• Published 14th Jan 2017
  • 2,334 Views, 224 Comments

Shut Up And Dance - TheVClaw

After accidentally injuring Elusive's dancing partner before a large competition, Rainbow Blitz swore that he would help him find a new partner and win. Unfortunately, Elusive seems to want Blitz to be his replacement.

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Chapter Twenty-Two: The Foxtrot

Unlike their trips to Baltimare and Las Pegasus, the two dancing couples from Ponyville weren’t alone on their train ride to Manehattan. While Apple Buck and Twinkle Toes enjoyed their ride to the city with their families in a passenger car, Elusive and Rainbow Blitz were in their own personal cabin with the other Elements of Harmony. Despite not usually taking the Royal Car for transport, mostly due to how isolating and attention-seeking it felt, Dusk Shine was insistent to make the arrangements for his friends. So while most of the other passengers sat in standard seating in the upper cars, the Elements were in lavish comfort in the back due to their royal statuses.

“I gotta say,” admitted Starshine as he helped himself to a cocktail at the train’s personal open bar, “if I knew being a national hero would give me benefits like this, I would have been a bit more hesitant about my whole… Cutie Mark Obliteration plans.”

Dusk Shine rolled his eyes to his student’s comment as he sat on a velvet-lined bench, but said nothing before going back to his book on Crystal Empire mythologies. Applejack, who was happy with a bottle of root beer from the minifridge, spoke up with a blunt tone while eyeing the pink unicorn. “Just so ya know, Starshine, we’ve had to risk our lives and limbs several times before bein’ seen as Official Royalty. An’ even then, Ah don’t think gettin’ a bunch of benefits is what a pony should aspire to as a means of doin’ good.”

“I couldn’t agree with you more,” noted Elusive as he went up to the bar as well. Even though he could’ve given Starshine some pointers on how to make a proper mint julep, the white stallion decided to just make one of his own while adding, “Even if we didn’t get any royal benefits for our duties, I wouldn’t have had any regrets for the risks I’ve taken. Just knowing that our efforts kept our friends and families from being under the rule of some being like Queen Umbra or King Metamorphosis should be enough.”

While Starshine paused his cocktail-making and shrugged apprehensively, Blitz leaned over the bar to grab a bottle of cinnamon whiskey from one of the higher shelves against the wall. “I might agree with Lucy here,” he said while also grabbing a shotglass and a bottle of hot sauce, “but Solaris’ benefits are a pretty good addition. I don’t know about you, but I think getting a few free drinks is fair for our work.”

“That’s true,” agreed Elusive with a shrug, “but I’m just saying that the satisfaction of doing good itself should be…” The unicorn’s words trailed off when he saw his dancing partner shaking the hot sauce repeatedly into the shot glass, spurting out enough to fill a third of it. His jaw began to drop in horror as he realized what Blitz was doing, and could only speak after the cinnamon whiskey was uncapped. “Rainbow, please tell me you’re not serious.”

“What?” asked the stuntpony as he filled the rest of the glass with the syrupy booze, causing the mixture to turn a cloudy red that smelled like the world’s worst Bloody Mary. After giving the shot a quick sniff, causing him to shudder with the fur on his back standing up for a second, Blitz exhaled in anticipation before downing the shot in one go. Both Elusive and Starshine gawked at the sight their mouths hung open, while Rainbow just banged the bartop with a hoof and yelped with his eyes shut. “WHOO! That’ll put lead in your pencil!”

“OOH!” shouted Bubble Berry as he hopped off his bench and landed behind the bar. “I want one too!”

As Blitz got another glass and helped Bubble with his own 'Fireball' shot, Applejack sat himself between Butterscotch and Barb while they watched the spectacle. While Butterscotch seemed worried at what might happen if the two kept going with those shots (which knowing Blitz and Bubble, was almost certainly a guarantee), Barb just crossed her arms and grumbled bitterly, “Oh, if they wanna drink hot sauce, nopony bats an eye. But when I do it, all I hear is stuff like, ‘Barb, be careful!’ or ‘That’s an extract, not a sauce!’

