• Published 3rd Dec 2016
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The Alternate Adventures of the Power Ponies - DisneyFanatic23

The adventures of the Mane 6 as the Power Ponies as they defend Maretropolis from dastardly evil-doers, including the Mane-iac, the Equalizer, the Phoenix, and the God of Chaos himself.

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The Pharaoh's Curse: Part 1

"Yes, love is all about sacrifice and compromise, but it's important also to establish a limit. You shouldn't have to throw your whole life away to make a relationship work. If you have to lose yourself to please your partner, you're with the wrong person."

- Beau Taplin

The early morning sky was gray as the Power Ponies, aside from Mistress Mare-velous, gathered in the control room. They were all so exhausted from the early wake-up call that neither of them had changed into their super suits.

"What could be so important that it had to be this early?" Rainbow asked with a yawn. "Celestia hasn't even raised the sun yet, and I was up half the night rounding up those jailbirds."

"I know what you mean, darling," Rarity said, looking at herself through her compact mirror. "I am getting these hideous bags under my eyes from lack of beauty sleep."

"Well I feel great!" Pinkie piped, chugging a cup of coffee. "Woo! You can really feel the buzz after twenty cups!"

"So sorry to have woken you all," Twilight said, facing the four mares and dragon, "but it's on a matter of utmost importance."

"Oh my," Fluttershy said, putting her hoof to her mouth. "There's no scary monster attacking Maretropolis, is there?"

"I think we might've heard that on the news," Rainbow said.

"Or noticed it on the way here!" Pinkie said energetically, crushing the paper cup against her head.

"It's not a mission, but it's still important," Twilight said as she began pacing. "As you all know, Mare-velous has gone to Appleloosa to spend some time with her family and won't be back for a few weeks."

"After putting her lifelong nemesis in prison," Rarity said, "I can't blame her for wanting a vacation."

"Not to mention her little sister missed her very much," Fluttershy said.

"Any pony else worried that this Longhorn guy might break out like all the others do on a weekly basis?" Rainbow asked.

"Longhorn's been placed in a solid steel cell," Twilight said, "which has walls laced with electricity, so he'll have a hard time crashing his horns through there."

Rainbow narrowed her eyes. "Why can't Balkham do that for all the villains?"

"Anyway," Twilight continued, coming to a stop, "with Mare-velous' absence in mind, I understand this is an inconvenient time to be telling you that I will be taking a vacation as well."

"What?!" the mares exclaimed.

"You couldn't have waited until after Mare-velous came back?!" Rainbow demanded.

"I wish I could, but," Twilight said, biting her lip, "after what happened with Sunset Shimmer, I need to…take a breather, something that doesn't involve battling criminals or business. It'll only be for a week, I promise."

"Trust me," Spike said in a whisper. "She needs this. I've been trying to convince her to take a vacation for years."

"Where are you going?" Fluttershy asked.

"Camping," Twilight said simply. "But I'm afraid I can't tell you where."

"Why ever not?" Rarity asked.

Rainbow crossed her hooves. "Ya got more secrets?"

"It's not that," Twilight said, holding up a hoof. "The point of this vacation is to get away from criminals, and you all know there's one criminal in this town who makes it her top priority to know where I am all the time, and I'd rather not have her following me on this trip. The fewer who know, the better."

"Makes sense," Pinkie said with a shrug. "I once followed my sister Maud on her rock research trip and she was furious that I'd tagged along without asking. Might've been the rock candy pie I brought her."

"So hang on," Rainbow said. "If Mare-velous is gone, and you're leaving, who's gonna be in charge of this team?"

Twilight grinned at her. "You are."

Rainbow jumped so suddenly, her glasses fell off. "Um…what?"

"You will be leading the team in my absence, Zapp."

"Congrats, Dashie!" Pinkie piped.

"I know you'll do great," Fluttershy said sweetly.

"You do seem like the best pony for the job, darling," Rarity said, using her magic to replace Rainbow's glasses.

Rainbow, meanwhile, was stunned, her eyes open wide. "A-Are ya sure, Twilight? I mean…I've never led a team before. Well, except maybe in high school, but this isn't stormball!"

"I've given it careful consideration," Twilight said, "and concluded that of the four remaining adult members, you are best suited for acting leader."

"What about Rarity?" Rainbow asked, pointing to the white unicorn. "She's about as organized as you."

