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The Phantom Joker

You'll Never See Me Comin'!


In Brightest Night in Darkest Day, we use the fear you kept at bay. To fight the wrong and make evil pay, Sinestro's path, it is our way!

After buying a Sinestro Corps power ring from a mysterious vendor at ComicCon, Simon Jones finds himself in Equestria as a Sinestro Lantern version of Hal Jordan. Using the yellow light of fear, Hal becomes Equestria's resident anti-hero, facing down threats from the Green Lantern mythos as well as threats faced alongside the Mane 6/Elements of Harmony, and even some threats that don't fall into either category, all while seeking out ponies, griffons, and dragons to recruit into his Corps.

Story 1 of Phase 1 of The Lantern-Verse. Co-written with Hopelight

Chapters (3)
Comments ( 81 )

Interesting.... yet again....:applejackunsure:

Ending? Oh, no, no, no ,no, no, no, it has only just begun! Beisdes, Sinestro Lantern had the Mane 6 dead-to-rights. His power ring merely had the same issue as every electronic device ever when you get it right out of the box: lower battery.

7850193 you write a lot of story's, I didn't even realise you were the author of this one, I am currently reading a few of your stories.

I really want to follow this. But ehh. Can anyone here answer my question? Is this guy know for finishing his stories at all? I dont know this guy so this is an honest question haha.

Interesting foreshadowing with Twilight's laser beam there...

looks like a few people went on a dislike spree

I mean... I may put this in my read later list. But I think something other than displaced or the ol' buy an item from a vendor and whammo, is kind of... meh.

And these two chapters are the prime example of WHY the only good pony is a very and thoroughly DEAD pony.
Oh well, won't keep me from reading.

* dragon squeeing noises*

Looks like Chryssie is going to have a bad time.

Don't make the super suit green yellow! Or animated!

should just power up the ring then fly off the planet after u tell them to go eat a dick

Oh, don't worry, it will... oh, as far as the Merchant goes... who says it was THE Merchant?

I don't know why so many people are hating on your stories man but if it makes you feel any better this is one of the better HIE fictions I have ever read. I also liked "The power of darkness" story and wonder if you ever intend to revisit the star wars in equestria idea again.

7851401 he has finished almost 1 or 2 stories out of 26

Hmm seems like the princess were a tad bit quick to jump to "you are a super powered guy who is quick to anger that we have NO idea if you are a good guy... Wana be our glowing knight?"

The main character seems like he is a tad bit of an idiot too since the ring warns the user when they are low. I am not sure though, it could be he didn't notice his rings attempts to warn him. He would have known what the ring was telling him since he is a fan of the show.

Also if I remember right, they don't just run out of power all of a sudden it progressively gets weaker unless they were attempting to draw the remainder out.

Besides those thoughts I am interested in the premise of the story thus far. I look forward to reading more.

Be thankful it isn't green... or animated. Then again, the story's set in a cartoon, so... yeah.

7891881 Who cares, sure it makes some people mad that he keeps uploading new stories, but you can't stop ideas from coming. Joker just chooses to write them as they appear in his head. I do the same.

7932633 I have nothing against it, I was just answering a question someone had. I may be turned off from reading stories made by someone who does this since it generally means that they won't finish a singular story often. That doesn't mean I have anything against it, if they were one shots I'd be incredibly happy that they do for obvious reasons.

A Midnight Review


Hello from your neighborhood MidnightChaos, reviewing another Displaced story for shits and giggles, as well the benefit of the author if I can manage it. There will be jokes, possibly memes, and some spelling and grammar corrections. Opinions and wording may be seen as offensive but I will try to tone down the level of bitter asshole I usually put into things.

In Brightest Night, In Darkest Day by The Sinestro Joker

Before we begin, let it be known I hate this writer more than I ever hated Umbridge from Harry Potter. Let me explain why; he attacks other people, whether directly or indirectly, he screams and whines to try and get sympathy, his approach to criticism is “Quit trolling, hater”, and he consistently plays the victim. Basically, while I have a strong urge to be as verbally abusive as I can, I will hold back. Let’s read this shit.

In Brightest Night in Darkest Day, we use the fear you kept at bay. To fight the wrong and make evil pay, Sinestro's path, it is our way!

...This is blatantly and clearly a terrible rewrite of the Green Lantern Oath, and I don’t really read or watch anything superhero based. Sure, I sort of write something to that effect, but at least I’m not this lazy about it anymore. Not to mention, Sinestro is a GOOD GUY and I honestly am fairly certain he was evil. I digress.

