• Member Since 25th Dec, 2013
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Sparky Brony

I'm an electrician working in Fargo, ND. I love writing pony stories, and reading good fanfiction. My Patreon!



If you liked this story, I've got a sequel going on! Take a look at Rescue at Midnight Station

Sometimes friendships, like ponies, are more than what they seem. Sometimes it's hard to tell what makes a friendship special. Sometimes, all it can be called is...Magic. When a Shuttle crashes outside of Ponyville, the friendships that grow from different beings from different cultures bring the ponies and humans together on common ground.

First off, the story idea....you know who came up with this brilliant idea...Kitsy-Chan.

Cover art by Alkarasu...

Chapters (2)
Comments ( 43 )

Hehe, thank you Sparky. This was a fun story to do and a fun crossover.

wow awesome story this is super good most defiantly worthy reading.
left me wondering ware it is going from here.

Holographic emitter on pinkie pie. That would keep spirits up for the crew.

A holographic sans the skeleton with this kind of power would be the most op thing ever. (I know that that's a different thing altogether but it just popped into my head

Please say there is more to come!

This is not the end. This cannot be the end! WHY DOES THIS SAY 'COMPLETE'?!

wow a totally awesome story I love it short sweet and beautiful.
just wow this is a amazing story.

Good job so far, I like it. Please keep the chapters coming. :twilightsmile:

Short, sweet, single episode of Star Trek voyager. 2 parts, was all it took :)

Didn't want Twilight to become or look Mary Sue. Was a bit tricky to "blend" the to genra's and stay true to both. but i think sparky pulled it off great.

It's over?


Very nice! Love the last set up for a sequel someday... :pinkiehappy:

mlp + Voyager = win

Extra points for Voyager's Littlest Crewmember

Wait is it over? Awww, it was just getting good

A wonderful crossover mostly true to both series ruining the ideas of either one. That seems to be the downfall of most crossovers

I'm always looking for good Trek/MLP crossovers. This was nicely done, if a little short.
Definitely liked how Holodeck Twilight was meta-aware of Q.:twilightsmile:

A fun little story. The ending felt a bit abrupt, but I don't know what more could really have been written. You don't often see stories written in the present tense.

8090432 I actually typically write present tense. But yeah, just a short little story, but fun. I have other stories if you want something a bit longer. Just check out my user page, and maybe something would jive with what you are looking for.

Loved this story. Wish it was a little bit longer.

A very entertaining story, I would love to see a few short stories based from this one.

Aww, I was just getting into this, and then I saw it was complete. I loved the ending with Q/Discord shinnanigans, and was hoping you'd continue in later chapters. But this is finished, on the most teasing of cliffhangers. Le sigh. If you do anymore with this idea or make a sequel, I'd love to read it.XD

Yep, the sequel is up.

Came here from the sequel page(decided to read this first) I think maybe the locations need more description but I like it. Also yea on the nose but appropriate that Q/Discord had a hand into Holo-Twi going sentient. A chance to have his first real mortal friends live again? It would be too good to resist!

This is a well written, creative and fantastic story.

I especially love how the Author chose to end it.

Great job

The Monk

As a programmer, the thing I've always loved about these kinds of holodeck hacks is that they're actually plausible.

Where does accurate mimickry of sapience end and actual sapience begin? ...and how risky is it to program a simulation of someone who can out-think you in at least some areas?

...and Twilight's spell being able to fool the security measures is a perfect example of how actual security bugs come about. The computer does what you actually told it to do... not what you thought you were telling it to do... and minor oversights like that are all too common when defining how bits and pieces interact with each other.

Aw. I was hoping that the ship actually contained the mane six or similar.

I wonder how aware the holo-Twi is about her situation? For that matter, how mobile are the holograms supposed to be? Do they need to be in range of an emitter, or are they truly able to go anywhere (more along the lines of self-sustaining hardlight or nanite clouds or something)?

But yeah, the holodeck is unnerving for the fact that it actually simulates intelligences, but they don't (presumably) have rights if you can modify their memories and settings...

DisQord is the perfect explanation and ending for that one. Lol.

Remember theres also Rescue At Midnight Station. Another episode with the pony cast. And they even sing songs!

Very interesting story, I'm waiting for more like it. Well done!👍👌


`I did Rescue at Midnight Station, which is a direct sequel to this one. Hope you read and enjoy.

Ohhhh this is good!! Looking now hoping for a sequal.

Ending with a cliffhanger. That is not funny :flutterrage:! Still from the two chapters, it was not a bad story to read and follow. Looking forwards to the sequel I am reading now.

Well this was nice.

The title of the sequel to this story, "Rescue At Midnight Station" is a call back & reference to "Rescue At Midnight Castle" from G1.

This story has Charmed me from the get-go.

So I like the core premise, the twist of Equestria being a holodeck program was nice. I haven't seen many stories that pull off having MLP be both a work of fiction but also "real" and this story has a good example of how to do that properly.

