• Published 20th Dec 2016
  • 8,323 Views, 346 Comments

Ponies and Lasers and Clankers, Oh My! - Tekket

Battle droids left without orders stumble upon Equestria, its neighbors, and all of the planet's inhabitants. Hilarity (and droid clumsiness) ensues.

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Chapter 12 - Dirt And Durasteel

Author's Note:

First, before you read this chapter, yes I am aware the story took a bit of a darker and more somber turn recently, and especially so in this chapter. I was originally going to turn the story into a huge alliance fight, but I feel like this bit of extra gritty realism would be easier to expand upon\for what I have planned.

HOWEVER, if you feel like the story took too dark of a turn (even though there will continue to be comedy in future chapters) please let me know. I sort of wrote this in chunks while in several very different states of mind than when I normally write this story.

As always, please let me know if you enjoyed it and if I made any mistakes. My team and I did a pretty good job with most grammatical errors, but I didn't know how to lighten the mood in this chapter.

3:44 P.M. Debris Field North of Ponyville, Engine Remains of Dawn of Dusk

The alabaster princess picked her way through broken earth and shattered walls, the smell of burning oil and exotic fuels lingering heavily in the air. All around her, shadows flitted through the smoke, in between the jagged peaks of metal that jutted up from the burned dirt and crumbling corridors that lay scattered about like sticks in a campfire.

One such shadow approached through the gloom and resolved itself into the shape of Major Iron Buckle as he waved a hand, trying to clear the clogged air.

“Begging your pardon, Princess, but this thing is enormous, how are we supposed to find anything in here recognizable?”

A distant explosion shook the sky for a moment, causing the young Major to flinch, before the wreckage settled once more and Princess Celestia turned to look at the soldier.

“Major, we aren’t searching for just anything recognizable here, we’re looking for ponies, and from all they’ve accomplished they are practically icons of our nation now. We must redouble our efforts. We will find them with perseverance and a sound search plan.” Turning her gaze skyward, she noticed the shapes of several pegasi guards roaming the area, trying to see through the thick smoke from above, occasionally diving down to investigate something.

All around her, massive broken spires and jutting slabs of metal rose far into the sky, like the ribs of some colossal beast, and the constant groaning from the more intact parts of the downed vessel sounded like the last death throes of some alien creature.

Picking their way across burning pools and sharp chunks of foreign steel, the two ponies eventually came across the first recognizable victim: one of the skinny jroidz had been crushed beneath the bottom of a corridor that had broken loose from the structure above and now created a ramp into the dark belly of the ship. Averting her eyes from the scene of supposed carnage, Celestia forced herself onwards, stepping gingerly into the sloped corridor and looking up into the gloom.

Turning at the sound of something wet hitting the ground, she realized Iron Buckle was bent double and retching onto the scorched earth.

“If this is too much for anyone, I will not force them to continue inside, but we must at least secure the perimeter in order to tend to any survivors that may make it out of this deathtrap.”

“I… I’ll be fine princess. It’s just… poor sod. Probably never even had time to scream…” glancing back at the crushed jroid, the guard straightened up and shook his head, wiping his mouth on his arm and steeling himself as he followed the princess up into the dead vessel.

Despite the fact that no light reached inside from the entrance, the two managed to make their way through those hallways which had not yet collapsed with relative ease. Many lights in the ceiling still worked, although they flickered like candles about to be blown out, and wherever wall or ceiling panels had come loose, thick cables splayed out and sparked with electricity sporadically.

It was only after walking for about ten minutes and making their way very deep inside the wreck did they see their first glimpse of any surviving crew. Sheared in half, but still sparking and attempting to crawl out from underneath a large pipe, a solidly built grey jroid grunted and struggled.

“Quick Major, pull him out! I’ll lift this!” Lighting up her horn and ignoring the dull throbbing that persisted in her horn, the princess began slowly levitating the pipe off the survivor, while Iron Buckle grabbed at the thing’s one remaining arm and started pulling it out from underneath.