After buying a Sinestro Corps power ring from a mysterious vendor at ComicCon, Simon Jones finds himself in Equestria as a Sinestro Lantern version of Hal Jordan. Using the yellow light of fear, Hal becomes Equestria's resident anti-hero, facing down threats from the Green Lantern mythos as well as threats faced alongside the Mane 6/Elements of Harmony, and even some threats that don't fall into either category, all while seeking out ponies, griffons, and dragons to recruit into his Corps.

*rubs temples* Do you even know what a description is supposed to be? You have spoiled at least half of all the future plot, probably all of it knowing you. On yet another note, why is the Green Lantern Corps evil? Nevermind, probably just a decision you made that has no in-story reason. Furthermore, why is he immediately teamed up with the Mane Six? I’m fairly certain that the ponies would have an issue with someone that is an anti-hero for various reasons. “Threats that don’t fall into either category?” ...He means other Displaced, I’m willing to bet.

Why is he just expanding willy-nilly, that just seems like a disaster waiting to happen. Here’s what I have for just a part of my description of Stolen Soul on the Passage of Home;

”A thousand years ago, when the world fought for survival from the onslaught of the creatures of the night, a follower rose up and laid waste to the enemies of the night, proving herself to be an enemy of Equestria. The Queen of the Eternal Night chose this warrior to lead her armies, all at a cost. The warrior would be granted passage home.”

Yes, it gives backstory that I put in the fic itself, but here’s the thing. I don’t spoil the future plot of the fic in this description. Not to mention, the bits mentioned here act as a prologue that I slip in as story-building in the first few chapters. I did it so the readers had a general idea, but also put it in a way that didn’t hurt the storyline. Plus, the rest of the description ends in a cliffhanger. Yours just makes me groan painfully.

Story 1 of Phase 1 of The Lantern-Verse. Contains Trixie X Hal Jordan. Other pairings to be determined.

...There’s supposed to be more? Oh happy day, and why is it Story 1 Phase 1? What sense does that make? A phase, in context, clearly means a part of the story and I just… I give up on this bit. The pairings are bad and this story is clearly going to be Gary and edgy as all fuck. I can already feel the paper cuts.

Co-written with Hopelight

I just feel the need to point out, I’m not sure if Hopelight actually does anything or if he sits back and screams at the screen whilst yelling, “MidnightChaos is a queefy bitch” like you pretty much do. In fact, it wouldn’t jar me if this was your alt or something.

Not to mention, despite this profile having been around for two years, it’s only gotten active recently and in Joker’s support.

Anyway, a friend I have on here The Sinestro Joker, formerly known as Joker the Hedgehog, is getting MASSIVE, and I do mean massive, amounts of negative feedback from a couple of people on here.

Two downvotes on all of his comments is massive? The deserved downvotes on his story where he reuploaded the same thing as another fic with minor changes? The same rule breaking shit he’s been doing is getting him negative reactions? Not surprising, and not to mention this same user fucking has decided that his personal vendetta against me for enforcing rules and giving him constructive criticism was me hating and trolling him. Massive and couple don’t go hand-in-hand.

The rest of this blog has them supporting the removal of dislikes overall. And then them flipping shit about Joker wanting to leave, even though it’s clearer than my sinuses after eating Buffalo Wild Wing’s Blazin Sauce that he wasn’t going to leave.

How about THAT! Another author has chosen to give up writing, how this is a happy day! *Cue snarl* I hope you can hear the dripping sarcasm coming from my enraged lips. Because of two utter ASSHOLES who probably are just going on a dislike spree for whatever petty reason they want, my friend Sinestro Joker has chosen to give up on writing.

I’m detracting from the review, but I feel I should mention that this is why I have little to no hope for this story when I haven’t started. Not to mention the fact that I’m allegedly one of the assholes. (Yeah, pretty sure I was accused of that at some point. *shrug*) Basically, over reactions abound. And, in his recent posts, he just did more crap. (Case in point, he made one titled: A Message From The Group Administrater and Supreme Leader and I just facepalmed because he is neither actually in charge nor a supreme leader. Seriously.) Anyways, rant ceasing here.

After buying a Sinestro Corps ring at from a vendor at ComicCon, Simon Jones is Displaced as a Sinestro Lantern version of Hal Jordan, and becomes the resident anti-hero of Equestria.


