava Frost, but at least a hundred feet tall.

"Hey Skull Crusher," Garble gulped. He was hoping he'd be able to sneak out.

Skull Crusher bared his teeth, before speaking in a low growl. "You lost your brother once already. Would you really risk him again. Neither Whelps, nor eggs, are permitted outside the safety of the nest."

"What if you escort us?" Spike spoke up.

Skull Crusher frowned, looking at the tiny boy. Even for a whelp he was dangerously small. "There are a number of predators outside the nest. In all honesty, I'm uncomfortable even allowing the Kobolds to leave. And when they do, they have at least three dozen guards to protect their clutch.

"Maybe we can go with a Kobold clutch?" Spike tried. "That way you don't have to spare anymore guards?"

Skull Crusher shook his head, before looking at Garble. "You should not have humored this." Thinking it was the Whelps pleading that got the teenager to try to sneak him out... and Garble wasn't about to correct him.

"This is not a pony village," Skull looked back at the whelp. "The bogs are filled with uncomprehendible dangers. Even adult dragons struggle against some of the creatures here. It's the very reason we assumed you were dead, when Garble was stupid enough to bring you out here, as an egg."

Garble hung his head.

"I will not risk you again, and I hope your brother will swear the same."

Garble sighed. He really wanted to show Spike to the mountain range, that surrounded their island. He wanted to show him the rice fields. The hunting grounds. It's not like he was planning to go into the bog... but Crusher was right... it was dangerous out here.

Spike didn't seem to understand how dangerous, "Pleeeeeeze," The whelp begged. "I really want to know more about my new home. I bet the other baby dragons at least know what is around them!" he pleaded.

Skull Crusher sighed. The whelp had a point there. It was a duty that usually fell to the parents... but Spike belonged to every dragon, an orphan. It was important for whatever adult to answer his questions. Right now, that fell to Skull Crusher.

"Very well, but I want your word that you will not attempt to leave the nest without an adult, at least not until you are a Rookie Dragon."

Spike smiled, remembering the ceremony Garble gave him. He already WAS a Rookie, according to that... with no idea that was just a silly game, that wasn't the real ceremony. "Promise!" Spike eagerly nodded.

Skull Crusher nodded back, a bit more firm, and far more stoic. "We will be staying near the entrance, but I will point out what is important."

"What about that?" Spike pointed towards the mountain range. It was a giant circle, some miles out, surrounding the island.

Skull shrugged, "That is where most of our adults live. You see, the volcano is for whelps, younger rookies, and their parents. Once the children are big enough, usually around three hundred, their parents leave the nest. Going to the mountains. Then another set of parents are allowed to hatch their egg, and take shelter in the nest.

"The great migration usually takes place just after all the eggs have hatched, and most have left the nest for the mountains."

Spike frowned, "What's life like in the mountains?" worrying about them.

Skull shrugged, "Much as it is in the nest, only with more grownup responsibilities. Each cave has a pond that's filled with lava fish. Where underground tunnels, from our volcano, keep the water nice and hot. It doubles as vents for our nest. So that we never have to worry about an eruption.

"The mountain range, itself, is dragon made. A mighty wall, and grand city. Lava Frost tends to think millenniums ahead. Big nerd that he is." Skull gave an affectionate smile. "I wouldn't advise playing chess with him."

Spike smiled, looking at the distant mountains.

"Over there," Skull pointed to where water met land. With a large body of water between the island, and the mountain range. "Is Iron Scale Beach. It's where we tend the beast dragons. Entrusted to us by the Dragon Lord Torch. Due to our flourishing food supplies. We are one of the better off Nest. So it is our obligation to care for the various draconic beast."

He then pointed further inland, at a flat marsh that went around the island. "And that ring is where the Kobold grow our rice. So cleverly named 'Rice Marsh'," He snorted. "Kobolds aren't the most... poetic creatures."

"All of that!!!" Spike gaped, twisting his head to see the thick marsh lands that surrounded them. It took up most of the island!

"But what's that treed area, nearest the volcano?" There were miles of thick trees, between themselves in the marsh.

Spike was a little shoched he could see all this, but then he was very high up. The island had to be a bazillion times larger then Manehatten.

"That," Skull Crusher frowned, "Is the reason we don't let Whelps leave the nest. It's High Blood Bog."

Spike rolled his eyes, "Oh yeah, that's much more poetic. Are all dragons edge lords?"

"Spike!" Garble growled, but Skull Crusher chuckled.

"We do rather enjoy over the top names." Crusher admitted, "But that bog was named accurately, at least. Many dragons have had their blood spilt between those trees."

Spike blinked, "Really?"

Skull nodded, "They are extremely dangerous. Filled with Rocs, Hydra, and just the foulest things imaginable. Our early settlers struggled for survival. Most of our first Generation of eggs were lost... before the Kobolds came and offered their assistance."

Spike's eyes grew wide. Wondering if it was more then just genetics that the Dragons revered the tiny lizards so.

Unfortunately, Skull Crusher moved on before the Whelp could ask. "There's also a changeling hive, in that bog. But we have an understanding with them.

"So long as they don't feed off more then our excess love, we allow them to harvest love from our nest. Few things are more powerful then a parent's love for their child-"

"Changelings... are real?" Spike gulped. Then scowled, "You're just trying to scare me!"

"Damn right I am," Skull grinned. "But I give you my word, I'm not lying to you. Taming this island was a dangerous task.... and after 20000 years, we still haven't succeeded. All we did was carve out safe zones."

Spike gulped more.

"Though, as I said, we have an understanding with the changelings." Skull assured.

"Behind us," Skull turned around, and pointed, glad to see Garble turned as well. So that Spike could see. The Little Whelp gaped at the sight of a mile's long diameter of dead trees, surrounding a floating castle. The stone was on a cloud, just above those trees. Spike would have thought it was a Pegasus city, but no, the stone looked burnt and the atmosphere was filled with decay.

"Opposite the changeling hive. Lives an entire society of terrible Abominations. An army of undead Necromancers, and fearsome spell casters... In 20 thousand years, we have never been able to broker a peace with them...

"They enjoy killing us. Enjoys defiling our bodies with unholy magics, to turn us into it's undead slaves. We have been warring with them for as long as we have been here... though few have seen it and lived. Necro Ponies are no laughing matter. If you heed anything today, remember this. NEVER go ANYWHERE near that part of the bog."

The sheer level of disgust, layered by a surprising amount of fear, proved to Spike... it was true... there was actually an evil society of Necromancers, hiding in the bog right next to the nest. A city of terrifying, horrible, EVIL, creatures... and all Spike could think was he might be able to see a real life Zombie Pony.

The bog couldn't be THAT much more dangerous then the Everfree Forest. So long as he stayed aware, it should be fine.

Author's Note:

I'm going to try to update this story once a month.

So please be patient.

I have a lot of stories, across three platforms, that I'm writing.