• Published 7th Nov 2016
  • 6,358 Views, 250 Comments

The Alchemy of Chemistry - Amber Spark

After a tutoring session gone wrong causes Moon Dancer to storm out on her, Sunset is forced into a decision she never wanted to make. Now with her future on the line, if her legacy doesn't get her expelled, the upcoming alchemy exam just might...

  • ...

Analyses, Results and Conclusions

In the end, while overly dramatic, it didn’t last long.

Sunset was out for maybe twenty minutes or so before Celestia’s restoration spell woke her up. By then, everypony was chattering excitedly about what had just happened in the class as other members of the faculty arrived. It took a few more minutes before the teachers eventually rounded the students up and ushered them out. A few ponies looked like they wanted to protest and see if anything else was going to happen, but a raised eyebrow from the Princess was enough to get them moving.

But Sunset watched it all from a distance, as if she were seeing it through a telescope. Right now, Princess Celestia, Professor Apple Polish, Moon Dancer and Sunset sat in a bubble of silence of Celestia’s making. Philomena had departed while Sunset had been out, carrying messages to the Department of Education and the Board of Regents regarding the actions of the former dean. Sunset reminded herself to get something for the phoenix. Without Philomena’s intervention… things could have been very different.

Professor Polish glanced around her ruined classroom and poked at a piece of her half-smashed desk with a hoof. “Well, I suppose that’s one way to end a term.”

“Come now, Professor.” Celestia chuckled. “You’ve had much more exciting times here. I shouldn’t have to remind you of Sunset’s mid-term last year.”

“Oh yes,” Professor Polish smiled. “That one took weeks to fix. Even if she did ace the test.”

Sunset’s ears went back as she winced.

“I still don’t like talking about that day,” she muttered. “That wasn’t a good day.”

Celestia turned her gentle gaze to Sunset. “It may not have been a good day, but that day brought you here.”

“Princess, today was a terrible day.”

“With all due respect, Princess,” Moon Dancer commented with a frown. “I have to agree with Sunset.”

“Oh, I’m not so sure.” The Princess of the Sun’s eyes twinkled at both of them. “I have a feeling you’ll look back on this someday and laugh.”

“Maybe somepony else will laugh. Namely at me for being an idiot.”

“Sunset,” Moon Dancer began. “I’m—”

“Stop it!” Sunset cried. “You’ve said you’re sorry about fifteen times! I can’t take any more! You screwed up once! I’ve screwed up like… a bajillion times! I should be begging you for forgiveness!”

“I already forgave you.” Moon Dancer poked a small vial. “I did that when I got out of my chair.”

Sunset blinked. “Wait a minute... That reminds me. How come you were the only pony to glow? Nothing strange happened to you!”

“An excellent question, Miss Shimmer,” Professor Polish said as she floated over a small vial with Moon Dancer’s star and moon cutie mark on it. “I examined her potion myself. I’m surprised to say she made the potion so perfectly, there was no room for the chaos magic to take root. In fact, she was the only one.”

Moon Dancer gasped. “You mean…”

“Yes, Miss Dancer.” Polish nodded. “You receive full marks on your alchemy final. Which gives you a final score of an A+ in my class.”

Moon Dancer squealed and bounced around like a filly who had just gotten her cutie mark. Sunset smiled a little and then squeaked as Moon Dancer leapt at her, tackling her in a giant hug.

“What? Ack!” Sunset cried. “What are you doing?”

“I believe it is called a hug, Miss Shimmer.” Polish raised an eyebrow. “Surely you’re aware of such things?”

Celestia was holding her hoof in front of her muzzle, obviously trying to hide an enormous smile. “Friends are known to do that once in a while, I believe.”

Moon Dancer went brilliant red as she backed up and released Sunset from her death grip.

“Sorry, I got a little overly excited.”

Sunset stretched, feeling several pieces of her spine shift back into place. “That’s fine. I’ll just send you the bill for my medical expenses.”

“Does that mean I get to send you the bill for my therapy expenses?” Moon Dancer asked with an innocent little blink.

Sunset tried to keep a straight face, but when Moon Dancer’s mouth started to curl, she couldn’t keep in the snort that quickly turned into a full-blown giggling fit. Moon Dancer followed her seconds later, while Princess Celestia and Professor Polish just smiled.

“I’m glad to see your fire has returned, Sunset,” Celestia said with an approving nod. “At least, a small spark. I hope Moon Dancer will help fan it.”

Polish, on the other hoof, sighed as she looked up at the ruined alchemy stations.

“Everypony else will likely need to be retested. Probably with something a bit simpler.”

“Do I have to write it?” Sunset asked hesitantly.

“Uh, no.” Polish shook her head. “I am more than happy to provide a standard test for the rest of the class. Despite the chaos, I did mean what I said when I informed you it was a good test. I do wish Dean Slate hadn’t ruined it in his mad scheme.”

“What’s going to happen?” Sunset looked at Celestia with a frown. “You know, to Cinnamon and the others?”

The Princess let out a sigh. “For the most part, that will be up to them. I will allow the younger students to remain in school, but they will need to endure the fact that the entire school now knows what they did. Raspberry Tart… I’m not sure. I’m afraid she has some very strong feelings toward you, Sunset. You were not a kind pony to her and that kind of hurt does not heal overnight.”

“Maybe… should I… well, would it help if I said I was sorry?”

