• Published 20th Dec 2016
  • 24,204 Views, 551 Comments

Affection Therapy - Blazewing

Affection therapy: a new and innovative practice in Equestria, involving displays of platonic affection, such as ear scratches, nose boops, and belly rubs.

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Rainbow Dash

It’s happening at last!

Twilight’s worked her magic, and the two of you are currently standing in the Ponyville spa!

It’s only been a day since you gave a therapy session to both Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy. You had only just had breakfast after getting dressed when Twilight teleported to your front door, looking very excited. After apologizing for the delay, saying she had been tied up with other matters (which you couldn't blame her for, being a princess and all), she told you that she had secured a meeting with the owners of the spa at noon today, to discuss the possibility of your employment.

A mixture of excitement, anticipation, and alarm had struck you at this proclamation.

On the one hand, you were finally going to act upon Rarity’s brilliant suggestion to bring affection therapy to the spa. You still marvel at how it had never occurred to you before then.

On the other hand, to have this meeting only a few hours from then was rather disconcerting. You felt ill-prepared, as though you were supposed to have had a speech prepared or something. Suddenly, you started to wonder if this was a good idea after all, and whether or not you ought to go through with it.

Thankfully, Twilight told you she was going to accompany you, to help explain and provide evidence to your work’s effectiveness. That definitely made you feel better, and you agreed to meet her outside the spa before noon.

So now, here you stand, in a side room of the spa, with Twilight at your side.

You try to keep your calmest, friendliest smile on your face, despite the butterflies dancing in your stomach, as you stand before Aloe and Lotus, the joint-owners of the spa. They’re a pair of Earth pony twins, both slender and pretty, with the same mane and tail styles, the former held in place with white headbands. The main difference is in their colors. Aloe has a pink coat with a blue mane and tail, while Lotus has a blue coat with a pink mane and tail.

“So, you are wanting to join the Ponyville spa?” Aloe asks, speaking with a rather exotic accent.

“Yes, ma’am,” you say, humbly.

“And you have your own special technique?” Lotus asks, speaking with the same kind of accent.

“W-Well, in a way, yes,” you say.

“It’s a new revolutionary kind of relaxation therapy,” says Twilight. “It promotes a sense of contentment through platonic displays of affection. The techniques themselves vary. It can be done through ear scratches, chin scratches, pettings, nose boops, tickles, belly rubs, even hugs. The list is ever-growing and ever-evolving. Everypony who has accepted therapy from my friend here has had nothing but the highest praise for its effectiveness.”

It sounds a lot more professional and complicated when Twilight puts it in her own words. You merely smile and nod at Aloe and Lotus, who look genuinely intrigued. They look at each other for a moment, then turn back to you.

“We do not doubt the honesty of Princess Twilight’s words,” says Lotus, “but you will understand if we wish to see proof for ourselves, yes?”

“O-Of course!” you say. “I’d be more than happy to demonstrate! Er, should I do it one at a time, or at the same time?”

“You can give therapy to two ponies at once?” Aloe asks

“Sure,” you say, holding up your right hand. “I usually only need one free hand for my techniques. All we need to ensure is that the two of you are comfortably situated.”

The two look at each other again, nod, then turn back to you.

“Follow us, please,” says Lotus.

You look at Twilight, who gives you an encouraging smile and nod. The butterflies surge back up again, and you step forward, with stiff and wobbly legs. Twilight walks beside you, her presence adding some comfort, and helping you relax a little.

The two masseuses lead the pair of you into another room, this one housing a pair of massage tables. Whether on purpose or by coincidence, they’re situated in a way so that someone could sit down on a chair or stool between them, and there, in fact, is a sturdy-looking stool sitting in the gap. Primly and delicately, Aloe and Lotus each clamber up onto one of these tables and lie down on their stomachs, their eyes on you.

“Whenever you are ready-” begins Aloe

“-you may begin,” Lotus finishes.