As soon as it was free however, the machine began roaring and howling, flipping onto its back with its one leg and began spraying the ceiling with red plasma bolts, narrowly missing the Major’s head. Jumping back and cursing, the Major was slow to react, but Celestia was on the ball. Giving a gentle nudge of her magic as it still held the pipe, she let go of it and simple collapsed the heavy debris back onto the murderous jroid, where it finally stopped moving.

“What the Celestia happened?! Why did it attack us?” Iron Buckle exclaimed, “We were trying to help it! Why would it be hostile?”

“Some animals, when hurt or fearful, lash out at anything that approaches them, Major. Perhaps the jroidz are not so different from us after all. Besides, I don’t remember seeing something like that when they originally came in for their ‘negotiations’. It may have been a crew member that did not know anything about us and thought we were trying to hurt it,” the princess replied calmly.

“But then- you just smashed it! We still might have been able to save its life, princess! We could have-”

“Do not berate me for saving the lives of one of my ponies! Do you not see this?” pulling back and lighting her horn faintly to illuminate the area more, princess Celestia pointed at the scorch marks on the ceiling. “Those shots melted part of the metal ceiling. If they had hit you instead you would have been a goner. Do not forget why we are here Major, I feel equally as terrible for the jroidz and this tragedy as you do, but my first duty is to our people, not theirs. If they threaten your lives, I will not hesitate to act.”

Helping the Major to his feet once more, the princess relaxed her gaze once more and pushed forward, into the next room, continuing on with her search as she tried not to dwell on the fear she had felt in the moment, and what her moment of weakness had just cost her.


Forcing open a stuck door together, the princess nearly stumbled forward, only held back by the quick reactions of the Major, the danger of the place having heightened his alertness and reactions.

“Woah! Hang on princess, we’d best find another way down.” Glancing past her, he looked at the ruined remains of the ship’s hangar, four hundred feet down, where a large pile of dull grey metal dominated the lowered corner of the room. Off to one side he could see the sky once more, a long rectangular opening running the length of the hangar and the shapes of pegasi flitting about outside, while sunlight streamed in through the sides of the ship and illuminated the moving shapes along the partially submerged floor.

Pulling the princess back into the corridor and away from the sheer drop on the other side of the doorway, the Major’s ears perked up as he heard something coming down the corridor behind him. Turning and pulling the princess back against the wall just in time, the two of them were barely able to see as a blackened metallic wheel came barreling down the corridor at them and promptly shot out through the open doorway and into open space, crashing into the dented and warped floor far below a few seconds later.

Peering back out into the open room, the two of them were nearly thrown from the opening as another explosion rocked the metal hulk, this one much closer than the previous one, and loud enough to give the two ponies a faint ringing in their ears. However, unlike the last one, this time the ship did not stop shaking beneath them, and the background rumbling of the splitting metal grew louder, until suddenly Celestia and Iron Buckle found the hallway they were hiding in suddenly sprouting out of the wall and pushing its way into the hanger, which started buckling as huge pieces fell from the ceiling to crush the littered debris and few remaining jroidz below.

Pushing through the pain in her horn, which was flaring up even harder now, the princess engulfed the two of them in a protective bubble as their crumbling platform descended into the main hangar space, finally coming to a stop atop the pile of broken metal in the near corner, and landing hard enough to break the enchantment, causing the ponies to spill out onto the sharp debris pile.

Groaning and getting to her hooves, the princess sent a cascade of metal to the floor below, while the Major did the same, sliding down to the ground in his efforts. Shaking her head, the princess tried to keep her balance but came face-to-faceplate with a scorched jroid in the pile, before it slid away like so much more debris, which is when she realized she was standing on a pile of jroid bodies.

Hiccoughing and stumbling back, the horror of where she was amplified when the pile of bodies started moving, shifting around like a hundred ants with her on top of it, until the Major, who had been making his way up the cascading hill, was thrown off and Celestia realized that something was coming out of the hill.