Celestia’s eyes glittered and the sun seemed to shine a bit brighter through the shattered windows.

“It would be a start, but you should know she’ll likely reject you. But maybe if a friend came along, it might help matters.”

Moon Dancer nodded fervently. “It’s the least I can do. I’ll help Sunset any way I can. I’m not great at friendship… but I want to try.”

“And that is the best attitude anypony can have toward a situation such as this. I hope Raspberry Tart will heal in time,” Celestia said. “She is still young enough for the damage Silver Slate did to be undone.”

“And what about him?” Sunset asked quietly. “What will happen to him?”

Celestia’s expression hardened.

“I meant what I said. I expect a great deal of my teachers and much, much more for anypony in a role of leadership in any academic institution. But this one… this one is mine. I allowed Silver Slate to remain here, all the time unaware of just how deep a hatred he harbored toward you, Sunset. I am truly sorry for that. I knew he disliked you, but not to this degree. What happened to his grandaughters... It is natural for a pony to be protective of family, but unchecked, it can become something dark. Despite my words earlier as to knowing all that transpires here... I was mistaken about him. I can only hope that he’ll eventually find some way to let go of that hate.”

“That… that doesn’t answer the question.”

“No, it doesn’t.” Celestia smirked just a bit. “Glad to see you were paying attention.”

Sunset smiled and shrugged. She wasn’t about to demand answers from the Princess of the Sun. Not today.

“Um, I have a question, if you don’t mind?” Moon Dancer said. “For you, Professor Polish.”

“What’s that, Miss Dancer?”

“What happened to Twilight?”

Sunset twitched. Just because she had a friend now didn’t mean she had to like that little perfect prodigy.

“Miss Sparkle?”

“Yeah. Professor Inkwell asked to talk to her in her office and I’ve hadn’t seen her since.”

“Ah yes,” Polish tapped her hoof on her chin. “I remember Inkwell coming to me about this. Since Miss Sparkle was doing so spectacularly but spent a great deal of time sequestered in the library reading just about anything she could put her hooves on, I believe she had a special project for the filly.”

“What sort of special project?”

“I’m afraid I’m not privy to the details, Miss Dancer.” Polish shrugged. “I believe it involved a favor to an old friend.”

“Oh. Do you know when she’ll be back?”

Professor Polish shook her head. “Not specifically. However, I believe it was a special assignment that would go for at least a week or two.”

“Aw,” Moon Dancer pouted. “That means I won’t get to see her before term gets out. And here I was going to tell her about today.”

“And just what would you tell your young friend about today, Miss Dancer?” Celestia asked.

“That I got the great and powerful Sunset Shimmer to faint just by asking to be friends with her.”

“Wait… what?” Sunset sputtered. “You… you can’t go around telling ponies that! That’s totally unfair!”

Celestia coughed while looking perfectly innocent.

“Oh come on!” Moon Dancer protested. “It’ll be perfect! I just want to see if it’ll happen more! Maybe she has this allergic reaction to ponies asking to be her friends. It would be hysterical!”

“You’re evil,” Sunset stabbed a hoof at Moon Dancer. “Totally. Evil.”

Moon Dancer grinned. “I was paying attention when you tutored me.”

Sunset felt a strange sinking sensation in her chest. “You… you really were, huh?”

“My,” Celestia commented. “It sounds like she’s almost as good as you, Sunset.”

“Let’s hope not.”

“Let’s see… what else did I learn… oh yeah!”

The sinking feeling continued down to her stomach, worsening as it went.

You realize this is a really stupid idea, an angry little voice in her head muttered.

Sunset waited for another voice to reply, but was only a little surprised when it didn’t.

“That you hate nicknames!”

“Don’t you dare,” Sunset warned.

Celestia was now snickering in earnest. Even Professor Polish was biting her lip to keep from cracking up.

“This is so not fair,” Sunset pouted.

“Sunset,” Celestia interrupted before Moon Dancer could continue any further. “I wanted to let you know… I’m proud of what you did today.”

“Proud of me?” Sunset’s eyes went wide and pointed a hoof at Moon Dancer. “She was the hero today!”

“Yes, she was,” Celestia admitted with a nod. “She reached out to you. But she also hurt you. While you were—ahem—taking a nap, Moon Dancer mentioned a few of the things she’d said to you earlier. You could have rejected her. You didn’t.”

“I just… I…” Sunset swallowed and stared at her hooves. “I thought I could handle anything. But… I couldn’t handle that. Dean Slate had me in a corner. He had me completely trapped. For Equestria’s sake, he had me doubting my own sanity! Moon Dancer… stopped him.”

“I should have told the truth at the beginning,” Moon Dancer muttered. “I was such an idiot for helping them.”

“I’m pretty sure I was the bigger idiot.”

“I spoke to you this morning about legacies and paths, Miss Shimmer.” Professor Polish smiled as she interrupted them. “I agree with Princess Celestia. You did indeed have a choice before you today, though it was not the choice I believed it to be. While it may have seemed natural at the time, only a pony who truly wanted something different could have made that choice.”

“I knew you could do it.” Celestia murmured as she leaned down to nuzzle Sunset. “However, I have to admit I have not been fully honest with you, my dear student.”

Sunset opened her mouth to respond, but bit back her snarky reply.

That’s happening a lot today.

“I have been greatly concerned about you these last few months. Your…” Celestia glanced at Moon Dancer and turned her attention back to Sunset. “Your recent attempts to take shortcuts on the deadline I gave you over a year ago troubled me greatly. I had also begun to receive anonymous notes you planning something within the school.”