Butterscotch squirmed a little before replying with a shrug, “Well, it can be dangerous, Barb. I mean, who knows what might happen if you drink too much.”

Barb just looked back at the yellow pegasus with the flattest, and most unamused stare imaginable. “Dude… I’m a dragon. I can swim in lava.”

Immediately realizing the dragoness’ point, Butterscotch promptly shut himself up after a quick nod. “Ummm… never mind.”

“Eh,” added Applejack with a shrug of his own while seeing Blitz and Bubble continue their shots and ignoring Elusive’s pleads for them to stop, “Ah dunno ‘bout you guys, but Ah’m just glad Blitz is actin’ like himself again.”

That made both Barb and Butterscotch pause and look back at the pegasus, realizing that he wasn’t wrong. Compared to how distraught Rainbow was acting a week ago, the fact that he was in his usual carefree spirit now was fairly refreshing. Barb leaned back against her seat while staring at him for a moment, shrugging in agreement before saying, “Yeah… to be honest, this is the first time I’ve seen him like this since that Las Pegasus thing.”

Butterscotch writhed a bit in his seat, his muzzle becoming uncomfortably wrinkled. But before he could try and veer the subject away from that triggering moment, Applejack asked the drake, “Wait, really? Like, didn’t ya see any changes back at the castle? Ah mean, he and Elusive were training’ there, right?”

“They were,” answered Barb as she looked back at the orange stallion, “but they closed themselves off in that room every day and soundproofed it. Plus, they're usually exhausted by the time they end training. Heck, I barely even saw them since they were finishing up so late! And when I did, it’s hard to see much on their faces when they’re all drained and sweaty…”

Upon remembering that detail, Barb’s cheeks blushed a little as she shuddered with a goofy grin. She started to get lost in her thoughts as the mental image of a particular unicorn giving her a private dance swept into her head. “Hmhmhmhm… Sweaty~”

Applejack and Butterscotch both reeled back from the dragoness after that unneeded detail. “Uhhh… alright then,” blurted the farm-pony before looking away from the giggling Barb. “Ah ain’t gonna ask.”

Meanwhile, Elusive had to use his magic to pull the whiskey and shot glasses away from Blitz and Bubble. “Okay, that’s quite enough!” he scolded to both of the stallions with an annoyed scowl. “You both had three shots of… that! You don’t need any more! Especially not you, Rainbow!”

Despite his throat burning and his breath tasting bitter enough to make his spine shudder, Bubble Berry giggled at the stunt-pony with a blushed and cocky grin. “Hehehehe… You got in trouble~”

“Dude, come on!” retorted Blitz, who ignored Berry’s teasing as he kept his sights on Elusive. “I think I earned a few shots after all the practice we did!”

“We shouldn’t get overzealous! You remember how bad our hangovers were in Las Pegasus?”

“Yeah, but we still won that round, didn’t we?!”

“That was only because the Hoofingtons made that error that earned them a point deduction!”

Starshine didn’t want to intervene between the dancing partners’ bickering, but he felt it was fair to point out, “Plus, ummm… I’m pretty sure that blackmail from the Shim Sham Sisters contributed a little to you two--”

“Don’t bring them up,” said Elusive and Blitz at the same time warningly. The pink unicorn reeled back from the two at seeing their threatening glares, which was enough to close his muzzle tightly in response.

Despite being muzzle-deep in his book, Dusk Shine seemed to have overheard enough to say out loud, “I’d listen to Elusive, Rainbow. You guys haven’t had a lot of days to practice this week, so it wouldn’t be wise to get too drunk until after the round is over.”

