• Published 21st Feb 2022
  • 736 Views, 20 Comments

Beyond the Stars - Onomonopia

The first Equestrian space pilot gets in over her head

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Equestria's First Pilots

She could hear the princess talking from the other side of the curtain, using a lot of big, important sounding words that Slipstream's brain couldn't process at the moment. She was way to nervous about not messing up what she was going to say when she and Updraft went onto the stage. Updraft smirked at the blue mare with the midnight black mane who was rocking in her chair, getting her to flash him an annoyed look.

"Ten years of intense training to become a space pilot, being two of the first ponies to go into the great unknown, and you're worried about flubbing what you're going to say on stage?" Updraft asked Slipstream with disbelief in his voice, getting Slipstream to stick out her tongue at him. The greyish pony with the white mane smirked even wider at her response before he shifted his space suit, getting Slipstream to glance down at hers.

The suits they wore were blue and simple, not overcomplicated like some of the suit designs that they had seen. Since they were ponies, they had forgone the use of gloves and boots, opting for their hooves instead. Her suit had holes in the side of it to accommodate for her wings, while Updrafts was a size too small. She hated the little flight caps that they were forced to where forced to wear with their uniforms, but Updraft assured her they made her look cute. That made her hate it all the more.

"We are the first two ponies to be selected in the history of ever to be selected for the Cornerian army, yet you can't take this day more seriously!" Slipstream snarled to Updraft, who gave a shrug before he sat back in his seat. "If I embarrass myself here, I will never live it down. Do you know who is sitting out there in the crowd?"

"A lot of attractive mares?" Updraft asked.

"Commander Parsley, one of the most important figures in the Cornerian Army!" Slipstream practically shouted, lowering her voice when she heard Princess Twilight pause for a moment. When Twilight started talking again, Slipstream let out a sigh. "He will be the one dictating our future in the army, so I want to make a good first impression! So please, for both of our sakes, act like a regular pony!"

"Ugh, you're so boring. I don't know what you're worried about, you're the better pilot of the two of us and that's with the crappy, older model they loaned us," Updraft said, glancing through a hole in the curtain to see the massive crowd that had gathered in Canterlot. "You're future is set in stone. You're going to be an ace pilot, stop every threat that you come across and then die by flying into a black hole because those five bits somepony bet were way too tempting for you."

"...set in stone, huh? That's something I haven't heard around these lands in a long time," Slipstream said with a smile as she leaned back in her chair as well. "One hundred years ago this year. Can you believe it? That's how long Equestria has been apart of the Cornerian Alliance. What I wouldn't give to have a time machine and go back to that day to see the looks on ponies faces."

"What are you talking about? All that happened was these giant spaceships showed out of nowhere, landed on our planet and a bunch of anthropomorphic dogs walked out with laser guns. Sounds like a normal Saturday to me."

"I swear you can't take anything seriously. And considering we're going to Corneria today, I'm worried that you're taking things too lightly," Slipstream continued on.

"Relax, I'm just handling things like I normally do. Chill on the outside, losing my freaking mind on the inside," Updraft said to "comfort" her. Slipstream wanted to answer, but at that moment the curtains began to open and the both of them snapped to their hooves. One wore an expression of nervousness, the other had a cocky smile that hid his real thoughts.

"Beings of Equestria, I give you our pilots: Slipstream and Updraft!"

The roar given off by the citizens of Equestria nearly blew the two ponies off of their hooves. Slipstream nearly froze in place when she saw all of the sets of eyes that were upon her, including the violet eyes of the princess of Equestria. Updraft kicked her in her back legs and snapped her out of her trance, giving Updraft a grateful smile as he walked by.

Slipstream joined Updraft at the front of the stage, looking around at the sea of ponies while doing everything in her power not to freak out. Cameras flew around the both of them, recording this moment for the news stations across the land. Slipstream kept her eyes glued forward, while Updraft gave his best smile and a wave to the camera. Princess Twilight stepped forward, turning both of their attentions to the alicorn that towered over the both of them.

"I will say that I am proud of the both of you. I have watched the training that the both of you have gone through and I will say that no other ponies in the history of Equestria, aside maybe Rainbow Dash, could have done what you did," Princess Twilight said with a proud smile as she saluted the both of them. They both saluted back, some of the worry fading away as they heard the pride in Twilight's voice. Twilight then turned back to the crowd, silencing the roar of the crowd with her mere presence alone.