You hesitate. Now that the moment of truth was here, you suddenly feel as if this may have been mistake. It felt like everything you had been working toward was hinging on this one moment. These ponies were professional masseuses. Surely your amateur, self-made techniques couldn’t possibly amount to what they do on a daily basis for other ponies. What if they scoffed at your attempts? What if they called you a disgrace to massage therapy and ordered you to never set foot in a spa again?

What if this turned out just like Manehattan?

You look down at Twilight, the pony who was responsible for even allowing you to reach this far. What would she think if you failed here? How could you stand to be in her presence knowing you’d let her down? You have half a mind to tell her that you can’t do this, and that they should just leave.

Perhaps she recognizes your anxiety, sees it in your eyes. With a gentle smile, she places her hoof on your hand, and you feel some of the tension leave you. She gives you a small nod, telling you to go ahead.

In that moment, you feel significantly smaller and ashamed. You can see unwavering confidence in those amethyst-colored eyes, confidence in you. How could you even think of backing out now? You can’t let her down now, not when she’s gone this far for you. What kind of repayment would that be?

Swallowing the lump in your throat, you walk over between the tables and sit down on the stool. You take a deep breath, let it out slowly, then reach up both hands until your fingers rest at the base of their closest ears. Then, you start gently rubbing.

Looking from one to the other as you do so, you see that the sensation has taken them aback. Both are wide-eyed, as you had seen many times with ponies before, when giving them a scritch for the first time. Then, very gradually, their expressions change to dreamy smiles. It seems that even experienced masseuses like them are utterly unfamiliar with sensations such as these.

“Oh my goodness,” murmurs Aloe. “I’ve never felt anything like this before.”

“Neither have I,” says Lotus. “It’s wonderful.”

Your spirits begin to rise, as though someone had filled you with helium. You look over at Twilight again, who beams at you. Emboldened, you keep scratching their ears a little more, then move on to scratching under their chins. Their heads tilt up accordingly, and their eyes close. They both let out a soft, low ‘Mmmm’ of contentment. All their stately professionalism is melting away in the face of this new experience.

So far, so good!

“Whenever you both are ready,” you say, now positively grinning, “we can move on to belly rubs.”

As if they need no further prompting, both turn over onto their backs, hooves curled in front of their chests. You scoot your stool back to situate yourself better, then, placing one hand on each slim and smooth stomach, begin gently rubbing up and down, back and forth. Just like Rarity and Fluttershy, there’s a velvety softness to their fur that exceeds that of normal pony coats. Undoubtedly, it has something to do with the products they use at the spa.

As for the two themselves, they are utterly at peace, looking more asleep than anything, their expressions tranquil and untroubled. Not even a giggle escapes either of them as you rub; they must not be ticklish. It doesn’t matter, though. Their silence is solid proof of how well the therapy is working for them. It’s just hard to believe it’s working on spa professionals like them. Performing it on a princess is one thing, but since helping ponies relax is their job, this feels like a whole different level.

This goes on for quite some time, until at last, Aloe and Lotus stir. You stand up, remove your hands from their bellies, and stumble back to stand by Twilight. Your old nervousness has suddenly come back, and you have no idea what they’re about to say. You wait as they sit up, stretch, then step down onto the floor to face you.

Both of them are smiling.

“And that’s really all there is to it,” Twilight says, speaking for you. “Of course, it depends on the techniques used or preferred by the client, but it doesn’t get more complicated than that.”

You only nod clumsily. Aloe and Lotus exchange a look between themselves, nod, then turn to you, still smiling.

“For years, we have helped ponies achieve total contentment, relaxation, and rejuvenation through the techniques we practice,” says Aloe.

“But never, in all of that time, have we ever experienced anything the likes of what you have given us today,” says Lotus.

“We wish to humbly thank you-”

“-And would be honored to offer you a position here at the spa.”

“Ponyville will greatly benefit from what you can do.”

Your jaw falls open, and you feel yourself go numb in the legs.

Had you heard that right?