Blitz groaned with a strong pout, but he didn’t try to say anything in return to Dusk’s point. Instead, the pegasus’ muzzle skewed for a moment as he thought everything over. Elusive wasn’t sure if it was because of the Prince’s words, or possibly the fact that Blitz had to already be a little tipsy, but his partner eventually sighed and closed his eyes in defeat. “Alright, fine,” he groaned before grabbing an energy drink from the minifridge and walking off to an empty seat. “I’ll hold off on the shots for now…”

While Elusive’s ears dropped a little at hearing Blitz’s brooding tone, Bubble Berry was leaning against the bar with his blush deeping by the second. “You know, I… hehehehehe… I should… s-see how hot sauce works with that cake vodka~”

“No, Bubble! Put down that bottle!”

By the time the train arrived at Manehattan, it was safe to say that Rainbow Blitz and Bubble Berry were a little tipsy. While Dusk Shine, Barb, Starshine, and Butterscotch went to chase after Bubble the instant he jumped off the train to wreak havoc upon the city, Elusive was fortunate that Blitz wasn’t nearly as energetic in his inebriated state. Since the pegasus was alright on his hooves, Applejack wasn’t needed to make sure Blitz needed to be leashed to the ground. So while the workhorse went off with his family to appreciate the cityscape, Elusive took his friend towards their temporary living quarters before their big show.

Dusk Shine reserved a few hotel rooms for himself and his friends (as well as Apple Buck and Twinkle Toes’ families), but Elusive didn’t need a room for himself or Rainbow. At his Manehattan shop, Elusive 4 U, there was actually a small apartment complex above the store which the unicorn had furnished and made livable months ago. He barely ever used it since opening his shop, but he was glad to have it for Blitz’s sake. Not only was it soundproof enough for some extra routine practice, but its isolated setup seemed necessary for the unicorn to talk with his partner privately.

As soon as Elusive unlocked the door to his living space, both he and Rainbow were slightly taken aback by the blast of hot, stuffy air that escaped the open doorway. Even though the apartment itself looked rather nice filled with the unicorn’s second-hoof furnishings and decor, it was clear how little it was used with how thick the air felt. While Blitz let out a huffed “Whew!” and fanned a hoof over his face, Elusive was quick to turn on the central air conditioning to get the apartment back to a livable climate. “I’m sorry about that,” he said as he floated both of their luggage bags towards the dark purple couch in the living room. “I haven’t been here in over a month, so I haven’t had much of a chance to check up on it.”

“Eh, it’s fine,” replied Blitz with a slightly slurred voice. He wasn’t wobbly or clumsy, but it was clear the cyan pegasus’ drinks were taking effect from how he spoke. While Elusive checked on the rest of the apartment, he heard Rainbow groan from the kitchen the instant he opened the refrigerator door. “Oh, come on, dude! You don’t have anything to eat?!”

“Like I said, I don’t come by here too often. I don’t usually keep anything in the fridge since it’d most likely spoil.” As the A/C ran at full-blast, helping to make each breath less strenuous, Elusive trotted back to the kitchen while his partner sulked at the empty fridge. “If anything, you should be grateful I don’t have anything left in there. I’d rather not see you get sick for trying to eat a moldy box of takeout again.”

Blitz grimaced with a strong pout back at him. “Dude, f-for the last time, I... thought that black stuff was pep-per.”

Elusive just rolled his eyes, mostly from Rainbow’s overenounciation of that last word. “Well nevertheless, I’d rather not have you do that again. Especially with our performance tomorrow.”

As soon as he heard Elusive say that last part, Blitz’s ears dropped down a little before he looked away from him. The white stallion’s annoyed scowl softened for a second, quickly realizing that his friend’s reaction was off. He was sure that if one of their friends were here, they would’ve assumed Blitz’s change in expression was something related to guilt or regret. But to Elusive, he knew that Blitz looked upset for a different reason; it most likely wasn’t guilt for getting drunk before their performance, but related to the performance itself.

After a couple seconds of silence, Elusive sighed and tried to ask cautiously, “Blitz? Are you okay?”