Struggling to find her way down, she spread her wings and jumped, gliding down to where the Major sat by the near wall, as a huge spindly leg shot out of the mound, raining bits of jroids and metal upon the two hapless ponies, and then another, before finally a round bulbous head burst forth and lifted itself above the ground on three bent and oddly-jointed limbs. Turning its head this way and that, the colossal jroid fixed one of its three glowing red eyes and screeching like the damned, the sound amplified in the confined space. Lifting a leg, it prepared to bring it down and the two ponies raised their arms to shield themselves… only for the leg to come crashing down farther away from them.

Looking up at the giant blue tripod, Princess Celestia and Major Iron Buckle watched as it thundered its way to the less caved-in of the two hangar openings, stomping its way outside, where the smoke and debris of the ship quickly obscured it, its heavy footfalls eventually dying down.

For a few seconds, all the two of them did was look at each other, before they scrambled to their hooves and raced off after it.

“We have to stop it from getting to Ponyville! It could level the town!” Celestia cried, a hint of desperation creeping into her voice, while the Major simply nodded and burst out of the hanger in front of her, doing his best to catch up to the three-legged monstrosity.

Feeling the wind whip around suddenly, the two felt the smoke being pushed behind them as the sun suddenly broke through and blinded them momentarily. Once their eyes had adjusted, the two ponies saw something that neither of them could make sense of.

In a large clearing beside the ship, slipping down the sides of the miles-long trench the vessel had made upon impact, tiny colorful shapes were helping the metallic shapes of jroidz reach the top, and one very prominent purple figure stood atop one of the shovel-nosed vehicles of the invaders, organising the efforts of both parties to help as many survivors escape the wreckage as possible.

Stumbling forwards, Celestia felt tears spring to her eyes as she recognized Twilight Sparkle, alive and well, as the figure keeping everyone under control, while the darker shape of one of the special black guards lurked nearby, barking orders to jroidz and signalling circling flying craft to set down on the other side of the clearing.

As the two of them climbed up the slope, loose soil slowing their progress, they saw that several pegasi guards had already come in for a landing and were taking orders from Twilight, helping maintain order and organising more coherent search parties into the rubble.

“Princess!” The call brought Celestia’s attention to the side, where Applejack stood over Rainbow Dash, the latter of which was sitting on the ground and looking off into the distance with a blank look on her face. Leaning down to whisper to the unresponsive mare, Applejack straightened up and jogged over the two newcomers, helping the princess and the Major crest the top of the ridge and pulling them onto the plateau where the rest of the ponies were situated.

“Thank goodness ya’ll are alright! Did-did you two come outta the wreck just now?” the orange earth pony looked between the two of them, her eyes going wide as she registered their various cuts and scrapes. “Begging your pardon princess, but what were y’all thinking? That thing is coming down a little bit every minute! You coulda been trapped inside and squished like a bug under a cart!”

“Yes, well, I was a bit more worried about all of you than myself at the time, but I’m glad to see you’re all relatively alright. Was anypony hurt in the crash? I don’t see my sister or Fluttershy around right now.”

At the mention of the yellow pegasus, Rainbow Dash turned to look at the princess, and despite still not speaking a word, Celestia could plainly see the tears streaming down the blue mare’s face.

“A-Applejack? What has happened to Fluttershy and my sister? I wish to see them at once.” Looking back to the earth pony revealed that the Apple was staring down at the scorched dirt dejectedly, and refusing to lift her gaze.

“Miss Applejack, what has happened to the princess?” Iron Buckle prodded, taking a step forward, only to pause as princess Celestia’s hand came down on his shoulder.

“Your highness, uh… Princess Luna was hurt when things first started going wrong with the jroid’s ship. Rarity and Pinkie Pie are tending to her and making sure she’s alright, but she took a nasty fall and she’ll need to be taken to a hospital as soon as they’re sure she’s stable enough to move that far.”

