• Published 2nd Jul 2012
  • 17,197 Views, 968 Comments

Over the Edge and Over Again - Perpetual Motion

Having failed to reach the Davy Jones' Locker, how will Captain Hector Barbossa cope with the perils of Equestria instead?

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Over the Edge and Over Again: Chapter 6

Everything ached. His back, his legs, his head. Most especially his head. It was as if cannon fire was going off and his skull was attempting to fight back. He didn't know if he was drunk, dead or dying, but he was sure it was one of them. Or maybe even all three.

“Mary mother o' God...”

Reaching up to rub his temple, he suddenly realised something. He couldn't. His arms were bound. The prickling feeling of rope was scratching against his hands and wrists. And the pressure was tight around his legs and torso as well as on his back. There was also the sickly sweet smell of pastries and cakes. Raspberry. It felt warm.

Quickly opening his eyes, he flinched back, seeing a bright pink horse breathing into his face, smiling with her eyes wide open.

“Hello Mr. Sleepy head,” it said, turning away from him, “Twilight! He's up.”

“What the..?”

Shaking his arms, they defied to move against the rope, which also seemed to be tied to a small wooden chair.

The pirate watched as the purple unicorn eagerly climbed down from a ladder and rushed towards him, almost knocking her friend over in the process. Trying to grab hold of his senses, he looked around his current location. It was musty, and there were colourful books lying everywhere around him, piled in neat, even stacks. The building also appeared very ambitious, stretching into the sky, with bookshelves going just as high themselves in some places. He'd seen much taller buildings and ships, but it was still slightly impressive. Everything was made of clean cut wood, with the shelves being much darker than the rest of the furniture. It was a library.

Sparing the pink and purple horses, there was also three more at the other end of the room, as well as what appeared to be a small...dragon? Focusing his gaze and lowering his eyebrows, he could see his things. His jacket, as well as its contents, lay heaped on the floor in the middle of the group, each member of which was holding something that belonged to him. Even his hat was being toyed with. Clenching his teeth and gathering his strength, he violently shook from side to side, fighting against the ropes that tied him down.

“You can try all you want Hector, but I cast a stasis spell on the chair and the rope. You're not going anywhere.”

Taking her up on the kind offer, he did try and escape his prison. But the chair was built like iron, rooted to the floor, and the ropes did nothing but flex under the movement, even becoming tighter the more he struggled against them. Growing tired under the pointless struggle, he stopped for breath before instantly wasting even more effort trying again.

“Finished?” Twilight said confidently.

He yelled out at the purple mare, bearing his teeth and widening his eyes, but not before attempting one last time at escaping. But the chair still didn't move, and neither did the rope. Accepting his fate, he straightened his back and looked down at the horse, a faux smile resting on his lips.

“A pleasure te be seein' ye again, Miss Sparkle. Te what do I owe this most gratifying honour?”

“You put my friend in hospital, Hector. Not mention hurting me and upsetting Fluttershy. What do you think the honour is? Think yourself lucky I even chose to heal you.”

Healed? He didn't feel very healed. The others had since turned around to face him, seemingly more interested in him than his belongings.

“So not a friendly kidnappin' then?”

“We haven't kidnapped you. We've restrained you.”

Her friends nodded along with her.

“Aye, a wise choice too; I can't say I'm too fond of ye after striken' me down,” he crookedly smiled back at the group, “but I assume ye have some form of proposition for me? Seein' as ye went te all the hassle of tyin' me down in yer magic chair.”

He knew from experience to get negotiations under way as soon as possible, especially since his current situation was anything but what he was used too. Usually a kidnapping involved fighting your way out, or giving the captor an offer they couldn't refuse. But not only did escaping seem unlikely, given his current predicament, but he had no idea what was actually going on in their heads. They were talking horses for Christ’s sake.

“We just want to talk to you.”

Barbossa eyed her cautiously. They'd went to an awful lot of effort to simply talk to him. He'd assumed they wanted to do something along the lines of warranting his arrest, seeing as he had two accounts of thievery and another two accounts of assault on his already tarnished new record.

“What manner of talkin'?”

“Just questions. There are a lot of things we’d like to know about you.”