"Oh, darling, I couldn't possibly," Rarity said, waving her hoof. "It's difficult enough to juggle crime fighting and fashion designing as it is."

"What about Flutter—?"

"No!" Fluttershy cried, shaking her head with fear.

"Okay then. Pinkie Pie?"

Looking over at the pink pony, Rainbow caught her trying to catch a donut dangling from a lock of her mane with her tongue.

"Never mind," Rainbow said.

"You have nothing to worry about, Rainbow," Twilight said, levitating a scroll of parchment into view. "Everything you need to know is on this list."

Rainbow took the scroll in her hooves and then watched as the paper dropped to the floor and rolled out, stretching across the room.

"Uh…" Rainbow said unsurely. "Have you considered Spike?"

"Spike will have his claws full already handling business affairs with Dr. Hope at Sparkle Labs," Twilight explained.

"I've got my own list," Spike said, holding up another heavy scroll.

"You'll be fine, Rainbow," Twilight said, placing a hoof on her friend's shoulder. "If you're not sure what to do, just look to the list. If that doesn't help, I'll just be a phone call away, but I have faith that it won't come to that." She smiled kindly. "I know you can do this."

Rainbow looked at her uncertainly. Twilight appeared so confident, and yet Rainbow felt…scared. It was strange. She was usually confident about these things, but she'd never imagined she'd be named team leader, if only for a week. She wanted to say no, but she didn't want to disappoint her friend after declaring that she had faith in her.

"Okay," Rainbow said, taking a deep breath. "I'll do my best."

"Good," Twilight said, stepping back. "I better go. I have a train to catch." She started towards the elevator and pressed the button. "Remember! Don't hesitate to call if there's any trouble!" The doors opened and she stepped inside. "But I'm sure it won't be anything you can't handle!"

As the elevator doors shut, Rainbow looked to the rest of her teammates, who were staring at her expectantly. Gulping, she glanced at the list and skimmed through the first section.

"Uh…okay," Rainbow said, clearing her throat as she stood in Twilight's previous position. "So according to this list, Saddle Rager's on monitor duty tonight, while I patrol from eight to one am and Fili-Second patrols from one to six am. Tomorrow night, Radiance takes monitor duty, Saddle Rager is first on patrol and I'm second." She squinted at the parchment. "Also, there's a side note that Humdrum can either join one of us on patrol or stay with whoever's on monitor duty, as long as he gets minimum six hours sleep, eight is preferable. Okay, that's pretty straightforward. Any questions?"

Rarity raised her hoof.


"Are there any specific hooligans we should be on the lookout for?" Rarity asked. "Any escapees from Balkham, perhaps?"

Rainbow went further down the scroll and read a section aloud. "While we've managed to capture most of Balkham's escapees, as well as the Diamond Dogs, the Great and Powerful Trixie is still at large. Don't forget to also be on the lookout for the Phoenix and Discord. Do not attempt to capture Discord, as we have no means of containing him at this moment, but keep him away from the Chaos Amulet at all costs." She rolled her eyes. "Like we need a list to tell us that."

She continued reading. "The dark protection spells I've put around the amulet should be able to repel Discord, but if they fail, call Saddle Rager. I've theorized that since her powers originate from Discord, she might be the only one who can do him real harm."

Fluttershy hung her head and muttered sadly, "I can't argue with that."

"Trixie, on the other hoof, should be far easier to capture. My guess is she'll be after the newest additions to the Anugyptian exhibit at the museum."

"How come?" Rarity wondered.

"Duh!" Pinkie exclaimed. "Because they're super-duper cursed and super-duper shiny! Kind of Trixie's thing, you know?"

Rainbow cried out suddenly as she dropped the list. "The Anugyptian exhibit! I completely forgot! Mr. Fetlock wanted me to come in early today to help him!" She looked at the clock on the wall and shrieked. "I'm gonna be late!"

She zipped off and then came back a second later.

"Go do…whatever it is you do during the day! Keep your commlinks online! Bye!"

She flew hastily to the elevator just as it opened up. Once the doors closed, she heaved a heavy sigh and slunk to the floor.

"Me? Leader?" she said in disbelief. "Is Twilight crazy? I can't even get to work on time! How am I supposed to lead a whole team of superheroes?"

When Rainbow Dash arrived at the museum, Mr. Fetlock was in the Anugyptian exhibit. He, some movers and security guards were removing valuable ancient objects from crates and placing them in display cases.

