• Published 2nd Feb 2017
  • 1,660 Views, 31 Comments

Star Falco - Norwegian boy

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First Contact

It was lovely night Equestria Luna had done a great job with the night, the stars and moon was shining bright. Ponies were getting ready bed except for one and that was Applejack, she was doing her last chores for the day and that stacking hay bales in the barn, she had just getting the last one in place. She wiped some sweat from her forehead.

“I’m beat, time for me to get inside and take a shower before I go to bed.”

She walked out of the barn and looked up in the sky. “Princess Luna sure did a good job with the night.” Then she saw something fare up in the sky. “What’s that?” She narrowed her eyes to get a better look and it looked like a… “Is that a shooting star?”

The star came closer and closer, the closer it came the more it not looked like a shooting star but a meteorite it was heading straight towards her.

“Holy molly, it heading towards the farm.”

Applejack stared to panic but then it looked like the meteorite was staring to change direction, it was heading towards the Everfree forest. What was weird that it didn’t she didn’t hear an explosion, Applejack stared to pace around in panic.

“What should I do? Should I get the girls? No, if I do Rarity would probably complain that is too late and Fluttershy is afraid of the dark.” She groaned. “I can believe I’m doing this.” She stared to run into the forest.

After a while of wandering Applejack wonder if she ever would find the meteorite. ‘What am I doing here? Just to see where this meteorite landed? To think about it a meteorite shouldn’t move like that, it change direction and I remember that Twilight said once that is impossible.’

When she finally arrived where the star had landed she got a shock, what she saw was a bird but it looked like it was made of metal and it was bigger.

“What is that?” She asked no one in particular.

She approached the metal bird very carefully, she didn’t want it to come back to life. When she was close enough she touched it very carefully, it didn’t move.

“Huh, I guess it dead.”

Then all of sudden it made a hissing noise that scared Applejack so much that she almost jumped out of her skin, she then saw that the head open and something crawled out of it. She didn’t get a good looked at first but when it landed on the ground face first, when she could see what it was, it was a giant blue bird that was much bigger than herself, it has a yellow beak and red around its eyes, it didn’t have hooves but boots on its feet and it was wearing clothes.

“Hey, are you okay?” She asked nervously.

The creature tried to grab her with one of its wings, she back away from it in fear. It cried out in agony. “Help me.” Then it pasted out.

Applejack stared to panic, again. “What’s should I do? I can’t leave this ‘bird’ here but if Ii take it back to the farm it could attack us.” The she saw that the bird was hurt, she sighted. “Come on AJ, if you can’t leave this bird her alone you would never forgive yourself.” She walked toward the bird. “Something tells me that I’m going to regret this.”

She manged to get creature on her back, it’s arms and legs was hanging down on the ground, it’s head rested on her head but she could move it and it was heavy. “Wow pal, you’re a lot heavier then you look.” She stared to head back to the farm.

While walking back she looked around to make sure that no animals would come out and attack them. ‘This is crazy, here I’m am risking my life for a creature that might be dangerous. But, if he were dangerous he would have attack me not asked for help.’ Then she heard noises in some bushes. ‘I can think about this later, time to pick up the pace’. She stared to walk even faster.

Finally, she could see the farm and boy was she relieved. ‘There’s the farm, thank Celestia.’ She looked back at her passenger to see if he was still alive, she could fell his breath on her fur and his stomach was moving up and down. ‘Good, it still alive.’ She walked towards the house.

When she was outside the house she shouted. “Big mac, get you red flank out her now. I need your help.”

It didn’t take long before the red stallion walked out the door, he raised an eye brown of what he saw.

“What is that?” He pointed at the creature on his sister back.

“I think is a bird, look. Whatever it is it’s hurt and I need you to take it up to the guest room for me, it’s heavier than it looks.”

Mac said nothing, he just shrugged his shoulder and walked over to his sister so he could take the bird on his back, once he had it on his back he walked towards the door.

“I’m going to see if Redheart is still awake, see if you can get its clothes off.” Mac nodded.

Applejack walked towards the town while Mac walked into the house, inside sat his little sister Applebloom on the floor drawing on some paper. She stopped what she was doing when she heard her brother come in, her eyes widen when she saw what was on his back. She ran to his brother.

“Hey Mac, what’s is that?” She pointed at the bird on his back.