Did they actually say yes?

They did!

It takes a bit for your mouth to function properly, so stunned are you, but you finally manage to say,

“You...You mean it?”

“Mm-hmm,” say the two in unison, nodding and beaming.

You can’t believe it.

This is really happening!

“How does next Monday sound as a start for you?” asks Lotus.

“S-Sounds perfect!” you say. “Thank you both so much!”

You bow rather hastily, but humbly all the same. All three mares giggle.

“Oh, no, good sir, thank you,” says Aloe, “for such a wonderful experience.”

“You will make so many ponies happy with what you have to offer,” says Lotus.

“Thank you both very much for your time,” Twilight says, graciously.

“It was our pleasure, Princess Twilight,” says Aloe, bowing along with her sister.

“We will see you on Monday morning, good sir,” says Lotus. “Have a wonderful rest of the week.”

“Thank you,” you say, “and thanks again.”

You stumble out of the room, your legs still shaking from the excitement of the moment. Twilight follows, closing the door behind her, and the two of you make your way out of the spa. Neither of you say a word as you step outside, even though your insides are practically doing the conga.

You’ve done it!

You’re going to bring affection therapy to the Ponyville spa!

Wait until Rarity hears about this!

Once you two step outside, the first thing that happens, catching you quite off guard, is Twilight letting out a delighted squeal, rearing up, kicking her front hooves and flapping her wings. You simply stare, as you can’t recall her ever acting this giddy before.

“You did it!” she says. “You’re going to be an official spa-sanctioned affection therapist! You did so well in there, and I am so proud of you!”

She throws her hooves around you in a tight hug. Your surprise soon gives way to a giddy joy of your own, as you return her hug and even swing her around, bringing her hind hooves off the ground and making her giggle. You stop and look down into her amethyst-colored eyes, full of happiness and pride.

“It wouldn’t have been possible without you, Twilight,” you say, gratefully. “I was about to get cold feet in there, but you gave me the confidence to follow through. Thank you so much for giving me the chance. I don’t know how I can ever repay you.”

Twilight warmly nuzzles your cheek as the two of you stand there, arms and forelegs clasped around each other, oblivious to ponies passing by and staring, wondering what could be causing such a display of affection between the Princess of Friendship and the lone human in Ponyville. At last, the two of you break apart, big smiles on both of your faces.

“I only gave you a little guidance,” Twilight says, kindly. “The rest was all you, my friend. I know you’re going to be wonderful here.”

“Thanks, Twilight,” you say. “And now that I think about it, I do know how I can repay you: by penciling you in for a therapy session free of charge.”

Twilight looks surprised at this, as well as a little embarrassed.

“Oh, you don’t have to do that,” she says, modestly.

“I want to, though,” you say, seriously. “You helped get me this far, and I feel it’s only right to thank you properly. Now that I think about it,” you add, suddenly struck by an idea, “I need to find a way to thank Rarity as well, for giving me the idea to apply to the spa, and Rose, for helping kickstart the practice in the first place, not to mention being the first friend I ever made here. There’s so many ponies to thank!”

There’s a slight desperation in this declaration that Twilight notices. She smiles and pats your hand with her hoof.

“Don’t worry,” she says. “You’ll have a proper time to thank everypony you want to thank. I’ll definitely consider your kind offer myself.”

Her calm reassurance helps set your momentary worry at ease, and you feel relaxed and happy again.

“You’re right,” you say. “Thanks, Twilight.”

“Anytime,” says Twilight. “Now, I need to get going. I promised Starlight and Spike that we’d go kite flying today.”

“Oh, of course,” you say. “I don’t want to keep you. Have fun!”

“Thanks! Goodbye, and good luck on Monday!”

With a flash of purple light, Twilight vanishes on the spot, leaving you by yourself. And so, you start wending your own way home.