Polish nodded sadly, though she didn’t add anything to Celestia’s story.

“Indeed, I started to also receive letters as to your activities in the last four years. I admit… some of them took me by surprise. Professor Polish and I were deeply worried.”

“I don’t understand, Princess.”

“Those experience cores were not within the school by accident.” Celestia sighed. “I had them placed here and Professor Polish informed you about them in an indirect manner as I had instructed her.”

“Experience cores…” Sunset muttered. “That… that was what this was all about?”

“The rumors circulating said you were attempting to shortcut our arrangement once more. You were experimenting with new magics, trying to learn as much as you could in hopes of impressing me. Your outburst on the night I visited only deepened these concerns. As such, I placed the experience cores here to find out how desperate you were. I did not know Dean Slate decided to take matters into his own hooves and force the issue. In fact, I was the one who informed him about the cores. As dean, he had a right to know.”

Polish growled something under her breath and then visibily forced herself to be calm.

“You… wanted to know if she would steal them?” Moon Dancer asked quietly.

Sunset jumped, having forgotten for a moment that Moon Dancer was even present.

“As with you, Miss Dancer, I wanted to know if she was a different pony or not. I wasn’t sure anymore. I was concerned my own… misgivings may have colored the way I was seeing the situation. It is why, as I'm sure you've already surmised, I came in as the white pegasus you saw earlier. And before you ask, I didn't stop the transfigurations because I knew my teachers could handle the situation and I wished to send Philomena on her errand as quickly as possible.”

Part of Sunset desperately wanted to know what those specific misgivings might have been, but she simply couldn’t bring herself to ask. Sunset also couldn't help but wonder if there was another reason Celestia didn't intervene directly that she just wasn't saying.

But more than anything, the rest of her was reeling at the sheer idea Celestia had been unsure about anything.

“I don’t understand the reason, Princess,” Sunset admitted. “Why all the sneaking around?”

“There may come a day, my faithful student, when you may be forced to choose between the right course of action and the power you desire. You would not be the first student of mine to be tempted in such a manner. Indeed, I worry for all my students should they have to face that day. I admit I allowed my own fears to blind me to the former dean’s goals and you suffered for it.”

“You wanted to know if I’d take a shortcut again,” Sunset muttered. Her sleep-deprived brain happily helped her remember all of her half-formed schemes she’d come up with since that Twilight Sparkle had mentioned experience cores. “I… I’d been considering it.”

“I know,” Celestia said gently, “but the important thing is that you didn’t act. I did this at the end of term to stretch you, Sunset. The chance would be brief. But in the end, you didn’t take the ‘bait.’ You passed.”

“I… really?”

Celestia nodded. “If you desire, we can discuss this further another time, but I think we’ve all been through quite enough for the day.”

Sunset thought for a grand total of two seconds before nodding emphatically. “Yeah… I think that can wait.”

A brief silence descended upon them, but the Ursa in the room couldn’t be ignored. Not after the Princess’s confession. Sunset knew she had to say it. If she didn’t… it might not become real.

“Princess? There is one other thing…” Sunset chewed on her lower lip. “About the mirror…”

Celestia stiffened ever so slightly. A wary look passed over her face. “Yes?”

Sunset swallowed and glanced at Moon Dancer.

“I think I’m okay with waiting for now. You were right about friendship. I don’t think it’s too much of a stretch to think you’re right about that too.”

Celestia let out a sigh of what had to be relief.

“Thank you, Sunset. Thank you for your trust. I promise you will get the answers you seek. When you’re ready.”

“What’s this about a mirror?” Moon Dancer asked.

Sunset shook her head. “It’s not important. Not now.”

“Oh, fine, keep your secrets. Sunny.”

Sunset twitched. “You did not just call me Sunny.”

“Funny. I’m pretty sure I did.” Moon Dancer smirked. “Why? What’s wrong with Sunny?”

Twitch. “That’s not my name.”

“It is now. Sunny.”

Twitch. “Quit it.”

“Sorry, Sunny. I’m apparently your friend now. I’m pretty sure friends get to annoy each other a little bit. It’s in the rules somewhere.”

“I’m afraid she’s right, Sunset,” Celestia said with a heavy sigh. “I should know. I’ve tried to have that particular passage amended several times to no avail.”

“Ah yes,” Professor Polish replied. “Indeed. Such is the curse of friendship… to suffer small, silly sidelong snideness with a smile. Or so they say.”

“You’re all enjoying this, aren’t you?”

“Immensely,” Celestia replied. Her eyes twinkled. Sunset decided to call this particular twinkle ‘The Trollestia Twinkle.’ She had a nagging suspicion she’d see it a lot in the years to come.

“So, Sunny.” Moon Dancer grinned as Sunset twitched yet again. “What is it that friends do anyway?”

“Stop calling them obnoxious nicknames?”

“I’m pretty sure that’s not on the list,” Celestia interjected.

Professor Polish just nodded her head in agreement.

“Fine,” Sunset grumbled. “Then how about doughnuts?”

Moon Dancer brightened. “After the day we’ve had? That sounds perfect, Sunny.”

Twitch. “You really need to stop calling me that.”

“Not happening, Sunny.”

Sunset ground her teeth and tried to suppress the twitch.

“You’re a brat.”

Moon Dancer smirked again.