“Y-Yeah,” he blurted in a clearly disingenuous tone. Of course, he couldn’t keep himself from sighing through his nostrils while his lips were pursed tightly shut. Elusive started to look worried, unsure of what to say in response. The unicorn thought that the worst of Blitz’s anxiety had passed, but it didn’t seem like the stunt-pony was completely out of the storm. After a moment of awkward silence, Blitz scratched the back of his mane with a hoof and added meagerly, “I’m fine, okay? It’s nothing to freak out about.”

The unicorn knew it might be a bad idea to respond crassly, but he couldn’t resist pointing out, “Well, the fact that you downed three shots in a matter of minutes on that train says otherwise, Rainbow.”

“What, I can’t have a drink?!” Blitz immediately winced after asking that question so bluntly, with his last word being inflected strongly enough to cause Elusive to flinch a little. “I-I’m sorry,” he muttered as he covered his eyes for a moment in remorse. After taking a second to collect his thoughts and put his hoof back down, the pegasus kept his muzzle pointed away from Elusive before saying, “It’s just… kinda weird, you know?”

Elusive wanted to nod his head, but he couldn’t when the statement his partner gave was so vague. His muzzle skewed before he asked in clarification, “What’s weird, exactly?”

“Just…” Blitz brought his hoof up to rub his temple in slight frustration, clearly having trouble thinking clearly after those shots on the train. “Just like… all of this, you know? Like… m-making the routine, and all the nights we spent practicing it, and… and that song…

Elusive was beginning to understand what was troubling Rainbow, and sighed in silent confirmation. Considering how hard the two were working to get their rehearsals and choreography on point, along with listening to that song repeatedly to make sure their timing synced up with key points, the stallion didn’t have to be a mind reader to realize what may have been up. But instead of just assuming what the issue was, Elusive knew it was better to just listen as his friend finished his statement.

“Like… this is the first time in days I was able to, you know… stop and think about it, you know? Like, when we were practicing, I was able to… not think about as much since we were so focused and everything. But without all of that I’m just... left without any barriers between me and my thoughts, and it just…”

Blitz was sure that his excuse sounded stupid, but it was all he could think to say in that moment without flat-out lying. After a long and faint sigh, the cyan stallion glanced down at the floor in tipsy contemplation, unable to say anything else to finish his statement. Fortunately, Elusive didn’t need to hear much else as he leaned in. “Oh, Blitz… It’s alright…”

Elusive didn’t want to make himself overly sympathetic and risk weirding out his dancing partner, but he couldn’t refrain from wrapping his hooves around Rainbow’s back to hug him dearly. Blitz didn’t exactly hug back, but he did exhale with his expression softening a little before resting his head atop the stallion’s shoulder. “I get it,” said Elusive in a soft and honest tone while holding him, “I guess this is the first time either of us are able to let this sink in, but I’m glad it happened now and not right before the show…”

Blitz nodded faintly in agreement, but didn’t say anything in response. However, Elusive took a sharp breath before pulling away from him to add sternly, “But that doesn’t change the fact that you shouldn’t use alcohol as an escape, Rainbow! I know it’s a lot to process, but I think you should know by now that it doesn’t help!”

Blitz pouted with his eyes narrowing back at Elusive, looking like a colt being scolded by his Mother for a bad report card. Nevertheless, the pegasus still rolled his eyes and sighed before saying, “I know that, alright? I just… I figured it could help ease me into it, you know? Like an asprin or something.”

Even though he could understand Rainbow’s reasoning, and was even a little impressed that Blitz admitted why he did it truthfully, Elusive still maintained his unamused stare and replied, “Well, there are other ways to counteract those things, Rainbow. Maybe next time you could ask me or Butterscotch for help.”