"You're late," Mr. Fetlock muttered without turning to face her.

Rainbow laughed awkwardly as she pushed her glasses up her nose. "Sorry, boss. Slept in."

"Whatever. Make yourself useful and open that last crate, will you?"

He pointed to a long rectangular crate that looked big enough to hold a pony. Fetching a crowbar from the floor, Rainbow pried the top open. She gasped at the sight of a golden sarcophagus. Its carved face was that of a stallion's, surrounded by a pharaoh's headdress. Its carved hooves crossed the casket's chest, holding a crook and flail, further supporting the theory that this belonged to a pharaoh.

"Holy moly!" Rainbow exclaimed in awe. "Boss, you didn't tell me we were getting a mummy!"

With a small smile, Mr. Fetlock walked up to her side. "Allow me to introduce you to King Amenhooftep, Pharaoh of Anugypt."

"Amenhooftep?" Rainbow said, leaning over the side of the crate. "Wasn't he the guy who had seven wives?"

"You know your Anugyptian history," Mr. Fetlock said in admiration.

She shrugged. "Daring and I were there for a few weeks searching for the tomb of Somnambula. We never found it, but we did unearth a temple built by Amenhooftep."

"Ah, yes. Tell me. Were the walls embedded with jewels?"

"Yeah, all around!"

Mr. Fetlock nodded. "Amenhooftep was an admirer of beautiful things and insisted that he always be surrounded by them. Jewels, gold," he said, glancing sideways at Rainbow, "mares."

"Explains the seven wives," Rainbow snorted. "What a pig."

"It's true. Once he set his eyes on a mare even more beautiful than the last, he had his current wife…disposed of." Mr. Fetlock gestured to the wall, where a slab of Anugyptian hieroglyphs hung. "This was taken from Amenhooftep's tomb. It tells the story of how he met his seventh and greatest wife."

Rainbow walked up to the slab. On it was the image of a pharaoh and a queen. The mare was light blue with violet eyes and a mane of many colors. The pharaoh was gray with green eyes. His headdress was gold and blue, matching his anklets, necklace and artificial beard.

"Hey," Rainbow said, squinting at the image. "He looks kinda like you, Boss."

"Yes," Mr. Fetlock said, gazing at the pharaoh. "My family is descended from the pharaohs, which is why I made Ancient Anugypt my focus study."

"That explains your cutie mark," she said, glancing at the white ankh on his flank.

"Neighfertiti," he said, pointing to the painted queen, "was Amenhooftep's favorite wife, not only for her beauty, but for her mind. She was his intellectual equal and melted his heart in a way his previous wives had not." He looked over at Rainbow Dash to see her fascination with the hieroglyphs. "She taught him to see beauty in everything and advised that he rule with fairness instead of fear."

Rainbow frowned suddenly. "My hieroglyphics are a little rusty, but," she said, pointing to the bottom of the slab, "I think those say 'queen' and 'death.'"

"You are correct," Mr. Fetlock said, impressed. "Unfortunately, while Amenhooftep's marriage with Neighfertiti was a happy one, it only lasted a few years, until his beloved queen fell ill. Thinking her death was punishment from the gods for executing his previous wives, Amenhooftep cursed himself that he would never find peace until he and his love were reunited."

He turned back to the sarcophagus and nodded to one of the unicorn movers. Using his magic, the worker levitated the lid off the sarcophagus, revealing a cleanly wrapped mummy inside. Rainbow's eyes widened, for the wrappings didn't show any signs of decay.

"It," she said in disbelief, "looks as if he'd been wrapped only yesterday."

"Amenhooftep wanted his body to be as preserved as possible," Mr. Fetlock said, "and ordered the high priests to cast a spell on it so that he would be as handsome and youthful as he was when he first met Neighfertiti. Even in death, beauty meant everything to him. According to the hieroglyphs, he even ordered that his organs not be removed as was normal."

"Seriously?" Rainbow shook her head. "I'll bet the high priests weren't too happy about that."

"They weren't, but they could not disobey their pharaoh, even in death." He gazed at the bandaged face. "Legend has it, because his body did not undergo the proper rituals, his spirit is still trapped inside his body."

Rainbow shivered. "I hope that part's just a legend. I'd hate it if another of our exhibits just got up and walked away."

Mr. Fetlock chuckled, which made her turn to him in confusion. She'd never heard him chuckle before.