“If I am, it’s because I learned from the best.”

“I believe she has you cornered there, Miss Shimmer,” Polish quipped.

“You’re all evil.”

Celestia raised a hoof and wiggled it. “Maybe a little? You try ruling a country as the classic ‘benevolent monarch’ for a thousand years and see what happens.”

Sunset stuck out her tongue at the Princess. “Maybe I will!”

Celestia’s eyes suddenly burned with a fierce warmth of pride and happiness.

“I sincerely hope so.”

Sunset didn’t have a clue what to say to that. She felt like she should have… but she had nothing.

“Hey, I was promised doughnuts!” Moon Dancer protested.

Celestia waved a hoof and lowered the bubble of silence. “Off with you. Both of you. Go enjoy yourselves.”

Moon Dancer bowed to the Princess. “Thank you, Princess.”

“No need for that.” Celestia laughed. “I have a suspicion we’ll be seeing a lot of each other, Miss Dancer.”

“I’d like that,” Moon Dancer replied with a suddenly shy little smile.

“Okay, okay, but you’re buying,” Sunset said as she got to her hooves.

“Nope. You’re buying.”


“Because you’re the one making up for years of terrorizing this school with an iron hoof.”

“Moon Dancer?”

“Yes, Princess?”

“You get to use that excuse today and only today.”

“What? Aw! Yes, Princess,” Moon Dancer grumbled and levitated over Sunset saddlebags with hers in tow.

“And Sunset?” Celestia rose to her hooves as well and walked over to Sunset.

“Yes, Princess?”

Celestia just smiled, leaned down and hugged her. “Please remember, you passed your exam for this year. Maybe not as I expected, but you most certainly passed.”

Sunset stared into the Princess’s warm face. “Really?”

“Really... and one more thing…”

Celestia’s magic ignited and there was some sort of shift in the air. A spell she didn’t recognize swam through the room, darting between the debris before finally hovering over the remains of Sunset’s desk. A few moments later, there was a flash of light.

In front of Sunset floated two glass bottles. One was in the traditional shape of a round potion bottle, while the other was an angular flask.

The flask had Sunset’s own cutie mark on it.

The bottle had Moon Dancer’s mark.

Sunset stared at the Princess. Moon Dancer was frozen like a statue.

“Made from the flask the former dean so carelessly destroyed,” Celestia said quietly. “I don’t know if even you knew what it meant, Sunset… but I do. And so does Moon Dancer.”

Celestia levitated the flask with the sunburst mark over to Sunset and the moon and stars one to Moon Dancer.

Sunset stared at Moon Dancer.

Moon Dancer stared at Sunset.

Without a word, the two switched bottles and tucked the potions into their saddlebags, making sure they were safe and secure.

Celestia looked as if she had something in her eye for some reason, but her voice was still as warm and strong as ever when she spoke next.

“Now go celebrate with your friend.”

Sunset found that a goofy smile had taken up residence on her face and had no indication of leaving anytime soon.

She didn’t really mind.

“Come on, Moony,” Sunset said with a smirk.

“Oh, no. You did not just call me that!” Moon Dancer cried.

“Turnabout’s fair play.”

“Oh, it is so on, Sunny!”

“I can handle anything you can dish out, Moony.”

“We’ll see about that. Sunny.”

Just as they reached the door, Sunset heard two voices of the ponies still in the middle of the ruined classroom.

“Do you think she’ll be okay, Princess?”

“Yes, Apple,” Celestia replied. “I think they’ll both be just fine.”

“Sunny! Come on! I’m starving and I desperately need some coffee!” Moon Dancer complained from the hallway.

“Simmer down, Moony!” Sunset called. “I’m coming. But there’s something you need to know.”


“I’m not drinking any coffee tonight.”

“Why not? Coffee and doughnuts is a tradition!”

“First, because I’m never drinking coffee again. Ever.” Sunset laughed. “Second, because if I don’t get sleep tonight, tomorrow I’ll be in a straightjacket. And third... for the first time in a long while… I think I might actually be able to get some real sleep tonight.”

“We’ll see how well you do after the doughnuts, Sunny.”

“Stop calling me that, Moony.”

“Sorry, Sunny. I plan on calling you that for years.”

Sunset rolled her eyes as they headed toward the main entrance.

“Yeah, I have a feeling you’ll end up doing just that.”

Author's Note:

Closing Song:

Welcome to the end of the first Keystone Book of The Wavelengths Timeline. With this story, the Origins Arc now has its true opening and will continue in Book 2, Bards of the Badlands.

I'll admit that reading this gets me a bit choked up. In truth, I've never really experienced this sort of thing of having someone stand up for me. But I have done it for someone else. It's a powerful moment, for everyone on all sides. Something you don't easily forget.

While many of you knew how the story was going to end, the journey counts just as much as the destination. Sunset's got a long journey ahead of her. You'll get to see much of it in the coming months with Bards of the Badlands as well as Book 4 of the Origins Arc, How Not To Use Your Royal Prerogative. In addition, once the Origins Arc is finished, we get to go on a whole new kind of adventure with Sunset, Twilight, Moon Dancer and everypony else. That adventure is the Infatuations and Other Lies Arc.

I'm looking forward to it. And I hope you do too.

While all of these stories are written to be completely stand-alone (save for specific sequels such as the Applications Arc), they are all part of an ongoing series. If you enjoyed Alchemy and you haven't had a chance to read the rest of the series, I recommend you give them a whirl. You can find all the links at the bottom of the author's note!