Blitz whinnied with a flat expression his face, obviously not too happy with that option. But instead of trying to argue with his partner some more, the cyan pony just exhaled and replied solemnly, “Well, uhhh… I’ll try to remember that…”

It was clear that Elusive wasn’t happy with that answer, but he didn’t want to upset Blitz any more than he already had. So instead, the unicorn wanted to try a different means to cheer up his partner. After a couple seconds of thought, an idea popped into Elusive’s head that gave him a newfound feeling of inspiration. Since Blitz was able to do so well to keep his head clear with practice, the white stallion grew an intrigued smirk as he trotted toward a nearby radio. “So, Blitz…”

He lit his horn to turn the device on, and kept the volume low while searching through the various stations. While Blitz looked over at his friend with a raised brow in suspicion, the unicorn waded through the static while asking, “Since we’ve been so focused on our routine with that one song, would you be alright with me trying a little something with a different one?~”

“Ummm… what?” Blitz asked confusedly, not sure what Elusive was getting at. “Uhhh, aren’t we already cutting it a little with our routine and stuff? Like, I know we got most of it nailed, but--”

“I know,” interrupted Elusive as he set the dial to a specific station he remembered usually had a good setlist. While a cheesy commercial for horn damage compensation played faintly through the speakers, the unicorn looked back at Blitz and added, “but it wouldn’t hurt to practice something a little different to clear our heads a bit. Like, remember when you tried to do that ice-cream challenge, and you got a small plate of hay-fries to counteract all that sweetness?”

Blitz’s brows raised in surprise, not expecting Elusive to use an analogy like that. Even though he remembered he still lost that challenge, the pegasus knew what his friend was getting at. After all the melodrama and bitter memories that resurfaced over the past few days, Blitz would be lying if he said he wouldn’t want to try dancing to something more upbeat. Fortunately, just as he was coming around to the suggestion, Elusive turned up the volume as a familiar crooner track began to play.

“Come on,” said the unicorn with a warm smile as he put his hoof out in the middle of the living room, which had a decent amount of space for proper hoofwork. “I know you had a bit to drink, but I think you can handle a couple foxtrot steps.”

A month prior to that moment, Blitz most likely would’ve given his friend the strongest stink-eye for suggesting something like that. But as he looked back at that unicorn and his coy little smirk, and heard the classic orchestrals coming from the speakers, Blitz couldn’t resist cracking a small smile in return. Maybe it was the added inebriation, or maybe it was the unintentionally fitting song playing on the radio, but the pegasus felt very little resistance as he stepped forward and took Elusive’s hoof in return. “Alright, fine,” he said with a meager shrug, not minding a small distraction that didn’t involve a shotglass. “I guess a couple moves wouldn’t hurt. But I lead!”

“Of course, Blitz,” Elusive replied with a strong roll of his eyes. “As long as you pay attention.”

For the next couple hours, Elusive took his partner in his hooves as he gave him an extracurricular lesson in the proper foxtrot. Since it was one of the first dance-styles he ever learned growing up, Elusive felt fairly confident in the techniques he was teaching Blitz. Plus, the station playing on the radio happened to have quite a nice setlist of classics for the two to dance along with, giving the pegasus plenty of time to get used to the hoofwork at a natural pace. Plus, since it wasn’t nearly as intense or exhausting as their contemporary routine, neither of the stallions seemed to be too overwhelmed by the time the sun outside began to set.

“And a step, step, sliiiiide, step…” Keeping his posture at the correct positioning Elusive directed, Blitz was looking fairly comfortable while holding the stallion with a hoof on his back, and the other holding Elusive’s hoof. “And step, step, sliiiiiide… step!”

“Alright!” exclaimed Elusive with a prideful tone as he smiled and followed with Blitz’s steps. “You’re really getting into this, Rainbow! Are you sure you never did this before?~”

“Oh yeah,” Blitz replied as he shot him a teasing fake pout. “I’m secretly a Bridleway legend. In my Wonderbolt offseasons, I put on drag and play the lead for Hinny of the Hills.”