"As all of you know, these two will be heading into unfamiliar territory. I have been the ruling princess of these lands for one hundred and fifty years now and even I cannot say that I've been to any of the inhabited planets that are out there," Princess Twilight told the crowd, who hung onto her every word. "These two will be the first. The two will go as Equestria's first ponies to see the stars, to see what lays beyond our world. And honestly, I'm a little jealous."

The crowd gave Twilight a polite laugh, before Twilight motioned for the both of them to say something. Slipstream's heart froze at the idea of having to say anything before the crowd, but fortunately for her Updraft walked forward with his winning smile upon his face.

"Friends, family and those I wish I could get to know, today is a monumental day! For today is the day that I ascend this mortal realm and take my place among the stars!" The crowd laughed at that statement, getting Updraft to look back at Slipstream with a cocky smile on his face. "Oh, and I have to bring Slipstream with me. Part of the deal. But worry not! I promise that we will do everything in our power not to mess this huge opportunity. But we most likely will. Don't hold your breath."

Another ripple of laughter spread out across the crowd. Updraft gave Slipstream a look asking her if she wanted to talk, but she shook her head and he took hold of the situation once again. He cracked a few more jokes that got some laughs and one groan out of the crowd, before he bowed to Princess Twilight and moved aside so that she could finish up.

"Now I know that normally we would open the floor to questions and allow photos to be taken with our pilots here, but I have been informed by Commander Parsley that time is of the essence," Princess Twilight told the crowd, getting most of the to groan in disappointment. "Commander, would you like to say a few words?"

The commander, who looked like a bipedal Yorkshire Terrier, nodded to the princess and with the aid of her magic made his way up onto the stage. He ruffled his uniform a few times before grabbing a microphone that Twilight floated to him, clearing his voice before he began to speak.

"Thank you for this opportunity, Princess Twilight. To think that it was a hundred years ago that you and your allies signed the agreement that allowed Equestria to join the alliance," Parsley said with a chuckle that shook his mustache. "Sad that Princesses Celestia and Luna couldn't be here today. Remind me again what it was that was so important that they couldn't be here?"

"They said that there was something going on at a five star hotel that sat near the front of the most beautiful beaches in all of the world," Twilight replied with a smile, getting the crowd to laugh. "I assume that whatever needed their attention will require plenty of hours of sitting on the beach and numerous drinks."

"Well I can't say I blame them. I've been to many a planet, but none of them are quiet as beautiful as Equis," Commander Parsley laughed before he sized up the two new pilots. "But these two are the most amazing thing I have seen since I've come to Equis. To think that this world managed to produce such fine, young pilots so quickly. This is truly the land of magic."

"Thank you, Commander," Twilight said with a small bow, getting the commander to laugh. "We like to think that it was skill and practice that produced them so quickly. Of course, Updraft here might have just flirted his way to success." The crowd laughed once more and Updraft shrugged in response with a good natured smile on his face. Slipstream chuckled as well, but that only drew the commander to look at her.

"And you, young Slipstream. You have one of the most impressive records that I've seen in a cadet in all my years of being in this army," Commander Parsley said to her, getting her to stand up straight and salute. "In fact, only two or three other pilots have managed to get better scores than you. I am interested to see how you fair in this new frontier."

"I will perform to the best of my ability," Slipstream responded, getting a nod out of the commander.

"Excellent. That is all we can do, is it not?" Parsley asked Twilight, who nodded with a smile. A low roaring sound could be heard and Parsley looked to the sky, smiling when he saw a massive spaceship descending towards them. The crowd and the two pilots on the stage let out gasps of amazement when they saw the colossal cruiser that was lowering towards them, while Parsley let out a laugh at their amazement. "What? Did you think that we would force the first two pilots of one of our greatest allies to fly in anything less? Come you two, time to introduce the both of you to the stars."

Slipstream and Updraft both shared a look with each other and there was nothing in their faces but unbridled happiness. The two of them then turned towards Twilight and bowed respectfully to her, getting the Princess of Equestria to bow to the both of them with a smile on her face before she waved them over.