Eyes widening, Celestia’s breath caught in her chest and her heart tightened considerably, before she straightened up a bit and glanced back at Rainbow Dash, who had once again turned away to stare towards the horizon.

“Please… if it would not be too much to ask, would you take me to her? I don’t see her around.”

“Sure thing princess, they’re just around the tank. Twilight wanted to set up an area to care for the wounded, but the jroidz seem to insist against any medical treatment.”

As the trio made their way past Starlight and Trixie, who were huddled together around a burning bit of metal, and a single one of the skinny jroidz, which at one point had been painted to look like a skeleton, they saw quite clearly Twilight Sparkle on top of the wide, blue-and-grey vehicle as it hovered off the ground. Noticing them, the youngest alicorn princess jumped off the top and hurried over to greet the diarch.

“Princess Celestia! Oh thank goodness you’re here! We did the best we could, but I’m not an expert on alicorn biology or very well practiced in medicine; we’ve got to get Princess Luna to a hospital as soon as possible.” Looking down between her hooves, the young alicorn mumbled the last bit and shuffled a foot farther away from the solar diarch as they rounded the large, floating thing that was apparently called a ‘tank’.

As soon as she set eyes on her sister, Celestia’s heart went still. The dark alicorn was currently being watched on the ground by Rarity, the white unicorn having apparently torn off some of her skirt to use as bandages around Luna’s head and one of her wings. In addition to the sight of the colorful cloth being turned dark with blood, one of her legs was bent at an angle that it wasn’t supposed to be able to reach.

Approaching her injured sister with a stiff gait, the Princess of the Sun kneeled down beside her and opened her mouth to say something, only to find that her throat wouldn’t let her and the pit in her stomach had opened up into a chasm.

Gently touching the still form’s chest, she felt it rise and fall, slowly, almost imperceptibly, but it was there. Her sister was alive, but barely so. Eventually the solar diarch managed to swallow the painful lump in her throat for long enough to speak, quietly croaking out a question to her student beside her.

“How… how did this happen?”

It was a simple enough question, one that could be quite easily explained by the enormous wreckage behind them, but when she looked into her mentor’s eyes, Twilight saw there was something that spoke silently. The question wasn’t quite how the incident occurred, but more as to what reason there was for Luna to have been so grievously injured, while the rest of the ponies seemed unharmed.

“I… I tried to grab her… it all happened so fast princess… I’m sorry.” Choking back a sob, the young alicorn started tearing up before placing her hands over her mouth and attempting to steady herself. After a few moments, it seemed she was ready to try again.

“Well… first of all, things were going smoothly enough on the tour, but then… I don’t know, something happened while we were overlooking the giant room in the middle of the ship you can see from here… and then it was like… gravity stopped working. We were all thrown about and we almost managed to get to safety with all the chaos going on, but Princess Luna… she…”

Hiccoughing silently, the purple princess breathed out slowly, evidently doing her best not to hyperventilate, before looking back up into Celestia’s eyes and continuing with her retelling.

“I… I don’t think it was the jroidz fault. The Captain got very upset when we started getting thrown about, and started yelling orders to everyone, but all the while there were crashes and booms and loud sirens going off everywhere and… oh goodness… the jroidz were flung around like ragdolls in that huge room. Princess Luna was thrown to the floor way beneath us and we couldn’t see her among the rubble, so we went down to the main floor of the hangar to try and escape and find her and… we found her and she was thankfully alive, but then a fight broke out-”

“A fight?” Celestia’s normally calm and cool tone was gone, gone even was the quiet, choked voice that was concerned about her sister moments ago. “Are you telling me the jroidz started fighting you?”

“No! No, no, no, not at all! It was something else… or someone else. They were tall, like the jroidz, and they were completely bone-white, and forced their way from the wall to the metal carriage thing the Colonel was taking us to in order to save us from the chaos on their vessel. We… we were told to abandon ship, but they took the carriage and they kidnapped Fluttershy.”