“I knew it,” jeered Elusive back at him, the two continuing their steps with no interruption or faltering. It may have been a few basic moves, but the fact they were able to get them nailed so well within a couple hours was impressive to say the least. Nevertheless, neither of the two seemed to think too much about their joined steps as Elusive said, “Well, given your sarcasm, I think you’d be better suited as her comic relief friend.”

“Hey, come on! She’s really annoying!”

“And you’re not?~”

“Hey, watch it, dude. I can spin you to the bathroom like a top, and lock you in there for the rest of the night.” Despite that coy little threat, it was clear Blitz was just joking from that charming smirk he carried on his muzzle. Elusive, who held the stallion a little closer with his steps, just smiled back warmly. After everything that happened recently, seeing Blitz look legitimately happy during their practice meant the world to the unicorn. Plus, the fact that Rainbow was able to joke around with him, instead of looking offended or getting overly defensive, showed a lot of growth in him.

Just as the white stallion was about to stop so they can get some much-needed nourishment, his ears perked up when he heard a certain song play on the radio:

“Hey, I know this song,” said Blitz as he heard it as well. Despite being very vocal about his music preferences, the pegasus smiled a little wider as the oldie tune began to play throughout the apartment. He huffed with a shake of his head and said, “Man, this one takes me back… It was one of the most played-songs on the jukebox when…”

That was when his smile faltered significantly, clearly starting to remember a little too much. Fortunately, Elusive didn’t need to hear much else to guess what jukebox Blitz was referring to. So instead, the unicorn took the reins as he tightened his grip on Rainbow’s hoof and back. “Come on,” he said coaxingly as he gave him an optimistic look. “Let’s see what we can improvise during this.”

Blitz’s brows raised a bit, not expecting his partner to try and do a dance out of the blue without planning or even a routine in mind. But instead of objecting, the stallion just shrugged as he let the nostalgic track direct his steps. “Okay, ummm… how about… a stepstep…”

Slowly, Rainbow began to follow the steps he remembered Elusive showing him, having his hooves step on the hardwood floor in tandem to the beat of the song. Without faltering, Elusive followed alongside his partner’s steps as he studied his hooves, timing each movement with the pegasus’ to work in complete synchronicity. By the time the first chorus passed, it was clear that Blitz was getting more comfortable by the fluidity of his improvised steps.

Even without any planning for the hoofwork for this song, the two were unknowingly moving in unison as they stepped in tandem to the beat. Their movements started to expand past the basic steps, moving around the free space of the living room while holding each other in proper form. It may have not been dance-floor quality, but it was clear that the two were working just as well with each other as they would’ve on stage. The song guided their movements more fluently with each passing note, guiding their bodies along the tempo like invisible strings on a couple of marionettes. By the time the song started to reach its climax, with the instrumentals and vocals building up to their fullest, Rainbow Blitz was moving with just as much tenacity and poise as the unicorn holding him.

At the height of the song, Rainbow pulled Elusive in as the two spun around the room, causing the unicorn to actually gasp in surprise at his partner’s spontaneity. But despite how drastic the change may have felt, the unicorn’s hooves never missed a step as he flawlessly followed Blitz’s movements beat by beat. As they waltzed around the apartment, moving with true unison in each other’s hooves, Elusive’s eyes moved up from his hoof placement on the floor to gaze up at the pegasus holding him so well. Blitz looked up during his movements as well, catching the faint blush on Elusive’s cheeks during their last few steps.

Just as the song was about to reach its end, Elusive noticed the small smirk on Blitz’s face, making him tense up in anticipation for whatever he had planned. Without warning, the stunt-pony let go of his partner’s back, and gave him an enthusiastic spin to make his left hoof slide across the hardwood floor. Elusive felt like he was going to fall for a second, and his heart shot up to his throat as he felt his weight give out from underneath him. But instead of falling back-first onto the floor, the white stallion was caught by Rainbow as he clutched him with the perfect dip. As the song finally faded away, the pegasus was breathing heavily after such a strenuous climax, keeping his footing strong while holding Elusive just a few feet from the ground.