You had never been to Cloudsdale before, so you can’t accurately say what it feels like to walk on clouds. However, the way you feel right now might just be the closest approximation to it. You feel so elated that you only barely register the ponies you almost bump into, but you still manage to step out of their way in time. Looking back, you can even seem them glancing back at you, and apparently, the smile on your face is infectious, and they can’t help but grin back.

This was the greatest feeling you’d ever felt, second only to the happiness you feel whenever you see a pony relaxed and happy because of a session with you. Affection therapy had taken the next step, and was now going to be an official spa treatment, in a place where ponies already came to relax and rejuvinate. Could it get any better than this?

All of a sudden, the air is rent with a loud roar, stopping you in your tracks. Something speeds past you like a rocket. It feels as though an express train has missed you by inches, but is still buffeting you with the force of its slipstream. You topple backwards, knocked off balance, and land on your backside, dazed and disoriented.

“Whoops! Sorry about that. Lemme help ya.”

A raspy female voice greets your ears as a pair of hooves helps you up. Upon regaining your equilibrium, you can now see the pony who has both bowled you over and assisted you just now, hovering in the air at eye level.

It’s Rainbow Dash.

She’s a pegasus with a light-blue coat, nearly the same shade as the sky. Her eyes are a vibrant shade of magenta, but it’s her mane and tail that are the most eye-catching. Both are streaked with all of the colors of the rainbow, lending little doubt to how she acquired the first part of her name. They’re also both very messy and frizzy, in an almost deliberately careless way that isn’t by any means unpleasant. Her wings are sleek and strong in appearance, each feather standing out boldly and proudly. Her cutie mark is a white cloud letting loose a multicolored lightning bolt. She’s of a slender, trim build, similar to Rarity, though not quite as curvaceous. Even if it doesn’t stand out, one has the impression of toned and powerful muscle underneath her fur.

Rainbow is one of the fastest flyers you have ever seen. You’ve seen plenty of speedy pegasi who seem to soar by in the blink of an eye, but that’s nothing on Rainbow. When she puts her mind to it, which is often, she speeds off like a rocket, leaving ponies dazed in her wake, and a technicolor trail behind her. Whatever distance normal pegasi cover in minutes, she does in mere seconds. She’s also quite dexterous, able to pull off tricky maneuvers while going at such ludicrous speeds. That likely contributed to her current position as the newest Wonderbolt, as you had heard being gossiped around Ponyville.

Likely because of this aerial finesse, Rainbow is also a pony of incomparable pride. Every time she appears, one expects a loud fanfare to precede her entrance, so bold and pronounced is it. One would think she were the daughter of royalty. Even the way she walks, when she deigns to do so, preferring to fly, can be rather swaggering: head held high, wings flared, a slight sway to her hips and a broad smile on her face, as if to say ‘check me out, you know you want to’. She’s undoubtedly egotistical, never failing to talk about how awesome of a pony she is, which, despite her being able to back up her statements 90% of the time, can be a bit grating.

Nevertheless, she’s a good-hearted pony. She’s a staunch ally to those in need, and never leaves her friends hanging when she can lend a hoof. This is especially evident in her relationship with Scootaloo, one of Apple Bloom’s friends. Though not related by blood, one would almost swear the two were sisters, seeing how close they were with each other out in public. She even has a pet tortoise that she takes with her in public on occasion. He’s hooked up with a flying apparatus, allowing him to keep up with his pegasus owner, which is sweet. It’s comforting to know that beneath the ego and the bragging is a heart of gold.

You haven’t had much interaction with her. At the most, you usually see her speeding by through the air, sleeping on a cloud, or hanging around with her friends. You are acquainted with her, however, and she usually greets you with a smile and a wave if she catches sight of you.

“Hello, Rainbow Dash,” you say.

“Hiya,” says Rainbow. “Long time no see. Sorry about knocking you over like that.”

“It’s all right. What’s the big rush, though?”

“Nothing, really,” she says, shrugging. “It just feels good to be back in Ponyville after a good training session. Don’t get me wrong,” she adds, “I love being a Wonderbolt, but some of their drills are even more intense than I would’ve thought. The Academy feels like foal’s play compared to the real deal. My joints are killing me.”

