• Member Since 3rd Aug, 2015
  • offline last seen 2 hours ago

Perfectly Insane

I've been writing for, like, 8 years, and I still don't know what I'm doing. https://ko-fi.com/perfectlyinsane


It's been three weeks, three weeks since they came back from the camp, and Twilight's still shaken up. Not from the events, that's kind of become the new normal around here. No, she's shaken up for a different reason. True, she's no longer afraid of Midnight taking over again. But, now that she isn't constantly afraid, new questions have risen in place of the old ones, who is Midnight Sparkle? What does she want? Why is she still here? The mystery is confusing her more and more everyday, so much so, it's starting to visibly affect her. But the answer came from the person she never expected, herself.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 33 )

I like it. I think you should expand on it.

Sounds pretty good so far, can't wait to see what is next in this story! :raritywink:

Perfectly Insane

7743531 Plan to, like I said, this is a teaser.

I added this to my very well written story book shelf because this has kept me on the edge of my seat wanting to see more of this wonderful work of art. You have done a very good job on this beautiful story.

Perfectly Insane

7743944 Thanks, appreciate the compliment, spread it some more if you can. Sorry I couldn't write the whole thing in one sitting though, I didn't have the time. But I assure you, I will finish this story.

Perfectly Insane

7743531 Mind spreading the word about this though? I want to get as much advice and criticism on this as soon as possible, I want to make it better.

Perfectly Insane

7743531 Also, I noticed you like to write...dark stories. If so, maybe you should take a look at some of my other works, you might find interest, or even better, inspiration.

7744466 Love to but I do have a lot of your work already faved.:derpytongue2: lol :twilightsmile:

Perfectly Insane

7752092 Have you already read them?

7752474 I have faved a lot of your stuff.

Perfectly Insane

7753862 That...doesn't really answer my question.

7755720 Yes I have read them

Perfectly Insane

7755920 What did you think?

7758218 Your a very good writer and I enjoyed your work. I wouldn't have faved if I didn't like it.

Perfectly Insane

7759209 I was hoping you'd be more descriptive and specific, but okay.

Question: Why is this in the Oversaturated World group? The Oversaturated World group deals with a specific verse. This story violates certain aspects of that verse.

7763140 I second this. This has nothing to do with Oversaturation.

Well... This peeks my interest. A much better take then what I did. I'll keep my eye on this and I hope to see more.


I third. This is not an Oversaturated fic.

You have a stray unclosed italics tag somewhere.

For your next story, please consider creating multiple chapters instead of posting and going back and editing to add more.


Perfectly Insane

I actually considered the idea of Sunset going through a similar thing, but it would be a prequel to this. And was going to make a story of them adjusting to having a separate entity in their minds, eventually going to each other for help. But, this story was an impulsive decision. I don't normally do slice of life stories; It's more difficult writing stuff like this for me than what I'm used to. If you'd like, you or anyone else who wants to can write a sequel themselves; I would be perfectly okay with that. As long as you credit me for making the original when you do.

Aww, this is so sweet, Midnight Sparkle wasn't so bad after all, she was just scared and lonely and needed a hug :pinkiehappy:

Perfectly Insane

If you like this I suggest reading Fake Smiles, it’s a bit more mature, but it’s good.

So that one ends happily?

Got it. Do you think your other stories might have endings that aren't completely downers, at the very least?

Perfectly Insane

Don’t know, working on that

> The darkness is seeming to extend

seemed to extend. Keep consistently in past tense.

Damn, this was brilliant! This is pain that I imagined Twilight going through and what should of been conveyed in the EqG movie. I loved how you portrayed Midnight Sparkle as the physical manifestation of Twilights loneliness and pain, because that is 100% true, and you cannot change my mind. I can't wait to read the rest of your stories and I regret not doing so sooner.

“Hello, Twilight Sparkle. So nice to see you again! Are you enjoying your life in my body?!” She spoke with anger in her voice, the magic in her horn and eyes seeming to spike, her smile growing wider than before. She seemed deranged, almost insane. Her body language was random and unpredictable; she was different. That further terrified Twilight, she had hoped she would never see her again, but, of course, that wasn't the case.

She's kidding... right? :applecry:

“It means, that I get to stay in your beautiful little head, for as long as you live! Oh, we’re going to have so much more fun than before!" She continued to walk towards Twilight; her hands cupped around her cheeks as a smile stretched across her face, her pupils were constricted and full of insanity, as she looked sadistically down at Twilight. "I’ll speak to you through the day, making you think you’re crazy until I drive you to the real thing! And, I’ll make you hallucinate, making you see things that aren’t there, like your friends dying, old enemies, or me! Then, when you sleep, I’ll be there! In your dreams, oh, the things I’ll do to you, I’ll make H. H. Holmes look like a joke! You won’t want to sleep; I’ll make sure you don’t! I’ll drive you to absolute madness! Until you’re begging me to take you over, so that you won’t have to suffer anymore, oh, Twilight, we’re going to have so. Much. Fun! And it all starts now!”

Oh no! :raritydespair:

It didn't just sound either; she kept her promise on the hallucinations. Sometimes, I would see her in crowds, or out of the corner of my eyes, just staring at me. But then, it shifted to my friends. I had expected her just to make me think I was seeing them dead on the floor or something, no, that would have been obvious and cliché. Instead, she mixed illusion with reality. It started when Pinkie and I were talking; I can't remember what about. Sometime in the middle of it, a worm came out of her right ear. I just thought it was her playing a prank; her pranks have no limit. Then, it got disturbing. Blood had begun to run down her face, coming from her eyes like tears. Worms came out of her face; maggots started to get out of her nose, yet, she didn't react in the slightest, she continued talking like nothing was wrong. It had disgusted me so much, that I started to feel sick. I tried running, but, I wasn't paying attention to my environment, so, I tripped. Luckily, I didn't throw up. Unluckily, someone had tried to help me up. I took their hand, not even considering if the same thing was going to happen every time I looked at someone else.