If you're interested in the development of this novella (and boy, what a development it had!), please go ahead and check out my Retrospective on Alchemy on my blog. There, you'll find a lot of the secrets, the plots and the schemes. This story was hard to write. After all, I had to write what Sunset thought she was doing, what the students thought Sunset was doing, what Celestia and the teachers thought Sunset was doing, what Slate was actually doing and finally what was really happening! As you can see... its a tad bit convoluted. To make things worse, Sunset's recollection of these events in the Applications Arc is rather off due to just how little sleep she got these last few weeks. Sleep deprivation can really screw with your memory!

A special shoutout to Ebon Quill, Little Tinker, Painted Heart :duck: and the newest member of the Wavelengths Editing Team, Beltorn! And let's not forget Alchemy's special guest beta reader, the one and only Tchernobog! Without them, this story would be a shadow of its potential. You owe them more than you know.

Until next time, this has been Novel Idea. I'll see you all in the next story!

If you come across any errors, please let me know by PM!

Comments ( 79 )

I love these stories.

Good end. I feel like everything that happened because Sunset was constantly half-asleep would've been really annoying if I weren't so that I spend far too much of my time similarly half-asleep due to sleep deprivation. So instead it was just really well-done and interesting, as was the entire rest of this story. So looking forward to the next book in Origins!

Woo! Final chapter has come!
The heroes have time to look back, contemplate and even celebrate their victory! Where would we be if heroes couldn't celebrate! With lots of banter and comedy, and heart-warming moments too.

There always should be chapters like this one and thank you, Novel-Idea, for adding it.

“I believe she has you cornered there, Miss Shimmer,” Polish quipped.
“You’re all evil.”
Celestia raised a hoof and wiggled it. “Maybe a little? You try ruling a country as the classic ‘benevolent monarch’ for a thousand years and see what happens.”
Sunset stuck out her tongue at the Princess. “Maybe I will!”
Celestia’s eyes suddenly burned with a fierce warmth of pride and happiness.
“I sincerely hope so.”
Sunset didn’t have a clue what to say to that. She felt like she should have… but she had nothing.

Heh, this is my most favourite banter moment in the story. Especially Celestia's answer... She's just so proud.

Now Sunset finished with being less evil, and can start with being more good. Too bad the others are so evil. Poor Sunny :trollestia:

I enjoyed this story immensely. I fear i now absolutely have to read the rest of this series.

Not much I can say other than, once again, excellent job on the exchanges, emotional content and future story set-up in all the right places. I particularly liked Moondancer's good-natured teasing concerning certain events and Celestia's inner and outer ponderings. I'll definitely be looking forward to more of your work as soon as time and inspiration will allow.

Funny how now Sunset is down to one extra voice in her head, the angry one. Hopefully that's a good sign for her. Pretty simple conclusion after the big confrontation last chapter. Not my favorite story in this timeline, but still a good one, of course. Yeah, Sunny and Moony are going to be great friends... or they'll drive each other crazy and kill each other. One of those two, but that's what friendship is.

The Trollestia Twinkle, why has that term not shown up more often in fics? :trollestia: Well, it was a long struggle, but Sunset has finally turned a corner, even if it had to involve ponies who were even worse than her. Not to mention probably one of the first times Sunset has seen that Celestia isn't perfect or all-knowing. Nice to see the beginning of the pony Sunset will become in later fics.

I enjoyed this story a lot, i have followed Wavelengths since the first one come out, and i really like the concept.
and this one tied together some of the former part in a creative and funny way.
i can`t and I'm excited as a kid on Christmas Eve for the next part come:pinkiehappy:
yey, novel

ps: hope the popcorn was good:derpytongue2:

If I can make a comment; I just dislike how Sunset and Moon Dancer are suddenly BFFs. While it is true that MD has shown how much she sees SS in a whole new light in the last chapter, I think it's too early for her--a shy introvert--to push her luck with a pony she intensely disliked (enough to, as your own blog post states, try to ruin SS' entire future) in the previous hours with jests.

“Does that mean I get to send you the bill for my therapy expenses?” Moon Dancer asked with an innocent little blink.

This shit is not comedic. This is downright depressing! Bad Novel! BAD!
Jokes (and my hipocrisy) aside, I don't think this is joke material that Celestia would actually smile at as if it were endearing.

Yeah, "she [MD] learned from the best" and all that, but unless this story has a much darker undertone signalling how internalized MD's [evident and self-described] psychological trauma is--due to the neglect/abuse she received from SS--I personally feel that this line has to go...

Yeah, I get that the intention was to have a chapter where we could get an emotional payoff that makes our hearts all warm and fuzzy on the inside thanks to miniature horse friendship. But I think it contrasts so much with the more serious (and, to me, interesting) underlying matters that have to be dealt with by SS, MD, Celestia and the rest of the student body/academia now. I honestly think that the heartwarming payoff undermines some key character-building points that could've been better explored. Then again, you could be saving that up for the next story.

Also, this: 7792536

And an apology if I sound harsh, angry or irritated towards you, Novel. I sincerely don't mean to come across like that.
You know me: I like you! I like your stories! Hell, I liked this story!
This fucking chapter though...

PS: And another apology for all the edits this comment has got. I'm not one to be satisfied with my own production on the first go.