She lands on all fours and rubs the base of her wing as she says this, wincing slightly.

“Ouch,” you say, sympathetically. “I’m sorry to hear that.”

“Don’t be,” says Rainbow. “All of us on the team tend to push ourselves a little too hard sometimes, but it’s worth it in the end, when we get to wow ponies in the stands with our stunts.”

She’s regained a bit of her zeal by saying this, and there’s a twinkle in her eye.

“How do you usually relax after a workout?” you ask.

For some reason, this question seems to catch Rainbow off guard. She looks suddenly awkward, a very faint blush reddening her cerulean cheeks.

“Oh, nothing too fancy,” she says, airily. “I, er, just head to the spa, for a deep-tissue sports massage.”

She says the name of her treatment with pronounced determination, as though wanting to make absolutely certain you heard her right.

“Is that right?” you ask.

“Only the finest for an athlete of my caliber,” she says, proudly. “It’s why I was kind of in a rush. I wanted to set up an appointment before it got too crowded.”

“I see,” you say. “Well, I'll be joining the spa soon myself.”

“Oh, really?” Rainbow asks, intrigued. “Did they hire you as a new masseuse? Those hands of yours look like they’d be good for the job,” she adds, glancing at your non-hooves.

“Well, yes and no,” you say. “I’m actually bringing my affection therapy to the spa.”

Rainbow tilts her head.

“Affection therapy?” she asks. “I remember Twilight mentioning that before when talking about you, but what is it?”

Ah, the familiar question. Well, time for the tried-and-true answer.

“Well, to put it simply,” you say, “what I do is help ponies relax by giving them little displays of platonic affection: ear scratches, nose boops, belly rubs, pettings, even something simple as a hug.”

Rainbow actually looks intrigued by this, but she gives a shake of the head, as though trying to get rid of a bothersome bug, and shrugs with an indifferent look on her face.

“Eh, sounds like a load of mushy stuff to me,” she says, casually.

Well, now, that was a bit of a harsh generalization. Sure, it was a bit intimate, but there was nothing but platonic altruism behind it.

“Maybe, but it really does work,” you say.

“I’m sure it does,” says Rainbow, still sounding aloof, “but I dunno if it’s the kind of thing for an athlete like me. No offense.”

You’re starting to see where this is leading. A pony with Rainbow Dash’s pride and tomboyish nature would balk point-blank at something as innocent-sounding as affection therapy. That was understandable, since she likely prided herself on keeping a certain reputation. However, the interest in her expression when you described it hadn’t been lost on you, nor had the times you‘d seen her with her friends, Scootaloo, or her tortoise. You didn’t want to force her into the idea, but you felt like she could stand to try a new way to unwind, and should let her know how well it actually works.

“That’s too bad,” you say, conversationally. “Your friends expressed their interest in it once they heard about it. Not to toot my own horn, of course.”

Rainbow glances at you, eyebrow raised.

“All of them?” she asks. “Applejack, too?”

It was interesting to hear her bring up Applejack. She was the one pony within Twilight’s circle of friends that she’d be most likely to be seen with. Despite their closeness, they liked to compete, and were quite vocal about it. You vividly remember a publicly-held hoof wrestle between the two outside Sugarcube Corner. It went on for, no lie, 10 whole minutes without either one holding the advantage for long. Applejack finally emerged victorious, which had put Rainbow in a sour mood for a while afterwards.

“That’s right,” you say.

Rainbow hesitates, looking somewhat conflicted. Perhaps she had thought it odd that a fellow tomboy would enjoy something she was dismissive of. However, she shakes her head again.

“Well, that’s good for her,” she finally says, indifferently. “She’s more into that frou-frou stuff anyways. That’s not really my thing.”

“I getcha,” you say. “It’s not for everypony. I had a feeling about that from the outset.”