Oh my! :pinkiegasp:

Spike noticed the difference in my behavior from day one, either because he's a dog, or since he's there to hear what I might say in my dreams. He kept telling me to talk to Sunset for help, but I said I could deal with it on my own. I should have listened to him. If I had, maybe he would still here. After a particularly bad night, the details aren't important; I nearly hurt Spike when I woke up. It made me realize just how much this was affecting me, causing me to try to solve the problem. Still, I had to take precautions. So, to keep Spike safe, I sent him to Fluttershy, under the context of being too busy with something else. The screams and horrible faces started the next day, inspiring me to pursue finding a solution further.

would still be here.*

I promised myself I'd never go back to the sheltered, unsocial, bookworm I was at Canterlot High. But, I needed answers, I couldn't live with her the rest of my life, I had no choice. So, I bought as much mental, psychology, and human brain books as I could afford, and I got to research. It turns out; there are tons of theories and stuff about these kinds of things, it's interesting. There are so many different possibilities of what it could be, split personality disorder, multiple personality disorder, and many others, which are going to take a long time to narrow down, considering the variety of symptoms. I have piles of books scattered throughout my room, but with Spike and his stuff not here, I have plenty of room, though, him not being here still makes me sad. I even bought a cork board to help connect things better! Though this stuff is a lot more useful in detective movies than real life, it has its uses. Honestly, my room looks more like the home of a conspiracy theorist. Then again, the room of someone who's trying to figure out how to get rid of a megalomaniac personality who's obsessed with magic doesn't sound much better; I think I'll need some actual therapy after this. But, enough with the research talk, I have a whole other book for research, multiple. So, I won't bore myself with research notes in this; this is to help me, not stress me out.

I feel like this won't help her and just make things worse. :ajbemused:

I broke down and began to cry, closing my eyes and just letting myself fall into her, trying my hardest to ignore the worms falling on my back. After some time of letting everything out, I told her everything. The dreams, the voices, the faces, everything. I went into much more detail than I think she was comfortable with, but, when I'm like that, I can't help myself. Eventually, it was her who hugged me this time. She didn't say anything, she just embraced me, her warmth and kindness distracting me for a few seconds. But, she quickly let go, not wanting to make me uncomfortable. When she let go, she looked me in the eyes, and for once, there wasn't blood, or worms, or maggots, just kindness. I could see the wetness of her eyes, as she was trying her hardest not to cry herself. She must have felt so much pity for me, maybe even more than at The Friendship Games, but she couldn't understand. She told me she knew someone who could help, someone who had the answers I was looking for and could make everything better. She asked me to go home and wait, that she was going to contact the person, and she was going to do whatever she could to help me. So, here I am, waiting. Right now, it's seven fifty-two, and still no mysterious person with all the answers.

Even if it was hard for her, I'm glad she went to Sunset for help. :ajsmug:

It was an average, but small kitchen, still large enough to need its room though. It was slightly bigger than a hotel bathroom, so, there wasn't a lot that could be put a lot in it. The floor being hardwood, having a nice, polished look to it. The wall and roof were colored green, not because it was her favorite color, it was just very soothing. The only things in the kitchen were a wooden table with two chairs, a couple of cabinets for eating essentials, and a sink with a refrigerator beside it. She wasn’t in here for food though; she came for what was beside the sink, the coffee maker.

Does Twilight live alone in this story/head cannon? :applejackconfused:

“Understand? YOU UNDERSTAND!? How could you possibly know? You’re a princess! You have a castle, hundreds of friends, and magic! You’re the student of a real God! You’ve been sheltered by your mentor your entire life! How could YOU possibly understand what I’m going through?”

I'm pretty sure she doesn't have that many friends in Equestria. :twilightsheepish:

Princess Twilight had a shocked look on her face, not expecting such an outburst. But, she said nothing. She understood where Twilight was coming from; she knew the effects of long term frustration. After calming down, Twilight realized she needed to apologize to her. She had come here to help, and she just took yelled at her, she didn’t deserve that.

and she just yelled at her,*

“Twilight, it’s fine. I told you, I understand.

I understand."*

“For my entire life, I was sheltered. I focused only on science and grades, never even considering interacting with other people. Until recently, I hadn’t realized just how lonely I was. No one ever paid attention to me, not even when I won a bunch of awards for the school, not really. The only time anyone paid any attention to me was during The Friendship Games, and that was only because of all the magic that I –“

that I-"*

But, then something happened, despite all the pain all over her body, despite the tears in her eyes, despite everything Midnight had done to her over the last month, with a smile, Twilight hugged Midnight. Her grip was firm and persistent; she refused to let go.


“You don’t need magic or power to keep our friends; they like us for us. So, you don’t need to be afraid anymore; it’s okay. We’re not ever going to go back to that lonely life, we have friends now, people who care about us, people to talk to, people who understand. I shouldn’t have tried to ignore my feelings, but I understand now. The pain of who I was will take time to heal, and I promise I will. I won’t lose the friends I have, no matter what.”

Even when times are tough, having friends by your side, will always make things better. :raritywink:

Despite the few mistakes I found, this would've been an epic addition to eqg. Even if it's fanmade, it does it's duty on what Sci Twi would've gone through post LOE. :rainbowdetermined2:

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