So, I'm probably not alone in kinda wishing Sunset had told Celestia where she could stick all those tests of hers.

Because some of those students she worries about so much might not have snapped if she didn't make their lifes a gauntlet for her favour. That's not friendship, that's being an abusive parent figure.

7792536 yeah, on some level I'm not a fan of the Secret Test of Character. I wanted Sunset to say she understands why Celestia pulled her stunt, but that she's still mad on some level.

I'd like to draw your attention to MD in chapters 6 and 7 and . There she rather clearly states that she already considered Sunset a friend. End of chapter 7 and chapter 8 just confirms it for the girls, especially Sunset.
Well, in relation to Sunset, this secret test of character didn't have anything malicious as intended by Celestia. Sure, she was sort of being provoked, but being provoked by "something you really want but don't know if it is any good to you and it is close by'' and watching if Sunset would try to steal it is definitively in the grey area, if not actually okay.
Stealing isn't a behavior worthy of a student of the sovereign of the kingdom and an actual demigoddess in the first place, may i add,
I'd like to remind that Sunset's prior behavior is the reason for this whole tragedy. Her actions caused Celestia's concern and these tests and behavior at GU the "intense worry" of faculty and actual hate from those she hurt. Sure they made their own choices and now reap the consequences, but Novel has been more than correct when he said that Sunset's actions will have echoes across her future.

7794450 I don't contest it. But I find it very odd that MD, who considers SS a friend, still goes along (to an extent) with trying to destroy her life. And I still think that the interactions between the two in the final chapter is very forced.

But now we are left to wonder, was this the result of Slate'a maliciousness, or Celestia's incompetence?

Still more evidence — in or out of canon — that Princess Celestia has no idea what she is doing.

Okay, I think I've delayed long enough for the responses to these comments.

7791824 :heart: Seriously. The fact that this was the first comment to the finale made my day.

7791893 I'm sort of always in this state... so it wasn't a stretch to write. :rainbowhuh: I'm delighted you enjoyed it!

7792072 I fear I may have to publish them so you can do just that. :rainbowkiss:


Yeah, Sunny and Moony are going to be great friends... or they'll drive each other crazy and kill each other. One of those two, but that's what friendship is.

Ayep. I'm pretty sure that's the definition.

The Trollestia Twinkle

Copyright by Novel Idea (2016).

While this was a difficult story to write for Sunset, it was a critical moment in her life. A part that needed to be told. And while it may not have been your favorite, I suspect you'll understand just how deep these goes as time goes on. :twilightsmile:

Oh yeah and Celestia doesn't know everything. Definitely doesn't know everything.

7794644 Sunset and Moon Dancer were already friends at the beginning of this story, just Sunset didn't understand or know it at the moment. Moon Dancer thought she did, but with Tart working on her so well, she felt betrayed and wounded. She lashed out in a horribly destructive way. It is often those who are closest to us who we hurt the most. So, in reality, they actually get restored to what they should be... but this time, Sunset understands what's happening.

As for the teasing... well, I've had plenty of friends like that. :facehoof: I never said it was healthy. :eeyup:

7801016, 7792536 Ah, but therein lies the misconception (Yes, I just quoted my own Celestia). And for that, I would just point out when these stories are set. :moustache: That being said, I'm playing this series very much like a TV Series (Babylon 5, for example). Some arcs will be resolved in the episode, some in the next few episodes, some at the end of the arc... and even some at the end of the series.

All shall be revealed it time! I haz planz. :trollestia:

(And yes, I intentionally ended on a Celestia Emote. :trollestia:)

Great stuff, well done~!

I admit, I hesitated to read this. After seeing the progress Sunset's made, I wasn't sure if I wanted to see what she was like in the bad old days.

Still, I'm very glad I read this. Deeply enjoyable stuff, especially the glimpse into Sunset's psyche. She is a creature of careful balance, standing astride light and darkness. It's up to her which way she leans, though friends can nudge her in the right direction.

Thank you for this. :twilightsmile:

7821535 Thank you kindly! :pinkiehappy:

7827659 For one to understand the light, one must be able to see the darkness. While we've seen just how far she fell into darkness at the end of Equestria Girls, we needed to see the pony she was in Wavelengths to appreciate the pony she'll become. It was hard to write... but I do think it was worth it.

And I'm delighted to know that you did too. :twilightsmile:

A fine ending to a good story. Yes, I will be reading more of your Sunset fics, with great interest!

All i can say is "Stay tuned, There will be more in the future".

The answer to this is much better.

Well it's just like Yellow said, they aren't moral projections, just differently motivated aspects of Sunset.
But yeah, Sunset hates herself at this point of life.

7839895 Best part? I found this recently...


As for relations... no comment. :moustache:

7839915 Hm. That theory regarding teaching methods sounds vaguely familiar to another story I have planned. :trollestia: As for assistant/et all... She may not need one. :duck:


Somepony nailed it right on the head. :pinkiehappy: The best part about "Yellow/Red" wasn't that they were good or evil (though to be honest, even I think of them that way), it was how they wanted to accomplish their goals. It's a bit like the Paragon/Renegade system from Mass Effect. One isn't inherently evil, it's just ruthless practicality. I could go on for hours about this gray area. But I'm tired so I won't. :eeyup:

Polish hoped. It was one of the greatest gifts Sunset ever got. As for the DoE, I have no idea what you're talking about. :moustache:


Yeah, a righteous little ball of fury, she was. God, I loved writing that scene.