"Excited?" she asked the both of them, laughing when they nodded their heads excitedly. Twilight then gazed at the massive ship flying overhead, a look that neither of them could read upon her face. "I have no advice to give the both of you on what to do out there. Out there is a place that even I've never been to. You will have to rely on your training and skill to make it. But I don't doubt either of you for a moment."

"But while I can't give you advice on what to do out there, I can give you some advice that was shared with me when I became to sole princess of the land. Always remember where you come from. Always remember what makes you you. And remember that with friends on your side, you can overcome any trial," Twilight told the both of them, who listened to each of her words intently. "Also try not to show off. That never ends well for anypony."

"We will remember your words, princess," Slipstream said as she bowed to the princess, Updraft doing the same without one of his usual remarks.

"Excellent. Now go say goodbye to your families and friends. The two of you have quite the journey ahead of you," Twilight instructed the both of them, before giving the both a warm smile. "So what are you waiting for? Go off into that great unknown. Show the stars the magic that we of Equis have within us."

S |>

The cruiser was even bigger on the inside than it looked on the outside. As Slipstream and Updraft were lead through the halls of the massive war ship, they couldn't help but be amazed at all of the different things that were inside the ship. Screens were everywhere, displaying news and information going on in different places of the universe. Sometimes they walked by windows and got to look inside to see all sorts of beings training with one another, be it target practice or hand to hand combat. And every once in a while an autonomous machine would walk by them, making both of their eyes go wide.

"Can you believe it? We're actually standing on a Cornerian Cruiser," Slipstream whispered to Updraft, whose wonderful way with words failed him for the first time since he could remember. Parsley chuckled at the stallions silence, before he cleared his throat and regained the two's attention.

"Get comfortable you two, as you'll be stationed on a ship similar to this one once you're set straight on Corneria," Commander Parsley said to the both of them, getting both of the ponies to nod to show they understood. "You'll be on Corneria for about a week getting properly registered with your ships and equipment. In the meantime, you will use what we order for you. You personal belongings that you brought with you have been moved to your quarters. You rooms are side by side in section E-7. I hope you know where that is?"

"Seventh level and the fifth hallway," Slipstream answered immediately, having more book knowledge of the Cornerian army than any other pony in her land, even the princess. Updraft nodded in agreement, even though Slipstream knew he was flying blind.

"Excellent. I see why you are the head of your class," Parsley applauded, getting Slipstream to swell with pride. "If you are knowledgeable about where your rooms are, then I am certain that you know where everything else is as well. If that is the case, I will leave you for the time being. There are still many things that need to get done after all. Any questions?"

"Just one sir. What is it that is so urgent that we had to leave Equestria so suddenly?" Updraft asked in a carefree many, but his words made the terriers eyes narrow slightly.

"What do you mean, pilot?"

"Something big is going on, isn't it? Everyone we've passed has been on red alert, we constantly have ships patrolling each new area we go to and I've heard passing conversation," Updraft said with a smile, one that made the commander chuckle slightly.

"You don't miss anything, do you? Yes, we've recently had some issues with marauders that have been attacking our ships. We don't why their doing it, but we're taking precautions just to be safe. Now given how big this cruiser is I doubt we'll be attacked, but never get caught with your leg up, as my granddad used to say. Now go on, both of you to your quarters."

Both ponies saluted and nodded their heads, getting their commander to do the same before he walked off. Slipstream and Updraft waited until he was gone before the both of them smiled to each other and began to walk quickly down the halls, taking in all of the sights with wide eyes and smiling faces.

"So do you want to head straight to our quarters or start to explore this massive chunk of awesome?" Updraft asked Slipstream, who thought about it for a moment before she smiled.

"I want to check the hangars, actually. We've only gotten to fly old crappy models and do flight simulators. I want to see the real deal."

Updraft smiled in response and a moment later the both of them headed towards the hangars, both of them having large smiles on their faces. The two of them gathered a few looks as they walked by other members of the craft on their way, quickly becoming aware that they were slightly smaller than most of the other soldiers. One dog soldier waked by with a rifle in his hands, making Slipstream and Updraft eye the weapon with interest.

"Can't wait till we get our own blasters. Shame that they had to be special made for us," Slipstream sighed.