There’s a pause. You feel like maybe you ought to leave it there and not keep Rainbow delayed any longer. Then, Rainbow says, in a tone that sounds a little too forced to be perfectly casual,

“So, uh, let me ask you something.”


“I’m only asking this for a friend,” Rainbow goes on, rather hastily. “Got that? For a friend.”

For a friend, huh? Well, with that tone, you’re not sure you buy it, but you decide to humor her anyway.

“I get you,” you say. “Go on.”

“Say that I knew a friend who wouldn’t mind your, uh, therapy. Somepony who was more into that kind of stuff. Do you, uh, charge much for it?”

Is she really worried about the cost, or is she doing a little digging for herself, in case the itch really did strike her? It’s hard to tell.

“Not a whole lot,” you say. “In fact, I don’t usually ask for payment anyway. I’m happy to do it free of charge, but I guess that’ll change once I start working at the spa.”

Rainbow looks contemplative and, again, conflicted. You feel like you know what’s going through her head, but say nothing. You could be wrong, after all.

“Good to know,” she says, still trying to look indifferent, but with a rather comical scrunched-up mouth. “I’m sure my friend will be happy to hear that. Well, I’d better get going if I wanna make an appointment at the spa. See ya!”

Before you can say ‘bye’ in return, she zooms off. You’re not knocked off balance this time, but it’s still quite sudden. You watch as she vanishes from sight, befuddled.

“Well, that was weird,” you say. “She didn’t need to put on such a forced show if she really was interested. Still, if she doesn’t want a therapy session after all, I won’t force it on her. I just thought she ought to know about it in case she did want it.”

With that, you continue making your way home, thoughts about this coming Monday coming back in full force.


The rest of the afternoon passes away in contentment. You’ve already marked on your calendar that you’ll be starting work at the spa the following Monday, and it gives you a little jolt of excitement every time you glanced at it. You’re planning to drop by Rose’s place this evening to check up on her and give her the good news. You hope she’s gotten over her bout of sickness, because you’ve already promised her a therapy session for her recovery.

The sun has just begun to set, and you’re relaxing in your favorite chair, awaiting the time you designated to head out, when you’re suddenly roused by a tap at your window.

Puzzled, you look up. You’re just in time to see a hoof rise up from below to tap again. Was it Pinkie again? Who else would choose such an odd way of knocking?

You stand up and look out, but don’t see anyone there. You open up the window, and soon as you do, something zips in with great agility. Startled, you turn to see your intruder.

“Rainbow Dash?”

“Shhh! Close that window!”

Hastily, you shut the window, then turn back. Rainbow is sitting on her haunches, looking anxious.

“No one else is here, right?” she asks.

“No,” you say, bewildered. “I live alone. Rainbow, what are you doing here?”

Rainbow bites her lip, pawing the floor with her hoof nervously.

“Well, I gave it some thought,” she said, slowly. “About your, uh, therapy, I mean.”

“Oh? For your friend, you mean?”

Rainbow sighs.

“No,” she says. “For me.”

There’s a pause. Neither of you speak. You simply stare at Rainbow Dash as she keeps her eyes off of you, looking rather ashamed, her cheeks pink.

She really did want to try it after all?

You hardly know what to say.

After several seconds, she looks up.

“Well?” she asks.

“Well what?” you ask in return.

“Aren’t you gonna laugh?” Rainbow asks, a defensive note in her voice. “Make fun of me?”

“What? No!” you say, surprised. “Why would I?”

She stares hard and fierce at you, as though convinced you’re lying. You stare calmly back, meeting her rose-colored gaze. Finally, her gaze softens and she sighs again.

“Can you imagine what ponies would think of me if they knew I liked being pampered?” she asks, in a defeated tone. “I had to make up that I go for sports massages just to keep ponies from asking why I’m at the spa!”

“What’s wrong with that?” you ask, shrugging. “Everyone deserves to treat themselves every once in a while.”