And seriously... lying to the freakin' goddess of the sun? That ain't gonna end well for ya, kiddos.

A lot of people saw the main antagonists coming... but the feather? That caught most people off guard. The best kind of Chekhov's Gun is the kind the reader totally forgets about. (Of course, writing a character who is so sleep-deprived she's doubting her own sanity helps...)

7840002 Thank you kindly! I hope you get the same amount of enjoyment (if not more) as you did from Alchemy! :twilightsmile:

Celestia, that was a good story. A wonderful way to start a new series! I'm looking forward to the rest, both written and to-be-written, and I hope to read all of them soon. I'll be leaving my comments on each and every chapter, since this seemed to help me out with pacing myself and not utterly devouring hundreds of thousands of words an hour. Plus, you don't often get the chance to tell the author what you're thinking as you read each and every chapter!

So from the bottom of my heart, I really do mean it when I say I wish I could give you more than one +1 on this.

7927832 I plan to respond to every single one of your comments, but I needed to say this first. These are the kind of comments I live for. Blow-by-blow follow-ups are one of the greatest gifts an author can get, especially for mystery stories when everything is up in the air. For example, the fact that you actually suspected Polish was something I never expected, but can totally see in hindsight.

Just being able to see you journey through the story and your reactions to one of Wavelength Sunset's darkest moments was simply delightful. I literally squealed when you said you thought Slate was a red herring.

So, if you're looking for ways to do more than a +1, this is it! This sort of comment means more to me than any upvote!

Thank you! :twilightsmile:

7944171 ... wait this story only has 185 Likes...

Okay seriously I'm boosting this.

8036029 I have no objection to this. :twilightsmile:

Comment posted by Amber Spark deleted Mar 20th, 2017

8036126 :twilightoops::rainbowderp::twilightsmile::pinkiehappy:

...now I really have to think about a response! No one's done a full plug of the entire Wavelengths Timeline before! I'll have to think about this one to give it it's proper due.

8036266 and I don't want to make you read my work (The Princess Celestia: The Changeling Queen series) unless you were interested (I'll be honest,I do want your educated opinion, but again, you're busy)...because they're way too long :P and I made a lot of mistakes with the first story.

TL;DR Just take the damn compliment and roll with it.

8036436 Well, I'd need to slam together a proper cover first. (I must have vertical covers before reading! Twilight and Rarity demand it!) But that isn't hard. So the first is now in the "Future Fictional Experiences" list. :twilightsmile:

So we shall see!

I enjoyed it very​much. You get a :moustache:

It's funny, I was actually introduced to this series through Ebon Quill's most recent work. Before, I didn't want to tackle another 'verse without any prior knowledge. Needless to say, I'm glad I did. I can tell a huge amount of effort went into crafting this piece, and it paid off.

This was a really good story and I liked it very much. It's good that Sunset has a friend in Moondancer she needs friends more than she's willing to admit.

8202116 Oh my freaking gosh... I'm dying of shock here. Seriously. No one's ever done this before! I never thought a story would rate this sort of thing! Jeez. I'm just going to be freaking out over here for a couple hours. Don't mind me! :raritystarry::rainbowhuh::pinkiehappy::yay:

Yeah I got to the next chapter and realized exactly how wrong I was lol. Still good stuff :twilightsmile:

Boy that banter at the end was cheesy. Cute, but really cheesy.

One story down. A buttload to go.


So firstly specifics. The dream sequence could have easily been trite and cliche, but instead rose above to inspiring. Literally. I've been inspired to use a dream sequence, something I never really thought about before. The way red and yellow played off against each other, not as light and darkness or good and evil or even two sides of a coin, but rather as two paths to the future, was handled brilliantly and rivetingly. I felt real tension while reading, partly because this is my first exposure to your writing and universe, as to how things would play out. I didn't know which side would win.
As for the mystery itself, I gotta be honest, I was scared of it being a lot, lot worse. I suspected that this was a clever plot to frame sunset, when she was at her most vulnerable, and drive her away from Celestia and friendship and into the hooves of some villain that had been waiting for their chance. Perhaps some disillusioned former student, some shard of sombra, even a shade of discord. Her mentorship under Celestia, her raw power, and her difficulties in the school could not have been that private, I'm guessing most of it would be public knowledge and as for the rest, well word gets out. With that knowledge in mind, I figured there was a clear motive, means, and opportunity for said villain to crush any hope of yellow's path being chosen, and drive a powerful ally into hating Celestia. Because, as you mentioned in the retrospective, if moon dancer had not come to the rescue, things would have gotten dark, fast, and how would sunset ever be capable of forgiving Celestia for not believing in her?
Plus, she thought she saw something on the ceiling during the exam! Clearly a changeling in camo mode.

Overall, the story was spellbinding. I've read a lot of fiction about sunset, as I find her character to be particularly interesting, and this is among the best, if not the best opening. I read through the entire retrospective as well, and saw how much work you've put into this, going above and beyond that which is nessasary or average. I want to reiterate the point I've seen in so many other comments; the effort shows.

I now look forward to reading the rest of the series, and anything else I can find authored by you. I do hope that you don't mind me incorporating elements and ideas into my own work, there are simply so many here that are too good to pass up.

8476528 First of all, thank you for all your EPICLY WONDERFUL COMMENTS! This was a great way to wake up this morning.

The dream sequence could have easily been trite and cliche, but instead rose above to inspiring.