She seemed quite happy about how things were going, even going as far as to compassionately smile at him. But he guessed it was likely to due to his lack of freedom more than anything else. However, he could make use of this.

“But if I have te answer your questions, Miss Sparkle, then you in turn must answer mine.”

This was a brilliant turn of events. Sure, he was captured in...some sort of magical chair, and at the mercy of multicoloured mares, but he'd have a chance to find out whatever he wanted if he played his cards right.

“Do we have an' accord?”

“Oh, of course,” She said, eagerly nodding her head, “that was easy. And call me Twilight.”

“Whatever ye say, Miss Sparkle.”

He gave a sly grin, slightly raising his eyebrows. Just because he was the detainee, it didn't mean he couldn't try and enjoy himself. He also felt rather stupid calling someone Twilight. Miss Sparkle seemed more refined, if only ever so slightly. She should take him calling her that as a compliment.

“But first and foremost, where am I?”

“Ponyville Public Library," she answered with a smile.

Not believing that anyone could be that dense, he rolled his eyes and grated his teeth before asking again.

“Aye, I got that much. But where, pray tell, is…Ponyville.”

As funny as the names in this world were, he controlled himself enough to ask the question. Finding out what he wanted did take priority over laughing at his captors.

“Uh, Equestria,” the mare answered casually.

While he had no problem with her answering what he asked, it still annoyed him at how simple some of the names were. And was everything named after horses? Then again, right now that wasn't really important.

“And be there a way out?” he asked seriously.

“A...a way out?” she asked, cocking her head, "I guess you could go over the boarders into Gryphus, if that's what you mean. But that’s going into griffin territory."

Scrunching his nose, he shook his head. He would ask about the griffins later.

"I mean out of this world. I didn't begin in this world, Miss Sparkle, and I'm not plannin' te spend the rest o' me days here either. I fell from the sky above that bloody forest. I fell from my world and into yours. And I be sure as hell wantin' a way back out.”

“You're fro...from another world?”

The rest of the group just blinked along with Twilight, confused and surprised at what he was saying.

“How is that even possible?”

“In my world, there be an afterlife; Davy Jones Locker, and me crew and I were headin' there te rescue...an old friend from the everlasting turmoil a never ending sentence poses, but for some reason I didn't make it. There be a way out o’ Jones' Locker, and I assume the same logic be applicable here. I just don't know where that logic lies.”

The group just stared at him, obviously unprepared for what he had said. Twilight would have been quick to question his claim, if not for the simple fact she had neither seen or heard of anything like him. She had read many books on the many creatures that roamed their world, and nothing even came close to what he was.

“So...y'all don't know nothin' about what happened?”

Looking at the horse with the nice hat, the first one there, spare for Twilight, who actually seemed willing to talk to him, Barbossa accepted to himself that he didn't. He had no idea how it had happened. The only being he knew in his world capable of this kind of magic would be Calypso, and seeing as he had the idea to free her, sending him to another world would gain her less than nothing. And seeing as no man apart from him had been brought here, circumstance was his main guess of how it had happened.

Or perhaps fate. His last resort of reasoning was fate. If Calypso herself were here, that would surely be her reasoning, her belief. Everyone had a fate to fulfil. Maybe his existed here.

“No. Not for the time bein'.”

"And is this what y'all were tryin' te tell us this mornin'?”

"I wasn't plannin' on tellin' the whole story, but aye, I was. At least until yer friend saw it fit te take me down."

Ignoring his comment towards Rainbow, not wanting to start any arguments while he was somewhat calm, Twilight once again took hold of the conversation.

"So...you want our help?”

“Seein' as I have next to nothin' to know about this world, and as yer the one offerin’, then aye...”

He grumbled. Owing a favour was never a desired situation in his book, but being offered help, that was a different story. And if all he had to pay was answering her questions, then there was nothing for him to lose. He was surprised the negotiations were going as smooth as they were.

“...yer assistance would be appreciated.”

“Um...well...we could help you, I guess. Right guys?”