A Misunderstanding

Nice chapter title, I guess.

Author's Note:

Greetings Gotham, Joker here! Well, here we are, the opening chapter of my new Sinestro Corps Hal Jordan Displaced. Now then, I’m going to address a couple of things that I KNOW you guys are going to call me out on.

...An author’s note with information BEFORE the story. Did no one teach this kid? Did he not read other stories? Talk about bad idea. And, on a new note, please drop the whole “Greetings Gotham” crap, it ISN’T your thing. However, last I checked, you HAD dropped it so good on you. Thanks for telling me what crap I’m going to find though, much appreciated.

First off, yes, I know that what I have for the Sinestro Corps Oath is NOT what’s in the comics, but this is my story that I’m co-writing with Hopelight, so I can do whatever I want.

No shit, I already called you on that. On a new note, why put it in the description, why not actually use it in the story or something-wait, here’s the explanation. “I do what I want”, yes you do. But not at the cost of the sanity of your readers.

Also, yes I know that Sinestro Corps Lanterns are usually the bad guys, but further research suggests that Sinestro originally intended for his Corps to be anti-heroes, but they wound up becoming villains that wound up destroying his home planet.

Wound is used a lot. And, again, wasn’t Sinestro already a bad guy? I’d appreciate you putting forth your evidence but you don’t so I’m going to ignore this and call you on it. Fear is never seen as generally good thing, hence why it’s usually played as either evil or mildly malevolent. Anything but a force for good.

Besides, if I can make an anti-hero out of The Joker and STILL have him be Joker, I’m pretty sure I can get away with this. Also, Hopelight and I plan on doing similar things with the Red Lanterns and any other “evil” Lanterns out there, maybe even Black, but that’s all down the road, I am autistic, remember.

...You did that? Why do I sincerely doubt that? I’ve heard “it’s a good idea and a meh story” but never anything else about your fic about the Joker. In fact, I almost feel like reviewing that after this. Anyways, feel free to do what you will here.

As for using the other Lanterns, I couldn’t care less what you do. However, I see little way you could actively focus on Equestria in this sense. You seem to have completely disregarded the How and focused on the What and I’m not even in the story.

*blink* *blink* *blink* I’m sorry, what? Did you seriously just try to play off a mental disorder as an excuse? No, seriously, that’s exactly why I’m choosing to treat you like anyone else at this point, quit playing the victim and making excuses.

Also, my Sinestro Corps Hal Jordan will be refered to as “The Sinestro Lantern,” since I think that sounds cooler. The story is also set a couple days prior to the beginning of A Canterlot Wedding Part 1. I think that wraps that up, so let’s get this party started!

[Meme gif of the Joker saying “Here We Go”]

...Already excusing things because they sound cool, how excellent. On another note, why would Sinestro Lantern even make sense? I feel like “The Fear Lantern” for as shit as it sounds, would be more logical than that other idea. And, here we go, you giving us a setting we should have either guessed at or had revealed to us, or both. Bad storytelling, just like your meme usage.

Finally, after that wall of text, we arrive at the first chapter for real.

In Brightest Night in Darkest Day, we use the fear you kept at bay.To fight the wrong and make evil pay, Sinestro's path, it is our way!

My name is Hal Jordan. I am the Sinestro Lantern, leader of Princess Luna’s elite task force, the Sinestro Corps. Although, it wasn’t always this way. Once, I was known as Simon Jones, and I was just an ordinary guy, living an ordinary life. That all changed when I went to San Diego ComicCon as a Sinestro Corps version of Hal Jordan. While I was there, I ran into this cloaked Merchant who was selling Lantern Corp Power Rings and Lanterns. This guy had one of every Corp color including Black. And my costume was missing the ring, since the only one I could find online cost a leg and an arm. Throwing any caution I may have had to the wind I decided to buy the Ring and Lantern. That’s when everything went black.

Something tells me that you literally give next to no shits about setting the story up, and instead have decided to bonzai your way past the prologue or set-up. Seriously, not only have you ignored every form of a starting chapter, but this one of the worst ways I have ever seen someone execute a Displacement. You have literally started with a very poorly written oath.

You then follow this with a set-up of the character, in which you describe some things he’s done, and follow that with a bit of storyline so fast and blunt, you’ve basically thrown a brick at me from orbit. Not to mention how completely and utterly ridiculous this even is. You set up a costume that few people would wear without even bothering to finish it, which is ridiculous.