There are a bunch of the smaller details that I don't think quite stick. Why did Tom make this program and spend months on it? I don' t believe he's shown to have any sort of relationship with Naomi unless I'm mistaken.

The actual shuttlepod doesn't need to be in the story; Naomi's other holoprogram we see simply accepts her presence, so there's no reason why the ponies couldn't do the same.

I like the idea of a holodeck malfunction (it doesn't have to be Q, no reason to include him at all, but I'll get to him later) causing a confused Twilight to be able to interact with the computer, though the computer has never allowed a hologram to interact with it, so it should not really advise her she can only exist in certain areas of the ship (it has to think she's flesh and blood to allow her to interact with it).

Moriarty in TNG was able to call the computer but there's no way they didn't patch that fleet-wide, after that incident, come on! :)

Twilight pretty much has to steal the mobile emitter for any of the rest of the story to work. Not sure how it might work differently though ((I don't think it's in her character to do that).

Twilight removes Naomi from her quarters, where by all indications she is safe. Hirogen aren't going to care about going through individual quarters until they've secured the ship, I would think. Twilight takes her into a dangerous situation TWICE (out of her quarters, and then later into engineering) so I would think not only would Twilight probably not do that in reality, but Janeway and the rest of the crew would not be happy with her doing so.

One thing could help sell the previous two points is if Tom makes tweaks to the ponies' programming to aid in the whole children's programming thing. He could make them super protective of Naomi. Since they're locked into the holodeck and the safeties are on, nothing can go wrong... right? Anyway this change could lead Twilight to not trust anyone or anything to protect Naomi other than her, leading to her actually putting Naomi in danger.

Twilight using magic doesn't make sense. At the end of the day she's just a hologram and magic isn't real. Remember she's a simulation, and the mobile emitter can try to simulate her magic, but it has its limits. I would imagine it can simulate a person but nothing really beyond that. In a proper holodeck (including sickbay) all sorts of illusions and normal holodeck trickery can simulate her full array of spells. But with the mobile emitter she can only do what any hologram could (and if she's not aware she is one... I think this would have been an interesting direction to go... she's further limited by that). No shield, no projectiles, voice modulator works ok, maybe she can fly, etc.

Safety protocol on a hologram outside of the holodeck doesn't make sense and I don't think we've seen it in the show. The Doctor can make himself permeable or solid which is about the closest thing but he has full control over that, not the ship's computer (I think the ship's computer can't really control the mobile emitter at all anyway; it's autonomous). There's no need for a safety protocol for the doctor since he knows he's a hologram and his purpose is to interact with patients. So he would not have a safety protocol anyway. And that could extend to the mobile emitter.

Twilight probably should not realize she's a hologram. Possibly at least partly due to being programmed to ignore any suggestion that she is (we see in the irish town setting in one of the Voyager episodes that this is how they are supposed to work). Would be fun to see that train of thought.

I think the ending is the weakest point. Don't like the common fic trope of making Q and Discord the same... they have different motivations and attitudes for one thing. Plus given the story you've set up it doesn't make sense.

Also the way the Hirogen are defeated is horribly convenient. I think it would have been better to allow the crew of Voyager to actually defeat then, and have Twilight and Naomi's story focused on Twilight keeping her safe rather than saving the whole ship, too. Maybe she can protect Naomi from a Hirogen, the mobile emitter is damaged, she still gets her heroic sacrifice.

I wouldn't have the Doctor's code used in Twilight. The Doctor's existence alone is a moral conundrum, copying him isn't any better. I think the story works fine without this plot point.

To be clear I did enjoy all of the high level story beats (apart from the ending I think). I really like those concepts. I just would have handled the finer details differently I think.

Oh yeah and there's no reason why Twilight should know the turbolifts are voice activated.

Gonna read the sequel tomorrow I think.

Thank you for your comments. I did not think in the direction that you did. And you bring up some good points.

As to Discord=Q. If you read Knight's Gambit, you might see a bit of how Discord and Q can be the same...yet different. But that's a whole other continuity. I hope you enjoy Rescue at Midnight Station, though some of the issues that you brought up will certainly be present on that one. But I still hope you find it to be enjoyable.


The actual shuttlepod doesn't need to be in the story;

Nope but its Tom, we're lucky he didn't go and add "Racing fins" on the shuttle. LOL. of COURSE Toms going to have a shuttle crash land and that be the focus or starting point of the story. As to why, it was likely to help Nelix, after his work on freehaven, nelix likely asked him for something for children.

Moriarty in TNG was able to call the computer but there's no way they didn't patch that fleet-wide, after that incident, come on! :)

Patching it is one thing, but did they account for a hologram changing its voice to match that of another ship member? We see the doctor do it on one occasion so we know its possible. And to allow the doctor "computer access" an issue might have cropped in there as well.

Finally - mass stun effect - yeah they have done that before too, its not really convenient its happened at least 3 times that i can count..

Well, EMH replaces actual medical officer, and they have seniority of command at times

Oh - Kay, you have my woot!!


I finished an audiobook adaption of Shuttlepod Down. I hope you all enjoy it.

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