"Are you alright, Boss?"

Clearing his throat, he resumed his usual stern expression. "Yes, yes. It would be most unfortunate. It was expensive enough getting all these artifacts here. The museum can only get so much funding!"

"Doesn't our funding come from Twilight Sparkle?"

"Yes, but even she has her limits!" Sighing, he put a hoof to his forehead. "First we lose the Alicorn Amulet, then Zeus' Lightning Bolt, then the Head of Anubis, then the statue of Discord and the Chaos Amulet, then the cuffs of Neightocris, and then the Golden Ice Cream Scooper of Shanghay!"

"Didn't we get those last two back?"

"Yes, but they were badly scraped! Half of our missing artifacts are being 'guarded,'" he flexed his front hooves like air quotes, "by the Power Ponies! I can't believe Twilight Sparkle actually allows that idiot mare Zip to carry Zeus' Bolt around like a taser!"



"Uh," Rainbow said, biting her lip guiltily. "H-Her name is…Z-Zapp."

"I don't care what her name is! She and the Power Ponies have no respect for museum property whatsoever! Ancient artifacts should be preserved, not flailed around like toys!"

Desperate to change the subject, Rainbow said, "So, uh, how about we put the sarcophagus up there?" She pointed to the dead end of the hall. "That way, the pharaoh can look at all his treasures like he, uh, did in life?"

Looking up, Mr. Fetlock smiled at her. "Excellent idea, Miss Dash. Unlike those Power Pony vandals, we historians have a great respect for ancient relics."

Rainbow forced a chuckle. "Yup! Great respect!" She turned to the movers. "Okay, fellas, let's get the king to his new sleeping quarters!"

As she guided the unicorns in the levitation of the sarcophagus, Mr. Fetlock watched Rainbow Dash in thought.

"How long have you worked here, Miss Dash?"

"Dunno," Rainbow said, gesturing to the workers to lower the coffin. "Almost a year, I guess. No, no, a little to the right."

He walked slowly up to her side. "It seems I've taken your skills for granted. We do have some other new exhibits coming in this month. Perhaps we can discuss them…over dinner?"

"Yeah, sure—hey, careful!" Rainbow shouted at the workers as they leaned the sarcophagus against the wall. "There's a three-thousand-year-old mummy in there!"

Mr. Fetlock grinned in satisfaction. "Tonight then?"

"Busy tonight," she said, immediately remembering her patrol duty the next two nights. "How about the night after tomorrow?"

"Thursday night it is then! I'll make reservations at Hisan's. Will seven o'clock suffice?"

"Yeah, that sounds good—easy!" She held out her hooves. "Easy, easy…perfect!"

The unicorns released their hold on the sarcophagus, leaving it leaning carefully against the wall at the end of the hallway.

"A spot fit for a king, if I do say so myself," Rainbow said, placing her hooves on her hips as she admired her work. "Whaddya think, boss?"

"Intriguing," Mr. Fetlock said, his eyes on his assistant rather than the coffin.

Confused by his word choice, Rainbow turned to him with a raised eyebrow. "Uh…sure." As she turned back to the pharaoh, she muttered under her breath, "Guys are weird."

"That was wonderful!" Fluttershy exclaimed happily as she and her boyfriend exited the teashop. "Don't you just love our Tuesday Teas, Delancey?"

"Hmm?" Delancey said sleepily. He shook out of his daze and smiled brightly at the mare. "Oh, yes, yes! I just love drinking tea!" Without wavering his smile, he ground his teeth together. "All…the…time." He straightened up. "Not that I don't enjoy it or anything, but…couldn't we try something a little…different?"

"Oh, I'm glad you asked!" Fluttershy said excitedly. "Because I wanted to ask if you wanted to do something with me tomorrow."

"Really?" His expression became hopeful. "What is it? Paintball? Laser tag? Swing dancing?"

"Uh, no. There's an unveiling at the Anugyptian exhibit at the museum tomorrow. My friend Rainbow who works there tells me a mummy's involved!"

"Oh." His face fell. "Museum. Fun."

In truth, he wasn't too thrilled about going back to the place in which he'd been imprisoned for over a decade. Even though he hadn't seen much in his stone state, there didn't seem much point in seeing a bunch of old stuff from eras he'd already lived through.