“But I’m an athlete!” Rainbow protests, standing on all fours now, wings flared. “I’m a Wonderbolt now! Ponies look up to me as a tough, nerves-of-steel, awesome hero! I’ve already had to endure my friends finding out I’m a book-reading egghead, but if ponies knew my ‘sports massages’ were really frou-frou pampering treatments, I’d never hear the end of it! I’d be a laughingstock, and my reputation would be over!”

She’s far from crying, and really, Rainbow Dash seems like the last pony in the world who would dissolve into tears, but you can definitely feel the pained emotion in her voice, see it in her eyes. It hurts to hear somepony so strong sound so scared and conflicted. You kneel down in front of her and put a hand to her shoulder. You take it as a good sign that she doesn’t slap it away.

“Rainbow Dash,” you say, softly, “no one’s going to think less of you for having a soft side. I certainly don’t, and I’m sure your friends don’t either. I’ve seen you with them, and with Scootaloo, and your tortoise. They don’t think less of you just because you’re not pulling stunts and talking about your accomplishments all the time, do they?”

Rainbow ponders this for a moment, lips pursed.

“I guess not,” she says, finally. “They know me well enough to know what I’m like. It’s just hard in public, you know? Around ponies who don’t know everything about me, I mean.”

“I get you,” you say. “You have an image you want to maintain, and I understand that. You still shouldn’t be ashamed to show your soft side every now and then. You’re still awesome either way.”

Boy, how does this stuff come to you? This sounds more like something Twilight would say. She has a much better gift for speech than you.

All the same, Rainbow looks slightly mollified, and even manages a smile.

“Thanks,” she says. “I really appreciate that.”

There’s another pause, and she rubs her foreleg awkwardly.

“So, uh, about your therapy,” she says.

“You still want to try it?” you ask.

“I-I mean, it won’t be the same as my usual treatment,” she says, her cheeks reddening again, “but if you really wanted to, I guess I could let you try it out on me, just once.”

You smile.

“Of course,” you say. “I’d be happy to.”

Rainbow’s gaze suddenly becomes hard again.

“But if you tell anypony else about this, I’ll deny it to my last day. Understand?”

It looks like she still has some baby steps to take, even after that pep talk.

“I understand,” you say. “Client confidentiality is an integral part of any therapy session, after all.”

Rainbow raises an eyebrow.

“You’ve been hanging around Twilight too long,” she quips.

Choosing to regard it as a compliment, you simply stand up, then take a seat on the couch. You pat the cushion next to you, and she nimbly hops up beside you.

“So, how would you like me to start?” you ask.

“How do you usually start?” Rainbow asks.

“That’s up to the pony receiving the treatment,” you say. “If there’s anything you don’t want me to do, like touch your mane or whatnot, just say so.”

“Oh,” says Rainbow. “Well, it doesn’t matter to me. Do your stuff. Just one thing,” she adds.


“You know pegasi wings are sensitive, right?” she asks, fluffing them a little for demonstration and looking slightly wary.

“I know,” you say. “Twilight told me. Don’t worry, I won’t touch them.”

“Good,” says Rainbow, giving you a small smile again. “Ok then. Affection away.”

Chuckling at her terminology. you decide to start with the tried and true: a good ear scritch. But first, you give her a boop on the nose. Her muzzle scrunches up adorably and, right on cue, she boops you back with a chuckle of her own. You reach behind her ear and start a gentle scratch. The smile still on her face broadens, her eyelids drooping.

“Wow...That actually doesn’t feel too bad,” she says. “I mean, it’s ok, if you’re really into that sorta…”

She’s still trying to play it cool, but her speech is becoming slurred with the relaxed stupor she’s being put under. You go from one ear to the next, her eyes now fully closed in utter contentment. To your surprise, she actually nuzzles her cheek against your palm as you do so. She’s completely losing her prideful inhibitions, and it’s adorable to watch.

Eventually, however, she jerks her head up out of your palm. Apparently, she caught herself getting too into it and didn’t want to seem like she was enjoying it too much. She’s not fooling you, though.