This mention of the Merchant is quite literally the worst I have ever read to date, as well as completely and utterly wrong. The Merchant wouldn’t carry all of that with him, what point would there be? He makes it obvious he has what you need, not that he has everything for that fandom. It’s one of his quirks. And...Scene.

In the middle of a meadow near a river called Daisy Stream, a butter yellow anthro pegasus mare with a soft pink mane and tail wearing a white blouse, green shirt, and tan sandals was having a picnic with some of her animal friends. Among said friends was a great big grizzly bear, an ill-tempered, bossy, and all around asshole of a white bunny, a few birds, an otter, and a gopher.

“Angel, you really should eat more of your carrots, don’t you think?” Fluttershy asked the bunny,who had two-and-a-half carrots in front of him, and who simply blew a raspberry at his owner while the other animals simply rolled their eyes, being far too used to this at this point.

“Just one more?” begged Fluttershy, to which Angel crossed his tiny little arms with an expression that clearly said NO.

I’m not sure we needed to even- wait. I just showed this to someone else and this is the exact same, minus the anthro, as in your Jigglypuff fiction. No freaking joke, this is literally the same paragraph for both. It’s lazy and fucking depressing that you would do this. “WHAT DO WE SEE?” Terrible descriptions and lazy writing. “WHEN DO WE WANT IT?” Fuck you, we don’t.

Holy shit, that’s a sentence that ran a 10k if I ever saw one. Seriously, do you know the meaning of a period? No, not the woman’s menstrual cycle because that actually has a fuckin point. What you’ve done here is taking the biggest shit you could, and then used The Guide to Grammar for Dummies as your fuckin toilet paper. *read with a Boston accent*

“Just a little more?” *to this Midnight responds by crossing her arms and glaring with the heat of a thousands.* But, I’ll read on anyways, otherwise why would I even start.

“Just finish off that half of one?”

Angel’s expression remained unchanged at this offer.

“How about a-”

Fine, I’ll finish. *expression remains*

On a sidenote, why the fuck isn’t he eating it? He’s a fucking rabbit, he should eat his carrots.

Fifty bucks says there’s explosion or some stupid shit.

Before Fluttershy could finish speaking, a resounding explosion echoed over the meadow, causing the animals to jump and scatter with fright, and causing Fluttershy to turn her head towards the source of the blast, just in time to see something that looked like a pony fall from the sky into the woods not far from where she was.

“Oh, my goodness! Somepony could be hurt! I’d better go and check and see if that pony’s okay!” said Fluttershy, getting up and darting over to where it had looked like the figure had fallen.

I fuckin knew it, I told you so. Fess up the moola. Is this a fuckin Micheal Bay fanfiction? “He didn’t pay his insurance, Jake.” [EXPLOSIONS INTENSIFY] On another note, this sentence ran a 15k! Seem to be a lot of marathons in town this month, maybe you’ve put in some other contestants, or all of them.

...That is shit writing, I can’t believe she actually did this. “Something liek a pony”? It’s a fucking human, how you can you make that mistake? IT’S A BIRD. IT’S A PLANE. IT’S A FROG! Not only is Fluttershy now mentally challenged, she’s also as blind as a ninety year old woman who’s been pepper-sprayed. Not to mention, what even is this action? It’s all too fast and worded poorly.

But, when she got there, she quickly realized that thing that had fallen wasn’t a pony… or any kind of creature she was familiar with at all. It was about as tall as the Princesses, and had no fur, except for a small brown patch on the top of its head. It wore a strange shimmering yellow-and-black bodysuit and eyemask with a bizarre insignia on its chest. Resting beside the creature was a glowing yellow lantern. Fluttershy couldn’t help but feel a little afraid. That fear intensified when the creature began to stir from its slumber. Fluttershy quickly backed away from it before the being opened its eyes and sat up.

“Ugh… what happened last night?” the creature muttered as it placed its hand on its forehead, before moving it away as though receiving a sudden shock. “Holy hell, that’s cold!” The creature then made a face that seemed to indicate that something was wrong. “Why is my hand so cold? And why do I sound like Ryan Reynolds?”

No. Fucking. Shit. Sherlock. But, here we have yet another actually quite terrible description. It’s blunt and very monotonous, like Maud Pie. Furthermore, can we talk about how you have already started using the Fear Aura bullshit? Seriously, this could be done away with in this form, and you could portray better in some many different ways.