Seeing his bored expression, Fluttershy frowned. "Oh, I understand if you don't want to, but you see the museum is a special place for me. I've been going there ever since…"

She trailed off, though Delancey already knew what she was talking about. It touched him that she considered the place where she'd visited him special. And now he had the chance to fully be there with her.

"I…said it was fun, didn't I?" he said.

"Oh, goody!" Fluttershy said cheerfully. "I'm glad you'll be there. I never get to do anything like this with the girls. Just hanging out and talking like normal ponies."

"Yes," Delancey said, forcing a laugh. "Normal is…fun! Have you, uh, read any good books lately?"

"Oh, yes! I just read this one where a mare is kidnapped by a monster, forced to be his bride, but over time…"

While Fluttershy went on explaining the story, Delancey let out a yelp as he suddenly fell forward. Looking down, he saw his front right hoof, the one furthest away from Fluttershy's view, had fallen through the sidewalk! Pulling it put up towards his face, he found that his hoof was becoming transparent.

With a small gasp, he looked at Fluttershy in panic. Fortunately, she was too engrossed in her story to have noticed.

Quick, Discord! Delancey thought, glancing around frantically. Do something chaotic before it's too late!

Across the street, he spotted a little filly licking an ice cream cone and grinned mischievously. Curling his black tail to resemble two fingers, Delancey snapped it. In a flash, the filly's ice cream cone grew arms and legs, a smiley face appearing on the top scoop. Screaming, the filly dropped the cone and ran away, the ice cream chasing her on its tiny legs.

Delancey chortled in delight and watched as his hoof became solid again.

"What's so funny?" Fluttershy asked.

"Nothing!" he said quickly, placing his hoof behind his back. "I was just, uh, laughing at your delightful story, my dear!"

She blinked. "You think it's funny that the monster accidentally hit his bride-to-be?"

He bit his lip. "Y-Y-Yes, because…it was absolutely ridiculous that he would think some pony as lovely as her would love a monster like him after he kept her prisoner, right?"

The last word came out as a squeak.

"I don't know," Fluttershy said quietly. "He wasn't all bad."

Delancey cocked his head. "You'd want to be with a monster who held you prisoner and then struck you?"

She blushed deeply. "I wouldn't go that far. I just believe there's good in every pony, regardless of their mistakes," the rest she muttered under her breath, "or their appearance."

"Right," Delancey said, shivering at the memory of their first official meeting. Eager to change the subject, he piped up, "So I was in the market the other day and—oop!"

His hoof fell through the sidewalk again, this time his left one. Thinking he had tripped, Fluttershy gasped and rushed to his side.

"Oh, goodness! Are you alright?"

"Eek!" Delancey quickly hid his newly transparent hoof in his red-knit jacket. "I'm fine! Just, err, weak knees, is all! It's been lovely having tea with you, dear, but I really must be going!"

"Well, okay then," Fluttershy said, waving to him as he dashed off. "See you at noon tomorrow?"

"See you late—ah!"

As he was turning into an alley, he fell forward again as his other hoof started to fade away too. To his luck, Fluttershy was too far away to see this time.

"Oh, shoot." He quickly ignited his horn. "Come on, come on, Chaos Dimension!"

Slashing the air, he ripped a hole in the fabric of reality and leaped into it. Once he was in his Realm of Chaos, he sighed in relief and turned back into his draconequus form.

"Tables that fly!" Discord cried out, waving his arms frantically about as he made new objects appear. "Piñatas that sneeze! Oranges that croak! Balloons that inflate and pop themselves!"

Once his appendages were solid again, he sighed heavily and collapsed on a spiked divan he had pulled up beneath himself.

"That was a close one," Discord said, kissing his paw and claw. "So sorry you had to endure that, my babies!" Sighing again, he dropped his arms to his sides. "What's happening to me?"

Something slapped him on the back of his head. Yelping, he turned to a copy of himself wearing spectacles, suddenly sitting beside him with his paw and claw on his hips.

"You're fading out of existence, you idiot!" the clone shouted. "Don't you remember what happened to Pan?"

Nodding, Discord massaged his aching head. "He stopped cleaning up his woods out of protest and then faded out of existence."

"Exactly! This," the clone used air quotes, "'normal' stuff you've been doing with Fluttershy goes against your very chaotic nature! That mare's going to be the death of you! Literally!"

"But I can't just stop seeing her!" Discord protested, slapping his paw over his heart. "She's the love of my life, my future queen!"

"But you two have absolutely nothing in common! Surely you've noticed the things she likes to do tend to be…bland."

