• Published 3rd Dec 2016
  • 6,148 Views, 152 Comments

Three Tail Hairs - Georg

The only thing the mage Raindolph needs to graduate from the University and make a wand is three tail hairs from an adult unicorn. There’s just one problem.

  • ...

The Final Project

The Final Project

“We’re going to get expelled!” The skinny ferret looked up and down the corridor while thrashing his bottle-brush tail back and forth. “Well, you’ll get expelled. They’ll probably feed me to something. For sale, one mage familiar for wolf chow. Hardly used. Lightly singed. Former owner was an idiot! What’s taking you so long?”

“Enchanted keyring. Security. It’s always the last key on the ring,” muttered Raindolph just before the storeroom door lock gave out an almost inaudible click. He slipped inside and grabbed the ferret before he could escape. “Oh, no. You’re coming with me. I still need a lookout.”

“I’m innocent, I tell you, copper!” The ferret placed one paw on his hairy chest. “I was forced into this life of crime by a cruel and heartless owner. Maybe I should swear you put me under a mind control spell.”

“I don’t know any mind control spells. Besides, you helped steal the storeroom keys from Dean Mnemosyne’s office for me,” whispered Raindolph. “Look, there’s only three ways this can go. We give up, I flunk my final project, and we get kicked out of school. We do this and get caught, same result. That leaves…?”

The ferret hunched his skinny shoulders and glared at the floor of the storeroom. “We find three tail hairs from an adult unicorn so you can finish your final project, I know.”

Raindolph ran his fingers through his perpetually tangled mass of red curls and tried to pull his robe sleeves down to cover his bony wrists. The rest of his class had respectable if short beards which made them look the part of proper mages, as well as tailored robes which were not tattered and patched in all the wrong places. His own attempts at a beard had just made him look fuzzy and slightly pink, as well as lopsided from wherever a failed alchemy experiment or misfired spell would burn off one side or another. Still, if they had kicked him out of the school, somebody else would have inherited the bottom rung of the ladder, so his peers had tolerated his presence until tomorrow when he was going to at least get kicked out of school with a functional wand.

“Three virgin hairs. That is tail hairs from a virgin adult unicorn. And here’s the only place we can find them.” He pulled the dust cover off the magic mirror and started to adjust the control runes while his familiar watched the door behind his back.

“We could have built an astrolabe for your final project, that would have been fun, but no,” muttered the ferret. “We have to go wandering around some weird dimension where unicorns aren’t as ‘friendly’ as they are here. Seriously, a virgin unicorn? How’s a mirror going to find one of those? You might as well be looking for an honest king.”

“It’s a matter of tuning.” Raindolph touched two last spots on the mirror and the surface began to shimmer. “Now, the portal enchantments are restricted to dimensions with livable conditions and our desired parameters. All that’s left is—”

Raindolph made a frantic grab to catch his familiar's tail before he could slip away.

- - ★ - -

The house on the other side of the mirror looked almost normal except for the low ceilings and distinct horsey smell which was somewhat masked by cedar and vanilla. It was just as dark as Raindolph had hoped, with only a few beams of moonlight coming through the curtained windows. Using the concealment of their shadows, he began his search on the ground floor through the rolls of cloth and clutter, eventually working his way up the stairs and to better results. To his pleasant surprise, there was a white unicorn in the first upstairs bedroom he checked, sleeping sprawled out over most of the ornate bed with her violet tail dragging over the edge.

“So is this the first bedroom you’ve ever snuck into?” whispered his familiar from where he was perched on the back of the young mage’s neck.

“Shut up.” Raindolph crept around to the back side of the bed and regarded the unicorn’s coiled tail. It was most certainly a beautiful and large tail with more than enough hair to make hundreds of wands, but a few quick magical gestures made his heart sink. That, and one other thing.

“Go ahead,” hissed his familiar. “Trim her tail and let’s get back to the university before somebody finds out.”

“Two things,” said Raindolph. “One. The spell says she’s not a virgin.”

“Nidricks,” cursed the ferret. “What’s the other thing?”

Raindolph lifted his chin to reveal the sharp scissors resting firmly against his carotid artery, held in a light blue glow of the unicorn’s magic. “She’s awake.”

- - ★ - -

While planning how to obtain the last ingredient for his final graduation project, Raindolph had never really anticipated sitting at an undersized kitchen table while explaining said plans over tea and sugar biscuits to Rarity the Unicorn, who was taking the whole unusual circumstance far better than expected. She nodded and made little sympathetic noises while keeping his teacup filled, and once he had fully explained his graduation project to her satisfaction, she very politely removed the sharp sewing implement from against his neck.

“You could have just asked,” said Rarity. “I know there are certain… disqualifications for myself, but I understand your predicament. Thankfully, I keep sample hairs for color reference from all of my friends, and I think some of them will solve your problem. There’s just one tiny little thing I want in return.”

Raindolph paused with the teacup just barely at the edge of his lips. “My immortal soul?”

The unicorn had a most unnerving laugh.

- - ★ - -

The University Testing Grounds were adjacent to the Dark Woods for a very good reason, because any wild spells or explosions from somewhat-less-than-successful students could be directed where they would not unduly disturb the citizenry. There was also a persistent rumor that disobedient students could be disposed of in the same fashion, but nobody lingered over that possibility, particularly the students.

The morning had been filled with explosions and fire of various intensities while the final examinations for the university continued, but most of the sound and fury had died down when noon (and lunch) approached. By the time Raindolph came running onto the Ranged Test Range (which was run by the Department of Magical Redundancy Department, of course), there was only one teacher left, but thankfully, it was the one he needed to see. Dean Plaigiosphere, who had just begun to pack his folders and test notes back into his pointed hat, looked up at the sound of Raindolph’s frantic approach and shook his head.

“Ah, young Rainsford,” he bellowed, due to an accident in his youth which had rendered the elderly teacher nearly deaf. “I thought you weren’t going to show today. Had your grading sheet all made out too.” He pulled a thick sheet of paper out and placed it on the nearby table, the crimson ‘F’ at the top a silent testament of his expected performance. “The worst student in our graduating class attempting the most difficult enchantment in the book.”

“I did it too, sir.” Raindolph presented his freshly finished wand, still warm from the final curing and attempted unsuccessfully to look marginally competent while the elderly teacher examined it.

“Not bad,” mused the dean at a volume that he probably considered under his breath. Plaigiosphere looked up to take in the trim black robe Raindolph was wearing, as well as the emerald green glints of gems along the seams mixed with hints of gold thread. “Finally decided to look like a mage, young lad?” he bellowed while handing back the wand. “Took you long enough. Now let’s see if your project functions. Start with a simple blasting spell.”

Raindolph held out the newly created wand and squinted at the pitted stone disk at the other end of the range, which had more than a few smoldering spots still remaining from the other student’s morning testing. The three thin purple tail hairs had been devilishly difficult to get tied into the remaining wand enchantments, and there had not been any time for Raindolph to test the results. He let his breath out slowly and focused his magic into a simple blasting spell, hoping that the fresh wand would at least make sparks.

Other than the fire and exploding trees, it was the last thing he remembered for quite some time, although he did survive the experience with only a broken arm, and Dean Plaigiosphere eventually regained what little hearing he had left. In the aftermath, the grading committee could not decide if he had struck the target with the blasting spell because nobody was actually able to find any portion of the ancient stone other than a few pieces of sand, and any remaining fragments had most probably been knocked a few miles into the Dark Woods.

At least he passed.

There was just one problem…

Author's Note:

Remember when I said I might continue this?