• Member Since 23rd Dec, 2012
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Zaid ValRoa

"Fanfic [has] been on the decline since the Aeneid." --Anonymous poster 18/03/15


"Another day, another dungeon" had been A. K. Yearling's motto for longer than she could remember.
When she finds herself caved in during her latest expedition, she wonders for how much longer will she be able to keep that going.

Written for The Writeoff Association's event: "Alone Together".

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 5 )

Always nice to see a new good Daring Do story. :)

B_25 #2 · Feb 22nd, 2023 · · 1 ·

Another delightful work from the most delightful person.

The rock let out a sigh. "Oh, thank Gaia, I thought she'd never leave. I mean, the odd collapse is understandable, even if it's only been a century or two, but then she just had to make it awkward. Still, do appreciate the hat."

“Groaning as she cradled her aching hoof and slid back to where she’d been sitting.

Sentence fragment, there.

If thinking about the stuff she regretted before going on this trip wasn’t a sign that she was getting pessimistic, she didn’t know what it would be.

I don't think you the "it" should be there, but I'm not 100% sure.

Overall, a nicely understated bit of exploration. Kind of hard to imagine a post-adventuring Daring. Honestly, the thought gives me some minor Cohen the Barbarian vibes - still doing their thing long after they should have stopped, simply because there's not really much else they know how to do.

Dear Tom,

You'll never guess who I met last night! Daring Do! She even gave me her hat! I haven't been this excited since we left the rock farm!

Looking forward to your next letter. Say hi to the family for me.

Your cousin,

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