"Fluttershy? Bland?" Discord scoffed. "Never!"

"Tuesday Tea? Talking about the weather and books? Having a routine?"

Discord bit his lip. "Alright, so…our dates have been getting…repetitive, but that doesn't mean—"

"The girl heals animals for living! What could be more harmonious? Face it. She doesn't have a chaotic bone in her body."

Discord opened his mouth to disagree, but then stopped himself. It was true. Fluttershy was the most tranquil, most civil, most normal mare he'd ever met. Meanwhile, he was…well, chaotic.

He shook his head. "That doesn't mean I can't love her! I like spending time with her, no matter how bland it gets! It's nice to take a little break from this crazy place every now and then."

"Even if it means risking your very existence?" the clone asked, crossing his arms.

"I'd do anything for that mare! She set us free, after all, gave us company when no one else would. She makes us want to act in ways we've never acted before. We can't stop seeing her."

"Then there's only one solution."


The clone locked his gaze on the original. "You have to drop the charade."

The reply surprised Discord so much, he fell off the couch and into a pit of gelatin. "Are you insane?! If I reveal myself to her, she'll know I lied to her and she'll never want to see me again!"

"Well you can't pretend to be a mortal pony forever!"

Suddenly, a light bulb appeared over Discord's head. "Maybe not with my current power." He stood up and scraped the gelatin off of him, forming it into the shape of an amulet. "But if my power were limitless, I could be whatever I'd like for as long as I'd like!"

The clone grinned. "Now you're acting like your mischievous old self."

"You sure you'll be okay here by yourself?" Zapp asked Fluttershy at Headquarters before leaving for patrol.

"I won't be alone, Zapp," Fluttershy said with a kind smile. "Spike will be here too."

Zapp looked over at Spike, who was playing video games on the monitor. "Still, I know you can take care of yourself, but your Saddle Rager form doesn't always come out when you want it to."

"I've been getting better at it. I'll be fine."

"And you're sure you're not tired?"

She shook her head. "I took a long nap before coming here, and if I get too tired from watching the screens," she held up a book, "I brought reading material."

"Yeah, we'll keep each other up!" Spike called as he blasted another digital zombie pony. "Eat my shovel, undead scum!"

"Still not convinced," Zapp said, "but I trust you, Fluttershy. But if you do need anything, I'll be flying around half the night, so don't hesitate to call."

Zapp reluctantly flew off while Fluttershy waved.

The hours dragged on as Fluttershy and Spike took turns watching the monitors. At around eleven, Spike, being much younger and needing more sleep, dozed off on the couch. Sitting at the desk, Fluttershy too had trouble keeping her eyes open. In truth, her nap earlier hadn't been as long as she'd let on, not to mention she'd lost a lot of sleep the previous night catching criminals.

Eventually, she lost the battle against sleep and allowed her head to fall gently onto the desk.

"Fluttershy," a rich voice whispered in her ear.

"Hmm?" Fluttershy uttered as her eyes slowly opened.

"Wake up, my darling."

Her eyes snapped open the rest of the way as she looked up at the person who'd awoken her. There he was, standing over her, his long neck craned down so his head could be at her level.

"Discord?" she said in a small voice. "How…how did you get in here? Why aren't the alarms going off?"

"Please," Discord said in a huff. "Like that Matty-Horn's magic is any match for mine!"

"You…you can't be here," Fluttershy said, reaching for her bracelet. "I can't let you get the amulet."

"I'm not here for the amulet."

She looked up at him in surprise. "Y-You're not?"

He shook his head.

"Then…why are you here?"

Locking gaze with her, he took her face in his paw, making her gasp at his soft touch.

"I've come for you, my love," he whispered, his voice dropping to an octave that sent a shiver up her spine.

Her heart beat faster as his face drew closer.

"N-No," she said, attempting to pull away. "I can't. There's…there's someone else."

He only chuckled. "No there isn't."

She scowled. "Yes, there is!"

"No," he said, placing his claw on the other side of her face, "there isn't."

Grunting in anger, Fluttershy tried pushing his paw and claw away. "Yes, there is! And I'm sorry, Discord, but I really can't—"

She was cut off by his lips. She was so startled she didn't react at first. Her mind told her to push him away.

But her lips didn't want to.

Her eyes closed as she let him kiss her, let him tangle his claw into her mane, let him press her back against the desk. Fluttershy moaned as she struggled to breathe.