...I just sat here staring at the screen questioning this for like ten minutes. For instance, why the fuck is his hand so cold? What is the point of introducing this idea? And, why even bother to mention who he sounds like, I’m fairly certain very few people care about that element.

Fluttershy was staring at the being scared out of her wits before it turned to stare at her. When it opened its mouth to speak she panicked and froze stiff as a board while in midair, turned and fell onto her back, while a goat bleating could be heard.

The creature blinked several times, not entirely sure what to make of what just happened. It pulled itself up and walked over to Fluttershy. “Are, uh, you okay? Can you tell me where I am? Can you even speak English?” it asked Fluttershy, only to not receive an answer from the female, “Hello?” it asked before waving its hand in front of her eyes.

...It what? No seriously, what kind of transition and action is this? It just doesn’t sit right and it flies by at a ridiculous pace. Clearly, you meant this scene to be a joke, but it’s painfully unfunny. It’s like a ninety year old comedian from the south. The pure bluntness of this hurts.

Yeah, don’t worry bub, I feel the exact same. It’s like trying to figure out one of the impossible structures, or any mental illusion. No, I’m not okay, and yes I can speak English, apparently better than you. And, just calling her “the female” is wrong and is more bad description and poor word choice. I just…

The creature leaned in close to Fluttershy, having noticed something about his reflection in her eyes, and promptly began feeling his face. The creature then checked his right hand, on which was a shimmering yellow ring with the same insignia that was on his chest. “Oh, you gotta be kidding me,” the creature said, removing its ring, which caused the uniform and mask to disappear, revealing a brown leather jacket, a white shirt, blue jeans, and black leather boots underneath. A laugh escaped him as he slid the ring back on, causing the uniform and mask to reappear. “I’m a Sinestro Corp member, no scratch that, I'm a Hal Jordan Sinestro Corp member. Now, let’s see if we can’t find you some help,” said Hal, scooping up both Fluttershy and his lantern with a bubble generated by his ring. Taking a steadying breath, Hal took to the skies at breakneck speeds, letting out an exhilarated whoop of excitement. From his lofty perch in the skies, Hal caught sight of a city not far from where he was.

“Bingo,” said Hal as he rocketed off towards the city.

...What the actual hells. No, seriously, THAT’S his reaction? He just, takes off the ring and instantly comes to this assumption? Sure, I could see that if you were changed species or some other shit, but no freakout and instantly knowing what you look like? You can’t be serious, and, to be perfectly frank, eyes are not the best source for seeing a reflection. Is she wearing Mirrored Shades Contacts™? Not to mention that even his clothes have allegedly changed… Ugh. This is like Harry bloody Potter getting body swapped with Hermione and being perfectly calm about it. Why is he laughing?

...RAPE. RAPE. RAPE. RAPE. In all seriousness, none of this is a reaction a person would actually have, and you can’t bullshit me that you would react like this. You know why I would? I wouldn’t, there’d be cursing but no panic attack at least. And, he already knows how to use the ring? Shouldn’t there be a bit where he tries to figure it out or something?

…*rubs temples*

I suggest a rename. In Blackest Garbage, In Brightest Bullshit.


It was just a regular day in the city of Ponyville. Unicorns, Pegasi, and Earth Ponies were going about their daily routines. However, all of that was about to come to an end when a strange yellow-and-black suited figure zoomed down from the skies and landed none too gently in the town square. Panicked gasps and terrified screams left some of the townsfolk as the creature looked around.

“Hey, does anyone know where I can find a doctor for this… whatever she is,” said Hal, indicating Fluttershy, who was still in a catatonic state inside the bubble.


What even just happened. Did he not react to the fact this is a land of anthropomorphic animals? WHY DID HE EVEN TRY TALKING TO FLUTTERSHY EARLIER!? Also, why are you redescribing him to us, we’re the readers! At least the ponies are reacting appropriately. The only reason this works is because it is anthro, which is easily forgotten and dismissed.

Hal began to hear gasps of recognition throughout the crowd that had gathered to stare at him… followed swiftly by several angry glares and the sound of police sirens.

“If those sirens are for me, then I already have a bad start,” muttered the Sinestro Lantern.