“Don’t know, ask your sister when she gets back.”

He closed the door whit his hind leg and walk up the stairs to the second floor, when there he walked to the guest room, open the door and walk towards the bed. He manged somehow to get the bird on the bed but the bed was a little too small, his legs was hanging outside the bed. Then Applebloom walked into the room.

“Do you think it is dangerous?” She asked her big brother.

Mac studied the creature. “Don’t know, we know more when its wake ups. Let’s get its clothes of, you can take its boots while I take of the rest.”

Applebloom just nodded, she walked to its feet and grabbed one of the boots with her front hooves and she stared to pull it off. When she finally got the first off, she landed on her butt, she got up and stared to rub it.

“That hurt.”

Mac just smiled of what just happened. Applebloom was about to take of the other one when she saw the bird’s feet, her eyes widened

“Mac, Take a look at his feet.”

Mac couldn’t help but wonder what is sister meant by that so he did as she said and what he saw made his stomach sick, the bird hat not normal feet but they were metallic. They stared just above his knees.

“Why does he have metallic legs Mac?” Apple Bloom asked her brother.

“I don’t know, just try and focus on taking off the other boot, alright.”

Applebloom just nodded and went to take of the other one while Mac took of his clothes. It didn’t take long before he was completely naked, Mac covert his private parts with a blanket.

“There, now we just have to wait for Applejack to bring nurse Redheart her.” Said Mac.

And right on cue the door open and in walked Applejack with Redheart right behind her.

“Alright Applejack, mind telling me why you got me to come here at this hour of the day?” Redheart asked the farmer.

“Its better I show you, Mac? Are you in the guest room with our ‘guest’?”

“Yeep.” Mac answered.

“Alright, were coming up.”

Mac and Applebloom could hear them both coming up the stairs.

“For the last time, why did you…”

When Redheart saw what was lying on the bed in the guest room it was almost that she needed a doctor or a nurse herself, she approached it very carefully. She touched one of the feet with her hoof.

“Applejack, what is this creature?” Redheart ask.

“I don’t know, I found it in the Everfree forest.”

That good a panic look from her sibling and Redheart.

“You went into the Everfee? Alone? At night? Why?” Red asked her.

“Did you all see that shooting star?” All of them nodded. “Well I got a close encounter with it, it looked like it was heading for our house but then it changed direction towards the Everfree. I did not hear an explosion so I went to investigate, when I arrived I saw a giant metal bird and that.” She pointed at the bird in the bed. “Fell out of it.”

After she was finished everypony wonder if she was telling the truth or not, then they remember she is Applejack and she can’t lie.

“Look Redheart, can you just take a look at it? I don’t think it dangerous.”

Redheart took a deep breath. “Okay, but I need some privacy. I don’t need you all looking over my shoulder while I’m working.” She walked to the side of the bed and took of the bag she had on her back.

Applejack and the others walked out of the room, she closed the door and walked down stare with Mac and Applebloom. Mac went to the kitchen while Applejack and her little sister went to the living room.

“Do think it will be okay Applejack?” Applebloom asked her sister.

“I sure hope so, wait a minute.” She looked at her little sister. “Why aren’t you in bed, it way past your bed time.”

“I was about to but then Big Mac came in with that bird, so I ended up with helping him.”

“Okay then but I want you in bed after Redheart has left, got it?”

The apple sibling wait for Redheart to be done and it didn’t take long, they heard a door open and close. Then they Redheart come down the stairs, Applejack walked over to her when she was down in the first floor.

“How’s the creature Redheart?” She asked the nurse.

“First thing, the creature is a he and he’s fine. Some bruised ribs and a small concussion, other than that he’s fine.”

Applejack breathed a sigh of relief. “That’s good.”

“Yeah, I should go and I will send you the bill Applejack for this night visit, this was supposed to me day off.”

Redheart headed for the exit while Applejack and the other headed for the second floor to go to bed, Applejack walked to guest room too looked inside to see if the bird was sleeping. She poked her head inside and saw the he was sleeping peacefully she couldn’t help but smile of that.

Applejack walked into her own room and closed the door, she put her hat on the chair and climbed up in her own bed. For a while she just stared up in the ceiling wondering if she did the right thing, eventually she fell asleep.

Author's Note:

There you all have it, the first chapter of my new story, hope you all like it. Until next time.