At the utterance of these words, Twilight’s gaze fell once more, and she simply kicked at the dirt with her hooves weakly. Celestia, after millennia caring for and ruling over countless ponies, still managed to be shocked for each and every little tragedy that occurred to her knowledge, but after all that time she had become very good at hiding it.

“So these… white warriors… they attacked you and kidnapped Fluttershy? Do we know where they could have taken her?”

Before anypony could answer her, there was a flash of light, a twinkling sound, and all the jroidz in the clearing tensed and pointed what weapons they had at the new sight of Discord standing in the middle of the clearing, holding a shaking Fluttershy to his chest.

“I can tell you, whoever they were, they didn’t get very far. Something made sure of that.”

“Discord! Oh thank Celestia you found her!” Rushing over to meet the long, lanky draconequus, Twilight wrapped her arms around his waist and hugged him tightly before looking back towards Princess Celestia.

“Once we had gotten to Princess Luna and Fluttershy had been taken, we tried to get off the ship before the crash, but we had run out of options as well as time, so I summoned Discord to keep us safe. He teleported us out here where we watched the ship crash, and he kept us protected from all the debris that flew everywhere. As soon as we told him what happened to Fluttershy, he disappeared and left us to try and help the jroidz out of their wrecked ship and save as many as we could. We all got banged up and there’s so many injured, I didn’t want to risk moving anypony yet, at least not until help came.

Kneeling down beside her unconscious sister, Celestia felt her sister’s lifeforce with her magic and breathed a sigh of relief, before looking back up and nodding slowly in her student’s direction.

“I have to say, Twilight, I know this has been a terrible ordeal for us all, and an even greater tragedy for the jroidz, but honestly, I couldn’t have handled it better myself. However, despite how injured Luna is, I can tell you that it looks worse than it is. Her heartbeat is still strong and we are made of sturdier stuff than most ponies. I thank you for taking care of everypony until we got to you, but you can rest now. The royal guard can take over now, and you and all your friends.” She eyed Rainbow Dash, whose blank demeanor had broken upon seeing Discord appear with Fluttershy. The blue Pegasus mare only now seemed to be shaken out of her stupor as she ran over and joined in with the group hug tightly, followed shortly by Applejack, Pinkie Pie, and Rarity as well, “Can all take some time off to rest and recuperate while I start figuring out how Equestria is going to come to terms with the jroidz. With their huge ship gone, and with so many in need, Equestria cannot in good conscience turn them away, however, there will have to be a re-evaluation of the earlier proposed ‘deal’.”

As more and more Pegasus guards dove down from the smoky skies to land nearby and start shifting rubble and tending to those ponies who were injured, and more guards trudged through the scorched mud and smoke to congregate in the area, Celestia took a deep breath and stood, looking around for some sign of the Captain or Colonel.

“Twilight, if I may ask, where are the jroidz leaders? I don’t see either the Captain or the Colonel.”

“The… the Captain left before we crashed to try and get their ship back under control… I don’t know what happened to him, but the Colonel, well…” for the first time in their conversation, Twilight seemed momentarily angry as she stole a hard glance at Discord and stepped away from him.

“Discord, I’m glad you saved us, but I meant all of us. He brought all us ponies with him but left all the jroidz on their ship when we teleported. The Colonel was left on board along with his guards as they crashed.”

“Why is this now my fault?” Discord interjected, twisting down so that his face was right at eye-level with Twilight’s, “It’s hardly my fault if nopony told me we were being invaded by friendly aliens, now is it? You should be glad I stayed around to help at all. If I had known they weren’t the bad guys when I humbly came swooping in to rescue you all, I would have done something else!”

Gently placing Fluttershy on the ground where she was quickly bowled over by a silently teary Rainbow Dash, he gave a ‘harrumph’ and placed his hands on his hips.

“Speaking of rescue, what did happen to the white warriors? And how did you find Fluttershy in the first place?” Twilight looked up at him and raised an eyebrow.