You move on to chin scratches, and soon, she’s got her head tilted all the way back as you give her a good scritching, a peaceful smile on her face. With your other hand, you stroke her multicolored locks, which are surprisingly soft and smooth despite their messy appearance. There’s even a faint rainwater smell about her, no doubt from all her time spent in the clouds. She does nothing to stop you, and lets you carry on. You can’t help but chuckle on the inside. Her ego is no match for her love of being pampered.

She soon drapes herself across your legs onto her back, eyes still closed. You don’t even need to ask what she wants at this point. You start running a hand gently along her slim belly. It’s a bit more firm and unyielding than other pony bellies that you’ve rubbed, no doubt due to the athletic muscle she possessed, but her fur is still pleasantly soft.

She gives off a soft sigh as you rub, and nestles closer against you, like a filly seeking comfort. Knowing her penchant for napping even in public, you wouldn’t be surprised if this really did make her drop off to sleep. If she is, then she must be having the sweetest of dreams, judging by her face. Not to mention, one of her back legs is twitching, like a dog having a good dream.

Unable to resist, you cup her chin in your hands, giving her cheeks a gentle squeeze. Even she, such a slim and fit pony, isn’t exempt from the adorably chubby cheeks that all ponies seem to possess. She doesn’t seem to notice, and you continue to rub her stomach, now using both hands. For such a brash and boyish pony, Rainbow Dash was a lot cuter than she would dare to admit.

The sun has sunk even lower, and the street lamps are lit, by the time Rainbow Dash finally wakes up. She’s been lying across your lap for a good while, snoring gently. You’d left off rubbing some time ago, and just let her rest. She sits up and yawns, stretching her forelegs and wings.

“Hey, sleepyhead,” you say, smiling. “How do you feel?”

She looks at you for a moment or two, looking uncertain, then says, with a genuine smile,

“If I can be honest with myself, that was really, really relaxing. I can see why you landed a job at the spa. There’s some real magic in those hands, man. You got me more relaxed than I’ve ever felt before.”

“Aw, shucks,” you say, modestly. “I’m just glad you enjoyed it. Was it as good as your usual treatment?”

Rainbow thinks for a moment.

“It’s hard to say,” she says. “Both make me feel really good, so for now, all I can say is they’re pretty much neck-and-neck. Yours is maybe about 10% better, though.”

“That’s a good enough answer for me,” you say, grinning.

There’s a pause, and Rainbow says, in a more subdued but genuine tone,

“Seriously, though, thanks for putting up with me. I know I’m not the easiest pony to deal with, especially when it comes to more touchy-feely stuff. You’re all right, buddy.”

She gives you a friendly cuff on the shoulder. Coming from her, that practically amounts to a hug.

“You’re welcome, Rainbow Dash,” you say. “I’m happy to have helped.”

“Just remember,” Rainbow warns, pointing a hoof at you, “not a word to anypony else. Got it?”

You pantomime zipping your lips, and she looks satisfied. You both stand up, and she asks you to check if anypony’s around outside. You peer out the window, and see that the street’s deserted.

“All clear,” you say, opening the window for her.

“Thanks,” she says. “See ya later.”

“Good night.”

With a whoosh, she flies out the window and off out of sight. You close the window after her with a smile.

“I’m glad she got to experience it for herself,” you say to yourself. “She still shouldn’t be ashamed to admit she has a soft side, but maybe she’ll come around eventually.”

You look at the time. It’s 6:30.

“Good grief, look at the time. I’d better hurry if I want to see Rose. If she’s up for it, maybe I can treat her to dinner tonight. I think she’d like that. I’ve got loads to tell her, too.”

With that, you’re soon abroad in the streets again, heading for Rose’s house, imagining the look on her face when you told her what you’d been up to lately. Minus one small detail, of course, as promised.

Author's Note:

This one was a long time in coming. Hope you all enjoy! :pinkiehappy: