• Member Since 4th Dec, 2014
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During a Halloween movie marathon, the two Twilights get into a discussion about their favorite horror monsters.

It goes from discussion to argument in record time.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 23 )

If you asked me I never liked Zombies if u ask me K was always more of a Werewolf kinda guy

That was hilarious, especially the part with the catalysts for the transformation. I was hoping that when Sunset got back, she either got pissed enough at the situation/mess and turned into a demon and kicked their asses or saw this entire thing coming and brushed it off as nothing.

:twilightsmile: So Rainbow, which do you think is better: zombies or vampires?

:rainbowkiss: Neither, I think werewolves are the coolest.

:twilightangry2: Oh, really now?

:rainbowderp: Oh, crap.

To be continued

Damn Twilights. Can't take them anywhere

According to all the anime I watch comparing each appearance of Z and V and basing on the most movie/classic/book like I can easily say that V are better than Z. Why? Most of the time Z are guided by sound and luck, intelligence is 0 they have no physical strength nor speed and overall a really low defense to the point where almost anything can kill them as long as they get hit in the head and some times it doesn't even mater if it's to the head or not. As for V they are very intelligent and cunning, physically they are extremely strong nd sturdy and only fall slow when compared to werewolves, plus while you can defend from them using garlic or sacred objects (that have to be blessed by a priest and not by just any one like in this story) they can only be killed by removal or piercing of the heart, cutting of the head and sun exposure but there is always the exception of day walkers. Plus just like in (sorry for using this crap as reference) Twilight Saga, there always seems to be vampires with abilities while zombies are always plain.

You based Sunny's return from this GIF, right? :rainbowlaugh:

RD's nonchalantness is epic. Have a like, good sir! :moustache:

7692946 More or less, actually.

Thanks for enjoying!

Which is better, zombie or vampire or werewolf?...
Zombies, from World War Z
Werewolves from Twilight
Vampires, from Originals, or Vampire Diaries.
Grand winner?

It's not said outright, so I'm gonna assume Rainbow Dash beat both of them :rainbowlaugh:

I think we are forgetting the true terrors here: Sentient machines and living mannequins

“Look, you two sound like kids right now,” said Rainbow Dash. “Like, ‘you’re a dummy, no you’re a dummy, well you have poopy hair’! So just tell me what you’re arguing over so I can tell one of you you’re right and we can go back to our movies.”

For once Rainbow Dash is the voice of reason! But it is fun to see Sci Twi and Sparky argue. If only it was canon...:ajsleepy: Really enjoyed this! Great job!:twilightsmile:

Meh please demons beat both of them in a fight easily seeing as vampires are created in some lore by demons bonding to the soul

COME ON i read the first twilight book it was int Evin that bad why do people shit on those books so bad fucking why

8050650 Because it's a long, annoying, uninteresting saga that presents a dry, depthless love triangle between a boring-ass, hyper-unlikable protagonist, a boring-ass, hyper-unlikable vampire, and a douchey, hyper-unlikable werewolf. Because it takes vampires and werewolves, two of the most beloved pieces of mythos in fiction, and bastardizes them to an almost unrecognizable degree. Because the raging fangirls are some of, if not the absolute, most obnoxious, stupid, detestable fans of anything anywhere. Because it has an extremely shallow, superficial message. Because it depicts romance in a disgusting, unhealthy way. Because, even for a series written for pre-teen girls, it's poorly written. Because it attracts people like you, who apparently never learned how to read or write (you're supposed to capitalize your I's, buddy, and there's no I in "even".).

Enough reasons for you? Or should I keep going?

8050692 ya that works sorry if i sounded like a dick just dint understand all the hate read the book back in 7 grade it wasint that bad

8050692 also thanks for giving me a reason and not just telling me to fuck off also i love reading my writing just sucks always has maybe cause the cp

Spike TV had vampires vs zombies on a show called ultimate warriors, (where they used science to determine who would win a fight between historical warriors like a medieval knight vs a pirate and viking vs samurai) they determined that a fair fight between them was 90 zombies vs 3 vampires. The zombie hoard's overwhelming numbers and above normal human strength (Your brain has limiters to prevent you from breaking some bones and tearing ligaments and cartilage in all of your joints, which would happen if you could really use your bodies full strength. Zombies aren't shambling messes just from dying, they are literally tearing themselves apart to spread the infection to all noninfected.) gave them enough of an equal footing to take down 2 vampires and seriously injure the last one before being defeated. As for why they would fight, I read a story that pointed out that zombies would be a serious threat to a vampire's food supply forcing them to defend humanity out of self preservation like a farmer protecting his livestock from predators. They would help us, but only so they can feed on some of us and have enough breeding stock left to replenish our numbers. Vampires would only have the incentive to protect cities and towns, but no incentive to actively hunt down and end the threat of zombies since the threat makes us more manageable and they can distract the hoard enough to get it headed off in a different direction before easily escaping them. In the end the vampires are the bigger threat due to their intelligence and how easy the zombies can be used to their ultimate advantage over us. As for werewolves, the whole werewolf vs vampire thing is only a Hollywood creation started back during the old classic black and white movies to sale more movie tickets. I've read several stories where they respect each other enough to not fight and usually leave each other alone like wolves and bears do in the wild since they both inhabit the same environments and territories. I am firmly in the camp of them avoiding each other while on the hunt and only interacting if they go after the same prey, run into each other in their day to day lives, or when dealing with a threat to both of them because neither of them real wants trouble.

“Sorry I took so long,” said Sunset. “They botched my order and…” She trailed off as she stepped into the living room proper and saw the mayhem that had taken place.

This is the most fitting thing I can find for this scene.

Deadliest Warrior. That episode was interresting but still remains a question

This story nearly killed me. :rainbowlaugh: Just - wow...

It nearly did the same to the Twilly's. :trollestia:

Just re read this and I'm wondering if there's ever gonna be a sequel with all the girls having a different monster mashup and like lol sunset waking up on a epilogue chapter looking at them both and simply saying your tidying up

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