"Well, we don't have fingers. And I don't think that bludgeoning something with that would do much of anything," Updraft added with a shrug. The two talked with each other until they reached the entrance to the hangars. As neither of them had access to the hangars yet due to their statues, all they could do was look through the glass at the ships on the other side. But for them, that was enough.

"Right there, second from the left on the far side," Slipstream told Updraft, who followed her gaze to see the ship that hung from the launch rails. The ship had a long body with bent, seagull like wings that stuck out on either side of it. Beneath the wings were twin sets of high powered laser cannons, while on the back was a shock space accelerator.

"Oh yeah. That's the model that I've heard about," Updraft said with a wicked smile as he stared at the ship. "Can't wait until I get me the chance to fly around in one of those bad boys. A few days on here, a week in Corneria and then finally I can fly the ship I was always meant to be in. I can almost taste it."

"So why'd you ask that question to the commander? About what was going on?" Slipstream asked Updraft, who gave her one of the coy smiles that she often found so infuriating.

"First rule of surviving out in a new place: always know what's going on," Updraft told her, getting Slipstream to raise an eyebrow. "The second rule of surviving in a new place is never hit on anything that might hit back. Dad learned that one the hard way."

"I don't know why I talk to you."

"Because there's no other experience like talking to me," Updraft said with a wink, one that earned him a whack with a cap a moment later. The two then spent ten more minutes watching and naming the different craft that was in the hangar, before they decided that it was time to head to their quarters. The two walked in silence as they headed to where they'd be staying, each of them thinking about the future and what it would hold for the both of them.

"Do you think we'll work together? Or will they split us up?" Slipstream asked Updraft once the two of them reached their rooms, getting Updraft to stop and glance over at the pegasi, who was leaning her head against the door.

"Where did all of this come from?" Updraft asked her, his tone unusually calm.

"It's just...we're in space now. We're Faust knows how far from our home, our family and friends, and we're in uncharted territory for ponies. And you're the only being on this entire ship that I can call my friend," Slipstream added with a hint of fear in her voice. "I'm just...not ready to cut all of my ties yet."

"Oh, is that all you were worried about?" Updraft said with a laugh, getting a nasty glare from Slipstream in response. "Look Slip, even if they do separate us, we're still friends. And with the abundant amount of technology that these guys have, we'll have plenty of ways to communicate with each other even if we are split up. So quit worrying, it makes you look ten years older."

"Wow, way to make me feel better."

"I live to serve," Updraft said with a sarcastic bow. Slipstream rolled her eyes at him, but gave him an appreciative smile anyway. "Now come on, let's hit the hay. I don't know how time works in space, but I do know that I'm tired and I need to sleep. Not to mention they'll probably are going to wake us up soon and then we'll have to actually start working. I need my beauty sleep if I'm to look my best."

"Yes, because Faust knows that you can't get any more vain," Slipstream added.

"Oh, I can always get more vain. I'm simply not trying," Updraft said as he opened the door to his room, giving Slipstream one last smile. "Sleep well, Slip. Try not to get yourself so wound up that you can't fall asleep. I can't keep coming up with excuses for every time you sleep in."

"You can't?"

"Well I could, but then you wouldn't learn your lesson...see ya," Updraft said with a wave before he entered into his room. Slipstreamed stared at his door for a moment before she entered into her room as well, finding it simple, but tidy. All that was in her room was her bed, a desk with a floating chair, a screen at the end of the room and a bag filled with her things that was tucked away in a corner.

Slipstream hopped onto her bed and closed her eyes, able to still hear the sounds of soldiers yelling at each other despite her room supposedly being able to muffle noise. She shrugged and took comfort in the sound, which reminded her a bit of boot camp on Equestria. She spent some time thinking of her home, but after a while her thoughts turned towards the future and where she would take her place in it.

'Corneria, then to the stars,' she thought to herself as she could only imagine what the main home of the Cornerian army looked like. She had seen it in pictures and descriptions, but she had always dreamed of going there. 'Tomorrow is the first day of a brand new adventure. It's what I've been training for so long to be apart of. I have the princesses blessing, I've got a good, if not irritating, friend and I've got my whole life ahead of me. I can't wait to see what tomorrow brings.'