As well intentioned as her question was, everyone in the room just eyed each other, unsure of how to respond. Rainbow was in hospital, Fluttershy had been bullied, Twilight had been injured and Applejack and Rarity both had sisters who had been scared half to death; all because of him. Applejack seemed somewhat more passive about what had happened, but Rarity had taken it to heart. Seeing their responses, Barbossa decided to offer his own spin on his situation, attempting a less than threatening grin while doing so.

“Just keep in mind, the sooner ye be finden' me a way back, the sooner I'll be able te leave.”

Their looks of apprehension didn’t fade away. The realisation was there, but most still seemed inclined to avoid helping him, simply on a manner of principle. Twilight knew they could be brought around, but given what he had already done, it would take time. She had been the one to offer help, yet even she still found it somewhat hard to look him in the eyes.

But she knew helping someone in need was always the right thing to do, and he certainly seemed to be in need. He wasn't the nicest creature she'd met, but he also wasn't the worst. If he was truly unworthy of their help, he wouldn't be sat there talking to them. Right?

“It's still kinda sad.”

Everyone turned around to face Pinkie as she sat there, sniffling and rubbing her hooves over her eyes. Her hair was limp and her behaviour was bleak compared to the bouncy nature of her previous antics.

“You went to rescue a friend who died, and you got lost before you could help him...”

“Aye, tis’ a cryin' shame, but Jack can fare well enough on his own two feet.”

His response was quick and inconsiderate, but still held a glimmer of truth, much to the chagrin of Barbossa himself. He had no idea of the prisons Jones created for those he took, but he remained motivated in knowing Jack was likely suffering some form of torture.

“We've got a friend called Jack. Well, kinda like Jack.”

The pink one grabbed the farmer and pulled her into the pirates line of sight. She sat there, smile wavering as beads of sweat rolled down from her forehead.

“And what be yer name, exactly?”

While his question was directed at the farmer, it applied to the rest of those present as well. If he was to let them...assist him, he would at least call them by name. He was nothing if not fair to those who served him well. Those who weren't simply faced his sword. But restraint, he thought, would be a wise thing to practice while he was here.


Barbossa grimaced. One his favourite things in life coupled with one of the worst. However, it was still the least ridiculous name he had heard thus far. Making fun of their names wouldn’t be a smart move any more anyway. He looked toward the other two horses and the dragon expectantly, wanting to attempt a somewhat dignified introduction despite the earlier occurrences.

“I'm...Rarity. It's a pleasure...Hector.”

The white one cringed, straining her smile. But to Barbossa's surprise she offered her hoof, although he realised it was due to the fact he couldn't offer his in return, rather than out of courtesy. The pink one instead took a more direct approach; gripping the man in a tight, heartfelt hug.

“My name’s Pinkie Pie!”

Her hug was real. Not like the traditional greeting Rarity had offered. Barbossa felt as if Pinkie actually cared. Not that he needed her care, of course, but knowing that at least one was willing to give support out of loyalty rather than circumstance was comforting.

“You...smell...a lot...”

Feeling the hug had been held long enough, and not able to physically respond, he cleared his throat. After another tight squeeze, she let go and moved to reveal the little dragon standing before him.

“And I’m Spike.”

Barbossa looked him over for a few seconds, somewhat eager to test his theory.

"Are ye a dragon?"

The purple reptile stood there, nodding and giving him a slight wave of his hand. If he ever one day saw a dragon, the pirate assumed it’d be…more. His small, stout and chubby stature made it less than threatening, and it’s bright purple scales and green spines did nothing to help. In the end, the pirate felt somewhat disappointed.

“Yer a bit small te’ be a dragon.”

“Well, I am just a baby dragon.”

Maybe he’d get to see a proper dragon at some point then. Spike left him somewhat wanting in the mythical creature department. Sure, he'd seen that manticore in the forest, and he'd been sat talking to winged horses and unicorns, but a dragon was something remarkable; a true beast of legends. Spike was a step up from unicorns though.

To his left, Twilight sat clearing her throat, eyeing her friends before looking up at him, disapproval blatant on her face. Wondering what he done this time, and about to defend his currently noble intentions, she spoke to him. It wasn’t a kind voice. More akin to one a parent gives to a disobedient child.

“And you already know me and Fluttershy.”

She placed special emphasis on the latter name.