"Fluttershy," he whispered against her lips. "Fluttershy…"

"Fluttershy!" came another voice.

Suddenly, a blaring siren jolted Fluttershy a wake. She sat up in the rolling chair and glanced around at the blinking red room in confusion.

"It's Discord!" Spike shouted from behind her.

"Discord?!" Fluttershy squealed, her face turning red. "What about Discord?"

"He's the intruder!" He pointed at the screen. "Look!"

Following his finger, Fluttershy spotted the camera footage for the vault containing the Chaos Amulet. Sure enough, there was Discord, standing there with his claw outstretched towards the amulet, apparently cursing at the alarms.

"H-He's…here?" Fluttershy stammered, a flood of emotions overcoming her.

"We should call for backup," Spike said, reaching towards his ear.

"N-No." She stood up. "I…I'll take care of it."

The dragon looked her over in concern. "Are you okay, Fluttershy? You seem a bit…sweaty."

Her cheeks became redder. "I-It must be hot in here!"

"But it's air condit—"

"Don't question it!" she bellowed, a hint of her Saddle Rager voice coming out as she stomped towards the elevator.

"Uh, Fluttershy?" Spike called.

"WHAT?!" she shouted, her voice an octave lower.

Flinching, Spike pointed to her bracelets. "Your, uh, suit?"

She looked down at her ankles. "Oh, right."

Clicking the butterfly on one bracelet, she activated her suit just as the elevator doors opened. Taking a deep breath, she stepped inside.

Meanwhile, Discord was trying desperately to get past the magical shield around the Chaos Amulet.

"I knew that alicorn was clever," he said, grunting as the shield singed his claw, "but I didn't think she'd stoop to dark magic!" He tried reaching with his tail, only with the same result. "Why didn't I bother learning about these meddlesome Power Ponies? I didn't think they'd be much of a threat!"

"Um…excuse me?"

Discord turned to the source of the small voice: a small, masked pegasus mare standing in the doorway to the safe.

Saddle Rager went completely still as soon as his gaze fell upon her. It had been so long since she had been in his presence, outside of her dreams. Even though he was stealing an evil artifact, the sight of him was still magnificent for her to behold. She gazed up at his tall figure, her legs shaking at the memory of her most recent dream.

Discord clearing his throat reminded Saddle Rager of her mission.

"Could you, um," she said, shaking out of her daze, "step away from there, please?"

Instead of complying with her request, he cocked his head curiously at her. "Well, now. Don't remember you from last time."

Saddle Rager's face fell. "You don't remember…?"

"No, I distinctly remember there being five pony heroes and one dragon. What? Were you on vacation or something or are you new?"

Then Saddle Rager recalled that Discord wasn't aware of her powers, for he had given them to her accidentally while he was in stone. But can't he recognize my voice? He said he'd know my voice anywhere.

"So, what's your power?" Discord asked, giving his claw a break from burning and trying to push his paw through the dark shield. "Invisibility? Might explain why I didn't see you last time. Do you also have one of the Gods' Gifts? Something lame like Aphrodite's Brooch?"

"L-Lame?" Saddle Rager said, shocked to hear this kind of language from him.

"Yes, lame," Discord said with a chuckle. "New word I've learned. Like your lame attempt to scare me with your itty bitty mousey little voice!"

Saddle Rager's jaw dropped. Discord was so…different. He'd never used this attitude with her before. Was this how he treated every pony?

"Seriously, what are you?" He looked her costume over. "Bionic Butterfly or something? Can you turn into a butterfly?" He scoffed. "Please! That's too easy! You can't expect me to fight a butterfly! That would be no fun!"

As he laughed, Saddle Rager scowled, her annoyance at his tone increasing. "My name is Saddle Rager."

"So what?" he said. "You turn into a raging saddle?"

She clenched her hooves and growled, "You're making me angry."

"Ooh," Discord said, waving his paw and claw around. "I'm so scared!"

Clutching his stomach, he fell on the floor laughing. As his laughter increased, so did Saddle Rager's anger.

"You don't…"

Discord stopped laughing upon hearing the sudden change in the mare's voice.


Looking back at her, he saw that she was increasing in size.

"…to make…"

Her suit split open as her muscles became buffer.


Discord gulped as she now towered over him.

"…ANGRY!" she bellowed in his face, blowing his mane back.