Attention glowing yellow-and-black thing. This is the Ponyville Police. You have five seconds to put Fluttershy down and to get down on your knees with your hands behind your head or we will open fire!” yelled an Earth Pony with a bushy mustache that was very clearly a cop through a megaphone. As Sinestro Lantern looked around, he saw several more cops wearing tactical gear forming a perimeter around him.

...Recognition of what? Seriously, recognition of what? And why is there a police force in Ponyville, it’s almost like you’re trying to hit all the comicbook cliches you can. This is just bad storytelling and I can’t imagine why you’d make such an awful decision.

“Muttered the Sinestro Lantern,” ...Seriously you went and actually did it? I can’t believe this, what are you on. Why is he having a bad time if those sirens are for him, in fact, why does he think they’re for him? Did he actually rape her?

...Yeah, comic book cliches are most definitely your goal here. Furthermore, why are you already referring to them as Earth Ponies, with the caps and the name? He shouldn’t know what they are as you’ve not made it clear if he was even brony. For sanity’s sake, let’s just say he is. And, “clearly a cop”? How lazy can you be? Why are they already reacting this way?

The Lantern heaved a frustrated sigh. “Look, officer, this is all just a big misunderstanding. You see, I’m new here, and, uh, Fluttershy, here, saw me and froze up like this, so I’m just trying to get her some-” said Hal, taking a step forward as he spoke.

“OPEN FIRE!” yelled one of the cops.

As one, the cops opened fire on the Sinestro Lantern, who instinctively put up a forcefield around himself, providing protection from the bullets.

...I actually can’t, what the actual fuck are you even doing here? No, seriously, IS HE A BRONY OR NOT. EXPLAIN. This just confuses me and hurts me. If he’s not, how does he know her name. Why is he even reacting so calmly, I must ask again. Why are you suddenly calling him “Hal”?

...You can’t be serious. You can’t be serious. YOU LITERALLY CAN’T BE SERIOUS. WHAT THE ACTUAL HORSE-FLYING ASS APPLE.

...Instinctively. Alright, I can kind of understand that. Except for one thing. Why have you given the ponies guns? Even from a logical point, they have MAGIC. Just, wow.

Alright, that’s it! I was just trying get Miss Fluttershy here to a doctor to see if they could get her to snap out of her little coma, but now it’s time to kick some ass!” snarled the Sinestro Lantern in anger, before summoning a yellow minigun and returning fire to the cops. Each shot hit their marks wounding the officers in their arms and legs and causing the bystanders watching to run for their lives as the Sinestro Lantern rose into the air. Those officers who had not been harmed by the Lantern’s machine gun fire retreated, shooting suppression fire at the Sinestro Lantern. Sinestro Lantern, meanwhile, was summoning and throwing missiles, with no apparent concern for who they hit, only the drive to put the fear of… whatever deity these creatures worshipped in them.

I’m not even going to touch this with a ten foot pole. All I can say is this is fucking stupid beyond belief.

From out in the crowd of panicking ponies, a purple beam of energy struck the Sinestro Lantern from behind. “Okay, that hurt,” he grumbled. “Why do I feel more compassionate all of a sudden?” the Sinestro Lantern asked himself as he turned to look at his attacker. It was a purple unicorn with a blue mane with a violet streak wearing a dark purple hoodie with a white shirt underneath, blue jeans, and purple and white sneakers.

...I can’t believe this shit, what the actual hells. Why would he feel compassion from a blast of magic. As for Twilight… WHAT ARE THOSE. The OOC Brigade approaches.

Flanking her was another unicorn wearing a silver-grey sweater with a purple skirt, embroidered with three crystals cut in the shape of diamonds. Her royal purple mane was curled like spirals, which complemented alabaster fur.

Beside her was an orange coated mare who looked as though she had no horn or wings to speak of. She had a blonde mane ironically kept in a ponytail braid. Everything about her screamed country, from the Stetson on her head to the green shirt, red bandana, blue jeans, and cowboy boots beneath it.

I’m out. Gone like the wind.

This fic needs completely revamped from the ground up. It is an absolute travesty of epic proportions. I am sorry I could finish it, but I looked at the next excerpt and skimmed the rest of this, all I can say is no. The grammar is bad in terms of sentences and paragraphs, and the actual storyline kills me.