“Well, last time Fluttershy was captured, during Chrissy’s second attempt at conquering Equestria, I tried taking myself straight to her, and since some magical McGuffin prevented that, this time I simply brought Fluttershy to me. Unfortunately, I accidentally teleported everything around her too, so I found myself almost squashed by a giant flying bathtub with a lid.”

“Where did you go, then, when you teleported away?” Twilight interrupted, tilting her head quizzically.

“Hey! Who’s telling this story here, me or you?” the lanky draconequus pouted and flicked Twilight’s horn, causing it to twang like a spring, while she yelped and stepped back, steadying her horn with her hands. “Now as I was saying, I was almost squashed by a giant flying bathtub with a lid, but I wasn’t, because I’m me, and that’s far too embarrassing a way for me to go. After opening the door on it, I found some sort of giant spider-thing leaning over poor, defenseless Fluttershy here, as well as two bodies in white armor. Knowing I had made it in the nick of time, I pulled the spider-thing apart and grabbed her, before bringing us back here.”

“Wait, then if you teleported the sky-tub to yourself, where were you when this happened? Did you just leave bodies lying around near Ponyville or some other town? And what do you mean a “spider-thing”? Show me where this all is!” Stamping a hoof in frustration, Twilight crossed her arms and ruffled her wings in annoyance, looking pointedly at Discord, who promptly rolled his eyes and leaned close to her, whispering into her ear.

“Really Twilight, I can appreciate how you always have to be responsible and look out for the good of everypony, but I left it in a safe place… and besides, after what you girls have been through today… the leftovers are not something you want to see.”

Nopony else heard it, but the seriousness of his voice at the end sent a small shiver down Twilight’ spine, and as he pulled away, she could see the dead look in his usually manic eyes.

“A-alright then… we-we’ll leave it at that for now, although I will have to inspect it at some point to make sure it doesn’t become a hazard to anypony who finds it.”

Suddenly feeling something soft embrace her, the purple princess looked over her shoulder to see Princess Celestia holding her gently against herself.

“Twilight, you have done much here, keeping everyone accounted for and safe. Thank you, but please, let me help now. You don’t have to solve every problem here on your own. This,” she gestured to the massive overhang of the downed dreadnought as the hull curved up and away from them, “is too large a problem for any one mare to handle. Even,” with a giggle, the solar princess gently tapped her former pupil’s nose, “for a princess.”

Nodding her head, she stepped back from the diarch and gathered with her friends, “Alright, Princess, we’re still a little beat up and stressed from the shocks we received a few days ago, but we’ll be back to help clear the area and continue to help out the jroidz as soon as we get a little rest. I just… wish we could do more for them...”

Dipping her head, Celestia watched as Twilight asked Discord to take them home, before watching them all disappear in a flash of light.

Major Iron Buckle chose that moment to finally come forward, nodding politely to the princess. “Your highness, your sister is in stable condition. I can have a Pegasus team transport her back to the capital if you wish to remain here to overlook things.”

“No, Major, I want to take her back to the Castle myself. I’ll leave you in charge here for now, but fear not, I shall return as soon as I am sure Princess Luna is safe in the medical wing. I shouldn’t be gone more than a half hour, so please try to be polite and understanding to the jroidz. We didn’t realize how much of a threat they posed before, but now they’re just like anypony else would be in this situation. They will be confused, or scared; and remember what I told you inside the wreckage about fear. I would wish to avoid any more conflict between our peoples if we can.”

“Of course, your majesty,” the Major replied, saluting as he hardened his features, before yelling back to some troops to get them to wrangle the stragglers of the search party and begin going into the more stable sections of the wrecked starship.

Ear twitching at a twinkling sound, he turned back to see that Princess Celestia was gone, along with the prone form of Princess Luna and a half-dozen guards.

Looking around the clearing at everyone who had left, Trixie and Starlight huddled together, while a black-and-white painted jroidz painted in the approximation of a skeleton danced around a burning pool of fluid.

Staring into each other’s eyes with confusion, Trixie was the first to talk.

“You… don’t suppose they forgot about us, do you?”