Looking past the purple unicorn, Barbossa could see the horse in question standing at the back of the group. Shuffling under his gaze, her eyes found their way to the books at her side, rather than the pirate himself. Turning back to Twilight, Barbossa watched as she motioned her head back and forward to Fluttershy, gazing at him and clenching her teeth.

“Be ye wantin somethin'?”

He cocked a wicked smile, knowing full well what she wanted. He just wanted to hear her say it.

“I want you to apologize to Fluttershy for what you said.”

“What was it I said exactly, Miss Sparkle? Me memory's been a bit fuzzy of late.”

“About her name...”

Looking towards her friends, she walked up to Barbossa and whispered into his ear.

“...and the other thing.”

While he enjoyed toying with Twilight, making further fun of Fluttershy would only result in his loss. Most likely their refusal to assist him. Or execution. Deciding the gracious option to be the best one, he turned to the yellow mare and tipped his head, his face mustering a genuine smile. As genuine as he could manage, anyway.

“My humblest apologies for anythin' that ye deemed hurtful...Fluttershy. The names here are simply more flowery than what I be used to.”

While his apology lapsed into sarcasm, he deemed it the closest thing to one he could give. The others seemed to agree, annoyed with what he said but understanding the truth behind it. Or so he hoped anyway. He was desperate, but not so much as to bow down to some glorified fairy tale animals.

“W-what are names where you’re from like?” Fluttershy said with an almost whispered voice, shuffling on her hooves and facing the pirate through her mane.

“Less flowery. Hector Barbossa, Elizabeth Swann, William Turner, Cutler Becket. Even Jack Sparrow. This world just seems so infantile.”

Realising what he'd said and what it implied, he promptly backed up his statement, not wishing to undo his apology so quickly.

“Compared to me own world, of course.”

“Why do you all have two names?”

The question was surprising, seeing as it came from Twilight, one of the only creatures there who actually had a surname. But judging by the notebook floating by her side, it was one of the many questiones she wanted to ask him.

“There be more than one man in the world named Hector. But there be significantly less named Hector Barbossa.”

“Couldn't you just come up with new names?” He scoffed at her reply.

“Like what? Namin' children usin' random verbs and nouns? Aye, 'cause that sounds very noble.”

“So there are no folk like you with names like ours?”

Now the farmer was getting involved.

“Men can take different names te impose on others. A man named Edward Teach is known to every sailor and pirate alike, but he be known as Blackbeard rather than Edward. But it is not a real name.”

“How do you spell teech?”

Exhaling and closing his eyes, Barbossa blocked out the outside noise. All these questions. Opening his eyes and cracking his neck, he glared back at Twilight, mentally preparing himself for more.


“Can you have more than two names?”


“Can you tell me one?”

Groaning at her constant queries, he rolled his eyes and paused to think.

“Mary Anne Rogers.”

It likely wasn't real, but it didn't really matter at this point.

“Can anyone have a nick name?”


“Do you have a nick name?”

The quick succession in which she asked made the queries more annoying than they actually were. He released a long, irritated sigh.

“No, but can ye please ask about somethin' else!” he whined.

If talking was all the pay that was needed to get him home, he would happily answer. Compared to gold or money, it left him with no loss. But he would throttle her little purple neck if she kept asking so many questions about absolutely nothing.

“What are you?” Her question caught the pirate of guard.

“I be beggin' yer pardon?”

“What are you. Spike's a dragon, and I'm a pony. What are you?”

Ponies? Looking around him, and remembering what he had seen of this world so far, he sighed as he felt the last of his masculinity wash away.

“Not horses then?”

Twilight recoiled at the words, as did a few of the others.

“Of course not. Do we look like horses to you?”


Not seeing what the problem was, Barbossa stared at the unicorn as she glared back at him, her eyelids half closed and dull.

“Just answer my question, Hector.”

“I'm an Englishman, but we are collectively known te be human.”

Nodding at him, she walked off to the back of the room, heading towards the pile of his effects. In her wake, the others just stared at him. Displeasure. Fear. He marvelled at how much faith they put in their purple friend, seeing as they started worrying the moment she left their presence. Not taking her time, Twilight soon came back, levitating his pistol in air.