The two paused as the song ended, neither of them hearing the announcer going over the day’s Manehattan news. Instead, Rainbow Blitz and Elusive just stayed in their ending position for a moment, unable to say a word as they gazed into each other’s eyes. Elusive’s cheeks were growing redder by the second, and he felt his heart race in that familiar tempo he felt before with Blitz. Of course, his eyes widened when he took notice of the pink hue emanating from the pegasus’ cheeks as well.

Blitz’s mind was drawing a complete blank, feeling like radio static was muffling any other thoughts from being audible in his head. Instead, his eyes just focused on the stallion he held in his hooves, gazing down at him as he laid in such a graceful state. Not realizing how hot his face was feeling, the stunt-pony could only stand in a frozen state as he noticed the vibrant shade of blue in Elusive’s eyes…

And the small twitch of the unicorn’s snout…

And then the faint, almost insignificant bite of Elusive’s bottom lip…

Those full… wet... Waiting lips…

Elusive’s eyes widened when he saw the focus in Rainbow Blitz’s eyes, gleaming down at him to make his heart pound even harder in his chest. But as he felt the pegasus’ breath brush against his lips, his body shuddered briefly before feeling himself sink into his hooves. His eyes began to close, feeling like he was giving in to whatever the pegasus might do at that moment. And just before they closed, he could’ve sworn he saw that stallion’s face start to move in towards his own--


“GAHHH!!!” the two stallions jolted from that heavy thud that came from the window, and Elusive was dropped from Blitz’s hooves to fall clumsily on the floor. While the unicorn groaned and winced in slight pain, Blitz rushed to the window with a heavy blush still burning across his muzzle. He cautiously opened the curtain, causing them to be greeted with the sight of their friend Bubble Berry smushed against the window. Considering how the apartment was on the third floor and had no balcony, the fact that the stallion was able to drunkenly stick against it like a gak toy was fairly surprising.

“Hhhhhhhheyyyyyyy, guys!~” slurred Bubble with a deeply blushed face and dopey smile. He giggled absentmindedly, clearly having found a new source of alcohol somewhere between the train station and now. “C-Can you two lemme in, please? I’m kinda hiding from some ponies…”

A couple red and blue lights started to flash from the distance, bouncing off the building across the street to answer who may have been looking for the pink stallion. Bubble’s eyes widened when he saw the lights, and he turned back to the blushing stallions as sirens started to blare. “Like, NOW?!”

While Elusive sighed sharply and got himself off the floor, his face still as red as a cherry tomato, Rainbow Blitz made a beeline to the door to get out of the increasingly awkward situation. “Uhhhhh, I’mgonnafindatakeoutplaceI’llberightback!”


Elusive bit his lip with a painful wince at hearing Blitz’s hasty exit, but tried his hardest to keep his flustered expression hidden as he went to open the window. As soon as the unicorn did, Bubble Berry swung into the apartment like a Spider-Pony and landed flawlessly on the floor. “YAY!” he cheered while Elusive closed the window, muffling the sirens that were drawing closer. “I did it! I actually got away with--”


Without warning, Bubble Berry fell face-first to the floor, immediately passed out. While the stallion snored loudly in the middle of the living room, Elusive could only groan in utter embarrassment as he sat down on the couch and covered his face with a hoof. “Oh my gosh,” he muttered in disdain, unable to ignore what just happened with his partner; or specifically, what may have been about to happen. “That… that was not…

“... supposed to happen,” said Blitz from outside Elusive’s shop, his back leaned against the closed glass door. As the pegasus grimaced with a wrinkled muzzle, not wanting to think about what the buck he was doing, he completely ignored the countless cops running through the streets as his head reeled in confusion and regret.

Author's Note:

Before you guys say anything, yes, I'm aware I'm a Son of a Bitch for ending the chapter like this. But what can I say? I like the tension~

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