"What the—?" Discord started to say.

The mighty strike of Saddle Rager's hoof cut him off. He cried out as he hit the wall and fell to the ground. He massaged his aching side.


Few things were able to hurt him: other gods, dark magic, other forms of chaos, now this creature.

He gazed up at the mighty beast. To think that a minute ago this was a gangly, pathetic-looking pegasus not half his size who could barely utter a word. Now it was a muscular, raging giant with the strength to hurt him?

"What are you?" he asked in bewilderment.

The creature only roared as she grabbed him and flung him across the hall. Discord quickly flapped his wings to slow himself down and slid across the floor to a stop before he hit the wall. Saddle Rager smashed out of the vault—he only just noticed the force field protecting the vault had not held her back, just as it hadn't held him back—and spun her head towards him, her eyes glowing red in fury.

"Sweet Hera," Discord said, his breath staggering as he looked her over again. "You're…you're…" His lips curled up into a smile. "…the most beautifully chaotic creature I've ever encountered!"

Saddle Rager ignored his comment and charged towards him. Chuckling, Discord summoned a red cape.

"Toro, toro!" he cried, waving the cape.

When she reached him, he stepped aside and swept the cape away.

"Olé!" he exclaimed cheerfully.

Saddle Rager turned back, steam fuming from her nostrils.

"You're really urging me to keep this gag up," Discord said, bouncing the cape in his claw.

Determined, Saddle Rager curled herself up into a ball and started hurdling towards Discord. Smirking, he flashed out of the way and summoned ten giant bowling pins in his place. The hero crashed through, leaving the two corner pins standing.

"Seven-ten split!" Discord called tauntingly. "Too bad!"

Coming out of her ball, Saddle Rager roared again.

"Not much of a talker, are you?"

Another roar came in reply.

"Back, back!" Discord cried, donning a lion tamer's attire, chair and whip included. "Back, foul beast!" He cracked the whip, barely missing her shoulder. "Not that there's anything wrong with being a beast, of course."

Unamused, Saddle Rager bounded on top of him, catching him by surprise as she pinned him to the ground and hollered in his face.

"This may be hard to believe," Discord said with a grin, "but this is the most fun I've had in millennia!" He cried out as her hooves dug into his shoulders with a crunch! "And the pain you're inflicting on me is exhilarating!"

Saddle Rager's scowl went away for a moment, turning into an expression of confusion.

Just then, Zapp burst through the stairwell. "Coming here was a big mistake, Discord!"

"That's what you think," Discord mumbled, not taking his eyes off Saddle Rager as he raised his paw. "Later, toots!"

With a snap of his fingers, he was gone in a flash, leaving both heroes in bewilderment. It took only a few seconds for Saddle Rager to shrink down.

"W-What happened?" she asked, surprised to see Zapp there. "Where's Discord?"

"He just…left," Zapp said. "Wow, you must've really scared him off!"

"Scared him?" Her eyes widened. "Oh dear."

"What? That's a good thing, isn't it?"

She wanted to say it wasn't. Saddle Rager didn't think Discord would be afraid of her monstrous form. She didn't want him to be, despite their last encounter.

She remembered his rudeness, his laughing at her as if she were nothing important. That was how she knew he really didn't know that Fluttershy and Saddle Rager were one in the same, otherwise he wouldn't have treated her that way. Still, it had stung. Not even the Discord in her dreams had ever acted that way.

This wasn't something she had told anyone, but even after Discord's release, her dreams involving him were still going on. His face wasn't hidden anymore, but they were getting more…intense. Although he'd touched her in somewhat pleasant ways a few times before, the dream she'd had just a few minutes ago had been the first time they'd actually kissed.

She'd thought Discord had been entering her dreams like he'd done in stone in an attempt to win her back, but if he hadn't known she was Saddle Rager, he couldn't have known she'd be here at Headquarters. If he'd been too busy stealing the Chaos Amulet during this time, he couldn't possibly have been entering her dream, right?

So…why had she been dreaming of him?

Author's Note:

I'm back! I just had to work on a lot (still working on a lot), and had some setbacks when my external hard drive LITERALLY crashed (to the floor), causing me to lose a great number of files! Fortunately a number of them are replaceable/recoverable (because they're on the internet). Still really rattled me up for a while.

Egyptian names are after Amenhotep and Nefertiti, though obviously their stories aren't the same. They were just the only ones I could pun.