“What's this?”

“It's called a flintlock pistol, and I'd be much obliged if ye didn't point it towards me face.”

Glowering at her, Twilight nervously floated it away from him, pointing the barrel to his side. The others had since crowded around, looking somewhat curious with what he had to say. The item called a pistol was very well made, with elegant engraving stretching up from one end to the other. It appeared to be made of silver, but the captain knew differently.

“Oooh, how does it work? What does it do?!”

The pink one seemed too interested. She hopped from one hoof to the other, eyeing the weapon floating in the air.

“If I were untied, I could give ye a short demonstration.”

He hadn't actually expected them to release him so easily, and sadly for him, they didn't.

“Y'all really think we're that stupid?”

They all glared at him with the same blunt expression.

“Fine. Ye load it with powder and a bullet, and pull the trigger.”

Smiling sarcastically, he watched as the book floated in the air, writing itself while his gun swyaed in the air in front of him. Shock filled his system when the pistol suddenly went off. A loud bang was heard, followed by the heat of fire and a flash as the lone bullet left the weapon. The pistol abruptly stopped floating and hit the floor with a heavy thud. He turned to Twilight, more shocked at her stupidity than anything else.

“Ye bloody harlot! What in God's name are ye doin?!”

Trying in vain, he violently shook around in his chair, once again attempting to escape or move out of the way; anything to get away from the idiots playing around with his weapons.

“Are ye tryin' te kill me?!”

The animals just stood there, eyes wide open, staring in disbelief at the smoking hole in the books, before slowly turning their heads towards the iron pistol on the floor. Barbossa was surprised he hadn't been burned with a pistol fired that close to his face. The book on the shelf disagreed, with some of the pages clearly receiving the flame of short range fire.

Taking a deep, heated breath, he exhaled and calmed himself, closing his eyes. While he would have been more than happy dealing with the...ponies, being tied down at least allowed him time to compose himself. And the pistol was no longer loaded, so that was something to be thankful for.

“I-I'm so sorry. I didn't know that would happen.”

Shaking, she looked back and forth between the gun and the small clouds of smoke emanating from the bookshelf.

“It. Be…fine. Just keep yer...magical…things off me weapons.”

It was like giving weapons to children. Young children too. Looking at the others, Barbossa paused at the lack of fear in Rarity's face, not because he was surprised it wasn't there, but because fury was present instead. Her eyes were flared, and she stood forward, leaning in towards him.

“You wanted to do that to Rainbow?! You could have killed her!”

“If I were anythin' like Miss Sparkle, aye, I would have. But I were aimin' fer the tree at her side, not her good self.”

“But you could still have hurt her!”

“Not my problem. If ye ask yer friends, ye'll find she were the one who initiated the attack. I only reacted accordingly.”

Twilight cut in, forcing a hoof in front of her friends muzzle and another in front of the captains face.

“We can heal wounds, Rarity. What he did wasn't right, but according to Applejack and Pinkie, Rainbow did start it.”

Barbossa smirked at the white unicorn, proud that he had won an argument, not only with his own words, but with that of his opponent's friend as well. Glaring, unimpressed with his over confidence, Twilight then turned to him instead.

“But you were the one who deserved it. If you hadn't bullied us, Rainbow wouldn't have got the wrong idea. And if you were even thinking of hurting my friends with that pistol thing, Mr. Barbossa, then we would be better off handing you over to the Royal Guard rather than actually helping you. Reacting to an attack is one thing, but I will not put your needs above the safety of my friends. I don't know how things work in your world, but while you are in ours, you will abide by our rules.”

Standing firm with her speech, the captain strained to breathe as he felt the ropes abruptly tighten around him, the bristles of the cord digging in to his wrists and stomach.

“Do I make myself clear?”

The pirate sat tight in the chair, his mouth slightly ajar at the small pony taking action and actually talking down to him. While she had technically just threatened him, he still chose Twilight's company over that of the Royal Guard. He didn’t even know they had a guard, or if it was even any good. But given his crimes so far, they’d have no trouble getting him executed. Looking back at his captors, and realising for once in his life he had no say or choice in the matter at hand, he gave the only answer he could give.

“Aye. Crystal.