This is one of my favorite little devices. I present something that make people go "Seriously?! Are you doing something this trite and cliche?" and then have the perspective character actually call the scene on it being so trite, to the point where the alter-egos go "You're an idiot, it's not that simple." My goal was to give a unique spin on the classic shoulder-angels... while totally NOT being shoulder-angels. :moustache:

Because, as you mentioned in the retrospective, if moon dancer had not come to the rescue, things would have gotten dark, fast, and how would sunset ever be capable of forgiving Celestia for not believing in her? 

Yup. Hell, that could have been worse than her fate in EqG 1. :rainbowderp:

Plus, she thought she saw something on the ceiling during the exam! Clearly a changeling in camo mode.

I swear, you kids and your changelings these days. :rainbowlaugh:

Overall, the story was spellbinding. I've read a lot of fiction about sunset, as I find her character to be particularly interesting, and this is among the best, if not the best opening.

Thank you a billion times over. I'm pretty darn sure no one's ever called my work 'spellbinding' before! :pinkiehappy:

I now look forward to reading the rest of the series, and anything else I can find authored by you.

Well, you're in luck! The next chapter of Book 4 of Origins comes out next week! :heart: Hopefully you enjoy the rest as much (and I'd very much love your comments as you go! Seriously, these are like crack to me).

I do hope that you don't mind me incorporating elements and ideas into my own work, there are simply so many here that are too good to pass up.

Ideas can never be copyrighted, though I wouldn't mind a link put somewhere with an "inspired by" on it! However, if you're actually planning on writing in the Wavelengths Timeline, I'd ask that you run it by me first. I have the timeline for the next 15 years past this story planned out!

Thank you again for such an amazing comment! :twilightsmile:

Glad you enjoyed the comment! I wanted to clarify one thing though; I'm not planning on putting a story on fimfic, or anywhere else for that matter. I'm actually thinking about using the split path dream sequence as a narrative device for one of my players in Dungeons and Dragons. I'm thinking it will a different and interactive way for the player to examine two big choices that lie before him. If I ever do try my hand at writing down on paper though, I will be certain to give you all the credit you deserve.

Hahahaha! Oh, good golly! You're going to freaking LOVE the next story in Wavelengths!

Be my guest and have fun with it! Let me know how it goes! :twilightsmile:

I went into this not knowing what to expect, and I didn't catch the AU tag. I was convinced Sunset would run from the exam and make a break for the mirror, until she didn't. Then I was convinced Sunset would ignore Moon Dancer until she didn't, then that she would mess up her apology. Then I was convinced whoever was framing Sunset would succeed in making her run away, and the biggest question on my mind was whether Celestia would even discover the truth after it was too late to fix things. Then I found myself fist-pumping the air as Moon Dancer spoke up, and tearing up when Celestia asked Moon Dancer to continue being Sunset's friend.

This has been the biggest emotional roller coaster I've read in a while. My heart feels like it's been run through a blender, and yet I feel joy.

This is the kind of comment I live to wake up to. When you wake up to something like this... well, it's an amazing feeling. I'm so happy you missed the AU tag, because without that, it radically changes the emotional context of everything. I can easily see how you'd expect Sunset to fail at every turn and for this to end in tragedy.

Looking at it from that perspective, yeah, I can definitely see how it's a hell of a ride.

Then I found myself fist-pumping the air as Moon Dancer spoke up

Moon Dancer is best righteous firecracker! God, I love her so much. She blew me out of the water with just how freaking sassy she is. The best part? She only gets worse (and better in the same way).

[quote, and tearing up when Celestia asked Moon Dancer to continue being Sunset's friend.Yeah, I might cry a little at that scene too. Seriously, Moon Dancer's save, Celestia's forgiveness... whole thing. Yup. Tears are shed.

This has been the biggest emotional roller coaster I've read in a while. My heart feels like it's been run through a blender, and yet I feel joy.

There is almost no higher praise to an author than from a reader who's emotionally exhausted leaving a story... only to still love it at the end.

Thank you. A thousand times, thank you.

Well that was a nice, cute, little ending to a solid story. I can see why people like this Wavelengths series of yours.

Thank you kindly! Coming from you, that actually means a hell of a lot. :pinkiehappy:

This references things that happened before but the timeline says that this is the first. Are you planning to write a prequel?

Most of the events that occur before this story should have been explained within the story itself. Was there something specific that threw you off?

EbonQuill did write a prequel in the form of Little Truths, though it should not be required reading for Wavelengths. Little Truths is also shows a very different Sunset than the one you've come to know here, as it occurs before Sunset's first experience with the Mirror.

I usually recommend reading that story after Bards of the Badlands, as it has a lot more to do with the characters we see in that story.

Otherwise, I'd recommend the following:
MLP Annual 2013 - "The Fall of Sunset Shimmer" - The 8-page short comic in the beginning of the Annual is also considered to be canon, though with some major variations.

There isn't anything that is incomprehensible but you make several references to Sunset's previous behavior & some incident that led to her being required to be a teaching assistant for a year + seeing herself as an Alicorn in a magic mirror.

Hm. Okay. Thanks for that. I'll need to revisit that if it wasn't clear enough. I've got a bit of feedback here and there saying that Alchemy seems to drop you in (like coming in at the second episode of a series instead of the first) because it was written after Applications. I may have taken a few too many things for granted. :twilightoops:

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