7959004 First I would like to point out I write half of what is in the stories we work on, second I wrote the new Red, Orange, Yellow, and Black Oaths, White is being replaced by one done by Sinestro Joker, and Sinestro is an Anti-Hero in this story, its AU so buck off on that regard, and furthermore I am still an up-and-coming writer with an account here and on Fanfiction.net, I am not an expert with grammar or paragraph placement, and structure. I failed miserably in that part of school. And also, he cares more about some random creature he just came across that went into a coma rather than what has happened to him, he knows about MLP FIM and what the main characters look like, a couple names he knows but the rest he does not. He's heard a couple rumors of the Displaced but they were just that to him, rumors. As for calling him Hal, he is now a Sinestro Corp Hal Jordan Displaced, so he goes by that unless he chooses to give out his real name. As for the part about all the Lanterns and a Ring for each, there will be a twist because the Merchant is not who you think it is. That's all I'm going to say.

Goodnight to you, sir or ma'am.

P.S. My account name on Fanfiction is LegionnaireBlaze if you want to look up some of my other stories.


For what? Hopelight's argument does nothing and excuses nothing. All it does, in fact, is prove every single one of my points correct.


First I would like to point out I write half of what is in the stories we work on, second I wrote the new Red, Orange, Yellow, and Black Oaths, White is being replaced by one done by Sinestro Joker, and Sinestro is an Anti-Hero in this story, its AU so buck off on that regard, and furthermore I am still an up-and-coming writer with an account here and on Fanfiction.net, I am not an expert with grammar or paragraph placement, and structure.

Do you even need to breath, talk about a run on sentence. "Buck off because it's AU" is not an excuse, nor is that you wrote some and Joker wrote some. I recognize your amateur style, and believe me, I can forgive that to some degree but this is painfully full of such accidents, it can't be forgiven.

I failed miserably in that part of school.

I can tell.

And also, he cares more about some random creature he just came across that went into a coma rather than what has happened to him,

Wait, wait. Are you serious? She went into a fucking coma? :rainbowlaugh: Thanks for that joke, but if you're serious that just makes it even worse.

he knows about MLP FIM and what the main characters look like, a couple names he knows but the rest he does not. He's heard a couple rumors of the Displaced but they were just that to him, rumors.

...Logic. Amaxing, wonderful, beautiful logic- :rainbowlaugh: I'm sorry, I couldn't say that with a straight face seeing as literally none of it makes any sense whatsoever. And, Displaced rumors? what planet do you live on, most people detest Displaced. Unless you mean in story after his Displacement, but that's even worse.

As for calling him Hal, he is now a Sinestro Corp Hal Jordan Displaced, so he goes by that unless he chooses to give out his real name.

...Fine, alright.

As for the part about all the Lanterns and a Ring for each, there will be a twist because the Merchant is not who you think it is. That's all I'm going to say.

He's not the Merchant at all then. Make him anything else and make it seem like it's some Green lantern character or other character that has been posing as the Merchant all this time and you're bound to get downvoted into oblivion by the very people you am to please. Trying to garner that kind of people over other people's fics without justification is you trying to make yourself out as a control freak.

Goodnight to you, sir or ma'am.

You can use Ma'am.

P.S. My account name on Fanfiction is LegionnaireBlaze if you want to look up some of my other stories.


Comment posted by The Phantom Joker deleted Feb 20th, 2017

7962493 It was supposed to say 'coma-like state', I didn't see that part cut out until now. As for the part about the Merchant not being the Merchant, I meant this Merchant is not the Mechant. The real Merchant is still out there Displacing others for his shits and giggles. And, yeah putting down my Fanfiction account name was a stupid thing to do, I don't know why I did that.

Hurry up and do the next chapter. Your doing so well! This is a great story so far!

how exactly would you make a black lantern an antihero? i think its a little unlikely that the extinction of ALL LIFE can have any kind of a good spin put on it

So luna blackmailed him on the threat of death? That doesn't sound very nice


How often do you intend to post on this story?

yea new chapter, please let the next one be just as good :rainbowkiss:, and come a little faster too, baring bad situations. :twilightblush:

Very nice.

Wonder what will happen next since the Sinestro Hal stopped Cadence and Shining Armor's spell?

Once more, my wait was pretty much worth it, for Sinestro Joker story.


When is it never not? After all, good things come to those who wait. Or break clay pots, if you're in Hyrule.

It seems that the ponies have conveniently forgotten that Displaced-Hal's powers are fueled by fear and thus the love shield would have worked on him too.

Think Nico from the Percy Jackson books.

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